Thanks to the family for their support. How to thank for a gift and attention with words in prose and poetry? Beautiful words of gratitude for a gift for a wedding, birthday in prose and poetry. Variants and phrases

It’s incredibly nice to know that there are people in the world who on my birthday give me such priceless gifts as their attention, sensitive words and sincere wishes. Thank you, my dears, for your congratulations and for being in my life.

My dear, family, friends! Thank you very much for your kind words and bright wishes. Your attention and support, your warmth, your love are valuable to me. My birthday is special because you are by my side. I love everyone, I hug you tightly. Thank you for having me!

Thank you for your kind and warm congratulations on my birthday. I want to wish you happiness and joy in return. Let every day in life be like a holiday, let every moment be the sunshine of love and goodness. Good luck and thanks again!

Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me vigor and strength, confidence and determination. Thank you very much, please accept in return my wishes for goodness and happiness, excellent health and unquenchable optimism of the soul.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all the kind words! I am incredibly pleased for the attention shown and I am glad that I am surrounded by such kind people!

Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes! I'm very pleased! I will work hard to make every word you say come true! Thanks again!

Today I received many kind words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that they will all come true. Thank you, my dear friends, family and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care with which you surrounded me today. I'm extremely pleased!

My dears, thank you very much for your attention and warm congratulations on this day! I really want everything you said today to come true. And I believe it will be so. I am grateful to you for being in my life!

Thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes, for your bright congratulations on my birthday. In response, I want to wish you all the same, but doubly so. May life be accompanied by strong love, strong faith and warm hope.

Dear friends! Thank you so much for your warm, gentle and sincere congratulations. Even if a hundredth part of what they wished for me comes true, I will have enough health for three lives, and any lucky person will envy my luck. I am lucky to have such wonderful and kind people next to me, thank you for your kind words.

There are many reasons to thank someone. You can say “thank you” for a gift, help, or meaningful impact in your life. In any case, you need to remain sincere and show the person that you are grateful to him. Follow these tips to properly thank someone in person, over the phone, or in writing.


Personal thanks

  1. Be sincere. The most important part of gratitude is sincerity. The person you are thanking needs to understand that you are being 100% sincere and not just saying “thank you” as a matter of etiquette. Here's how to do it:

    • Give your voice a sincere tone. Don't say "thank you" casually or as if someone asked you to. Speak in an even tone and show that you really mean your opinion. Don't mumble.
    • Use words of sincerity. Be specific and show that your gratitude matters. Don't just say "thank you." A better way to say it is, “Thank you for helping me with my homework. I couldn't do it without your help."
    • Be honest. Honesty is a component of sincerity, so open up to the person and express your opinion. Say it like this: “I don’t know what I would do without you.” Only do this if you really mean it.
  2. Be grateful. To thank someone, you need to show that you are truly grateful for everything they have done for you. It must be emphasized that this person influenced you. The degree of influence does not matter. Your "thank you" doesn't have to sound formal, but it should demonstrate that the person's action really made a difference. Here's how you can express your gratitude:

    • Check details. Don't just say the word "thank you." Say this: “Thank you for taking the time to help me choose my prom dress. I could never handle this on my own. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even think about trying on that blue dress, and now I can't imagine prom in anything else."
    • Express your understanding that the person sacrificed something for you. The degree of sacrifice does not matter. You need to show that you value the time and effort put in. It could be expressed like this: “Thank you for letting me sleep over last week. I know you've been busy and it hasn't been easy for you to make time for your guest, and I appreciate your gesture."
    • Show that you value the results of the person's help. If a person gave you a wonderful book for your birthday, you can tell him that you read it, liked it very much and influenced your worldview.
  3. Use body language correctly. Well-chosen body language will help you fully express your gratitude. If your gestures do not correspond to the meaning of what was said, your words may not reach the heart of your interlocutor. Here's how to use sign language correctly:

    • Maintain eye contact when expressing gratitude. Look the person in the eye and give him your full attention. This will demonstrate that you truly appreciate the person's actions.
    • Turn towards the person you are saying “thank you” to. Use gestures of openness when necessary. Do not rest your hands on your hips, otherwise the person will think that you do not want to thank him, and he will not rejoice at your presence.
    • Touch the person if the situation is appropriate. There is no need to bother someone you don't really know with inappropriate touching. If you're thanking a family member or friend, a light touch on the shoulder or arm or a hug can help convey your true feelings.
    • Show your emotions. If a person has turned your life around, there is no need to cry, but there should be a touching expression on your face due to the help from this person.

Expressing gratitude over the phone

  1. Express gratitude with a phone call. Whether you're thanking a friend, colleague, or stranger, thanking someone over the phone may seem a little difficult because it's hard to convey your emotions without personal contact. But thanking someone over the phone can be made easier by paying attention to a few key components:

    • Speak clearly. Talking on the phone can be a bit of a hassle, so make sure you enunciate your words clearly, speak at a slow pace so everything is clear, and don't call from a location that is noisy or has poor phone reception.
    • Give the person your full attention. Even if you're trying to multitask while on the phone, don't call on the way home, while cleaning the apartment or watering flowers. Convince yourself that the phone call will only take a few minutes. Your gratitude will be sincere if you show your full attention.
    • Call at the right time. Make sure you call when your recipient is not busy. Don't call early in the morning or late at night. If you are calling someone who lives far away, be aware of the time difference.
    • Use body language correctly. This idea during a phone conversation may seem absurd to you, but maintaining the correct posture and body language will help you express your true feelings. If you call while lying on the couch or making a sandwich, you will not be able to express your gratitude to the person.
    • Consider the type of relationship with the recipient. If you are talking to a family member or close friend, you can speak directly and honestly, laugh and openly express your gratitude. If you are calling a potential employer to schedule an interview, you must be attentive, speak clearly, and use appropriate body language. You also need to keep it short and sweet. Just because you're on the phone doesn't mean you can ramble on and on; If you are expressing professional gratitude, maintain a professional tone in the conversation.
  2. Thank the person via SMS. In some cases, a text message can be more meaningful than a phone call to thank you. If you recently saw someone and want to thank them for a nice time, or just want to briefly thank a friend without taking up a lot of time, a text message is best.

    • Stay sincere, even if you are texting. You can write like this: “Hello! Thanks for helping me clean up after the party. You are a great friend and helped me save time.”
    • Call the person by name. Even if you are writing an SMS message, write it like this: “Thank you, Emmy!” The message will be directly addressed to the person.
    • Don't be overly enthusiastic. You don't need a million exclamation points to show gratitude. You will go too far, and your words will not sound sincere.
    • Watch your words. Although text messages are informal, being careful with proper grammar and punctuation will show that you took the time to write the message.

The art of gratitude - some people master it intuitively and from birth, while others need to learn in order to properly express their gratitude. You may need to do this in different cases: when you were congratulated, given a present, or shown pleasant attention. How to say thank you beautifully in order to convey your feelings and impress your interlocutor with eloquence - we will consider further.

Expressing emotions can be difficult

It would seem that it could be simpler - to express your gratitude to a person for whatever it is. But it's not that simple in reality. There are people for whom expressing their emotions, including feelings of gratitude, is a problem. Often difficulties with this are experienced by representatives of the stronger half of humanity, who, in principle, are laconic and for whom it is difficult even to simply say “thank you” for congratulations, gifts or for showing attention to them.

The reasons may lie in childhood, when the psychological foundations of future character and behavior were laid. Be that as it may, such emotional scarcity and coldness must be fought. We must find a way to express gratitude in a timely manner, because lack of gratitude can hurt a person.

Express gratitude with words

So, of all the ways to express your gratitude to another person, verbal is the easiest. It does not require time or money. All you need to implement this method is to think a little about how to frame your own thoughts.

How to say “thank you” beautifully in words?

  • Thank you, you helped me a lot.
  • I am very grateful, you helped me out a lot.
  • Please accept my sincere words of deep gratitude.
  • Thank you, I appreciate everything you have done for me.
  • I know how much work it cost you and I am sincerely grateful to you for everything.
  • Thank you, that's very kind of you.
  • I'm flattered, thank you!

In addition to the basic expressions above, you can use others that suit the situation. When it comes to expressing feelings, the best thing that can be said is what sincerely comes from the heart.

Give thanks with action

Expressing gratitude verbally is good and is the first thing that comes to mind. But his actions speak more about a person than his words. What does this mean in practice? Take action! Return kindness for kindness. Attention to attention. To the question of how to say a beautiful “thank you” to a loved one, the answer is simple: express your feelings in action!

What methods of expressing gratitude are there, especially if we are talking about a loved one?

  1. Invite them to spend time together. First of all, this way you will pay attention to the person.
  2. Cook dinner or at least just bake something. This way you will spend time, effort, and thereby demonstrate that you are grateful for the gift, action, etc.
  3. Present a gift. But not formal, which would suit anyone. It’s good if it’s something you’ve made yourself, or some item that your loved one specifically needs.
  4. Hug your loved one. Tell him how important he is to you. Sometimes this is exactly what we all lack in the everyday rhythm of life.

Actions are always valued above all else by everyone. Therefore, the best way to say thank you for something is to take a step in return.

Original ways

If ordinary words and reciprocal actions are not the preferred options for thanking someone, you can experiment and turn to some original methods.

  • Express gratitude in poetry. You have a talent for poetry - great: wait for the muse to come and create a masterpiece of poetry, a quatrain with the word “thank you.” There are no such inclinations - just look for such small poems on the Internet.
  • Handwritten letter. Romance! Nowadays, few people write messages by hand, but in vain! Emotions expressed in this way penetrate the very soul of a person! The note exudes warmth, sincerity and real human feelings!

  • Sweet “thank you.” Today there are a lot of home confectionery shops whose masters can make your every wish come true. For example, you can beautifully say “thank you” to your mother by ordering a cake with a baby mammoth and the inscription: “To the only mother in the world” - a reference to a wonderful, kind Soviet cartoon.

  • Flowers with a note. Send a courier with a bouquet containing news with words of gratitude - what could be easier for the sender and more pleasant for the recipient!

  • Postcard. Electronic or paper. It is better if you enter not template words, but your own words and thoughts into the blank card form.

The originality of the word “thank you” said in one form or another depends on the creativity of thinking and the development of imagination of the person thanking.

Expressing gratitude is not difficult if a person sincerely wants to do it. It doesn’t matter what form gratitude will take – verbal (words), material (gifts) or any other. The main thing is the desire to return good for good, making this world a little better.

The other day I had to acknowledge in writing the work of 30 people. This assignment, in turn, made me think about the impact of truly recognizing an employee's contribution. This is a manifestation of your attention to people. You care about your staff. People feel valued. And as business guru Tom Peters points out, “People don’t forget kindness.”

Analytical readers may think this article is a bit too cheesy, so let me reassure you right away that there is a self-serving aspect to gratitude. When you acknowledge the contributions of others, you are recognizing the behavior you want to see in the future. Employees who feel that their work matters will strive to do the same in the future. Leadership is about helping others realize their abilities. Communicate to your employees that you believe in them and watch them grow according to your expectations.

Some of you are now thinking, “I don’t have time to write personal thank you notes.” I can show you how to give back appropriately in eight words or less. You can do it too. Besides, you don't want to be the manager whose secretary sends flowers once a year on an employee's birthday. Don't waste your money. Everyone already knows that another person is doing this instead of you.

When you thank your employees, be sincere. Talk about what kind of work you want to see in the future. Be spontaneous. Don't wait for an event to show your appreciation.

Our research shows that most employees will appreciate receiving a written thank you, but only if the context is presented in a way that is relevant to each individual. For example, the phrase “you do a good job” will appeal to social thinkers, but constructive thinkers need to point out a specific task that they did well.

So what's the most effective way to express gratitude and recognition to your employees based on each individual's personality?

Here are 10 tips:

1. Expressive people consider their gift of gab as a valuable work quality. To them you can write: “I would like to acknowledge your enthusiasm,” or “thank you for your support.”

2. Calmer employees will appreciate face-to-face contact. You can say, “Mary, I am delighted with your thoughtful decisions,” or “I appreciate your respectful attitude toward everyone.”

3. Assertive workers will appreciate your quick response to their achievements. You can tell them: “Thank you for the energy you put into your work!” or “I appreciate your decisive action.”

4. Less assertive employees want “world peace.” You can say to them, “Thank you for maintaining a good relationship,” or “I really appreciate your friendliness.”

5. When it comes to "flexibility", there are employees whose feelings are not easily touched. You might write, “I would like to acknowledge your ability to stay on top of things,” or “thank you for being able to resolve issues with a problematic client.”

6. But there are also people who can seriously defend their beliefs. To them you write: “I rely on your support,” or “I respect your beliefs.”

7. For analysts, intelligence and personality are important, not team recognition. They will appreciate it if you write, “I appreciate your insightful questions,” or “I respect the depth of your knowledge.”

8. Those who think constructively want to hear about details. You can tell them: “Thank you for the excellent transfer of data”, or “you always get everything done on time - that’s impressive.”

9. Since social thinkers value your approval, you can write to them: “I appreciate your team-building skills,” or “I couldn’t do this without you.”

10. Conceptual thinkers want to feel unique. You can tell them, “Your solution to the problem was amazing,” or “I appreciate your long-term perspective.”

It is difficult to describe the value of sincere gratitude. And when you learn to recognize the merits of your employees, you can “tackle” your clients too!

Gail Browning,
Translation by Tatyana Gorban