Bouquet period. Bouquet period Delicious bouquets by March 8

It is quite difficult to surprise with an original gift those with whom “I have eaten more than one pood of salt” for a long time. But bouquets of products may well become a highlight of any congratulations. Giving such bouquets is equally pleasant for women and men, young and old. Knowing the culinary tastes of your loved ones, you can prepare bouquets of sweets, vegetables and fruits for them, and for those who like to celebrate the holiday “tightly” - from meat products. It will be doubly pleasant if you prepare gift bouquets with your own hands. We will try to show with examples that this is not so difficult to do.

Bouquets of products can be called edible art ( edible art), which always causes joyful surprise. The most common gift for women (especially on March 8!) are Candy stand . Flowers for women are always a welcome gift, and for the holiday they will not refuse to treat themselves to sweets. A good gift for March 8 will be a bouquet of sweets, which can be made quite simply by a loving man. There are hundreds of visual master classes on the Internet. For example, the Jeckky blog, where there are many step-by-step instructions for making gift bouquets with descriptions and photos. It remains to decide on the degree of complexity: from chocolates you can make a simple and pretty tartlet, and with perseverance and a desire to please your loved one, a lush bouquet of roses. (In extreme cases, a bouquet can be ordered - a lot of companies specialize in just such gifts).

Congratulatory confectionery bouquets include cupcake compositions . Skillfully placed and fixed, they imitate blossoming roses. This is facilitated by a cream applied to their surface in the form of rose petals. The creation process is shown in the video below. But in the simplest version, to create a bouquet, you only need a small piece of foam rubber or polystyrene for a mold placed inside the pot, cupcakes from the store, a can of cream and toothpicks to attach the "buds".

This video shows that making such jewelry is not difficult - enough perseverance, patience and desire to please a loved one.

A reference point for fashionable vegetarianism is made by some companies engaged in food design services and food delivery. One of them, with the characteristic name "Salad-Bouquet". Even the names of the bouquets on their website speak for themselves: Ratatouille, Beetroot, With peppercorns, Oriental tales, etc.

Looks very cute and appetizing roses made from strawberries. Making them is not at all difficult, but such a hand-made bouquet by March 8 will impress any woman.
As you probably guess, roses can be made in the same way from many fruits and vegetables, even from beets, even from kiwi.

No less exotic than fruit and vegetable carving will look like fleshy bell peppers, if served at the table, cut in a special way. Bright slices of sweet pepper can also color pale cheese and egg fillings seasoned with garlic and mayonnaise, and set off slices of sandwich cheese rolled into “buds”.

An original surprise for the holiday of March 8 for zealous housewives may be bouquet of tulips from stuffed tomatoes. We are sure that the simplicity of the solution and the spring aesthetics of the bouquet will surprise and delight even experienced chefs.
For the filling of "tulips" from tomatoes, a salad with mayonnaise is suitable, the ingredients of which can be potatoes, eggs, chicken, rice, cheese and other products. It all depends on your imagination.

Tomatoes are desirable to take oblong in shape, varieties of "cream". After cutting each tomato crosswise (not to the very bottom), remove the pulp from them and stuff with the prepared salad. Make tulip stems from green onions. Add some fresh dill.
By the way, there can be many options for such a spring design. Again, it all depends on the imagination. For example, tomato tulips can be "put" in a vase using half a yellow pepper. And you can change the palette by adding yellow tomatoes and cucumbers cut along.

Let's move on from salads to appetizers. In their design, the theme of roses is also popular. Meat snack from ham, bacon and salted fish, decorated with cucumber roses, will delight both the taste and the eye, not only for women on March 8, but also for men.

An addition to the table, on which there may be beer, will be the original bouquet of roses from chips . If you think it's difficult, you're wrong. Do not be afraid of this fragile and impregnable beauty, it is very easy to recreate it. How to make such a magnificent bouquet of festive roses from potatoes can be understood in a minute by looking at the cooking photo recipe on the English site. Here, as well as for making sushi, you need a sharp knife: the potato petals must be very thin. (By the way, it is strange that the recipe for roses from chips is not widely spread, because it has been around for many years). Edible roses from chips create an original design for various appetizers, salads and casseroles. Varieties of this technology are beetroot chips roses.

A beautiful salad decoration can be roses from ham or even ordinary, thinly sliced ​​doctor's sausage.

If this seems primitive to some of the housewives, then they can improve the recipe to Puff pastry roses and sausage . It looks very artistic, cooks quickly, and it turns out very tasty. In short, the process looks like this: cut the sausage into thin half rings, cut the dough into strips 1 cm wide. Roll it out, lay out the sausage, twist the rosette, put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 C.

Voila! - and a culinary bouquet of roses is ready for any holiday.

Americans, of course, do not use sausage in this case, but bacon they adore.

With all the outwardly frightening beauty and apparent complexity, here, as in previous cases, there is nothing complicated. It is only important to pay attention to how the strip of bacon fits before frying, taking into account the presence of "meaty" and "fatty" edges on the bacon. Basically, the fleshy part should be on the outside of the bud. And there is no need to spoil the baking dishes by drilling holes in them, as shown in some videos. For proper laying of bacon, it is enough to use wooden skewers and ordinary toothpicks. Only 20-30 minutes - and the flowers for "real men" are ready. Salty and smoky, they will gladly go with beer.
One of the videos of cooking bacon rose bouquet

We hope that the above examples of original gift design for March 8 or another holiday will push your imagination to other culinary ideas on how to please and surprise your near and dear ones.

Which of the women does not want to receive a beautiful bouquet on their holiday - March 8th. Not just a sprig of mimosa. Also delicious. Or practical. Well, it's quite doable. On the eve of International Women's Day, we offer ideas for original bouquets that you can make with your own hands.

Girls love bouquets, and not only flowers. Original ones are welcome, especially if they can be eaten. Or put on. Yes, creativity can be different ... The task of the stronger sex is to choose the one that she likes among the abundance of extraordinary options. Of course, you will have to try a little, use your imagination, but, believe me, the creation of loving male hands will be appreciated

Ideas for those with golden hands:

Delicious bouquets

H to hide his sin, most of the fairer sex sweet tooth And. By Let's start with sweet signs of attention. Their main advantage lies in the fact that after you admire them, you can simply eat such a bouquet.

It will help to understand the abundance of options for flower arrangements from sweets, a young, but already quite popular trend - suite design.

We bring to your attention some useful tips on how to achieve success in such a creative process.

First, decide on the style of the bouquet: a gift for a younger sister will be a little different than a bouquet for a girlfriend or teacher.

Secondly, find out which sweets the object of your attention prefers. It is desirable that they be in bright shiny wrappers.

Thirdly, stock up on props: wire or wooden skewers for "stems", polystyrene foam to add volume to the composition. And you will also need a container for a bouquet (box, bottle, basket, flower pot), corrugated paper, scissors, glue, adhesive tape.

In addition, prepare decorative items such as ribbons, beads, small soft toys, and so on.

The process of making flower-candy compositions is simple. Using a skewer, fix the sweets in the wrapper, grow corrugated paper petals on the candy, fastening them with tape.

By the way, corrugated paper is very plastic and obedient. She herself is ready to fold into flowers, just keep up.

Place each sweet "flower" in a container of your choice and carefully mask the technical details with paper.

If the creative appetite has been played out, decorate the masterpiece with beads, beads, ribbons. We are sure that your exquisite taste and juicy spring colors of the bouquet will do their job - you will like handmade.

Fruit and berry mix with flowers

Such gifts are also universal. They have no target and age restrictions. A fruit and berry bouquet with flowers will surprise a friend, a loved one, a mother, a colleague, and a teacher. In a word, everyone.

Feel free to combine delicate spring flowers, fresh roses, physalis, twigs with bright clusters of viburnum or mountain ash in a fragrant composition ... Add fragrant apples, bunches of grapes. Such a tandem will look interesting and unusual.

And how good are the bulk apples solo. It turns out that in domination they are great not only in what they like to serve to.

There are creative options for real optimists (smart-beautiful-athletes) who prefer rich orange. Wow, how much vitamin and beauty is here!

You can add sweets to the composition, for example. Or gourmet French pastries. No sweet tooth will refuse!

strawberry mood

Bright juicy and dizzyingly fragrant strawberries will save even the simplest bouquet.

Green apples with spicy sourness, fragrant strawberries plus a sprig of spray rose and alstroemeria - apple-strawberry madness is guaranteed

A combination of strawberries and coconut will help create a romantic mood.

Did not find strawberries - replace with apples.

A bright and juicy bouquet, also fragrant, made by your own hands, will definitely create a festive mood.

"Salty" gifts

Not all women have a sweet tooth. We also picked up a series of "salty" bouquets. For fun girlish gatherings, for example, a cheese bouquet is suitable. When creating it, use at least five types of cheese, nuts, flowers, and for a bright accent - strawberries and good wine. Better red semi-sweet.

The combination “beer + crayfish”, traditional for men's day, can also turn into a pretty bouquet. We know from experience that there are many women who are ready to taste it.

Or a bouquet of smoked meats. We say that not all ladies have a sweet tooth.

Well, for fitonies who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, avoiding junk food, of course, there are a lot of vegetables and.

Practical bouquets

For example, with socks. And what? Always useful.

If the relationship is close, you can make a bouquet from underwear.

Long-lived bouquets

Flowers, vegetables, fruits are a wonderful basis for a bouquet. But I also want him not to lose his life-affirming beauty for as long as possible.

A young gentleman can make, for example, a bouquet of emoticons for classmates or mothers with his own hands. Great gift!

Girls-needlewomen can arrange a bouquet of colored felt, from which we sewed not so long ago. Flowers of different shapes with funny buttons and beads will be combined in a magical bouquet.

If you are a caring spouse and want to make a spectacular surprise for your beloved, a classic in bed or even will not be enough.

We offer to make the interior festive. And all you need is corrugated paper, floral wire, scissors, paper clips and an ardent desire to surprise your beloved woman. After a couple of hours, the room will turn into a spring garden with huge bright flowers. For example - on the ceiling.

On a note. In any of the bouquets, you can insert a card in which you express your love and gratitude. Indeed, outside of March 8, there is often not enough time for this. And no matter what bouquet you decide to give, do not forget to put a piece of your heart and good thoughts into it. All women with the upcoming holiday!

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For men, the eighth of March is, first of all, flowers. Where can I buy? Which ones to choose? What to hit? To make it easier for the strong half of this world, DG went through the city for unusual bouquets. Because flowers are good, and amazing flowers are even better.


The love of women for everything miniature and original made itself felt with a special attitude towards bonsai (dwarf trees). They are not just loved, but bewitched walk around them. As well as around pygmy dogs, rabbits and mini-pigs. Some even grow "Russian bonsai" from ordinary trees, making them small through constant pruning and the use of depleted soil. In general, tekkans, shakans, kengai and other varieties of bonsai are always a welcome gift.

It is important to know: In order for the bonsai to grow properly and not mope, it is worth taking seriously the choice of the bowl, which should be with a large number of drainage holes. The tree is unpretentious, however, it must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight. Home care involves timely pruning of the crown so that the “pedigreed” plant does not look like a strange-looking “lapdog”.

Price: 2500-13000 rub.

Where can I buy: Bonsai Center, st. Galaktionovskaya, 106a


Lithops, or “living stone”, is a special type of cactus, reminiscent of sea pebbles in its shape and pattern. In fact, these are two thick fused leaves separated by a gap from which a flower, and sometimes other leaves, emerge. Flowers are white or yellow, sometimes orange, with a pleasant sweet aroma. "Live stones" differ in the texture of the pattern and color, and in some countries there are even people who collect lithops as stamps and assure that there is no one similar to each other. It is interesting that the "living stone" can mimic, that is, like a chameleon, change color to match the color of the environment. Easily fit into the interior!

It is important to know: With proper care and regular watering, these flowers live happily ever after in any apartment. The main thing they need is sun, lots of sun. You also need to know that, having bought such flowers in the store, it is worth transplanting them into more clay soil, and in winter (from October to April), when they hibernate, stop watering.

Price: 130 rub.

Where can I buy: Flower shop,st. Leo Tolstoy, 123, tel.: 310-00-05, 8-800-775-00-51. (order by phone or website)



Muscaria is a close relative of the well-known hyacinth. It is a bulbous plant that blooms in clusters of fragrant blue flowers. Muscaria is for sale planted in small pots in beautiful wicker baskets. Very cute and romantic! As soon as you bring her into the room, she will spread a strong pleasant smell around her. The feeling that he was in a flowering meadow.

It is important to know: Please this indoor plant will not last long. Literally in a month it fades, but the bulbs can be transplanted into the ground, and then you will have a whole meadow of dark blue flowers in your country house, because muscaria quickly gives offspring in the form of daughter bulbs. I must say that the plant takes root well in a sunny place, and tolerates the shadow perfectly. The main care for him is to loosen the soil and frequent watering.

Price: 400 rub.

Where can I buy: "Dolina Style", shopping center "Vavilon", 1st floor

"Sunflower" bouquet

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to give a traditional bouquet, this must also be done skillfully. A woman today does not need a “million scarlet roses” at all. It's trite and boring! But no one will refuse an originally designed neat bouquet. Especially if it is compiled by a professional florist with a non-standard approach. It will be interesting to look, for example, a flower arrangement with a sunflower surrounded by smaller flowers: chrysanthemums, hypericum, etc.

We asked beautiful ladies who work in the flower business to talk about the "fashion trends" - 2016 in the preparation of bouquets and what flowers they themselves - even working with them every day - would like to receive for the holiday.

Irina Trushkina, head of serviceWeekly Flowers

Photo from the personal archive of Irina Trushkina

"The main "trend" can be considered quality and naturalness, no matter how trite it may sound. Over the past two years, floral trends have incredibly progressed for the better. Some two years ago, the most stylish solution that could be found even in Moscow was " mono-bouquets" (in fact, just armfuls of flowers). In the direction of prefabricated bouquets, people who wanted something truly beautiful were afraid to even look. To the delight of connoisseurs of beauty, gaudy packaging, sparkles, extra decorations and the compatibility of incongruous things are a thing of the past .

More interesting flowers are valued in bouquets than multi-colored gerberas and white-red roses, a lot of exotic has been added, you can find many beautiful and bizarre varieties. Buyers are already beginning to perceive the bouquet not as a huge multi-colored rustling armful, but as something that gives a certain mood, emotions, pleases the recipient with natural beauty for a long time. The perception of size is also changing: due to the lack of a large amount of packaging material and the fact that the flower is collected one to one, the size of the bouquet has become much smaller, and many sometimes even awkwardly ask: "I, please, something small, but bright."

The trend with greens has also changed, now it is pistachio and eucalyptus - very beautiful "seasonings" for a combined bouquet. The packaging is chosen in such a way as to emphasize the natural beauty of the flower as much as possible: satin ribbons that emphasize the mood of the bouquet, craft or burlap (craft is used as a gift wrapping, the bouquet is placed in a vase without it).

Photo: Shutterstock. Bouquet with amaryllis

What cannot but rejoice, the phrases “I want something tender”, “I would like a bright, spring bouquet” are heard more often from the male lips. With some fear in their voices, they sometimes clarify whether we are adding some kind of frames (no, we don’t, we ourselves become scared of them). The biggest motivation for us is that, finally, they began to give girls really beautiful holiday emotions that everyone deserves, with or without a reason!

Flowers never get bored - that's a fact. Even if you have a floristic business, it is very pleasant to receive a bouquet for a holiday. I like both prefabricated bouquets and mono, but now I can separately note a variety of roses called WildLook, they stand for a very long time, they have an amazing color. Amaryllis is my favorite too. From them it turns out downright royal bouquets. And in the photo is my favorite Cinnamon - a delicate bunch of cinnamon."

Veronika Panyushkina, creator of the flower service Photo: Facebook

"Bouquets - the way we knew them before - have outlived their own, people are already, let's say," full of them ". New formats are needed. Therefore, flower arrangements in boxes or in tubes are now popular. Accordingly, in addition to flowers, you can add something "Something else: sweets, tea, wine, whatever. On the box you can write who this bouquet is for, when it was presented, for what reason. What is the advantage of this format? Flowers are given most often to women, and women like to leave something Flowers are short-lived, and their original packaging, if you want to save it, will last a long time.

Photo: Shutterstock. Bouquet with cotton

The packaging is changing as well. Flower services are moving away from flashy flowers, gentle tones are becoming increasingly popular - pink, pale blue, violet. Of course, individuality is in trend: the giver wants to show that he did not go to a nearby store and bought the first bouquet he came across, but thought over the gift in advance.

Photo from the personal archive of Veronika Panyushkina

As for flowers, ranunculus are now at the peak of fashion. These are amazing flowers: when you start working with them, they are still small, and you can't believe your eyes when they open before you to an incredible size. But flowers, of course, are not cheap. It is also fashionable to use cotton in the design of bouquets - it looks very interesting in compositions.

Photo: Shutterstock. Ranunculus

Like any girl, I would like to receive a bouquet by March 8th. Being a fan of my work, I would like just an individual, personalized gift, decorated in bright colors. If we talk about the type of flowers, now I am also in love with ranunculus."

Photo: Magic Box. Bouquet with cotton and ranunculus

Taliya Akhmetova, head of the press center of the flower delivery service