Frequent urination in the first trimester. Frequent urges of a pregnant woman at night. Causes of frequent urination in a pregnant woman

The feeling of a new life inside, the first jolts of a baby... Pregnancy is a truly magical time that will give you many unusual new sensations. Unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant - not all expectant mothers manage to avoid toxicosis and other "side effects". These include frequent urge to urinate during pregnancy.

Frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy

  • Delayed periods are the most obvious sign of pregnancy, but far from the only one (find out what other signs can tell you about the onset of pregnancy from the article The very first signs of pregnancy >>>);
  • After fertilization, your body begins to change, adjusting to new conditions. Many mothers note that the state of health in the initial stages leaves much to be desired: malaise and weakness occur. The reason for this is a decrease in immunity, which makes a woman's body very vulnerable;
  • During pregnancy, you can seem to turn into a different person. Eating habits, sexual appetites - sometimes it all becomes completely different. If before you liked only sweets, pregnancy will “demand” spicy pickled foods;
  • But to small weaknesses like bad habits (alcohol or cigarettes), a complete disgust is often developed - the body tries with all its might to protect the unborn baby;
  • The body itself is also changing. The chest becomes larger, and the sensitivity increases at times. Significantly increases blood flow to the pelvis, while the uterus increases. A feeling of fullness appears in the lower abdomen, which is often mistaken for a false urge to visit the toilet.

Know! Along with this, frequent urination appears during early pregnancy. This is especially noticeable during sleep. If earlier you could get up to the toilet once a night, now the number of trips can increase up to 3-7 times. At the same time, urges should not be accompanied by pain or any tangible discomfort.

Reasons for frequent urination

Frequent urination in women during pregnancy is the absolute norm. There are several reasons for these changes:

  1. Hormonal changes affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
  2. The volume of fluid in your body changes: amniotic fluid appears, which is updated every few hours, excreted from the mother's body naturally;
  3. The kidneys get a double load: they have to get rid of not only the metabolic products of the body of the expectant mother, but also “cleanse” the baby;
  4. As the fetus grows, the uterus gets bigger, putting pressure on the bladder so it can hold less urine. And about how the child grows and develops during pregnancy, read the article Development of the child in the womb >>>;
  5. Urination also becomes more frequent with a change in the composition of urine and an increase in its acidic environment. This happens with the use of hot spices and protein products, as well as during pregnancy.

After the fourth month, the situation will temporarily change: the uterus "shifts" to the abdominal cavity, the pressure on the urinary tract is somewhat weakened (find out about this period, what interests you from article 2 trimester of pregnancy >>>). By the end of the term, it will increase again: the baby will sink lower, preparing to leave the mother's body. That is why frequent urination is characteristic in the long term of pregnancy and at its very beginning.

Frequent urination during pregnancy is especially noticeable at night. During the day, you may experience fluid retention in the tissues of the lower extremities, which usually leads to severe swelling. A kind of unloading occurs at night, when the body is at maximum rest. The kidneys, on the contrary, work with double strength, removing excess fluid. The result is increased urination.

  • Of great importance is the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone. It weakens the muscle fibers to allow the body to adjust to the growing growth of the fetus. It also affects the bladder. It becomes weaker and cannot hold the usual amount of urine, requiring more frequent bowel movements.

Frequent urination in the 2nd trimester

Frequent urination during pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy gradually disappears and may disappear altogether. This is due to the movement of the uterus - from the small pelvis it rises higher, reducing excess pressure on the bladder.

Important! If the situation has not changed at all and you want to go to the toilet as often as at the very beginning of pregnancy, this is a reason to see a doctor. It is necessary to exclude a possible infection of the genitourinary system, which can harm not only the mother, but also the baby.

Frequent urination in the 3rd trimester

Frequent urination during pregnancy in the third trimester returns or even appears for the first time if you managed to avoid such a nuisance in the early stages.

  1. The uterus becomes very large, despite the fact that it is still very high;
  2. A growing baby also affects the volume of blood circulating in the mother's body;
  3. The amount of amniotic fluid also increases, which creates an additional burden on the urinary tract, making it weaker;
  4. Even by this time, the kidneys of the child begin to work. The products of his vital activity enter the mother's body through the umbilical cord, and your urinary system will have to take the rap for everything.

Closer to the term of childbirth, the baby falls lower to the mother's small pelvis. General well-being at this time usually improves - pressure on the lungs and stomach decreases, heartburn disappears, but the frequency of "toilet urges" increases. This reduces the volume of excreted fluid during urination. There is also a risk of incontinence: a small amount of fluid is involuntarily excreted when sneezing, coughing or laughing.

What should alert the expectant mother?

Despite the fact that frequent urination during pregnancy is the norm, sometimes they can indicate the development of an inflammatory process. You need to listen carefully to your own body. In pathologies, going to the toilet is accompanied by accompanying alarming symptoms:

  • pain in the bladder area;
  • the process of urination becomes painful;
  • pulling pain often occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • burning sensation after urination.

As you know, pregnancy reduces immunity, which is why resistance to various infections decreases. There is an increased risk of developing common diseases of the genitourinary system, which include:

  1. Urethritis;
  2. Glomerulonephritis;
  3. Cystitis (article

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and long-awaited time for any woman. And it is accompanied by special changes in the girl's body and body, the forces of which are spent on the growth of a new life inside. The body begins to rebuild to meet new needs, which is accompanied by a number of features and problems.

Do you often want to go to the toilet? - Get used to it!

Sometimes urinary problems can show up even before a girl knows she's pregnant. Someone wants to go to the toilet ten times a day, some run more often at night, because they drank a lot of liquid in the evening. If you usually do not complain about the kidneys, then frequent urination can be considered a sign of pregnancy.

There is no need to worry about this.

Usually, the cause of frequent urination during pregnancy can be a number of reasons:

  • Changes are made to the hormonal background of the female body. During this position, a new hormone begins to be produced - human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, which helps to increase the amount of urination;
  • The uterus is located in close proximity to the bladder. During fertilization, it increases and presses on him, which leads to the urge to go to the toilet;
  • The load on the kidneys increases, which, in fact, begin to work for two;
  • Blood circulation increases, there is more blood and lymph in the body, which means that more fluid is filtered by the kidneys.

The symptom of frequent urge to urinate during pregnancy is usually normal, but many are worried - what if there is some kind of problem?

Tension of the urinary system of a pregnant woman - the norm

Usually the problem is cyclical. In the first trimester, the uterus is just beginning to grow and presses on the back wall of the ureter, which causes irritation. In the second trimester, women almost completely stop complaining about the urge to visit the toilet.

Of course, the fetus only grows with time, but in the second trimester, it descends into the abdominal cavity and reduces pressure. Therefore, the problem of frequent urination during pregnancy in the second trimester will leave you for a while.

And in the third trimester the problem will return. In the later stages, the baby grows and now presses on the upper wall of the bladder, to which is added the increased movement of the fetus.

In the early stages, the fetus develops intensively, sometimes the body does not have time to get used to it and adjust, which causes discomfort.

The amniotic fluid is constantly replenished and renewed, which leads to frequent urination in early pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the bladder is compressed, which leads to frequent visits to the restroom. However, this may also indicate complications.

When is frequent urination indicative of an illness?

Too frequent urge to the toilet at all times is not only a physiologically determined normal phenomenon, but also a sign of a possible disease of the genitourinary system.

The main symptoms of a health disorder:

  • Pain and discomfort during trips to the toilet;
  • Pain in the lower back or abdomen;
  • Unpleasant smell of urine or change in its color (turbidity, blood in the urine);
  • General malaise or fever.

You should immediately see a doctor, because such signs may indicate serious diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Ways to relieve the condition during pregnancy:

  • In no case do not refuse to drink, otherwise swelling may increase;
  • Try not to drink diuretic liquids, namely: coffee, tea (black and green), decoctions of herbs, rose hips, mint, various fruit drinks;
  • Try not to drink two hours before bed. So, the fluid accumulated over the whole day will have time to be distributed and partially exit the body;
  • Urges to go to the toilet should not be ignored, if possible. Stagnation of urine in the kidneys and bladder provokes inflammation;
  • Limit yourself in the use of spicy, salty, pickled - foods that strain the kidneys;
  • Do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles and prevent “stress” urinary incontinence immediately after childbirth;
  • Wear comfortable clothes, for example, if you need a bandage, then you should pay attention to models with a fastener between the legs.

At the time of determining the sex of the child on an ultrasound scan, you may be informed of the dilated pelvis of his kidneys, which is a variant of the norm for boys, and an alarming symptom for girls. To provoke inflammation of the kidneys in oneself - to expose the kidneys of the fetus to the same danger. Therefore, diet, hygiene and comfortable clothing are mandatory.

Pregnant women at different periods of an interesting position experience a number of inconveniences and changes in the body. It can be nausea, weakness, lower back pain. Some symptoms may accompany a woman throughout pregnancy, others appear only at certain periods.

One of the most characteristic signs of pregnancy is frequent urination. Already in the first trimester, most women experience more frequent trips to the toilet than before. In pregnant women, this is considered common and in most cases due to physiological causes. But, in some cases, pathological conditions can be hidden behind frequent trips to the toilet. Unpleasant symptoms should not be ignored, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Likely Causes

Frequent urination in women during pregnancy can be caused by both physiological and mechanical factors. The main physiological reason is an increase in overall metabolism. There is an intensive growth of the fetus, which requires large energy costs and nutrients. Already in the early stages, the fetus secretes waste products that are excreted through the placenta into the mother's body. Although the fetus is still small, it needs rapid environmental renewal.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy are another reason for frequent urination in women. From the moment of conception, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone is synthesized in the body. It is he who has the ability to cause a frequent desire to urinate. The volume of blood increases, the rate of blood filtration by the kidneys increases. Accordingly, the volume of urine becomes larger, the urge occurs more often.

Mechanical causes are associated with an increase in the volume of the uterus and a change in its location. It presses on the bladder, causing its reflex irritation. Fetal movements can also cause sudden urges.

The reasons for frequent urges may be hidden in a change in the composition of urine due to the abuse of spicy foods and proteins. Pathological disorders in the body can also change the normal process of urination. Usually, in the presence of diseases, in addition to frequent urination, other symptoms are observed.

Go to the address and see the transcript of the results of the urine test according to Nechiporenko.

Symptoms that may accompany polyuria in diseases of the urinary tract in pregnant women:

  • painful urination;
  • burning and pain in the process of emptying the bladder;
  • pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen;
  • change in color, smell and transparency of urine;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite.

Note! The appearance of the above symptoms should alert. A woman should definitely seek medical help.

Troubleshooting Methods

Usually, frequent urination bothers pregnant women at night. To make nighttime urges less frequent, you need to reduce the amount of fluid you drink 3-4 hours before bedtime. In the evening, you should not take drinks, foods (for example, cucumbers, watermelons). An evening cup of coffee will also help increase urination.

The daily norm of the drunk liquid cannot be reduced. For a normal metabolic process, about 2 liters of fluid is needed. The main part should be drunk in the morning.

If urine is leaking, change underwear more often and use sanitary pads. Change them at least once every 2-3 hours. If this is not done, there is a risk of infection of the genital tract, the development of candidiasis.

If there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, you can lean forward slightly while urinating. The fetus will put less pressure on the organ, which will allow it to empty normally. The urge to urinate cannot be tolerated. This will subsequently lead to stretching of the bladder tissues and weakening of the sphincters after childbirth.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer how much urination is considered the norm, for each this indicator is individual. If trips to the toilet exceed 10 times a day, then this can be considered a deviation from the norm. During pregnancy, frequent urination is a natural process. If polyuria is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then most likely its appearance is associated with physiological processes in the body. In any case, with frequent urge to go to the toilet, you need to notify the doctor about this and be additionally examined.

Video about when frequent urination during pregnancy is considered the norm and in what cases it is necessary to contact a specialist:

During the bearing of the fetus, a woman seeks not only to ensure her safety, but also monitors the health and development of the unborn baby. Pregnancy does not always bring only pleasant worries or worries, diseases or their symptoms can often appear that cause discomfort and inconvenience to women. This is toxicosis, and heartburn, and weakness, and frequent urination, which causes anxiety and anxiety in expectant mothers.

Very often, frequent urination can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy, and not a disease of the genitourinary system. Many people often run to the toilet on a nervous basis, but frequent urination during pregnancy is almost always a natural process, part of the process of bearing a fetus. Moms-to-be can go to the toilet up to 10 times a day or night, and for good reason.

They can be divided into physiological and mechanical. The former depend on the processes occurring in the woman's body in connection with the onset of pregnancy, but the second group will relate to changes in organs and their location. Most often, frequent urination during pregnancy begins to bother women from 4-5 weeks, sometimes by the 4th month of pregnancy you can feel a barely noticeable improvement, since the uterus rises slightly above the pelvis, but in practice it is different. The child grows, thereby increasing the load on the mother's bladder, so the desire to run to the toilet increases with the gestational age.

Physiological causes of frequent urination

Metabolism with the onset of pregnancy changes, the number of metabolic processes in the mother's body increases. All this is aimed at the growth and development of the unborn child, which is also impossible with all nutrients and energy. Despite the fact that the fetus is relatively small, it has a high activity and the need for frequent changes in amniotic fluid. This means that the kidneys of a pregnant woman work for two. This becomes the main reason for frequent running to the restroom.

The hormonal background of the expectant mother also changes. The hCG hormone, that is, human chorionic gonadotropin, increases with the onset of pregnancy, and one of its properties is an increase in urination. During gestation, the volume of blood pumped also increases, so the kidneys have to filter it faster, and the result of all these processes is an increase in the amount of urine produced.

Mechanical causes

They concern the main "pregnant" organ - the uterus. It increases with the growing child and changes its position. When the pregnancy is just coming, the baby is so small that the uterus is practically not enlarged, but this does not prevent her from putting pressure on the bladder, irritating it. Therefore, expectant mothers experience an irresistible desire to go to the toilet several times in a short period of time, so frequent urination during pregnancy is a completely natural process.

When the second trimester arrives, the grown baby begins its journey through the mother's body and moves into the abdominal cavity, which reduces pressure on the bladder. However, many experts and pregnant women claim that the desire to empty it does not disappear. This condition persists until the end of pregnancy, because the fetus continues to actively grow and develop, which means that the pressure on the bladder does not decrease. In addition, the child is already beginning to actively move and move, which only worsens the situation.

How to alleviate your condition?

Of course, this is not a disease and it is impossible to cure it, everything will pass after the birth of the baby. But you can alleviate your condition by following quite simple recommendations and advice. Frequent urination during pregnancy is not a reason to drink less fluids. Expectant mothers need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Just do not drink before bedtime, especially diuretic drinks: coffee or berry fruit drinks.

This also applies to diuretics, such as watermelon, cucumber or pumpkin. In general, it is not recommended to drink a lot late at night, otherwise frequent waking up at night due to the urge to go to the toilet will not let you sleep. You can also take a nap during the day to give your body a chance to rest, which will help reduce the number of trips to the bathroom at night. In no case should you endure: it will stretch the bladder, hasten the approach of the next urge and weaken the sphincter after the birth of the child.

When does frequent urination during pregnancy require treatment?

When you just want to go to the toilet “in a small way” all the time - this is one thing, but if you feel burning, itching, discomfort, pain during urination, or after emptying your bladder you want to run back again, but only a few drops of urine are excreted - this is a reason to contact to the doctor. These symptoms may indicate the presence of a urinary tract infection. Frequent painful urination during pregnancy is no less dangerous than an infectious disease.

During pregnancy, this disease can lead not only to infection of the kidneys, but also to premature birth if there is no treatment, or it is not carried out in full. Also, during the bearing of a child, especially by the end of pregnancy, urine can be secreted involuntarily when coughing, sneezing or laughing. There is also the term "stress urinary incontinence", but it can be avoided if you go to the toilet on time and do not ignore the urge that appears, even if they "come" very often.

It is very important not to self-medicate or ask for advice on the forums: the body of each pregnant woman is individual and the treatment may be different. A urinary tract infection is dangerous, so only a doctor can help you get rid of it quickly and without any problems. Therefore, when unpleasant symptoms appear during urination, it is important not to delay, but to immediately visit your doctor.

One of the not very pleasant phenomena that all expectant mothers face is frequent urination during pregnancy and this is absolutely natural and normal. However, only if it is not accompanied by pain.

Moreover, during pregnancy, it occurs even before a woman has found out about her pregnancy and is one of her early symptoms. This is primarily due to changes in the hormonal background and, especially, with the onset of production by the corpus luteum (hCG). By the way, it is its presence in the urine that determines the pregnancy test, and it also increases urination.

Formed in the ovary during ovulation and functions as the placenta after conception. It resolves by 16 weeks, when it is fully formed. In the same period, urination during pregnancy normalizes.

In addition, the uterus begins to increase in size. At the same time, it puts pressure on the bubble, as it is located next to it. By the fourth month, it rises, and frequent urination during pregnancy disappears.

The kidneys of a woman begin to work for two, the amount of fluid circulating in the body increases. In addition, amniotic fluid is updated several times a day. All this provokes during pregnancy, including at night.

It prevents a woman from getting enough sleep and causes a lot of inconvenience. To reduce the need to run to the toilet at night, you should stop drinking liquids two hours before bedtime. However, you need to drink about two liters of it per day. And it is better that it be ordinary non-carbonated water.

You need to visit the toilet as often as you want and in no case endure. Otherwise, it can lead to inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. It is better not to drink before long walks and trips, when going to the toilet can be a problem.

In addition, frequent urination during pregnancy can be reduced by stopping the use of coffee, tea, rosehip decoction and herbs. In the toilet, you should lean forward a little to empty the entire bubble.

As for the normal amount of urination for pregnant women per day, this is very individual. Some women visit the toilet every half an hour, others much less frequently. In any case, do not worry, this phenomenon is absolutely normal.

However, after disappearing at 16 weeks, frequent urination may return a few weeks before delivery. This is due to the fact that the uterus descends again, preparing for the upcoming event. And the baby's head begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing urges. In addition, his kidneys are already working at full strength and additionally load the mother's urinary system. This is also an absolutely normal phenomenon, although in some the uterus descends just before childbirth and they do not encounter it.

It is urgent to visit a doctor if frequent urination is accompanied by one of the following symptoms: pain in the abdomen and lower back, fever, cloudy urine and its unpleasant odor. These are symptoms of cystitis and pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder can adversely affect pregnancy.

Pyelonephritis is especially dangerous because it can lead to abortion and premature birth. During pregnancy, inflammation of the kidneys is treated in a hospital under the supervision of nephrologists, gynecologists and urologists. Be sure to prescribe antibiotics, uroseptics and herbs that are allowed when carrying a child. With timely treatment started, everything can end happily.

Cystitis also needs to be treated immediately, otherwise it will become chronic and can cause pyelonephritis. In addition, it can cause infection of the baby, amniotic fluid and complicate the course of pregnancy.

Thus, painless frequent urination in the first and last trimester is normal. Its presence in combination with disturbing symptoms is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Since only timely treatment will help to give birth to a healthy baby.