Channelings of in-demand contactees. Inessa Guterman - “Channeling is the essence of the process” How to work with channeled information, what possible nuances need to be taken into account

In recent years, the term channeling ” has entered the lexicon of those who are passionate about esotericism, occult knowledge, those who have embarked on the path of spiritual development. However, each such “seeker” once meets this word for the first time - this article is devoted to such people.

The term " channeling ", in a general sense, comes from the English " channel » - channel , or " channeling » - the process of passing/transmitting something through a channel. In relation to the field of spiritual knowledge, this word means the process of transferring information from various Sources to the noospheric space of the planet. Information sources can be various Structures, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin.

Transfers information so-called " contactee » - a person who has the ability to connect to the Source of information and translate it into a language understandable to people.

I draw your attention to the fact that part of the text of the article is in italics - these are excerpts from transcripts from channeling sessions with Supreme Minds, which dealt with the topic of the "channeling process" as such.

How does the process of information transfer take place, from a technical, one might say, point of view?

« … information quanta or information packets are implanted into the energy of the Information Source. The energy of the Source is transmitted in waves through temporary portals. We are now describing the process of transmitting information from another density, higher than yours - let it be the seventh density. This wave energy, carrying quanta of information, reaches the portal at a certain moment, where it seeps into this portal and moves along the portal to your density. This energy is being transformed here… in your space there are installations that transform this energy, they can be imagined as a certain energy filter, passing through which the energy receives the vibration of your space. Here, most importantly, it should be noted that these information quanta remain intact, that is, not changed. After that, this wave system reaches the channel, and a person can receive information. So, on average, the process of receiving information from the Source of the middle level works ...»

By whom and for what purpose is the information given?

Trying to understand the answer to this question will be fruitless until a person accepts some "assumptions" in his worldview:

  • our physical world, the world of three-dimensional reality, is just one of the many worlds that exist in the universe
  • representatives of various civilizations, worlds and dimensions are embodied here. Incarnate in the human body in order to gain a certain experience of existence in three-dimensional reality
  • one of the main characteristics of our physical world is the so-called " veil of oblivion". Entering incarnation, a person forgets his own Essence, the memory of past incarnations is blocked, a person practically does not hear the “quiet whisper of the Soul”, and, as a result, ceases to feel like a part of the Creator, which, in fact, he is. All these are the rules of the "Game" in three-dimensional reality. And one of the main goals, in fact, is " RECALL" - recall your Divine Belonging

Human civilization can be viewed as a single Organism, which, by analogy with a child, was born and grows, developing. And in order for this child to grow, develop and “do not get hit by a car”, competent parental care is needed. According to this principle, human civilization is also developing - under the curation of a conglomerate of Structures or Higher Intelligences. By participating and helping in the development of civilization, the Higher Intelligences, including through their embodied representatives, gain invaluable experience - information about existence in three-dimensional reality, about life in conditions of dual perception of the surrounding reality by human consciousness, about the development of embodied Souls in the conditions of the "veil of oblivion ".

« …transmission of information to the Earth goes from the very initial stages of human development. This is a necessary process, it is a process that supports development at a certain pace and in a certain direction. A lot of works of art, music, research work, discoveries are made as a result of such an impact, such interaction with the civilization of people. That is, a person can receive thoughts without realizing that this process is activated and consider these thoughts as insight or for the process of his mental activity. It was very developed in the past… And quite recently, according to your time, you actively began to enter a state of semi-trance or trance, and by tuning into a channel, you learned to decode and transmit this information in text, signs, voice, or simply by remembering and telling this information. All this is a kind of channeling, or receiving information from, let’s say, the Thin Plan…»

How to work with channeled information, what possible nuances should be taken into account?

  • First- you need to remember that information, in channeling, descends into the space of the Earth at the right moment in time, in the right volume and at the right angle / angle. That is, you do not need to perceive it as a step-by-step guide to action, you do not need to interpret it as one hundred percent "ultimate truth." Channeled information is a hint, a hint, a push, and sometimes a provocation., and here it is important to understand that analyze, draw conclusions and choose the direction of his movement, a person must himself. Otherwise, there will be no development, otherwise the very essence of the incarnation is lost. Remembering the famous parable about the hungry man, the Higher Intelligences will not give you a fish, but will tell you how to find and how to use a fishing rod.
  • Second- When listening to or reading a transcript of a voice channeling, desirable emotionally and mentally neutral mood. Otherwise, a person begins to “color” the incoming information, distorting its original essence. To understand the impact of this effect, “this cannot be, because it can never be, let's go over the process of quantum channeling again: the contactee broadcasts / pronounces the descending energy-information packets. Listeners/readers take these packets into their "library of consciousness". Some of this information is assimilated immediately, but most of it is unpacked later, gradually “floating up” in the mind. So the speed of unpacking, assimilation and understanding directly depends on the presence of programs and mental attitudes in the mind that interfere with perception. In practice, it looks like this - a person hears information, the filter program works, and the person, possibly irritated, reacts classy "- that's it, his consciousness remains closed, the information is safely gathering dust on the far shelf of the" library of consciousness "in anticipation of when the person" mature" for its perception. Simply put, makes sense to receive information not from the position of a sarcastic “well, well, how will you heal?”, But from a neutral position“OK, I’ll listen, and later I’ll think about it and evaluate it.”
  • Third- information in channeling multi-layered, multi-layered. Remember a literary work that you have re-read many times, each time understanding more and more deeply - the same principle is here. Therefore, re-listening/re-reading channelings is not only possible - it is necessary. But even without fanaticism, since there may be a glut or "information failure", which manifests itself as unpleasant symptoms at the level of the physical body - a state of detachment, the inability to concentrate, up to headaches. In such cases, it is recommended to drink plenty of clean water.
  • Fourth- recorded channeling is generally as effective as a live session. Some difference lies in the fact that when listening to a recording, the impact of energy information flows is “stretched in time”, i.e. becomes less intense, but longer.
  • Fifth- after listening/reading the channeling, it makes sense to sit in meditative silence and "listen to yourself" - there may be sensations of energy flows through the body, emerging thoughts and images that more deeply reveal the information heard, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the channeled information is unique in many respects and carries a significant amount of "grains of Truth" for the "seekers". And those who, in accordance with well-known wisdom, “keep their minds and hearts open” will no doubt be able to use this information, both for their own development and for helping humanity, which now, in the light of the actively developing process of the Transition / Ascension, becomes especially up-to-date……

Throughout the development of mankind, people communicated not only with each other, but also with other entities. Almost all religions and beliefs of all times and peoples have in their theoretical base references to entities other than man, a plan. Angels, demons, demons, souls of dead people - all these creatures were not visible to the vast majority of people, but their existence was recognized, depending on the historical period, either by official science or the state, or by some part of society.

Channeling accompanies humanity from the beginning

People have always tried to get in touch with beings that did not belong to the material world (in the traditional interpretation, of course - now it is believed that spirit, energy - this is also matter, only more finely arranged). Sacrifices to a wooden totem dummy, a request for help addressed to your guardian angel or a spiritualism session - all these human actions had one goal - to receive help from creatures living in another world.

It is believed that each person can get in touch with any entity of the subtle plane, get help or advice to improve their daily lives. However, for high-quality and intelligible communication, you will need to master some ( meditation, retreat) or techniques ( long-term fasting, cleansing the body of toxins, entering a special mental state - trance).

However, there are people who manage to communicate with higher powers without long study and special efforts. Socrates, Nostradamus, Jeanne d, Arc, Vanga - famous soothsayers received information in the form of voices or visual images. At different times, such people were called differently: seers, saints, soothsayers, mediums, contactees. Among modern esotericists, the term "channeling" is becoming increasingly popular ( English Channeling - channel laying). A person who hears, sees or otherwise receives information from the subtle world is like a channel or wire through which communication takes place.

Information transfer methods

Challengers believe that during the "communication session" subtle entities ( "mentors" - the universal mind, the inhabitants of parallel worlds, alien civilizations) use several methods:

  • verbal method- "channel" ( person used for contact) hears the text while in a fully or partially conscious state. Mentally or aloud asks questions and receives answers. Joan of Arc heard the voices that guided her actions and it cannot be said that the advice of her sacred interlocutors was bad, because guided by them she won the battles. True, it is a little strange that her high assistants left her without "lawyer support" in her struggle against the churchmen.
  • visual transmission. The famous soothsayer Vanga said that she not only hears a voice, but also sees in the form of pictures or videos what transcendent entities convey to her. She described to her clients the appearance and appearance of people of interest and the surroundings, against which the predicted events took place.
  • automatic writing. In spiritualism, a very popular method is when a person in a state of trance writes a message of the spirit or creates a work of art. Among the fans of this method of knowing the world, there are cases that cannot be explained from the standpoint of the canons of official science. For example, the medium so spiritualists call their conductors of information), not familiar with musical notation, writes down ( creates) new musical works (Rosemary Brown), and an individual who is far from grammar and belles-lettres becomes the author of novels ( Chico Javier). Samples of correspondence with the souls of dead people are interesting. Unfortunately, the facts from the personal life that the “spirit” tells the contactee cannot be verified, but in this way one lady wrote an entire biography of a deceased person under his “posthumous” dictation.

Among fans of channeling, there are many people who are interested in the structure of the universe. They often hold communication sessions in order to better understand the world. Based on the answers of the “mentors”, the “channelingists” have already formed a whole theory of the picture of the world.

How the universe works

The world is endless and varied. It is inhabited by many beings and realities. There are hierarchies among the beings of the unearthly plane, which fits into the church theory of the existence of light spirits ( angels) and dark forces ( demons). There is also a universal one, by connecting to which you can find answers to all questions. Or, at least, those who are able to realize the imperfect human mind.

People, according to channeling, go through a school on Earth, after which they receive the appropriate qualifications. After the death of a person, his eternal self ( immortal soul in orthodoxy) becomes a light or dark spirit. To improve the status of the soul, it is necessary to move to the next class - to study on Earth. Born and living another life and this already fits into the ideas of the Hindus), the soul learns the universal. Overcoming the obstacles of the material plane, the "higher self" develops a set of moral qualities, which subsequently, after "graduating from the next class" ( of death) allow the soul to live in more comfortable and higher layers of the world ( in Paradise).

For the purity of the experiment, the “true self”, moving into a new body, forgets past lives and lessons. Thus, a person's behavior is not affected by the mercantile interest of the soul to settle in paradise - after all, in earthly life it will perform those actions that correspond to its level of development.

For a better picture, let's imagine a girl who does not know that a potential husband is watching her. If she noticed the observation, then in order to get an enviable groom, she would try to present herself in the most favorable light. And then, having married, she would show all her negative qualities. And being in the dark that she is being evaluated, and her behavior will affect her future fate, she will not be hypocritical - the future spouse will not be disappointed and deceived. The analogy is very arbitrary, but perhaps some men should accept "divine". Perhaps then the saying would not be so popular: “All girls are so cute, where do bad wives come from?”

Security not guaranteed

Practitioners of channeling not only have methods for establishing strong and smoothly working "communication channels", but also their own safety precautions. There are cases when paranormal phenomena began to occur during the work of the medium. For example, heavy objects were teleported around the room with the clear intention of flying into the heads of observers. The "channels" themselves could go berserk and injure themselves or those present. Esotericists believe that this happens when communicating with base entities - demons, larvas, egregors. To prevent this from happening, the medium thoroughly cleanses the soul and body before the session, but does not neglect hygiene ( the thoughts of the conductor also need purity) and in everyday life.

In the procedure for receiving a message from the Higher Forces, a person who tunes in to certain frequency vibrations and receives a certain encrypted code plays a huge role.

Therefore, the main subjects on which it depends whether the earthlings will receive all the useful information addressed to them and whether the channelings will be of interest are contactees.

As the field expands and improves, a new lineup of contactees appears in different countries, but experienced "truth seekers" continue to work.

Sofoos: channeling and lectures on various topics

Leonid Kelin is the author of a huge number of lectures. Living in Novosibirsk, this person managed to become a contactee for a huge number of entities. In the world of channeling, this man is known as Sofoos. He owns the authorship of the book "Fundamentals of the modern world outlook."

Leonid regularly gives lectures on the topic of the modern worldview, illusions, the formation of space, goal-setting, expanding the ranges of perception, self-love. Sofoos not only conducts channeling, but also trains beginner contactees. For his long experience, Leonid managed to conduct a communication session with such representatives of the higher mind as:

  • Go (about scenario plans);
  • Conglomerate Mind (on the possibilities of human development, on the interaction of mind and soul in the Universe);
  • Archangel Michael (on the difference between the activities of the Absolute and the Architect);
  • Civilization of Andromeda (about the ability of thoughts becomes an egregore).

In addition to these Higher Forces, Sophoos regularly communicates with St. Panteleimon, the Blue-Green and Red-Blue civilizations, the Jewish civilization, El Morya, Seraphim of Sarov, the United Mind Civilization, the 11 Density Civilization, the Pleiades, the constellation Orion.

During such contacts, individual points of the Earth, which have special vibrations and healing energy flows, are discussed. These are the so-called places of power and Gates for transition. Telepathy, types of thoughtforms are also discussed.

Sophoos discusses a lot with the Higher Forces the structure of the human consciousness of the higher Self. There is talk about the development of contact skills, about managing the space of perception, the structure of mental fields. The issues of energy exchange with the Higher Self, the influence of the latter on the reincarnation of a person, the differences in the parameters of three-dimensional and four-dimensional spaces, intuition, clairvoyance, magnetic flares on the Sun, which also affect humanity, are also discussed.

A huge section of the channelings of Sophoos, like all contactees, are messages about the Transition or Ascension. Here, quite often, the questions of the correct upbringing of children, the development of creative energy in oneself, the preservation of fortitude, the philosophy of higher dimensions, etc. are raised. The Hierarchy of Time, the civilization of Sirius, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergius of Radonezh help Sophoos to replenish the information base about the Quantum Leap.

Sofoos is also trying to understand the hierarchy of the Teacher system and its significance for human civilization. Together with Saint Charbel, Lucifer and a variety of Angels, Sophoos analyzes the issue of the transformation of faith, the role of Pontius Pilate, the significance of Christian holidays. Often, channelings deal with negative topics, that is, problematic aspects of the development of destructive power. Here we are talking about negative thoughts, fears, lower entities, the burdensome role of money.

Among the popular questions of Sofoos channelings are the features of interaction between the family and society, the role of the state, the procedure of reincarnation, the illusory nature of human life. Often Sophoos discusses with the Higher Forces the energy of change, the experience of the immortal soul, awareness skills, healing.

The rarest topics that appear in such messages are real meditative practices (mostly breathing techniques), as well as questions of filling energy cells and the activity of the Absolute itself.

Channeling: Anastasia - "What is heaven and hell: a modern understanding"

Anastasia is a thirteen-year-old girl from Russia, who can be called one of the youngest contactees. The channeling about what Heaven and Hell are took place in May 2016. The name of the entity with which the dialogue was conducted is unknown. Information was transmitted that Heaven and Hell, as they are designated in religion, do not exist.

If a person deserves Paradise, then in the next life he reincarnates on a better planet with a good program. Otherwise, he will carry a karmic lesson in the next life, will remain on the same dimension until the program is completed. To fulfill your current program, you need to develop spiritually.

Moreover, this also matters for those who live an exalted life (passed over to Paradise) or a lower one (deserved a lesson and ended up in Hell). Spiritual development includes meditation, because with their help the brain develops, the third eye opens, more and more actions are carried out to fulfill one's own destiny. In addition, fasting is necessary - physical and spiritual, because it is a symbol of the purification of the soul and body.

It should be noted that the second paragraph is not mandatory for every person. The Essence recommends, in order to clarify its program, to try to get in touch with the Higher Forces through contactees.

The probability of landing in the next life on the best planet with the best program does not depend on the percentage of accumulated energy. Development is a priority. They do not help to deserve exaltation and prayers. To the question about what “the Kingdom of God is taken by force” means in the Bible, the answer was received that the transition to Paradise requires a large and multifaceted work on oneself.

This channeling also touched upon the issue of multidimensional vision. When asked about the limit of development of this ability, the entity replied that there is no limit - there is an infinite number of stages in the development of the clarity and awareness of the skill.

The entity that relayed the information through Anastasia noted that Heaven does not begin on a particular dimension or density. For some souls, the rise to it may begin on the fourth dimension, for others, most. This is determined by personal purpose.

It was also noted that the general development of the Earth cannot lead to the complete absence of dark entities. There are strong entities that can camouflage and infiltrate planets of very high density. These representatives of the Universe have their own Creator, who helps them develop in their own hierarchy, which is opposite to the light one. Despite this, each person should be focused on their own development.

Ronna Herman: channelings

Ronna Herman is a very experienced messenger of Archangel Michael. This is the only force with which she communicates, but this does not affect her popularity as a teacher, spiritual mentor, cultural leader, etc. The messages that the Archangel conveys it are filled with hope and inspiration, therefore they have been translated into all the major languages ​​​​of the world and published in popular New Age publications.

Ronna herself regularly conducts seminars on visualization, emotional control, healing, high levels of concentration. Ronna has now published five books with channelings of Archangel Michael. She also writes metafiction, various guides for those who want to change their destiny and beginner channelers.

Archangel Michael is considered one of the greatest angels on earth and in heaven. His mission is to serve humanity, and it continued even after she completed her incarnation on our planet. This Archangel loves the Earth very much and wants to make each of its inhabitants truly happy.

In the spiritual hierarchy of the Higher Forces, Archangel Michael is directly connected with the first ray - a symbol of divine will and power. The visualization of such a beam helps to fill oneself with the appropriate energy and connect with the Archangel. To meditate on a common wave with the Archangel, it is enough to calmly meditate in front of a symbolic mandala.

Consider the theses of one of the last messages of the Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Herman:

  • Each person can regain the ability to communicate with the Great Beings and the Ascended Masters.
  • Communication with the Higher Power is carried out through a telepathic channel without any words or sounds.
  • To communicate with the Angels and your spiritual guides, it is enough to reach the fifth dimension.
  • The coming ascension leads to the return of all energy fragments and thought forms into a single field of the human soul. Thus, there is a union with all the sparks of consciousness, which make up the divine Self.
  • Those who have already achieved some success in self-improvement are ready to move on to a new stage of spiritual awareness. The Higher Forces call such people the star seed, who got rid of old installations and programs in time.
  • For further development, all people need to abandon past beliefs and signs of collective consciousness. This will help to go beyond the third and fourth dimensions.
  • The main task of humanity at this stage is to return to the optimal spectrum of duality. Thanks to this, the vibrations will reach the most harmonious frequency range. This will help to touch the violet flame and use the particles of Creator light. Each person is the real breath of the Creator, it is a powerful source of energy of the sacred flame.
  • Proper breathing plays an important role in the development of internal vibrations. It is necessary to abandon the superficial type of inhalation and exhalation and master the Accordion breath, the breath of Infinity and the breath with intention.

Channeling Moray

Morea is a Russian contact from Tyumen. She has 8 years of experience in the field of channeling. Since 2012, she has been conducting public channelings that allow the audience to receive information from the Higher Powers in an interactive format for answering questions.

For beginner contactees, Morea provides consultations on the activation of energy channels and the correct vibrational co-tuning. She is the author of a unique technique for activating channeling abilities. She also conducts individual channelings that help people get data from the Teacher system and different civilizations in a tête-à-tête format. Consider some of the channelings Morea has done:

  • "Message from the Founders' Circle". A large-scale session dedicated to the alignment of energy layers and teaching earthlings to raise vibrational frequencies. At this channeling, the structure of the Universe, the principles of the universe, the role of the Creator, the essence of understanding God the Father and God the Mother, the features of the principle of duality, the hierarchy of time, the activities of the Archangels, etc. were discussed.
  • Channelings with the Teacher System. Many of those communication sessions that Morea organized are distinguished by the presence of several Higher Forces at once. For example, on the topic of reincarnation, she talked with the Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker, representatives of the Pleiadian civilization. During the session, the questions of the exact definition of reincarnation and incarnation, the peculiarities of the difference between the spirit and the soul, the presence of sequence tendencies at the moment of reincarnation of a person were discussed. The theme of the reincarnation of a person into other forms of living beings, as well as into inanimate objects, was also considered. Part of the block of questions concerned the process of penetration of the soul into the human body even before birth, control over the embodied soul, the duties of a Guardian Angel, etc.
  • Archangel Michael helps earthlings across the Morea to deal with the issue of accumulating experience of the Higher Self, its influence on the past and future of a person. Mikhail tells at what level the higher self begins to transform, merge with the soul, and how this affects the process of reincarnation. Part of the information from the Archangel concerns the energy of destructive civilizations. It helps in the conscious study of space.
  • Channelings with civilizations. Morea receives messages both from fairly well-known and sociable civilizations, and from rarer Higher Forces. For example, she received information from the Copperskin civilization. The conversation concerned the procedure of energy exchange at the moment of transition to the fourth dimension. The Forces tell you how to train your perception of reality, manifest desires correctly, and also give exact examples of right and wrong reactions that characterize three-dimensional and four-dimensional reality. The Copperskins also conducted channeling on the topic of constructive and destructive systems.

Channelings, meditations: Inessa Guterman

Inessa Guterman is an extraordinary experienced contactee who has a whole galaxy of followers and students. Most of its materials are edifying in nature and encourage humanity to think about their life path. After her channelings, people become much closer to accepting and understanding earthly mistakes.

The energies that Inessa transmits help people discover new abilities, and the information eliminates lower vibrations from biofields. In 2017, Inessa managed to conduct only 3 channelings:

  • Contact with the Alcyone system. The message concerned love relationships and communication with loved ones. Representatives of civilization raised the issue of the energy filling of the senses.
  • Channeling with Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturians, Lyra, Vigi systems. The information concerned the transformation of egregors. It was about the impact of corporations on humanity and how their development trends will change after the Quantum Leap.
  • Contact with the Teacher System. The channeling on Christmas Eve dealt with the life mission of each individual. On the example of the life of Christ, the Higher Powers dismantled the essence of the goal and the ability to analyze one's soul.

Channelings of Achulla

Tasachena and Achulla are two contactee names of one Russian woman Tatyana from Izhevsk. Each of these names has a specific meaning. Thus, Achulla received early channelings from the Higher Powers and was deciphered as "Speaking from the Source." Tasachena is the author of more current channelings, and the name means “Transmitting the sacred alchemy of the unified Universe and Creation.”

Tasachena and Achulla conduct various cosmic energy flows to earthlings in order to transform the planet and reveal the abilities of people. Interestingly, Irina was trained by Inessa Guterman in order to move to higher levels of communication with subtle plans. A feature of the messages from Tasachena and Achulla is the emphasis on meditative practices for developing trust in the Higher Forces. Here are some of the channelings of Tasachen and Achulla:

  • Message from the Golden God about heart love. This is a transmission session of high encrypted codes of absolute divine feeling.
  • Meditation “Filling with fiery energy”. Practice helps to balance the tone of subtle bodies and fight back destructive structures.
  • Channeling with the goddess Isis. Some of the messages imply advice on meditation, such as the Golden Shower practice, which fills one with joy. In other channelings, Isis teaches you to change your mindset and make confident decisions about life.
  • Communication with the Archangel Gabriel. Tasachena conducted 8 major channelings on the topic of the coming earthly transformations. The messages dealt with changes in the physical shell, features of the worlds hidden from man, and the influence of new energies. In the guise of Achulla, the channelings with Gabriel dealt with the love of the Higher Powers for earthlings, the manifestations of humanity.
  • Channeling with Golden Velisius. There are also messages about the universe of the planet after its Transition and a discussion of the essence of the channeling itself.
  • Communication with the Architect. Demiurges rarely get in touch with earthlings, but they suggest the directions of the spiritual path and strive to improve the future of mankind. The stories of the Architects of the Universe concern the fate and soul of each individual, the use of religion for the purpose of manipulation.
  • Channeling with Nicholas of Myra. The message concerns the renewal of the earth's surface in connection with the Transition and transformations on the Ukrainian territory.

Solara Channelings

Solara is one of the popular American contactees, who is perceived by many as a mysterious character. She conducts communication sessions not with specific representatives of the Higher Forces, but with impersonal cosmic flows and natural energies. All of them strive to save the planet or help it develop, and therefore communicate with earthlings.

Solara has been operating since the early 1990s. She has published several books and practically developed her own theory about the principles of channeling. She is over 50 years old and, although she lives in Hawaii, most of her life is devoted to travel.

Solara cannot be considered a full-fledged channel for communication with the Higher Spirit. It works more as a motivator that encourages a person to believe in their own skill. Solara does not identify herself as a New Age student and regularly works to analyze past channeling concepts.

For example, she redefined the term "Ascended Masters" to refer not to enlightenment, but to transition to oneness from duality. In general, in the works of Solara, the theme of the matrix of duality often slips through, which was originally laid down in the history of the development of the Earth, thanks to the constellation Orion. To some extent, Solara can be considered a numerologist who pays attention to various numerical formulas filled with energy meaning.

The developed teaching of Solara suggests a hierarchy of several light beings that contribute to evolution on Earth:

  • Og-Ming is a union of pure light brothers and sisters offering multiple levels of initiation.
  • A-Kua-La A-Wa-La is the healer of the ocean, responsible for the emotions and energy of creation.
  • Annutara is the elder of the An (Ra) family.
  • The Star Councils are the overseers of the Earth's cycles.

Solara regularly makes predictions about the future. There is a lot of optimism in them, caused by the regular passage of key stages of evolution, but also a lot of pathos. Solara's forecasts, received by her during channelings, are inevitably connected with astrology, the procedure for activating any Gates and the influence of various energies coming to people on the physical Plane.

The most important people thanks to whom we know what channelings are are the contactees. Their voices convey the hidden secrets of the universe. Thanks to the ability of channelers to transform higher vibrations, humanity gets the opportunity to communicate even with those civilizations that have gone very far from earthlings in mastering multidimensional space.