What beauty salons offer for the new year. New Year's offers from beauty salons in Bryansk

Facial care

New Year's Eve and the holidays after the New Year are perhaps the best period to attract new customers to beauty salons. Firstly, your clients will have parties, visits, corporate parties and other events before which you need to “clean your feathers”. Secondly, the idea that “how you meet the New Year, so it will pass” encourages people to put themselves in order with special care. And thirdly, on holidays there is more time for self-care.

As a result, there is a full house in beauty salons. And it lasts from New Year's Eve until the end of the Christmas holidays. Many clients of other salons will not find the right time, because the masters will be heavily loaded - take care, by the way, that this does not happen to your clients. For example, if you foresee a heavy load, alert your customers via online information channels or by calling in person that it's best to book in advance for those days. This is what you really need to do for them now, and not arrange promotions for them. But to intercept the aforementioned clients of other salons is the time.

How to take advantage of New Year's Eve hype and attract new customers?

Firstly, it is already obvious from the above that the promotions of the pre-New Year period should be aimed precisely at attracting new customers.

Secondly, when forming promotions, keep in mind that these days people are less interested in planned self-care procedures. Therefore, if you offer discounts for such procedures in a promotion, it may simply go unnoticed. Your clients are interested in nail design, make-up, haircuts and styling, hair coloring, eyelash extensions... This group of services should be included in promotional events.

Thirdly, before the New Year, people not only preen, but also massively buy gifts. So promotions with discounts on related products may be of interest. But not for everything, but only for those that are suitable for a gift. Especially if you package them appropriately, create gift sets.

Also, a gift can be a certificate for salon services. If you offer it at some discount, it can be a relevant and successful promotion. And yes, this will attract a new client to you - the recipient of the gift.

By the way, about gifts. You can not only make discounts. You can give gifts to new customers. Make sure that the gift attracts a person, encourages him to come to you again. For example, a client who has had a nail extension can be given a free manicure if she applies within two months after the extension. By this point, she will need a shape correction, so rest assured, the matter will not be limited to one free manicure. And a client who has done extensions and corrections with you twice will almost certainly stay with you in the future.

You can also give special, New Year's design elements - to increase a strand of hair, decorate a nail, make special eyelashes. Take pictures of Christmas gift design ideas and accessories in advance and show them on the Internet to attract people. Such a gift is also good because the client in the New Year will look relevant to the holiday and the fact that when the holidays are over, the client will want to change the image to everyday. So look forward to your next visit.

So, the conclusions: pre-New Year promotions in a beauty salon should be directed to attracting new customers. For the action to be effective, take care of the relevance of the offer. Consider the needs of customers this holiday season, purchase and actively offer holiday accessories and design details. Leave the prerequisites for the next client visit to take place. And make sure that in the pre-holiday turmoil your regular customers do not have to look for masters in other salons - let them have enough time.

Today, the word "Action" can be seen on all facades, shop windows, on all websites and in almost all booklets of beauty salons, cosmetics and equipment distributors. People are accustomed to promotions, discounts, additional opportunities and often no longer want to come to the salon or buy the offered product just like that, without receiving a “prize”. However, despite the fact that various promotions are held by almost all market players, not everyone can boast that the result promotions in the beauty salon was a long-awaited increase in the number of customers and, ultimately, profits. Why this happens and how to make sure that holding promotions in a beauty salon does not turn into throwing money away, we will consider in this article.

There are a large number of stock classifications for beauty salons. Let's look at the main ones - consumer promotion (from the English "stimulating consumer demand") and trade promotion (from the English "trade promotion").

consumer promotion- these are promotions aimed at potential and / or existing customers of a beauty salon. Their goal is to encourage consumers to make a decision to sign up for a service or purchase home treatments, beauty salon gift certificates and other products in the shortest possible time. Among other goals of such promotions, as a rule, is attracting the target audience to the salon, creating or maintaining an image, repositioning a beauty salon, cosmetology center or spa.

trade promotion is to stimulate the sales channels of professional cosmetics and equipment distributors who sell you your product. In our case, the basis of trade promotion is the impact on the motivation of administrators and masters of beauty salons. Among the methods used in trade promotion, the most common are promotions aimed at increasing the loyalty of the salon staff to its products, merchandising and the "mystery shopper" method. But we will talk about these and other ways of trade promotion in beauty salons in the next article.


Promotions in general are very effective in beauty salons. A good action implies direct contact with the target audience, its proactivity and involvement. For example, if these are promotions for professional holidays, events. Almost always, this is a personal communication with the client, a detailed conversation about the service, the client is given something to try, they are offered to do some actions and receive a reward.

With the help of good promotions, non-top time or time released a few hours before hour X is sold.

Remember that in beauty salons and cosmetology centers, time is the only non-renewable resource.

In reality, just like any other marketing tool, promotions can be very effective, ineffective or even harmful to your beauty salon. Spontaneous, unprepared and poorly organized, they can backfire - zero results. This can happen for several reasons:

  • your customers may simply not be interested in the promotion;
  • they may expect that they are about to make a lucrative offer;
  • there can be a simple switch from one service in your salon to another, from one product to another;
  • due to the fact that customers during the promotion in the beauty salon will do the required amount of services or buy the required amount of products, which will lead to a failure in sales at the end of the promotion, etc.


Even the most successful salon promotion can lead to a sharp decline in enrollment and sales after it ends. And there can be many reasons for this. Starting from those already listed above and ending with the banal disappointment of the clients of the beauty salon in the quality of the services and products you offer. Or it can happen the other way around - there will be an unexpected increase in demand for tested services and goods, and you are forced to refuse, because you can’t “quickly” find a master for a previously empty workplace or you took out the rest of the goods from the closet. As a result of this spontaneous approach to the use of shares, the business is like a roller coaster - rise, fall, rise, fall.

On the contrary, well-planned and well-executed promotions give the desired result in the form of new clients in the beauty salon, an increase in the average bill, and the promotion of new services.


The first thing to keep in mind when developing a promotion for a beauty salon is that a good promotion relies on your knowledge and understanding of your customers. I note that general advice on their segmentation will not help here, and we will not consider them. If you have a small beauty salon, gather your masters, print out a list of clients, go through each one, update and record this information. If you are a big salon or a clinic or a network of beauty salons, then I believe that you know your clients, at least I hope so.

The second point - let's see where beauty salons are currently looking for ideas for promotions? Most often, when creating promotions, salons are guided by themselves, their services and products, their often imaginary advantages (Fig. 1).

But in fact, successful ideas for promotions for beauty salons need to be sought, focusing on your customers, based on an understanding of the deep insights that drive them, on the realities of their lives, their needs at a particular point in time (Fig. 2).

Third, find context to engage your salon clients. That is, do not just tell the client about something, but involve him in the process of interacting with you. Today, such actions are actively carried out in social networks. Send a photo (your own, friends, family), change the image, write a story, invite friends, leave a review or video review, fill out a questionnaire, recommend to friends, etc. - these are the most common methods of customer engagement. At the same time, how you write about the action is very important, especially on social networks.

For example, you can write: "You can purchase Gift Certificates from our salon! Give joy to your loved ones !!!". This is a monologue. Nobody cares about monologues. Communicate with your clients. For example: "We've released a limited edition Christmas Gift Voucher for moms. Do you think they'll like it?"


And now let's list what promotions are for beauty salons and dwell on some of them in more detail.

Test Drive

This is an opportunity to test the product yourself. I know one excellent figure shaping specialist who, in the middle of the first procedure, lifted women from the couch, led them to the mirror and showed that one of their buttocks was already noticeably toned. Naturally, none of them left after that without going through the procedure completely. The result of such a combination of a test drive and the high professional qualities of a specialist is that now an appointment for him is 1–1.5 months ahead for a whole year.


This tricky word means free distribution of product samples. As a rule, these are home care products. Remember that just giving the client samplers in his hands, or giving him the opportunity to take them at the reception, where they usually lie like sweets in a vase, you do not stimulate the sale of these products. In this case, it's just a nice little thing - nothing more.

Your task is to make sure that the client first tries, and then buys the care. Therefore, the distribution of such probes should always be accompanied by expert advice. And, of course, cosmetics should be professional, not mass-market segment.

Distribution of flyers (balloons or something else)

I constantly hear the question: Is handing out leaflets effective? And, as a rule, managers or marketers immediately answer themselves: no, handing out leaflets is terrible. General recommendations on whether or not to use this or that tool do not work, so I will only express my opinion about the leaflets. This banal promotional tool, if used correctly, can also be effective. It often becomes ineffective due to the fact that it is not thought out, implemented carelessly, or is really not suitable for a particular business.

Remember what is usually written on leaflets that are distributed by promoters? A list of salon services, maybe a bearer discount, loud phrases like “We are open”, “We are 1 year old!” etc. At the very least, it is strange to expect a positive effect from the distribution of such leaflets. They immediately go to the nearest urn, and with them your money spent on design, printing and promoter. You can also add lost profits in future periods to this list.

People are interested in their own problems. In which they may even be embarrassed to admit to themselves. And your leaflet, in which you tried to fit all the services and a 5% discount, well, will not inspire confidence in them and will not force them to come to you. How can the situation be changed? Think about the client first. If instead of a list of all your services, a leaflet contains, for example, useful recommendations for caring for oily, dry hair; information that you must apply a special restorative mask according to your hair type when cutting or coloring; an invitation to get acquainted with the salon and the masters - and the promoter will distribute them in an attention-grabbing, “thematic” suit (in extreme cases, if there is no money for a suit, a beautiful, well-groomed girl or an equally attractive young man, and not the first student you come across), then this alone will increase the chances of success.

Special offer

For example, you are planning a price increase at your beauty salon or clinic. Inform the client in advance about the upcoming price increase by offering to buy a subscription. What it might look like: “From December 1, prices in our clinic will increase by 10%. Until December 1, you can purchase SUBSCRIPTIONS for 3 months for any services at the old prices and receive one of the 3 express procedures to choose from as a Gift.

Contests, draws, lotteries, games

I will focus on one point. One beauty salon used as prizes gift certificates from a mass market that sells cosmetics, etc. In my opinion, this is absolutely pointless - you send your clients from the professional sector to the mass sector with your own hands and, thus, destroy your brand. A small detail: women really like to receive gifts from celebrities. Therefore, if you have a familiar celebrity or money for a stranger, use this little female weakness for your own purposes.

In addition, the following are used as promotions for a beauty salon:

  • consultations for buyers;
  • gift for purchase;
  • premiums (2+1, 3+1);
  • "free master"
  • "happy hour"
  • product / service with an addition;
  • switching the consumer from the competitor's salon to your salon;
  • co-promotion;
  • show programs.


  • at the opening of the salon
  • to attract customers to the new salon
  • to attract customers to an existing salon
  • to promote a novelty: trial purchase, first purchase
  • to promote salon services or packages: trial purchase, first purchase, repeat purchase
  • to promote "special offers"
  • to increase sales during the season
  • to maintain sales during the seasonal downturn
  • before the season - preparation (you need to start earlier than others)
  • for the sale of leftover products
  • for even more holiday sales
  • to support sales after holidays
  • with the upcoming price increase

Checklist "Effective action"

So, what is the formula for effective promotions in a beauty salon?

Firstly, they should have a clear goal - what exactly do you want to achieve with this event?

, you should plan performance indicators (payback period, number of customers acquired, number of first purchases (records), number of repeat purchases, etc., depending on your goals.

, a good promotion should be built on the insights of your customers.

, the promotion should be simple, understandable and limited in time, well organized, and also coordinated with other marketing programs, loyalty programs, etc.

, you must monitor and analyze the success of the promotion throughout the entire period of its implementation, and not just at the end.

Well, and sixthly, the action must be evaluated after its completion.

…. But. There is one more thing that is very important for your salon promotions to be successful!

Promotions do not necessarily apply to a service or product. More and more beauty salons are beginning to understand that non-top time can and should also be sold at a discount. About this, as well as why many promotions of beauty salons fail or give a meager effect, why masters resist promotions and how specialists are paid during the promotion period, you can read in the beauty industry. It's called: "My Beauty Salon".

Order a business bestseller "My Beauty Salon". A book by Natalia Goncharenko about how successful beauty salons make money.

The closer the New Year, the more actively the owners of beauty salons rub their hands, anticipating the upcoming income. Which of the clients does not try to look especially good at a corporate party or at a meeting of friends at the New Year tree? It would seem that no special preparation of the beauty salon for this period is required, and without that, the load is traditionally peak, sometimes you even have to refuse customers, and specialists have a full record. However, everything is known in comparison: some beauty salons during this period make a three-month revenue rate, while others do much less. Maybe they know some secrets? Let's try to reveal the secrets of increasing sales of services in beauty salons in the pre-New Year period. Perhaps you can manage to apply some marketing moves in your salon this season. Or carefully prepare a year later, because your business will live for a long time, right?

The way that continues to work

The most traditional pre-New Year's marketing campaign of beauty salons - the offer to customers of gift certificates, in fact, continues to be in great demand. It is explained simply. For many men (and women too), the most difficult task in choosing a gift for their half is the task of coming up with what to give her (him) for the New Year?

During this period, almost all your friends, acquaintances, work colleagues endlessly torment those around you with the same question: “He (she) seems to have everything, but you can’t do without a gift! Give me advice, what would you give such a gift?”. For example, the number of requests for the word "gift" and those close to it in the Yandex search engine increases hundreds of times during the holidays. Everyone is looking for a solution and cannot find it, and as a result, crowds go to buy perfumes, chocolate, and souvenirs. Why not help those who are suffering, and suggest an option that is much more practical than traditional New Year's baubles. The same perfume may not be suitable, the eighteenth box of chocolate will set the teeth on edge, and even the most amusing souvenir from the unusual gift shop Le Futur may have already been presented by someone before, which means it won’t bring joy or simply won’t be liked. In this situation, a certificate for the services of a beauty salon for a certain amount is a real lifesaver for the one who gives. After all, you can use it at your discretion. If you want - to a beautician, if you want - to a massage therapist, if you want - to a hairdresser. It was in Chicago in the 1930s that the slogan “sold and run away” reigned, and a generation later they brought out the principle of the “golden deal”, which means that both the seller and the buyer should win when exchanging banknotes for a product or service. Only mutual benefit brings not only joy and pleasure, but also strengthens relationships, which means it has value for all participants in the long term.

So the gift certificate just meets all the principles of the "gold deal", look what happens:

  • The buyer of a gift certificate is relieved of the headache of giving exactly what will be appreciated, and not making a mistake.
  • The one who was presented with a gift certificate is free to choose the necessary services at a convenient time, it is convenient and is unlikely to remain unclaimed.
  • The beauty salon receives not only an advance payment, but also a client who can be assigned to the salon for a long time.

For all its triviality, the preparation of gift certificates, and most importantly, their distribution, in many beauty salons is lame on one, then on the other, or even on both legs. First of all, you need to come up with several options for texts - at least different for men and women. For economy class salons, postcards are quite suitable, on which you can write a text by hand, put down the amount, and stamp the beauty salon.

Salons of a higher class already need to order the development of a decent author's design layout, print small runs on good paper. Further, gift certificates should be laid out at the reception desk long before the New Year, but if you think of limiting yourself to this, then there will not be much success. Clients of a beauty salon will not buy them for themselves. So, it is necessary to go beyond the habitable territory.

  • The first thing you can do if there are a lot of pedestrians passing by the salon is to post a sign addressed to passers-by in the windows of the beauty salon.
  • The second is to put a banner on the street.
  • The third is to inform about the possibility to purchase gift certificates through the usual means of advertising (from newspapers to the Internet).
  • Fourth - why not negotiate with gift shops to sell your certificates? That is, to give certificates for implementation. Moreover, it can be online gift shops, which today are a great many.
  • Fifth - and probably the most effective - to break away from the director's chair, and personally go to the nearest corporations, offering gift coupons in bulk at a discount. Or hire a skilled salesman for this, paying him a good percentage of sales.

Skillful work with gift certificates can bring in serious revenue, but the main charm is that clients begin to go with gift certificates (these New Year's certificates) after the holidays, when the beauty salon traditionally has a low load (seasonal factor!). During this period, new customers during the calm period can be given more attention than usual, which means trying to make them regular customers.

Among your clients, there are probably at least a few company executives or those "activists" who are related to future corporate parties. After all, someone decides where and how they will be held. And recently they are trying to carry it out with fiction and some kind of entourage. Of course, we are still far from the western parties, where sometimes very high requirements are set for outfits and image.

But here and there we see that theme parties are held: retro, Harley-Davidson, even nude. In the restaurant business, no one is surprised by the presence of an art director. Apparently, such a position is not far off in the beauty industry. Why not initiate orders for the work of stylists, for the creation of unusual images, suggesting to the right clients of the salon the idea of ​​holding such parties? All that is required for this is to arrange a hint stand in the salon with samples of unusual images, including not only hairstyles, makeup, but also elements of costumes, accessories, stylish things, etc.
It is easier to explain this with an example. Not so long ago, in one corporation, the marketing director, a creative and extraordinary person, celebrated his birthday in a restaurant, and the only condition for the guests was the need to match the style of the 30s-70s. What started here! Someone rummaged through grandmother's chests in search of outfits, someone from junk shops, and, of course, did hairstyles and make-up in retro style. The party was a success, adults, like children, rejoiced, not recognizing each other in new images. Then there were repetitions, that is, some guests liked the idea so much that already in other restaurants and with other guests they also demanded compliance with the style. Gradually it became clear that in today's Moscow there are clothing rental shops, and stylish little shops - from pince-nez to canes and boas in the style of Madame Gritsatsueva, and restaurants, and, of course, beauty salons that can recreate the style of the era.
Do you want to get clients who will spare no expense to look more stylish than others at these parties? Give your clients ideas for their New Year's party. Someone will be inspired by the hint that every company should have a Snow Maiden, and fantasy makeup has just been developed, and someone will remember with your help that the coming year of the Dog gives a lot of room for experiments with their image. In the end, each of us watched the Ryazan film "Carnival Night" and at least once dreamed of a carnival. Put up a stand with photos, give hints where such parties can be held, where to get costumes, accessories, a script and presenters, make it clear that you will provide the highest level of hair, makeup, and manicure style. And why, when recommending partners, not agree that they would not set up the same stands at their place, recommending your beauty salon?
Maybe for the first time such an undertaking brings a lot of trouble, but then fame spreads like circles on the water, and generates more and more new orders.

Give your loved one ... yourself, your beloved
Another way to increase the revenue of a beauty salon on New Year's Eve is, again, in the field of tips for clients on unusual gift ideas. The romantic aura of the New Year, the feeling of beginning, renewal, change inherent in this period, allows the beauty salon to make an offer to some clients to present themselves to their loved ones, but in a new, unusual package. Gift Academy (a well-known site on the Internet where people share their experience of unusual gifts with each other) talks about this proven option that allows any woman to surprise, amaze and delight her beloved. There are many terms, a whole scenario of how to give a man a magical night of love that he will never forget. And in preparing this celebration of life, a beauty salon can definitely help any woman, at least not for a long time (but exactly as much as required!) Turn from Cinderella into a princess. For some, it will only be a stylish hairstyle, elegant makeup and manicure. And someone will radically change the color of their hair, grow their nails, make a piercing. And someone, in anticipation of a romantic night together, may for the first time (!) Get an intimate haircut. And someone will come in when they see large photographs of nail design placed in the windows of your beauty salon in time, which today are so amazing that it is simply impossible to pass by. One thing is important: during this period, the beauty salon can and should cultivate the idea that one of the best components of a gift to a beloved man is the beauty of his woman. This should dominate in advertising slogans, in the names of specially designed New Year's programs, in the conversations of specialists, in anything, and even better - in everything together, and the need to convey this idea to the clients of the beauty salon should be realized by all employees of the salon. Do you have a team or not a team, after all?

Saving time for our customers... for our own benefit
Clients are busy people. Arriving at a beauty salon, they are likely to sacrifice time that they could have spent looking for gifts for their friends and loved ones. Why not help them find all this in a beauty salon? Why not offer them gift options for men, women, children, as well as help them look for jewelry, accessories, perfumes for their own release? The list of possible gifts is endless, from branded ties to pyrotechnics. But it should be your choice - knowing your customers, consulting with the staff, you should choose the assortment set that you would not be ashamed to offer your visitors. In order not to conflict with the law, especially if you do not have a trade license, nothing prevents you from exhibiting goods only in the form of samples with price tags, and an indication that the goods are supplied by one or another company with a special discount to salon customers. And this discount must be true, not a declaration. Once selected, customers can immediately order the desired quantity of goods for home delivery by filling out a simple order form. Or, even better, you can indicate the place of receipt of the order ... a beauty salon, and the delivery time - the next cosmetic procedure. So you can kill two birds with one stone - and the client will once again appear productively in the salon, and gifts will be brought by this moment. And you will always receive a commission from any trading company, even after a declared discount for salon clients, right?

Gifts for regular customers of the beauty salon
Nothing is as cheap or as expensive as attention. This is especially true of large metropolitan areas, where feet are trampled every day in the subway, and on asphalt, everyone strives to push the car back and not let it through. If even in your beauty salon, thank God, the tradition has taken root to congratulate customers on their birthday with a phone call, why not go further? A small series of branded gifts will do you honor and help clients love your salon even more. When a client left at least a couple of hundred dollars in your salon, why not give him a small New Year's gift? Order a hundred bottles with a personal branded label (with the logo of a beauty salon and a wish for the client to be beautiful and loved), and present them to regular customers. Know - 80% of them will not drink this champagne, but will put this bottle at home, and even tell their friends about it. And for a long time your gift will remind the client that your beauty salon did better for the New Year than any of her friends Denis or Andrey.

What not to forget to do
What beginners often forget is to buy in advance with a supply of consumables, check the equipment, and maybe even carry out its extraordinary service. Everything must be in good order and set up, as before the decisive battle, so that nothing fails, fails, fails. In addition to devices, you need to worry about additional staff. In advance, take on a pencil "free" specialists who can be invited during the peak period, so that, God forbid, do not refuse clients their whims. These may be stylists, image makers, who are rarely in demand in everyday practice, and maybe even specialists in organizing holidays, whose consultations may well be in demand during this period. If you want to please your customers with pleasant bonuses, print out New Year's toasts, funny contests, original gifts and souvenirs from the Internet. But if the level of your salon is slightly above average, then live communication with the masters of arranging holidays will be paid for by clients with no less desire than salon procedures. Help clients, because most of them do not know and do not know how to come up with something original in this area. This is a fact, and why not use it to your advantage, by the way, to the satisfaction of customers?
Our advice to increase the duration of the beauty salon during this period looks completely banal, but even this does not occur to some. And finally, do not forget that your staff also expects gifts from you. However, as well as SES, firefighters and other control bodies. Give "earrings to all sisters" and you will be rewarded.

A storm is followed by a calm ... but not for everyone
Only for inexperienced owners of beauty salons, January 1 is followed by a period of profound calm. Loading during the traditional recession - after January 1, you can provide not only with gift certificates, but also give New Year's Eve customers invitations to visit the salon with a discount of up to 30% on all procedures.
The forecast for the post-New Year period this time is quite favorable. The cancellation of the long Christmas holidays granted by the deputies in the 2004-2005 season allows the captains of the beauty industry to hope that not all clients will leave for the Canary Islands and Thailand. And so - keep it up! After the new year there will be Christmas, Epiphany, caroling, children's matinees and Christmas trees - a lot of room for suggestions. But these programs should be announced in the beauty salon just before the New Year, when the salon is crowded, and not at all after the holiday. The nearest holidays are also just around the corner - Valentine's Day on February 14, and then there will be a chain of corporate parties from February 23 and March 8. The invention and unusualness of the proposals will help you to harvest a good harvest during this period and secure customers for your beauty salon.
New Year for the majority of the population is the most beloved and cheerful holiday. But for those who provide it, this is a period of work and worries. This is especially true for the service sector. Restaurants and nightclubs welcome a lot of guests, artists sing and dance, taxi drivers drive, and beauty salons work hard. The main thing is that this period does not pass for you, as in the Russian proverb - "traded - had fun, counted - shed tears." Yes, this article will help you in this, even if only by giving a topic for reflection. And let Santa Claus come to you in the New Year with a big bag of proceeds behind him. Good luck!