Decoupage from napkins. Detailed master class. Decoupage. Master classes for beginners step by step with a photo: from napkins on a bottle, a box, a plate, a chair, woodwork, wallpaper, photography, eggshell

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Creativity is done by people of all ages. Decoupage for beginners is considered an inexhaustible topic. Step by step with a photo of a bottle, you can start making your first craft. Having tried it once, you can easily decorate a wicker basket, any piece of furniture and update an old lamp.

The advantage of this technique is that it can be used on different surfaces. Decoupage is reminiscent of an old technique. This decor is especially popular when creating objects in vintage style. The original solution is the use of retro accessories in interior design.

The usual interior diversifies the original decor

How to make bottle decoupage for beginners: step by step with photos and detailed instructions

Decoupage of bottles with tights is considered an unusual skill technique. The master class involves the creation of three-dimensional forms. In this case, an imitation of waves or beautiful relief patterns is obtained.

Decoupage is of the following types:

  • direct method, in which the pattern is glued from the front of the object;
  • the reverse is used to decorate glass surfaces, in which case the picture is glued from the inside;
  • volumetric technique, when the pattern rises above the rest of the surface;
  • the smoky method is a variant of artistic painting;
  • decopatch is a method when an object is pasted over with pieces of various materials: from napkins, corrugated paper or plain colored paper.
Helpful information! The preference for a particular technique depends on the style of decorating the room, on the capabilities and design of the product. For decoupage, you can use any pictures you like, newspaper clippings, bright magazines and labels. Napkins, textured paper and special cards for decoupage are also used.

You can start a step-by-step decoupage for beginners with a photo of a bottle and the preparation of certain elements and materials. You will need any bottle with a smooth surface, acrylic paint, glue, varnish, scissors and an alcohol solution. For decoration, an ornament on a napkin, newspaper photographs or printouts from websites is suitable.

ImageStages of work

Remove all paper stickers. To do this, the dishes are placed in a soapy solution, and then remove all unnecessary from it with sandpaper. Then the surface is wiped with a solvent.

To create a more beautiful pattern, prime the surface. The paint can be applied with a sponge or a brush. For rich color, apply the paint in several layers.

The image can be cut out of a napkin. In this case, the part with the pattern must be separated from the rest of the paper. If you use a newspaper clipping, then the pattern is covered with several layers of varnish, lowered into warm water, and then the varnished area is separated from the wet paper and glued onto the bottle.

To glue the image, a pattern is applied to the dry surface of the bottle and varnished on top.

The drawing is strengthened with varnish.
Leave the craft to dry.

Master class of furniture decoupage in Provence style

Provence style is often present in original ideas for do-it-yourself kitchen furniture decoupage. Photos of interesting solutions can be seen on the website. If you have preserved old pieces of furniture from your grandmother's time, then with the help of this technique you can give them a second life.

The interior in Provence style is of extraordinary beauty. To decorate a room in a similar style, you do not need to spend a lot of money; you can make a stylish thing with your own hands from improvised materials. To design furniture in a similar style, motifs characteristic of the French province are used. These are flower gardens, lavender fields, picturesque streets and vineyard plantations.

How to make a masterpiece in Provence style, you can see in our master class on the example of a chest of drawers.

ImageDescription of actions
Prepare a chest of drawers, beautiful ornaments on napkins, paint, glue, roller, brush, sandpaper and scissors.
The piece of furniture itself is stained with paint. Apply layers with a roller, and after drying, sand the imperfections with sandpaper.
While the chest of drawers is drying, you can cut out the elements of napkins for decoration.
Glue is distributed at the location of the pattern and over the image itself. To create the effect of scuffs, sandpaper is used.
The surface is varnished. It is necessary to apply from 10 to 15 layers.
Every fourth layer is recommended to be polished with a varnish composition.
Excess paint is removed.
At the end of the work, you need to wait until the chest of drawers is completely dry.

How to make decoupage on glass from napkins: step by step instructions with photos

You can use an interesting decoupage technique from napkins on glass. To do this, you need to prepare coloring compositions, themed napkins, varnish, glue and brushes.Choose the right glass container. Its surface must be treated with alcohol.


Glass must be tinted with the chosen method: paint, primer or sticking rice paper.

Beautiful decorative elements are cut out of napkins.

Prepared paper with patterns is applied to the surface and smeared with glue. After drying, the drawing is varnished.
You can outline the drawing with a glass outline and finish fine details.
Helpful information! If you want to apply decoupage on dishes that are used for eating, then use special glue for glass and porcelain. The finished product must be dried for a day, and then baked in the oven.

Decoupage on boxes

It is worth trying to repeat the simple master class of decoupage shoe boxes. As a material, you will need a tight box, napkins, acrylic paints, glue and brushes.

ImageStages of work

We apply white paint to the box, and then dry it thoroughly.

Cut out the napkin pattern. At the same time, we separate the top layer. Glue is applied to the part, which is glued to the box.

Glue is applied from the middle to the edges with slight pressure.

After the image has dried, you can decorate the surface with decorative stamps.

To give an aged look around the edges, you need to walk with dark paint.

From above, the drawings are fixed with acrylic varnish.

This is what it looks like after the work is done.

How to glue without wrinkles?

You need to familiarize yourself with some rules before creating decoupage for beginners. Step by step with a photo of a bottle and napkins, you can create unusual compositions. Napkins are a particular challenge. Some types of napkins cannot be glued wet, as they begin to unravel immediately. To glue evenly and without wrinkles, you can use the hot method. PVA glue is applied to the surface. Then, after drying, the napkin is applied to this place and ironed with a hot iron through the paper. In this case, the napkin will stick without wrinkles.On a napkin glued in a similar way, you need to carefully apply varnish, especially the first layer. For the design of the kitchen, such styles as ethno, shabby chic and country are used. For decor, you can use all kinds of gastronomic motifs: berries, cupcakes, cakes and fruits.

Ideas for decorating the kitchen:

To create a unique interior, it is not necessary to spend big money. From improvised means, you can create magnificent accessories and pieces of furniture for any design idea.


Having a DIY hobby for girls and women in our time has become not so much fashionable as it is necessary: ​​the activity provides an opportunity to relax, develops female energy, and even helps to earn money! One of the directions in the vast world of hand-made is decoupage. You can visit a master class in this direction in many places, but you can also save money by learning to transform things yourself.

Decoupage. What is it, where is it from, why is it?

The word “decoupage” itself is the French verb “cut” (feel the Provencal accent when you pronounce Now this is a whole fashionable direction for decorating, decorating or decorating objects with beautiful pictures and applications. Lacquered after gluing the beauties cut out of paper, things and surfaces are transformed in such a way, that their aesthetic value increases by an order of magnitude.

Despite the foreign roots of the name of this technique, the method of decoration itself was born in the east of Siberia, after which it migrated to China, where, picking up a fashion trend, they began to decorate furniture and decorate gifts and postcards with their own hands. In the same place, they began to mass-produce blanks for decoupage - paper, colored parts.

Europe met with decoupage out of necessity: with a great demand for then fashionable oriental furniture, local cabinetmakers could not provide the entire volume of orders. Therefore, a whole line of production of fakes arose that looked no worse than the original. Imitation of master painting, supposedly carefully written patterns - this became fashionable even among famous people of that time, up to Picasso and Madame de Pompadour.

Common Techniques

The most popular ways of decorating have developed into separate directions, and even acquired their adherents. Each is good in its own way and each is suitable for a certain type of objects or surfaces: shabby chic and ethno, Provence and Simplicity, and the most fashionable - 3D decoupage. A master class of one of the techniques will be given below.

Let's start decoupage. Choosing a surface, choosing materials

You can decorate and decorate almost anything that has a smooth surface and a suitable area for your picture. Of course, when you gain experience, you can try your hand at more complex forms of things. And for starters, notebook covers, postcards, furniture, clothes and shoes, vases, flower pots, candles, boxes, part of the walls, the back panel of the gadget are suitable.

The most common and, perhaps, the simplest material for decoration - it was and remains napkins. Thanks to the popularity of decoupage, bright, multi-colored, interesting in pattern and design napkins began to be specially produced. But you can use other paper products: photographs, newspapers, pictures from magazines, calendars, color printouts. Decoupage paper and wrapping will be optimal. For the black and white decoupage style, minimalistic but bright black printouts are suitable.

Of the additional materials, you will need those that you probably already have at home: scissors, a sponge, toothpicks, a ruler, cotton swabs. Separately, you have to buy glue and acrylic paints, sandpaper and a hair dryer.

Hard in teaching - beautiful in the end. Let's start and win

If the hands ask for some kind of activity, and the mind says that it should be useful, then for beginners - just right. For the first works, it is better to choose a thing that is not too valuable and memorable. Maybe first we will try on an ordinary plate?

After the materials are prepared, the pictures are selected, and the surface of the future masterpiece is degreased, we proceed directly to the process of decorating using the decoupage technique. The master class has begun.

The most important is priming

If there is no special primer yet, you can use the simplest white acrylic paint. Then you have to wait until the surface dries, then apply another 1-3 layers, depending on the surface. This may take several hours, as this first layer is very important. For the impatient, there is advice - use a hair dryer. The primer is not just an initial layer, it is a foundation and a base, and it should be as smooth as possible.

cooking pictures

If this is a napkin (usually they have two or three layers), then you need to remove the topmost thin layer - carefully so that the picture remains intact. If this is a printout or a picture from a magazine, then you need to carefully cut out the image with small scissors. It happens that for stylization and additional effect, the pictures are deliberately cut out not quite neatly or separate pieces are torn out along the edge - for this, a wet brush is suitable, which is drawn along the contour of the picture.

So, the primer is dry, and the surface is ideal for gluing. Now the picture can be pasted. Craftswomen professionally engaged in this use a special varnish or a transparent water-based acrylic gel. At the initial stage, you can use a composition that is more accessible in every sense - diluted with water. The consistency of such a mixture should be like that of liquid yogurt, and it must also be shaken before use in order to avoid heterogeneity, which will prevent smooth application of an already fragile picture.

Sticking a picture is the most difficult thing in decoupage, because it must be done carefully so as not to tear or wrinkle the image. To fix the picture on the plane of the object, you can use a glue stick, after smearing the surface, and only then attach the picture. Another way is to put the image on the surface prepared with a primer, and only then, having applied glue exactly in the middle, carefully distribute it over the rest of the drawing.

If you use diluted PVA, you will need a certain speed, because it dries pretty quickly. You can do this: dip the brush first in water, and then in glue. Be careful not to create bubbles. If air cannot be avoided, then with a rubber roller or fingers, expel the bubbles from under the picture. Apply several coats of glue/varnish, using a hair dryer for speed. Excess glue flowing along the edges is best removed with a damp sponge or cloth.

So, the picture is covered, and the layers of varnish have dried. Now you need to bring the creation to mind. To make the subject look harmonious, you can add a shade to the background using acrylic paints. Try to apply the thinnest layer to avoid future cracking. If you want to show the world a supposedly old thing, then use special compositions. For example, our decoupage plate, the photo of which is presented below, is additionally covered with a layer of craquelure varnish.

The more layers of varnish that protect the surface, the better - professionals can cover their product with several dozen layers, but for beginners, 2 to 6 will do.

Additional tools and materials

Masters who have reached heights in decoupage use many additional means to give special effects to their products. This may be the previously mentioned craquelure varnish, various enamels, bitumen, facet varnish, resin - for "aging". For additional volume, structural bulk adhesives, gels, silicones are used. Wax paste, silver and gold, patina - you can't count the means of additional decor!


If you fell in love with decoupage, the master class turned out to be useful to you, and you would like to continue creating unusual, original items, then read a few more tips:

Varnish can also be found in a hardware store - parquet, acrylic, furniture.

Carefully choose brushes - they should not leave fallen hairs and streaks on the surface.

For items that will be used in water, you will need a waterproof varnish.

To prevent the printed photocopy from spreading, dilute the PVA and apply it to the picture in two layers.

Pictures from magazines are best kept in water or sprayed with water from above to remove the top thin layer.

So that the picture is not "lost", do not use a dark background.

When objects (vases, plates, glasses) made of dark glass are decorated, it can be recommended to glue a white background under the picture, tinting it with white.

Do not be afraid to experiment, because it is personal experience that helps you find new ideas and solutions that help you acquire your own style.

So, as our MK showed, decoupage is not such a complicated process, and through trials, experiments, with the help of inspiration and imagination, you can create a real masterpiece that will decorate your home, become a wonderful gift for friends or, perhaps, a welcome acquisition of some connoisseur beautiful.

Engaging in creativity today is interesting and fashionable. Everywhere you look, every second sews, embroiders, glues and crafts. Imperceptibly you yourself are tempted to do something beautiful and preferably useful. You start to study the assortment of shops, and you understand: it is difficult to knit, it takes a long time to embroider, not everyone knows how to draw, and even fantasy is not enough. This is where decoupage comes to the rescue. Europe has long been ill with this type of needlework, and, it seems, for a long time. On the wave of popularity, decoupage broke into our country, and now worries avid needlewomen and beginners.

So what is decoupage?

Decoupage is a kind of applied art, which is a technique for decorating various surfaces by applying printed pictures, followed by varnishing the resulting image to protect it from external influences.

Decoupage allows, according to our tastes, to choose the best from numerous designs, cut out the image you like and then attach it to the object we are decorating.

Decoupage allows you to decorate furniture, boxes, caskets, fabric, buckets, watering cans and much more.

After completing all the stages of work, the picture will look like a drawn one.

Where is it applied?

With decoupage, you can decorate almost everything that our imagination tells us: flower pots, vases, plates (decorative), glasses, cutting boards (wooden or plastic). You can sew a tablecloth and napkins from a simple fabric, and arrange them in an exclusive set. You can make a sofa cushion for our interior. But you never know what can be done ... The main thing is that all things will turn out beautiful and useful in the household!

Having studied and mastered this type of needlework, I tested it with students in grades 5-8 in the classroom and in the classroom outside of school hours. Children enthusiastically engaged in decoupage, seeing the results of their work.

See how ordinary decoupage flower pots have been transformed.


The word decoupage comes from the French "cut". Accordingly, the “decoupage technique” is a technique for decorating, decorating with the help of cut paper motifs. The decoration of interior elements using the “decoupage” technique dates back to the 17th century. It was then that gluing paper applications on furniture, floors, walls was widely used, so that varnished applications looked like drawings. The technique gained further popularity in England in the 19th century.

Currently, motifs are more often cut out of three-layer napkins, therefore decoupage in some languages ​​has received a different name - napkin technique. But sticky motifs are not limited to napkins.

These can be illustrations from magazines, wrapping paper, labels. Recently, the use of printer printouts has become widespread. And, in fact, the only unifying base in this technique: cutting motifs. The decorated surfaces themselves can be made of a wide variety of materials - wood, metal, ceramics, glass, fabric, leather, plastic.

In order to decoupage, it is also necessary to use materials such as acrylic paints and varnish to protect the surface. The objects themselves should be decorated in such a way that the glued motif blends with the background and does not look glued. For this purpose, various methods are used.

Materials and accessories.

To do the job you will need:

1. Object for decoupling.

2. Scissors.

3. Paper with pictures to cut out.

4. Vinyl glue.

6. Pencil and tape.

7. Various varnishes and paints for coating:

  • waterproof varnishes - for products that will be exposed to moisture;
  • acrylic paints - for coloring the background.

8. Sequins.

The object for decoupling can be anything: clay, wood, aluminum, glass, and so on.


Various sizes for your convenience. Manicure scissors are very convenient for cutting small details.


Paper with collections of images of different sizes on a common theme is very convenient. The paper should be thin so that the drawing fits well on the item being decoupled and looks like it was painted.

To finish the work, you can use Varnish Flatting. Works treated with such varnish acquire a yellowish tint, imitating the old age of the object.

Vinyl glue.

It is necessary to use vinyl glue, strictly following the instructions on the package. You can also consult in specialized stores.


As a rule, it is written on a jar of glue which brushes it is desirable to use for it, but if this is not indicated, it is better not to take gentle brushes from the column, but to buy a good flat synthetic brush.

Pencil and tape.

They will be required in order to mark the locations of the pictures on the surface for decoupling, according to our plan.

Ruler and square.

They are necessary for the symmetrical placement of pictures on the product.



To cut motifs from napkins, use very sharp small scissors (manicure, medical, special scissors for cutwork and tapestries), to cut from denser materials, use scissors, a scalpel or a special decoupage knife (with a rotating blade).

If the pattern on the napkins is too small and thin to cut out, then large elements are cut out, and small ones are drawn with a very thin brush.


First of all, special adhesives for decoupage are used for gluing. In their absence, you can glue PVA, egg white, diluted wallpaper glue, paste, nail polish.

Before gluing, two extra layers are removed from the napkin, only the third with a pattern is left. A motif from a napkin is applied to the surface being formed and they begin to glue it with a flat brush, smearing it with glue from the outside. Being impregnated with glue, the napkin begins to stretch, so it should be glued very carefully, straightening the formed folds with a brush. Gluing should start from the middle of the motif.

Special decoupage paper should be soaked for a minute in water and between two layers of paper towel before gluing. The motif in this case is smeared from the inside, applied to the object, smoothed out with a brush. On top, you can once again walk with glue.

Printer printouts are glued after spraying the image with hairspray so that the colors do not blur. If the paper with printouts is thin enough, then you can glue it with egg white, without preliminary spraying.

The decoupage technique uses acrylic paints that dry quickly, are easy to apply and do not dissolve with water after drying. You can also use special paints for decoupage, art paints for wood or metal.

It is convenient to use a flat semi-rigid brush 1-2 cm wide, it is also convenient to apply paint and varnish with it. For large items, it is better to use larger brushes or a roller.


When the work is already painted and glued, it must be covered with final layers of varnish to protect it from mechanical damage and moisture.

We use matte or glossy varnish, depending on the effect we want to get. It is better to use acrylic varnish. There can be a different number of layers of varnish: from 2 to 40, as many as necessary so that the picture merges with the object on which it is pasted. Wooden surfaces require more coats of lacquer, as the tree absorbs the first couple of layers.


The first and most important operation is the choice of a product for decoupling.

1. Select the pattern you like and cut it out. Divide the napkin into layers, then work only with the topmost, colorful layer.

2. Apply glue to the surface and apply the cut motif. Cover with two coats of adhesive that matches your surface. The napkin should be completely saturated with glue, and the drawing should be carefully and very carefully smoothed out with a brush (not by hand!).

3. Drying time and surface treatment after drying depends on the adhesive used.

Decoupage technique allows you to decorate any surface.

Using the napkin technique, you can decorate gift boxes, walls, furniture, flower pots, lampshades, candles, tablecloths, serving napkins, etc. with flowers. You can also make name cards for guests. Decorative borders can be made on walls, furniture, mirrors.


1. Carefully peel off the top layer of the tissue paper. Cut out the pattern you want. It is not necessary to repeat it exactly, these flaws will become invisible after applying the varnish.

2. The glass surface must be dry and clean. Put the cut out fragment on the glass and apply acrylic varnish over the napkin, smoothing it with a soft synthetic brush. You will have the opportunity to move a little and more carefully fit all the elements to each other.

3. After you have completely finished decoupage, and the varnish has dried, for greater strength, I recommend covering all the elements with varnish again, and again let it dry completely.

4. To finally fix the drawings on glass or ceramic products, they must be calcined. To do this, put it in a cold oven, bring it to a temperature of 150 ° C and hold for 30 minutes. Then, let the product cool in the oven.

A. Paint over transparent places with a bright background;
b. Finish your plot around decoupage;
V. Apply another pattern on the back of the glass;
G. Decorate with rhinestones, glass, shells ...
d. Stop without damaging anything.

6. After the paints, varnish and glue are completely dry, coat all painted parts with acrylic varnish for strength.

Moreover, your paints can be different, both acrylic and special for glass. Of course, it is not recommended to use gouache, watercolor, oil and construction paints for this technique.


In this case, we made decorative items and used PVA glue. But you can make a more practical product that can be washed. Then you will need to use a special textile adhesive. These products must be washed very carefully and by hand.

What is decoupage? Decoupage is the perfect hobby. With it, you can create works of art from wood, glass, ceramics, stone and many other materials. You do not need to be able to draw, sculpt or carve; all that is needed for decoupage is imagination, the ability to see beauty in simple things, patience and the desire to transform.

Historical reference

Since the 15th century, this technique has been used to decorate furniture in medieval Northern Europe. Later, when trade with the east flourished, decoupage was used to imitate Chinese and Japanese furniture painting.

This decoration technique became especially popular in France, hence the roots of the name; "Decoupage" is a French word meaning "carving" and reflects the whole essence of the process of decorative technique.

French mademoiselles loved to decorate their boxes with idyllic pictures in the style of Boucher or Watteau. To this day, the most popular patterns for decoupage are floral motifs in romantic colors.

Decoupage as a decoration technique

What is decoupage today? In the context of the modern world of hand-made, decoupage is a simple and inexpensive technique for decorating various items, from furniture to tiny accessories. In order to transform an ordinary surface, you need to select a finished drawing made on thin paper, cut it out and stick it on the selected object. This is decoupage.

Sounds surprisingly simple and rude. It would seem, what is the art here? What kind of object would benefit from having a picture glued to it? But not everything is so simple - decoupage is not simple, and one cannot do without an artistic approach to business.

A properly selected, carefully cut and beautifully designed pattern can give a second youth to furniture and decor. An original gift for the New Year will be a beautiful Christmas ball; on Easter you can surprise your loved ones with beautiful Easter eggs; A uniquely decorated bottle of wine will decorate any festive table.

All this can be done with your own hands and without any special expenses using the decoration technique called decoupage. The photos presented in this article only slightly open the door to the magical realm of decoration.

Necessary materials

For decoupage, the following materials are needed.

  1. Decorated surface - any object that is planned to be transformed. It's best to start with a smooth, level surface, such as a jewelry box, cutting board, flower pot, or bottle. Degreasing liquid or wet wipes, in order to clean the surface from stains, dust and grease.
  2. ground cover; for glass and ceramics, a layer of acrylic paint is enough; for wood, it is best to use a professional primer, and apply the paint after the primer has dried.
  3. Patterns suitable for the selected surface. For this purpose, napkins, newspaper and magazine clippings, or even drawings previously printed on a printer are suitable.
  4. Scissors; it is best to use small, thin scissors to more accurately cut out the fine details of the pattern. You can cut out the drawings with a clerical blade.
  5. Decoupage glue or PVA glue.
  6. A set of brushes and sponges; instead of sponges, you can use small pieces of a sponge, which is convenient to apply a primer layer of paint to the surface. A flat synthetic fiber brush is best for smoothing the paper while drawing on the surface, while thin brushes are needed for additional lines and finishing touches.
  7. Fine sandpaper or very fine polishing paper is especially needed when working on wood.
  8. Acrylic varnish for the final layer.

Of course, you will need a number of paint containers, a palette, masking tape and a container of water. The above materials are enough to master the decoupage technique. However, there are a number of additional accessories and materials used in this technique: various kinds of sequins, gilding, varnishes for artificial aging (craquelure) and skins for polishing and rubbing.

DIY decoupage

For the first works, it is best to decorate objects with even and strong surfaces, use PVA glue (it dries transparent and is easily washed off) and drawings made on napkins. In this case, even if the first attempt at decoupage comes out lumpy, you can gently rinse everything off the surface with water and try again.

In terms of technique, decoupage for beginners is no different from professional decoupage - the same tools and materials, the difference is only in manual dexterity, knowledge of textures and the ability to foresee the end result.

The main task when drawing a pattern on the surface is to stick it so that there are no wrinkles, lumps of glue and air bubbles under it. To do this, the pattern is moistened with water and smoothed over the surface using a wide flat brush. This is not easy, especially given how easily a wet wipe tears. It may take a few tries before the pattern fits perfectly.

One of the little tricks is drawing a picture using a plastic file. To do this, the drawing is placed “face down” on a regular file (not in the file, but on top) and smoothed out using a brush and water. The drawing must be completely covered with water and fit snugly to the file, without folds.

Using the file, the drawing is easily applied to the surface covered with PVA glue. The main thing is to carefully expel all the water from under the file after application, for this you can use a spatula or a soft towel. With this method it is convenient to work on wide and flat surfaces.

Decoupage of glass items

In modern needlework, the transformation of bottles into an object of art occupies a separate and honorable place, but not only bottles can be transformed using the decoupage technique. With your own hands, from ordinary plates, vases, glasses and jars, you can create unique and bright things that will decorate your home or a wonderful gift for loved ones.

Used bottles can be turned into exquisite vases and souvenirs using only acrylic paint, glue, lacquer and selected designs on paper. Decoupage makes you see the potential in ordinary and boring things and turn them into unique ones. It is this attitude to surrounding objects that best answers the question “what is decoupage”.

Easter decoupage - photo master class

The internet is full of Easter egg coloring options, and Easter decoupage offers a fresh take on this interesting tradition.

Using the decoupage technique, you can decorate wooden, plaster and plastic blanks, as well as eggs, which will then be eaten. Boiled eggs are best decorated with a paste made from starch or flour, and covered with egg white for shine; thus, no harmful chemicals are used when painting Easter eggs.

Furniture decoupage

After the answers to the question “what is decoupage” are received, and the hands are familiar with the basic actions, you can move on to a more complex level and start decorating furniture using the decoupage technique. A master class on decorating furniture is different in that it is more like a restoration process, turning an old grandmother's chest of drawers into a work of art.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of furniture items is associated with higher financial costs, since more material and time are needed for processing. A piece of furniture, be it a chest of drawers, a stool or a table, is larger than the accessories, so the amount of material increases, as well as its quality.

In order to achieve the appearance of vintage antique furniture, in addition to the decoupage technique, it is necessary to master the techniques of artificial aging, which require a lot of time and additional materials.

New Year's decoupage

When the level of proficiency in decoupage technique has moved from elementary to intermediate and is confidently moving to new heights, you can try decoupage of a fragile Christmas tree decoration. To do this, you need to select materials. New Year is the most suitable occasion to use sequins and rhinestones to create a festive composition.

The toy can be an old and boring heirloom in need of restoration or bought from an art supply store specifically to be painted. It can be a ball, a Christmas tree or a symbol of the New Year. You should not limit yourself only to Christmas decorations, you can decorate candles, champagne bottles, glasses and even a tablecloth for a festive table.

Tell me, what do gunpowder, compass and porcelain have in common? That's right - their Chinese origin. What will be discussed in this article also came to us from China.

Yes, yes, and here, as they say, the Chinese could not do without. This eastern country is the birthplace of another great invention of mankind - paper. And what about paper? Now you will understand.

The dwelling of a simple Chinese was distinguished by asceticism and dullness. Dressing in painted silks and surrounding yourself with expensive beautiful things was the privilege of the rich.

But the soul asked for bright colors. So the poor came up with a simple, but extremely aesthetic occupation.

Needlework is back in trend!

Chinese needlewomen spent the whole day leisurely carving figures from thin rice paper and decorating dishes, furniture and other household items with them.

Passion for needlework is back in fashion today. One of the most popular techniques of modern needlework is the decoupage technique. The word is translated from French means "cut".

Why does ancient Chinese art have a French name? The fact is that more than three hundred years ago, the fashion for Chinese lacquered furniture came to Europe. Then the first fakes appeared.

The famous Venetian masters copied the works of the Chinese poor. Strange, isn't it?

But it's all poetry. Let's get back to reality.

Today, decoupage is back at the height of fashion. Possession of this technique gives modern needlewomen the opportunity to create real works of original art.

Do-it-yourself decoupage is not only an exciting activity, but also a good way to make money on handmade.

What items can be decorated using decoupage technique?

When you first see an object decorated using this technique, you will hardly believe that this is an ordinary paper application covered with several layers of varnish. The look of these products is simply amazing.

You can master decoupage, although this activity will require some skills and maximum perseverance and patience.

But in this case, the end justifies the means. Seeing the admiring glances of others, you will understand: it was worth it.

A thing decorated with decoupage turns from stamping into an exclusive. She is unique and inimitable.

Decoupage will help you transform the objects around you, give them individuality. It's also a great gift idea.

What can be decorated with decoupage?

Most often, decoupage is performed on unpainted cutting boards. They are great for decorating in this way. They have a smooth wooden surface on which varnish fits perfectly.


Plots for decor can be cut from three-layer napkins. More experienced needlewomen use newspaper illustrations or images printed on a printer.

The printer must be a laser printer. An inkjet printer uses water-based ink, so printouts will bleed when exposed to the adhesive. True, this can be avoided if, before starting work, spray the surface of the pattern with an aerosol varnish.

With the advent of handmade fashion, special decoupage napkins and thin paper decoupage cards appeared in needlework stores. The choice of plots is huge, and using them is much easier and more convenient.

Yes, whatever you want. Vases, plates, flower pots, trays, furniture, jewelry boxes, glass bottles and jars, lamps and even clothes. Give an old unnecessary thing a new life? Easily!

Any flat surface can be decoupage. It is better if it is light: on a dark surface, the application is poorly visible.


Great ideas for decorating household items can be found in IKEA stores. Products of this brand are simply created for decoration. Faceless chests of drawers and chairs, trays and breadbaskets in skillful hands turn into wonderful things for the kitchen, bedroom or cottage.

And most importantly - you do not need to look for a suitable item for your interior. Just buy it from IKEA and decorate it to your liking.

Decoupage looks very harmonious on kitchen utensils. We have already mentioned cutting boards and bread bins. A set of jars for spices or bulk products, decorated with applications on a culinary theme, will add a special piquancy to your kitchen.

Decoupage of a bottle of champagne in the New Year's style will create a festive atmosphere and serve as an original gift.

Candles decorated using decoupage technique will perfectly complement the interior of a romantic evening.


Thanks to this technique, you can turn an ordinary wall clock into a unique piece of home decor. And if you decorate the watch with photographs of special moments in your life, you will get a surprise for your soulmate on the anniversary of your wedding or acquaintance.

Every fashionista probably has a wooden chest in which she keeps jewelry or costume jewelry. Decoupage can do wonders for turning a boring wooden box into a cute little thing. And you made this thing yourself. Agree, this is doubly pleasant.

Decoupage of furniture is generally a separate topic for conversation. Coffee and coffee tables, garden benches, chairs, sideboards, chests of drawers…

The main thing is to be able to stop in time. A room overloaded with decorated furniture will make a repulsive impression. In everything you need to know the measure.

So, we decided on the items for decoupage. Go ahead.

What do you need to do decoupage?

Today, craft stores offer a huge selection of materials and tools for decoupage. In order not to get confused in this variety, it is better for a beginner to purchase a minimal set for decoupage.

Such a set includes a primer, three-layer napkins, small scissors with rounded ends, flat-shaped brushes of different widths made of hard bristles, as well as PVA glue. Special glue for decoupage is preferable, but PVA is also suitable.

If you want to decorate the surface of the product with glitter, you will need glitter glue.

After fixing the pattern on the surface, the object must be coated with a transparent varnish. This will protect the image from damage and give the product a finished look. There are two types of decoupage varnish - matte and glossy.

Some small details I want to make clearer. To do this, they must be drawn with acrylic paints using a thin brush. Acrylic paints are durable and non-toxic.

Their advantage is that before drying, the pattern can be completely washed off with water. After the paints have dried, this can no longer be done.

The choice of acrylic paints is huge. These are the usual basic shades, and glossy paints with a glow effect or with a mother-of-pearl effect.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to artificially age the product. This will help craquelure varnish. After applying it to a pre-painted surface, it forms cracks. There is an impression that the surface of the object is covered with patina, and this is a sure sign of its advanced age.

And one more thing: before starting work with a wooden blank, make sure that its surface is well sanded. Otherwise, you will need fine sandpaper to polish the wood.

How to make high-quality decoupage?

Before you start working on your first product, be sure to practice cutting out an element from a napkin, carefully gluing the decor onto the base, and finally, applying varnish - there are also little tricks here, we'll talk about them a little lower.

After that, you can proceed to a more serious project.

The most important stage is thinking over the appearance of the product. Choose a blank, think over the plot and color scheme, make sure you have the necessary equipment.

Most often, napkins are used for decoupage surfaces. It is best to start mastering the technique with them. It is necessary to separate the upper layer with the pattern from the two lower ones. Carefully cut out the plot with sharp scissors.

When working with decoupage cards, simply cut out the plot you need or cut it off with your fingers along the contour. This will give the image a natural look.

If you are decoupage using photographs or paper illustrations, dip them for a while in water at room temperature. This should be done very carefully to preserve the top layer.

When the images are properly wet, remove them from the water and peel off the bottom layer of paper. It will be easy to do this: the wet paper base literally rolls under your fingers. Let the drawing dry a little. You can cut the desired details before getting wet or after drying.

At this stage, you can give the image the desired effect. Drawings "antique" will give the product a vintage look. An ordinary tea bag will help to age a drawing or newspaper clippings.

Brew it in boiling water, then cool and blot the image. After drying, the tea forms yellowish-brown stains, just like on old paper.

The next step is surface preparation. If necessary, sand the surface.

Cover with acrylic primer. If it is not there, dilute the PVA glue with water: it will replace the primer. Plastic, glass or ceramic surfaces do not need to be primed. They need to wash off the fat traces. Wash them with dishwashing liquid or treat the surface with alcohol.

Now the most difficult stage is gluing the plot onto the base. The image is very thin, so we place it on the base and apply glue on top. It is important to prevent wrinkles and paper rolling. Apply glue with a flat brush from the center to the edges, carefully straightening the folds.

Allow the product to dry after gluing. Then you can start drawing small details, if necessary. To decorate the borders of the plot, a relief acrylic outline is sometimes used. Wait patiently for complete drying.

And finally, the final touch. To preserve all this created beauty, we cover the work with acrylic varnish. If you intend to apply several layers of varnish - make sure that each layer dries properly, and only then apply the next one.

Are you planning to give the product the charm of antiquity? Cover the dried surface with craquelure varnish. Almost immediately, your work will be covered with a thin network of cracks. Keep in mind: the thicker the layer of varnish, the wider the cracks.

Recently, varnishes with a colored tint have appeared on sale. It is also intended for aging decoupage work.

What you need to know when working with other surfaces?

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that using the decoupage technique, you can decorate almost any flat surface. Fabric is one such surface. The peculiarity of decoupage clothes is the use of a special varnish. They cover the application at the end of the work.

After the product dries, it must be ironed through gauze with a slightly heated iron. Wash the product in warm water and wear it with pleasure.

Decoupage of cardboard blanks also has its own rules. The problem is that when smeared with glue, the cardboard is strongly deformed. Exit - before starting decoupage, cover the surface of the cardboard with plaster or varnish.

Gypsum for the primer is diluted with warm water to a state of thick sour cream. You can also purchase a special primer for cardboard. Folds of cardboard blanks are processed with rubber glue. This will avoid deformation.

A high-quality decoupage of decorative candles will help to perform ... an ordinary spoon. After gluing the plot, the spoon is heated from the concave side, and the convex part is drawn according to the pattern. The wax which has come through the image completely replaces varnishing of a candle.

Below are photos of items decorated using decoupage technique.
We hope that our decoupage master class will help you master this unique technique perfectly. We wish you creative success and brilliant ideas!

DIY decoupage photo