Day of the railway worker in Russia. Railwayman's Day: when they celebrate, the history and traditions of the holiday, congratulations Railwayman's Day article

All workers and specialists whose professional business is directly or indirectly connected with the railways will celebrate the Day of the Railwayman in 2016 on August 7th. When the Day of the Railwayman is celebrated, not only Russians rejoice, because this professional holiday is international.

The origins of this date are directly related to the name of the Tsar-Emperor Nicholas I. He is quite deservedly considered the founder of the railways, and it was decided to celebrate the holiday on his birthday - June 25th. But since 1937, the holiday began to be celebrated on the first Sunday of August, so the Day of the Railwayman in Russia in 2016 falls on August 7th.

The length of the entire railway track in the Russian Federation is at least 86,000 kilometers, and the news that next year it will be possible to get from Moscow to Berlin via Warsaw in just eighteen hours is ambitious and at the same time positive. The obvious conclusion suggests itself: real enthusiasts and very brave people work in Russian Railways. Our safety and comfort while traveling on trains depend on the conscientiousness and responsibility of railway workers. The results of their work are reflected in the economic situation of our country. More than a million people - professionals in their field - will receive congratulations on the Railwayman's Day.

On this holiday, I would like to congratulate all employees of the railways and wish that the arrows on the tracks always look in the right direction.

And here are the poetic congratulations to the railway workers, which can be read aloud, written on a postcard or in an SMS message.

Happy railroad day
We sincerely congratulate you!
The best and the impossible
Even away from the station!

Let's make charts
The branches of the paths are expanding,
Like strokes of calligraphy
From under the hands of children!

You can drive across Eurasia,
Enter the island of Brittany.
Yes, for variety.
Choose geraniums for your home.

Be healthy, travelers,
drivers, conductors,
In blue men and women
By the crowded river!

Congratulations to the crews of very fast trains!
With them - those who are ready to come in black soot for repairs!
And dispatchers - multiple "Hurrah!",
Machinists - three bows! To all - love, warmth, kindness!

From station to station, shuttles fly and scurry about.
You don't have enough apartment spaces, traveling is your job.
You are the arteries of the people with many nodal hearts,
All-weather freedom, endless slender verse.

Small clocks compare time with your accuracy.
Passengers, slightly yawning, hide their noses in the fur.
Waiting for flags at departure, like a very long movie.
Stroboscope and performance for who knows how many miles.

Your tea is waiting, "Good night!" and a torn ticket
And in the soul, everyone wants to fly around the whole wide world!
Thank you for your skill, for your work - praise!
Russian Railways is both power and a block, but human affairs are there!

To those who laid out the metal
Thousands of paths
From station to station
May God help you!

Those who turned the roads
To rest, a place for conversations -
The angels and gods themselves
May God grant you to live without troubles!

Let him go, the lineman knocks
Hammer: "knock-knock-knock"!
He loves the train so much.
Train a horse to him and a friend!

But iron compounds
Already become birds
Glory to everyone who is in them and nearby
And beautiful days in fate!

Railway Day in the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. It was founded in honor of all employees of the railway transport. This holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. Railway Day is indeed a very important and significant holiday for the Russian Federation.

About the profession

Railway workers are daily engaged in ensuring the regular movement of trains on rail tracks. They maintain and develop the infrastructure. Each employee involved in this profession has a special specialized education. So you can become the manager of the movement of the train, the conductor of the car, the installer, the employee performing various repair and construction work. Undoubtedly, the most prestigious work is the regulation of the transportation process. These employees are engaged in planning the loading of transport, its traffic schedule, repair and maintenance of the track, rolling stock, etc.


In the Russian Empire, the first transport route was laid between Moscow and St. Petersburg during the reign of Nicholas I. On the first steam locomotive, one could make an exciting journey to Tsarskoye Selo.

There are a number of significant dates for railway workers. So, for example, the date 07/06/1896 was chosen as the first date for celebrating the Day of the Railwayman. Just on the birthday of Tsar Nicholas I. On this holiday, the workers rested. And in the hall of the Pavlovsky railway station, a cordial reception was organized for the railway workers for ceremonial events.

After the Revolution of 1917 happened, this holiday was forgotten for almost 20 years. And only in 1935, when the plan was overfulfilled, did an initiative group of leaders decide to revive such an important celebration.

By the decree of the Council of the Ministry, the holiday was to be held at the end of July and it was called the Day of Railway Employees. Later, it was decided to move the celebration to the weekend.

What date is Railway Day in the countries of the former USSR?

The holiday of railway workers is considered not only Russian, but also international, because it is celebrated in various countries of both the former USSR and the whole world.

  • In Belarus, this holiday falls on the first Sunday of August and has been celebrated since 1995.
  • Azerbaijan celebrates the holiday on October 13 every year.
  • In Kazakhstan, this holiday was renamed the Day of Transport and Communication Workers and is celebrated on the first Sunday of August. The modern name of the celebration began to be used since 2001.
  • Since 1994, the Day of the Railwayman has been celebrated in Kyrgyzstan every year on the first Sunday of August.
  • In Latvia, the holiday is celebrated on August 5th. This date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1919, the Latvian Railway was founded.

  • In Lithuania, this holiday is celebrated on August 28, because in 1860, approximately on this day, construction work was completed to create the Vilnius-Dinaburg route. In addition, on July 6, Lithuanians celebrate another holiday - Independence Day of the Lithuanian Railways.
  • In Uzbekistan, the railwayman's holiday falls on the first Sunday of August.
  • In Ukraine, it is customary to celebrate this holiday on November 4th.
  • In Estonia, the date of the celebration is August 21st. This is due to the fact that in 1876 on this day the first train arrived from Tallinn to Tartu.

When is Railroad Day celebrated in other countries?

In addition to the countries of the former USSR, other countries around the world celebrate the railwayman's holiday:

  • In Bulgaria, the celebration of this day falls on the first Sunday of August, because August 1888 is considered the month of the creation of the Bulgarian State Railways.
  • In Poland, Railway Worker's Day falls on November 25th.
  • In Hungary, since 1961, this holiday has been celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July.

  • In the Czech Republic, congratulations on the Day of the Railwayman can be heard on the fourth Saturday of September. Various events are held here: steam locomotive parades, railcar races, railway bike raids and other equally interesting events.
  • In Serbia, the holiday is celebrated on May 12, because this is the date of the formation of the Serbian Railways.
  • In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the celebration falls on April 15th.
  • Since 1990 Croatian Railways Day has been celebrated on 5 October in Croatia. April 15th is International Railroad Day.
  • In Slovenia, the date of the holiday falls on June 2. This is due to the fact that in 1846 the first steam locomotive arrived on the territory of Slovenia.


Since the time of the tsarist empire, railway workers have been congratulated on this significant holiday. It was on the Day of the Railwayman that events of various scales were held. During the celebration, the successes and merits of employees or individual organizations in the railway sector were mentioned. Such an important event was always celebrated on a grand scale: dinners, concerts, charity prayers were organized in the presence of the leadership.

On the holiday of Railwayman's Day, employees are awarded special state insignia. In times of active development and construction of railways, on the eve of the holiday, it was customary to launch new trains or open stations.

Veterans of the industry are awarded with valuable gifts and diplomas. Today, railways work smoothly, efficiently and stably, making a significant contribution to the development of the infrastructure of cities, regions and the state as a whole.

Celebration in our time

In all regions and cities of the Russian Federation, solemn celebrations, concerts, and dinners are held on the Day of the Railwayman. On this day, it is customary to remember the history of the development of railway transport, memorable events, and the merits of workers.

Congratulations on the Railwayman's Day are received by absolutely all employees who are associated with Russian Railways. This is truly a big celebration. Many relatives and friends prepare various gifts as a token of gratitude: poems, comic presentations, congratulations, all kinds of paraphernalia with appropriate symbols, toy locomotives, postcards with the Day of the Railwayman. In addition, often gifts have a color palette of red, gray and white, thus symbolizing the main colors of Russian Railways.


Russian Railways is currently one of the world's top three railway companies.

In 2016, Russian Railways carried about 1.300 billion passengers, of which about 100 million went on long-distance routes. In the suburban direction, this figure is about 935 million passengers. The company's total revenues for 2016 increased by more than 7% compared to the previous year and amount to more than 2 trillion rubles.

Congratulations options

Both adults and children can congratulate on this wonderful holiday. Kids love to draw locomotives, railways, wagons. Adults prefer postcards with congratulatory text. For example:

  • "Dear railway workers! May the trains going in your direction always bring with them only joy, fulfillment of desires and happiness. May the departing trains from your stations take all sorrows and troubles with them. May everything be fine in your life."
  • "Dear railway employees! Congratulations on this significant holiday. May the train of well-being and happiness take you through life as smooth and smooth as the railway. So that you see the bright light of smiles and hear signals of gratitude as often as possible."

Railway Day is indeed a very important and significant holiday for the Russian Federation. The development of railways, their smooth operation, the need for links between cities and regions, the maintenance of a developed infrastructure of the state is a very important component for the country's economy.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate every employee related to the railway, whether it is a machinist or a worker involved in construction and installation work, each of them deserves respect for their work and contribution to the development of the country.

The professional holiday of those who work on the railway is one of the oldest in Russia. Probably, it is, in principle, the oldest professional holiday among all Russian ones. If many days of workers of a certain profession appeared in the USSR in the 1960s-1980s, then the history of the holiday of railway workers dates back to the reign of the tsar. Railway Day in 2018: what date is celebrated in Russia, the date of the holiday, history.


What date is Railway Day in Russia in 2018

In fact, the history of the railway workers' holiday is very rich and amazing. We will talk about it further. Let us only mention that it arose during the time of the tsar, and after the revolution, the authorities of the country abandoned it, as from many things that reminded of those times. So that the holiday will be revived later.

The modern version of the Russian Railroad Day originated in 1936, and the principle of calculating its date was determined in 1940.

Since pre-war times, the Day of the Railwayman in the Soviet Union, and today in Russia, is celebrated on the first Sunday of August. Thus, in 2018, this holiday in Russia will be celebrated on August 5.

The year of the Railwayman's Day in the USSR, 1936, is rather unusual for the history of professional holidays. They appeared en masse in the USSR much later, under Khrushchev and Brezhnev. During the reign of Stalin, there were not very many holidays, so a separate holiday for railway workers, established then, emphasizes the most important status of railways and workers in this area at that time.


How did the Day of the railway worker in Russia

The construction of railways in our country in the 19th century was a grandiose project of those times. First of all, the new transport made it possible to connect the vast territories of Russia and bring different parts of it closer to each other. Against the backdrop of the alternative of moving on horseback, trains were an incredible advance.

Also, the very fact of the presence of ultra-modern transport at that time indicated the status of the country in the world and the level of its development. Railroads in the 19th century were akin to space technology in the 20th century.

Russian railways are a project of Nicholas I. He was born on June 25, according to the old style (July 6, according to the new one), therefore, this date was appointed as the Railwayman's Day. The holiday itself arose during the reign of the great-grandson of the founder of the Russian railways - Nicholas II. This event took place in 1896.

Railwayman's Day in tsarist Russia was a high-society holiday. Railways on June 25 did not work at all, and their leadership went to a reception in the capital of the country - St. Petersburg.

After the 1917 revolution, the holiday was forgotten for almost 20 years. His rebirth happened in 1936. From 1936 to 1939 it was celebrated on the same date - July 30th. Although this day is quite close to the historical one, it has nothing to do with it.

On July 30, 1935, Joseph Stalin spoke to the railway workers. Any action of the leader was immediately given a historical context, and a year later this date was appointed as a memorable one for its transformation into a new holiday.

But already in 1940, the Railwayman's Day was moved to the first Sunday in August. The holiday always falls now on a weekend, and we use this date to this day, celebrating the Day of the Railwayman in Russia.

Railway workers' holiday in today's Russia

On August 5, 2018, about 737 thousand employees of the sphere will celebrate their professional holiday in Russian Railways alone. Add to them thousands of people employed in related industries.

Modern railways in Russia are 86,000 kilometers of tracks, of which 50% are electrified. Over a billion passengers and more than a billion tons of various cargoes are transported on these roads every year.

The tradition of celebrating the Day of the Railwayman on the first Sunday of August has been preserved in Russia since the 19th century. But on this day, almost all the former republics of the USSR, together with us, honor representatives of an ancient and very necessary profession - railway workers.

For almost every state, railway communication is an inseparable part of the infrastructure, which is of great importance both for the economy and for society as a whole. It is thanks to the work of railway specialists that movement between cities and countries is organized.

How did the Railwayman's Day holiday, which is celebrated in Russia on August 5, come about?

Back in 1896, the Day of the Railwayman was established in tsarist Russia. The date chosen was June 25, the birthday of the ruler of the state, Nicholas 2. It was he who was the founder of this industry in our country and laid the first railway.

It all started with his desire to travel comfortably to Tsarskoe Selo.

So it was decided to build the first highway that will connect Moscow and St. Petersburg. But the railroad workers were able to celebrate their professional holiday only before the 1917 revolution. After this historical event, not only the royal family was destroyed, but also many different traditions, including the Day of the Railwayman.

Revival of the Day of the Railwayman in Russia

After the day when in 1917 the authorities of the proletariat forbade celebrating the Day of the railway worker in Russia, only 20 years later there was a revival of the tradition. The authorities of the Soviet Union have already decided to revive the professional holiday of those who work for the good of the country, establishing railway communication.

July 30 was chosen as the date of the holiday. And much later it was changed to the first Sunday of August. After the collapse of the USSR, the government of the Russian Federation did not change the date, and people still celebrate Railway Day every year in the same way as before.

It is customary to congratulate everyone who is somehow connected with the railway on this day. In fact, this area involves a large number of people who create and repair trains, produce rails and sleepers, lay railway tracks, operate trains and serve passengers.

On August 5, 2018, each railway worker will be congratulated by his superiors, friends and loved ones. These people deserve words of gratitude and sincere wishes. And not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, each representative of this industry will celebrate his professional holiday on the same day.

Railroad Day is the first professional holiday in Russia. It was established by order of the Ministry of Railways on July 9, 1896 and timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, who began the construction of railways in Russia. It was celebrated annually on June 25 (July 6, according to a new style).

On this day, the railway workers rested, and in the evening, as a rule, a gala reception with a concert was held in the hall of the Pavlovsky station of the Tsarskoye Selo railway.

The tradition of celebrating the Railwayman's Day was revived at the initiative of the railwaymen themselves, who for the first time in many years overfulfilled the transportation plan in 1935.

At the end of July 1935, at the reception of railway workers held in the Kremlin, an initiative was put forward to celebrate professional labor successes annually. By a government decree of July 28, 1936, the day of the professional holiday of railway workers was established on July 30. Later, his celebration was moved to the next day off.

Currently, Russian railways are the second largest transport system in the world, second only to the United States in terms of the total length of operating routes. In terms of the length of electrified lines, Russian railways rank first in the world. The Russian Federation currently carries out more than 20% of the freight turnover and 10% of the passenger turnover of all railways in the world.

Geographically, Russian railways are an integral part of the Eurasian railway network and are directly linked to the railway systems of Europe and East Asia. In addition, ports can interact with transport systems in North America.

Railways are organically integrated into the unified transport system of the Russian Federation. In interaction with other modes of transport, they satisfy the needs of the population, the economy and the state in transportation. At the same time, rail transport is the leading element of the transport system, its share in providing passenger and freight traffic is more than 40% of the country's total transport.

The leading position of railways is determined by their ability to carry out year-round regular traffic, transport the bulk of bulk cargo flows and ensure the mobility of labor resources. The special importance of railways is also determined by the large distances of transportation, the poor development of communications of other modes of transport in the regions of Siberia and the Far East, the remoteness of the places of production of the main raw materials from their points of consumption and seaports.

On September 18, 2003, the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" was established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The sole shareholder of Russian Railways is the Russian Federation. The powers of the shareholder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of 2016, Russian Railways transported 1.371 billion passengers (+1.6% compared to 2015), including 101.4 million (+3.6%) in long-distance routes, 935.7 million in suburban traffic (+1.4%). The total income of the holding in 2016 increased by 7.1% compared to 2015 and