Children's camp orange. IN ORANGE - language camp for children and teenagers

I wanted to send my child to autumn camp. By phone they recorded the data of my child and I warned that I would come after work to pay for the contract. When I arrived, they told me that there were no more places, because my call could not be counted. At the same time, I was not offered by phone, for example, to pay via the Internet or somehow reserve a place. They also told me that I needed to get to the office as soon as possible. Conclusion: my and my child's spoiled mood, and the disgusting logistics of working with clients. Comment


1 shift 2015
I confirm everything that has been said before.
In addition. Suddenly, many children were poisoned. The leaders covered it up and forbade the children to speak. All the children were told that it was from poorly washed hands.
It would not hurt to attract a san epid station.
This camp is just a conveyor under a beautiful sign.Comment


Tomorrow we are going to Svyazist to pick up the child.
I'll try to tell you how. it is likely that those moments that we did not like, other children and parents will be regarded as positive. and vice versa, the fact that we liked someone can be very stressful. so I won't rate it.
So. a ticket was bought at the Orange company, pleasure was positioned as a language camp and it was assumed that the child would study English.
before, my son went to a sports camp, so I will compare with him. the territory is large, but, unlike the sports camp, where the children were exactly the owners, here they, like sheep, sit in a pen and cannot go anywhere. we also visited the sports camp in June, it was decent to get to the lake, but the children were not too lazy to take them there and they swam quite often. here, the child found out that the camp was located on the shore of the lake only on parental day - it was hot and everyone rushed to swim.
in the room they don’t even have stools, and it’s forbidden to sit on the beds - the counselors are punished. But. if they said to be in the room, then you need to be (stand?) in the room and they won’t let you out anywhere. they promised that there was a library in the camp - nothing like that. that is, it is, but again, no one will let it go there. and even if you really, really ask, he won’t bring a book from there. we were not ready for this, we took only 3 books with us, since the director at the parent meeting assured that the children would have something to read. conversation with the counselor did not lead to anything. there is a swimming pool, but classes are once a week, for 10 minutes maximum. at the same time, there is nowhere to change clothes, nowhere to put things, the lockers are all occupied, there is also nowhere to swim, in general, because at the same time there are classes at the sports school. in the shower queue.
English was paid separately. 2 weeks of lessons in the form of a game and a week for staging a play in English were announced. promised that the child will reach a new level of knowledge. in fact: English is boring and too easy, it took not 2 weeks, but 1.5. All communication was to be in English. nothing like this! the child is not enthusiastic about quest games (forced) and discos. conflicts that arise between children, counselors do not help to resolve. the only joy for the child was a board game that was played in the evenings. I called and asked to buy one for my home. I went to the site, and there it is written in yard letters and repeated several times that the game is not recommended for children! in the middle of the shift, there was only one parental day (it was every Saturday at the sports camp), and we were never allowed into the buildings. our counselor is not bad, but sooo young and they are so loaded with obligations that there is no time to actually deal with children. What to wear is decided again by counselors. heat is not heat, the counselor said "in a jacket", which means in a jacket. children solve the problem by sipping water from a drinking fountain. the roommate, as a result, caught a cold and went home to swallow antibiotics.
in terms of cost: the sports one cost us almost 2 times cheaper. like this))
The territory of "Svyazist" is very beautiful, but if we go there someday, then certainly not to "Orange"!))

DWelcome to the website of the children's language camp IN ORANGE

In Orange offers a unique program of recreation in the children's camp with the study a complete English course for children and teenagers from 7 to 17 years old during school holidays.

  • Our camp staff includes clear division of responsibilities. Teachers are engaged in learning the language with the children, the counselor-educational team oversees the issues of the regime, leisure and recreation in the children's camp, and the administrative staff coordinates the overall work. Thus, we avoid mixing positions in order to best prepare each employee for the implementation of an individual range of tasks.
  • The development of the English language program at the camp In Orange is carried out by the methodological department Orange Language Center, which includes the most experienced employees working on a permanent basis. The presence of a methodological department is a guarantee of the quality of the English language learning program during the holidays in the children's camp.
  • The English learning program in our children's camp is being built based on educational materials of international publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, MACMILLAN And Oxford University Press. The texts for our English productions are also based on resources dedicated to professional English children's theatres.
  • Implement an English language learning program during a vacation in a language camp Orange Language Center teachers with higher linguistic education. Native language teachers must have the necessary certificates and are representatives of countries where English is the official language: England, Ireland, USA, Canada, New Zealand.
  • Theatrical performances in English prepared by children accompanied by directors and teachers is one of the highlights of In Orange. At the premiere, parents have a real opportunity to see the achievements of their child not only in language learning, but also in acting, stage presence, dancing, and singing.
  • At the forefront of the entertainment programs of the In Orange children's camp, we always put idea of ​​child development: in the intellectual, social and emotional spheres. Our games and activities are not only fun, but also include an educational component. Thus, during the holidays with the study of English, the guys learn a lot about the world around them and about themselves in an exciting, unobtrusive, playful way.
  • In the camp In Orange in 2009 was for the first time a recreation program was created with the study of English for teenagers aged 15-17Teens in Orange which combines the study of English, personal development trainings and project activities. This program is a good alternative to vacations spent in the city, since most of the camps in the Leningrad Region do not have shifts for children of this age.
  • The instructors and educators of the In Orange camp are preparing very carefully. Each applicant goes through several stages of selection. In addition, we are creating a single information space for our employees through a special training course "The Art of Being a Counselor". This course is attended annually by both applicants for the position and our experienced counselors. Our own training course allows us to prepare employees for work in our camp, taking into account its specific features.
  • We are always open for dialogue. Each parent has the opportunity to contact the head of the children's camp or the administrator of the building to discuss a wide range of issues. Administrators decide on the necessary connection of all available and necessary resources for this case. Thus, almost all issues are not simply resolved through counselors and educators of this particular child, but are worked out systematically.
  • We see and know what warm relationship develop during the rest in the language camp between the participants, and we really appreciate it. Therefore, in the city we constantly organize thematic meetings, walks, competitions, games, to which we invite children, counselors, and parents. We also invite all those who have never traveled with us to the camp for such events, so that you can get an idea of ​​​​our Bright Orange Universe.

A country: Russia
Region: Moscow region
Locality: 16 km from MKAD, Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Aksakovo village

"Orange republic" is the territory of eternal childhood! Individual conditions for rest and recovery are created here - peace and quiet, the absence of industrial facilities and dusty streets, beautiful landscapes and clean air - all this helps to strengthen a small organism, improve well-being (mental and physical) after a busy school year. Fresh and clean air, a beautiful view of the lake and the forest, unique thematic programs, as well as a team of professional counselors and animators - this is all you need for a great holiday for your children.
ENGLISH - relax with the mind! Expansion of vocabulary, studying the culture of another people, games of the peoples of the world, theatrical performances in a foreign language, master classes - you will learn all this on our shift. And most importantly, you will have a unique opportunity to communicate with our foreign guests from the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Spain, China, Turkey. Our classes allow you to perfectly enter new knowledge into the world of the child and do not let him get bored even for a minute. Fresh air, quests, sports, master classes, a swimming pool and, of course, English classes - this is all that is needed for your child's productive rest!

Number of children per shift: 200
Number of people in the squad: 20-25
Number of counselors per squad: 2-3
Squad formation: according to the age

Children are accommodated in rooms for 2-3 people with private facilities in the room. The rooms are very bright and cozy with new furnishings. The rooms are equipped with: wooden beds, TV, desk, refrigerator, large wardrobe with shelves, bedside tables, chairs, bathroom (shower, WC). For each detachment, cozy halls are equipped for classes and for holding detachment events. Light curtains, beautiful bedspreads - all this gives the interior of the rooms and the building a homely feel. The rooms always have cold and hot water. Wet cleaning in the children's rooms is carried out twice a day by the technical staff, and the counselors do not forget to remind the children about the order, and the smallest ones are helped in this difficult matter. Bed linen is changed once every seven days (duvet cover, sheet, pillowcase, face towel, foot towel).

Nutrition: 5-time, complex. The menu is compiled in accordance with the requirements of children's dietary nutrition and approved by Rospotrebnadzor. The menu includes meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk and confectionery products, homemade cakes.

The modern camp of the XXI century "Orange republic" is located in a picturesque and ecologically clean corner of the Moscow region in the Pushkinsky district - it is 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road on the lake. The last cosmetic repair at the base was made in 2012. The camp is under round-the-clock video surveillance around the entire perimeter of the base.

- Well-appointed modern building;
- Gym;
- Large and bright dining room;
- Sauna with a font;
- Medical Center;
- Cozy pavilions;
- Cinema and concert hall;
- Dance hall;
- Sports grounds (football, basketball, volleyball);
- Picturesque pond;
- Classes for classes;
- Playground;
- Game room;

The camp is under round-the-clock video surveillance around the entire perimeter of the base.

Medical service
The camp is equipped with a medical office for receiving children, providing first aid and outpatient care. There is an insulator. Health workers are on the territory of the camp 24 hours a day: a doctor and a nurse.

Program description
Detective-role shift "Labyrinth" - 1 shift.
The detective shift "Labyrinth" is an exciting program with a famously twisted plot, where each participant will have the opportunity to try himself as a detective. The program is closely intertwined with plots and intrigues.
The participants of the "Labyrinth" shift will have to show ingenuity, intuition and logic in order to uncover a series of mysterious crimes. Each team acts as an independent detective agency, which faces difficult tasks. Meanwhile, competitors are on the alert, and only the winning team will receive the coveted reward. The plot of the detective is intricate and ambiguous. Even the master of the deductive method himself could not figure out what was what. The efforts of all participants, attention to detail, sharp mind, iron logic, subtle flair and well-coordinated teamwork will become a recipe for victory. The children will have to solve mysteries on their own, find and analyze evidence, look for answers to complex riddles, interrogate witnesses, compare facts, decipher mysterious correspondence, build a chain of events, and carry out a number of necessary investigative measures. The mobile-active part of the program is held outdoors and can be supplemented with intellectual, entertainment, and creative activities.
Also, the participants of the shift need to undergo an internship with a Belgian detective who prepared many tricky tasks. Detachments will have to make decisions in non-standard situations and severe time constraints.
Are you ready to dive into the world of mysterious riddles and intricate labyrinths?

"Game quest shift "Navigator" - 2nd shift
Traveling is one of the most favorite activities of most people. Why do so many people love to travel? Everything is simple, when a person travels, he learns the world around him and himself.
There are a lot of unusual corners on earth, beautiful places that make you experience amazing emotions and feelings. During the trip you are filled with energy, strength, positive emotions. You begin to feel the harmony and close connection between man and nature.
Many writers, musicians, artists created works of art after traveling, which filled them with new sensations, changed their outlook on life.
When a person begins to travel, he changes, because he is influenced by new countries, cities, people, nature. The world becomes more interesting and diverse, new friends appear. Traveling has now become an important part of modern life. Millions of people around the world travel around their own countries and other countries of the world. People travel to visit the natural beauties of the world such as seas, lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts and so on. It's always exciting to discover new things and other ways of living. It is well known that travel is the key to understanding other cultures and a great opportunity to learn more about the world we live in. We invite you to travel with our friendly team.
Cities, countries, seas, oceans, mountain ranges. This journey will allow you to gain new experience, learn about the life of people in other countries and continents. Every day a new country, city, exploration of unexplored places, cartographic quests, acquaintance with the culture of peoples, traditions and customs.

"Vocational guidance shift "Professional guidance" - 3rd shift
Many parents see their children as continuators of their work and are wary of the very possibility of a different choice. However, there is a choice, and the younger generation, not constrained by class restrictions, finds itself in front of a wide range of opportunities in its self-determination. The choice of a profession is one of the crucial moments that determine the entire future life path of a person. Since everything in life is interconnected, the right choice of profession affects all other areas of life. The right choice of profession is confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adulthood. The more successful the choice is made, the more interesting, richer and more successful the life path will be, the earlier, the more time will be left for career growth. Currently, there are about 6 thousand professions in Russia, and it is very difficult for many to navigate in such a variety. We will help you understand the world of professions, learn how to achieve your goals, find out what professions exist, develop your leadership and creative qualities, and just decide on your future. The children's camp invites you and your friends to the profile shift Career Orientator.

"Training shift with elements of acting "Start Line" - 4th shift.
The shift is permeated with an atmosphere of tireless drive. Each lesson brings a sea of ​​new emotions. During the shift, children are taught to use a personal feelings navigator. Make the right impression, control emotions, own voice and body. At the training, the guys will be able to try on different roles, play those personal qualities that they wanted to have in real life. And, of course, get used to the new image so that it becomes part of your new "I". Acting teaches useful skills for life. The children will learn to feel at what moments it is necessary to show flexibility of character, when it is worth moving away from the usual stereotypes and drastically changing the vector of movement. Participants of this session will gain self-presentation skills, will be able to correctly present themselves in any area of ​​life and in any circumstances. Do you want your child to go through life to the sound of applause? Then you to us.
In life, it is very important not only to quickly enter the role, but also to leave it in time. On this shift, the guys will get exactly those reincarnation skills that are so useful in real life. At the same time, participants will be able to solve a number of internal problems, for example, they will learn how to remove “clips”, liberate themselves, and overcome the fear of public speaking. The training introduces the basics of creative thinking, teaches how to quickly concentrate on the necessary information, not distract attention, and look for a way out of difficult situations.

Shift duration: 21 day

June 2–21, 2018
June 24 - July 13, 2018
July 15 - August 3, 2018
August 5–24, 2018