The girl described herself in pantyhose stories. Ladies pranks in the open air

Young participant of the Lisa hides her passion from others and agreed to tell about what no one from her environment will ever know.

It seems to me that girls much more often than men faced such a problem in their lives when they wanted to go to the toilet, but they endured it. I'm right?
I think so too. Guys are less shy, in order to pee, it is enough to get a penis, and girls need to expose their entire ass. By the way, I accidentally saw guys pissing three times, almost in the middle of the street. And I didn’t see girls pissing on the street, only when I was walking with a friend who was impatient, and it never happened to accidentally burn an unfamiliar girl.
Did you first encounter such situations in elementary school? Tell me about these cases.
Yes. When I was in first grade, I was very shy about going to the toilet. Once we were sitting in the classroom, and I was shaking all over because I wanted to write, and the boy who was sitting next to me yelled at me so that I would not shake the desk. At physical education, we walked in circles and did different exercises, and I peed myself before I had to climb the stairs, and only when we did one more circle, the teacher noticed a huge puddle and shouted "who poured water here!", And the girl who was standing behind me, said: "Maybe it was someone who peed? Maybe it was me who peed? No, it's not like I am." Nobody said anything to me later, it seems that no one guessed that it was me. Another case was when we went to the dining room. I already wanted to go to the toilet, but I saw the teacher telling some boy that she would not let anyone out of the dining room. I stood at the wall and peed myself. At that moment, when I was writing, a teacher walked past me and did not notice anything. I wrote a few more times in class. In the second grade, I was no longer embarrassed to ask for time off, but in the English lesson everyone was running and screaming and the teacher did not hear me. When the bell rang, I went out into the corridor and, barely restraining myself, went to the toilet, and already near the toilet I was leaking. At that moment my classmate came in. Fortunately, she did not laugh at me, but calmed me down. Since then, I have not peed in public places.
And before that, did you have situations when you really wanted to go to the toilet and endured it?
Maybe they were, but I don't remember. I remember only the situations that followed this incident. We went on a field trip in seventh grade. On the bus, I wanted to go to the toilet. We stopped at a gas station, I and a few other people went to the toilet, but by the time we got there, I wanted again, very much. While we were walking to the house-museum, I saw a toilet on the street. But the teacher did not let anyone in, and there was no toilet in the museum itself. During the excursion, I told the teacher several times that I really wanted to write. In one of the rooms I saw a stain on the floor, I thought it was a puddle of urine, and I felt really bad. There was a piano in another room, and the guide offered someone to play, but no one knew how. I rejoiced. Then we were seated at the table and given tea with gingerbread. I could not stand it, but fortunately, the teacher, knowing my situation, allowed me to go to the toilet on the street first. The woman who was sitting at the entrance said that it would be better for me to drink tea first, because it was supposed to last only ten minutes, but the teacher looked into her eyes and said, "But she can't take it anymore." I was very ashamed, but I understood that I would be more ashamed if I described myself as in the first grade.
Tell me, how long have you been interested in this topic? Do you remember how it started for you, how it developed? What do you like about the topic itself: stories, photos / videos about how someone endures, pee, or do you also like to endure or pee?
When I was 9-11 years old, I don’t remember exactly, I was lying in bed, and mechanically began to touch myself between my legs. For a second, I had the feeling that I was about to piss myself, I shrank all over, and it immediately passed. A few months later I tried again, and already deliberately brought myself to such a state that it seemed to me that I was about to pee. Then I did this many more times, for some reason I liked this feeling, but I didn’t know what it was and didn’t tell anyone. To achieve that incomprehensible feeling that I associated with almost pissing, I told myself to relax as if I were pissing, and I relaxed, but did not piss. It was more pleasant and faster for me to do it when I wanted to write. Then I learned what an orgasm and masturbation are, and I realized that this was what I was doing. But for some reason, I still associate this process with urination, and in order to finish, I imagine someone peeing. Also, the fact that I wrote in elementary school left some kind of mark, and now I want people to be able to write in their pants anywhere and anytime, without being embarrassed. But at the same time, I prefer videos where a person is embarrassed to describe himself, and when a child who does not understand anything is peed, this is of no interest to me at all. Videos where a person did not want to describe himself, and did not endure, in addition to excitement, cause me some kind of unpleasant feeling in my chest. I guess I feel sorry for this person, and I remember how I described myself. Videos where a person peed himself on purpose do not evoke such a feeling, but they also do not excite so much. I also like stories, but unfortunately I did not find a single story where a guy would be in an uncomfortable situation. And many stories, especially those written from the perspective of a character who was watching a girl, or trying to bring her to such a state, leave a feeling as if the author experiences some kind of superiority over her, or even laughs, and sincerely wants her to describe herself, not showing no sympathy. I don’t like to endure for a long time, because my stomach starts to hurt, and there is a desire not only to pee, but also poop. And I love to write, but I rarely do it, because. I'm afraid my parents will sleep.
Have you ever been in a situation where you really wanted to poop?
I don't like it when someone wants to poop. I've been in situations like this quite often. But it seems to me that if there is no diarrhea, and they did not do an enema, then there is little chance of crap one's pants. I was sick once, and I had terrible vomiting and diarrhea. I was lying in bed, and once again I had terrible urges for the most part. I rushed to the toilet, quickly took off my panties and jumped on the toilet, But there was a small wet brown spot on the panties. I washed my shorts right away. I was 15 at the time. It was the only time I pooped myself at a conscious age.
Can you tell us about a time when you really wanted to poop outside the house and had to endure it?
I don't remember such cases very well. I remember going rock climbing in the sixth grade. I went there right after school, and I didn't poop at school. There were open booths, and all the girls there were just pissing, and I was afraid that someone would notice that I was pooping. My stomach hurt a lot, and I had to climb rocks in this state. But I endured. Another time I came to the climbing wall on the eighth of March. I have situations when I want to poop, and I squeeze the sphincter, it seems like I crap one's pants, and the sphincter opens by itself and it turns out a quiet, quiet fart, and it immediately becomes easier)))
Have you ever watched one of the girls want to go to the toilet and couldn't stand it?
When I was in the sixth grade, I went for a walk with a classmate and her friend. When we got off the bus, a classmate asked me to see if it was wet behind her. I noticed that she had a small spot on the bottom of her pope, as if she had peed. I said it was wet there and asked why. She said she sat on something wet and I believed her. Then she bought a fish in the store, which she put in a tied bag filled with water. When we walked to the stop, we laughed, and suddenly I noticed that it had flowed. Jeans got wet somewhere to the knees. Her friend didn't notice it right away, she asked why the jeans were wet, and my classmate replied that the fish bag was leaking. Then I found out that she often pees from laughter, but usually not so much, and no one notices. But once at school, she peed quite strongly, and everything was noticeable. I gave her my jacket to tie it around her waist and cover up the phlegm. So she went to the house and gave me the jacket, and the jacket got a little wet, and I was offended by her because of this.
And besides the case, have you seen it yourself or maybe heard such stories from someone?
No, I have never seen anything like this in my life, and have not heard any stories.
Would you like to see or hear?
I would like to see or hear, for this I climb on the Internet, I found a lot of interesting things on this site.
You wrote that in elementary school you wrote a few more times in class. Tell me how it happened?
I do not remember. I only remember that it was when I was sitting at my desk. I didn't write at the blackboard.
Have you had other stories like this when you really wanted to go to the toilet, looked for the toilet and thought about what you just have to do and not piss yourself?
Once I was on the subway to see a doctor and really wanted to write. I even got up from the seat, because I thought that now I would pee, and urine would flow on the passengers next to me. But I endured. Another time, when I was returning from rock climbing, I was sure that I would piss myself. I had to go to my grandfather, it was not far from the metro to go to him. But I was sure that I would not endure, so I went to the dry closet near the metro.
Do you often feel like you want to go to the toilet? How does it usually happen for you? Some girls told me that it was impossible to get into such a situation, because now there are toilets everywhere. And that if someone got into such situations, it was only due to their own stupidity. Do you agree with them or do you have a different opinion?
There are few toilets in my city, especially free ones. I think anyone can get into this situation. It happens that I went home, but when I got to my destination, I already want to go to the toilet. There are many chances to want to use the toilet during the tour, remember my story about the museum. The only way to avoid getting into such a situation is to go to the track, and not drink before the trip.
Imagine the situation: you are in a crowded place where there is no toilet and nowhere to hide, and you are about to pee. What would you do?
I would ask one of the passers-by where the toilet is. If I still hadn't found the toilet, I would have described what to do.
It's just that some say: "let the conscience burst than the bladder" meaning that they would spit on decency and sit anywhere, even in front of people, and save their clothes, because. from their point of view, pissing in front of people is much more shameful than just pissing in front of them. Wouldn't you be able to do that?
I am embarrassed to do so, although it is, of course, better than describing myself, especially in winter. All the same, people around me do not know, the main thing is not to be filmed on camera. Maybe I would have begun to write in front of everyone, I would have plucked up the courage, but maybe not. Depending on the situation.
In those moments when you really want to go to the toilet, how do you usually behave, how do you show yourself outwardly? I suppose that you are more restrained in outward manifestation in the case when you are not alone, and you have to hide your desire? Try to describe how you manifest yourself when you have a strong desire to pee in public, and in those moments when no one sees you, but you have not yet reached the toilet.
When someone can see me, I blush, cross my legs, cross my legs, bite my lips. When alone, I hold on to my crotch, squat, bend over, sway. But I try not to bring myself to this.
One girl told me that at such moments it’s better not to grab the crotch, because the risk of pissing increases, because the hand heats everything up there, and when you let go of the hand, it can roll sharply and you can’t endure it. Isn't that how it happens to you?
It helps me to grab my crotch when I don't really want to yet.
To answer the next question, I will ask you to remember the cases when you endured to the last and peed. Can you describe in detail how your feelings developed, when you already really wanted, when you began to crazily want, and the very moment when you couldn’t stand it, and it started flowing? Write how you felt when you already peed? Did it happen right away, or did you at first not stand it a little, slowly let out streams, and then completely relaxed?
When I wrote in elementary school, I wrote right away, but I don't remember how I felt. When I experimented at home and endured for a long time, my bladder swelled so much that it began to put pressure on the rectum, and I wanted to poop. It was really painful, both in the stomach and in the perineum. Then I started a small trickle and was able to stop, but only for a second. Then she let out a larger trickle, and again stopped for a second, and then she wrote, and could not stop, and if she tried, it became very painful. A couple more times I tried to endure for a very long time, but it was so painful that I just wrote. I wonder how other girls feel when they endure, do they get hurt too?
Everyone has an individual, but basically yes, pain is felt. Although one girl wrote to me that she does not feel pain, but only a strong desire to pee and the feeling that she is just going to pee.
How long ago did you have a situation where you really wanted to go to the toilet? You remember her?
The last time I really wanted to go to the toilet was when our class was taken to a lecture at the Career Guidance Institute. I wanted to use the toilet while still on the bus, but we were late, and therefore we did not go to the toilet. I had that rare feeling when it seemed to me that I could actually piss myself. Strong discomfort gave way to very strong urges, which became more frequent. I barely made it.
There is such a historical tale that during the war, many Chechen women died from a ruptured bladder when they were transported on trains, because. their upbringing did not allow them to go with men. And what do you think, if you endure it for a long time, the bladder can burst?
I think you'd rather pee than burst your bladder.
A lot of people, especially girls, who found out about such an interest, wrote that it was an unhealthy fantasy. Do you think they are right?
No, not right. You never know who has some perversions, someone may have ideas and worse. The main thing is not to impose your perversions on others, and not turn into a maniac who will catch the girls he likes, give them water and not let go until they describe themselves.
however, many fans of this topic, including you, as far as I know, hide their interest from others. For a long time, I personally thought that I had a strange interest and considered myself somewhat "abnormal" because of this, believing that I was the only one. Have you ever had such thoughts that interest in such a topic is “strange”, and what does this say about some kind of mental personality disorder?
I never thought that I had some kind of mental disorder, just a strange sexual interest.
I remember that a few years ago, only guys were in this thread. I used to be sure that this is a male interest. Now there are more and more girls who admit that they have always had an interest in this topic. In your opinion, what is the reason for this?
I think that there have always been such girls, they were just shy, or you didn’t know them.
Have you had to endure on a date or at a meeting?
No, only in class or on public transport.
How often do you endure on purpose? Do you try to do it only at home? Would you be interested in specifically drinking plenty of fluids and walking down the street with a full bladder for acuity sensation? One girl I interviewed asked me if there are girls who like not the process of patience, but urination in clothes? When you endure on purpose, to what extent do you like to do it? Do you enjoy pissing or do you try to avoid it even when you're experimenting?
I rarely experiment, because I'm afraid that they will burn. I tried to endure 3 times on purpose, and peed myself 6 times on purpose. I like pissing in clothes more than endure it, but I like lots of piss, so I try to be patient before I pee. I wouldn't like to endure or piss myself in a public place.
And one more thing... I don't know if you have a relationship with a guy... Would you like your boyfriend to like this topic too?
Now I'm not dating anyone. I would like to find myself a guy who would like this topic, I have a dream that he would tie me up and not let go until I peed myself.
You probably remember your experiments very well and can you tell in detail about how it happened?
I endured in my heart. Already when I climbed into the bath, I really wanted to write. My stomach hurt terribly, it was painful to sit and bend over strongly. When I washed my hair, I leaned over, and it seemed to me that now it would flow from me, but it did not. Then I got tired of enduring it, I pressed on my stomach and peed. Another time, I endured even longer, then a little bit leaked out of me, I stopped for a second, then it flowed again, and I was able to stop again, but then everything flowed. The third time I also endured in the shower, I was very hurt, I was on all fours and peed. Twice I peed in my shorts while standing in the bathroom. It was very nice that the whole butt was wet. Twice I peed into my pajamas, the first time I peed a little and looked at the stain, which got bigger and bigger, and then the urine flowed to the bottom of the tub. Another time I couldn't start to pee, I'm very shy to pee in my pajamas, even when I'm alone. At that time I really wanted to write. I didn’t even notice how it flowed out of me, it seemed to me that it wasn’t me writing, I almost didn’t feel anything. Another time I peed sitting on the toilet in a pad. I wrote a little bit, at first the pad got wet, and I thought that it was quite possible to pee a little in the pad in a public place, if unbearable, and no one would notice anything. Then I peed all the way and wet my panties. Another time I peed in a pad and walked around the house with a wet pad.
As far as I know, you are not interested in cases where someone wants big. Have you ever wanted to try to endure for the most part when you are alone?
I never wanted to endure for a long time.
The answers of most girls indicate that stories rarely happen to them when they really wanted to go to the toilet for the most part, and for some reason guys are more often subject to such a sudden strong desire to go to the toilet for the most part with the risk of even putting it in their pants. Why do you think girls are less risk-averse and more patient when they want to poop?
I can't even imagine why guys have more of these problems. I know that they have less trouble enduring the toilet in a small way. They have a long penis, their genitals are outside, but in girls everything is crammed inside and takes up space near the bladder, and in articles about enuresis, I read that boys have a larger bladder. But the fact that they want to poop more often, I hear for the first time, and I can’t even imagine why. From the moment I wanted to poop, I can endure another 12 hours or more, and I endured several times when I went rock climbing.
Do you have any other stories about how you wanted to go to the toilet and endured that you could tell?
I've already told all the stories.
Thank you for agreeing to answer my questions!

The correspondence with this girl began after I read her message on Twitter that she was going home and would soon pee. Outwardly, this is a very sexy girl, with very beautiful long legs. Such qualities as modesty, modesty are not inherent in her. She is one of those girls who want to live life to the fullest: drink, smoke, have sex, have fun. Sexuality simply emanates from her, but her sexuality is not available to everyone. Several times she also wrote on Twitter that she wants to go to the toilet badly and is about to fail. For her, this is mischief, nothing more. It was rarely possible to enter into a dialogue with her, which is why the correspondence turned out to be so intermittent (I kept the dates of all the dialogues). Vika agreed to give me an interview, but then she wrote that she did not have time for this.




"I'm riding in a cattle truck. Right now I’ll describe myself ... and it’s still another 20 minutes to get home. ”


haaaa))))) didn’t describe) everything was fine)))) thanks for the experience))


So what did you have that day?)) Did you really want to go to the toilet?)))


I remember little of everything that happens)) a convenient memory) in general, everything is always wonderful with me, and small little things are also funny ..... although ....)))))


I remember running by the way)) it’s good that everything is nearby


do you like this theme?



usually, if it’s completely kapets, then panties are removed and you pee where you have to)))


Well, that's also an option. Although for me the main feature is when a girl is already in such a state that she just wants to write like hell, and she doesn’t care anymore, just to do it. At times like these girls are just super sexy)))


when you don’t run straight seeeeeksi)))))) it was the case, I described the shorts))) it was a bummer))))


I ran home, and at the sight of the toilet everything poured itself, I didn’t even notice


How old were you? And what was the backstory, in a nutshell?))


I ran home from somewhere, it was cool for the shorts, and I just burst into the house, run to the bathroom and ... probably from the cold to the heat))))))


walked))) it was 2 years ago))


Well, I can imagine how sexy you were at the moment when you ran home, and you had a full bladder))) Well, when it flowed down the legs .... Well, it's just indescribable


warm and wet)))) and kayfovo)))))) hihihihi))


So, did you like it?


by the way, I'll go pee, otherwise I've been patient for an hour, I forget to go))


And by the way, did you have such a thing that you really wanted to poop, and barely had time to run?))))


pee))) scat is aaaaaad)))) there was no pooping) everything was on time)) but I read about the girl that she crap on the market)))) didn’t have time and got dirty, then she went to wash in a public toilet)))


What is the story about the girl? Where did you read?


I don’t remember, it’s like VKontakte))) she was later glorified by a neighbor who worked at the cash desk of toilets)))))))) and all her friends found out about it


so is this a true story? Can you find it and provide a link?


the story is real, but I’m unlikely to be able to find it))) there’s a joke in that she told a friend that she almost apkakalas, and he tells her that he knows how real she is, and not just a little, and that the whole yard knows blablabla


so she had a disorder, or just endured for a long time and did not reach?))


I was just walking and didn't get there.


so it happened to a person)))) children somehow at first did not control themselves and involuntarily with them. When PIK, the body no longer responds to the desires of the soul)) the desire of the body is above all))


ah ... I thought she was an adult ... well then, okay))


hihihihi))))) adult))) 17-18 she seems to be))) at this age everything is fine)


I mean, it was 17 - 18 when she pissed in her pants?


she was so old))) yes) when she walked around the market


Do you like scat too?


yes, not quite scat and uro))) I like it when a girl really wants to go to the toilet))) That's the point)))


strong desire + probability of disgrace))


hihih))))) note is clear))) very nice))) and how would you react if a girl pees before your eyes?


I would react very positively.


by the way, I had pictures somewhere, how I write)) the sexiest .... photo .... I don’t know) I chose from 70 more or less)


who photographed you?


my ex-husband)


you have already been married


he has a lot of pictures of mine.....didn't have time)))) ran away the day before the wedding, but we are friends, and conditionally call each other that.


By the way, the day before yesterday I still peed ....)


I sat at the computer, conducted a very active correspondence, and because in the country, you can not only run to the home toilet, but just sit down in the bushes for pleasure. I endured for a long time and everything was already suitable, I ran and thought for a long time where to go to write. I went to the home toilet, and there I only took off my shorts, as I wrote in my panties. I was not upset))) I changed clothes and that's it.


and right now I also want .... but I'll go outside)


Hello! Enjoyed your tweet today. But you didn't describe, I think))


Ha) funny. I didn't describe myself, but I could. Mom was washing and I could not get into the toilet.


Hello! Was it another adventure this morning?

I can't believe you wouldn't go outside without waiting for the office. How did you solve the problem anyway?


Hai)) there was nowhere. Heaps of people .... I stood dancing, then they let me in. Here is homes already realistically described.


Tin day


I ran and right away...


From the threshold to the pants


Is it after work?


Yes. Mom opened the door and didn't let me run in...


This is how I got cold. Right now all the girls are pissing

Difficult day. I wandered everywhere, thoughts about forgetting ... it's easier to piss.

And who usually wins? I asked. I was not afraid to piss, a member that stood up like a stake protected my male pride. Unless in the course of this conversation I will cum in my pants.

Well, mom, of course ... - Kathy smiled at my question ... - you know how everything is trained there! She always beats all the uncles.

I thought that Jenny could not and did not yet want to explain to the child that although it was true, she always prevailed over men, but never a struggle between a man and a woman can be equal. And now, when I know their secret, my cock, swollen with excitement, has a great advantage over her poor overflowing bubble, which, as if by force of will, do not hold back - someday it must relax if it does not want to burst.

Only sometimes, - continued the gullible girl, - when my mother has a lot of meetings, and she drinks a few cups of coffee, then she comes home and does not even lock the car, she immediately runs into the house. But if I say "let's play", she will always agree, though usually she immediately asks ... "daughter, mom had such a hard day today. Let mom go to the toilet. Mom gives up!" And then we go to the toilet, and I watch how my mother pees, and even closes her eyes, she feels so good. And you know what is the most difficult thing then?

I looked into her radiant eyes from the constant struggle with her body and shook my head.

The most difficult thing, - she cheerfully told her secret ... - is to endure when someone else is nearby pissing. Last week it happened when my mother ran home from work...

I remembered that day, it was then that I saw the terrible humiliation of that guy and completely hated Jenny ...

Mom immediately ran to the toilet, and could not even stand it a little, her jeans were wet between her legs, but she still unbuttoned them and sat down. And we had a lot of classes at school, and in the morning I drank a whole can of grapefruit juice, I wanted to write terribly, I was dying right, even stronger than now. And when it murmured, I just heard it and immediately - uh-uh-uy! - I just can’t, I can’t stand it - I feel that my legs are already flowing! I very, very much ask, "Mom, please give me a pee!", And she, the poor one, cannot even get up, she feels sorry for me, but she also suffered for so long! So we both peed, she did it right, and I described myself, just like a little one, through my panties straight, and on my legs, and in my shoes, a whole puddle on the floor. Mom and I looked at each other for a long, long time, and we were very ashamed, and then my mother said that this was not the most shameful thing, but there’s nothing worse than not to endure and piss in front of someone else’s uncle ... - Katie broke off, she quickly looked at me and whispered downcast ... - to describe herself ... And therefore, my mother said, we need to train even more with her. And so I called you.

And you think to win? I asked.

Well, I've been training. But you don't.

It became so embarrassing for me to take advantage of the girl's naivete that I wanted to get up and say goodbye. It was time to finish the story, having learned the secret of Jenny, I no longer wanted to take revenge on her, she obviously had mental problems herself, moreover, now I was sure that if necessary I could always resist her sadomasochistic temperament. But then I heard another car pull up to the house.

My heart sank into my heels, or rather into my swollen and mercilessly pleading bladder for mercy. Jenny has returned from work and will now find me, against her instructions, sitting at her house and extorting the intimate secrets of the family from a little girl. Not only that, knowing Jenny's temperament, I could expect at best a good blow to the balls with shoes, I now, perhaps, would have taken it as a well-deserved punishment. Well, something, but Jenny knew how to humiliate, and now she was also right on her side. I sank into a chair exhausted, anticipating that in a minute I would either finish and then I would certainly immediately piss myself, or I would get a blow between my legs, in any case, I would have to squeeze my crotch with my hands with a groan, and this, you see, is not so desirable a man in the presence of two pretty women.

However, I heard a groan from behind the door. Jenny frantically, without hitting the key, tried to open the front door. Finally she succeeded. And disheveled, flushed, our deputy director burst into her own hallway. She immediately, without noticing, ran past the chair where I was sitting, and halfway to the cherished door, where Katie and I would not mind entering, Jenny, although nothing was holding her back, suddenly froze convulsively with her back to me, shifting her legs and straightening up all over. .

Beginners may not believe it, but almost half of all adventures in the mountains begin with some girl going to pee. Upon hearing this, beginners smile skeptically or even laugh, thinking that this is a joke. In fact, well, what could be difficult in being away for a few minutes? But the old people will frown, remembering how in 1988 in the Tien Shan 200 people suffered because of such a trifle, and some even died. In the evenings, tourists usually sit by the fire, share their impressions. The topic of girls who went into the bushes often comes up ... Such stories happened all the time, but, fortunately, not in my groups. Finally, my turn has come. We are going in a group through the mountains, through the fabulous Ergaki. Beauty is all around, seas of flowers, nightingales are flooded, the air is amazing, sheer pleasures. Let's go, it's been three days without incident. Let's go to Azure...

We climbed the Golova pass and stopped there to rest. The weather is sunny, dry, and you can sit for half an hour. Views from the top open - wow! Okay, rest, it's time to move on. As soon as we took on our backpacks, one girl suddenly decided that we should go into the bushes before the road. And she left. We sit and listen to the birds. After 5 minutes they began to joke, after 10 minutes they became worried about the absence, and after half an hour they already realized that something serious had happened. They rushed to call, to search. Our girl is gone, as if she had sunk into the water. Only at the top of the pass there is not even water. But a man is missing! There are no bears, no hooligans, no maniacs, no terrorists, no police. Who could steal our girl? We even assumed that some villain had sneaked in unnoticed, hit the girl on the head and hid the body under the rocks. We understand that this is not a city, this is unlikely here, but, theoretically, it is permissible. They searched the entire pass, looked under every stone. Not found! Began to carefully look at the trail back and forth. And here ... found! We saw that a tiny figure was already approaching the lake. It's good that it's in the right direction. But what reason did she have to leave her backpack and group here!?

Cursing, we rushed down to the lake. I had to carry an extra backpack. We walked very fast. We suspected that our girl might urgently need help. Does she have an acute mental disorder? Without a single halt, we ran to Azure, where we discovered our loss, peacefully sitting on the grass.
- What's happened?!?..
The answer shocked us:
- What, did something happen?
- Why did you go alone? Why no backpack?
- I thought I was following you...
- What, did you see one of us in front of you?
- No, I didn’t see it, but I thought I was behind and now I’m trying to catch up.
Here's the logic. This story is real and far from unique. Then we discussed it, analyzed it. The idea was expressed - not to take her backpack with you, but leave it on the pass. Here she would have to return for a backpack, and this would be a punishment. But we are realists, and we understood that it was impossible to let her go to the pass alone, even if in the form of a fair punishment.

Nicki pissed in the office (part 2)

Golden Rain

(Story is on)

Comments on the topic of the story on the forum on the Internet: Girl: “gee, but it often happens to me ... it’s just too lazy to get to the toilet ... well, that’s all laziness, you know. Well, at the expense of nravitsa ... it beats off the feeling of orgasm by 60 percent for me. into their tenacious paws, and here vish another unsightlyness arises. Although you can create a separate science: getting an orgasm from your own sex and from a long desire to go to the toilet, as a result, a double orgasm!)) ... well, for starters, develop a certain method of breathing and relaxation)

Guy: I personally don't like it when a girl pees when you shove her. So in the current story, Phil got lucky with Nicky, and Nicky got lucky with Phil, given the piquancy of the method. At night, she managed not to describe herself at the same time, but in the morning Niki hurried to work in the office, and being still with a full bladder, she still rode away, getting with a bladder full from the night right from the threshold, first to the hour-long morning meeting, and then .. Well, read on yourself:

Everyone was already seated, but the meeting had not yet begun. Andy, her boss, looked at her sternly. - I'm sorry for my delay. We were only waiting for you.

While the boss was saying this, Niki glanced at the door to the corridor and further to the toilets, where she did not have time. "I'm caught"... - So let's start, - said Andy, cleared his throat and began a leisurely speech, feeling at ease.

And Nicky could no longer endure the pain in her bladder - she imagined what would happen if now she described herself to top it all off in the middle of the office in front of all the employees and employees. Then Niki moved into a plush armchair next to her, which was softer. She was unable to contain her squirming.

Andy was the first to notice her strange behavior, and immediately guessed what was wrong. He himself had greasy hair hanging from his head, he was badly shaved, stale, as if from a Sunday hangover. Nicky had already studied every defect on his face, and apparently the only thing her boss definitely managed to do was go to the toilet before the meeting.

We are worried about future prospects for promotion ... in the service sector ... our efforts ... (He is only about thirty, and already such a bore, Niki thought). When the break was announced, Andy asked her why she was late today. - I had a busy day off, slept longer than usual. My apologies. Forgivable the first time.

Would you like some coffee to cheer you up? - No, thank you. - Niki answered excitedly, trying not to move. Andy shrugged and didn't ask again. After the "intermission" Niki made up her mind and showed even greater freedom in her movements. Confidence has instilled in her, she will not endure as if nothing had happened until the end of the meeting and will not do anything “unforeseen”. Nevertheless, she twitched with might and main. Andy began to involuntarily keep his eyes on her longer.

Her short skirt was also tight, so the swollen area in the lower abdomen was strongly outlined, which he now examined every now and then. She was ready to cry, she lowered her eyes and eyelashes and looked at her still dry skirt.

Everyone looked at the speaker, and only the speaker looked into the audience. Niki felt uneasy about the attention that the boss directed at her, and began to play with her curls, tugging at her hair and trying to distract herself from the tension at the bottom of the bladder, which was trying to hold all its contents.

So, Andy interrupted his widespread speech, that no one was following what he was talking about,

What awaits us after this?

Er..., - Niki at that moment felt that her bladder was swollen in the shape of a ball as much as she could, urine was trying to seep down her, and soon she would not be restrained by any efforts.

Well, we'll be damned diligent in our work, applying all the skills, except for not walking on our hands. She laughed at her mistake, and immediately fell silent. Everyone around laughed too. Then the other boss spoke too quickly. Andy turned his head in that direction, but gestured to stop. And he continued:

I can assure you that soon everything will go like clockwork. So what have we been working on lately? In Nika's head, one thought was spinning: Over the past day and a half, I drank tea and coffee and kept it all in myself. Everything Phil wanted from me.

I see your results, Andy said. Andy picked up the pen and twirled it in his hands, watching Nicky squirm in her chair.

Does anyone have fears that all our efforts can turn into a crushing collapse for us? But we are ready for this, our bank account will help us out in difficult times.

“What could possibly help me out now? Oh, if I had diapers on myself. And she said aloud: - So what's next? - Don't interrupt me. Andy instructed her.

He continued his monologue, indulging in new and new wilds. He talked about everything and nothing. As Andy talked and talked, Niki watched the second hand on her wrist watch move, thinking about every 5 seconds that passed with the movement of the hand.

Niki suddenly doubled over so hard that Andy looked at her again. Niki counted the number of minutes that had passed, five, ten, fifteen, it seems that everything was already done, at the fifteenth minute of the countdown, the bladder was no longer able to endure. Finally Andy finished his report and sat down, looking around him with satisfaction and resting his hands on the armrests. Nicky didn't expect such a sudden stop, and immediately became ready to take off. Niki noted with horror that the time was approaching ten in the morning - Andi's speech took almost an hour, minus a ten-minute delay. It usually lasted no more than half an hour.

Is everything all right? Do you have something wrong? Andi asked, seeing her predicament.

What do you have in mind?

Didn't you listen to what I just said? I proposed to calculate that if they undertake... I will repeat once again for the inattentive and unawakened.

And here Andy was talking and talking again in the same boring manner as before, drilling Nicky and leaving her nothing but to think about her bladder and her fear of pissing. Niki used the office toilet only a couple of times, following her habit of avoiding outside toilets whenever possible and using her own toilets as much as possible. But now she was replaying in her mind the picture she had seen of the faience structures, and replaying the sequence of actions. "There is no doubt that I am now..." she thought. "I am definitely...". Niki stopped thinking about anything else, and concentrated only on the muscles and nerves within her panties. There was a feeling of wetness. "Oh my God!" Niki was teary all over, holding her breath, feeling that it seemed that urine began to flow down her legs between her tightly clenched thighs, completely wetting the strip of panties.

“At this rate,” she returned to her thoughts, “everyone will see the smudges on my legs when they have to leave this office, and also have to go through the whole office.” Fortunately for her, Andy finished summing up the considerations, wondering to himself: "Why doesn't she take time off?" Niki looked around from side to side, trying not to push her legs apart. Finally Andy stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His tongue was slurred, he was tired.

He noticed Niki's squirming, and so deliberately dragged out his lecture to see what would happen to her next. But he was tired of waiting. He did not suspect that she had endured for a very long time, and decided to have fun making her suffer now. He was already aroused by the fact that he saw a wet mark on the skirt,...

when Nicky left the room. He moved closer to the door and watched Niki walk down the hallway. Niki exchanged glances with colleagues who met her on the way to the toilet. Niki was at a loss as to how much she released from that volume, how much she could safely release to relieve herself. And she didn't really feel any relief from it.

Fortunately for her, no one but Andy saw her from behind and did not see her wet stain on her skirt, which she waved from side to side as she walked. Niki pushed open the door to the women's room and swore involuntarily. The interior space was occupied by smoking girls from other offices, and two doors to the booths were closed. She approached, pushed one door, then another, none of them gave way. Either there is someone inside each, or maybe they are closed altogether. “I’m doing bad,” she thought, “and this scoundrel even offered me coffee half an hour ago!”

She looked back at herself and the wet spot on her skirt, wondering how long it would take to dry. Luckily, the skirt was made of dark material, and the contrast wasn't great. She let out an agonistic scream as she felt something splatter through her panties again, and spread her legs wider. Something hit the floor, but the skirt didn't get any more wet than it was. Nicky kept waiting for some door to finally open, first or second. "Phil would love to see me like this." Finally, she decided to sit on the floor and make a puddle right under her. Urine ran across the flat floor. Smoking girls stared at the pear-shaped puddle with ridiculous eyes, one smoker dropped a cigarette from her hands.

The locked doors also opened almost simultaneously, and two brunettes fluttered out of them.

What, are you crazy? In the corridor with a carpet-path, everything was fine so far. Just then, her employees began to enter the toilet from the corridor after the meeting. The horror for the stunned Nicky was that she imagined the seriousness of the consequences of the current situation. She rushed away, out the door, out of sight, while her bladder had not yet had time to empty, and the wet trail continued down the corridor. But I didn't feel anything anymore. There were more people than ever, well, everyone gathered here right now, and everyone could see her now.

Leave me alone!!! leave me alone!!! Niki caught Andy's stunned look on her. "I should have pissed from his bladder under the table."

You see what's happened to me from your meeting and after your offered coffee! Verbose Andy this time did not find what to say. Niki ran into the little room where she was sitting with two other employees. - Nicky, is something wrong with you? - Joanne decided to ask, not understanding why she ran in in a hurry, and even wet behind. The bladder has already poured everything on the floor of the toilet and the entire corridor.

I peed myself, can't you see? Give me a towel! I could barely stand the whole damn meeting at Andy's, and when I was already going to the toilet, these bastards made a queue there.

She fell silent, feeling how her wet skirt had already begun to drip onto the floor, in front of her friends. Suddenly, the murmur suddenly resumed again, Nicky herself could not understand from where. It turned out that she just knocked over a vessel with water for watering flowers.

So, I did it here, look! - At the door has already accumulated a queue of people looking in.

Don't look at me! Nicky blushed, covering her face with the hem of her skirt. And rushed straight at the curious crowd, back to the toilet, which was no longer there, and to the white toilet.

But what came out of her there were only tears. Having previously emptied her bladder, as it seemed to her, several liters, Niki now continued to sit and do nothing naked and wet on the toilet seat, reflecting on the deplorable state of herself, her underwear and skirt. She tried to remember if in childhood there was something like this not with her, but with someone around. Mom raised her strictly, and then she did not avoid beer walks, did not linger at parties, and was not used to doing this even among the bushes of trees. "If he knew that I would be afraid to use other people's toilets." “On the one hand, it still turned out great,” the main thing is to get out of here, quickly!

Now she did not know how to appear before her colleagues about explaining the situation. “Pee-pee is such a delicate matter,” and who came up with such a punishment for women. And it was absolutely true, because it is much more convenient and safer for men to do this. She wiped her skirt as much as possible with scraps of paper, stuffed the papers into her shorts so that it would not be cold, left the booth, tried and stepped over the puddle she had made earlier, and walked down the corridor with measured steps. Everything in front of her was like a blur. How she played in the sand as a child, how she knitted wreaths and ribbons, recalled moments of peeping at the boys.

Even as a child, she skated not on a board, but on skates and roller skates, which were so difficult to take off and had to endure to the last. She did not remember how it was in kindergarten, but at school it was completely different. But already at the age of eight, she remembered, she was strong in her abilities and, despite the pain from which she suffered every time, she could endure with firm confidence. Then, when she was roller-skating with her friend, he without taking off his shoes drove somewhere into the bushes, and she was waiting for him on the pavement. She could remember a lot...

There was no hope that her antics would be ignored and soon forgotten. When Niki returned down the corridor to the office to pick up her purse with her wallet and mobile, this time there was complete silence among her colleagues. She also ignored them.

I need to go home, I feel bad, - she announced to her colleagues, trying to say it as if nothing had happened in her usual even voice, and sneaking as quietly as possible to the door. She did not find the courage to turn around and say goodbye, although the thought gnawed at her. And she also felt a dozen glances directed at the wet bottom of her skirt.

It was only her first month on the job, and it's such a shame. There was almost no one on the bus on the way back except for her, but she rode standing up. Returning home and sitting on a chair resting her elbows on the table, Nicky could hardly believe that everything ended so ridiculously and naturally. And she didn't think about the fact that she had been able to endure for so long, but she thought about how she gave in to her bladder like that. It has never happened to her before that she peed. "And what shall I say to Joanna's friends and others?" It's a shame, I can't face them anymore!

If I've been hiding my bathroom stuff from my best friends since I was eight, I'm all the more grown up now. Niki was now resolving two things of great importance, running them over in her mind. First, she would never show herself in front of the people in her office again. The second thing she will live on, she could live on reserves, but she will no longer be able to continue working in the same place.

And she sat down to write a letter of resignation, her pen scribbling resolutely on the paper, and in addition to the statement, she came to the following statement: "I will never piss myself again." Phil can continue his quirks, make her endure, she already likes to be stuffed, but next time she will hold back. She told her bladder: I'll make you wait as long as it takes until I tell you to pee. she added with a firm note in her voice.

Taking the written paper in her hand, Niki stood up resolutely, but immediately relaxed a little, looking at the street through the window. The world swirled outside the window, on the street, leaving her temporarily alone with her thoughts. When she tried once more to focus her thoughts, she realized that her careless decision was the result of complete carelessness and adventurism. Since you can’t do it, you can’t, there was nothing to meddle with.

Her work was not considered prestigious, it was better to change jobs altogether. But the anticipation of lightness and the anticipation that she would flutter freely for a couple of weeks until she settled in a more suitable place pleased her. The chief will never see her again. "And set a short break with the dissolution of the meeting, if anyone else shows signs of fidgeting," she smiled at the thought. She kept after all 19 hours in total, after drinking four or five cups of coffee. Andy must have decided to poke fun at her, but Phil, she was sure, would have liked such an idea even more.

Dinner time was approaching, so Niki busied herself preparing the meal. Her wet clothes were rinsed and dried in the bathroom, and on herself she replaced them with sweatpants and a tank top. Nicky's career, which had not yet begun, was doomed, she would go as a saleswoman of newspapers or cigarettes (hell, there will be nowhere to pee in the kiosk, but at least it's not visible there).

Then other household chores, including a walk to the post office to submit a letter of resignation, loaded it up until Phil's supposed return from London. When she called him on the phone, Phil immediately picked up the phone. - Hey, Phil! May I come to you?

(end in part 3)

Santa Claus and Eternal Summer... or New Year's Eve in Africa