Girls with gorgeous full figures. What are the types and varieties of figures in women and girls

Beauty is a relative concept. Someone prefers spiritual beauty to physical beauty. But it is impossible to deny that girls with beautiful and slender figures arouse increased interest in men. Studies have shown that not all representatives of the stronger sex prefer thin women from the catwalks. What is she, the most beautiful figure in the world?

Men's opinion

According to the results of the survey, the girl with the most beautiful figure in the world should have convex and rounded body lines, and not be overly thin. Psychologists explained this fact by the fact that on a subconscious level, men consider outstanding forms a sign of good health, a kind of predisposition to procreation. For this reason, the most beautiful figure in the world is the Hourglass. The most famous owner of such a physique is Marilyn Monroe.

In second place are thin, short girls, reminiscent of French women, who create a very touching impression. Men want to protect and protect such young ladies. "Bronze" in the figure 90-60-90, because the body with a chest of moderate size and slightly prominent hips is very harmonious.

Excursion into history

In any era, the desire to look like the current standard of beauty pursued women around the world. But beauty is not only relative, but also changeable, its canons change from decade to decade. It is easy to change the hairstyle and wardrobe, but to adjust the body to the given parameters is not an easy task, especially since they change on average every ten years.

So, in the 50s, Marilyn Monroe was considered the standard of beauty. In the 60s, ideals changed dramatically, the figure of the Twiggy model began to be considered beautiful, which, with a height of 170 cm, had parameters 80-53-80 - this is a figure, rather, of a teenager than an adult woman.

With the advent of the 70s, the most beautiful figure of a woman in the world again found feminine forms. The owners of long legs, toned bellies and hips became the standards. In the 80s, during the birth of fitness, the most beautiful figure in the world changed again. Now everyone wanted to have an athletic body with muscles. Women looked up to the first supermodels and the singer Madonna.

In the 90s, the trend continued, the championship remained with sports models with roundness. Supermodels of that time were Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and But this controversial decade, androgynous body type and with excessive thinness, like the British supermodel Kate Moss, were also popular.

In the 2000s, the most beautiful figure in the world became feminine and sexy. This is the time for abs, toned bodies, and self-tanning. Girls all over the world strive to be like the models who participated in Victoria's Secret lingerie shows: Gisele Bundchen, Adriana Lima or Alessandra Ambrosio.

The current decade is different in that the canon of beauty has changed dramatically. A thin waist and very lush hips - this is how a modern beauty should be.

The most famous women in the world with the most beautiful figures are Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian. Moreover, you can both pump up the fifth point in the gym, and get it with the help of plastic surgery.

Top most beautiful figures in the world

Beautiful and admirable for men and envy for women - this is daily work on yourself, healthy eating and sports, and not just natural data. Of course, someone got a gorgeous body from their parents, it only needs to be slightly kept in shape. But most women, unfortunately, cannot do without sports and diets. Today's rating will tell not only about the most beautiful girls, but also about ways to maintain the beauty of the body.

Nicole Scherzinger

The former lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls, and now an independent singer, Nicole Scherzinger eats only healthy food. Her diet includes vegetables and fruits, fish and lean meat. She rarely spoils herself with sweets, when she really wants to. Such endurance can only be envied! Nicole goes in for sports with a personal mentor three times a week. She prefers jogging, dancing and yoga, as well as cardio workouts for an hour. The result of such a program can be seen in the singer's videos. Nicole Scherzinger promotes a healthy lifestyle and often shares her secrets in TV shows and interviews.

Scarlett Johansson

Young mother Scarlett Johansson is naturally overweight and has a small stature (164 cm). At the beginning of her career, the actress was a plump girl. Now a balanced diet and easy exercise help to keep yourself in shape Scarlett Johansson. She does not drink alcohol and does not smoke. Scarlett eats a lot of vegetables and fruits and does not abuse fast food. The actress begins physical exercises with a cardio warm-up, which lasts half an hour, followed by push-ups, squats and a run.

Monica Bellucci

It's hard to believe that this woman has already passed her half-century milestone! The Italian film actress is one of those lucky women who have a gorgeous body by nature. Monica has a rather high height (176 cm) and far from canonical parameters 92-65-97. According to her, a busy work schedule and a crazy rhythm of life do not give her time to train. Monica also does not adhere to a stable diet. When she needs to lose weight quickly before filming, she limits her diet to vegetables, fish, and lean meats.


The Barbadian beauty claims that the secret of her slim and lies in the diet, which consists of a kind of diet. For breakfast, the singer prefers egg whites, pineapple and hot water with lemon, for lunch - fish and potatoes, for dinner - vegetables with fish. Rihanna has fairly wide hips, her parameters are 90-63-102. The star goes in for sports three times a week. Under the supervision of a personal trainer, she runs on the track and does step aerobics. At the same time, Rihanna is active, she loves parties and nightclubs. The girl is not shy about showing her body in videos, on red carpets and at provocative photo shoots.

Jessica Alba

There is an opinion that Jessica Alba has the most beautiful figure in the world. Photos of beauty can be seen in almost all glossy magazines.

Mom of two children, who has a fantastic figure, she always eats half the portion offered, not the whole. The actress completely eliminated bread from her diet, limited carbohydrates, but occasionally she can indulge herself with a delicious dessert. Jessica does fitness four times a week. Her workout begins with intense exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike, followed by a yoga session. The actress believes that although her excellent physical shape helped her at the beginning of her career, now the stereotype does not allow her to get more serious dramatic roles.

It is hardly possible to meet a girl who would be absolutely satisfied with her figure. For this reason, we have to constantly support and listen to the fair sex, convincing them of beauty and perfection. And this is the duty of every guy whose girlfriend works hard and tries to look beautiful in his eyes. Not at all, in order to gain confidence in their weapons, girls have to compare, compare with standards, generally accepted standards and opinions. Immediately, we note that there are a lot of those on the planet, which confirms one fact. Beauty is intangible, there cannot be norms that everyone likes. However, there are many interesting facts that we invite you to read. And so, the most beautiful figures of girls in different countries of the planet ...

What body type do men like?

For a long time, the standard of models - 90-60-90 was considered the standard. To this day, most girls strive to achieve the specified parameters of the figure. By no means, as practice shows, men show more interest in the figure, the so-called "hourglass". Psychologists explain why bulges attract guys more than "skinny", of course, not all and not always, but still. The fact is that the subconscious of men chooses healthy women who are able to continue healthy offspring. The indicated dimensions indicate a good physiological condition of the woman. Thus, the figure, the so-called "hourglass" gets in the ranking 1 place!

Following the "hourglass" figure, men consider the owners of small stature and miniature figures to be attractive. Subconsciously, they want to protect and protect. In such girls, guys see sophistication and accuracy. well deserved 2nd place!

It is worth noting that the standard 90-60-90 takes only the third place in the ranking of the most beautiful female figures. This is probably due to constantly changing standards. Even among the models, no one can be surprised by the indicated parameters. Many girls attract seamstresses with narrower waists, which is due not only to material savings, but also to a better effect when presenting trendy clothes. Thus, this standard is 3rd place in the ranking of the most beautiful female figures.

As mentioned earlier, the standards are constantly changing and you can’t focus only on the “dimensions of a woman”, because every girl has her own “zest”, something special, even in a figure. And the values ​​of different men are also different.

In some countries of our planet, men consider fat women to be beautiful. Moreover, the larger the mass, the more attractive it is for creating offspring. Of course, such views are relevant for Asian countries. At the same time, many Chinese like Russian women, and hot-blooded people (Greeks, Armenians, Kazakhs) like tall and slender girls. As they say, tastes differ. Instead of creating a discussion, it's better to check out the article about the countries with the most beautiful girls according to the majority of men.

Experts from the United States in Indiana conducted a massive social survey, which involved more than 200,000 men of different ages. As a result, it became clear that different ages have different preferences regarding the female figure. What girls are considered beautiful by men in different periods of their maturity?

  1. 15-18 years old - petite and short girls;
  2. 18-23 - the most beautiful are the representatives of the hourglass figure. During this period of time, the man is at the stage of maximum readiness for procreation;
  3. 25-35 years old - the vast majority of men consider lush, mature girls attractive;
  4. 40-70 years - naturally, during this period of time, men's priority is not so much a figure. However, most people like slender girls who look after their figure.

And now let's talk about our girls, celebrities that we can be proud of.

We note right away that you can familiarize yourself with the rating of the most beautiful stars in Russia, if you want. As for the top figures, they should include such celebrities as Christina Asmus, Tatyana Kotova, singer Bianca. These girls have different, but very beautiful figures. As practice shows, there is no ideal in Russia. The country is very large, representatives of different nationalities live in it, and, as you have already learned, different peoples have their own tastes. As for the detailed rating, of the 10 most beautiful Russian women in show business, the link is above.

For many girls who follow the development of show business, of course, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are the standard of the ideal figure. For unsubstantiated reasons, many people mistakenly believe that guys like Kim with a huge... you get the idea. Well girls, do you like oversized guys so much that they can’t squeeze their hand to scratch their heads? That's about the same way we look at the Kardashians, at least the majority.

Thus, it is important not so much the ideal as the very fact that the girl takes care of herself and tries. Everyone has different tastes and preferences. But, no guy can resist the femininity and heroism of stars like Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie.

The most beautiful female figures of all times and peoples

Disputes about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren has become the only winner of all the major awards of the world's major film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. The description of the appearance of this beauty can be cited by the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Brigitte Bardot

And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Marilyn Monroe

About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese

Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, she rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a copy of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.

Beyoncé made her first steps on the stage in the company of charming girlfriends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B groups of that time. The girl's solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

Jennifer Lopez

One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours, without being afraid of at least a word to sin against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nicki Minaj

The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is ideally suited to the requirements of the modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

Scarlett Johansson

The tender age of Scarlett passed on the stage, smoothly transforming into Hollywood scenery. A good upbringing gave the girl the opportunity to shine not only with her body, but also with her mind: in addition to filming blockbusters, Scarlett records quite successful discs and even participates in the political life of the country. However, for most men, her magnificent figure will always remain in the foreground.

Kim Kardashian

Gorgeous Kim made herself - this applies to her popularity, and to the girl's absolutely gorgeous figure. Contrary to popular belief, Kim is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her extraordinary mind: skillful work with famous brands, the launch of several popular products, and even a mobile game brought a lot of money to the Kardashian family.

According to explanatory dictionaries, a non-standard is something that does not meet the norms and standards. It turns out that a non-standard figure is one that goes beyond the established framework. If your figure is less than the required canons, then you are thin. If more - complete. Who sets the standards and non-standards?

What figure was considered ideal in different eras

We will not touch on Venus and languid young ladies from the Renaissance. Let's talk about the crazy changes in the canons of beauty in the twentieth century. Probably, the understanding of the ideal figure has never changed so quickly. For some 100 years, society has changed its views on the ideal at least 5 times.

At the beginning of the century, a beautiful figure is a thin and flat-chested “board” with pale skin and unhappy eyes. It has become fashionable to look like men - to wear short haircuts and bandage the chest in order to get the first size.

Marilyn Monroe decided to radically change the understanding of female beauty and in the 50s she became the ideal of beauty with parameters 92-60-86. High elastic breasts, a small butt and a pronounced waist drove men crazy, and women massively lightened their hair, exhausted themselves with diets and tried to copy the famous Monroe's walk.

Simultaneously with Marilyn, Audrey Hepburn proved to the world that you can weigh 45 kg and be a luxurious woman. Her parameters are 87-50-86, but men went crazy for her. Yes, and until now, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is popular thanks to the incredibly beautiful actress.

In the 60s, men came up with their "ideal woman" - a Barbie doll. A blonde with huge breasts (100 cm), an aspen waist (45 cm) and a small round booty (85 cm) with long legs became the cause of mass weight loss, plastic surgery and the release of slimming underwear for many years. Some have gone even further.

Whether because almost all Americans smoked marijuana, or because of the heroin addiction of famous fashion designers, the late 60s gave the world a new standard - an anorexic model weighing 40 kg Twiggy. This child (it is inconvenient to call her a woman) turned her mind upside down. Not a woman, but a teenager flashed on the pages of well-known publications. Height - about 180 cm, long legs, miniskirt, emaciated body and small breasts dreamed of women who dream of a chic figure.

In the 70s, it became fashionable to go in for sports, pump your ass, arms, and be active. Therefore, an athletic and slender figure has become the goal number 1. Madonna with feminine forms and toned body, Claudia Schiffer from 90-60-90 and many actresses of that time motivated women to do aerobics, dance and fitness.

Until 2000, it was fashionable to weigh no more than 55 kg, regularly engage in physical exercises or martial arts (after all, Angelina Jolie, in the form of Lara Croft, suggested what kind of woman is ideal). A strong, self-confident woman must be at least 175 cm tall, with parameters of 95-60-90 and without cellulite.
And about ten years ago, the world again began to return femininity to the world. It all started with Kelly Brook - her usual ass, third breast size and small tummy were recognized as the ideal proportions of a real woman.

The most beautiful and non-standard of our time

Let's start with Angelina Jolie. A chic, successful actress, a wonderful mother and the owner of the status of "Brad Pitt's wife" is admirable. Her elegant and very fragile appearance is conducive to herself, and her ability to choose the right clothes makes Jolie one of the most stylish women in the world. But her figure is far from ideal - a very thin, almost anorexic body, long arms with protruding veins and a weight of 35 kg do not look healthy. But the charm, the inner beauty of this woman make her one of the most beautiful.

Kim Kardashian is also far from the embodiment of the ideal, but her contribution to the return of magnificent forms to fashion is undeniable. Her huge ass, big breasts fell in love with the famous rapper Kanye West. After the birth of her daughter, Kim gained weight and now weighs more than 80 kg. Excess weight is too clearly visible in almost all photos of the star, because she continues to wear tight clothes and short tops.

But be that as it may, Kim Kardashian is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Famous blogger Tanesha Avashti has taken the fashion world by storm. Her photos in branded clothes and love for her body are so loved by fans that they consider Tanesha one of the prettiest women with non-standard forms. The girl created her own clothing brand for puffy young ladies. Millions of plus-size women thank her for giving them self-confidence and beauty tips.

Tara Lynn is a charming plumper who proved to the world that being sexy and successful with a booty of 116 cm and a waist of 86 cm is real. A sweet, gentle face, feminine forms really liked fashion houses like H&M, and a confident and professional presentation made Tara Lynn a star of Elle and Vogue magazines.

The British singer Adele is known to us not only for her cool voice, but also for her non-standard figure. A plump face, wide hips, a blurry waist - well, we are not used to such representatives of show business. But the extra weight does not prevent Adele from feeling beautiful, and her fans from copying her style and singing along to her songs.

This woman has changed the understanding of female beauty and charm for many decades. As soon as she appeared on the blue screens, men instantly fell in love with her, women dreamed of becoming like her, and fashion houses and magazines dreamed of photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci showed the world a new standard of femininity. Weight - 65 kg, perfect hourglass, luxurious appearance and bold look still drive men crazy.

Kate Winslet, the famous British actress, fell in love with the audience for her directness and femininity. Her debut in Titanic made her popular and beautiful. Lush breasts, a small belly, plump arms and a weight of about 70 kg do not in the least prevent the actress from building a successful career and a happy personal life.

In order to become a model with stunning success and huge fees, Crystal Renn has done a long job. She was not noticed in the fashion world for a very long time, declaring "non-standard". The girl worked out for hours in the gym, exhausted herself with hunger strikes and constantly compared herself with other models. But one day I decided to spit on everything and work in the plus size category. Thanks to this, the world admires the figure of the model, and millions of women have become more determined, because they realized that their extra pounds are not a punishment, but a gift.

Many compare Beyoncé with Kim Kardashian - also plump, also married to a rapper. But the famous singer did not resort to plastic surgery and went a long way to success. Many awards, a horde of fans, a beloved man appeared in her life from love for herself and her body. Lush forms do not interfere with the singer wearing short dresses and picking up full houses.

If you think that having a size 54, you need to close yourself in and complex, then this is not so. Ashley Graham proved to the world that you can be curvy and sexy at the same time. How many men dream of her body! And women finally believed in their own individuality and beauty. Ashley has become one of the most beautiful women in the world with a full figure.

stop doubting

If you are still shy and continue to find fault with yourself, leave the self-flagellation for others. Buy yourself beautiful matching clothes, expensive perfumes, emphasize your dignity and prove to the world that you are desirable and feminine. Believe me, many men adore women in the body.

Everyone has their own concept of beauty, just like the concept of standards. Some people like fat women, some people like thin ones. Modern society dictates its own rules to us and imposes certain standards. And most of us yearn for them.

The most beautiful and non-standard figures of the photo:

Ashley Graham

If you think that having a size 54, you need to close yourself in and complex, then this is not so. Ashley Graham proved to the world that you can be curvaceous and beautiful at the same time. How many men dream of her body! And women finally believed in their own individuality and beauty. Ashley has become one of the most beautiful women in the world with a full non-standard figure.


Many compare Beyoncé with Kim Kardashian - also plump, also married to a rapper. But the famous singer did not resort to plastic surgery and went a long way to success. Many awards, a horde of fans, a beloved man appeared in her life from love for herself and her body. Lush forms do not interfere with the singer wearing short dresses and picking up full houses.

Crystal Rennes

In order to become a model with stunning success and huge fees, Crystal Renn has done a long job. She was not noticed in the fashion world for a very long time, declaring "non-standard". The girl worked out for hours in the gym, exhausted herself with hunger strikes and constantly compared herself with other models. But one day I decided to spit on everything and work in the plus size category. Thanks to this, the world admires the figure of the model, and millions of women have become more determined, because they realized that their extra pounds are not a punishment, but a gift.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet, the famous British actress, fell in love with the audience for her directness and femininity. Her debut in Titanic made her popular and beautiful. Lush breasts, a small belly, plump arms and a weight of about 70 kg do not in the least prevent the actress from building a successful career and a happy personal life.

Monica Bellucci

This woman has changed the understanding of female beauty and charm for many decades. As soon as she appeared on the blue screens, men instantly fell in love with her, women dreamed of becoming like her, and fashion houses and magazines dreamed of photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci showed the world a new standard of femininity. Weight - 65 kg, perfect hourglass, luxurious appearance and bold look still drive men crazy.


The British singer Adele is known to us not only for her cool voice, but also for her non-standard figure. A plump face, wide hips, a blurry waist - well, we are not used to such representatives of show business. But the extra weight does not prevent Adele from feeling beautiful, and her fans from copying her style and singing along to her songs.

Tara Lynn

Tara Lynn is a charming plumper who proved to the world that being beautiful and successful with a booty of 116 cm and a waist of 86 cm is real. A sweet, gentle face, feminine forms really liked fashion houses like H&M, and a confident and professional presentation made Tara Lynn a star of Elle and Vogue magazines.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is also far from the epitome of ideal, but her contribution to the return of magnificent forms to fashion is undeniable. Her huge ass, big breasts fell in love with the famous rapper Kanye West.

Tanesha Avashti

Famous blogger Tanesha Avashti has taken the fashion world by storm. Her photos in branded clothes and love for her body are so loved by fans that they consider Tanesha one of the prettiest women with non-standard forms. The girl created her own clothing brand for puffy young ladies. Millions of plus-size women thank her for giving them self-confidence and beauty tips.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie also made it to the top of the most beautiful women with a non-standard figure. A chic, successful actress, a wonderful mother and the owner of the status of "Brad Pitt's wife" is admirable. Her elegant and very fragile appearance is conducive to herself, and her ability to choose the right clothes makes Jolie one of the most stylish women in the world. But her figure is far from ideal - a very thin, almost anorexic body, long arms with protruding veins and a weight of 35 kg do not look healthy. But the charm, the inner beauty of this woman make her one of the most beautiful.