Nine incredible birthday surprise ideas for a friend. Birthday surprise for a friend: surprise and delight

Birthday- the time when dreams and desires come true, loved ones gather to give gifts and make surprises. What surprises can you make for your beloved friend so that she does not remain indifferent? Original and creative gifts that will always be in place, today in our article.

The main thing in the article

How to choose the perfect birthday present for a friend?

  • An ideal birthday present should be given from the heart and with love.
  • The one that she had been waiting for a long time, but did not dare to purchase herself.
  • A gift that will exceed all expectations.
  • If you give even an ordinary thing, but it will be interesting to present.
  • You need to choose from a list of favorite preferences and hobbies.
  • Sometimes you need to be interested in specific desires.

How to arrange and present a gift to your beloved girlfriend?

The design of a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient.

  • Bright, flashy paper colors - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging- for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of mysteries;
  • discreet packaging — for business and serious people;
  • creative design- for creative individuals;
  • Design Ideas- for connoisseurs of certain styles.

You can also give a gift in different ways:

  • With poems or stormy wishes;
  • Just hand over;
  • Quest;
  • Surprise;
  • By courier;
  • On the holiday;
  • Alone;
  • Company.

Ideas for the best and easiest DIY gifts for a friend

  1. Lip balm;
  2. bath bombs;
  3. Frame;
  4. Plaid;
  5. Mittens or;
  6. Designer kitchen board;
  7. Pillow anti-stress;
  8. Rug;
  9. Lamp;

Drawing-portrait of a girlfriend for her birthday

  • Looking at old portraits of beauties, some of us would like to see ourselves depicted on a large canvas. You can give a portrait to your beloved girlfriend even today. You can even try to draw it yourself, this is written in more detail. You can depict not only a personal portrait, but also you together.
  • The drawing technique can be very diverse, for example, pencil, watercolor, acrylic paint or gouache.
  • Styles are selected according to preference. You can choose absolutely any, which in your opinion will be the most suitable. Happens satirical, humorous, pictorial, mythological, pair, caricature, costume, individual, historical, genre.
  • Genre can also be selected based on your preferences: cartoon, fantasy, geometric, photo-portrait, grunge, pop art, pin-up, comics, background, digital art, object.

DIY jewelry for a friend's birthday

Bijouterie- these are the very trinkets, which are never enough. They are needed always and everywhere, for a holiday, a party, a walk, a photo shoot or just a visit. From jewelry, you can give both individual items and a set:

  1. Bracelets;
  2. Rings;
  3. Earrings;
  4. Clips;
  5. Necklace;
  6. Hairpins;
  7. Body chains;
  8. Beads;
  9. necklaces.

All of the above can be made independently by purchasing the necessary tools and components.

Paper topiary - a beautiful gift for a girlfriend with your own hands

paper topiary- craft in the shape of a tree made of paper. Topiary is a landscape gardening art of figured cutting of trees. And paper is a miniature version of the most ancient craftsmanship.


  • Monetary;
  • From napkins;
  • corrugation;
  • Musical;
  • Origami;
  • In the technique of facing;
  • Crepe paper;
  • In the technique of quilling;
  • without leg;
  • From cotton pads;
  • From paper.

Origami - a gift in 5 minutes for a friend on dr

  • Origami is a Japanese paper folding technique. From paper you can make interesting figures and memorable souvenirs. It is enough to stock up on paper, spend a little time and find instructions for making what you are going to make, of which there are many on the Internet, including.
  • In the origami technique, you can make figures of animals, people, birds, insects, tanks and other equipment. From paper, you can create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, unusual crafts, or entire collections of stunning figurines.

A gift-poster on a drawing paper for a friend's birthday

gift poster- one of the most interesting ideas, because you can depict anything on whatman paper. The main rule is that there are no rules. Depict what you can think of or wish. Here are some poster options for you:

  • Photo collage;
  • Poster-portrait;
  • Wish poster;
  • "Draw it yourself";
  • travel poster;
  • "Chronicle" of memorable events;
  • Poster of the best and favorite sayings;
  • Sketches of favorite places.

You can make a poster using any tools. These can be clippings from old magazines, your photos, paints, felt-tip pens and other items for decoration.

Sweet homemade birthday present: ideas with photos

Most girls love sweets, so not every friend can resist a gift prepared with love, and even sweet. Therefore, here is a list of the most tempting sweets that you can cook with your own hands and proudly present to your beloved friend:

  1. Pie
  2. Donuts
  3. Candies
  4. Cookie
  5. Marmalade
  6. Zephyr
  7. lollipops
  8. Cake
  9. Muffins
  10. cupcakes

  11. Cake

  12. Macarons

And remember, even the simplest sweets can be prepared in a special way, with a soul and a creative approach.

A gift-joke with humor for a cheerful girlfriend on her birthday

A joke gift is suitable for that part of her friends who likes to joke and laugh heartily.

  1. Navel cleaning brush- a person who has everything;
  2. Brick- for the foundation of the future house;
  3. book with sweets- to set the mood;
  4. Origami from banknotes- for a fun pastime;
  5. Homemade Certificates- for the next fun days.

A memorable birthday gift for a friend

A memorable gift leaves pleasant memories. It is not always possible to purchase something truly expensive and memorable for your girlfriend. But to make a surprise that she will remember with warmth all her life is in your power. These are the gift options we will consider below.

Quest for a friend's birthday

Quest is one of the most popular gift ideas in the last few years. Now there are many thematic and other methods of conducting quests. A quest is a chain of tasks connected with each other, upon completion of which you receive the main prize.

Quests can be arranged in different places:

  • At home;
  • On the street;
  • All over the city;
  • in a certain area;
  • At one place.

Assignments can be thematic, practical, fun and adventurous. After all, the very essence of the quest is an exciting adventure. Give your friend a day of adventure by making a gift in the form of a quest.

Handmade birthday cards for girlfriend

Handmade broke into our lives relatively recently, and literally became the most popular hobby for most admirers of needlework. Postcards in this direction will be not only original, but also one of a kind. And you can read about how to make different postcards in ours.

Musical and creative gifts for girlfriend on dr

Musical gifts will always please a friend when she is sad. We offer you options for the most touching creative and memorable gifts that will not leave indifferent any female person.

Videos birthday gift for girlfriend

A video gift is quite laborious in terms of its creation and editing. But on the other hand, your girlfriend will definitely be satisfied on this memorable day for her. Video can be shot in the style:

  • Congratulations;
  • Stories;
  • Trips;
  • story;
  • jokes;
  • Fun.

Birthday gift song for a friend

  • Surely, many of you like to sing at home, in the shower or in karaoke. Then why not dedicate a song to your beloved friend? You can even write your own. You can also use the services of a specialist.
  • You can record your song in a recording studio, and then give your friend a CD with a dedicated track. There is also the option to put the song on the radio for the whole country to hear. True, this service is not cheap.
  • Or you can do everything yourself by performing the track live with guests and the birthday girl. Your girlfriend will be delighted with such a gift. After all, not every person will decide on such a feat.

Birthday gift for best friend

  • In the time of poets, poems were constantly dedicated to loved ones. They were composed by themselves, ordered or asked in a friendly way from creative personalities. Now few people can boast of poetic inclinations. Although, if you find inspiration, it can turn from a gift into a hobby.
  • You can dedicate one poem or a whole cycle of poems. You can make it into a book. And if you want, you can read it at the celebration or record it on audio media.

Anniversary gift for a friend

Gift-impression- this is a kind of gift that includes any service of one or more areas. In recent years, the trend is gaining momentum and becoming one of the most popular gift ideas. Varieties:

  • Quest;
  • Sport;
  • Extreme;
  • Beauty and Spa;
  • Romance;
  • Hobby.

Also, gifts are divided into: for her, for him, for children, for two, for a birthday, New Year, wedding, March 8, February 23 and February 14.

Surprise your friend with a gift “Open when…”

  • - an amazing surprise, because the main idea is humor. Such a gift will warm you when it's cold, cheer you up when you're sad, and even feed you when you want something tasty.
  • You can create a whole set of gifts with the caption "open when ..." and then write a response, or put an object that characterizes it. These can be nice letters, things, food, praise, words of encouragement, love notes, uplifting quotes, and other forms of nice words.

Symbolic inexpensive birthday gifts for a girlfriend: 29 ideas

  1. Keychain;
  2. Painting;
  3. Ball;
  4. Favorite star's autograph;
  5. Pen Parker;
  6. T-shirt;
  7. Living picture;
  8. Collector's editions of magazines;

    It will not be difficult to make a birthday present for your beloved girlfriend, especially with our advice. And the most important advice - keep heading for the dreams and desires of your girlfriend. After all, great joy comes from their performance.

How to congratulate a friend in an original way? What surprise to prepare for a friend on her birthday?

Or maybe it will be a handmade birthday surprise for a friend or a themed surprise for her?

Surprise - donated emotions, which are much more valuable than material gifts. A good, kind birthday surprise for a girlfriend should cause a storm of positive emotions, be remembered for a long time, which you would like to tell friends and family about.

It is necessary to know well its tastes and preferences, character and disposition, values ​​and desires. And even better - the limits of permissibility, otherwise a public, noisy, sometimes frank surprise may not come in place. The person will be uncomfortable!

The financial preparation of friends plays an important role. As a rule, a company of friends / girlfriends prepares a surprise - it's cheaper, and the choice is wider. Moreover, the approach to choosing the theme of a surprise for a friend’s birthday should be chosen based on the proverb: “One head is good, but two, three, etc. - better!".

On the other hand, the attention of loved ones and a charge of bright emotions for a birthday require a minimum of financial investment, but great physical costs from friends.

From our review, you will learn about possible surprises for a girlfriend for her birthday, about their diversity: by type of gift / surprise, by financial opportunities, we will talk about classics for special girlfriends, and about creativity, originality.

Birthday gift/surprise ideas for a friend

creative ideas

Rain of balloons

Original, beautiful, spectacular for a girl. Inflate a lot of balloons (preferably with gas), hide behind the door, fix with a film or attach to the floor so that they do not fall out. In the morning, a beloved friend will open the door - they will soar up (gas balloons) or fly from the ceiling (ordinary inflatables) at her.

Quest Wishes of friends

You can approach the celebration of the birthday of your beloved friend in a creative, fun, student-like way. Prepare wish sheets in advance, paste them in a certain way, according to the wish sheets, a friend will reach a certain point where the gift is located and receive her gift, vivid emotions or wishes, a guide to action, an invitation to a mini-party, etc.

Song from friends

A close friend, the soul of the company, will be surprised if a group of friends write the words and music for the song just for her. You can write your own words, suitable for your company, and music can be used as a backing track of a famous hit;

Sweet present

Creatively designed sweets, for example, in the form of a huge bouquet, will please a friend on her birthday. The fantasy of friends is the most important thing. You can arrange both independently and with the help of a specialist.

The bouquet can be filled not only with sweets, but also with notes with wishes, money in candy wrappers, comic poems or prose;

Theme evening\meeting\birthday

For example, you can organize an evening in the style of the Red Carpet and give your friend an Oscar statuette. It is necessary to beat this presentation very eloquently, brightly, unusually - this requires well-coordinated preparation from friends and a great desire to make a creative birthday surprise for your beloved girlfriend.

Important! A gift of this kind is presented with a certain eyeliner: music, words, poems, a legend, etc., a spectacular presentation of a surprise - 50 percent of success from the surprise itself!

High-quality surprise preparation - 90% success if you want to congratulate in an original way. In addition, all these events bring friends together, save money for already poor students / friends, make the surprise unusual and thoughtful from all sides. Group creativity is a mass of positive emotions, a firework of feelings and sensations.

Do not discount the ideas of cooking and hand-made. Cookies, muffins decorated with mastic and cream inscriptions, intricate mastic figures, gingerbread and cap-cakes, etc.

Rollerdrome, karting, skating, etc.

With a noisy company, you can go rollerblading / skating, and then sit in a cozy cafe with your favorite company;

BOX with a surprise

Ideal for students, teenagers who decide to congratulate their girlfriend in an original way. You can fill the box with anything: bright butterflies, balloons with wishes, purchased or wild flowers (bright dandelions are also suitable).

Ideas backed by a good amount

Important! you can prepare something more grandiose, if, of course, there is enough money for what was planned!

! Ride in a luxury limousine- super surprise. Such an offer will excite a girlfriend, and give a lot of emotions for her birthday, and will definitely be appreciated.

! Gift Certificate in SPA services- an appropriate surprise for those who care for themselves and improve their beauty. A visit to the SPA is a holiday for any friend or group of friends. Gathered together, you can feel like queens;

! Free strip dance class introduction to sports involving the use of a pylon. Classes will be interesting for an active girlfriend, they will leave a lot of impressions and amazing inspiration for new achievements;

! "Hobby class". The surprise of such a plan is based on the interest of a beloved friend. It can be anything, needlework, animals, books, scrapbooking, decoupage, quilling, embroidery with ribbons, beads, etc.;

When everything is OK with money from friends! A creative approach is what you need!

Friendly Flashmob for a beloved friend. A flash mob is an action when a large\small group of people\friends in a public place performs a predetermined action\scenario. Recently, this is a very fashionable, highly emotional form of attracting attention, congratulations, and conveying emotions.

Important! To organize a flash mob, a leader is required who has the skill of an initiator. He must be able to organize the clarity of the actions of a group of people, think over the plot / scenario and bring it to life.

An unusual congratulation in the form of a flash mob surprise will be appreciated by any girlfriend of any age. It is better to record everything on video, and then watch the video with the whole friendly company - this is a firework of emotions and laughter.

Extreme - a surprise for a friend

If your girlfriend is a fan of active sports: she constantly attends fitness, runs in the morning, skiing, skating, rollerblading like a professional, then a trip to an interesting sporting event will be an excellent surprise for her birthday:

From such surprises, a friend will be guaranteed to be overwhelmed with emotions.

Important! When choosing a creative surprise birthday greeting for a friend, it is important to give a lot of impressions to a loved one, to give attention and understanding to the desire to show the existing potential. Only in this case the surprise will bring real joy.

Attention! You should not prepare trite and hackneyed surprises, for example, buying a huge soft toy. This is a one-time experience that will only collect dust.

Actual "Classic"

If there are no ideas on how to congratulate a girlfriend or you don’t want to take risks, but you really want to please a person, then you should consider the classic options for birthday surprises for girlfriends. Ideas for universal surprises:

Festive enchanting atmosphere and surprises- secrets. A table in a bar - restaurant or cafe, decorated in advance according to the theme of the event, is a great surprise for your beloved girlfriend on her birthday. It is worth taking care of the “secrets” of mini-surprises in advance, which will “accidentally” open throughout the party.

What could it be? These can be congratulations in balloons, a small box with a surprise inside a birthday cake, a courier with flowers, a visit by an animator with a song from friends, etc. The scope of surprises for a friend depends on the wild imagination of friends and their financial capabilities.

Collective photo session with a pro- a great surprise option for a friend of any age. A very fashionable surprise today and almost a win-win, because every woman loves to be photographed. A certificate for a classic or creative themed photo shoot with make-up and change of outfits will delight any girl and woman.

Printing house exclusive. It is quite easy to make an extraordinary gift from a group of friends!

One of the options, for example, is a "special number" of a famous fashionable, glamorous magazine with a photo of a birthday girl on the cover. A surprise for a friend on objects will look spectacular: a mug, a pillow or a bag with an individual motif, etc.

Today, in the age of modern technology, it is quite easy to make any thing in an exclusive and single copy according to an individual sketch. The main thing is to do everything in advance.

Options for the very brave and determined

When choosing alternative surprises for a friend's birthday, you should focus on the interests, health, preferences, phobias of your beloved friend. By themselves, alternative offers are quite attractive!

Variants of today's popular extreme surprises: parachuting, horseback riding, scuba diving or the opportunity to fly in a wind tunnel. But not every such birthday surprise for a friend may like to suit her.

Important! Even the most ordinary photo shoot can turn into a stunning surprise if it is not just a photo shoot, but a thematic shoot. The most daring friends will be happy to be invited to a nude photo session.

Do-it-yourself birthday surprise for a friend

If there is no possibility of big spending on a surprise for your best friend, then you can cook something with your own hands.

Creative - T-shirt. Buy paint for painting on fabric, an ordinary T-shirt, for example, in the oversized style, jeans to make a life-affirming inscription. The inscription can have an original meaning or be read only through a mirror!

The ability to accurately “hit the target” and give what you want is another criterion for a great birthday.

DIY surprise ideas:

  • — Large knit scarf;
  • - Expensive Lip Balm;
  • - Bath bombs
  • — Handmade soap with decorative elements;
  • — Half-sun skirt;
  • - Body Scrub;
  • - Photo frame with a significant photo;
  • - Plaid;
  • - Mittens or a fashionable hat;
  • - Designer kitchen board;
  • — Organizer;
  • — Pillow anti-stress;
  • - Rug;
  • - Lamp;
  • - Soft toy - jewelry.

How to make a friend happy on her birthday?

Give nice things

Find out from the environment what your girlfriend is fond of, how she relates to some things, how she spends her free time. Having collected information, you can choose the right, but not expensive gift / surprise.

Party is a surprise

Find a place for a party, book a table or order food, music, invite other friends and bring a birthday girl there under a fictitious pretext. In the style of American comedies - a friend enters, everyone jumps out and shouts “Surprise!” Together, firecrackers and serpentine are fired;

Early leave

There is no better surprise than an unscheduled vacation or weekend!

Important! it is very important to think ahead of time of all the nuances of the upcoming surprise - vacation. Think over: buying tickets for transport, paying for housing and working out the route. You can buy an all-inclusive package. Aerobatics - work out the issue of leave at work and negotiate with relatives outside a friend.

Surprise for the lady!

If you are at a loss what surprise to make, give your friend your favorite fragrance or a silver pendant in an unusual design.

Gift ideas for ladies:

It is important to get it right

  • Making a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient;
  • Bright, flashy colors of paper - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging - for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of puzzles;
  • Discreet packaging - for business and serious people;
  • Creative design - for creative individuals;
  • Design ideas for decoration - for connoisseurs of certain styles.

It is important to present well

  1. In verse, prose or stormy wishes;
  2. Just hand over;
  3. Quest;
  4. Surprise;
  5. By courier;
  6. On the holiday;
  7. Alone;
  8. Company.

Whatever gift/surprise option you choose, be it an expensive certificate or a cake made by yourself, the main thing is the feelings and emotions with which this present was prepared and will be presented.

Friendship gives ample opportunities - friends know a person. Her dreams, passions and interests, desires of a friend or fears / phobias, income and attitude towards gifts - everything you need to make an amazing, extraordinary, unusual birthday surprise for a friend, create the perfect gift or turn an ordinary birthday into a surprise holiday .

Viewed: 831

The name day of a close friend is a real puzzle: you don’t know how to surprise a friend on her birthday, while giving a gift that she has long dreamed of. Even an inexpensive present will be remembered for a long time if emotions and impressions become an attachment to it.

Method number 1 - create intrigue

You can surprise a friend not with a gift, but with the process of delivery. As an option, do not immediately give the main gift, but arrange an adventure game. First, give a friend a gift box with a mini surprise and the first puzzle, solving which she will get to the second mini surprise with another clue, and so on until she gets to the most important gift. And in each mini-surprise, in addition to tips, put nice little things: a chocolate bar, a flower, a soft toy or a souvenir.

You can be intrigued if the present is packed in a small box, which is placed in a larger box, and so on. In the process of unpacking the gift, the birthday girl will go through the possible options in her head.

Method number 2 - make an original gift

A win-win option is to surprise a friend with a gift made for her. T-shirt, mug, phone case with a name or photo will not get dusty on a shelf or in a closet. The girl will like the picture with her portrait.

A professional artist will draw such a portrait from a photograph, and to make it even more interesting, ask the master to depict the birthday girl in the image of a favorite character in a book or film, against the backdrop of the sea, landscape, mountains or castles of the Middle Ages. You can paint a picture in different styles of painting: from romanticism to post-impressionism.

Method number 3 - create a mood

A birthday surprise for a friend can be made even before the main gift is presented, creating a mood. The birthday girl will be delighted if she wakes up in a room decorated with balloons, fresh flowers or butterflies. Do not torment her with the expectation of the first congratulations on the phone. She will not be offended by a night call with a request to look out the window if she sees in it a wish laid out with the help of candles.

It is unexpected and joyful to receive congratulations from strangers. To do this, let a dozen people she does not know send an SMS with congratulations at the same time. An incredible number of letters from unknown numbers will cause a lot of emotions in a friend. In order not to congratulate her with banal phrases, get ready: write a comic song, create a slide show or shoot a video in which you say warm and sincere words to her.

Method number 4 - make an original gift with your own hands

A proven way of original congratulations is a do-it-yourself surprise for a girlfriend. For a sweet tooth, it is more pleasant to receive goodies not in a bag or box, but in the form of a bouquet, in which sweets are wrapped instead of flower buds.

An alternative option is to bake homemade cookies, but not with fruit or cream filling, but with wishes. Another original way to congratulate is to make a cake out of cardboard. Let it consist of boxes in the form of pieces of goodies, inside of which there will be pleasant little things: a magnet with a joint photo, lip gloss, a bottle of your favorite perfume. If you plan to donate money, then it is better to give it in an unusual and original way, for example, in a bag tied on a balloon, or in a photo frame.

Method number 5 - give emotions and impressions

Impressions and a good time will surprise a friend on her birthday. So that the celebration of the name day does not turn into banal gatherings at home, and the hero of the occasion feels like a queen, and not a dishwasher and a cook, book a table for her in a restaurant. Spending holidays at the table is a stereotype; it’s better to celebrate your birthday in a water park, on the beach, in a bowling alley or a paintball club. At the end of the evening, make the final surprise - give a limousine ride through the city at night.

For calm natures, a certificate for procedures in a spa or beauty salon will be a good gift, which will give you the opportunity to pamper yourself and relax. A certificate for a professional photo session is the best surprise for a friend who loves to be photographed.

Ask your acquaintances or friends which of their birthdays is the most memorable? Few people will answer you that the best was the one where everyone ate to satiety, or the one where they managed to try an unusual salad.

Unusual holidays are remembered for the longest time, with surprises and genuine fun. It doesn’t matter who is preparing them, the birthday man himself or his loved ones - the question of how to have fun celebrating a birthday is always relevant.

prosaic digression

Before choosing a holiday scenario, you need to calculate the costs that you can easily afford to organize it. Remember that "cheap" does not mean "angry". With careful preparation using creative ideas, you can spend a significant day no worse than the heroes of Hollywood films do.

If the budget is bursting at the seams, invite your friends to celebrate your birthday the way they do in Europe - everyone contributes their share of the costs in advance. This option is possible if you do not go to a cafe, but hold a theme party at home.

If you invite guests to contribute their share as a gift, you may take a heavy burden off their shoulders. In an era of abundance, it is very difficult to decide what the birthday person wants. So unnecessary things gather dust in the closet, or at best they are given away to someone else.

How to decorate a house for a celebration

A special entourage will help create a festive atmosphere at the house where they are going to celebrate a birthday. Let's not talk about balls and streamers, garlands and bouquets of flowers. Do what no one else has done:
All this will be inexpensive, but will bring a lot of pleasant minutes to the birthday man and his guests.

Quest - creative ideas

This day will be remembered for a long time if its scenario is completed in the form of a quest. Entertainment, whose name is translated from English as "search", is now far ahead of other ideas in popularity. You can visit the quest with friends in the entertainment center, or you can organize it at home with your own hands.

Here is what the quest script must contain:

  • Interesting tasks of an accessible degree of complexity for everyone (charades, riddles, logical tasks);
  • Hints in case the search drags on and the tasks are too difficult;
  • Prize fund for participants, unless, of course, the quest is intended to search for a gift for a birthday person.
  • A festively laid table, as a summing up.

Quests can be thematic, based on the plots of films and computer games, on the hobby of the birthday boy. If the tasks are not united by one topic, perhaps this will make it even more interesting. In such a quest, riddles, and facts from the life of the hero of the occasion, and poetry, and crossword puzzles can be combined.

Even if you plan to celebrate your birthday not in a cafe with friends, but at home tete-a-tete, you can come up with a romantic quest for your soulmate using charming tips. The most important thing is to conduct a thorough preparation in order to preserve the element of intrigue.

Theme parties

Such a birthday will not soon be forgotten. The popularity of theme parties is still great. They are arranged in cafes and at home, outdoors and at corporate events. Such birthdays require a certain entourage, a special selection of dishes and outfits for the guests. You can even make gifts suitable for the theme of the evening.

Ideas for celebrating a themed birthday:

  • French party. Entourage - the style of a French cafe, images of the Eiffel Tower, lavender, cheese, wine, elegantly served dishes of French cuisine. Contests - find out the word made by a mime and shown in the form of pantomime, build the Eiffel Tower from cups, pronounce your name with a French pronunciation, draw a picture in an abstract style with finger paints.
  • Vampire Party. Entourage - all the objects around and the table setting in red and black, posters with famous vampires from their films, hands (a glove with frozen ice inside). Contests - checking the sense of smell with closed eyes, "luring the victim" (who knows how to persuade best of all), "vampire's arsenal" (pulling attributes for a vampire out of a hat and justifying its necessity).
  • Party in the style of "Hollywood", "Mosfilm". Entourage - red carpet, posters, posters, popcorn, star-shaped balloons. Competitions - for the best trick, the best make-up, the best phrase from the film, the best costume, the best actors (competitions based on live pictures).
  • Party in style. Entourage - garlands of light bulbs, records, clothes in the style of the 60s. Competitions - a dance with a record between dancing partners, a “black jazz player” (we turn a guy into a black jazz musician), a quiz about dudes and their slang.

There are a huge number of ideas on how to have fun celebrating a birthday in the style of a theme party. Hawaiian, Japanese, in the style of "Avatar", "Ladies and Gentlemen", "Wild West" - all these stories will help you spend a holiday inexpensively, make it unforgettable, no matter where it was, at home or in a cafe.

Contests for a fun company

No matter how exquisitely the festive table is set, no matter how homemade delicacies compete with dishes prepared in a cafe, there comes a moment when you no longer want to sit at the table. In this case, if neither the quest nor the theme party inspires the organizers of the holiday, you need to prepare a special scenario. These are pre-cooked, which are carried out at home:
  • "Let's play the scenario of a fairy tale." A simple fairy tale is taken, known to all the players, such as "Turnip" or a familiar song such as "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Before the start of the game, they distribute who will be who, so that the rest do not know about the role of the neighbor. The highlight is that there are such roles as "snow", "blizzard", "herringbone", "wood firewood". The host begins to tell a fairy tale (sing a song), while the participants at this time try to do their best, trying to play their roles. Explosions of stormy laughter do not allow to finish the performance ...
  • "What should I do about it?" The participant is blindfolded, he determines with one hand what lies on the table. Basically, these are household items (rolling pin, hair dryer, glasses case, decorative button), but he does not know about it. It is necessary after examining the subject to tell how it can be used. For each participant a new set of things is selected.
  • "Bring me." The host asks to bring him some object (glasses, belt, notebook, shoe, earring). Whoever does it first gets a mini-prize or a token. Whoever has the most insignia wins the top prize.
  • Question and answer contests. Funny questions and no less funny answers are selected in advance, which are distributed to the participants in a chaotic manner. Everyone answers the neighbor's question using the answer option he got. Clumsy combinations cause laughter, to say the least.

    You can change the script a little and have a scene with a fortune teller in disguise, who offers to pull funny predictions out of her hand.

In order to have a fun birthday at home, it is not at all necessary to incur large expenses. Funny contests, a carefully thought-out scenario, original decorations dedicated to the birthday boy will help you celebrate this holiday in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

I love good parties. When the basis is an interesting idea and a little bit of organization, simple get-togethers turn into an interesting event that is remembered. That is why, I was very happy to receive an invitation from my sister for her birthday. The holiday was in the format of a picnic in the park (summer after all!), and the sister chose a marine theme as a basis, inspired by the Day of the Navy. We are so crazy in my family, we cannot do without a concept.

Organizing an interesting party with a twist is not so difficult, especially if you follow the standard algorithm. True, often in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is difficult even to force yourself to make a holiday for yourself (hope that someone will organize a holiday for you, unfortunately). My sister's seaside picnic inspired me to structure my approach to party planning so that all that's left now is to check things off the list nicely and say "check" like Monica Geller.

1. Make a list of invitees (and even manage not to accidentally forget anyone)

For such cases, I have a list in notes in Outlook. After all, from year to year we invite almost the same people to events such as birthdays. With such a file, you don’t have to make a list again: add new acquaintances, remove those who have parted or dropped out of the circle of friends - and voila! Check!

2. Come up with a theme

The most difficult and most interesting task. To come up with a cool theme, you need to be inspired by something. A specific day (for example, the Day of the Navy), or a venue (White Party of White Nights with a walk through the night summer St. Petersburg), or even the number of participants (I came up with the theme of the birthday of all the colors of the rainbow when I realized that I would have seven guests). I wrote about the ideas that I used for my birthdays. I allow you to roam without hesitation.

3. Announce the dress code

As a rule, after the theme is thought up, it is already easy to understand what the dress code will be. Recently, I like to help the invited (at this moment, the slippers of my girlfriends fly at me, who this year, because of my crazy ideas, ran around the shops in search of white dresses), and as inspiration, I prepare an approximate selection of outfits.

4. Prepare a wish list

Perhaps, almost more than anything in the world, I love surprises ... from people who know me well and know what gifts I will like. My sister gave me a KINFOLK magazine this year with a house theme that wasn't even on the wish list (well, you know how excited I was anyway). But a pre-prepared wish list is essential if you don't want to end up inundated with my-size flipper-style gifts. I used to use the Mywishlist service, which I created, in my opinion, back in the time of active use of LiveJournal, since then it has not changed and is still stuck somewhere in the mid-2000s, although the wishes of lilacs, peonies and more cannot become outdated . Pinterest is everything. I have a wish board here, which I am slowly but surely filling out.

5. Decide on the place of action

To you or to me? Well, you get the idea. Picnic and boating, a walk around the city at night with the launch of balloons, a cooking master class in a culinary studio, a pajama party at home or home gatherings. One of my girlfriends decided to celebrate her 30th birthday in Georgia (invitations were sent out almost a year before (!)). Much will depend on the overall theme (and sometimes the setting will dictate the theme). Do not delay with this matter, otherwise you will be sitting like me at a cookie-making master class in the large hall of the restaurant, and nasty kids will scurry around and beg you for the balloons that you were presented with.

6. Send an invitation

No matter how obvious this step was, I have had cases when I sent out an invitation at 11 pm on the eve of my birthday itself (does not apply only to aircraft). For people like me, salvation is a Facebook invitation service (hey, is there really someone else who doesn’t have a Facebook page? okay, I duplicated the information with text messages for such individuals of a rare endangered species). Why are Facebook invites better than email invites? Because you can add information there (the same wish list, dress code, action address) as it becomes available. This, by the way, also perfectly stirs up the interest of the public, which means it lengthens the holiday. I also have a dream to have a party with real invitations sent by mail, but apparently I can't wait until I have a ring on my finger.

7. Prepare decor

Here, of course, the master is my sister. Only she can eat 20 jars of applesauce on the eve of her birthday in order to arrange them as drinking glasses. I usually limit myself to something simple. The white party is a huge bunch of white and silver balloons. Rainbow party - colorful donuts and lollipops.

8. Think about who will be photographing

Did I already say that I love taking pictures? I like taking pictures of myself! Photos are important, important, important. Consider who will take on this role. If there is no person with hands from the right place, then he can hire a photographer (after all, unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year), well, or Instax is in a hurry to help - it's always fun. Oh, and one more thing, don't forget to take a picture of the food before it disappears.

9. Prepare gifts for guests

This is soooo cute! Well, really, think about whether you can give something small but pleasant to your guests. I honestly admit that I only had one time for such a feat. For my rainbow-themed birthday, I gave each guest an envelope with Skittles (try the rainbow!) and a hairclip with a flower in the rainbow color the guest chose.