If the lips are weathered - what to do? Chapped lips: quick treatment at home

Weathering and burning of the lips is due to the loss of moisture under the influence of negative factors. Signs of weathering are: tightness, an unpleasant feeling of peeling, redness, cracks. Many people in the cold season ask themselves the question: weathered lips - what to do and how to cure them?

Chapping of the lips is not such a harmless phenomenon as many people think, since bacteria and microbes can get into the cracks, which lead to completely unexpected and extremely undesirable consequences. So, if your lips are chapped, then this problem must be eliminated immediately so as not to pick up some more serious disease.

Why are lips chapped?

The reasons why lips can become weathered are conventionally divided into two groups - external and internal.

External factors

The first group of negative factors include:

1. Weather conditions.

Wind, rain and sun adversely affect the beauty and health of your lips. Delicate skin does not like sudden changes in temperature, and quickly begins to crack in severe frost and heat. Also, its appearance is negatively affected by ultraviolet rays.

We cannot influence external factors, however, it is in our power to pay due attention to protection from negative factors and thereby prevent weathering.

2. Cosmetics

Problems can appear due to the use of poor-quality lipstick or gloss. Super-resistant lipsticks also have a negative effect on the skin of the lips. Therefore, before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to not only carefully study its composition, but also protect your lips with a balm that will moisturize your skin.

3. Toothpaste

Substances that can strengthen our tooth enamel or heal our gums can be harmful to sensitive lips. The effect of drying has fluorine, which is most often found in the composition of toothpastes.

4. Bad habit

You should never lick dry lips, this will make them even more weathered and, as a result, crack.

5. Wrong breathing.

With improper breathing - through the mouth, due to a cold, the lips will instantly become weathered.

Internal causes

The second, so-called “internal” group, includes health-related problems. In order to understand that the cause lies within you and cure it, pay attention to the condition of your nails, hair and skin.

1. Lack of water

The disturbed water balance makes your sponges less protected - the daily norm of water is one and a half to two liters. And if your lips are chapped, you need to increase your water intake.

2. Avitaminosis

The human body signals its condition in all possible ways, and sponges are no exception. You just need to enrich your body with vitamins A and E.

Control measures and solutions

Remember! If your lips are chapped, in no case should you tear off the keratinized skin. You have to wait until it disappears on its own. Otherwise, wounds may remain, which will be very problematic to cure.

To find the reason why the sponges are weathered means to cope with the problem by 50 percent, and if the reason is inside, it is quite simple to deal with it:

  • consume water in the right amount;
  • drink a complex of vitamins A, E and B.

If negative environmental influences have become the cause of problems with the lips, then you can use the following remedies:

Medical masks

Natural masks are the best way fight chapped lips.

  • A sour cream mask will help moisturize chapped lips. Take a good quality sour cream (homemade is best) and apply it in an even layer around your mouth. After the first layer dries, the procedure should be repeated.
  • Kiwi mask will give a natural shine to your lips. Pour a couple of drops of vegetable (preferably olive or almond) oil into a tablespoon and crush a small piece of kiwi there - the healing mixture is ready.
  • Olive oil and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture on chapped lips, blot with a napkin after 15-20 minutes.

Try to minimize contact with water, as it also dries the skin very much and contributes to the appearance of microcracks.

There are also a sufficient number of pharmaceutical products that will help you cure your lips:


If the problem of weathering is running, regular Vaseline will come to your aid. With a high fat content, it will quickly and for a long time moisturize your lips.

To do this, apply vaseline ointment on the lips and massage them with your fingertips for 20-25 minutes, as if rubbing into the skin. Then remove the remnants of the ointment with a towel or a napkin moistened with warm water.

Balm "Rescuer"

The lifeguard will not only moisturize your chapped lips, but also heal.

Professional balms nourish and moisturize the delicate skin of the lips, and also create a protective film on your lips.

Hygienic lipstick

The most practical way to moisturize your lips. Apply it before every exit to the street, in a thick layer.


It is always better to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with its consequences later.

For prevention, experts recommend using protective equipment, which includes sunscreens and emollient oils. Balms based on beeswax are very effective. Buy quality products to avoid allergic reactions.

Get rid of the bad habit of licking your lips. Moisture quickly evaporates from the surface and, as a result, dries them even more.

Advice: If you can not wean yourself from this bad habit, then you can lubricate your lips with oily, healthy, but at the same time bitter aloe oil.

Drink enough water, daily water intake is 1.5 -2 liters. If you ate salty or too fatty foods, the rate increases by 0.5-1 liter, depending on the food consumed.

Humidify the air - being in a room with dry air, you overdry the skin, and this will negatively affect its appearance. So, if possible, try to monitor the humidity of the room in which you are.

Do not use persistent lipsticks and cheap cosmetics. Always remove makeup and apply moisturizer to your lips before bed.

Eat right! You need to eat more nuts, fruits, dairy products and fish.

Cold, windy weather or the scorching sun cause the skin of the lips to dry out, peeling and cracks develop. The reason for this is the absence of sebaceous glands on the surface of the dermis in this area, so moisture does not occur, moisture is quickly lost.

Most often, pathology occurs with constant licking of the lips, especially if this is done in the wind or in frosty weather. Another reason may be the use of low-quality cosmetics, which causes allergic reactions. Around the mouth and on the mucous membranes, a rash, redness, swelling appear, after opening the bubbles, the skin begins to peel off and peel off.

Red border dermatitis is manifested by the appearance of multiple ulcers, crusts along the contour of the lips, discomfort, swelling of the face. The disease is most often diagnosed in young girls, and most of the surrounding dermis can be involved in the pathological process.

In winter, the body often experiences a deficiency of vitamins, this can also cause the lips to become weathered, dry and cracked. With a food allergy to certain foods, swelling of the oral cavity develops, a small red rash forms, the skin itches, and there is a strong burning sensation during meals.

In children, the most common cause of chapped and flaky lips is stomatitis, cheilitis. In this case, the red border or corners of the mouth (jams) are mainly affected. The causative agent of the pathology is Candida yeast-like fungi, which multiply when the immune system is weakened, or the herpes virus. Painful vesicles, sores, covered with a white curdled coating, form on the mucous membranes.

What to do and how to treat lips?

An exfoliating skin peel is needed first, but only if there are no deep wounds. For this, natural honey and a little sugar are used, the components are stirred and gently rubbed into the lips, then washed off with warm water. After the keratinized scales are removed, moisturizing, nourishing masks are applied. Prepare them according to the following recipes:

1. An effective way to treat chapped and flaky lips: mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E, ½ teaspoon of almond oil. To keep the product for a long time, honey can be replaced with beeswax or petroleum jelly. Smearing the skin is necessary for the prevention and treatment of cracks.

2. The composition of orange oil and aloe vera extract in ampoules helps to quickly cure chapped lips. It is necessary to treat the affected areas 3-5 times a day, always before going outside. Active ingredients accelerate regeneration, deeply moisturize tissues, relieve irritation, redness and inflammation.

3. Dry lips can be cured in 1 day at home with masks of heavy cream or sour cream. Fermented milk products are applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes, then the remnants are removed with a cotton pad. This method of treatment saturates the tissues with vitamin B, provides deep hydration.

4. If the lips are dry and chapped, they should be treated with such an ointment: 20 g of petroleum jelly, 5 drops of sea buckthorn and apricot oil. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and used to regularly moisturize chapped skin. This tool can be used at home to treat children and adults.

5. Homemade ointment with chamomile: 3 tablespoons of melted natural butter, 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, the components are mixed and put on a steam bath, kept on low heat for 1 hour, stirring constantly. Then filter, add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera juice, 3 drops of lavender essential oil. The composition is poured into a dry glass jar and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month. Prepared medicine can be smeared with cracked skin, sunburn.

6. What to do if the lips are chapped in children? A recipe for cucumber and aloe vera helps to treat pathology at home. Grate the vegetable, squeeze out the pulp of a fresh aloe leaf, strain the juice. Add some linseed oil to it. The skin is treated with the medicine before going outside, if the child has severely weathered lips, then they need to be smeared up to 5-6 times a day until the cracks are completely healed.

7. You can treat at home with sea buckthorn oil. A cotton swab dipped in medicine should be smeared on the lips several times a day. A folk remedy quickly heals cracks and restores the skin, relieving unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the oil helps to get rid of stomatitis and signs of food allergies.

If the cause of chapped lips in a child or adult is stomatitis, cheilitis, it is necessary to consult a dentist. The doctor prescribes antiseptic rinses with Chlorhexidine, a decoction of chamomile, calendula. Outwardly, the dermis should be smeared with antifungal gels Solcoseryl, Metrogyl.

If the skin of the lips is affected by dermatitis, it can be cured with antihistamine, vitamin-mineral complexes, ointments with corticosteroids. Medicines are prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the form and severity of the disease.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations for the treatment of chapped lips

With vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to take vitamins (Complivit), add more fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts, whole grains, dairy products to the diet.

1. Hydrocortisone ointment 1% relieves irritation, inflammation and eliminates peeling of chapped lips, food allergy symptoms, and reduces swelling. Do not use during pregnancy, for the treatment of dermatitis, fungal, viral diseases of the dermis and children under 2 years of age.

2. Homeopathic ointment Cycaderma is made on the basis of natural herbs, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect, relieves inflammation and reduces pain, protects against dryness and cracking, jamming. It is necessary to treat only the outer tissues, avoiding the drug getting on the mucous membranes. It is contraindicated to use the ointment for children under 1 year of age, women should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

3. Cream D-Panthenol stimulates the regeneration of damaged cells, nourishes and softens the skin of the lips, compensates for the lack of vitamin B, increases the strength of collagen fibers. The dermis is lubricated 2-4 times a day until the wounds are completely healed. If purulent crusts are present, they are first treated with antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin). Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the active substances of D-Panthenol.

Before using pharmaceutical products, you should consult your doctor. Self-treatment can worsen the condition of the epidermis and cause complications and side effects.

Prevention of chapped lips

To prevent peeling and cracking of the skin, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • do not lick your lips in the street;
  • use special cosmetic oils or hygienic lipstick;
  • take vitamins in the autumn-winter period;
  • eliminate food allergens;
  • treat concomitant diseases in a timely manner;
  • regularly ventilate the room, preventing the air from drying out;
  • in summer, lubricate the skin of the lips with a cream with UV protection;
  • use high-quality cosmetics.

If symptoms of candidiasis, dermatitis or allergies appear, you should consult a doctor and treat. The advanced form of the disease leads to the formation of purulent, weeping ulcers, painful sensations during eating and talking.

By following preventive measures, you can avoid severe chapping of the skin of the lips, the appearance of cracks and peeling. The use of cosmetic oils, hygienic lipstick or folk recipes helps to moisturize and nourish the dermis, accelerates the healing of wounds in adults and children, and helps to treat chapped lips.

Surely everyone has encountered such a problem as chapped lips. This is a phenomenon that is accompanied by peeling,. Quite often, such a process not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but is also accompanied by painful sensations. The most "favorable" period for chapping lips is winter, however, in the summer, you can encounter such a phenomenon. In some cases, such a manifestation may act as evidence of the presence of diseases and be a separate symptom.

Why lips are constantly weathered - reasons

It must be understood that before proceeding with the treatment of such a phenomenon as chapped lips, it is necessary to establish its causes. There are at least seven main reasons that affect the lip mucosa in a similar way. As a rule, this occurs due to the external influence of some stimulus.

  • Quite often there are people who independently gnaw the upper layers of the epithelium from the lips. Such an action is a bad habit that should be abandoned. As a rule, the desire to gnaw the skin appears as a result of an increase in mental stress, and in order to remove it, a person bites his lips. As a result, we not only have cracks, but also bruises, and sometimes even blood stains.
  • Another fairly common cause is breathing through the mouth. When a person for some reason stops inhaling air through his nose and starts to do it with his mouth, then it is likely that the disease will not take long to wait. This is due to the systematic ingress of moist air to the surface, drying it and causing it to crack. This process is very relevant for the cold season, especially for winter.
  • Sharp temperature changes also provoke the occurrence of corresponding manifestations. This applies to both winter frosts and summer heat. The skin of the lips is also severely damaged by direct ultraviolet rays, which occurs during sunbathing on the beach. To prevent this unpleasant process, it is necessary to resort to cosmetics, since without them difficulties can arise. All due to the fact that the skin covering the lips does not contain fat cells - this aspect makes it more vulnerable.
  • As you know, healthy skin must be nourished, breathe, etc. This allows you to ensure metabolic processes in the body, and the lack of certain vitamins prevents normal skin renewal. The epidermal layers of the lips simply need a complex of vitamins of groups A, B, E. Otherwise, not only an external violation of the integrity of the membrane is possible, but also the occurrence of a number of unpleasant diseases, including herpes.
  • Cosmetics and hygiene products can cause allergic reactions. For example, toothpaste containing a high content of such a component as fluoride leads to excessive chapping of the skin of the lips. Low-quality cosmetics, which are characterized as super-resistant, often cause skin problems.

What to do if lips are very weathered and sore?

There are many recipes and tips aimed at treating lip damage, including chapping. Among such remedies, ointments, cosmetic tools (), as well as folk compresses can be distinguished. However, it should be remembered that the best remedy is prevention, which should consist of a series of measures that prevent the occurrence of a problem.

The lips themselves are weathered and swollen

An excellent way to deal with the inflammatory process on the lips, as well as their peeling, is massage with the use of such an organic product as honey. In addition to the fact that honey will quickly remove swelling, it will promote the healing of wounds and cracks. To do this, apply a warm product on chapped lips and gently massage them. As you know, water greatly dries the skin, for this reason, honey cannot be removed by washing, after a while, blot the sticky surface of the lips with a damp soft cloth or towel.

There are also cosmetic tools for the prevention and treatment of a specific range of diseases. In most cases, these products are represented by hygienic lipsticks, which create a special protective film on the lips, preventing infection from entering the formed cracks, and will also provoke their speedy healing. A feature of this method is its versatility and convenience, since a tube of lipstick can be easily carried with you and used for its intended purpose at the right time. In addition, lipstick has no color, which allows it to be used not only for women, but also for men.

Skin around the lips

It often happens that as a result of chapping of the lips, the skin of the adjacent territory suffers. In this case, there is an unpleasant, slightly burning sensation around the mouth, accompanied by peeling and redness. Under these conditions, it is important to create a protective barrier that serves as a breeding ground for healing. To do this, you can apply a baby cream and treat the affected area around the mouth with it. After the product has been applied to the skin area, it is necessary to allow the cream to be absorbed. In this regard, the method is good to apply before going to bed, leaving the composition on the face all night.

Sunflower or olive oil can also help, which should be treated with damaged skin around the lips. The method is largely unconventional, however, its effectiveness is based on practice.

How to smear the corners of the lips

Such problems are most often eliminated with the help of moisturizing and healing creams. Often a 1% tetracycline ointment is used. However, it would be better if, before applying this or that cream, a dermatologist or cosmetologist will examine and prescribe the appropriate remedy. When choosing an ointment, you need to pay attention to the places for its application, which are indicated in the instructions. An incorrectly selected remedy can lead to complications and allergic reactions, which will complicate the recovery process to a greater extent.

Video: treatment of chapped lips at home

The video offers the most effective means to cope with chapped lips. In addition, you can find out which methods are less versatile and effective, but continue to be produced by cosmetics manufacturers. You can get all the useful information regarding lip skin problems based on practical experience.

After a rich and bright summer, cold weather immediately sets in: the first wind, rain, snow ...

At this moment, the skin is under stress, it lacks sunlight and vitamins. But our lips suffer the most.

The fact is that the skin on the lips is very delicate and sensitive, it reacts to any changes in the weather. Dryness appears, they begin to crack, which quite uncomfortable for a person.

In order to prevent an extreme situation, you need to understand the causes of the appearance and ways to solve this problem.

You can learn how to make lipstick at home from ours.


Strongly chapped lips - what to do? If you notice chapped lips, don't rush.

Before taking action, you need to understand the cause of the problem.

Lips may not always become weathered in winter or during a cold wind. Sometimes, this happens in the summer. What can contribute to this:

  1. Frequent lip licking. Of course, by licking your lips, you moisturize and soften them, but this gives only a temporary effect. Abusing this action, you only exacerbate the situation.
  2. Can cause dry skin climate in the room.

    Because of the noisy city or the cold temperature outside, we often refuse to ventilate the room, which immediately leads to dry indoor air.

    This has a very negative effect on the condition of the lips and skin in general.

  3. Also lips tend to dry out. during nasal congestion. During illness, we try to grab as much air as possible, if the nose does not save, then the mouth comes to the rescue. It is forbidden to do this, since at this moment not only the skin on the lips suffers, but also the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  4. Another reason can be lack of vitamins in the body, which perform the main functions of skin regeneration. Often, this problem accompanies those who are on a diet or adhere to a mono-nutrition.
  5. And of course lips need to be taken care of. They will make themselves felt if you do not take care of them in advance.

After you have found out the reason, you can proceed to action.

Professional tools can help you with this, or you can use grandmother's recipes.

To do this, any ointment, tincture or mask must be used regularly.

Also follow the rule: moisturize your lips 30 minutes before going outside. During this period of time, the product will be absorbed and will be useful to the lips.

If you go out earlier, then the product will not yet penetrate the skin and will act as an irritant, just like the frequent licking of lips in the wind.

Do I need to visit a doctor?

If you have chapped lips, see a doctor worth it only in extreme cases. This refers to the formation of deep cracks on the lips or in the corners, which constantly ooze and cause pain.

Also, a doctor is needed if conventional remedies do not help to cope with the problem. Chapped lips can cause avitaminosis, so the specialist will prescribe the necessary vitamins.

If the cause is bacterial infection, it is very difficult to deal with it.

The doctor must conduct all the necessary studies and only then various drugs are prescribed: medicines, ointments, creams.

Therefore, if you could not cope with chapped lips at home - immediately go to the doctor for advice.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Existing treatments

If you still have chapped lips, heavy artillery comes to the rescue in the form of masks, creams and oils.

Ointments and creams

What to put on chapped lips? If a slight peeling appears on the lips, then it is enough to soften them with regular vaseline.

It will not only reduce peeling, soften the skin, but also protect you from further exposure to natural factors.

Also an excellent tool in the early stages, it is considered vitamin A and E which are sold in pharmacies in liquid form. It is enough to regularly apply a small amount to the problem area.

You can also buy at the pharmacy hydrocortisone ointment. It does an excellent job with small cracks and peeling.

To begin with, apply this ointment to the lips, and cover on top regular moisturizer. So the effect will be longer.

Now on the market there are a variety of products that can soften the skin of the lips.

The most popular of them are brand creams VICHY, EOS, LIBREDERM, NIVEA etc.

Folk remedies

How to treat chapped lips at home? Often, ordinary home products that can solve a problem such as chapped lips can rich in beneficial properties. Let's look at some recipes.

Before proceeding with moisturizing, the lips must be thoroughly cleaned of keratinized particles. To do this, prepare at home.

What will be needed for this? Take a tablespoon honey, mix it with a teaspoon Sahara, mix everything thoroughly. Apply this mixture on the lips and make rubbing movements.

Sugar particles will relieve you of unnecessary peeling. Rinse lips with warm water afterwards. They will become very soft and smooth.

Now you can start moisturizing. There are also several recipes for this:

Contraindications and frequency of use

If you are engaged in the treatment of chapped lips, then complications should be avoided. Therefore, study carefully the annotation for creams and ointments, to avoid side effects.

And for homemade recipes, use only natural ingredients that do not cause an allergic reaction.

Light procedures in the form of moisturizing and nutrition can be carried out daily, it will not get worse. Take medicines strictly according to the doctor's recommendations.

Prevention measures

In order not to have to deal with chapped lips, you can prevent the problem.

For this enough to follow some rules:

  1. Get rid of the habit of licking your lips.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly, if possible, purchase a humidifier.
  3. Before going out, moisturize your lips and protect them regularly from the environment.
  4. Learn to take care of your lips. Try some homemade recipes, buy your favorite cream or ointment.
  5. Refrain from washing with cold water in winter.

To be beautiful, you need to love yourself. Our body needs care that we can only get from ourselves. The lips are considered one of the sexiest parts of the body, which is why they need close attention.

It is enough to adhere to the rules and avoid the appearance of chapping, and when the first signs are found, immediately begin treatment.

How to use a cosmetic novelty - lip tint? find out right now.

About, how to treat chapped lips at home you can learn from the video:

Chapped lips cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Dryness, tightness, pain, peeling and cracks - all this significantly impairs the quality of life. Health. lips can be at risk at any time of the year, regardless of gender and age. Therefore, you need to know what and how to be treated.


Why are lips chapped? All factors influencing them can be divided into several groups. Causes of chapped lips:

  1. Diseases and pathological conditions, as well as individual health characteristics. These include beriberi, SARS with nasal congestion, allergies to cosmetics and drugs, fever, herpes, dehydration.
  2. Bad habits. Chapped lips are provoked by smoking, licking and biting their surface, eating too hot, spicy or sour foods.
  3. Weather. Chapping of the lips occurs with strong wind, heat, frost, exposure to direct sunlight, excessive dryness of the air, excess dust.

Cosmetics (poor-quality or expired), fluoride-containing toothpaste, and lack of preventive care for the skin of the lips also have a negative effect.

Although there is a risk of chapping in any weather, it is more common during the cold season. It is in winter that we are forced to be exposed to frost and wind, to stay in rooms with dry air for a long time.

Home treatment methods

If your lips are weathered, do not mask the problem with decorative lipstick - this will aggravate the situation. For treatment at home, you can use proven folk remedies, but only if they are normally tolerated (no allergies).

What to do with chapped lips? Treatment takes place in several directions - exfoliation, moisturizing, healing, protection.

It is important not to bite chapped lips. Instead, scrub with a small lump of candied honey rubbed between your fingers. The product is carefully applied to the problem area, massage the skin with light movements for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Vaseline ointment for chapping lips is used as a peeling and emollient at the same time. The method of application is similar to honey scrub. Remove excess ointment with a piece of soft cloth dipped in water.

After exfoliation, chapped lips are smeared with any vegetable oil. You can also use butter. Melted fat (goose, pork, badger) is also suitable.

What to do if the lips are weathered and sore? For severe discomfort, apply liquid honey in 2 layers with your fingertip. After 20 minutes, it is washed off and the procedure is repeated for 3 days, 1 time per day.

If your lips are very weathered, you can not do without medical masks. Recipes:

  1. With avocado. The pulp must be kneaded until smooth, applied for 10 minutes and removed with a damp cotton pad.
  2. With cream and cottage cheese. Fatty cottage cheese is diluted with cream and whipped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve until a creamy consistency is obtained. With a mass, you need to anoint the weathered lips with a thick layer, and after 10 minutes remove it with a cotton pad dipped in water.
  3. With amaranth and linseed oil. In oils, combined in equal proportions, add 2 drops of sea buckthorn extract and aloe juice. The mask is applied for 10 minutes.

When treating chapped lips, a child has several options - baby cream, honey, Bepanten ointment, petroleum jelly. From folk remedies, chapped lips in children heal well with a mixture of linseed oil (a few drops), juice of one cucumber and aloe leaf. It is applied 5-6 times a day.

You can also smear lips that are constantly weathered with homemade ointment. To prepare it, melt some candle wax and mix it with hemp oil. The product is applied at night and is not washed off. At the first signs of drying, one procedure is enough.

Another homemade cream - 7 g of cocoa powder, 10 ml of vegetable oil and 3 g of beeswax are heated in a water bath for an hour, stirring. After cooling, it is applied 2-3 times a day.

With the doctor's approval, the treatment of chapped lips can be supplemented with zinc sulfate gel, hormonal cream (for allergies), or antibiotic ointment (for infection). Such funds are not allowed for everyone and have side effects.


How to get rid of chapped lips permanently? A stable result is impossible without prevention:

  • In the cold season and the heat, it is important to use lip balms from chapping. In summer, you can apply a special cream with UV protection. After taking a shower, lips must be moisturized by applying any nourishing composition of your choice.
  • Pay attention to food and drinking regimen. Your menu should contain foods rich in biotin, vitamin E, A, and group B. These include eggs, oatmeal, nuts, fatty fish, pumpkin seeds, cheese, and liver. Pure water should be consumed 1.5-2 liters per day, even in winter.
  • Try to get rid of the habit of licking and biting your lips. Also take care of the normal microclimate in the room. The optimum temperature in the house is 22 degrees, and the humidity is 40%. In winter, it will be useful to purchase a humidifier.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Usually, to cure chapped lips, it is enough for 2-3 days to provide them with enhanced care and protection. But in advanced, complicated cases, medical assistance is needed. Contact your doctor if:

  • mouth gets windy again and again for a week or more with no sign of improvement;
  • the pain in the lips has become very intense and / or they are swollen;
  • a crust appeared;
  • the surface of the lips becomes wet.

Weather conditions and other adverse factors make it difficult to care for one of the most sensitive areas of the face. If you have chapped lips, home remedies will help you recover in the early stages. In more serious cases, treatment should be under the supervision of a specialist - a dentist or dermatologist.