Nursery toys for the smallest of our region. Fun games for the development of fine motor skills of hands. Fluffy mittens you and I will get

Studies by physiologists show that already in the first month of life, the baby begins to move in time with the rhythm of the mother's speech, tries to imitate facial expressions. Therefore, it is so important to talk with the baby as much as possible. A good way to communicate and play at the same time - children's nursery rhymes.

Let's play?

For normal development, the child needs, in the language of psychologists, directly emotional communication with the mother. This is when mom and baby are just together and rejoice that they have a friend of a friend - a kind of pure exchange of emotions. Words are certainly present here, but what is more important is not their meaning, but the intonations with which mother pronounces them. If a child is deprived of such communication (as is the case with children who refuse children in orphanages), he experiences a significant developmental delay.

The development of the baby in the very first months helps the following:

  • physical touch- stroke, kiss, press the baby to the chest - this calms the baby and sets him up for the first responses in communicating with his parents.
  • Stimulation of the first smile- Smile more often. Seeing tenderness, affection and care, the baby gradually begins to respond to it in response to your smiles, he will soon send you his own.
  • Maintaining a happy mood- take the baby in your arms, supporting it under the head, try to catch his eye, smile at him, gently shake him. At this age, any lullabies sung by the mother will be very useful for the child. And even if she does not have a hearing or a voice, this will not spoil the musical taste of the baby, but it will improve the emotional contact between mother and baby. The baby will definitely “sing along” to you, using the sounds that he has already mastered.

Games and fun

From the very first weeks of life, it will be useful for parents, grandmothers or nannies to learn (or remember) simple contact games for babies that your child will definitely like. Nursery rhymes are short, fun rhymes to play with your child. They not only entertain the baby, but also develop it. Listening to poetry, the baby stretches out his hands on his own, turns his head - he is waiting for a familiar movement that he remembered before. Rhyme rhymes are pronounced in a calm voice, they can also be hummed (rhyme songs).

Before choosing a nursery rhyme that is suitable for your child by age, check with the list of "emotional skills" crumbs:

  • the first fleeting smile in response to the appeal - 1 month;
  • quickly responds with a smile when his mother or another close person addresses him, - 2 months;
  • a whole range of emotions appears (the baby hums, smiles, actively moves its legs and arms in response to an appeal to him) - 3 months;
  • a complex of emotions arises often and easily - 4 months;
  • laughs out loud when mom or another close person starts playing with him, - 4 months.

What are children's toys for?

  1. These rhymes teach kids to understand speech: listen to its intonation and expressiveness, rhythm and smoothness.
  2. Help the child's physical development: the child repeats various gestures and movements.
  3. They set the child in the right mood: they calm, encourage, they can cheer, calm down before going to bed.

Songs and rhymes
There are nursery rhymes for all occasions: for getting to know your own body, with the outside world, for washing, combing, that is, for any action of the child during the day.

Nursery rhymes for the little ones (from 0 months)

* * *
Oh tu-tu tu-tu tu-tu,
Don't cook porridge
(stroke the baby's tummy in a circular motion)
Boil liquid
Boil soft, milky
(kiss the baby on the cheeks)

Nursery rhymes for a 3 month old baby

* * *
Like our bird
dark eyelashes
(blow on eyelashes)
Like our baby
warm feet
(stroke the legs, starting with the feet)
Like our paw
(stroke your fingers)

Aunt Agashka
(take the baby's head in your palms, turn to the right and left)
Sew me a shirt
(bring and spread the baby's arms at chest level crosswise)
Gotta dress up
(stroke the arms and tummy with smooth movements, as if putting on a shirt)
Let's go for a ride
(easily toss the baby lying on your lap, fix the head so that the baby is not frightened)

* * *
On the feather
On a sheet
(stroke baby's arms and legs)
Not on the edge -
in the middle
They put a naked
(roll the baby to the right and left on outstretched arms)
Wrapped up a burly man

* * *
Here we woke up, stretched,
Turned from side to side
Pulls, pulls.
Where are the rattle toys?
You, toy, rattle
Raise our baby.
(You can take a tambourine with ribbons or bells on strings, move the toy in the baby's field of vision)

Rhymes for babies from 3 to 6 months

* * *
Baba Frosya has five grandchildren
(clap your palm on your palm, helping the baby to open his hands)
Everyone wants porridge, everyone screams
Shark in a cradle, Alenka in a diaper
(bend fingers alternately)
Arinka on a featherbed, Stepan on the stove,
Ivan on the porch.
Baba was kneading the dough
(perform circular massage movements on the baby's tummy clockwise; the line is repeated 2 times)
Cooked porridge
(counterclockwise 2 times)
Melted the milk
Grandchildren fed.
How did you eat porridge
(stroke baby's cheeks)
They drank milk
Baba bowed,
We settled down.

Rhymes for babies from 6 to 9 months

Clockwork toy display with rhyme
Bunny, bunny, dance.
Your paws are good!
Our hare began to dance,
To entertain small children.
(The rhyme should be repeated regularly using the one toy-one rhyme principle)

(Blow bubbles made from baby shampoo without tears, making sure that the baby fixes their attention on them)
Ay, tari-tari-tari,
Bubbles flew.
Ay, tari-tari-tari,
Bubbles fly away.

stomp, leg
(put on a rattling bracelet or a special bright toy on the leg)
Oh and stomp, foot,
Topni right-handed
(stomp the baby's right foot on the support)
How good are you
My little.
Oh and stomp, foot,
Topni left
(repeat the same movement with the left leg)
We will dance!

Swimming games

* * *
And the water is flowing, the child is growing
And the water is flowing
And the child is growing.
Water from a goose, water from a swan
(water slowly with warm water from a ladle)
And from our (child's name) all thinness
(stroke and water the tummies of the side)
Water down, child up
(shaking off, pull the child's arms up)
Grow in-o-from such a height
(pull baby's arms up)

Rocking on the water
(The baby is in the bath on the outstretched arms of an adult)
light boat,
golden bottom
(swing right and left)
green berezhok,
Drive the chips along the waves.

Remember, surrounding a child with tenderness and love, you stimulate his development and craving for knowledge.

Best leisure time for kids- the simplest games, accompanied by gentle touches, gentle mother's voice and rhythmic rhymes. Nursery games for toddlers- development, physical and verbal. Nursery rhymes can be staged, add movements, play roles yourself, or involve toy characters in the action.

Game "Wooden Spoons":

Attracting attention, tap with spoons. Give the child one spoon, prompting to tap it on the floor:

Ay, tuki, tuki, tuki.
Spoons clattered
Spoons clattered
Played spoons:
Knock-tock, knock-tock,
Soon Timochka is a year old!

You can add variety to the game (knock on a bucket, etc.)

The game "Our song is simple"

Stimulates repeated pronunciation of the same words. Put the baby on your chest and sing a song:

I get up in the morning
I sing a song, a simple song,
Here's one:
La la la la la la.

Game "Ghouls Arrived":

Development of the ability to repeat and understand movements. Grasp the arms of the child and wave them like wings:

The ghouls have arrived
Dove ghouls.
Put your hands on his head:
sat on the head,
On the baby's head.
Wave the child's hand, as if driving away the birds:
You are my baby,
Wave your palm.
Shout, ghouls, shush.

Game "Mosquitoes"

Bring your thumb and forefinger together - this will be the “mosquito” that circles over the child while you say:

Angry mosquitoes
Curled, circled
Yes, they grabbed the ear -

Then, instead of an ear, a leg will come across, then a cheek or a pen ...

Game "Young Thrush"

The child is rocked on their knees and sentenced:

young thrush,
Went to the water
Found a young lady.
young lady,
Itself with tops,
Head with a pot.
Shu-you! flew,
On the head and sat down! (we wave “wings”, put the child’s hands on his head)

Game "Mouse"

The mouse went to visit, put on a bow
(we walk our fingers along the child’s handle from bottom to top, we reach the ear)
Ding - ding - don - don (lightly pull the ear)
Is Mishan (child's name) at home?

Game "Cat"

The cat drank milk (we lick our tongues),
He took a bite of the pie (clap hands),
Paws wiped (three handles against each other),
Washed the nose (we wipe the nose),
"Meow meow!" - said (we say: "Meow").

Game "House"

Tuki-tuki, building a house (knocking fists against each other),
The house is high (we reach up),
House with a window (we spread the handles to the sides),
With a sharp roof (we fold our hands in the form of a roof)
And with a pipe (one handle up),
We will live in it with you (we hug).

Game "Scene about a hare"

One two three four five,
(take a toy, shake it)
The bunny came out to jump.
(swayed up and down)
looked around
(rotate the toy's head)
turned around
(spin the toy)
Looked up and down
(tilt back and forth)
ran through
(“ran” toy)
I was afraid….
(hidden behind back)
Where are you, bunny, respond!
(showed to the child)

The game "Bear clubfoot"

bear clumsy
Walking through the forest (we walk briskly)
collects cones,
Sings songs (squat - collect cones)
The bump bounced
Directly to the bear in the forehead (hold hands on the forehead)
Teddy bear got angry
And with the foot - top! (stomp foot)

The game "Bunny sits"

A gray bunny sits (we sit like a bunny)
And wiggles his ears
Like this, like this! (wiggle ears)
It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Clap-clap, clap-clap (clap hands)
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump.
Jump-jump, jump-jump (we jump like a bunny)

Game "Funny Sheep"

Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
Jumping white sheep
Early in the morning near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump! (jump fun)
Up to the sky, down to the grass.
Up to the sky, down to the grass (get on your feet, stretch up, squat, lower your hands down)
And then we circled (circled)
And fell into the river (we fall)

Hit game "Goat"

There is a horned goat
For the little guys (put "horns" to the head)
Legs - top-top! (stomp feet)
Eyes - clap-clap! (close your eyes and open your eyes)
Who doesn't eat porridge? Doesn't drink milk? (threaten finger)
I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore! (butting heads)

Game "Baran-ram"

We pronounce the words:

Ram, ram, butz! (on the word "buts" we lightly bump our foreheads).

For all its simplicity, the game goes with a bang for children!

Game "Two bugs"

Two beetles in the meadow
We danced hopak: (we dance, hands on the belt)
Right leg top, top! (stomp right foot)
Left foot top, top! (stomp left foot)
Hands up, up, up!
Who will lift the highest? (stand on tiptoes, stretch up)

Game "Hide and Seek"

Bye-bye there is no Lyubushka, Lyubushka is a dove.
Oh, yes, not her anywhere, where is our Lyubasha, where?
We'll go looking for her, and we'll find her, we'll find her.

Hide and seek game "Parts of the body"

My hands are gone.
Where are you, my hands? (hands behind back)

Show me again. (show hands)
My ears are gone.
Where are you, my ears? (cover ears with palms)
One two three four five -
Show me again. (showing ears)
I lost my eyes.
Where are you, my little eyes? (close eyes with palms)
One two three four five -
Show me again. (remove hands from eyes)

Game "Umbrella"

The cloud covered the sun
Wet our kids!
Come on, everyone run here,
I will cover you with an umbrella!
(Mom pronounces the words of the game, while opening the umbrella, invites the baby to hide under it)

Game "Kittens"

The child performs movements according to the text.

All kittens washed their paws:
Like this, like this!
Washed ears, washed abdomens:
Like this, like this!
And then they got tired
Sweet-sweet fell asleep:
Like this, like this!

Finger game "Tell me about the cat"

Substitute palm (pull forward hand palm up)
I'll tell you about the cat (we stroke the palm with the other hand)
Shall we count fingers? (wiggle fingers)
Let's count fingers! (squeeze fingers into a fist and unclench)
One two three four five! (alternately bend the fingers on the hand)
Here is a fist (we squeeze our fingers into a fist)
And here is the palm. (spread them out)
A cat sat on the palm! (put the fingers of the second hand on the palm)
And sneaks slowly, (“run” fingers along the arm to the shoulder)
And sneaks slowly ... (they hide the other hand in the armpit)
Looks like a mouse lives there!

Game "Sunny Bunnies"

If the weather permits, then take a mirror and let the sunbeams around the room. And then play this game.
sun bunnies -
Jump, jump, jump,
Bouncing like balls
Jump, jump, jump...

The game "Listen, bear ..."

Tell your baby that you are starting to play with the bear and that the bear will do anything you ask him to do. Recite the verse:
Bear, put your paws up.
Bear, put your paws down.
Bear, bear, spin around.
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy
One, two, three, one, two, three!

While reading the poem, do all the exercises with the bear and ask the child to do the same with the bear.

ball game

For outdoor play, take two balls. One ball is for you, the other is for your child. Show your baby everything that you can do with the ball, while singing to some tune what exactly you are doing.

We roll, roll the ball
Let's roll far.
Oh, what a roll it
Nice and easy!

Give the ball to the child, and let him do everything with it that you do.

Happy development!


Happy child 05.02.2016

Dear readers, probably many of you sang various children's songs and nursery rhymes to your children or grandchildren. In my opinion, such communication with children is never in vain. How much of our Love we convey to children in these moments, how much warmth we give them. Today on the blog I want to talk with you about the benefits of such children's songs and nursery rhymes for the development of children.

I included this article in the heading, which is maintained by psychologist Anna Kutyavina on my blog. Anya is now raising her son Yurik, he is now two years old. And, of course, Anya pays a lot of attention to him. Including develops it with such songs - nursery rhymes. The main material of the article was prepared by Anya, but at the end of the article you will hear my thoughts on this topic. And now I give the floor to Anna.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina's blog. Today I invite you to talk about one very important and necessary topic - the influence of songs and nursery rhymes on the development of our children. Parents always try to offer the best for their child. New toys and the healthiest food, a sense of security and a cozy home. But is it only necessary for the baby, especially at an early age?

Experts say unanimously that the most important thing for a baby is close communication with his mother. Moreover, the contact is not only physical, but also emotional. And a loving mother always intuitively follows this - she constantly takes the baby in her arms, sings to him, tells something, shows. What is the secret of mom's jokes?

According to research, children who sing a lot and tell nursery rhymes begin to talk earlier and better than others. That is, there is a direct connection between the mother's songs and the development of the child's speech. But these are far from all the bonuses that mother's songs and nursery rhymes give.

What are the benefits of songs and nursery rhymes?

A bit of history. Rhymes came to us from the people, and carry the wisdom of many generations of our ancestors. The positive effect of funny songs and jokes is noticed not only by moms and dads, but also by teachers. But why are they so useful?

Firstly, they introduce the baby to the world around them. Holding the baby close to her, the mother shows him some thing and calls it, sings it in a song.

Secondly, songs teach the baby to understand and perceive speech. It would seem that the most simple and uncomplicated words, but in fact they help the crumbs to connect the said word and the object that it denotes. In addition, thanks to nursery rhymes, the baby learns to determine the cheerful or sad intonation of the voice, to distinguish even similar sounds, to feel the smoothness and rhythm of speech.

Thirdly, such an easy form of communication with mom contributes to child's mental health. After all, he sees that his mother is singing, smiling, which means that everything is fine. And you can grow and develop normally.

Fourth, according to scientists, nursery rhymes and songs, told or sung with love, stimulate intellectual development of the child. Fine motor skills are stimulated, and with it, thinking. Various sections of the brain begin to develop, the child trains attention, perception, memory and other important mental functions.

Fifthly, songs and nursery rhymes help the child better and faster. adapt to changing conditions and more calmly go to contact with loved ones.

Sixth, naturally occurring baby's physical development. After all, he reaches for his mother, tries to repeat everything that she shows and talks about in a nursery rhyme.

And one of the most important "bonuses" of songs and nursery rhymes - parent-child bonding . After all, in a playful way, we are increasingly hugging our crumbs, touching them, kissing, teaching everything new.

In addition, songs teach the baby to certain procedures - bathing, washing, soft awakening or falling asleep, eating. Let's remember the most wonderful nursery rhymes for our babies.

Songs - children's rhymes for water procedures

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

Who is naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found the water?

Ah, good water!
Good vodka!
We bathe the baby
So that the face shines!

And here's another wonderful one:

Ay, alright, alright, alright
We are not afraid of water
We wash clean
We smile at mom.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes
Where are you hiding, water!
Come out, vodka,
We've come to bathe!

Lean on the palm
In it, a leg.
Run, run, run
Dare -
Yurik, wash your face more cheerfully!

Wow, how cool it is to splash around in warm water!

Morning nursery rhymes for joyful awakening

We woke up, we woke up.
Sweet, sweet stretched.
Mom and dad smiled.

Who's sweet on the pillow?
Who's in bed here?
Whose pink heels are here?

Who's awake here
Who smiled at mom like that?
And who does mom love so much?
Here's who's favorite!

Let's watch another video.

Songs - nursery rhymes for the first steps of the crumbs

Big feet
We walked along the road:
small feet
Run along the path:
Top top top

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!
Don't sit on the path
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Children's rhymes for getting to know the parts of the body

Such funny nursery rhymes should be spoken, at the same time showing the baby his legs, arms - according to the text.

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens.
Where are our legs?
And here are our legs.
Well, what is this? Stomach.
Well, here's the baby's mouth.
And here are the eyes
And here are the ears
And here are the cheeks -
Soft pillows.
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your barrel.
Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli
Yura was brought to mom.
Yurik is small,
Yurik maaamenkin.

Here's another child's play.

Finger - boy, where have you been?
With this brother - I went to the forest.
With this brother - cabbage soup cooked.
With this brother - ate porridge.
With this brother - he sang songs!

And, of course, the “eternal” and beloved by all of us and children, the magpie-crow:

cooked porridge,
fed the children,
I gave this
I gave this
Where have you been?
Didn't cut wood
Didn't turn on the stove
Didn't cook porridge
He came later than everyone.

My son loves it the most, and is always happy to "turn on" the game.

Children's rhymes before and during meals

If the baby does not want to eat, you can try to entertain him with a fun nursery rhyme. Look, and soon nothing will be left of the porridge.

duck duck,
kitten cat,
mouse mouse
Calling for lunch.
The ducks have eaten
The cats have eaten
The mice ate.
Are you not yet?
Where is your spoon?
Eat a little!

Let's remember about the spoons: the first, second, third, so that the appetite comes to our children.

Who is our favorite?
First spoon for mom
And the second for whom?
- Yes, for your dad,
For whom is the third spoonful?
- For a cheerful matryoshka,
Eat for a grandmother
Eat for your grandfather
For the boy - for the neighbor,
For girlfriends and friends
Eat more, don't be sorry!
Eat for a holiday, noisy, bright,
For guests and for gifts,
For a kitten, for Timoshka
This little spoon
And for the red cat
Here is the empty plate!

And one more simple but funny children's nursery rhyme:

Tasty porridge is smoking,
Yura sits down to eat porridge,
Very good porridge
Eat porridge slowly.
Spoon by spoon
Ate a little.

Baby nursery rhymes before bed

If the baby is afraid to fall asleep, offer him the following rhymes:

Behind the window is evening
And in the sky a month ...
Sleeping baby in bed
The horse is sleeping in the stall
Squirrel - in the hollow,
The dog is in a kennel.
Well, the sun will wake up
Yurik will smile at his mother.
It will be a fun day.
Grow up, son, healthy.

Hey you eyes, hey you ears.
We'll put you on pillows.
Lie down, lie down
Relax and sleep.

Ay, cradles and cradles,
A deer is walking through the mountains.
On the horns he wears a dream,
He brings it to every house.
In the cradle he puts a nap,
Quietly sings a song:

(repeat joke)

Of course, you can sing them just like that, before going to bed. And then the baby will surely see bright and good dreams!

Songs - nursery rhymes to calm the child

If the baby is crying, hug him and say:

Ah, koklya-moklya,
The eyes got wet.
Who will hurt the baby
That goat will gore.

The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby.
Meow-meow - the pussy will say.
Our baby is fine.

When to start introducing your baby to nursery rhymes?

Experts say it's never too early. That is, it is worth singing songs and telling poems to the crumbs from a very early age. And perinatal psychologists say that all this can be done even before the baby is born.

Songs sung for a dear little man harmonize and soothe the mother herself as well. They become even closer mentally with the baby. And what could be better?

Later, when the baby grows up a little, you can offer him more “adult” nursery rhymes about animals, as well as various household items. It will be wonderful to do small warm-ups, accompanied by nursery rhymes, during games and creative activities.

Who should sing songs and tell nursery rhymes?

Of course, the term "should" does not exactly fit here. For songs, you need a good mood and a joyful anticipation of playing with the baby. Initially, mother begins to communicate with the baby in this way. But no one bothers dad and grandparents to get involved in the game. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied and happy.

And finally, I will add my observations. It is not necessary to memorize long texts of folk rhymes, to teach them specially. If everything is in order with your imagination, you can easily come up with your own texts, and then just see what the baby likes the most.

Do not miss such wonderful moments with your child as games and nursery rhymes! After all, this is a wonderful chance to become closer and dearer, and, in addition, to enrich the baby with new knowledge and skills.

Tell me, do you sing songs to your children? Do you tell them jokes? Do you think such forms are important for the development of the crumbs? Please share with us your opinion. Good luck to you and your beloved kids!

Anna Kutyavina

Anya, thank you for the thread. I think that many will be informative and pleasant to read everything.

I'll add a few more thoughts. Of course, my daughters and I also sang a lot, I can’t say that there were a lot of nursery rhymes in our life. But, of course, there were books with such nursery rhymes, and we read them and sentenced them, but most of all they liked creativity. My art. Let me tell you our favorite lesson on this topic. That's how I remembered it, I remembered it so much, sometimes we still remember everything with our daughters.

Usually these songs were ours in the evening, just before going to bed. They lay down in bed. I'm nearby. And I began to compose and sing stories ... What stories? Usually about pussies, because we loved them very, very much. And the story always began like this: “There was a pussycat and she had seven little, seven little kittens. Meow-meow-meow meow "...

And then events developed, what happened to the pussies there. Either they ate, then they frolicked, then they went for a walk and some events happened to them, then they got lost, then they fell asleep, in a word - there were a lot of options. And most importantly, every time I had to come up with something new. The old version didn't work at all. I never knew in advance what would be in us this time, but somehow miraculously everything came together. That's how we fell asleep with pussies and with such children's songs. How many years have passed, but we still remember.

And recently they even asked me: “Mommy, will you sing stories about pussies to our children?” Here I smiled. That's true, well, it must be so remembered by all the daughters. Of course I will.

Surely you have your own stories with children's songs and nursery rhymes. We will be glad if you share.

And for the soul, we will listen today Samvel Yervinyan ~ Petit Waltz . What beauty, lightness and grace in everything.

I wish you all a wonderful mood, health, harmony, warmth and comfort in families. Spend as much time as possible with your children and grandchildren, give them your Love and warmth.

see also



    07 Feb 2016 at 23:02

    Your baby still does not know how to speak, looks at you and at the world around him with surprised eyes, as if he wants to understand something, to ask about something. And you really want to tell him as soon as possible about a life full of miracles, about the meaning of words and objects, about how much you love him and will always, always be there until he becomes big and strong ... How can you start talking to your tiny child like that? so that he understands you and smiles happily in response? For this, affectionate rhymes-sentences have long been invented among the people, the so-called nursery rhymes designed to help parents communicate with the baby in a way that is accessible to him.

    Nursery rhymes for newborns

    Many will ask: “Why read nursery rhymes to a newly born baby? After all, he is still small to understand something ... ”However, it is not in vain that nursery rhymes for newborns have existed for many centuries and are still popular to this day. After all, the baby responds positively to the gentle calm voice of his mother, he stops crying and listens carefully when he is told a nursery rhyme. Over time, children get used to the fact that all the daily processes of caring for them are accompanied by funny rhymes, they begin to rejoice and smile as soon as they hear familiar words. Moreover, as a rule, nursery rhymes for the smallest are accompanied by a pleasant gentle stroking of the arms, tummy, legs and back of the child, as well as a kind of speech exercise. At the same time, a small person establishes contact with his mother, learns to understand human speech, gets acquainted with his body and the surrounding reality.

    Rhymes for children up to a year

    A growing baby is more and more interested in everything that surrounds him. All this time he is open to communication. Funny nursery rhymes for children under one year old will bring a lot of pleasure to both participants in the "dialogue" if they are simple, short and tell about things that are interesting and understandable to the baby. By the middle of the first year of life, children are quite familiar with their body parts. They understand where they have a nose, where they have eyes, where are their arms, legs, fingers ... Nursery rhymes for kids, such as the well-known "Ladushki" and others, help them to learn and consolidate this knowledge in a playful way.

    Fun for all occasions

    From time immemorial, nursery rhymes for children have come down to us, which were invented by caring mothers and nannies for use in a variety of situations. It is good to pronounce them regularly when the child wakes up, washes, eats.

      Water, water,
      Wash my face
      To make the eyes sparkle
      To make cheeks blush
      To laugh mouth,
      To bite a tooth.

      Hey, alright, alright
      We are not afraid of water
      We wash clean
      We smile at mom.

      And the eyes?

      Here we spread our hands
      As if they were surprised.
      And each other to the ground
      They bowed to the belt!
      Bent over, straighten up
      Bent over, straightened up.
      Down, down, don't be lazy
      Bow and smile.
      (Exercise with the child. Starting position
      - Feet shoulder width apart. Recite the poem, performing the movements.)

      Pinocchio stretched,
      Once - bent over
      Two - bent over
      Three - bent over.
      Raised hands to the side,
      Apparently the key has not been found.
      To get us the key
      You need to get on your toes.
      (Together with the child, recite a poem,
      performing all the movements in the text.)

      (Alternately bend fingers)
      This finger is a grandfather
      This finger is a grandmother,
      This finger is daddy
      This finger is mommy
      This finger is me
      That's my whole family.

      This finger went to the forest,
      This finger - a mushroom found,
      This finger - took place,
      This finger will lie tightly,
      This finger - ate a lot,
      That's why he got pissed off.

      Spider, spider,
      Anya grab the barrel.
      Frog, frog,
      Anya grab by the ear.
      Deer, deer,
      Grab Anya by the knees.
      Doggie, doggie
      Anya grab the nose.
      Hippo, hippo,
      Anya grab the stomach.
      wasp, wasp,
      Anya grab by the hair.
      Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
      Grab Anya by the shoulders.

      (substitute your child's name)

      Who will be here kup-kup,
      By water - squelch squelch?
      In the bath quickly - jump, jump,
      In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!
      The soap will foam
      And the dirt is going somewhere.

      Ah, koklya-moklya,
      The eyes got wet.
      Who will hurt the baby
      That goat will gore.

      Don't cry, don't cry
      I will buy a roll.
      Don't whine, don't whine
      I will buy another.
      Wipe your tears
      I'll give you three.

      The pussy hurts
      The dog hurts
      And my baby

      Rails, rails (we draw one, then another line along the spine)
      Sleepers, sleepers (we draw transverse lines)
      A belated train was driving (we “ride” with a palm on the back)
      From the last window
      Peas suddenly fell down (we knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
      Chickens came, pecked (knocking with index fingers)
      Geese came, pinched (we pinch the back)
      The fox came, (stroking the back)
      I waved my tail
      An elephant passed, (“we go” along the back with the back of our fists)
      The elephant has passed, ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)
      A little baby elephant passed. ("Let's go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
      The store manager came, ("we go" on the back with two fingers)
      He smoothed everything, cleared everything. (stroke the back with palms up and down)
      I put a table (depict - a table with a fist)
      Chair, (chair - pinch)
      Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)
      I began to print: (we “print” on the back with our fingers)
      Wife and daughter
      Jin-dot. (On these words, every time we tickle the barrel)
      I send you stockings
      Jing dot.
      I read, (we move our finger, as if we are reading)
      Crumpled, smoothed, (pinching, and then stroking the back)
      I read
      Wrinkled, smoothed out
      Sent. ("Put the letter" behind the collar)

      pink tummy
      Purring like a cat
      purred puppy
      Bubbling a stream.
      Oh, you belly, belly,
      Who lives inside there?
      Who interferes with the bainki
      Little bunny?
      We'll stroke the bellies
      Thick watermelons.
      Sleeping puppy, sleeping kitten.
      The child is smiling.

    • This is a spoon
      This is a cup.
      In a cup - buckwheat.
      The spoon has been in the cup -
      Buckwheat porridge is gone!

      There is a horned goat
      For the little guys
      Legs top-top,
      Clap-clap eyes
      Who does not eat porridge
      Who does not drink milk -

      duck duck,
      kitten cat,
      mouse mouse
      Calling for lunch.
      The ducks have eaten
      The cats have eaten
      The mice ate.
      Are you not yet?
      Where is your spoon?
      Eat a little!

      cooked porridge,
      Jumped on the threshold
      Called guests.
      The guests were not
      Didn't eat porridge
      All my porridge
      I gave it to the kids. (we bend our fingers)
      gave it
      gave it
      gave it
      gave it
      But she didn't give it:
      Why didn't you cut wood?
      Why didn't you carry water?

      Donut, flatbread
      Sitting in the oven
      looked at us,
      I wanted it in my mouth.

    When and how to use nursery rhymes?

    Also, nursery rhymes are used:

    • when the child is dressed for a walk;
    • bathe;
    • help to wake up in a good mood;
    • if the child is naughty or naughty;
    • to play with him;
    • for teaching the baby in a playful way, etc.

    In addition to the above positive aspects of using nursery rhymes in raising young children, they contribute to the formation of a sense of humor, rhythm, and creative abilities. On this page we present to you a collection of nursery rhymes that we have lovingly collected. We will be glad if they help you and your baby to understand each other better. Communicate with pleasure!

    loving kisses

    This fun game helps your child get to know their body and feel your love. It is good to play it when you change your child's clothes or change his diapers and diapers.

    • Tell your child: “I love your nose, nose, nose,” kissing him on the nose.
    • Tell the child: "I love your tummy, tummy, tummy" - kissing him on the stomach.

    Name and kiss other parts of your child's body.

    Bathing a small fish

    This game is fun to play in the bathtub or paddling pool.
    Recite verses, moving your hand under water like a small fish:

    Swim to me, little fish
    I will lay my hand on you.
    Where did you sail away
    Slippery like soap?
    And the little fish was swimming
    And I got my hands on it!

    At the last words, lightly spray the child with water.

    Children's bedtime story

    Come up with your own fairy tale for the child, in which his name will appear. The fairy tale should mention the cases in which your child participated during the day.

    Here is an example of such a fairy tale - history:
    Once upon a time there lived a wonderful little boy (name of your child). He loved to play with (list some of your toddler's favorite toys). Sometimes he went for a walk outside, where he saw birds and walked on the grass. For lunch, he ate soup and mashed potatoes, and then drank milk. Every night before going to bed, mom (dad) bathed him and kissed him many times. And then she put her to sleep in a crib. And he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    Use the name of the child in the story as often as possible.

    Rhymes for physical contact with the child

    1. Undress the child, put him on the bed, caressing and stroking say:
    Little girls!
    Across fatties!
    Hands are grippers
    Legs are runners.

    Little girls!
    In the legs - walkers,
    In the mouth - talker,
    And in the head - the mind.

    2. Rolling the baby on the pillow, say:
    Sit on pillows.
    The girlfriends came
    Pushed off the pillow.

    Tutu, tuty!
    Are you happy, darlings?
    I will raise my daughter
    On a steep hill
    Wow! Ride -
    Fell off the hill.

    3. Lightly tapping on the soles, say:
    Currents, currents, toshki,
    I kick, kick my legs.
    Legs at (child's name)
    They go along the path.
    The path is curved
    No end, no end
    Knee-deep mud
    The horse was lame.
    Top, top, top, top -
    We've arrived!

    4. Tapping to the beat with the fists of the child, say:
    Views, views,
    I beat beaters,
    I'm pinning.

    5. Rocking the baby from side to side:
    And tu-tu-tu-tu!
    Don't cook porridge
    Boil the liquid
    Feed Mitenka.

    . Washing baby:
    Water, water,
    Wash my face
    To make the eyes sparkle
    To make cheeks blush
    To laugh mouth,
    To bite a tooth.

    7. Lay the baby on his back. Pulling the baby by the handles into a sitting position, say:
    Here such (oh) grow,
    Come visit me
    Here such (oh) grow,
    We are happy.

    Kish, kish,
    Grow (child's name) taller
    Grow (child's name) taller
    To the chorus, to the roof.

    8. Turning the baby's head from side to side:
    I mix, I mix the dough
    There is a place in the oven
    I bake, I bake a loaf,
    Golovonka - go, go!

    9. Sit your child on a sofa with support. Taking his hands in yours, teach the baby to clap his hands, saying to the rhythm:
    "Okay, okay,
    Where were you?" -
    "By Grandma".
    "What if?" -
    "What did you drink?" -
    Butter bowl,
    Brazhka sweetie,
    Grandma is good.

    10. Put the baby on your knees, take his hands in yours. Speak, spreading your arms to the sides, and then shifting in front of you:
    Pull, pull
    The canvases are simple
    Put it across.

    Pull canvases -
    For a cut.
    Pull the canvases
    On a shirt.

    11. Place the baby on your knees facing you. Shaking the baby towards you and away from you, say:
    I pull, I pull
    I catch fish
    I put it in my purse
    I bring home.

    Pikes - in heaps,
    Plotichki - in polychki.
    One brush -
    And yes, it's in a pot.
    I'll cook the cabbage
    (Child's name) I will feed,
    I'll put to sleep.

    12. Holding the baby under the armpits, place him on a firm support. Raise the baby up and down and say:

    Dybok, Dybok,
    Soon (child's name) is a year old.

    A (child's name), dance!
    Your legs are good
    Another knotted nose
    Bundle head.

    Ay, jump, jump,
    young grunt,
    Went to the water
    Found a youngster
    Kissed, merciful
    Yes, he hugged him.

    13. Throwing the baby on their knees, they pretend to drop it. They say to the rhythm of the movement:
    Let's go, let's go
    With nuts, with nuts
    They jumped, they jumped
    With rolls, with rolls!
    Hopping, jumping
    Over bumps, over bumps -
    Bultykh in the hole!

    On a young horse
    Puff, puff, puff!
    And on the old yes on the nag -

    A little boy rode
    On a gray horse -
    On a flat path
    On a flat path
    Over the bumps, over the bumps
    Over the bumps, over the bumps
    Straight into the hole - BOOM!

    Good road
    Good road.
    Here's something worse
    Here's something worse.
    Playing around, playing around,
    Playing around, playing around,
    On the bridge, under the bridge
    On the bridge, under the bridge
    Boo in the hole!

    I rode pan, pan, pan,
    I drove by myself, by myself, by myself
    On a flat path, on a flat path
    Over bumps, over bumps -
    Boo in the hole!

    Because of the forest, because of the mountains
    Grandpa Egor is coming.
    On my own horse
    wife on a cow
    Calf babies,
    Grandchildren on goats.

    14. Gently touching the baby by the nose, they say:
    "Whose nose?" -
    "Where are you going?" -
    "To Kyiv".
    "What are you carrying?" -
    "What will you take?" -
    "What will you buy?" -
    "Who will you eat with?" -
    "One (one)".
    "Don't eat alone! (pull nose)
    Don't eat alone!"

    15. With the index finger and little finger they butt the child and say:
    There is a horned goat
    There is a butted goat:
    Legs - top-top!
    Eyes - clap-clap!
    Who does not eat porridge
    Who does not drink milk
    Togo gore, gore!

    16. Fingering the baby's fingers, they affectionately say:
    Where have you been?" -
    "With this brother
    Walked into the forest.
    With this brother
    I cooked cabbage soup.
    With this brother
    He sang songs."

    17. A baby who is learning to walk is beckoned to him and sentenced:
    Legs, legs,
    Run down the path
    Pick up peas.

    Big feet
    We walked along the road:
    small feet
    Run along the path:

    18. Rocking a Baby on Your Leg:
    Anna Petrovna
    Went on logs.
    Stumbled over a stump
    Stayed all day.