What can you make a bracelet from at home. How to make a fashionable bracelet with your own hands: a master class

Today, even the most demanding fashionista has the opportunity to choose an accessory to taste - after all, there are a lot of options! But whatever the newly acquired decoration, nothing compares to the one you made with your own hands. And in terms of originality, it certainly will not yield even to designer ones, because if you wish, you can use the most unexpected material - a plastic bottle, a zipper, clothespins, pins and hairpins, egg trays ... And that's not all!

1.From lace and pendants

This is the easiest option to make a bracelet with your own hands, and the most labor-intensive. Take the pendant you like and attach strong threads to it (cords, ribbons, plaits). You can fasten the ends with clasps, or you can simply tie them on your wrist with a bow.


Tie a finished piece of wood or make a base out of a plastic bottle (see step 13). If you are not particularly fond of yarn and knitting needles, you can simply buy a ready-made "tie" or use a piece of an unnecessary knitted thing.

3. Buttons

Very original and bright bracelets! Absolutely everything is used: the smallest and largest, wooden, plastic, iron, convex and embossed, children's figured and old-fashioned with mother of pearl ...

4. Use pins

Recently, such bracelets are gaining more and more popularity among needlewomen - here and there you can see stylish "pin" ribbons on graceful tassels. Experiment - change the color of beads and pins, vary their size and shape until you find your perfect option.

The decoupage technique is suitable for both plastic and wooden blanks. It is only necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface of the base with alcohol or nail polish remover, prime it (with paints or PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1). Then cut out some element from any napkin you like (it is very difficult to glue a solid napkin without a certain skill) and glue it on the bracelet. Remember to only use the top ball of the napkin (usually they are three ply). The primer must dry completely! When the glue and the napkin stop sticking to your hands, you can varnish the product. Instead of a napkin, you can use newspaper clippings.

6.Polymer clay or thermoplastic

7. Old zippers

An excellent solution on how to use failed "snakes".

8. In the style of Coco Chanel

Madame Coco was the first to come up with the idea of ​​attaching long straps to miniature clutches, and to make them stronger, she pulled them through large chains. We use the same technique when creating such a stylish bracelet ...

You can add a few large beads if you like.

9. Beads

Do you think you can only weave baubles from beads? But no! A few basic techniques...

10 Ice Cream Sticks

It's funny, but even they can be used in the creation of costume jewelry! Boil wooden sticks in a small saucepan for 15 minutes to make them more pliable. Then place them in cups or mugs so that future bracelets get the desired shape (make sure that the neck of the container is not too narrow, otherwise your hand simply won’t fit through!). In a day you can start decorating! To do this, you can paint blanks, decoupage them, cover them with fabric or paste over ... with stamps, for example!

11. Bracelet from ... an egg tray!

Yes, there is even such a base option as an egg tray. To do this, tear the trays into pieces, soak them overnight in water, wring out the resulting mass, add a little glue and knead like a dough. Now from this "clay" you can sculpt anything! But you can try to make a bracelet using a bottle or a glass as a base for shaping. Stick the mixture from the egg tray onto the base, give it a clear shape, but don't try too hard - this will make the bracelet more authentic. After the finished bracelet dries, you can paint it.

12. Use hex nuts

A little photo tutorial...

Such a bracelet cannot but interest lovers of all kinds of originality.

13. Plastic bottle

A blank from a plastic bottle can be tied, covered with fabric, embroidered with beads or sequins.

14. Leather, suede or felt - stylish "eight"

For such a bracelet, you will need a thick fabric and a stencil that you can draw by hand and cut out. A detailed master class will help you fold it correctly ...

Photos are clickable.

15. Flirty bow

Another fabric bracelet. Try also using tight lace!

16. Mouline thread and afro style

For the base, take rubber or plastic straws (there is a reason to visit the plumbing department!). Wrap them with multi-colored floss and secure with large fasteners at the ends. You can create a similar necklace for such a bracelet - just take a longer pipe.

Of course, you can choose a ready-made bracelet as a decoration, but today “stamped” jewelry has gone out of fashion, and everything is used. O exclusive things are gaining more popularity.

A handmade bracelet is always fashionable, exclusive and original. Such a little thing will emphasize your style, and you can make exactly the decoration that you dreamed of!

Our topic today is about creating beautiful bracelets with your own hands. At first glance, it is difficult, but we will prove to you that things are much simpler!

1. Leather bracelet

Leather is a noble material, wear-resistant, and easy to process. So, from a piece of leather you can easily make a romantic bow bracelet.

You can buy a piece of leather of any color for making a bracelet at. We have detailed for you, on eBay and the item.

So, we measure the volume of our wrist, and cut off a part 4 centimeters longer (approximately) from the flap. Round the edges of the bracelet and insert a button into it, which will serve as a clasp. Strictly in the center we collect the bracelet into a bow, and sew it with a small piece of material. The bracelet is ready!

For its individuality, you can add a rhinestone to the bracelet. We have found a chic assortment of iridescent stones for you.

2. Several bracelets in one

Very often, celebrities dictate fashion to us, and judging by the latest releases, multilayer bracelets are in trend. When you put a lot of thin bracelets on one hand, it is elegant and bright!

But today it's all about originality. Therefore, we suggest that you take over the baton only partially. To do this, you will need all the same medium-sized bracelets that you can beautifully interlace into one and get an exclusive model.

So, first you need to buy a set of bracelets! Choose the color, shape and width of your choice.

Different bracelets can be ordered in the online store for hand made. You will also need a satin ribbon. A huge range of plain satin ribbons and prints can be viewed in the online store.

Now it remains only to twist the bracelets together with the help of this very ribbon.

Girls love everything delicate, and a bracelet with a bow is a great option! Several identical or even different bracelets, depending on how you like it, can be tied with a ribbon and secured with a bow.

Even bracelets that you decide to tie with a ribbon can be made by yourself by stringing different beads on a thin elastic band or wrapping a silk ribbon around the smooth rim of the bracelet. It's fast, easy, but effective.

Many beautiful beads for bracelets can be bought in the online store.

3. Shambhala

The fashion for Shambhala jewelry began last summer, but over the year it has not gone away, but on the contrary, it has only intensified! Celebrities are happy to demonstrate Shambhala bracelets from their collection at important events.

Of course, a lot of the same type of jewelry is sold in stores, but as we said earlier, a self-woven bracelet can be made exclusively to your liking, satisfying your creative desire one hundred percent.

Shamballa can be woven from special beads for her, or from any - those that you like, fit your outfit.

You can order a beautiful variety of beads on the Alibaba online platform. and - the choice is yours.

The principle of weaving Shambhala is simple:

4. Bracelets made of natural stones

Natural stones are a valuable material, and it looks expensive and elegant. In the store today, the choice of such bracelets is wide.

You can present your own bracelet in any form - you can simply string natural or artificial stones on a thread, or you can add various pendants to this combination.

Sets of natural stones are available for free sale, and many beautiful pendants made of precious metals are sold in.

5. Vintage splendor

Vintage is a special trend in fashion that not everyone understands. But those of us who accepted it were able to appreciate all its splendor.

A vintage-style bracelet is not easy to make, but it's worth it.

For this you will need:

  1. Bracelet base. It is best done using the papier-mâché technique. It must be flat.
  2. Next, we need a piece of lace. Decorative lace can be bought at the site.
  3. Satin ribbons.
  4. A beautiful bead. It is better to take Czech - then each bead will be the same size and without flaws. You can order such beads at an affordable price at.
  5. Hot glue gun available

When a holiday approaches and the choice of outfit has already been determined, it suddenly turns out that there is not enough necessary decoration, some little thing that will add charm to the image, add zest to the overall look. DIY bead bracelets can become such an ornament.

Ways and options

The easiest way is to string the beads on a strong thread or fishing line, attach a clasp and you can put it on.

There are many different accessories sold in craft stores. By choosing to your taste, you can make original decorations.

The basis for such a bracelet is a chain with a lock, to which beads are attached, strung on pins.

For work, you will need wire cutters, round nose pliers and pliers. Beads should be of medium size to fit on pin 2 beads.

This is how it should look like:

Beads for such a bracelet are selected in two types: medium and faceted. The color of the beads should be in harmony with the color of the beads. Before you start, they can be laid out on the table to choose the right play of light and shadow. Having typed the required number of blanks, you can begin to assemble the bracelet.

With the help of tools, pins with medium beads are hung on each link of the chain in a checkerboard pattern. Pins with faceted beads are attached between them. The result is a voluminous bracelet.

This bracelet is made according to the same principle, only pins with figured cups and pendants in the form of leaflets are added.

From scattered beads, you can make such a bracelet:

Cords and beads

Original jewelry is made from cord and beads. Even some men wear them. For such bracelets, large beads with large holes are selected.

You can see a master class on making a bracelet below.

This bracelet is made of thick cotton cord and beads of two types, 8 mm each.

Beads are attached to the cord in the following way:

A decorative button is used as a fastener.

The bracelet will be smoother and stronger if you flash it a second time.

Beads are attached to the cord with monofilament.

Using this scheme, you can weave a wide variety of bracelets.

Another example of weaving a cord and beads bracelet:

Everything is simple here: an ordinary pigtail is woven from a cord - a spikelet, and beads are woven into it.

colored beads

There are endless possibilities for creating unique masterpieces!

All these bracelets are woven according to the same pattern.

Here is the same diagram.

Weaving is carried out in two needles, the thread is taken with a large margin, because beading does not like knots.

The second way to weave beaded bracelets is a mesh. It floats quite easily.

By weaving beads into the mesh, you can create beautiful jewelry.

A master class on beadwork for beginners can be seen in the video at the end of the article, and now read its brief description.

To make such a bracelet, you will need Czech beads and 3-4 mm beads.

The thread must be at least 70 cm long. A thread is threaded into a beaded needle and a carabiner is first attached, leaving about 15 cm at the tip.

A bead, 15 beads, a bead, 15 beads, and so on, are strung alternately on the thread until the desired length of the bracelet.

A ring for a carabiner is attached to the end of the thread.

15 beads are typed, and the needle goes in the reverse order.

In this way, as many rows are typed as needed. This item has 5 rows.

The thread is fixed in the same way as when sewing, but for the strength of the knots, at least 3 are made, each through several beads.

Delicate lace

When creating bracelets, other materials are also used. They can be made from ribbons and beads, as in the photo.

Summer is that happy time when everyone wants to be light, young and happy. It turns out that simple, unpretentious jewelry can help this, which you can make yourself and now bright colors have come into fashion. thread bracelets.

Thread bracelets

These funny pieces of jewelry are also known as friendship bracelets. Most often they are made by hand, and they are suitable for both men and women. The weaving of these bracelets originated at the dawn of the formation of the North American Indian tribes. Later, American hippies borrowed the bauble from the Indians. After the hippies exchanged baubles, they began to be considered brothers, albeit named ones. But over time, the concept of brotherhood began to be perceived as something without further ado, and the meaning of such a symbol as a bauble was forgotten.

Initially, baubles were given only as a sign of friendship, love, sincere emotional affection.

At the beginning of this century, the situation took a rather ambiguous turn. Firstly, everyone remembered that baubles have a traditionally complex symbolism. Different colors and their different patterns convey different information about the person who wears them, related to his musical tastes and many other aspects of his life. Secondly, the hippies do not have a unified system of symbolic meaning of the bauble, and therefore different groups within even the same subculture can interpret the same bauble in different ways, sometimes even reaching the absolute opposite. Because of this, and even because of the disdain for rigid rules common among hippies, today baubles are increasingly worn as a simple decoration, and not as a sign of belonging to a particular subculture.

If the hippie style is not entirely your thing, you can weave beautiful bracelets by adding a chain or any other decorative element to the threads.

Make a stylish bracelet yourself. Take a chain, multi-colored threads, stealth and scissors

Tie two bundles of threads at the base and with the help of stealth weave into the chain as shown in the figure.

This is the beauty you should get

Each color of the threads of the baubles has its specific meaning.

  1. White is associated with innocence, purity, freedom, sophistication, truth and ideals. It is correlated with religiosity, accuracy, dear. Also, a white bauble is endowed with goodness, light, faith and independence of the owner of the jewelry.
  2. The blue color of the baubles carries information about calmness, openness to everything light and new. He broadcasts about love for God, peace, long memory, harmony and friendliness. The blue color reflects thoughts about the sky, infinity, purity and innocence of man.
  3. The green color is given the power of youth, nature, plants. He is the embodiment of hope, harmony, eternity, faith, life, the search for love.
  4. And red is the color of love, passion, fire, blood, joy, affection and energy.
  5. A black bauble speaks of attachment to magic, the occult, sadness, loneliness. It is appropriate when its owner wishes to declare strong energy, mourning, freedom, unwillingness to communicate, mysticism, detachment, fearlessness and independence.
  6. It's funny that the scarlet color is a manifestation of aggressiveness.

If you meet a real hippie, pay attention to the color of his baubles 🙂

Now they do not adhere to color classification and make baubles from those colors that they simply like.

How to do it yourself

Baubles, or just bracelets made of floss threads, have long been no longer perceived as a distinctive sign of non-formal people. They have become just a stylish original decoration available to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status. In addition, thread bracelets have ceased to be an attribute of only hippies or rastamans. But the original function of the baubles remained - to be a keepsake. Baubles can be presented to a loved one as a sign of gratitude, affection and even love. According to tradition, you must by all means tie a bracelet on your friend's wrist, so that it will surely bring him happiness and always remind you of who gave the bracelet and why. During the donation, you need to tie a bauble with three knots, and on the third knot make a wish for the one to whom the bracelet is given. This bauble should be worn without being removed, until it itself flies off or breaks.

Chain and thread bracelet. It looks like the one above.

Divide the threads into two bundles

Tie the threads and thread through the first link of the chain

Start weaving threads into the links of the chain ...

It turns out a pigtail

At the end of weaving, tie the threads and cut off the ends. It remains to attach the clasp

It is best to make such a bright, memorable decoration-gift yourself. What's more, it's not difficult at all. There will be no significant costs either. But you need to stock up on multi-colored threads and scissors. Not very coarse threads, which are usually used for knitting, or floss threads will do. The color can be chosen according to your taste and discretion. By the way, it is not necessary to be guided by the interpretation of flowers from hippies: the best symbolism is considered to be the one that is understood only by the one who gives and the one who receives the bracelet.

For this bracelet you will need threads, clasps and beads.

Tie 4 threads at the base and put beads on the middle two

Now separate one bead alternately on each thread and weave the two extreme threads, as shown in the diagram. Raised a bead - twisted threads

You should get such an interesting weaving

Learning how to make a bracelet out of thread is not at all difficult. The simplest classic bauble is woven from eight separate threads. The length of each must be taken four times the estimated length of the finished product. It is also necessary to add a little more to the ends, which will later need to be tied on the arm.

  • For example, the first bauble will need eight threads approximately one meter long. The threads are fixed on a conditional stand - the back of a chair, bed or cabinet door. Otherwise, the bracelet will begin to twist during weaving.
  • All the threads are gathered together, and a loose knot is tied at one end. At the same time, small ponytails remain at the top for future ties. Such a knot can be attached to a safety pin just to the curtain or to the back of the sofa.
  • Then you need to straighten the threads in the order in which the colors will be located. The rightmost thread must be tied with two knots on the nearest adjacent thread on the left. So the threads will change places.

You can attach the threads to a vertical surface using adhesive tape.

We divide the threads into two equal parts and separate the extreme thread on the right

We connect it with the nearest thread ...

... and tighten the knot

So in turn we tie knots on all the other threads. We stop in the middle

  • Then, with the same threads, a knot is knitted at the next ends, and thus to the edge. The first row is obtained in the form of a diagonal strip of knots of the same color. Then, with the help of a new thread, which turned out to be from the right edge, the same procedure is done, and until such time as a bracelet of the desired length is obtained.
  • After that, the bauble is removed from the mount, the knot is untied and the ends are braided into a pigtail, which will give them a neat look.

Now we take the extreme thread on the left and do the same manipulations. We stop in the middle

We tie the central threads into a knot (they used to be extreme)

The first row of the bracelet is ready

We continue weaving in the same way - from the edge to the center

At the end, weave a pigtail out of threads and tie them into a knot.

Everyone can weave such popular ones. But when it’s not scary to take on more painstaking, even meditative weaving from knots, then you can experiment. For example, weaving can be performed not only in the direction from the right side to the left, but also vice versa. In this version, actions are performed in the same order, but as if in a mirror image. Such a task may seem difficult at first glance. However, once you get used to it, you can weave knots without thinking at all.

More complex and interesting way - weaving bracelets from threads, resulting in a kind of arrow. The usual way is woven to the middle of the row, and then weaving begins from the other edge, but only again to the middle of the row from left to right. The threads meeting in the middle are tied together to form an arrow.

Another option is a bracelet with a metal base.

You will need such a base (sold in needlework stores) and threads of different colors

Of course, there are an unimaginable multitude of patterns for weaving baubles from threads. However, they are all simple combinations of those elementary patterns that were discussed above. If you get a taste, then on the vastness of the boundless Internet you can easily find a huge number of photographs, drawings and patterns for making thread bracelets. There will also be friends who share this interesting hobby, and for whom a bauble is not just a beautiful thing. And then, undoubtedly, this handmade bracelet will be able to seal the bonds of new friendship for a long time.

Another option is a bracelet in the form of a flagellum. Take a bunch of threads, tie and fasten on a vertical surface

Separate three threads to be used first

Make a loop out of one thread and grab the rest of the threads

We tighten the loop at the top ...

... and begin to braid around the warp threads. Note that all this time we do not touch other separated threads.

Now wrap the other two threads around part of the bracelet crosswise

Now we draw three new threads from the base and proceed in the same way.

Periodically change the color of the braid threads, and you will get such a multi-colored flagellum


Volumetric bracelet made of beads and beads

Weaving jewelry from beads is a whole art, and the works of individual masters are true masterpieces. Looking at the complex interweaving of patterns, ornate shapes and original color combinations, such work seems difficult for beginners. Of course, in order to comprehend the basics of ancient needlework, you need a little theory and practice. Visual beading lessons will help beginners with this. Having learned how to weave bracelets from beads for beginners, you can create amazing collections of designer jewelry as a gift to yourself, loved ones and friends.

The bracelet is one of the most popular pieces of jewelry. Fashionistas can wear it to social events, for a walk and even to work in the office, diluting a little strict look. Handmade jewelry is especially valuable and original. Despite the fact that beaded accessories are relatively inexpensive, outwardly they are not inferior in beauty to expensive jewelry. Do not assume that such accessories are suitable only for teenage girls. Elegant ladies, lovers of luxury and fans of creative solutions in fashion will certainly like beaded jewelry. In shops where craftswomen sell their author's masterpieces, not everyone can afford the price of such products, because handmade work has always been highly valued.

Bracelet with comfortable clasp
One size bracelet
Airy beaded bracelet
Colored bracelets

There is a great solution - to learn how to weave beaded bracelets according to weaving patterns for beginners. Having immersed themselves in the fascinating process of weaving, with the help of simple master classes, beginners can create beautiful jewelry in just a few hours.

First of all, it is important to follow the simple advice of experienced craftswomen:

  • Before work, you need to stock up on everything you need. To weave a beaded bracelet, you will need a base (fishing line, thin wire or thread), the material itself, and scissors. Hooks-clasps or carabiners, special thin needles will also come in handy.

Necessary materials for work
  • The choice of material. Beads are the main component of jewelry. To make the product look beautiful and neat, you should stock up on high-quality beads in large quantities.

Beads for every taste and color


Chinese beads are cheaper, but the quality and aesthetics leave much to be desired. Beads can be chipped, non-uniformly colored, unequal in size, which negatively affects the final product.It is better not to skimp and buy high-quality Czech beads. The choice of needlewomen is presented with an incredible number of colors, textures and shapes of miniature beads, from which it is a pleasure to weave.

  • Organizer for work. In order for the work process to captivate and bring pleasure to the craftswoman, you should organize a place so as not to experience discomfort. To organize the beads by color, shape and size, you should stock up on small containers or make a DIY organizer box.

Convenient organizer

What else might be needed to get the job done? Of course, free time. The process of weaving is not only a creative process, but also painstaking work that requires concentration, slowness and attention. Following the simplest tips, you can easily weave the bracelet of your dreams.

Weave with our own hands

For beginners, at first glance, weaving a beaded bracelet may seem like a difficult and time-consuming task. The main thing that is required is perseverance, the desire to create something beautiful, as well as a creative mood. To help novice craftswomen, there are many simple schemes, by implementing which you can master the skill and share your successes in creativity. We offer several lessons on creating bracelets from beads with your own hands.

Bracelets for all seasons

monastery cross

The basic pattern is called a monastery cross. Having mastered simple weaving, you can create wide baubles by creating original patterns, combining colors and even weaving names or phrases.

Bracelet with poppies

To work, you need to prepare a monofilament or fishing line for the base, a thin needle and beads. The algorithm is the following:

  • We collect four beads on the fishing line, close them in a ring, and bring the needle into the first, second and third. So we get a cross.

Start of weaving
  • Then again we string three beads onto the base, now we insert the needle into the fourth bead of the previous link. This is how the next cross turns out.
  • Similarly, add beads until we weave the first row of the bracelet of the desired size. You should get a chain of crosses, but it does not look too even.

Weaving the first row
  • We return to the beginning of weaving. We introduce a needle into the side bead of the first link, then we collect three more, forming a cross.

Weaving the second row
  • We bring the needle through the upper bead of the last cross, again we collect two, introducing it into the side of the second link and into the upper bead of the cross.

Final stage

We repeat weaving until the base of the desired width and length is obtained. Beautiful beaded ribbon gracefully wraps around the wrist. We attach a carbine or clasp to the ends, and the bracelet is ready. Having learned how to weave a monastery cross pattern, you can create beautiful and original baubles with names, weave in any logos or patterns. For this method of weaving, many craftswomen use a loom, which you can buy or make yourself.

Approximately such an original bracelet is obtained

Cross stitch. Monastery Weaving. (Part 1)

Cross stitch. Monastery Weaving. (Part 2)

Beautiful beaded lace

We offer you to create a luxurious openwork bracelet in just a couple of hours. To work, you need to prepare a fishing line or monofilament, beads at number 11 and 15 of different colors.

Bracelet with fish and hearts
Bright, flower bracelet

Attention! When starting to weave according to the scheme, you should have an idea in advance about the future product, take measurements of the circumference of the wrist and the possible width of the accessory.

Step by step algorithm:

  • We make a strip that will become the basis of the bracelet. Its width depends on the width of the product, as the weaving will go up.
  • We string four beads onto a piece of fishing line or monofilament, closing the element into a square. Weaving is done in one thread, which we use for each bead several times.
  • We string two beads on a thread that comes out of the last pair, sends it back to the previous pair, moving from the back side. Finishing the previous element, we immediately form the next one.
  • When the first row is formed, proceed to the second. We string the beads in the following order: first, two beads at number 11, then one at number 15, and again two at number 11. We will direct the needle into the next pair of the first row, pass through it and send it to the next pair to form a new row.
  • When all the rows are formed, we complete the weaving. To make the bracelet look neat, by the end we gradually reduce the number of beads until only one bead remains. Attach a clasp to it.

Weaving pattern
Here we have such an interesting bracelet

Using this technique, you can weave an elegant set of jewelry, consisting of a bracelet and a fashionable choker around your neck.

Luxurious bracelet made of beads and beads

By combining beads and other materials for needlework, you can create luxurious jewelry worthy of queens. We offer to weave a magnificent bracelet, which in beauty and luxury is not inferior to an expensive piece of jewelry. To make the jewelry look truly expensive, we take beads, bicones and beads of noble shades, gold or silver, antique bronze or delicate pearls for weaving. For the base you need a nylon thread.

Bracelet with different beads and beads
Cute wrist bracelet

Thin bracelet made of beads and beads

Very romantic and delicate bracelet

The work is as follows:

  • We use a kapron thread in two additions so that the weaving is reliable and the product does not break during wear. To the end of the thread, folded in a loop, we fasten the lock with a sewing knot.
  • We collect six beads, then one bicone and again six beads. With a needle we pass through two large ones, we tighten the first element. On the other hand, we repeat the steps.
  • We collect beads again in this order: one large, six small, a bicone and six more small ones. We pass the needle through the previous one, and again we string a large bead. So we repeat until the end of weaving, and at the end we fix it with a lock.

Lesson on weaving a bracelet from beads and beads
Very beautiful bracelet in delicate colors

A stylish and elegant bracelet can successfully complement an evening look, become an elegant addition to a touching wedding look.

Bracelet made of beads and beads

Original volumetric decoration

Handmade beaded jewelry will be able to advantageously emphasize any fashionable style. Especially harmoniously they complement outfits in the style of boho or boho-chic, Provence or country. Graceful simplicity, creativity and incredible charisma are inherent in all hand made products, and this is their value. Volumetric jewelry today at the height of fashion.

Tricolor beaded bracelet
Interesting bracelet weaving

We offer to make a simple but original three-dimensional bracelet with your own hands.

Making it easy:

  • We cut several pieces from the jewelry cable. We string beads thickly on each. You can use several shades that harmonize with each other to create a trendy gradient effect.
  • From one edge we connect all the segments together, hiding them under a hat with a clasp. Similarly, we fix the elements from the other edge.
  • We give the bracelet a shape, twisting all the individual segments with a tourniquet, you can also weave a voluminous pigtail.

In such a simple technique, you can also make a beautiful necklace by adding a bracelet.

Step by step creation of a bracelet
This bracelet can be made in any color.

There are many unusual ideas for creating beautiful beaded bracelets for beginners. Feel free to use ready-made master classes, complementing the schemes with author's elements. The main thing in the art of beading is experience, creativity and skill.

How to make a beaded bracelet with your own hands: master class