Cafe with cats in Chiang Mai how to get. Cat cafe in Phuket: for those who love animals. Video of yummy feeding

We have not talked about any formats of family establishments in Pattaya. These are different sheep farms, and a coffee shop with tigers, and a cat cafe. Today we got to the exotic: a cafe with giraffes and a mini zoo Mountain Coffee Zoo.

How to get there?

This cafe is located 40 km from Pattaya, on the way to Rayong. You need to get to it by personal transport, buses do not go there.

Mountain Coffee Zoo onmap:

What is it?

The main feature of this establishment is that you can sit there to drink coffee or eat ice cream with a view of exotic animals, such as zebras, giraffes, ostriches. And they won't charge you for it (you'll have to pay for coffee). You can even imagine that you are on a safari somewhere in Africa. In a word, exotic :)

Prices, by the way, are very democratic there, as, indeed, in other establishments of this kind. In general, in Thailand, even in tourist places, it is not customary to overestimate the cost of all kinds of entertainment and food. It is very encouraging and always surprising. Thais do everything so that people first of all enjoy themselves and are not annoyed by high prices. In addition to the coffee shop, there is also a very decent cafe with Thai and European cuisine.

In addition, for 90 baht per person, you can go to the mini-zoo and get to know all its representatives in closer contact. Children go for free!

So if you are going to Rayong (by the way, there are very good beaches there) or you just have a desire to visit some new interesting place in the vicinity of Pattaya, then we highly recommend stopping by Mountain Coffee Zoo.

Journalists of the Zagranitsa portal still cannot calmly recall cafes where guests go not for a fragrant drink, but for communication with fluffy lumps. Even the most severe steelworker from Chelyabinsk will shed a tear of happiness here

The world's first cat cafe opened on the island of Taiwan in 1998. As soon as he caught the eye of the Japanese, a real cat boom began. Like mushrooms after rain, "fluffy" cafes began to appear throughout Japan. In Tokyo alone, there are now about 40 establishments where you can drink tea surrounded by tailed ones.

Since Thais love everything cute and cuddly, it's no surprise that cat cafes have popped up in Bangkok as well. Fluffy and short-haired, striped and multi-colored, playful and calm - cats of various colors and characters live here. The main trump card of many establishments is the giant Maine Coon. An incredibly beautiful cat with a fluffy tail occupies the top line in the popularity rating among guests. If he pays attention to you, consider yourself incredibly lucky!

Photo: Ksenia Kohansky
Photo: Ksenia Kohansky

As soon as you cross the threshold, you will instantly fall into the range of feline magnetism. Just a couple of hours surrounded by fluffy ones - and a charge of good mood is provided for the days ahead. True, the feline kingdom has its own “visa rules”. First of all, you will be forced to change your shoes into slippers and wash your hands properly. Pedigree animals cost the owners a tidy sum, so hygiene and cleanliness in cat cafes are very monitored. It is strictly forbidden for guests to pull cats by their tails, take them in their arms, wake up sleeping ones and feed them with ordinary food. What is possible then? Stroking, playing, touching and endlessly taking pictures in the “cat sleeping”, “cat washing” and “cat running away” modes. Yes, yes, you should not expect reciprocity from the tailed inhabitants of the cafe. Daily squeezes and attempts to establish communication in order tire them. If you are lucky, the cat will be interested in the toy that you have been pulling in front of his nose for half an hour. If not, you should go to plan B - ask for help from the staff. Usually employees know which of the cats is the most active, and which sleeps for days without hind legs.

The life of pets in a cat cafe is carefree. Unlike visitors, they are not limited by a set of rules. Therefore, do not be surprised if an impudent muzzle suddenly jumps on your table and settles down for a daytime sleep. So that the cats do not get bored and do exercises, many cafes have built various ladders and shelves. Animals can get from one end of the room to the other in a roundabout way, bypassing excited guests. What pirouettes and tricks the kote perform at the same time!

As a rule, sweet pastries, desserts, light sandwiches and snacks are prepared in cat cafes. From drinks - coffee, tea, juices and milkshakes. But cats show no interest in "human" food. Even being ten centimeters away from a tuna sandwich! To feed the caudate from your hands, you can buy a saucer of milk or cat snacks.

Where can I find the kote's abode?

Now in Bangkok, there are up to ten cat cafes. Below is our hit list for mi-mi-target.

Purr Cat Cafe Club

The largest cafe in Bangkok boasts 50 pets, including a six-kilogram Maine Coon. Some willingly make contact and allow themselves to be stroked. The designers obviously did their best, decorating the interior with a lot of nice details. The souvenir shop sells pillows, notebooks and other cute things with images of cats.

Working hours: from 11:00 to 21:00

Photo: Ksenia Kohansky

Caturday Cafe

This cat cafe is sure to please the girls. Graceful tables, cute interior, rainbow-colored cakes - only pink ponies are missing to complete the picture. The atmosphere inside is lively, everyone loves to play. In total, about 30 cats live in the cafe, but no more than 15 go to work at the same time.

Food in Pattaya is for every taste and budget, so that both the most spoiled and any budget tourist will be satisfied and full.

Options - the sea: expensive fashionable restaurants, small cozy cafes, cheap canteens, Thai catering in the manner of our McDonald's, a buffet in hotels and hostels, national cuisines of the world, Internet cafes, bars, pubs, and so on. Prices are very different, it will not be difficult to find where to eat tasty and inexpensive in Pattaya!

National cuisines of the world

The most popular food in Pattaya is, of course, Thai. Many national Thai dishes are very tasty: be sure to try Tom Kha and Tom Yum, Massaman Curry, green papaya and mango salads, Pad Thai, fried rice with egg and vegetables, roti and Thai signature fried ice cream. If you like extreme sports, then don't pass by Thai markets where you can buy grilled shrimp, fried grasshoppers, cockroaches and caterpillars. However, Pattaya is full of restaurants with other national cuisines that are more familiar to Russian tourists: European, American, and Russian too.

Russian cafes

Pattaya has a huge number of Russian cafes and restaurants with national Russian cuisine and menus in Russian. In addition, there are cafes with cuisine from countries from the post-Soviet space: Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisine, Uzbek, Armenian and Georgian restaurants.

European cafes

European cuisine is widely represented in Pattaya due to Europeans permanently residing here who keep cafes and small hotels: you can find not only English, French, German and Italian restaurants, but also many other European countries.

American cafes

Asian restaurants

First of all, Asian cuisine, based on the flow of tourists, is represented in large numbers by Chinese, Korean and Japanese restaurants.

Indian restaurants

In Pattaya, there is a huge number of Indian cafes and restaurants for every taste and budget, as the citizens of India from year to year are among the top ten in the direction of tourists to Thailand.

Thai catering

Cafes and restaurants for locals are very popular in Thailand. Thais rarely cook at home, they either bring home ready-made, purchased food, or immediately eat in a cafe. Such restaurants can be found anywhere: in the center of Pattaya, on Jomtien, in the Pratumnak area. Their food is very tasty and inexpensive. The only thing to consider is that Thais are very fond of spicy food! If you are not a fan of pepper and all kinds of seasonings, immediately inform the waiter about it.


The buffet culture in Pattaya is developed in itself. Many tourists eat right in their hotels and hostels, which have a buffet. The so-called Thai unlimited cafe-buffets are a place where for a small amount (200-400 baht) you can sit from opening to closing and eat whatever you want and as much as you like. Many cafes and restaurants spend "unlimited" days in their establishments. Also in Pattaya there is a cafe where you can cook on your own, having previously paid the same small amount for the opportunity to take food.

Seafood restaurants

Seafood restaurants are one of the most frequent establishments in Pattaya, because the resort is located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, next to the ocean, there is a huge amount of fish and seafood here. Here you can try crabs and shrimps, dozens of fish species and even real sharks! The goods in such restaurants are the freshest, so that the tourist certainly does not doubt this, often you can choose food for yourself directly from the aquarium, and then also watch how it is prepared.

Restaurants with a beautiful view

Pattaya has a huge number of restaurants that are located on the roofs of hotels, high-rise buildings or simply on the seashore. It is from these bars and cafes that the best panoramic views of the sea and the city open up - here you can dine to the sound of the sea or dine while watching the evening sunset.

Beer restaurants

Nightlife is very developed in Pattaya - beer restaurants, bars, pubs and other similar establishments are actively working here at night. The emphasis here is on the alcohol menu, dance music and entertainment like billiards.

Unusual and interesting restaurants

There are a lot of beautiful and non-standard restaurants in Pattaya: with an unusual design, decoration and idea ... Here are some interesting options:

  • Telephone bar (entrance through the "London" telephone booth);
  • Hajime Robot Restaurant (the main feature is a robot waiter);
  • -5 Ice Bar (a bar made entirely of ice);
  • C Cat Cafe (cute and cozy cat cafe in Pattaya);
  • Cabbages and Condoms (free-running bunnies and Santa Claus decked out in condoms).

Prices in cafes and restaurants

As for prices, the average check in a fashionable restaurant is 500-1000 baht, in a cafe - 200-400 baht. Entrance to unlimited buffets - 200-300 baht. However, wins, without a doubt,. If you eat only in cheap catering, foot courts or at the local market, you can spend only 600-700 baht per week. For the budget traveler, this is just perfect. Below are menus with prices relevant for 2019 from a cafe in Pattaya of various price ranges:

Cafes and Restaurants on the map

Other maps of Pattaya with cafes and restaurants (including for download) can be found in the section "".

As soon as I found out that there is a cat cafe in Phuket, I immediately realized that we would definitely go there. When traveling, we get so lonely without our kitty, sometimes we just want to cuddle someone. A couple of times we even tried to buy a rabbit, a hamster or a flying squirrel here. But the mind overrode the call of the heart and said that you need to think first of all about the animal, and not about your desires, since when moving to another country you will have to let the animal go outside or attach it somewhere.

Today we visited Cat Cafe in Phuket Town. The cat cafe is an ocean of positive. The smile never left my face during the two hours we spent in it.

Cat: "Come to see me?" Katya: “Well, yes, I love you cats so much”

Rules at the cat cafe

When entering, you need to carefully read the numerous rules of conduct in a cat cafe. Here are the main ones:

  • You can't wake up cats and force them to play.
  • Do not feed human food.
  • Do not touch cats when they are eating.
  • Cats are not to be picked up unless they jump on their own. This rule, in my opinion, is the most severe. Because these fluffies so want to be picked up and hugged.
  • Be sure to wash your hands when entering the hall and after using the toilet.
  • You can take pictures, but only without a flash.

The fine for non-compliance with the rules is 1000 baht.

Conditions for visiting the cafe

  • You must order drinks and at least one dessert for two.
  • Before entering the room where the cats live, you will be given a drop of antibacterial gel on your hands to stroke the animals with clean hands. Taking care of pets first.
  • You must change your shoes for the suggested flip flops or slippers.

Slava took coffee, and I ordered a strawberry smoothie and a piece of cake. All the pleasure cost us 280 baht. This is considered an unspoken fee for entering the cafe, since you don’t need to pay anything extra. You can stay in the cafe for an unlimited time.

They brought me a barrel of smoothies, and Slava got a tiny coffee for two sips.

Welcome to cat heaven

The atmosphere in the cafe exudes comfort and warmth. The hall is small, only 3-4 tables, air conditioners maintain a comfortable temperature. The music is playing softly. And the visitors, of which there were only three people, crawl on the floor and get acquainted with the cats.

Here I am crawling to be closer to the heroes of the day

We were doing the same. I spent most of the time on the floor, talking, touching and stroking these adorables.

There are about 15-20 cats in the cafe. Most of them are exotic. These are such kitties with an interesting eye shape and a flattened nose. They have a unique look. Now, in addition to the Scottish Fold, exotics have become another of my favorite breeds.

And this is my favorite. She herself came to me on the sofa and began to show signs of attention

In addition to exotic cats, folds and British live here.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwi Taxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article.

There is even one hefty Maine Coon. But he did not indulge us with his communication and hung for all the time on the top shelf under the ceiling.

Video: Cat cafe, Phuket town

All the cats in the cat cafe are plump and relaxed. They lead a measured life.

The Duchess is in her chambers. Please do not disturb without an important reason

Almost everyone allows themselves to be stroked, and some even allow them to play with them. It can be seen that they feel good here, that they are warm and under supervision, that they are looked after, combed and fed well.

Time flew by unnoticed. I didn't want to say goodbye to cats. In two hours, I became so attached to them, as if I were leaving my good friend, whom I will not see soon now.

Be happy! my dear friend

Before we left, the hostess arrived. She sat down on the floor and began to feed the cats some delicacy. All the cats immediately ran to her, stood up on their hind legs, licking the contents from the tube. It was very funny to watch them.

Video of yummy feeding

Come to the cat cafe for such simple joys and sincere emotions.

I love to smile like this, for real

Where is it located and how to get there

The cat cafe in Phuket Town is located in the very center on Thepkasattri road between Dibuk road and Thalang Rd. "B Cat Cafe" is located near the dragon mini park. From the bus station on Ranong Street, which brings buses from all the beaches, you can walk in 10 minutes. If you want to visit a cat cafe from Karon or Patong, then you need to take the blue bus to the final one in Phuket Town. Further on foot: from the terminal, go a little forward to the roundabout, turn left there and walk 200 meters straight until the second turn to the right, this will be Thalang Street. Go to the end of the street, turn left, cross the road and another 100 meters straight to the cafe.

  • Opening hours: up to 22 hours
  • Admission is free, but you must order dessert and a drink
  • Minimum bill 170 baht per person: dessert 110 + coffee 60 (for two you can take 1 dessert)
  • Website: (TH)

If you go by bus, keep in mind that they run only until 17:00. If you don’t have time to return to the bus station by this time, you can only get back to the coast by taxi.

Cat cafe on the map of Phuket

Coordinates: 7.885478, 98.390702

Did I dream that a cat cafe would ever open in Pattaya? Yes! Because what could be better than cats, only a lot of cats!
I constantly think about where else to go with children in Pattaya, but here such luck!
On Wellcome Town Street, literally through the wall from children's room Kids Castle, opened a cat cafe. (Cat Cafe)
Cozy, beautifully furnished, cool place with a bunch of caudates. Do I recommend going there with children if you are in Pattaya?
A thousand times yes!!!

Entertainment for children in Pattaya

The cat cafe is certainly entertainment not only for children, but also for adults.
The format of a cat cafe - guests come to a cafe where there are a lot of cats and you can stroke them, take pictures and drink coffee with a cake in between,
widespread in Asia and enjoying success.

It is understandable, Asians do not have enough communication with four-legged people, because almost all condos (90 percent) do not allow pets.
If you want to get a dog or a cat, buy a house.
And you also need to look after, feed, water, heal, walk, and so on. it’s much easier to come as a “Sunday” dad to visit the fluffies and squeeze
for some time ahead, so that the itch to urgently get the cat slept for a while.

This cat cafe in Pattaya is the most loyal of those that I came across in Asia.

It is not only allowed to touch animals (if they wish), but they serve not only cakes, but also normal food.
Most often, in a cafe with cats, you can’t eat (only a light snack), you can’t touch - just look, at photographing, at the entrance with small children
also vetoed.

In this cat cafe, of course, there are rules. They are seemingly strict, but in reality they only call for order, they will probably fine and expel
only not at all adequate visitors.

What can you do in a cat cafe in Pattaya?

You can take pictures without a flash, stroke the cat you like, order food from the menu and enjoy!

To play with cats, there are toys that you can take. Dasha ran after the cats in order to play, while her emotions overwhelmed her and my child behaved quite loudly. The cafe staff didn't care.

Then Dasha decided to pretend to be a worm, about which she informed everyone present.

The cats, meanwhile, lived their own lives:

Drank water:

Run away from persistent visitors.

What kind of cats are there in a cat cafe in Pattaya?

People! I am not strong in cat breeds and from what I saw, I probably recognized only the sphinx. And that's because
he is bald.
The bald sphinx, by the way, was the most playful ringleader and pestered all the cats, and in general it turned out that it was a girl.

At the end of our stay, she was even moved to another room so that other cats would rest from her pressure.

What surprised me about Cat Cafe?

Doesn't stink. That is, not only does it not stink, but there is no smell at all. Neither good nor bad.
How they did it, I don't know, to be honest.

That is, there are cats, a kitchen, a coffee shop, but there is no smell !!!

The cats are all clean, well-groomed, very, very decent and well-mannered.
You can safely go there even with kids, my concern that one of the cats might injure Dasha or bite her (the cat had already scratched her eyelid) dissipated after the first 5 minutes of my stay.

Cats, like real egoists, are absorbed only by themselves and their own desires. Sybarites in general.
They will come up to you if you have food on the table or sniff a can of cola, otherwise they play among themselves, rush
up the stairs and happily lie down to rest in bed.

The cats surprised me. They look relaxed and contented with life. At the same time, they don’t let me touch myself, a couple of times
lucky to hold some on the handles, but they did not enjoy, no, they just played their feline role of pseudo-hospitable hosts.

Cats are allowed in this cafe. They walk on tables, they can chew your food, jump on the bar and shed profusely.

At the same time, in a cafe with cats in Pattaya - crystal clear.
High-quality and expensive materials are used for the interior, this is obvious. around wood paneling, scratching posts for cats, expensive toys - beds, rattles and more.
For those who already have cats, we offer a range of cat care.

The staff seemed somewhat aloof. No emotions - no smiles, but there was no negativity either. I would say that the service is so-so, if not for the hospitable hostess, who asked us how much we liked, and if we would come back, thereby endearing us.

Of course, we will return, especially since we forgot a very valuable Dasha drinker there)))

Opening hours of the cat cafe in Pattaya and its address

It is written that the cat cafe (Cat Cafe) opens at 11 am. Don't believe. It opens later.
We were in the nearby Kids Castle and moved from it to the cat cafe around 12 in the morning.

Closes at 21:00.

How to find?

driving directions to wiggle town - kids castle

The address is the same as the children's room Kids Castle in Pattaya(former wiggle town).
The cat cafe is located in the Welkom Town lane on the main street (it is called so) about 200 meters from Sukhumvit.
I do not like to get there, because in this area there are always traffic jams. Count on this if you are going to the cats or the children's room, especially on weekends.

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