How to shave intimate places. Shaving hair in the intimate area

The “bosom of love” was carefully looked after many centuries ago, since a clean body is an indicator of the purity of the soul and thoughts. Now there are many ways to remove unwanted hair in the intimate area, the easiest and most affordable of them is shaving. Proper procedure will make the skin smooth and protect from irritation.

The easiest and cheapest way to remove hair in intimate places is shaving. Although women of different generations still disagree about whether to leave the bikini area in its original form.

Is it possible to shave hair in the intimate area?

The fact that intimate shaving is still dangerous not so long ago, French doctors started talking. The explanation is simple. With proper and regular hygiene of the genital organs, hair is the first barrier against various pathogens. If you do depilation, this protection will disappear.

Besides, mechanical hair removal leads to numerous microcracks.
It turns out that the skin is not only not protected, but also injured, and these are ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. By the way, the human papillomavirus also manifests itself precisely because of the injured areas of the epidermis.

However, many girls do not pay any attention to this ban. They do not notice any problems with women's health after shaving hair in the intimate area, and therefore act on the principle of "what does not immediately manifest itself badly, then it is possible."
In addition, intimate haircuts are gaining popularity, which allow you to solve both a medical and an aesthetic problem in one fell swoop.

Why do you need hair in the intimate area?

Hair in the intimate area is needed to perform a protective and sexual function.
The axillary and groin areas contain large sweat glands that secrete pheromones. Thanks to the hair, the evaporation surface of these pheromones increases, and the representative of the opposite sex intuitively feels a suitable partner.

It's interesting that women's sensitivity to smells is affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle: at ovulation, it is the highest.

But even such scientific explanations cannot convince most modern girls and women to lose the feeling of cleanliness and comfort in the bikini area. There are several ways to remove unwanted vegetation. The most accessible and understandable of them is the usual shaving.

What is required for shaving?

So that the hygienic procedure does not bring pain and does not leave behind unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the right machine and products for and after shaving.

How to choose a razor?

When choosing a machine, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Reusable
    Disposable machines are considered more hygienic, cheap, but dull quickly. On reusable razors, cartridges are replaced as needed.
  • Number and sharpness of blades
    The more of them, and the sharper they are, the better the razor shaves.
  • Additional functions
    The most popular of them are the presence of a comb that lifts the hairs during the procedure and gel pads that moisturize the skin at the same time as shaving.
  • Convenience
    The handle should not slip out of a wet, and even soapy hand. It is desirable that a floating head be provided - for the convenience of depilation in hard-to-reach places.
  • brand
    This point is the last one, since you should not blindly focus on it. Choose a machine based on its design and functionality. Perhaps the most convenient for you will be an inexpensive personal care item from a little-known brand.

Disposable machines

When using disposable machines for depilation of intimate areas, you should remember simple recommendations:

  • The machine must be new.
    If it has already been used to shave legs, do not use it to remove hair from the bikini area - the device quickly becomes dull and may cause irritation.
  • Don't buy very cheap low quality machines
    They do not remove hair well, and cuts and abrasions remain on the skin after shaving.

Popular Good quality disposable razors are available under the brands Gillette, Venus and BIC.

You can use a man's machine, but use it especially carefully, as its blades are sharper.

Supermarkets have special machines for shaving intimate areas.
Such devices have an optimal set of functions for treating sensitive delicate skin - a smaller size, a special gel strip with antibacterial components and a small grill on the blade, which protects against irritation and provides a longer depilation effect.

In addition to conventional razors, women use electric shavers and trimmers.

electric shavers

Included with modern women's electric shavers is a set of nozzles of different widths and purposes. With their help, you can completely shave off the hair, cut it to a certain length or remove it along with the follicle.

The electric razor has very sharp blades protected by a special mesh. Due to this, it is almost impossible to injure the skin during depilation. Gel strips soften the hairs and moisturize the skin during the procedure, and the floating head makes it easy to treat hard-to-reach places.

An electric shaver is the ideal solution for depilation in the intimate area.

The most popular brands are Braun, Panasonic and Remington.
The disadvantages of such devices are the high cost and a slight discomfort after the first procedure.


If your skin is very sensitive to any mechanical impact, pay attention to trimmers. These devices accurately cut the hairs completely or to the desired length and do not injure the skin. Most often used to create intimate hairstyles.

The most famous quality brands are Phillips, Veet and Panasonic..
Before buying a device, be sure to read the reviews for it. Cheap devices can capture the skin along with the hairs, and this is both painful and traumatic.

Preparing your intimate area for shaving

How to avoid irritation and ingrown hairs

Irritation after shaving intimate areas accompanied by severe itching, burning and acne. It appears as a result of an incorrectly selected device and depilation products or due to the treatment of unprepared skin.

Before the procedure:

  • The skin must be steamed
    To do this, take a hot bath or shower. If you notice ingrown hairs, use a body scrub - it will clean the keratinized layer of the epithelium, and the procedure will be much easier and painless.
  • If the hair is long
    Then for a start they should be shortened with ordinary scissors.

Shaving products

Among the means for and after shaving intimate areas there are creams, foams and gels.


Creams are inexpensive, while they perform their main function well - softening and moisturizing the skin.

Mandatory components of a quality cream are alkaline soap, purified water, glycerin, starin, silicone, various fats and antiseptics, extracts from natural plants.


Foam is slightly more expensive than cream, but much cheaper than gel. The base material of a good lather should be a hydrated natural oil (olive, corn or almond). Additional components - extracts of chamomile, aloe or calendula, natural flavors.

Pass by cans of mineral mass at the base - this is a petroleum product that leaves a microscopic film on the skin.
As a result, the process of air exchange is disturbed and irritation appears.


The gel is evenly distributed on the skin and, unlike foam, is economical to use. The tool provides a soft glide of the razor, resulting in a flawless smooth surface of the skin.

The composition of the gel is almost completely the same as that of the foam.. Therefore, the requirements for it are similar.

There is no general answer to the question of which tool is better. This is an individual choice for everyone, and the best indicator of a suitable option is healthy, smooth skin without irritation.

Proper shaving of intimate areas at home

Proper depilation of the delicate female zone at home with a razor involves the following steps:

  • Moisten the previously prepared skin with warm water.
  • Evenly apply the purchased shaving product on it.
  • Wait 1-1.5 minutes for the active ingredients to act and soften the hairs.
  • Wet your razor with water.
  • Gently work the skin in the direction of hair growth. This will avoid irritation and ingrown hairs.

Skin care after shaving

  • At the end of the procedure, rinse the skin and the machine with warm water.
  • Pat your bikini area dry with a soft towel and apply aftershave.

It is advisable not to wear underwear for 20-30 minutes after the procedure. During this time, the skin will completely calm down, and the problem of irritation will most likely not bother you.

After Shave

With their help, you can prevent or relieve irritation after shaving, sugaring or other method of removing unwanted vegetation.

  • Cream “Triderm”
    The tool is not cheap, but it does an excellent job with redness, itching and ingrown hairs. It is used immediately after depilation or applied to irritated areas, if any. Contains hormones, therefore it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Before use, it is desirable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  • Cream or foam “Panthenol”
    Has no contraindications.
  • Cream “Boro Plus”
    Inexpensive and efficient. Suitable for lubricating the intimate area after shaving, as well as for treating other irritated skin areas. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients, has no contraindications.

Where to begin?

First, decide whether you want to completely get rid of hair in this area or leave hairs to create an intimate hairstyle. Stencils for creating it can be found online or in adult stores. If you do not want additional expenses, but you want something unusual, you can leave a strip of hair in the middle of an intimate organ. Perhaps such decisions will help you feel like a more feminine and sexy woman. Well, if the complete absence of hair brings you closer to the feeling of your own attractiveness, you can easily achieve this with the help of a good machine. You can only shave areas with healthy skin without any irritation.

Let's move on to practice

What to do first?

Before you go to the shower, you need to cut your hair with scissors, if you have a length of more than 6 millimeters, it is not necessary that they be perfectly even. Trimmers must be motionless so as not to get hurt.

Moisturize your hair

Moisturize your hair by softening the follicles, you reduce the time spent shaving. You can do this in the shower, bath, or simply by putting a wet compress for 5-10 minutes. Never shave dry.

Use a washcloth

Remove dead cells before and after the procedure with a regular washcloth. This will help to achieve an even more optimal effect. Hair will lie flat and in one direction.

Use shaving gel

Wet the shaving area with warm water and apply a special gel, it is better to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body beforehand to see if it will cause you an allergic reaction. In no case do not use men's gels that are flavored and foamy. You can also use a hair mask or shower gel.

Get a men's razor

It is better to buy a men's razor, it is designed for coarser hair, which means it will help you achieve a better result with less effort. It is also better to wet it before use. If you plan on using it more than once, when you're done clean it well and keep it dry to prevent oxidation of the metal.

How to shave your hair?

It is best to shave in the direction of hair growth, without pressing the blade too hard against the skin. For maximum comfort, you can stretch the skin. Don't shave too many times in the same place as this encourages ingrown hairs. If you cut yourself, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure that the gel does not get between the lips. As you go down, shave in an outward-inward motion.

Finishing Shave

As we remember, we should finish our session by removing dead cells, if necessary, we will use tweezers. We dry the bikini area with a towel with light movements so as not to injure the skin.

Use lotion and moisturizer

And finally, apply lotion or moisturizer, just do not overdo it so that the skin can breathe. Refrain from using perfumes and deodorants on the bikini area immediately after shaving to avoid irritation. If you feel itchy after shaving, use aloe vera gel or chamomile solution. With severe irritation, tea tree oil will help. After the procedure, you should be in underwear made of natural material.

Taking care of yourself is the duty of every self-respecting woman. As you already understood, this is not difficult if you do it delicately, carefully and carefully. Of course, this procedure is not as simple as shaving your legs, but you are already close to the most painless and comfortable way. If your hair grows back very quickly, you should still refrain from shaving every day. You can use other ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation. If for some reason you do not want to go to a specialist, try to learn more long-term methods at home, but proceed with caution. Depilatory creams are not suitable for use in the bikini area. There are many advantages to shaving, as it is the most painless way and has almost no contraindications.

What woman doesn't want to be beautiful? At all times, fashion dictates not only what to wear, but also how to look. Therefore, the removal of unwanted hair from the body has always been and remains popular. Various means have been devised for this. The easiest to use is a razor. It can be used for any zone. Also with the advent of bikini swimwear, it has become popular to remove pubic hair. But many girls do not know how to shave an intimate place without irritation.

Hair removal methods

There are several ways to epilate. In addition to shaving, hair can be removed with wax or sugar paste. This is a slightly painful procedure, so most often this method is used for the legs, armpits. Recently appeared and elos-epilation. Moscow offers many salons that can carry out this procedure. It is carried out by a special apparatus that acts on the hair follicle with light. The advantage of this type is not only to reduce the amount of hair and their growth, but also to remove them permanently. The latter depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Do not forget that this is the most painless way.

The most affordable way to remove unwanted hair is a razor. Machines are disposable and reusable. Which is better to choose? It all depends on your personal preferences. It is important that the tool is sharp. Otherwise, how to shave an intimate place without irritation? The advantage of this method is complete painlessness, availability, low cost. The disadvantage is that the hair grows back quickly, and therefore you have to shave every day. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, then irritation will appear on the skin. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Female or male machine

To know how to shave an intimate place without irritation, you need to choose the right tool. For epilation of the bikini area, male machines are preferable. Why? They are sharper. Despite the fact that women's razors are made to fit the curves of the body and have a cut limiter, this only interferes with pubic hair removal. Therefore, it is best to use men's machines, only they need to be handled carefully.

Many women do not use shaving products. For the first time, you can use soap foam, but in the future it is best to buy gels, foam. This will facilitate the process of hair removal and reduce the likelihood of irritation. The second step is to prepare the skin. To do this, it is enough to steam it. So take a bath or shower first. Next, you will need to cut your hair. Then shaving foam is applied. You can start the procedure. Drive the machine carefully, otherwise you will cut yourself. If this happens, treat the cut with hydrogen peroxide.

Completion of the procedure

When you have finished shaving, gently wash the area with soap and water and pat it dry with a soft towel. Then treat the skin with a special lotion. These simple manipulations will help reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

Believe me, say about it» is not only possible, but even necessary in the open! Of course, if you are a representative or a representative of the style " retro» in intimate places, then you have come to the wrong place. What can I say, for most people the procedure " How to shave your intimate area' is simply pointless. Therefore, we wish you to continue to proudly demonstrate your hairline not only in your own bathroom, but also in public places! grooming- it's just not your topic, in that case. But if you belong to the number of modern girls and boys, women and men, welcome - you are waiting for " educational program» from the best experts in the field!

Yes, the problem of hair removal in intimate places is a very sensitive issue. But the bottom line is that we are talking about full-fledged self-care and health in general. Unfortunately, all our troubles arise from a fairly rapid maturation, closed personality and elementary ignorance in this matter.

Few dare to speak directly about the urgent tasks of intimate hygiene, not to mention shaving intimate places before childbirth, and this is sad.

Ideally, every parent should try to teach their child these basics and more. Perhaps there is nothing worse than hairs peeking through underwear, seen in the locker room at school, before physical education class. What do we get as a result? Definitely, universal condemnation and offensive ridicule; and, consequently, an inferiority complex in the future ...

Regardless of the current situation, it's time to discard all the stereotypes of shaving intimate places in women and men that have dominated you until now, and get ready for amazing discoveries! First, let's understand the basics of removing unwanted hair in the " nude, both feminine and masculine.

Why do you need to shave your intimate area?
Dispelled myths and "Naked" truth!

  • Did you know that any hair accumulates a certain amount of dirt and bacteria per day? Accordingly, an elementary shave is necessary for all of us in terms of hygiene, both among women and men. But this does not mean at all that you must immediately shave off all the hairs to a single one, having learned how to shave an intimate place completely. Yes, this is purely a personal matter.

  • It is paradoxical, but true: if nature has already conceived hair growth in “ this» place, so they are really needed there. Although the question » fully applies to aesthetics: if you are clean-shaven and beautiful, this can make you much more relaxed and attractive. Nature is a truly perfect creator who never does anything superfluous. From a biological point of view, the hair in the intimate part is an indicator of puberty, and also perform several important functions.

Firstly, it is an air cushion that protects the genitals from the cold. However, in this way, thermoregulation of this area is ensured in the hot season.

Secondly, the presence of hair in women prevents the penetration of infections into the genitals and maintains a certain microclimate of the vaginal flora there.

Third, intimate hair retains the smell of pheromones that can attract the opposite sex. In connection with the above reasons, doctors strongly recommend that you do not shave your hair in an intimate place, but only cut it in the pubic / groin area.

How and what is better to shave an intimate place?
Epilation or Depilation?

At this stage in the development of society, several main types of getting rid of unwanted hair have been invented. In this regard, there is a lot of controversy about how and what is the best way to do this. However, it is necessary to distinguish between 2 main procedures, radically different in their essence:

  • Epilation- this is the complete removal of hair in the intimate places of men and women, namely the roots of the hair follicles.
  • Depilation- this is the removal of the visible part of the hair of the skin, in particular, by shaving.

In the first case, you get perfectly smooth skin that will delight you and those around you within 2-3 weeks. However, not everyone decides on this method, and here are some good reasons. Laser and photo-epilation are very expensive procedures, while waxing has long been known for its pain. Here everything is individual. Still, unsafe wax is suitable for someone, which can leave irritation if the process was not professionally performed. Someone is used to newfangled shaving machines for intimate places or epilators, which only a few are destined to endure.

It is quite logical that if you do not want to endure pain for your own money, you will have to learn the basics of proper shaving of an intimate place at home, because this is more relevant for you.

It is well known that shaving an intimate area is fraught with infections, inflammation and cuts, which means unnecessary problems. On the other hand, most people are used to this simplest and most common way of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. Therefore, before starting this procedure, it is worth making all the necessary hygiene procedures, and then following certain rules.

How to shave an intimate place with a machine correctly?
6 golden rules for everyone!

So, before experimenting with hair removal methods unknown to you personally, perhaps you should learn the lessons of elementary shaving? In fact, every 3rd person has no idea how to deal with " deep bikini area". Well, now is the time to fill your gap in this intimate field!

  1. The right razor for shaving intimate areas. The main condition is no

    disposable machines! Men's razor - now " your', it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Such an assistant in our delicate matter will be sharp enough, but safer. Remember, a dull blade is enemy #1 of your skin!

  2. Shaving agent. Leave soap for the near ones. First, it dries out the skin; secondly, it leads to irritation. It's best to choose a good aftershave gel or cream for your skin type, plus extra moisturizers. The modern skin care market can offer you an abundance of hypoallergenic cosmetics without irritating dyes and fragrances. If you are allergic even to those,

    then you'd better stop shaving and cut your hair close to the edge. Sensitive skin and sharp hair in the intimate area - this is a monstrous combination that will give you a lot of trouble!

  3. Competent preparation. Haste is simply inappropriate here! Any skin needs to be properly prepared. And you don't have to worry about possible cuts. In a word, the procedure should go according to Feng Shui " How to shave your intimate area»!
  4. actual shaving. If you have steamed your skin enough, the hair will seem to rise, which is very helpful in removing it with a razor. So why not take a bath, steam your skin and rinse sacrificial» cool water place? Now it is important to first cut long hairs so that they do not get stuck in the razor blade, and the quality of the whole procedure does not suffer from this. The next step is to apply shaving cream/gel and wait a few minutes for your skin and hair to soften sufficiently. Now you are actually ready for the women's/men's intimate shaving! Shaving the bikini area properly means using as few strokes as possible, preferably only 2: in the direction of the hair growth and against the direction of the hair growth (alternatively, 2 times in the direction of the hair growth). Keep in mind that shaving against the direction of hair growth tends to irritate and encourage ingrown hairs into the skin.
  5. Completion of the procedure "How to shave an intimate place clean". Wash well with soap and water after shaving to avoid any risk of infection. Then use an alcohol-based lotion or, alternatively, an aftershave moisturizer (private shaving gel). The main thing is to do it all very carefully, because you treated your sensitive genitals! In the event of cuts (although this should not happen), treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. P.S. You should choose the frequency of shaving yourself (as needed), but for the daily " communication» With a razor, do not expect gratitude from your skin, because it will answer you with mocking irritation. In addition, shaved areas should be washed at least once a day. If frequent irritations and ingrown hairs occur, along with other problems, it is worth reconsidering this method of hair removal in the intimate places of men / women. You may need to turn to the services of specialists in the field of photo or laser hair removal.

Bikini design, or " intimate haircuts»:
Pros and cons

You have probably heard about special beauty salons where hair in intimate areas is shaved, beautifully trimmed or decorated with accessories (feathers, rhinestones, sparkles, etc.). At the request of the client, it is even possible to dye the hair in the intimate area in a certain color.

Do you know?

Marilyn Monroe bleached her pubic hair in an effort to be blonde from head to toe.

In general, bikini design does not have a negative impact on the health of a woman / man; however, there is always a risk of infection when using non-sterile instruments.


Take care of your body regularly, because this is the House of your Soul, so to speak. Both women and men have intimate places, so such care is regular and mandatory. Do you only do this in the summer? This is fundamentally wrong! You must always love yourself. For the care of intimate places, in particular, wondering " Should you shave your intimate area?”, you need to find not only the time, but also the desire. In a word, do not save on yourself.

If a girl wants to be attractive and desirable, she will take care of herself. There are many ways to remove hair in the bikini area. For example, depilatory cream or wax. Let's talk in more detail about how to properly shave an intimate place correctly for girls. Few people prefer naturalness - men really want their skin to be smooth. This can be achieved in many ways. Just give yourself a little attention.

Only with experience will you be able to understand which method is best for you. Over time, you will not have irritation and the hair will stop growing. Explore what are the ways.

Following our advice will help you please yourself first of all. And if you like yourself, you will be a man. Checked. So let's get down to business, beauties! Soon beach season and open swimwear. And this is an occasion not only for gymnastics and the fight against cellulite, but also for everything to be smooth where there should be no hair.

Shaving bikini without irritation

The bikini area is a very sensitive area prone to irritation. Shaving the intimate area is not suitable for all girls. This is already an outdated method. How to shave a bikini with an ordinary razor? Is it even worth using this method when there are so many others. Here you can say this: if you want to save money, then the method is good.

  1. First clean your skin with lotion and apply shaving cream.
  2. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in front of a mirror in order to see what you are doing.
  3. Use a soothing cream after shaving.

Go to a beauty salon if you don't know how to shave intimate places so that there is no irritation if you tried, but still something went wrong, because the skin is very delicate. There you can be offered many options for interesting intimate haircuts that will surely please your loved one. Drawing in the shape of a heart or crown looks very interesting. Do not be shy. This is one way to add variety to your intimate life. If you want to be beautiful in face, why don't you put beauty on "there"? Modern girls almost never go overgrown, although there are such cases when a man prefers naturalness. The hair removal specialist knows best how to shave your intimate area, so there will definitely not be any irritation on your skin. In any case, you must first lubricate the bikini area with cream.

If you opt for waxing, you may be given pain relief in the area. Now there are also various exotic options, such as sugar hair removal.

Decide on a method now. Even if you are alone, hair removal is necessary for reasons of cleanliness and beauty. There is another option - you can ask to shave your boyfriend's bikini area for you. Of course, this can only be suitable for those who completely trust their other half and are not shy. But then again, it can be part of a sexual game that will bring you closer.

That's all we wanted to tell you on this topic. We hope that your skin will be smooth for a long time. It’s easy to be beautiful, beauty begins with grooming, girls agree? 🙂