How long do babies spit up. At what age do babies stop spitting up? What to do when a child spits up

Many young mothers are interested in how many months the child spit up. This process is a natural reaction of the body to incoming food. And you shouldn't be afraid of it. Only in some cases, regurgitation can be the result of some kind of disease. Therefore, you should pay attention to the useful information that can only be found regarding children's regurgitation. It will help you figure out if there are real reasons for concern in this or that case. It is possible that the process that is observed in the baby is quite natural. Even if regurgitation seems to parents frequent and plentiful.

natural process

The first thing to note is that the process being studied is natural. Almost everything And this phenomenon should not cause panic among parents. Therefore, many are interested in how many months the child burps. After all, when the established norms are violated, it is believed that it is time to consult a doctor for help.

To begin with, it should be taken into account: like toxicosis in pregnant women, this is an individual phenomenon. Most often it takes place. But not necessarily this phenomenon will affect your child. Some people vomit, some don't. It is more important to pay attention to the volume of the vomited fluid, as well as the general condition of the baby.

Doesn't spit up

It has already been said that the process being studied is an individual feature, but it manifests itself in many children. Therefore, it is generally accepted that regurgitation in a child is the norm. Some parents start to panic if the baby does not do this after eating.

You shouldn't worry. If the baby does not spit up, this is not such a bad thing. So the food is well digested. There is no reason to panic. It is possible that sooner or later the process will occur in one or another baby. Therefore, it is important to know when the child stops spitting up after eating. After all, often regurgitation and vomiting can be confused.

Abrupt start

But before that, you should pay attention to one feature. It has already been said that the lack of regurgitation is not so bad. Moreover, a newborn may first digest food well, then begin to spit up a little eaten food after eating.

This is not a reason to panic. Sharp or rare regurgitation is the norm for newborns. It has been repeatedly said that this issue is individual. The main thing is that the baby feels good after the process. And gained weight, did not lose it.

Therefore, the abrupt onset of regurgitation should not cause panic. Instead, it is recommended to observe the child, to do everything so that the baby does not choke after spitting up. If there are no ailments, you should not go to the doctor.

Many or few

Until how many months does a baby spit up? This question is also individual. But there are generally accepted rules. Babies usually stop spitting up around the same age.

Much greater concern should be caused by profuse regurgitation. Especially if it occurs after each feeding. Now you can find a huge number of different methods for assessing regurgitation. Depending on the result, the degree of danger is determined. In any case, only a small amount of regurgitated food is considered normal.

By month

Until how many months does the baby spit up? In general, this question is individual. But, as already mentioned, some generally accepted norms still hold. At what point should you panic if the baby is spitting up?

Most children are faced with a learning problem in the first months of life. For babies, this is absolutely normal - the digestive tract is just being formed and adapted to life outside the female body. Therefore, up to a certain point, regurgitation is considered the norm. Especially inoffensive.

After meal? Up to 4 months, babies usually regurgitate food once a day. This is normal. After the specified period, it is recommended to take a closer look at the child. If regurgitation does not stop, and even food is taken on demand (breastfeeding), then it is likely that the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Medical attention may be required.

Don't panic

In general, adjusting the health of a child to some generally accepted framework is not entirely correct. All children are different, all have their own characteristics. There are babies who, in principle, do not spit up. This is normal and makes parents happy. And some constantly, after each feeding, vomit a small amount of food eaten.

In order not to panic once again, one interesting fact should be taken into account. It helps to answer how many months the child spit up after eating. The thing is that during the first year of life, this phenomenon is considered the norm. Especially when it comes to premature babies. Their regurgitation usually lasts longer. But they do not bring any discomfort. This is the main condition - the child should feel good after spewing food.

Reasons for the appearance

The next point to consider is that regurgitation after eating can occur for various reasons. Again, the absence of this phenomenon is not something dangerous. Rather, on the contrary.

Among the most common cases, the following causes of regurgitation are distinguished:

Perhaps these are all the reasons why the problem under study arises. For the first year and a half of the baby's life, it should pass. In any case, a small amount of spewing fluid that does not bring discomfort to the child should not cause panic.

To make it easier

There are several recommendations that will help the baby burp or, conversely, avoid this phenomenon. Then you don’t have to think about how many months the child spits up after eating. After all, this problem will not affect parents and babies.

After feeding, it is recommended to hold the newborn in a column. You will have to stay in this position for 20-40 minutes. This is the period doctors indicate. The baby will burp excess fluid, after which the newborn can be put to bed.

Proper attachment to the breast or bottle is another key to success. In the first case, the baby should cover the entire areola with sponges, and mommy should hold the baby's head so that air does not enter the mouth. In the second, just a good bottle and nipples on it are enough.

Laying out on the tummy before and after feeding also helps a lot. In this case, regurgitation may be empty - without liquid. The child will simply burp the air accumulated in the stomach.

Vomiting or spitting up

It is important to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. The first phenomenon is most often observed in the first 12 months of a baby's life. And the second - at any moment. How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting? How long does it take for a baby to spit up after eating? It's hard to answer. But here it is necessary to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. This can be done by paying attention to a few points:

When spitting up, it is enough to watch so that the newborn does not choke. But vomiting requires immediate medical attention and treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to look closely at the vomited liquid. It will help you understand if there are reasons to panic. Until how many months does a baby spit up milk? Approximately up to 12. But even after this phenomenon can be observed. Everything is individual.

Why does a child spit up and should I be worried about this? For an infant, this process is physiological and normal, and you should not immediately panic.

The reasons why a baby spit up curdled milk can be different. It is impossible to get rid of this phenomenon on purpose, it is part of the natural process of growth and development of the baby. You can make spitting up less plentiful and frequent. However, with some symptoms, when the baby burps a lot, you should contact your pediatrician.

Article content:

Why does regurgitation occur in newborns

Why does a newborn spit up and what explains this process at the level of physiology? It's all about the involuntary throwing of the mass contained in the stomach into the esophagus zone. From there, the contents rise through the pharynx into the mouth, and the food is out. In newborns, the zone of the stomach, located directly behind the esophagus, is poorly developed.

Only after 6 months of life the body begins to form a cardiac sphincter. This is exactly the part of the digestive tract that allows an adult to keep the contents where they should be. In the presence of a sphincter, reflux into the esophagus does not occur. But newborns do not initially have such a design.
The intensity of regurgitation depends on the walls of the stomach: if they strongly push the mass outward, the discharge will be large. As a rule, the process is accompanied by hiccups.

For 2/3 of all children under the age of six months, regular discharge of food from the stomach is characteristic.

The frequency and abundance of secretions are affected by term, the amount of weight added, the frequency and volume of feeding.

Common causes:

  1. When a baby spit up frequently, there is a high chance that he is eating too much. His stomach is not able to hold such a volume of food, digestion is difficult, and he has to get rid of the excess in such a non-trivial way. Therefore, pediatricians advise young mothers not to abuse breastfeeding and, at the first signal, not to rush to the baby with a breast or a bottle. The process of eating for a child up to six months is as follows: in series of 4-6 times he sucks milk or mixture, then during a pause he swallows the accumulated mass. Mixtures and mother's milk can be classified as the simplest food, nature has laid down its very easy penetration into a barely formed organism. Such food enters the intestines quickly. From here, the movement of peristalsis arises in it, and pressure simultaneously goes to the stomach. Shocks come from it, and due to the physiology of a small child, part of the food that has entered the stomach due to bowel movements comes out.
  2. Accumulation of flatus and colic. It's all about the accumulating air bubbles that form pressure on the delicate walls of the stomach and push the contents up.
  3. Increased activity from the nervous system. In this case, the walls of the stomach are stretched and reflux into the esophagus occurs. At the same time, experts consider this cause to be quite rare, and you should not look for these symptoms in an overly active child on your own.
  4. Ordinary air can be the reason why the baby often rejects food. Even adults burp when they grab it. Babies swallow large amounts of air when feeding, especially if they are active or eating in an uncomfortable position. For a formula-fed baby, air swallowing can occur if there is too much of a hole in the nipple in the bottle, excess air will inevitably enter the pharynx and further into the stomach. The same phenomenon occurs when milk remains at the bottom of the bottle and only air is sucked in. When breastfeeding, babies can suck in excess air if they do not latch on to the mother's breast correctly. It is important to monitor how the newborn uses the feeding tool and adjust if necessary. Spitting up usually occurs 5-7 minutes after a meal.

In the video, a lactation consultant talks about baby spitting up:

Impact on newborn weight

Parents may not worry much about why the child spit up a lot, if at the same time the weight is gained evenly and stably. It is important to monitor the mass indicators, and not the amount of rejected food. What the child does not need, he will spit out, and everything else will go to growth. You need to consult a pediatrician and determine the norm for weight gain, this indicator is considered one of the most important. With a favorable set of circumstances, a newborn child is moderately active, cheerful, smiling, sleeping soundly. For a healthy baby, spitting out food after feeding is considered the norm, it is not necessary, seeing this fact, to force him to eat again.

If the newborn often spits up and the weight does not go up in acceptable dynamics, then you need to contact a specialist.

Weight gain for baby

At the same time, it is desirable to have records of the number and frequency of regurgitation, how long after eating they occur, what color, how plentiful.

If weight gain does not go according to plan, the mass does not increase, but even decreases, you need to pay attention to how nutrients enter the body. A losing weight baby is not normal. The reasons why the baby spit up and lose weight may be as follows:

  • poor absorption of lactose;
  • anomaly of the digestive system;
  • infection.

The gastrointestinal tract is a complex mechanism in the human body. To function properly, all parts must be the correct size, shape, and attached exactly where nature intended. But newborns may have an anomaly. This is due to twisting, too small size of some organ, sometimes clamping occurs - everything leads to metabolic disorders. It is not worth assuming this option in advance - this is a rare occurrence, and only a doctor can diagnose an anomaly after conducting research.

If you are lactose intolerant, which is contained in breast milk, you just need to change it to a special lactose-free formula, and the problem will go away.

Lactose Free Blends

The nature of regurgitation and its type

In the normal state, the nature of the discharge is curdled, since the milk taken has already curdled.

If a child spits up a curd mass with an admixture of yellow or green, then bile enters the esophagus. This is a reason to see a doctor. The likelihood of infection with this symptom is extremely high. In the correct version, the child spits up curd without a pronounced color and smell, the nature of the discharge is similar to the curd mass. Prolonged hiccups should not be.

If the baby burps abundantly with cottage cheese and a fountain, almost choking, this is not a good sign. Among the reasons may be slow digestion due to prematurity or anomaly. Spitting up a fountain often occurs when switching from breast milk to artificial feeding. Pathology does not always take place, do not panic in advance. If you spit up often (more than 5 times a day) and 15–20 minutes after eating, you should contact your pediatrician.

The child spits up curdled milk, and there should not be any other impurities. Any changes in color and smell indicate an infection or other equally dangerous problems.

When spitting up indicates a health problem

With regurgitation more than 5 times a day and heavy discharge, including a fountain, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If all the nutrients go outside without having time to be absorbed, the child may develop anemia and malnutrition. This will adversely affect the health of the baby, so medical attention is needed. It is important to monitor the level of water in the body in the first year of a child's life, dehydration should not be allowed. With abundant regurgitation, the likelihood of such a condition increases. If the loss of moisture is not replenished in time, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and specifically with the stomach may appear.

Many people care about how many months the child spit up? Up to what age is food burping normal? When does a baby stop spitting up? Regurgitation accompanies all newborns, the period of 5-6 months is considered the norm for regurgitation in infants. If they do not stop after a year, then even with good weight gain and a satisfactory emotional and physical condition of the child, you need to contact a pediatrician. If in a child they started for the first time after six months of life or more, this is also not the norm - you need to contact a pediatrician.

With regurgitation, accompanied by fever, you need to urgently go to the doctor. If the baby spit up in yellow, you should also immediately consult a doctor.

What to do when a child spits up

Many mothers are worried about what to do if the baby spit up? If the child is constantly sick after feeding, it is necessary to analyze whether he is given food too often and a lot. In this case, it is better not to overdo it, so as not to create additional problems. Overfeeding is not worth it, because this will not increase growth and development, and digestive problems can manifest themselves in an unexpected way.

In the video, the pediatrician talks about regurgitation and how to eliminate them:

Why does a baby cry after eating? Moms always react to every tantrum, accompanied by crying. But it is important to understand why this happened. The abundance of secretions and strong shocks from the inside sometimes lead to the fact that the newborn burps through the nose. However, this may be within the normal range if regurgitation does not make breathing difficult and the baby does not cry at the same time, giving signals of danger. At such a moment, it is important to make sure that the airways are free, nothing interferes with the free flow of air. The exit of partially digested food through the nose is not dangerous. The newborn is spitting up through the nose and mouth, and it is normal if the discharge is profuse. At the same time, it is advisable to turn the baby face down so that the remnants flow out calmly, if necessary, you can even lightly pat on the back once or twice. If the child is spitting up through the nose and crying, it may mean that he was just scared. Not always loud crying indicates danger or injury. Stroke him on the back, on the stomach, at the mouth, calm him down, and if the tantrum passes quickly, then everything is in order.

Many mothers don't know why a baby is spitting up breast milk and get worried when they see the consequences. To prevent regurgitation, you can refer to standard procedures, they are safe and recommended for all babies. Before feeding, you should put the baby on his stomach and stroke his back.

Before feeding, you need to lay the baby on the tummy

Abdominal massage works well before and after feeding. All movements should be soft, without pressing and pressure, clockwise and within a few minutes. This starts the digestion process, stimulates the internal organs and increases blood circulation. All this helps to better accept and retain food, and not burp it sooner.

The first rule of feeding - after the completion of the process of eating, it is advisable to keep the month-old and older baby upright for about 20 minutes, periodically massaging the back.

After feeding, you need to carry the baby in a column for a while

This will reduce the risk of regurgitation of curdled milk. If one burp comes out like a fountain, there is no need to panic. It is better to check if there are pressure bands on the baby’s body, whether the clothes are comfortable - all this contributes to the rapid release of food. Tight swaddling is not recommended.

If there is no understanding why the child often spits up, you can try to change the nature of the rest after eating. It is recommended that immediately after feeding, do not drag the baby from place to place and do not change his clothes. If 1 month has passed and the process is still the same in intensity, you can consult a specialist. From unnecessary movements, regurgitation after eating in newborns only intensifies.

Spitting up in children is a type of vomiting. Thus, the stomach gets rid of the air swallowed during feeding, excess food. At 6 months, regurgitation usually stops. However, there are other cases when such a reaction of the body is a symptom of pathology. So, up to what age does a child normally spit up? And what can parents do to help their child?


Normal regurgitation, not caused by any disease, occurs almost immediately after eating. Undigested or semi-digested milk simply trickles down the baby's chin. At the same time, the amount of regurgitated is small, a maximum of 30 ml (1.5 tablespoons).

But why is the baby spitting up? The reason usually lies in the physiological characteristics of the newborn. The fact is that the baby's stomach is different from the organ of an adult. Firstly, it is in a horizontal position, and secondly, its locking sphincter is not yet fully formed. It turns out that with any load (overeating or stress), the milk eaten simply pours out.

The most common causes of spitting up after eating:

When will the baby stop spitting up?

In the first two weeks after birth, babies, as a rule, digest food completely.
Regurgitation appears with the arrival of mature milk, that is, 20-30 days after birth. With artificial feeding, a similar phenomenon can occur almost immediately. But until what age do babies usually spit up?

As the baby learns to sit, he will spend more and more time in an upright position. Accordingly, the location of the stomach will also change. The child will begin to spit up less and less, then this phenomenon will stop altogether. At what age this will happen, it is impossible to say for sure. Babies usually start sitting up on their own at six months. But sometimes a 7-month-old baby spends most of his time lying down.

Some children stop spitting up even earlier, at four or even two months. Most often this is due to the establishment of lactation in the mother. Milk arrives exactly in the quantities that the child needs, that is, he does not overeat.

Parents whose baby is spitting up after feeding will do well to familiarize themselves with some rules of conduct during and after meals. Such recommendations should be given at the first visit by a pediatrician. However, quite often, mothers who have not yet recovered from childbirth miss the doctor's words past their ears. So, let's recall:

  1. The baby should completely grasp the mother's nipple. Body position: head above the body. With the right grip on the breast, the baby eats calmly, does not make smacking or other extraneous sounds.
  2. When feeding with formula from a bottle, it is important to ensure that the nipple is completely filled with milk. If your baby is spitting up a lot, make sure the food is right for him.
  3. After feeding the child, you should hold it for several minutes with a column. So the child will burp only air.
  4. The first quarter of an hour after eating, the baby should be at rest. It is better to lay it on its side, raising its head slightly higher than the torso.
  5. Before feeding, the baby should be briefly laid out on the stomach. This will remove the accumulated gases in the stomach and intestines.
  6. While eating, the baby's tummy should not squeeze anything. Unfasten the diaper belt, and it is better not to use sliders with a tight elastic band at all.

When should you start worrying?

Young parents often worry that the baby is spitting up heavily at 4 months. However, age is not the main thing to pay attention to. The baby can continue to spit up at 7 months, and even at 8. You should be worried in a situation where:

  • the child spits up a fountain;
  • the amount of regurgitation is more than 2 tablespoons;
  • the baby does not gain weight, does not grow;
  • he sleeps badly, screams and cries a lot;
  • the baby burps regularly, more than 3 times a day.

Sometimes such a reaction of the body can be a symptom of the disease. Regular abundant regurgitation with a fountain is often observed in babies with pathology of the nervous system, digestive tract, when infected with a staphylococcal infection.

Many pediatricians (including Dr. Komarovsky) agree that it does not matter until what age the child spits up. If the baby has no problems in terms of neurology, there are no malformations of the digestive organs, he is gaining weight well, then sooner or later he will stop spitting up. A child's stomach becomes similar to an adult only by the age of 8. Therefore, all you can do now is to follow the simple rules of caring for your baby, thereby reducing the frequency of spitting up.

Spitting up in newborns, sometimes called physiologic or uncomplicated reflux, is common in infants and is usually (but not always) normal.

Most young children spit up occasionally because their digestive systems are immature, which helps the stomach contents back up into the esophagus.

Many newborns and infants spit up some breast milk or formula during feeding or shortly thereafter. Some babies spit up only occasionally, while others spit up after each feeding.

As long as the baby is growing, gaining weight well, and regurgitation is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, there is no cause for concern.

The baby often spit up after feeding when he gets a lot of milk in a short period of time. This happens when the baby sucks very quickly and forcefully, or when the mother's breasts are full.

When a baby is frequently distracted (pulling his chest down to look around) or fussing at his chest, he will swallow air and therefore will spit up more often. Some babies spit up more when teething, crawling, or eating solid food.

  • child spitting up curdled milk immediately after eating. But it happens that the baby burps even an hour after feeding;
  • half of all children under 3 months spit up at least once a day;
  • regurgitation usually peaks at 2 to 4 months;
  • many children outgrow this condition by 7 to 8 months;
  • Most babies stop spitting up at 12 months.

When a baby spit up milk, this is not a cause for concern. The fact that the baby spit up the curd mass is explained by the action of the enzyme, which is contained in the gastric juice. The enzyme is responsible for preparing food for the next stages of digestion.

Why does the child often spit up?

Development periods

During certain periods, for example, when teeth erupt, children learn to crawl or begin to eat solid food, the child spit up a lot after feeding.

The wrong mixture

This is a possible reason why a baby spit up after formula feeding. It happens that the selected formula is not suitable for your baby.

Why does a child spit up a fountain?

If a child vomits frequently and a lot, he may have the following conditions that require medical monitoring.

If a child is spitting up a fountain, then he may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • frequent spitting up or vomiting;
  • discomfort when spitting up.

It happens that the child does not spit up in the full sense of the word, but a quiet reflux occurs. This is a phenomenon in which the contents of the stomach only reach the esophagus, and then swallowed again, causing pain.

Signs of severe reflux:

  • the child cries a lot during feeding, it is impossible to calm him down;
  • poor weight gain or loss;
  • refusal to eat;
  • difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, chronic nasal congestion, chronic ear infections;
  • regurgitation yellow or bloody.

Studies have shown that breastfed babies have less severe reflux episodes than formula-fed babies. The baby spit up the mixture more often than the mother's milk, since women's milk is easier to digest and leaves the baby's stomach twice as fast. The less time milk spends in the stomach, the less chance it has of getting back into the esophagus. Any delay in emptying the stomach can aggravate reflux.

pyloric stenosis

A condition in which the muscles at the bottom of the stomach thicken and prevent food from passing into the small intestine. Fountain regurgitation in newborns, combined with underweight, are clear signs of pyloric stenosis.

And it affects more boys than girls. This usually occurs in infants at about 1 month. requires surgical correction.

Bowel obstruction

If there are green bile impurities in the baby's spit up, this is one of the signs of a blockage in the intestines, which will require an emergency room visit, a scan, and possibly emergency surgery.

Disorders of the central nervous system

Disorders of the central nervous system are also the answer to the question of why a newborn spits up a fountain.

Rotaviruses are a major cause of regurgitation in infants and young children, whose symptoms often progress to fever.

Rotavirus is one of the viral causes, but other types of viruses such as noroviruses and adenoviruses can also cause this condition.

Sometimes infections outside the gastrointestinal tract cause regurgitation. These are infections of the respiratory system, infections of the ear, urinary system.

Some of these conditions require immediate medical treatment. Therefore, be vigilant regardless of the age of your child and call your pediatrician, if they appear:

  • blood or bile in vomit and regurgitation masses;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • persistent repetitive fountain regurgitation;
  • swollen or visually enlarged abdomen;
  • lethargy or severe irritability of the baby;
  • signs or symptoms of dehydration—dry mouth, lack of tears, retraction of the fontanel, and decreased urination;
  • prolonged vomiting for more than 24 hours in a row.

Sometimes spitting up a fountain does not mean the presence of a pathology, but if a child spits up a fountain once or twice every day after feeding, you should consult a specialist.

What to do if the child is spitting up?

  1. If the baby is spitting up frequently, change the feeding position to a more upright position. Gravity will play its part in retaining milk in the stomach if the baby is held upright for about half an hour after a feed.
  2. Avoid any strenuous activity immediately after eating. This can cause the baby to vomit.
  3. Provide a calm and relaxed atmosphere during feeding. Don't leave your baby very hungry before you start feeding him. A hungry and anxious baby may swallow a lot of air, increasing the chances of breast milk reflux.
  4. Feed your baby in small portions, but more often, to avoid overfilling the tummy.
  5. Avoid overfeeding your baby.
  6. Let the baby burp as often as possible to get rid of any air that might be ingested with the food. If you don't see a burp after a few minutes, don't worry. Your baby may not need it.
  7. The child should be laid to sleep on his side or on his back, and not on his stomach. If your baby is spitting up during sleep, keep the head elevated.
  8. Don't press on your stomach. Loosen any tight clothing, do not put the baby on your shoulder with your stomach so that he can burp.
  9. Eliminate certain foods from your diet to see if your spitting up problem has resolved.

When does a baby stop spitting up?

Parents are often interested in the question, how many months does the child spit up? When all the elements of the digestive system develop and become stronger, the baby will be able to keep food in the stomach, regurgitation will stop.

Most babies stop spitting up around 6 or 7 months of age, or when they learn to sit up on their own. But some of them will spit up for up to a year.

If the baby is spitting up a lot, but generally feels well, no special treatment is required other than the feeding methods mentioned.

Frequent regurgitation in newborns is a process that almost any mother can handle. But in some cases, treatment is necessary.

If the child is constantly spitting up or the amount, smell and color of spitting up has changed, contact a specialist. First of all, visit the pediatrician. Then he can refer to a gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon.

Do not delay your visit to the doctor if the child is spitting up heavily, and then screaming or squirming. This behavior may mean that the baby's esophagus walls are irritated.

Increased attention is required if spitting up looks like a fountain, occurs after each feeding, or looks like vomiting and after it the body temperature rises.

Do not take risks in vain, show the child to a specialist.

Spitting up after a year is a wake-up call. At this time, this unpleasant process should already stop. Otherwise, this indicates a pathology in the child's body, the nature of which can only be determined by doctors.

Sometimes regurgitation is so frequent that the child does not gain weight as it should. This is much more important and may require special tests and more aggressive treatment. If testing confirms gastroesophageal reflux, treatment may include gentle feeding practices and possibly medication.

Some medications, such as Ranitidine, help neutralize stomach acids and protect the sensitive lining of the esophageal wall that is exposed to stomach acid through regurgitation. Others, such as omeprazole or lansoprazole, stimulate the stomach to move food into the intestines more quickly.

Spitting up a baby is one of the most important and sometimes confusing problems you will face as a parent. The recommendations in this article are general and apply to infants in general. Remember that your child is unique and may have special needs. If you have questions, ask your pediatrician to help you find answers that are specific to your baby.