How to make an origami swan: step by step instructions for large and small crafts. Origami swan - step-by-step instructions and a description of a simple scheme for creating a paper bird

Origami is a beautiful and original toy, which, of course, can serve as a good gift. And such a gift can be made with your own hands. Any origami sculpture consists of paper models, separate parts that are interconnected in a simple way. But it will be more effective if all the modules are coated with glue for reliability.

For making origami, simple office paper, A4 sheets, is great. To compile any origami figure, you will need a large number of paper modules that must be made in advance. How to make a paper swan Let's figure it out.

The swan is a beautiful, fabulous and faithful bird. This bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. An origami swan will be a great gift for absolutely anyone. This article will help you create such a masterpiece with your own hands.

If this is your first experience, then you should start with a simple swan, which everyone can do.

Our beautiful swan is ready! Such a swan will not take you much time, and a gift for your child will be great!

Modular paper swan: blank

This origami will look great. For its compilation, glue is not required, the modules themselves will be attached to each other. Such a craft will take you a lot of time, quite painstaking work. But trust me, it's worth it. The result will exceed all your expectations!

Let's start with the preparation of paper modules:

Modular origami swan: assembly

So, we will fold a colored volumetric swan from paper models. To do this, we will need to collect the following number of paper modules:

When all the colored paper modules are ready, we will begin to assemble the origami swan.

  1. First, we take 3 pink paper modules.
  2. We insert the corners of two paper modules into the resulting pockets of the third paper module.
  3. We take 2 more pink paper modules and attach them to the first three paper modules.
  4. We will get the first ring, which will consist of two rows: inner and outer.
  5. The inner one will be a short row, and the outer one will be a long one.
  6. Each row will consist of 30 pink paper pieces.
  7. We begin to collect the first rings, while gently supporting them with our hands.
  8. With the last paper module, we fasten the ends of the extreme modules of the ring.
  9. Now, from 30 orange paper modules, we assemble the ring in the manner described above.
  10. We insert the third orange ring into the pink ones in a checkerboard pattern.
  11. We collect the 4th and 5th rows of orange rings and insert them also in a checkerboard pattern into the resulting ring.
  12. We turn 5 rows of rings from paper modules inside out with our hands.
  13. We will get the shape of the stadium.
  14. We will perform the 6th row from 30 yellow paper modules.
  15. We insert our yellow ring on top.
  16. On the 7th row we will start making wings. We need to choose a place for the swan's head. Where the head will be, we leave 2 corners of the paper modules, the swan's neck will be attached to them.
  17. We attach 12 yellow paper modules to the right and left of this place.
  18. Now we count the modules, you should get 24 yellow paper modules and two gaps.
  19. We will continue to make origami swan wings.
  20. The 8th row will consist of 22 green paper modules, 11 on each side.
  21. The 9th row will consist of 20 green paper modules.
  22. 10th row - 18 green paper modules.
  23. 11th ring - 16 blue paper modules.
  24. 12th ring - 14 blue paper modules.
  25. 13th ring - 12 blue paper modules.
  26. 14th ring - 10 blue paper modules.
  27. 15th ring - 8 blue paper modules.
  28. 16th ring - 6 purple paper modules.
  29. 17th ring - 4 purple paper modules.
  30. 18th ring - 2 purple paper modules.
  31. We give shape to the wings of our swan.
  32. We turn to the implementation of the tail of the swan.
  33. The tail will consist of 5 rows: 3 rows of 12 green paper pieces, 2 rows of 3 blue paper pieces.
  34. Paper modules should be reduced by 1 module.
  35. Now let's start assembling the neck of the origami swan. There will be another technology for assembling paper modules. We insert 2 corners of one paper module into 2 pockets of the second.
  36. The neck should consist of 1 red and 7 purple paper modules.
  37. We give the neck a bend.
  38. We glue the corners of the red paper module with glue.
  39. Then we attach the following paper modules to them: 6 blue, 6 blue, 6 green, 6 yellow paper modules.
  40. We fix the neck between the wings on 2 free corners.
  41. We decorate our swan with a bow and eyes.
  42. In the same way as we did the neck of the swan, we make 2 rings.
  43. 1 ring - 40 pink paper modules.
  44. 2 ring - 36 pink paper modules.
  45. These two rings are glued together. our swan stand is ready.
  46. Glue the swan to the resulting stand.

Our origami swan is ready!

From this material you will learn how to make a paper swan. Origami swan is one of the most common paper figurines. Below, the assembly process of this simple paper figure is described in detail.

The first photo shows the end result of all the actions that are described below in the text. The second photo shows a swan made by one of the origami lovers. The composition of this origami includes various modules. Its assembly was associated with significant time costs.

Paper swan pattern

In this picture you can see the origami swan assembly guide presented by the famous Japanese master Fumiaki Shingu. If you follow the steps shown in the diagram exactly, then you will quickly assemble the origami swan quickly, and will be exactly the same as in the image. After a couple of repetitions, it will not be difficult for you to make this paper figure yourself, without using a diagram.

Now let's take a closer look at how to make a swan out of paper. Origami master class is presented below:

The first step is to fold the paper square in half diagonally. The fold should be carefully bent in one direction and in the other.

Now you need to bend the corners, from the center of the workpiece to a distance of one third of the height in the formed equilateral triangle.

Now you need to bend the top of an equilateral triangle in the opposite direction at the place where one third of the height of this triangle is located.

After that, you can start making the beak and nose of the swan. This process is shown in images 6 and 7, or do as you please.

The creation of the origami swan is finished.

If you encounter difficulties in making a swan, then watch a video tutorial that demonstrates the assembly of a similar figure according to the presented scheme.

The symbolism of the swan in origami

The image of a swan symbolizes rebirth, purity, chastity, loneliness, nobility, wisdom, prophetic abilities, poetry, courage and perfection, depending on the culture. Sometimes, the swan can be considered a symbol of the soul flying in the sky, and even death.

Video lesson: how to make a swan out of origami paper

Assembling this paper figure can be problematic for beginners. For this reason, in order to avoid failures, enter "origami swan assembly" on any major video portal. You will immediately find a lot of video information on making paper swans, with a detailed explanation of all the steps. After you watch the paper swan making videos, you won't need answers to the question of how to make a paper swan. Origami will come naturally.

This is how a little swan is made:

And this is how a modular origami swan is made:

It is hard to imagine that origami (the art of creating various figures from paper) was originally purely religious in nature. For a long time, origami was the prerogative of the aristocracy, because only members of the upper classes knew how to fold paper correctly. Paper figurines were presented to each other by samurai, they also had a symbolic meaning at weddings.

Origami has spread around the world thanks to a system of symbols that were developed only in the twentieth century by the Japanese Akira Yoshizawa. In the 60s of the twentieth century, modular origami became known - the art of assembling an object from identical paper parts.

In the middle of the twentieth century, origami was known and loved by many people in the world. For adults and children, this type of creativity was of equal interest. With the help of clear schemes, you can make the most intricate objects and figures, for example, make a swan out of paper. Origami brings a flat sheet of paper to life, giving it volume and shape.

Classic origami is made from a single square sheet.

A swan made of paper, without the use of cutting and gluing agents, is a surprisingly accessible and understandable form of creativity even for a child. Fumiaki Shingu - the famous origami master offers a very simple option on how to make an origami swan. The scheme consists of 7 stages, each of which transforms the previous version, giving the appearance of a noble bird to an ordinary sheet of paper.

How to make an origami swan: instructions

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in the shape of a square diagonally, smoothing the fold well in both directions;
  2. Lay out the sheet. Connect the corners of the square so that they converge on the fold line (as for an airplane figurine);
  3. The corners connected in the middle must be bent by one third of the edge of the triangle;
  4. Turn the sheet over and fold it along the fold line so that the folded corners are on top;
  5. Turn the sharp corner inside out, about a third of the entire length of the triangle;
  6. Bend the tip of the corner again - this will be the swan's beak;
  7. Form the resulting tail with folds;
  8. You can draw eyes. The swan is ready.

How to make an origami swan - diagram

The scheme may not be clear to everyone, especially to beginners who are unfamiliar with origami notation. Therefore, for the first time, it will be reasonable to look at:

Video how to make an origami swan

How to make a modular origami swan: preparing a module

Origami, made from one square sheet of paper, is a well-known form of creativity. But each technique and art form develops, new trends, directions and ideas appear. So here - modular origami appeared relatively recently, but it has become no less popular hobby. A swan made from a single sheet of paper is a fairly simple task, but connoisseurs and origami lovers will be interested in how to make modular origami. The swan in this technique turns out to be voluminous, graceful, textured, with a long flexible neck.

A module is a small paper triangle folded in a special way from a rectangular sheet. The triangular module is made according to the scheme:

  1. A sheet of A4 paper needs to be folded in half 4 times and laid out back. You will get 16 sections. Cut the sheet into the resulting rectangles.
  2. Fold the rectangle in half in width;
  3. Fold in half again in height and unfold back;
  4. Bend each side of the rectangle to the middle (where the fold is);
  5. Flip. The corners of the lower rectangles need to be bent;
  6. Bend the resulting rectangular trapezoid to the top;
  7. Bend the shape in half. The module is ready.

It is necessary to make 459 such modules. How to make an origami large swan in the future from these details will become clear from the diagram. This design is not so much laborious as the amount of time spent. But in the end, a white (or any other color) bird will appear before the author, which will be an excellent decoration for the room or an original gift.

Video how to make an origami swan from modules

How to make an origami swan step by step

When the modules are ready, the base preparation process begins:

  • 30 modules are connected in a special way into a circle, and then this circle is filled with a number of parts fastened together;
  • Thus, the 3rd, 4th and 5th rows are made;
  • Gently, the whole structure, as it were, turns inside out;
  • The 6th row of modules is strung, and starting from the 7th, wings are made;
  • 12 parts are attached to the 8th row, 2 parts are skipped and 12 parts are attached again. The place of the "gap" is the future neck of the swan, and the opposite side without modules is the tail.
  • The wing is built on the principle of decreasing by one module in each row, until the moment when one module remains at the top;
  • The tail is made in the same way: decreasing by one module in each row;
  • The neck is made from 19 modules of the same color by stringing each other and 1 red - this will be the beak. The neck should be curved in the shape of the number "2".
  • The finished neck must be attached to the main structure. The swan is ready!

The reliability of the entire structure depends on the correct fastening of the modules. Origami does not imply the use of any objects other than paper, but if the swan is intended for a child, then it will not be out of place to resort to PVA glue. The quality of the paper is also important when performing such voluminous work.

Origami is not just a budget gift idea. Much more important is the process of making an object from a sheet of paper, the time spent on it, perseverance and concentration. This is a great idea for spending leisure time together, uniting a family or a group of friends. And this can help and support several ways that describe how to make a swan with your own hands. Origami is an ancient art that has little to do with children's crafts. But it has firmly entered the life of modern European people. The serious historical past of this type of creativity can bring meaning to a simple figurine of a swan, because since ancient times this bird has symbolized spiritual purity, chastity, nobility, and in some cultures it has other sacred meanings.

Original stuff, right? Such a colorful swan will not only decorate your home, but can also be a wonderful gift. Making such a swan is not so much difficult as it takes a long time, because it consists of many elements (modules), and of course it is completely handmade. See below for a detailed diagram of the modular origami swan.

This technology was invented by the Chinese, they were the first to create three-dimensional figures from triangular origami modules. The composition is made up of many identical elements (modules). Each module is folded from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other.

It is possible to assemble such an origami swan without glue, the friction force will not allow the structure to fall apart, but it will still be more reliable to glue the modules, thus. the figure can be used as a toy and not be afraid that it will fall apart.

To make a modular origami swan, you need to add many modules of different colors, their number is indicated below. It would be nice to make such a complex figure with friends or helpers. Paper must be of high quality, office colored paper or coated colored paper is suitable. It is better not to use thin paper.

As mentioned above, the basis of all origami is the module, let's take a closer look at the technology (scheme) of its manufacture.

The module consists of a rectangle of colored or white paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. You can get the desired rectangles by dividing the A4 format into equal parts. If the long and short sides of the A4 format are divided into 4 equal parts and cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 53 × 74 mm will be obtained.

If the long side of the A4 format is divided into 8 parts, and the short side into 4 parts, then rectangles of 37 × 53 mm will be obtained.

You can also fold modules from half a square using the note blocks available in the stationery.

How to fold a triangular origami module

1. Lay the rectangle back to you. Bend in half.

2. Bend and straighten to outline the middle line.

3. Fold the edges towards the middle. (At this stage, you can turn the part upside down and fold the edges to the middle on the other side. Everyone can find the most convenient way for themselves).

4. Turn over the workpiece.

5. Fold up the corners. (Please note: it is better to leave a small gap between the folded corner and the upper triangle).

6. Pull the edges up.

7. Fold the triangle.

The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

How to connect modules to each other?

The modules folded according to the above diagram can be inserted into each other in various ways and receive bulk products. Here is one possible connection example:

Assembling the figure of a swan

1 red

136 pink

90 orange

60 yellow

78 green

39 blue

36 blue

19 purple

If you want to make a snow-white swan with a red beak, then take 458 white rectangles and 1 red one.
Take three pink modules and arrange them in this way.

Insert the corners of the first two modules into the two pockets of the third module.

Take two more modules and attach them in the same way to the first group. This is how the first ring is done. It consists of two rows: an inner row, the modules of which are on the short side, and an outer row, the modules of which are on the long side.

Each row consists of 30 modules. Collect the ring along the chain, holding it with your hands. With the last module, close the ends of the chain.

Take 30 orange pieces and complete the third row. Pay attention to the fact that the modules are put on in a checkerboard pattern.

In the same way, do the fourth and fifth rows, also consisting of thirty orange modules.

Now, grasping the edges of the workpiece with your fingers, perform the movement, as if you want to turn the entire ring inside out. You should get this form. From above, it resembles a stadium.

From the back, the stadium will look like this:

Complete the sixth row, consisting of 30 yellow pieces. Now you need to put them on top. Check that the arrangement of the modules is the same as in the previous rows.

From the seventh row, start making wings. Choose the side where the swan's head will be. Choose one pair of corners (from two neighboring modules). This will be the place where the neck is attached. To the left and right of this pair, make a row of 12 yellow pieces. Those. the seventh row will be 24 modules and has two gaps.

Continue to make wings, decreasing each next row by one module. 8 row: 22 green modules (two times 11), 9 row: 20 green modules, 10 row: 18 green modules.

11th row: 16 blue modules, 12th row: 14 blue modules.

13th row: 12 blue modules, 14th row: 10 blue modules, 15th row: 8 blue modules.

16th row: 6 purple modules, 17th row: 4 purple modules, 18th row: 2 purple modules. The wings are ready. Give them a shape so that they are convex at the bottom and slightly bent at the top.

Run a ponytail consisting of five rows. Similarly, reduce the modules by one in each row. It will go 12 green and 3 blue modules.

To make a neck, the workpieces need to be connected in a different way. Insert the two corners of one module into the two pockets of the other.

Connect to the red module 7 purple. Try to immediately give the neck the desired bend. If you do not want the swan's beak to be forked, it is better to glue the corners of the red module in advance.

Next, attach 6 blue, 6 light blue, 6 green and 6 yellow pieces. Give your neck the desired shape.

Strengthen the neck at the two corners between the wings. Optionally, add details - eyes, a bow.

Make a stand in the form of two rings, consisting of 36 and 40 modules. Connect the modules in the same way as for the neck.

If desired, the rings can be glued and the swan glued to the stand.

Now that's it, the origami swan is ready. As you can see, the paper swan looks very elegant and will please the eyes for a long time. Having made such a swan for yourself, I think you will not regret the time spent.

Paper swan from modules

You can do a lot of interesting things with modules, but if you are just starting to learn this technique, then you should start with or swan simple design.

Modular origami is a special manufacturing technique various volumetric figures from paper triangular modules. It was invented in China.

To make, for example, a swan, a snake or a Christmas tree using this technique, you need to prepare many paper triangular modules and then connect them to get the desired design.

Origami modules are triangular in shape and they are made from rectangular pieces of paper. These rectangles can be of different sizes, for example 53x74mm or 37x53mm. To get the right size, you need an A4 sheet.

How to make an origami module

Prepare A4 size paper (standard paper from a sketchbook, or paper for printing or copying).

1. Fold the paper in half, butt again and again - if you unfold the paper, you will get 16 divisions.

* You can fold the paper one more time, then there will be 32 divisions, and they will be smaller.

2. Cut the paper into 16 or 32 rectangles.

* You can use both scissors and a clerical knife for this, the latter will be faster.

3. Fold one of the resulting rectangles in half in width.

4. Now fold in half lengthwise and return to the starting position (return to step 3). In the middle you now have a line with which you can fold the module evenly.

5. Fold first one side of the rectangle to the middle, then the other (similar to folding an airplane).

6. Now bend the edges of the segments that protrude.

7. You need to bend the protruding segments up.

8. Bend your design in half (connect 2 sides of the module).

Such modules need to be made as much as necessary to assemble the desired design.

How to make a triangular module (diagram)

How to make a paper module (video)

Modular origami. How to make a module

The main thing you need to have for modular origami is paper and great patience. Due to the fact that the figures in modular origami are not quite small, they need to prepare a lot of modules, several hundred to several thousand.

Each module has 2 pockets. With their help, you can connect modules.

Usually, when folding the modules, no glue is used, since the friction force does not allow them to disintegrate. But it happens that in some places the paper structure is not stable, then it is strengthened by gluing several modules with PVA glue.

Can be used both pure white and colored paper. Office paper will do, but pages from magazines and even candy wrappers can also be used. Plain colored paper is quite thin and rips at the folds. It can be used to create small modules (if you divide A4 paper into 32 parts).

To connect modules, simply insert them into each other. This can be done in several ways.

For example, like this:

What can be done from modules

And if you enthusiastically engage in this type of art, you will very soon be able to make, for example, such models:

Origami swan from modules

This article is about paper swan, namely, several types of its assembly using triangular modules.

This paper swan is the easiest to make. To make it you will need 458 white paper triangles and 1 red (you can change it to orange or yellow) for the beak.

Swan from modules. Scheme.

We start making a swan from modules:

1. Make the first two rows. Arrange the three modules as shown in the picture.

Insert the corners of two triangular modules into the pockets of the third. You get this design.

2. Prepare two more modules and insert them into the structure made earlier.

3. In the same style, we connect two new modules. But such a design is quite unstable and can very easily fall apart. For everything to work out as it should, you should collect three rows at once.

4. Add a third row and make the structure even stronger.

It should look like this design. One of its row is made of 30 modules.

5. Just as you did the third row, do the fourth and fifth.

6. Now you need to carefully take the entire structure with two fingers and press on its middle with your thumbs so that it turns out

7. Now fold up the edges of the structure to form the shape shown in the picture.

Here's how it looks from the side.

And here's what it looks like from below.

8. We put on the 6th row of modules, in the same way as before.

9. When the 7th row begins, get ready to make wings for your paper swan. First you need to attach 12 modules of the eighth row to the structure. Next, skip two modules and attach 12 more modules. Where you missed 2 modules will be the neck, and on the other empty area you will build the tail.

10. Start building the 9th row, reducing each wing of the swan by one triangle.

Here's what it looks like from the side

11. Continue building the wings, reducing the row by one module until one module remains.

12. We make the tail of a swan. Also reduce the row by one module.

13. We make the neck and head. Prepare 19 white and 1 red module in which you need to glue the corners to make a beak. To make a neck, you first need to arrange two modules, as shown in the picture, and then insert the corners of one module into the pockets of the other.

14. The final touch - you need to put the neck on the remaining two corners between the wings of the swan.

That's all!

Rainbow swan from modules

This incredibly beautiful rainbow swan folds very easily and requires 459 modules, which is actually not so much compared to other triangular module designs.

You can choose the color yourself, for example, you can make a beak from red modules, a body from white, and wings, for example, from black.

Such a rainbow swan can be made together with the children, they will really like the whole process, and they will be happy with the end result.

Rainbow swan from triangular modules. Scheme.

1. Prepare red paper modules using 4 x 6 cm rectangles.

2. We collect modules. Connect the three modules by inserting the corners of the first two into the pockets of the third. You should end up with this main element.

3. Two more modules need to be attached to the sides of our element.

According to the same scheme, you need to make a ring of 2 rows, each consisting of 30 modules. Close the ring (see picture).

4. The third, fourth and fifth row must be added in a checkerboard pattern using orange triangles.

5. Carefully turn the workpiece inside out. Your design should now look like this

If you flip the design, it will look like this

6. Making wings. To do this, you need to start adding the 6th row, which also consists of 30 modules, but now in yellow. Choose the side where you are going to make the swan's head. Find two corners from two modules from the sixth row - there will be a neck.

Start on the left and right side of these two modules to build the 7th row, also yellow. Both on the left and on the right, you should have 12 modules each, and 2 gaps between them.

Continue adding modules on the sides, reducing each row by 2 triangles.

8. Make the tail of the module in the same way.

9. Making the neck of a paper swan. Insert one module into another and continue to build up the neck of the swan, giving the desired curve.

10. We make a stand. You need to make two rings, connecting the modules, as well as the neck.

Swan color scheme from triangular modules

8 row - 22 green modules (2 times 11).

9 row - 20 green modules.

10 row - 18 green modules.

11 row - 16 blue modules.

12 row - 14 blue modules.

13 row - 12 blue modules.

14 row - 10 blue modules.

15 row - 8 blue modules.

16 row - 6 purple modules.

17 row - 4 purple modules.

18 row - 2 purple modules.

Double swan from modules

You can give this swan from triangular modules to your loved one or friend, and any occasion can come true.

Do it harder than previous swans, but it will be larger and more magnificent.

Prepare a stack of sheets A4 format and patience, since it is a very important element in the manufacture of many modules - but if you have already seen the picture, you understand this.

You don't have to do everything in one day you can stretch the process.

To create a double swan you will need exactly 1502 modules. You can make it from white paper, but of course if you add a few details, for example, pink or red (you can choose any color), then it will take on a beautiful color, but then cook 1322 white and 180 color modules.

The whole process is divided into 3 separate stages.

Swan from triangular modules. Scheme. Stage I

1. As usual, start connecting 2 modules as shown in the picture.

2. Now connect another 60 (i.e. 2 rows of 30) modules that go in a circle. You should end up with a design like this.

3. Make a few more rows so that their number reaches 15. During the assembly process, you need to bend the structure inward once and continue adding modules, gradually bending and stretching the entire structure.

4. We collect the tail and wings. A total of 6 modules are needed for the neck (in the figure, 6 modules are divided into 2 pink and 4 white) and 4 for the tail. The tail is opposite the neck.

To assemble the neck, simply remove the 1st module, i.e. the next row of the neck will have 5 modules, then 4, 3 and stop at 2 modules.

To assemble the tail in the same style, we assemble the modules, starting from 4 and reaching one at the top.

5. We collect the wings. For the first row of wings, you will need 10 modules.

When you start making the second row of wings, you need to insert the module from the tail side as shown in the picture.

6. Continue to fasten the modules, spending 10 parts for each row. You need to reach the 10th row.

7. After 10 rows, you need to continue making wings, but this time reduce one module each time, i.e. each subsequent row will have 1 module less. Make sure that the rows of the wing on the right are equal in height with the rows of the left wing.

8. You should get this design of 770 parts.

9. To make your design more stable, add modules to the base as shown in the picture to make a stand. You can put these modules on glue. At this stage, you also need to attach all the modules evenly so that the swan stands well. Make another such row (there are two in total).

How to make a swan from modules. Scheme. Stage II.

10. The second stage refers to the manufacture of the inner wings. Start in the same way as the first stage, but you should have 20 modules in a row (the first stage started with 30 modules).

11. Build 7 rows, remembering to draw the structure.

12. Making wings. For each, use 10 modules and raise 3 rows (see picture). Each next row, build 1 module less.

You should end up like this.

Origami swan from triangular modules. Scheme. Stage III.

13. In the third component, you need to use 12 modules and build 6 identical rows.

14. When you get to the 7th row, you will need to use 1 module less. So you divide this level into two parts. Each next level must be reduced by 1 module.

It should look like this design.

Double swan from triangular modules. We collect all the details.

The time has come to bring everything together, i.e. insert the smaller part inside the larger one.

In the event that the inner wings are difficult to enter, they must be inserted slowly, gradually pushing the details of the large part.

With the third detail, the same problems may arise. You will have to push it a little. In extreme cases, put the part on the glue.

And to make a neck, you should start the assembly with 3 or 4 modules. How the neck of the swan will bend is up to you. You can put the first few rows of the neck on glue so that the design is more durable.

You can decorate your swan however you like, using ribbons, for example, but don't overdo it.

Black swan from modules

This swan is called the "Black Prince" and, oddly enough, it is made of white paper (you just need to paint it later). To make it, you will need 1478 modules.

And to turn a white swan into black, you need black alkyd spray enamel. It is worth adding that it is worth painting with such enamel in the open air - not indoors.

Assembly of a swan from modules

1. We build the torso. To do this, you need to assemble a chain of triangles (see picture). When you close the chain, you will have 2 rows of modules, each with 43 triangles.