How to remove shiny stains from ironing. How to remove an iron mark on clothes: remove burn marks and shine

This has certainly happened to many. A trace of the iron on clothes may remain if you keep this very iron in one place for a long time, or the temperature of the soleplate of the iron is too high for this type of material.

It often happens that we are in a hurry somewhere, we need to stroke it quickly, and as a result, such a stain.

As the hero of the well-known comedy L. Gaidai said: “There is no need to hurry!” In addition to the rush, sometimes it happens that you are a little distracted (literally for a minute), and here you are, the result. But, whatever the reasons for the appearance of this stain from the iron, you should not be very upset at all, it turns out that everything is not so bad and you can fight with such stains. What and how, let's figure it out.

Spots and burn marks on clothes from the iron. What can be done and how to remove them?

I think it’s clear that such traces of the iron can be removed if your item is not badly damaged. If you practically burned it through, it’s already time to call the firefighters, and not engage in the restoration of such a thing. A similar stain itself appears from exposure to temperature, and it is the temperature that burns a little fiber of the fabric that you ironed. With small burn marks, the fight must begin immediately. So your chances of success will be much higher.

On white clothes or fabric

If the fabric you burned is white, then the iron mark usually has a brownish tint. And the degree of its “brownishness” will depend on your “zeal” when ironing this thing.

  • It is possible that you realized it very well in time, and the trace of the iron remained very small and not deep. If so, then you can just wash this white thing. It is better to use laundry soap for this. Then we hang it out to dry in the sun and look at the result of our washing.
  • It may be that such a simple wash will not help you, then we already thoroughly soak the trace of the iron with warm water and on top of it, then sprinkle it with salt. At the same time, salt is not to be regretted. We wait until the fabric itself dries out, and we begin to clean the stain. You need to do this with a brush. With this exposure, grains of salt will help you remove the stain.
  • Yellow stains can be removed with bleach solution. We dilute it (only a teaspoon) in a simple glass of water. After lime, the thing will definitely need to be washed and, in addition, rinsed well.
  • If the thing that was set on fire is cotton or linen, then the stains from it will need to be removed with hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia. They should be mixed a little, so that it is enough for you to saturate the stain itself with this composition (this is done in equal proportions). It is best to apply ammonia and peroxide to the stain with a cotton pad. We wait 5 or 10 minutes, then we wash it all off and wash it again with laundry soap. After washing, dry the item as usual.
  • Another option is to use salt. Sprinkle it on the affected area and pour lemon juice on top. Here you don’t have to rub anything, but just hang the little thing to dry in the good sun or in the wind. Let the fabric dry. After that, the salt will need to be washed off and do not forget to rinse the thing. Another option here is to immediately soak the stain with juice squeezed from a lemon, and then rub it with powdered sugar or granulated sugar (also an option is quite acceptable). Then, as in other cases, the thing is washed and rinsed.
  • If you “planted” the stain on trousers made of light fabric, then it will need to be removed with boric acid. Five minutes, after applying such an acid, is enough for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric with the stain to change and become the same white again. Pants, then, of course, will need to be rinsed.
  • Soda will help you get rid of the stain left on the silk. We just make a slurry out of it and rub the affected area on the fabric with such a liquidy slurry. Again, we wait for the fabric itself and soda to dry to the end. Then the soda is already brushed off with singed particles of fabric. We wash the item in cold water.
  • Yellowish burn marks can also remove the solution from borax (we take 30 ml and dilute them in a liter of water). We just wet the yellow spot, wait a bit, then wash the thing and then iron it (but now more carefully!).

Colored fabric. Iron stains on it

It is possible that you have already left a trace of the iron on the colored fabric. There are already other methods to remove it.

The first option is to use curdled milk (or already sour milk). Directly in it you will need to soak your affected item. Let her lie down in this product for an hour. Then just rinse it well there. This option should help you out, of course, if you have curdled milk on hand at the time. After all, if the stain is already old, then it is no longer your assistant here.

If you wipe a fresh stain with the same juice squeezed from a lemon, then it is also quite possible to remove it. Then, as usual, we caress.

Wool from an iron burns more than other types of fabrics. When removing a stain on it, the upper, already burnt villi will need to be carefully cut off. Here they must be removed mechanically. A razor used for shaving (a safer option is better) or a nail file will help you do this. At the same time, these things need to be handled with caution. When you treat the area of ​​​​the burnt fabric with them, then rub it neatly with your hands, in much the same way as when washing. Here, at all stages of cleaning the tan, you need to be careful that the fabric does not stretch during your actions.

Another option for colored fabrics is to use an onion to remove the mark. From the bow you will need to make gruel. A grater will help you with this (we only protect our eyes so as not to cry from onions). We made a gruel, apply it to the fabric (this option is not suitable for silk!), And let the stain “lie down” under the onion for 2 or even 3 hours. After the onion cleaning, you will have to wash the thing very well so that there is no smell left.

If your silk is viscose, then wine alcohol to save it will be the most suitable option. Just a stain that remains on the product from the iron, we process it with wine alcohol and leave the thing in the sun. Let the stain dry. This will happen in about an hour. Then we wash the burn.

Of course, it is not always possible to remove burn marks from silk easily and without damaging the fabric itself. Because silk is quite thin and delicate. That is why, when you iron such things, you should not be distracted, otherwise you simply cannot save the thing.

You can use newspaper. Just cover it with a tan spot and iron it a couple more times already through the newspaper.

Glitter spots on black

On any black material, the iron very often leaves white or even shiny spots. Especially often such shiny (or sometimes just white) traces remain on dark-colored trousers. Here, to remove them, we need laundry soap, or rather a solution made from it. The solution itself should be cool enough. We wet the gauze in it and already through it, gently, almost without pressing the iron, we iron the stain on the trousers. Let the fabric then dry naturally. So, the stain on black, you should disappear.

Vinegar will also help you bring out the shiny mark. We simply moisten a cotton pad or a soft cloth (or the same gauze) in it and wipe the affected area. The place that you moistened with vinegar will need to be ironed a few more times, and always through a suitable thin cloth.

Forgot to mention synthetics. On this fabric, traces of the iron can be removed with hydrogen peroxide (we take one part) mixed with ammonia (only 1 part). We mix both of these components. Water does not need to be added. We apply all this to the stain, dry the thing, and only after that we rinse it thoroughly.

To avoid such problems, you always need to choose the appropriate mode when ironing and try not to be distracted during this process.

More about removing such stains from the iron will tell you in this video. We look.

Even the best housewife is unable to keep track of everything that happens in her house. Laundry, cooking, cleaning. All this requires a lot of time and effort. In such situations, a woman can easily make a mistake in some trifle.


Such trifles include burn marks on clothes. A rather unpleasant problem, since things are of particular value to a person. It can be a gift from a loved one or just an expensive item.

The reason may be incorrect temperature setting. Also, the iron itself can fail. This article will tell you about the various ways to remove stains after unsuccessful ironing.

Ways to remove marks

In this situation, the most important thing is to act quickly, because after a while it will be simply impossible to remove the stain. Therefore, the sooner you start cleaning, the greater the chance of complete removal of tan marks.

If you don’t have any stain at all, but only shine, then the problem can be easily and simply eliminated. First of all, we take a small piece of fabric (preferably woolen) and put it on a shiny mark. On top we also put any gauze moistened with water and iron this area with an iron. After a few minutes, the bumps will disappear.

In the case of a skirt, you will have to use an improvised grinding agent. Soft sandpaper or a nail file may work. Carefully remove the top layer of the skirt. This is done due to the increased thickness of the product. It's better to take it to the dry cleaners. In other cases, the following methods are used.

Using a stain remover

This method is suitable for removing light traces of stains. Today there is a huge range of such cleaners on the market. It is better not to save on such a product, because later, a bad stain remover can not only leave even more stains, but also cause an allergic reaction.

Dry cleaning

In the case when the stain cannot be removed on your own, you should use the help of professionals. The price depends directly on the complexity of the work.

Folk methods

Also, housewives themselves have come up with enough ways to deal with stains without outside help or the use of cleaners. Most of the necessary ingredients are at home, so folk methods do not require any financial investment.

A mixture of lemon juice and sugar

This mixture works well with stains on natural fabrics. First you need to grind the sugar to a powder state. Next, apply the juice to the contaminated surface of the clothes and sprinkle well with powder. Leave for 2-3 hours, then wash.

It is important to know that replacing lemon juice with the appropriate acid will not work, as it can simply corrode the fabric.

water + milk

The method is suitable for removing burn marks from clothes made of cotton or linen. You need to mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. Now it remains to soak the dirty laundry and leave it overnight.

This thing copes not only with burn marks from the iron, but also with other difficult-to-remove stains. It has a good and soft bleaching property, so it is suitable for most types of fabrics.

You can simply apply peroxide to the affected areas of the fabric and let the clothes dry, then rinse in cold and the stain is gone. If the stain is pronounced, soak a rag with peroxide, put it on the tan and iron it with an iron at temperature.

Before both procedures, it is advised to soak the clothes in a solution of borax to enhance the effect.

Borax solution

Similar to hydrogen peroxide, but only suitable for linen and cotton fabrics. Since it is sold in powder form, it must be mixed with water. Now it remains only to wash things and the stain will disappear.

A mixture of soda and water

Suitable for thin and silk products. In general, silk is a material that is very easy to damage, so be careful not to leave more stains.

We prepare a slightly thick slurry of the ingredients, smear it on the stain. After complete drying, rinse with water and dry.

Rubbing with onion juice

Designed for woolen fabrics. You need to cut the onion into two parts and grind them on clothes. After, rinse the clothes with water. Also, onion juice can save a dress from shiny marks.

We rub the onion until a homogeneous mass and distribute it over the area of ​​​​the stain. After 2-3 hours of waiting, soak the dress in cool water and wash at standard temperature.

Water + salt

Moisten the stain with cold water, then add large particles of salt. It remains only to dry the clothes and rinse again. For drying, the best option is the sun.

Rinse in table vinegar

The next anti-burning technique is vinegar. To do this, wipe the stain with light movements. It is better to use a rag or sponge.

It is important to know that only ordinary transparent vinegar is suitable for this method. Apple or burgundy can leave even more stubborn stains later.

Works great on black fabrics. It is necessary to grate the soap on a grater and mix the resulting mass with water. Now we wet any gauze in the solution, put it on the burn marks and iron it well.

Many advise not to overdo it with pressing the iron, as an unpleasant odor may appear.

wine spirit

In the case when a thing made of viscose material was damaged, wine can be used. Moisten a cloth or cotton pad with liquid and rub it into clothing with increased effort. Leave the laundry to dry for an hour and rinse under running water.

Prevention of stains on clothes

To prevent such situations from happening again, preventive measures should be taken against tan marks.

Compliance with the temperature regime

One of the most important rules for proper ironing. The designation of the proper temperature for a particular material is located on the tongue of the clothes

Types of temperature regimes

Type of fabric Temperature Steam quantity Forces of Pressure Fabric Properties
Cotton 140 to 170 degrees Wet mode Increased pressure Need for hydration
Cotton with Polyester 110 degrees Steam in small quantities moderate pressure Watch "cotton"; "polyester"
Polyester Set to "minimum" or "silk" No steam Lung The material melts easily
Compressed products 110 degrees No steam moderate pressure Properties missing
Cotton and linen fabric 180 degrees Plenty of steam High pressure ironing Watch "cotton"; "linen"
plain linen plain linen High pressure ironing Iron inside out with moisture
Silk 60 to 80 degrees No steam Increased pressure Iron with a dry iron through a wet cloth. Do not moisturise in any other way, as this will cause new stains to appear.
Wool 100 to 120 degrees light pressure Iron through a damp cloth
Viscose silk 120 degrees with silk setting Steam in small quantities Increased pressure Can't get wet iron from the wrong side through another wet cloth.
Jeans 180 to 200 degrees Ordinary strong pressure Ironing from the wrong side. Jeans should be slightly damp.
Knitwear Minimum temperature Apply vertical steam no pressure Properties missing


Before starting ironing, housewives are advised to pre-sort clothes according to material, color and other differences. In this way, you greatly reduce the chance that the thing will deteriorate.

One of many important preventive measures. It is sometimes necessary to clean the sole of the iron from the same stains and other contaminants. Pieces of fabric or silk may remain on the surface, and subsequently, during ironing, they melt and create a burn mark.


As we understand, ironing is not such an easy process. It is fraught with many nuances, without knowing which, you can corny spoil your things. This applies to the type of material, temperature, amount of steam and other important components.

In any, even in the simplest case, you need to be careful. The main reason for the appearance of spots is just disorder

For each type of fabric there is an individual solution to the problem. So don't use one for the other. This will only make your situation worse.


High-quality ironing of linen is a rather painstaking task. But what if there are traces of iron on clothes? Is there any way to remove them? I want to assure you that it is quite possible to remove the stain from the iron. I'm happy to share my secrets.

Causes of tanning

Now they produce powerful high-tech irons, which are equipped with a special coating that can protect clothes from scorching. Naturally, the better the coating, the higher the price. But, unfortunately, practice shows that even the most expensive iron can leave marks on clothes.

The main causes of iron marks on clothes:

  • Technique failure.
  • Wrong ironing mode.
  • Failure to comply with safety regulations.
  • inattention.

Burn marks on the fabric look different. It depends on which synthetic material was processed:

  1. Iron marks on white jersey look like bright yellow tan.

  1. On black clothes- shiny lasses, which are quite difficult to remove.
  2. Viscose fabric burns, and black spots remain on it.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of traces of a hot iron on things, you can always try to remove burn marks from synthetics with your own hands.

The best ways

To remove both the yellow and the shiny stain from the iron, improvised means will come in handy.

5 ways for bright things

Consider how and how to remove the trace of the iron on white and light synthetics. Instructions for each method are presented in the table:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Lemon juice + powdered sugar

Moisten the stain with lemon juice and sprinkle with crushed sugar on top. When the mixture dries, wash the affected clothing in cold water.

Method 2. Hydrogen peroxide

Moisten a cloth with peroxide and wipe the iron mark. Dry the item and rinse in cold water.

Method 3. Salt

To remove the stain, wet it with water and sprinkle salt on top. When the salt dissolves, rinse the fabric under running water.

Method 4. Milk

Saturate the stain with milk and let dry. Then wash the product in the usual way.

Method 5. Onions

Cut the onion in half and rub one half over the stain. Then rinse your clothes.

After processing with onions, it is better to wash the thing in a washing machine to completely eliminate the smell.

3 ways for dark things

The table shows the methods of how to remove the hair from the iron on black and dark synthetic material:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Vinegar

Dampen a cotton pad with table vinegar and wipe the shiny mark. When the vinegar wears off, iron the item with an iron.

Method 2. Borax

Prepare a solution of borax: stir 1 teaspoon of the substance in a glass of water. Wipe the tan with a cloth soaked in this mixture and let dry naturally. After that, wash in the usual way.

This method will perfectly remove shiny stains from dark and colored fabrics.

Method 3. Ethyl alcohol

Moisten the iron mark liberally with alcohol and leave for one hour. When the ethanol has completely evaporated, rinse the item under running water.

This method can bring viscose things back to life.

It will be much easier to get rid of tan marks on clothes if you start resuscitation immediately, without postponing the procedure for later.

Here are some tips:

  1. Small iron stain can be removed with a damp cloth. Spread the thing on a flat surface, put a damp cloth on top and iron.

  1. Always check your iron before ironing. Using a broken device is not safe.
  2. It is better to start processing the tan from the wrong side of the product.
  3. Try to choose the best temperature regime for each type of synthetic fabric:
  • polyamide, elastane and polyurethane– 75 °C;
  • capron– 90–100 °C;
  • lavsan– 120 °C;
  • polyester– no more than 150 °C;
  • acrylic, chlorine- Do not iron, only steam treatment.


The presented methods helped me out in such situations, although this does not happen often. The main thing is that tanning on clothes is not at all a reason to send them to a landfill. The video in this article will demonstrate clearly how to get rid of the trace of the iron. If you have other secrets in store - write in the comments.

31.01.2018 1 5 397 views

Ironing is a necessary and regular process for every housewife. But sometimes oversights happen - an incorrect temperature setting or a hot device accidentally left on things. Consider how to remove burn marks from the iron from clothes at home? It is not necessary to take it to the trash can. There are smarter methods.

If there is a spot of a yellow tint left, then all is not lost. You can simply seek the help of specialists in dry cleaning. Employees will assess the likelihood of saving the item. In the case when the trace is large and there are small holes, it is no longer possible to remove it. Then you should focus on disguise.

Why do iron marks appear on clothes?

Now popular manufacturers claim that their devices have a special coating that will protect things from scorching. But in practice, clothes deteriorate even from the most expensive iron.

Main reasons:

  1. Wrong mode. Natural dense fabric (cotton, linen) is ironed at high temperature, silk and wool at low temperature.
  2. Owner's negligence. It is forbidden to leave the device switched on, as this can lead not only to damage to things, but also to a fire.
  3. Broken device.

Burn marks look different, depending on the material and color of the damaged clothing:

  • light-colored knitwear - spots are bright and yellow;
  • black things - shiny, hard-to-remove lasses;
  • viscose - the fabric burns, so the formations are dark.

How can you get rid of at home?

If a person burned clothes with an iron, you should try to remove the stains with plain water. This method is especially helpful for damage on knitwear. Lay the clothes on a flat surface, gently wipe with a damp cloth. In the case when it turns yellow, we can talk about the success of the process. If the liquid with the powder did not solve the problem, you need to start trying other methods.

On black fabric

In this case, you should use ingredients such as:

  1. Vinegar. Dip cotton into the product, wipe. After weathering, iron.
  2. Bura. A teaspoon should be diluted in 250 ml of water. Apply to burn marks, wait for drying, wash. The method is suitable not only for removing formations on dark clothes, but also for color options.
  3. Ethanol. Treat the stain liberally on black synthetics, wait 60 minutes. Rinse after drying.
  4. Pill remover or knife. The method is used for woolen things. You should press lightly with your hand, in which case it will turn out very carefully and imperceptibly. Otherwise, a hole may form.

On synthetics

A store-bought stain remover will help fix the problem. You can buy it in the economic department and act according to the instructions.

If you wish, you should use the following methods:

  1. Lemon juice. Pour over tans, add powdered sugar. Hold for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  2. Salt. Apply the product after wetting the stain. Leave in the sun, wash.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Treat the damaged area, dry, rinse. You can also mix it with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Hold in the sun and wash.
  4. Onion. The method is only suitable for colored items. Grind the vegetable to a mushy state, apply to the stain, rinse to eliminate the pungent odor from the shirt. Do not forget that this product has the property of changing color. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply it to an inconspicuous area for testing.
  5. Milk. Dip the item in the drink, wash the standard method.

On trousers

If there are burn marks on the pants from the iron, one of the following methods should be used:

  1. Cool soap solution. It is advisable to make it from an economic variety. Lower the gauze bandage into the product, squeeze it out, run the iron over the thing through it without intense pressure, then dry it.
  2. Wine alcohol. The method is suitable for removing marks from viscose silk trousers. Apply to stain, wait 60 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Bleaching powder. The method is applicable to the removal of white cotton fabrics. A teaspoon of the product must be dissolved in a liter of water, washed so that there are no streaks left.
  4. Air conditioner. If the fabric is delicate, this treatment will be much better than using powder. Alkali will not spoil the surface, and burntness is carefully removed.
  5. Office eraser. The method is suitable if the damage is very small. It should be hard and tight, the soft version is not suitable for this purpose. It is best to purchase a new eraser or use it in a completely clean state. Do not press the eraser hard against the fabric. Carefully treat the stain by stretching the material a little. Then spray with water and carefully run the iron through the gauze bandage.
  6. Mechanical restoration. The method is very risky, as it involves the use of a blade, knife or razor. With these items, you need to try to carefully scrape off the stain. It should be remembered that an extra movement can completely ruin your favorite thing.

If none of the proposed methods helps or the stain has a bright brown color, you can make an application or apply a thermal sticker.

How to use an iron so that scorching does not appear?

There are a number of rules to keep in mind:

  1. Check the appliance for suitability before ironing - do not use it in a broken form.
  2. The procedure should always start from the inside out. If it is necessary to treat the facial area, it is worth using a gauze bandage to protect the surface of the skirt.
  3. You need to choose the right mode for synthetics. It is listed on the label. Polyamide, polyurethane and elastane can be ironed at 75 degrees, polyester - no more than 150; kapron - 90-100, lavsan - 120. Chlorine and acrylic cannot be subjected to standard ironing, only steam.
  4. After lowering the temperature for ironing delicate fabrics, you need to wait for it to cool down. Then gently touch the inside of the device - if it does not stick, you can start the process.
  5. Do not be distracted by extraneous factors. It is better to iron in silence in order to focus more. Conversations and TV shows often end with the need to remove burn marks from clothes.
  6. The procedure should be carried out with uniform movements, without intense pressure and prolonged processing of one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing.
  7. Do not neglect the steam mode. The risk of spoiling the blouse is greatly reduced. It is important that the properties of the fabric allow these actions to be performed.
  8. When processing a large number of things, you need to sort. This will make it easier to iron clothes that require a low temperature first, and then a higher one.
  9. Even if you need to leave for a short time, you must not leave the device on the product. It is better to pull it out of the socket at the same moment, so as not to forget later.

Video: how to remove iron marks from clothes at home?

Have you ironed your favorite item? Is there a yellow stain or a shiny mark on the clothes now? And I know this picture. We will figure out how to remove the stain from the iron with improvised means.

Getting rid of traces of a hot iron

There are many stain removers, but contact with chemicals is harmful to the structure of fabrics. Therefore, I prefer cheap and safe products - lemon juice, vinegar, boric acid, etc. More aggressive substances will help, but they also need to be handled carefully and in proportion.

Before cleaning a stain from an iron, try to accurately determine the type of fabric from which the item is sewn. And based on this, you can choose the appropriate method. Also carefully read the information on the labels.

yellow marks on white clothes

How can yellowish spots be removed from white and very light clothes? Try the ones that suit your case:

  • Bleaching powder - for cotton products. Dilute 5 mg of lime in 1 liter of warm water and pour this solution over the problem area. Wait a few minutes and then rinse under running water.

If the yellow spot is not gone, repeat the same steps, but already dissolve 1 tsp. bleach in a glass of water.

  • Borax solution- you can remove burn marks from the iron from clothes made of cotton and linen. Stir 1 tsp in a glass of water. Boers. Pour the resulting solution onto the stain, wait a while, then rinse the item and iron.
  • Denatured alcohol for viscose - with soak a cotton wool or foam rubber in denatured alcohol and, as it were, drive the liquid into the tan. Let the alcohol soak in, then thoroughly wash the products with your own hands.
  • Lemon juice - for all types of fabrics. Moisten the damaged area liberally with strained lemon juice (you can put powdered sugar on top, but not necessary). Let it dry for about 15-20 minutes, and then rinse the item in cool water.

  • Hydrogen peroxide + ammonia - for light woolen clothes. Mix these liquids in equal volumes, moisten the tan with the resulting mixture and expose to the sun. Next - a thorough rinse in cool water.

  • common bulb- can also save a woolen thing. Cut it in half and place it on top of the stain. After half an hour, rinse the clothes in clean water with the addition of a fragrant conditioner.
  • Wine alcohol - will help to remove the stain from the iron on white viscose silk. Wipe the tan with it, hold the item in the sun for 1 hour and rinse with water.

  • Dairy products - for all types of fabrics. Soak the damaged thing for one and a half to two hours, for example, in yogurt. Rub the tan area well and then rinse the product under running water.

Glitter on dark clothes

Most often, a noticeable gloss after ironing appears on dark-colored synthetic fabrics. If the temperature on the iron is set too high, the upper layers of the synthetics burn and become shiny stripes.

But you can remove the trace, the main thing is not to put it off until later. From folk methods I can advise:

  • Soap solution, gauze, iron. This is the easiest option on how to remove iron burn from synthetics. Iron the shiny place through cheesecloth, after wetting it in soapy water. It is better to take laundry soap and make a very concentrated solution.

You can even first lather the gauze itself, and then also moisten it in a solution. Iron with an iron, do not press hard on it. Do this until the glitter starts to fade. Then remove the gauze and leave the item to dry naturally.

  • Vinegar. Helps remove shiny iron stains on black. Dilute a little vinegar in warm water and soak the damaged item in this mixture for half an hour or an hour. Do not rinse, just wring out and hang to dry naturally. Minor shine will go away easily, but vinegar will most likely not cope with more serious stains.

It is not necessary to soak the affected product, you can apply gauze soaked in vinegar solution and thoroughly steam the damaged area with an iron.

  • Tea or milk. Actually, these are two separate methods, but the principle of use is the same. Tea should be brewed in the usual way, strain from the leaves and cool to room temperature. Pour the cooled drink into a container and soak the burnt thing in it.

I won’t tell you the exact soaking time - see when the shine starts to disappear. After that, rinse the clothes and dry. Do the same for milk.

  • Onion. The tan from the iron on the trousers can be easily removed if you rub it with an onion cut in half. You need to wipe until the shine disappears.

In more severe cases, you can grate the onion into a gruel, put it on a scorched place and wait a while. Next, the clothes need to be washed, rinsed and dried.

If in the process of ironing you see that the trousers remain shiny and shiny, take a piece of woolen cloth, put it on the stain, and put a damp rag on top. Place a hot iron on top of all layers for literally 2-3 minutes. The shiny spot will immediately become smaller and soon disappear.

  • Salt + peroxide + sun. If it is warm outside, then you can remove the unsightly iron mark from the black fabric with the help of the sun. Lightly moisten the damaged area with cold water, sprinkle generously with fine salt. Here, drop a little hydrogen peroxide and hang to dry in direct sunlight. After drying, rinse in cold water. When the thing is completely dry, the shine will disappear.

All of these are universal ways to get rid of shiny marks, they can be applied to dark clothes made of any material.

How not to damage a thing with an iron

In order not to damage clothes when ironing, you need to remember and follow a few rules:

  1. Temperature regime of ironing. Set your iron to the appropriate ironing setting for specific fabrics. How to recognize him? Usually the care instructions for the item are written on the label, read it. And be sure to sort things by type before ironing!
  1. Gauze. Woolen and knitted clothes are ironed through a cloth, and the rest - from the wrong side. The exception is towels and bed linen.
  2. The wrong side. Products with lace and embroidery are ironed only from the wrong side at medium temperature. And decorative elements are either doused with hot steam at a safe distance, or gently ironed with a warm iron. The price of neglecting this rule is burnt decor.

  1. Water. When ironing artificial silk, do not splash water on it, otherwise ugly stains will remain.
  2. Type of fabric. The artificial jersey does not need ironing. But velor and velvet clothes, on the contrary, need to be sprinkled with water and ironed only by weight.

  1. Color. It is better to iron white things only after complete drying. On wet white fabrics, yellowish spots may appear during ironing.
  2. Tie. To bring a tie into a presentable appearance, it is not necessary to use an iron. And even undesirable - there is a high probability of noticeable shiny stripes! Wrap it around the jar of hot water and wait a bit.

If one of these rules was violated, and there was a tan on the thing, try to remove it using one of the methods I suggested. But, alas, strongly pronounced “burns” cannot be removed by anything.

But you can turn on your imagination and remove the burnt spot with the help of an interesting appliqué or embroidery. This solution is more suitable for children's and women's clothing.


Now you know how to remove an iron stain on clothes using improvised means. You can also decorate the damaged area if the stain still could not be removed. Watch the video in this article and share your results in the comments.