How to make your ex boyfriend think about you. How to make a man want you madly: follow these instructions

Only sincere relationships filled with feelings bring true happiness, and by opening the heart to the chosen one, a person hopes for reciprocity and fidelity. He is visited by thoughts about how dear he is when partners are separated by distance or other difficult circumstances arise. Wise women will still be able to find an extraordinary way to make their lover think about himself, and not only through ingenuity, but also through love, first of all.

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    Psychological techniques

    The presence of certain qualities in a woman can cause long-term sympathy towards her on the part of men. And the ability to smile often is one of them. A loved one will remember the best if you reinforce the conversation with some memorable associations: then, once in the mentioned place, the guy will definitely remember both the girl’s smile and the funny story.

    The surest way to attract a man's attention is also the ability to be flirtatious and mysterious. You shouldn't tell him every detail. Let him have space free for speculation and fantasy.

    It is important not to limit yourself to a man’s interests, but to have your own. And then, if the meeting has to be rescheduled due to dancing, the guy will have a graceful female image come to mind all night.

    In order for a man to think only about you, you don’t always need to demand attention from him. Ordering and sending him a gift by courier, pizza, or his favorite dish is a wonderful and unobtrusive way to do something nice and show concern.

    Things that remind you of a friend

    You can remind yourself with the help of various little things, sweets, cute notes that a young man will find among documents or personal belongings. This could be an erotic photograph with the inscription “I’m waiting for you” and the like. A similar way is to “forget” a personal item at a guy’s house. This will make him smile and remember his girlfriend when he finds a cute item.

    If possible, you should arrange a romantic date in the vicinity in which the husband is going to spend a business trip or work. Every time he gets to this place, he will remember his girlfriend in separation.

    When seeing off a person you like on a long trip, it is recommended to give him a pleasant souvenir, made with your own hands, which will often catch his eye. A belt, keychain, bag - those things that he will use constantly. A cup as a gift will be the item that will make a guy start every morning with thoughts about the woman he loves.

    Asking for help, including borrowing a small amount of money and not immediately returning it, means making a man think about you. When repaying a debt, you need to eloquently express your gratitude to him, emphasizing how important his support was.

    How to arouse interest?

    The psychology of men is such that appearance influences their perception of a woman. Every girl has the opportunity to be well-groomed, which in itself is already attractive. But there are still many other ways to captivate a man.

    If you want to interest a friend, you need to have as much knowledge as possible about his hobby, and, if necessary, extract relevant information from books, purchase the necessary accessories, sports or fishing clothes in order to share your favorite activity with him.

    One of the effective ways is the help of friends who, in the presence of a guy at work or elsewhere, will call you to give you “important” information, or find it out from you, and so on. An unnecessary mention of the beloved’s name from someone else’s lips, an emphasis on her importance among respected people will help make the chosen one fall in love with you.

    A man’s friends are his closest circle, who have influence on him, whose opinion is significant, so it makes sense to please them and find a common language with them.

    You can find an ex-boyfriend or a person of interest on social networks, join his group in order to participate in discussions of his posts, and leave your own thoughts on current topics.

    What to tie to yourself?

    Each person is unique, and there are no equally effective ways to influence everyone. Some of the suggested options may be suitable in different situations:

    1. 1. Write SMS- an unobtrusive way of reminding yourself: from monosyllabic wishes to love quatrains or humorous congratulations. He will help make a man constantly think about his woman.
    2. 2. Apply the scent of your own perfume to your chosen one's clothes: a subtle cloud of perfume on a subconscious level will evoke thoughts about the woman you love and a date with her. If the aroma is present in a minimal amount, then the man will not be able to guess the real reason for the desire that arises.
    3. 3. To move away, to be sometimes inaccessible- one of the ways to convince him that he needs you. It is sometimes useful to turn off your phone for a while. Subsequently - show passionate affection and again relative coolness. This will make a man unravel his feelings for him.

    You can lightly touch a guy when he is in a good mood and say your cherished words. This must be done repeatedly - the next time, with these same words, pleasant memories will arise in his memory. A similar method will help make a man think about his girlfriend, get bored and even suffer if used during an orgasm, a strong surge of emotions when spoken words are deposited deep in the subconscious and then act as a program.

    Married man

    When a woman wants to attract the attention of a married man who is only nominally married, it is not easy to overcome this formal distance.

    Appearance, brightness, sex appeal are ways to attract the attention of a married man. The person who involuntarily follows you with his gaze is what all this is for. Ask him how he feels about your outfit. If he has formed an idea about your habits, do something different that will surprise him and make him think about the reasons for the change.

    Create jealousy to dispel his thoughts about you as unique and the only one. Don't bother with messages, SMS, gifts or greetings. He must be willing to do it himself. “Random” gentle conversations on the phone that he accidentally overhears, or flowers given by one of his suitors will have an effective effect on him.

    Similar techniques can be used by a wife to prevent a man from cheating.

    The power of thought

    It is known that thoughts are material. There is an opinion that the power of thought will help to hold a person. To make a man think about himself from a distance, you can use a special technique. At a certain time, when the chosen one goes to bed, you need to take a relaxing pose, but not fall asleep. You need to imagine the image of your loved one in all details, while using deep breathing. When his image is fully displayed, you need to mentally transport yourself inside the man’s body, as if capturing his consciousness.

    At the next stage - imagine yourself to him, feel his feelings and, having achieved unity with him in this, send him a clearly formulated message: “call” or “get bored”. When imagining the desired action on his part, you should imagine a connecting blue energy channel from your forehead to the recipient’s forehead.

    The flow can be imagined as emanating from one's solar plexus, flying through space and entering the center of the subject's belly. If everything is done correctly, the beloved will fulfill the request in reality. You can send your beloved man an image of your face, figure, thoughts about yourself and the most daring messages reflecting your own desires.

    You can tell whether the method worked by the feeling of warmth inside. If it is there, an energetic response has been received. In the physical world, a man can write or call in the near future.

It is believed that the main decoration of a girl is pride and disinterest, and the best way to make a man miss and desire is to pretend that you are indifferent to him. However, such a principle is good only for teenagers, and a wise adult woman should be able to demonstrate love and care unobtrusively so as not to cause rejection.

How to make a man think about you

If your romance is just beginning, or you are just looking at each other, the image that you present to the young man is of great importance. Men first of all tend to pay attention to appearance, so don’t be lazy to once again emphasize femininity, beauty and sexuality. Try following these simple tips:

  1. Before meeting a young man, pay great attention to clothes, neat hair, and manicure. Don't be sloppy.
  2. Try to understand the young man’s communication style on social networks and on the phone. If a man is used to texting during the working day, support the initiative. However, if your messages remain unanswered (or laconic emoticons come in response), you should not impose yourself, even if you are racking your brain on how to make a man miss you. Moreover, a man’s silence does not mean indifference.
  3. If your relationship has already moved to an intimate level, try to sometimes stir up interest and desire. Not every girl will dare to do bold tricks like throwing lace panties into a man’s business briefcase, but even modest girls can call and say that you hope to repeat the experience of last night as soon as possible. You will definitely make the guy bored!

How to make a man miss you from a distance

In the lives of happy, stable couples, there are situations when they have to separate for a while: for example, because of a business trip or an internship in another city or country. If people have been together for a long time, they trust each other and will worry about the fear of betrayal. However, men are less emotional creatures than their wives, as proven by psychology experts. Then the woman has a question about how to make a man miss her? Below are the solutions:

  1. If you're in a committed relationship, you should forget about principles like "don't call first" and leave them to teenagers. If you miss a man, that's normal, and there's nothing humiliating about calling whenever you want.
  2. Try to talk more about your life and new acquaintances. Ask him what's going on. Then, when you meet, you will not have the illusion that you know nothing about each other.
  3. If you are definitely determined to find out how to make a man miss you, do not neglect the possibilities of meeting. For example, there is a chance to see each other on the weekend - great! Rare dates, especially of an intimate nature, will only inflame mutual desire and serve as an excellent prevention of betrayal (unfortunately, this can happen if you don’t see each other for six months).

How to make a married man miss you

Situations in life are different, and if you once became the mistress of a married man, treat the incident philosophically. Women who find themselves in such circumstances should understand that they are still unlikely to be able to claim one hundred percent of the time, energy and attention of their loved one; they need to soberly assess the balance of power. However, it is quite possible to tie a man to you and make him bored. The main thing is not to dream that he will leave the family! In reality, this rarely happens. What to do:

  1. Try to be interested in the man’s affairs and praise him. Listen with genuine interest about work or hobbies. If communication with his wife is kept to a minimum, he will reach out to you for attention.
  2. Find “your” symbolic things: music, a restaurant, or even a street. Finding himself alone in a familiar atmosphere, he will definitely remember the woman he loves.
  3. Don't start throwing tantrums, making demands, or nagging your partner. The psychology of adultery is such that a man seeks ease, interest and satisfaction of his desires (not just sex) from his mistress. Your connection will be stronger if you learn to guess his mood.

How to remind a man about yourself

If you are embarrassed that a man with whom there was mutual interest has stopped calling, do not rush to think about the bad. Modern life is such that a person can be very busy indeed. Try to remind yourself a couple of times: choose a moment to call or write a message on a social network. If the man does not respond, try again in a couple of days. But not more! Obsession is of no use here: you are not his wife to demand something, and if the young man chose to ignore the unanswered call, it means that his feelings have changed (or were initially a mistake), and he decided to disappear silently.

Often a woman falls madly in love and begins to worry whether her chosen one is thinking about her, does he remember her or already attracted to someone else. In this case, a technique will come to the rescue that will make a man think about you even from a distance.

This is also useful in cases when you are far from each other or your partner is forced to leave on business. This will help preserve feelings and strengthen the connection. Our thoughts are material, this has been heard for a long time, and you can be convinced of this.

On distance

If you direct your thoughts in the right direction, a real miracle can happen. Your loved one will remember you wherever he is - on a business trip, in another country or somewhere else.

One simple technique will help with this. Approximately determine the time when your man is sleeping, and go to bed yourself, but do not fall asleep. You need to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, like during meditation. Breathe deeply and make sure that no muscle is tense, especially in the face.

Now imagine the image of your loved one in as much detail as possible. You need to remember all the little things, scars, moles - this is very important. When you have a complete image of a man in your head, imagine that you are being transported inside his body, capture his consciousness.

Imagine that you are him, imagine his sensations and feelings. When you feel that you have become one, send commands to him. They should be formulated as clearly as possible, for example: “Call your wife!” or “Miss (name).” If you do everything correctly, the person will obey these commands in reality.

Remember that this practice should not be done when you are sick. In this case, you already have little energy, but you need it in order to heal. It would be irrational to spend it on instilling the right thoughts in a man, besides, you most likely will not succeed.

During illness, it is difficult to concentrate, you will not be able to properly direct your energy. But if you are healthy and have applied this method, do not tell anyone about it. If you tell even your best friend, it can ruin all your efforts, because other people’s thoughts can confuse directed energy, and it will not reach the recipient.


A man can be made to think about himself constantly with the help of mental suggestion.

This method includes psychology, magic, and telepathy at once, but it will only work if you can come into contact with a man , in thought which you plan to penetrate. You need to at least be in the same room with him.

So, once you find yourself in the same room with the object of your adoration, start sending him a suggestion consisting of a short phrase. It could be something like “You are in love with me,” “You constantly think about me,” “You want a relationship with me.”

At the moment when you send the suggestion, imagine that a blue ray emanates from your forehead and connects it with the forehead of the object of adoration. This - energy channel. It can be used to transmit mental messages. Do this as confidently as possible, you can also send images, for example, your face or figure.

Another method will also help you make your lover think about yourself, but this will not work if you are in love with a person who has no idea about your existence. The target must know you.

As a last resort, you can arrange a casual acquaintance so that your image is imprinted in his memory. But this method is best affects a man with whom you are or were in a close relationship. This method was practiced in Ancient Egypt.

On a full moon, around midnight, turn off the lights and get comfortable on your bed. It is important that nothing distracts you, so it is better to put away your watch, phone, and tune in to the right mood.

You can light incense or turn on a quiet, calm music for meditation. If you feel that your clothes are bothering you and distracting you, strip naked - this will make the method even more effective.

Breathing deeply, put all but one thought out of your head. Imagine the man you love, what he looks like and what he is doing now. Perhaps he is sleeping, then you need to imagine how he lies in bed, how warm he is under the blanket, how his cheek presses on the pillow.

Now we need to visualize own energy, imagine how it comes from your solar plexus and pierces space, flying through the night city. It penetrates into the home of a loved one, wherever he is, touches his aura, and becomes intertwined with it.

She forms a channel from you to a lover, and mental messages can be transmitted through this channel. They can be as bold as you like, they should reflect all your desires regarding this person. They will be deposited in his subconscious and will constantly remind you of you, in dreams and in reality.

You can understand that the method has worked by feeling the warmth - if you feel slight burning sensation or pleasant warmth during meditation or immediately after completion, this means that everything worked out, and you received an energetic response. Soon the man may make himself known, write or call. If you perform this method regularly, you can make a man think about himself constantly.

Psychological techniques

If you break up for a while with your loved one - no matter how long, for a day or for several months, you can make him think about himself with the help of effective techniques.

To do this, you don’t need to be intrusive at all, just use some tricks. For example, you could do the following:

  • Sprinkle some of yours on his shirt collar favorite perfume. The main thing is that the aroma is not intrusive, otherwise it will begin to irritate. If it is a light cloud of smell, then the man will think about you and may not even guess about the root cause of the associations that have come.
  • Place a piece of paper with affectionate declarations of love in the stack of documents. He will be sorting through papers and stumble upon it, and it will make him touch. But be careful and make sure first that he has not prepared these documents to give to business partners.
  • During the day until favorite at work, write sweet SMS that do not require a response, for example: “thinking about you” or “I miss you.” Don't do this too often. You can also send erotic photos, for example, of you lying in a bubble bath. The main thing is that his colleagues do not accidentally see them.
  • Secretly put some sweets in his bag, something he loves. Ideally, it should be something homemade, but worst case scenario, a piece of marmalade or a candy bar will do. He will find an unexpected surprise and it will make him smile and remember you.
  • If you have mutual friends on social media that you both communicate with regularly, you can post on one of them's walls. Your loved one will go to his page, see the post and remember you.
  • On the weekend, organize a romantic date or meeting in a place that he will always go to when you are apart. The event will always be remembered by him when he be in this territory.
  • When seeing off your loved one on a business trip, give him a memorable item that will be associated only with you. For example, a personally knitted scarf. As a last resort, something that will always be in sight will do - a watch, cufflinks, a phone case.

There are different situations in a person's life. Sometimes, having met an interesting young man, you really want him to think about you constantly, or having quarreled with your loved one, you want him to get bored and be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. In this case, a special plot can help you. To make a guy miss you just need to perform a simple ritual.

Conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at home)

For the ritual you will not need any special magical props. You just need to use your imagination. Imagine that you and the young man you are interested in are standing opposite each other and looking intently into each other’s eyes. Imagine how invisible ropes connect you to each other. Then, lightly biting the tip of your tongue, read the plot:

“I bite my tongue, I call upon the thoughts of God’s servant (name). Think about me night and day, constantly imagine the two of us together. Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so you cannot find a place for yourself without me. As I said, so it will be. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read in photo)

If you have a photograph of a young man you are interested in, then you can also use it to perform a ritual that will help you make the guy miss you.

The ritual must be performed after sunset. You must be alone in the room. Sit at the table, put a photo of your loved one in front of you. On the right side of it, light a church candle. Looking at the photo, say the following words:

After reading, put out the candle, put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at dawn)

Another effective ritual that should be performed in the morning. Get up early in the morning, go outside and stand with your bare feet on the grass, and now read the following plot:

A strong conspiracy to make a guy bored and think

This ritual must be performed on a full moon. When it gets dark, open the window and, looking at the moon, read these words:

Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and say:

“As I said, so it will be. Amen!".

Another popular and quite effective ritual for a guy’s melancholy, which can be done at home using a ripe red apple. The fruit must not be wormy. Cut an apple in half and put a note inside with your loved one's name. Then connect the halves together and, holding the apple in your hands, read:

“As this apple dries, so will the servant of God (name) miss the servant of God (name). Amen".

Tie an apple with red thread and place it in the sun. The more it dries, the more the guy will be sad.

Video: conspiracy to make your loved one miss you

To your person, and make them think about you from a distance, a lot. For example, a colleague he likes does not want to make close contact, or does not accept relationships other than work ones.

It happens that the feelings of the legal spouse have cooled, and now he does not spend the evening with the woman he loves, but prefers the company of friends in a bar nearby. Or a loved one goes on a business trip and is overcome with excitement: will his love stand the test of time, will he be interested in other girls, close and available?

Psychological methods

The best way out, so as not to be tormented by unsolvable questions, wasting your nerves, is a solution push or even make a man think about you, preferably throughout the entire time he is apart.

All that remains is to decide how to do this most effectively, as they say, once and for all.

The means by which you can influence the subconscious of the desired object are divided into two types: psychological and. The first are based on provoking a man to the desired reaction through certain behavior, for example:

  • always, in any situation, especially in the presence of other girls, look great so that he can see that you are truly the best, and in separation he remembers and thinks about you with longing
  • create a cozy and friendly atmosphere at home so that he strives to return to his owner, knowing that he will be fed, warmed, relaxed and listened to
  • Keep your bedroom smelling like your perfume, and sprinkle them on his clothes so that the man has pleasant associations
  • when living separately delight you with pleasant messages in the morning with wishes of a good day, in order to remind you of yourself and give pleasant emotions
  • surround a man with warmth and care and then show indifference so that he understands that he lacks your attention

But often, with the help of psychological techniques, it is not possible to achieve the desired result, or the process seems too long. Then it comes to the rescue – it helps to fully achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.


    One of the most powerful conspiracies, acting almost instantly, is conspiracy to the wind.

    After targeting it, in the next few hours you can expect an invitation to a date or another manifestation of the activity of the charmed guy.

    To conjure your loved one, you need to open the windows and create a draft, and then read the magic text:

    “There is a strong wind on Buyan Island. Both day and night he sharpens stones. Let the wind go to my beloved, sharpen his heart and make him sad. Let the heart of God's servant (name) cry and sob. His longing for me (name), a meeting with me, waited and waited. My beloved could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me. Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk, so would he (the name of a loved one) without me (my own name). I could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor on a day with the sun, nor on a night with the moon. Amen, amen, amen."

  1. Another effective one, designed for a long time, is apple spell.

    To perform it, you need to take a fresh, ripe, beautiful apple, so that its appearance reflects your feelings for your loved one to the maximum, and is just as beautiful. You need to say the text above it:

    “As the apple dries, so will the servant of God (name) be bored!”

    And after that, put it in the sun, for example, on a balcony, so that it dries. As it dries, the enchanted person will become increasingly bored.

    The strongest spell for a photograph or any other personal thing of a loved one, so that the man will miss you greatly:

    “I, God’s servant (my name), will go out into the light - there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I will go to a clean field, a wide expanse, and I will find 77 stone ovens there. On those stones there are cakes of fire, oohs and sighs, love stirs. 77 oohs, 77 sighs, aahs and suffering, day and night experiences, impatience and love languor. Get up and go, find God’s servant (your dear name), drag him, bring him to me, God’s servant (your name), lead him. I will fill him, I will entice him, I will take him into confinement. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist and mingle, throw yourself at his liver and heart. Let him think about me, don’t forget me, don’t let him drink or drink. He is bored and sad, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitter tears, when he sees him, he does not let go of me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

    Consequences of magical actions

    Before turning to magic, you need to decide for yourself whether you are ready for the negative consequences of its use.

    After all, interference in energy channels and disruption of the natural course of events will certainly entail irreversible changes in the fate of the conspirator and the one who made the conspiracy.

    Most often, disappointment occurs at the very first stage of a man’s manifestation of boredom.- it becomes clear that these are not sincere emotions that you so want to see from your loved one, but the obsession of your charms that drives them.

    The danger is that such relationships can become a burden, especially for the executor of the conspiracy, who cannot come to terms with such a state of affairs, which is seriously different from what was imagined in dreams.

    The life of the person pining for you is rapidly deteriorating - unable to think about anything else, he loses friends, becomes inattentive and is no longer able to build a career or run a business. He also subconsciously begins to feel hatred towards you, because boredom is contrary to his will.

  • The consequences for the person committing the conspiracy are also inevitable, primarily of a psychological nature - after all, instead of natural energy channels with people, the attraction to whom is mutual, everything is blocked by an artificially created magical channel of communication with a dependent person.

    Against this background, chronic health problems may develop, especially of a reproductive nature..

Therefore, before resorting to the services of magic, you should weigh whether you really need it, or whether the game is not worth the candle.