What exercises should be done to induce contractions. Eat certain foods. Patience and a little effort

How to induce labor and in what cases is stimulation of the contractile activity of the uterine myometrium indicated? Is it possible to do this with ultrasound?

According to generally accepted criteria, childbirth should occur at 38-40 weeks, not earlier and not later. It is in this period that the fetus reaches its maturity and is ready to be born, and not only will it appear, but also painlessly adapt to suddenly changing environmental conditions.

However, not in all cases it turns out as prescribed by the norms. The body of each woman is purely individual, and in no case can we say that a delay in childbirth for a week will necessarily lead to some undesirable consequences for the health of the child. But still it is better to adhere to the established norms, and in the event that delivery does not occur on time for some reason, it can be stimulated. To decide in which cases it is necessary to do this, and when it is worth waiting out, it is only after consulting with your doctor.

It is also necessary to know how the acceleration of delivery can be caused, whether there are any contraindications for its implementation in each specific case, since this intervention cannot be called safe in any way.

Questions about what is the optimal gestational age for delivery

Now almost every expectant mother is wondering when it is better for her to give birth, and what will happen if the baby is in a hurry or is late with the birth of this world for at least a week. And when will it be necessary to do everything possible to ensure that the child leaves the womb?

Indeed, upon reaching 38-39 weeks, the fetus becomes completely ready for birth, since all the unconditioned reflexes that are necessary to maintain life outside the womb have already been developed. These are respiratory, sucking and swallowing.

It is impossible not to note the maturity of organ systems. The gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is already able to break down and assimilate the first portion of breast milk or, in the absence of it for one reason or another, an adapted mixture for newborns. Taste buds have already developed, recognizing sour, sweet and salty.

The mature sense organs also contribute to the speedy adaptation of the child - the baby is already able to distinguish the intensity of sound, color, sees well at a distance of about 30 cm.

In other words, it is this age that is completely suitable for the start of delivery, which is once again confirmed by the morphological features of the fetus (it already reaches a weight of about 3-3.5 kg, with a growth of about 50 cm). In addition, at this time, the child usually takes a position that is the best conducive to successful delivery - the presenting part is directed towards the exit from the uterus, and the legs, bent at the knees, are pressed tightly against the tummy.

The expectant mother also feels these changes - due to the fact that her tummy falls into the palm of her hand, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe.

In other words, everything in the body is already ready for the upcoming birth, but for some reason they do not come, and there are not even forerunners. However, you should not immediately try to stimulate them, since this condition can be caused by both pathology and individual characteristics of the body. In fairness, it should be noted that all the same, some preparatory processes in the body are still taking place, and it may be that they have not yet had time to complete, which is the reason for the absence of the onset of labor. It is necessary to make a decision on the advisability of stimulating labor activity only after a preliminary consultation with the attending physician and a thorough examination.

How expedient is the acceleration of labor - absolute and relative indications for this intervention

The beginning of childbirth should coincide with the physiological readiness of the body for this, and not with the desire of the expectant mother - this principle is unchanged, and it must be followed in any case. Unfortunately, many women "set themselves the goal of giving birth by a certain date or at a certain date," which is far from always good for the health of the child. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

Physiological processes that take place in the prenatal period - how to determine the moment of readiness and the resulting delay, which will need to be eliminated?

The readiness of a woman's body for the onset of labor activity is determined mainly by changes in the hormonal background - the so-called formation of a "patrimonial dominant" occurs, which determines the start of the process. There is an assumption that the fetoplacental complex is of fundamental importance in this process.

Ideally, everything happens as nature suggests, but there are cases when there are no signs of delivery even at week 39 - in this case, it is customary to talk about an immature cervix.

Only in this situation is it possible for an obstetrician-gynecologist to recommend methods of drug and non-drug stimulation of labor, and then only after a series of additional studies that characterize in detail the condition of the fetus, its position, degree placental maturity as well as its position.

For a better understanding of the issue, it is necessary to consider a few examples in more detail. For example, it makes sense to think hard about the stimulation of labor activity at the 39th week if the expectant mother has a burdened history of overgestation. In addition, a similar statement will be true if there are irregular or more than 30 days menstrual cycles.

Please note that without the approval of the stimulation of childbirth by your treating doctor, it is impossible to start even the most harmless, homemade methods in any case.

An equally important note is also that the bearing of the fetus in the event that it represents life for the pregnant woman is prohibited in any case. Definitely it will be necessary to carry out drug stimulation of delivery, but do this only in a hospital setting.

How can labor be stimulated?

There are many options for stimulating this physiological process, however, before making this choice, it will be necessary to evaluate several indicators.

First of all, it will be necessary to focus on how ready the birth canal is for delivery. Normally, by the time the gestation is completed, the cervix shortens and becomes looser - this allows for the unimpeded passage of the fetal egg through the mother's womb. It is the maturity of the cervix that becomes one of the most significant conditions for the successful start and completion of the birth process.

In the event that labor is stimulated with an immature cervix, it can lead to serious pathologies, both in the mother and in the child. With the initiative of a pregnant woman (for example, when trying to induce labor at home), such situations very often lead to the need to perform surgical intervention in an urgent manner.

In the event that there are no contraindications to the stimulation of labor, then this procedure can be performed in two ways:

  1. Medical.
  2. Not medicinal(in other words, at home).

Medical method

Taking into account the fact that for a person who is not related to medicine (to gynecology and obstetrics in particular), the implementation of drug stimulation of delivery is an impossible task, it makes no sense to consider it in detail. The only thing to remember is that only the attending physician can determine the appropriateness of this intervention, and it is performed only in a hospital setting.

How to induce labor, non-drug methods

But non-drug methods of stimulating delivery are quite accessible to "mere mortals." It is worth considering in more detail the most popular ways to prepare the cervix for the process of childbirth and accelerate the birth of a child:

  1. Unprotected intercourse. The effectiveness of this method is explained by the fact that the semen contains high concentrations of prostaglandins E2 and F2α, which stimulate the contractile activity of the myometrium. In addition, oxytocin released during orgasm also contributes to an increase in the intensity of the contractile activity of the uterus. However, the proposed method has its contraindications. These are placental abruption and sexually transmitted diseases (the presence of such a partner).
  2. A diet that involves the consumption of large amounts of foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids in high concentrations (such as oily fish, vegetable oils and avocados). It must be understood that there is no and cannot be an evidence base in favor of this method of stimulating delivery, and therefore it should be considered only as an auxiliary one.
  3. The use of phytopreparation "Evening primrose oil", at the rate of 1 tsp. per day.

In the event that the doctor, examining the pregnant woman at the end of the 39th week, is convinced that the condition of the cervix corresponds to the gestational age, then the stimulation of delivery is allowed by the following methods:

  1. Physical activity (within reasonable limits). It is clear that there can be no talk of any sport, but outdoor walks, swimming (under the supervision of an instructor) and fitball exercises will only benefit.
  2. Stroking the nipples performed by a sexual partner. This action is the best way to accelerate the synthesis of oxytocin.
  3. Gymnastics according to the methodKegel. C contributes to the preparation of the perineum, accelerates the synthesis of oxytocin, reduces the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Together with the massage of the labia, these exercises have the best effect on the elasticity of the fibers of the muscle tissue of the perineum.
  4. The use of physiotherapy techniques, in particular - acupuncture and acupuncture. Now there are specialists, moreover, appropriately accredited, who, using these techniques, can stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus. However, trusting them with your health, and the health of your unborn child, is only after consulting with your doctor and undergoing some instrumental examination methods.

In addition to all of the above, now you can come across recommendations regarding the advisability of using some methods to stimulate delivery, the safety of which raises serious concerns. These include the use of drugs based on ethyl alcohol, castor oil and some decoctions of plant origin, but there is no evidence in their favor. Moreover, the consequences of their use can be extremely unfavorable.

How to induce labor at 41 weeks pregnant?

In the event that, upon reaching 41 weeks of pregnancy, delivery has not occurred, then there is definitely an indication of hospitalization in a hospital and stimulation of labor with the help of special medications. And only under the round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel. This need is dictated by the fact that at this time the lack of delivery may be associated with the most unfavorable pathologies (fetal death, placental abruption, and some others).

What else is worth paying attention to before deciding whether to stimulate delivery?

Above were the objective signs indicating the readiness of the mother for delivery (morphological features of the cervix and features of the position of the fetus in the womb). However, there are some additional research methods (instrumental and laboratory) that will confirm or refute the feasibility of inducing labor.

For example, a pregnant woman after 38 weeks will need to determine the level of CTG twice a week, which is the best way to characterize the condition of the fetus. In addition, the data of this analysis must be confirmed by the results of an ultrasound examination.

Having received the results of these two methods, it becomes possible to give an objective description of the degree of maturation of the placenta, the state of the amniotic fluid and uterus. By comparing all the data obtained with the examination of the patient, the doctor will be able to decide on the advisability of stimulating the contractile activity of the uterus or its absence.

One more piece of advice - in any case, before medical acceleration of delivery, a woman is recommended to get enough sleep.

Subjective characteristics

In addition to all the above signs, it will be necessary to focus on subjective data as well. Their presence often helps to determine the need to stimulate labor activity (these characteristics are also called distant precursors):

  1. The presence of false contractions. Their presence indicates that the body is already ready for delivery, but for certain reasons the process does not start. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize the patient in the hospital of the gynecological department for medical stimulation.
  2. Changing the posture of a woman. As already mentioned above, when ready for the birth of a child, a prolapse of the abdomen is observed, as a result of which the center of gravity shifts and a feeling of discomfort appears.

In the event that such changes are observed with a pregnant woman, there is no doubt that delivery must be carried out as soon as possible.

Please note that in the presence of at least one of the above signs, it makes sense to stimulate delivery with medication (by administering oxytocin). Even if the date of birth expected by doctors does not correspond to these symptoms, it is necessary to stimulate labor activity. It must be understood that the body of each woman is purely individual, and in this situation it is worth betraying the importance of subjective signs, and not generally accepted approaches.

After all, the whole point is that carrying a child is even worse than giving birth to a premature baby, as this can lead to many undesirable consequences:

  • overripe placenta badly becomes the cause of oxygen starvation and trophic disorders;
  • there is a relaxation of the sphincters of the anus, which, in turn, leads to contamination of the amniotic fluid with meconium, which may well lead to the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia;
  • compaction of the bones and narrowing of the fontanel significantly increases the likelihood of trauma to the head in the intranatal period.

Labor induction at home is the most common and safest way. A few important notes

This issue is of increased interest in pregnant women, so it should be considered separately, in view of the increased relevance. In fact, all the techniques described above (intimacy, nipple stimulation and diet) are relative. If the introduction of oxytocin in a hospital unambiguously leads to a significant increase in the intensity of contractions of the uterine myometrium, then all these activities are not a guarantee of a speedy delivery. But they can contribute to it - this is a fact, moreover, having an evidence base.

The most important thing for a woman to understand are some things:

  1. Never do anything without first consulting your doctor.
  2. Clearly differentiate situations when it is necessary to stimulate the activity of the uterine myometrium, and those cases when it is simply desirable to speed up labor, but if this is not done, then nothing terrible will happen. It will be possible to distinguish between these situations as follows - in the first case, we have to talk about the absence of delivery at 38-39 weeks, and in the second we are talking about 40-41 weeks, when it is no longer possible to wait.

Before inducing labor on her own, a pregnant woman must be sure of the correct assessment of the gestational age. Talk to your doctor about the compliance of the changes detected on ultrasound and CT scans with the deadline. When the body is ready for childbirth, natural methods of childbirth can be used.

Reasons for inducing labor

  • Pregnancy over 40 weeks. After this period, aging of the placenta occurs, and the effectiveness of the child's nutrition decreases.
  • Multiple pregnancy after 38 weeks. By this time, the children have already matured, and their further intrauterine development can provoke problems during childbirth.
  • According to medical indications in case of Rh conflict, heart problems, diabetes mellitus.
  • The presence of scars on the uterus.
  • Narrow pelvis.
  • Allergy to prostaglandins.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

How to induce childbirth with folk recipes

  • Prostaglandins (biologically active substances) stimulate the cervix to ripen and promote its opening. They are contained in semen, so you can activate labor activity by intimacy. Contraindications: infections in the sexual partner, low location of the placenta. Its detachment is not excluded with a strong orgasm in a woman, so the method must be used very carefully.
  • Walking up the stairs, cleaning the house, washing windows are folk ways of approaching childbirth.
  • The release of the stimulator of uterine contraction - the hormone oxytocin in the body of a woman occurs during the massage of the nipples. The procedure should be performed carefully so that cracks do not form on the mammary glands, which over time will lead to the development of mastitis.
  • Contraction of the muscles of the uterus can be provoked by daily bowel cleansing with a saline enema.
  • After dinner, drink 50 g of castor oil and make an enema with a salt solution (1 spoon per liter of water).
  • Acupuncture with the use of thin needles stimulates the accumulation of energy in the pelvic area - it activates labor activity in a pregnant woman.
  • Castor oil has a laxative effect, but with an overdose, side effects are observed - vomiting, nausea, pain in the intestines.
  • The substance bromelain, contained in pineapples, softens the cervix and provokes labor.
  • Spicy food activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and uterus - they are reduced.
  • "Pulsatill" is a homeopathic remedy that allows you to induce childbirth.
  • Raspberry tea has a stimulating effect.
  • A hot bath increases blood circulation in the pelvic area and cervix, which helps it to relax and possibly open.
  • The production of oxytocin is increased by the pressure of the fetal head on the cervix, which occurs when the mother is in an upright position.
  • If you inflate balloons often and for a long time, then pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, which stimulates childbirth.
  • Chocolate contains adrenaline, a substance that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Its action leads to a contraction of the muscular apparatus of the body, including the uterus.
  • Aromatherapy with jasmine and roses will lead to the onset of labor in a pregnant woman with prolonged inhalation of their aromas.
  • In the diet, when deciding how to stimulate childbirth, it is advisable to include large amounts of parsley, beets and drink them with raspberry tea.
  • In England, midwives recommend the following remedy for women to speed up the opening of the cervix. Mix 50g of castor oil with 100g of apricot juice and 40g of vodka. The intestines of a pregnant woman will begin to be cleared of the contents rather quickly. Behind him, the uterus contracts.
  • Evening primrose oil prepares a woman's path to childbirth, but does not have a direct labor-stimulating effect. It is a natural analogue of the hormones folliculin and sinestrol, which are obtained synthetically. Before childbirth, substances are prescribed to accelerate the maturation of the cervix. Primrose oil, unlike them, does not have side effects and is prescribed 2 weeks before the expected date of delivery.
  • Olive oil is characterized by a laxative effect and can increase the elasticity of muscle tissue. If you take it on the 1st spoon daily, then it will become easier to artificially induce labor.
  • Childbirth setting. All processes in the body are under the control of the brain. If a woman subconsciously sets herself up for childbirth, then they will soon begin.
  • Frequent singing and talking with the child contribute to the tension of the muscles of the abdominal and small pelvis. During childbirth, singing reduces pain.

Physical exercises contribute to the lowering of the child and the pressure of his head on the cervix.

  • Walking should be practiced in the morning, when the surrounding air is as free of pollution as possible. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to take an umbrella with her to lean on in case of back pain. It will also come in handy if it rains.
  • Climbing the stairwells contributes to the rapid movement of the fetus down. Due to the constant movements of the hips, the small pelvis expands, and the child takes the most comfortable position.
  • Swimming breaststroke helps to reduce the muscles of the abdomen and back. Staying in the water additionally allows you to remove the swelling of the legs.
  • Squatting for a long time. The baby will move faster through the birth canal with the pelvis open. The method is used in the case of a high location of the child in late pregnancy.
  • Induce labor by swinging on a swing. To use this method, you need to find a safe swing and swing on it for several minutes a day.

Types of medical methods of labor induction:

  1. Stimulating uterine contractions
  2. Affecting the opening of the uterus.

Stimulation of uterine contraction with prostaglandin E2 (enzoprost drug). The substance is inserted into the vagina, but does not enter the amniotic sac. When the cervix dilates, the birth process begins. The production of prostaglandin in the body is stimulated by prostaglandin suppositories. Their action begins in 30 minutes, which gives the woman the opportunity to prepare for childbirth.

The opening of the fetal bladder is carried out with a special hook. The procedure is painless, as the bladder has no nerve endings. The outpouring of water leads to an increase in pressure inside the uterus, which stimulates childbirth. Amniotomy does not affect the condition of the child, since the fetus is not affected during manipulation.

To stimulate contractile activity, the drug Oxytocin is used. Most often administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The hormone does not affect the opening of the cervix. It only enhances labor activity. Contraindications to the use of oxytocin: the impossibility of childbirth in a natural way, hypersensitivity to the drug, the presence of scars and placenta previa.

When induction of labor is not performed

  • If the baby's head exceeds the lower size of the mother's pelvis.
  • Poor fetal condition as assessed by a heart monitor.
  • Hypertension or other health problems in a pregnant woman.
  • Incorrect position of the child.

Before inducing childbirth, a woman should sleep well, psychologically tune in to labor.

The last weeks and days of pregnancy are quite exhausting. The woman is visibly tired and is already dreaming that the birth will begin as soon as possible. It is in these last days that questions arise about how to speed up childbirth. Demand creates supply, and therefore the omniscient Internet is always ready to offer a pregnant woman several ways to cause contractions. In this article, we will tell you how to do it, and when it is not forbidden to do it.

When do fights start?

Contractions are the culmination of a long preparatory period that takes place in a woman's body in the last days before childbirth. The uterus itself cannot contract. In order for contractions to appear and the opening of the cervix to begin, myocytes (cells of the uterine tissue) must accumulate a sufficiently large amount of a special protein actomyosin, which gives the cells the ability to contract.

The contractions themselves are triggered by the hormone oxytocin, which begins to be actively produced in late pregnancy by the placenta and pituitary gland. And the level of progesterone, which was responsible for prolonging gestation and maintaining pregnancy, should fall to critically low values. The cervix must ripen, and the special enzymes that the cervix secretes must thin the fetal membranes so that at the right time they burst and the amniotic fluid can move away.

Only when all these conditions coincide, a full-fledged timely labor activity begins. During contractions, the cervix gradually opens until the opening becomes maximum and reaches 10-12 centimeters. Then the baby can begin to be born with a full understanding of this word.

There are no uniform requirements for the completion of all this multi-component training. Each individual woman, taking into account her personal characteristics, the body can prepare for childbirth in due time. The estimated date of birth, which is listed in the exchange card, is nothing more than an approximate guideline. And therefore, childbirth is considered normal, which began in the period from 38 to 42 weeks.

Do you need to call?

At 39-40 and 40-41 weeks, a woman should not have any reason to worry. If a pregnant woman at this stage turns to a doctor with a request to stimulate labor with medications, she will not be understood and the request will not be fulfilled. In order for labor activity to be complete, all stages of internal preparation for them must be completed naturally. Stimulation with medications in a maternity hospital takes place only with a post-term pregnancy, after 42 weeks of pregnancy.

From the same position, doctors consider it inappropriate to try to speed up the onset of childbirth at home. The fact that the expectant mother is very tired of carrying her precious child, that it is getting harder and harder for her to walk, sit, sleep, is understandable and evokes sympathy. But to give birth at the time provided by nature for a particular woman and her baby is the most optimal solution to the problem.

As you know, the ability to wait is one of the most difficult, and therefore the impatience of women and attempts to actively provoke childbirth can also be understood, but one can hardly approve.

Before doing anything from grandmother's advice or advice from the Internet, a woman must be sure that she has no contraindications. The baby should be positioned correctly in the uterus, in head presentation.

There should be no placental abruption even in the anamnesis at an early stage. The fetal bladder should be intact, there should be no leakage of water. The blood pressure of a woman should be normal, the hormonal level is sufficient for labor to proceed normally. Agree, not a single pregnant woman can say with certainty that all these conditions are met in her body.

Therefore, any home stimulation of labor is considered dangerous, risky and further increases the likelihood of complications in childbirth.

Non-medical ways

Looking at the suffering of a tired pregnant woman, relatives usually begin to give a lot of advice, which should speed up, provoke the onset of childbirth. These people's councils are passed down from generation to generation and have changed little over the past decades. What are they based on and does it really work? Let's try to answer this question.

"Move more, lift weights"

The advice is pretty dangerous. Indeed, physical activity helps to prepare the body for childbirth, but it cannot accelerate their onset, since it does not affect the hormonal background of the pregnant woman in any way. Moderate physical activity is useful primarily because the woman's muscle tissue, ligaments, tendons are in a constant good tone, which facilitates the process of childbirth. When moving, the blood supply to organs and tissues improves, which is also a good preparation for the birth of a child.

Some take the advice too literally and in the last stages they begin to actively rearrange furniture, move a closet or piano into the next room. It should be noted that in fact this does not speed up labor in any way, but it can cause premature rupture of amniotic fluid, placental abruption and bleeding. Both of these situations will not bring childbirth closer either, although with a high degree of probability a woman will be given a caesarean section with an early discharge of water, if contractions do not appear within a day, and with placental abruption, an emergency caesarean section is always performed. Staying in the womb will be deadly for the baby. Have you dreamed of such childbirth?

Then you need to take advice wisely. As physical activity, yoga for pregnant women is suitable (if she has practiced them before), light and easy cleaning in the house without tilting and squatting, walking up the stairs “sideways” (very dosed). Remember, this only keeps you in shape, but does not bring the birth closer.

"Take a hot bath, swim in the pool"

Swimming and water procedures in general are very useful for a pregnant woman. Finding a body whose weight has noticeably increased in water helps to relieve fatigue from the legs, back, and lower back. Typical late-term pain from water temporarily calms down, the condition improves, the mood rises.

Bathing in hot water increases blood flow to the skin and organs. How can this be dangerous for the expectant mother? Problems with the placenta, placental infarctions, placental abruption are not excluded. A rush of blood to the genitals, if you lie in a hot bath, increases vaginal secretion, which can indirectly affect the development of infection, and this is highly undesirable in the last days before childbirth. That is why a woman in the later stages is recommended to take a warm shower, and not fill the bath with hot water.

Especially dangerous can be water procedures and swimming in the pool after the discharge of the mucous plug. Even if the discharge has just begun to change, and the plug comes off in parts, the risk of infection of the fetus with bacteria, viruses and fungi through the cervical canal that is free to pass is high. Swimming and taking a bath after the plug is not recommended at all.

In general, bathing in a warm shower effectively relaxes the muscles and ligaments, which, of course, has a positive effect on the preparation of the cervix for childbirth (it is also a muscle). But to quickly induce labor in this way will not work.

"Have more sex"

This method is popularly called "muzheterapiya". It has a very pronounced effect, but first of all on the future father. He will definitely like this treatment. As for the prospect of stimulating contractions, things are not so rosy. Sperm does contain prostaglandins. These substances, getting into the female genital tract, really help to relax and soften the cervix. But sex, alas, does not affect the hormonal background and the ratio of oxytocin and progesterone in the body.

If there are no contraindications to intimate pleasures, a woman can practice this method. It gives pleasant sensations, improves mood, promotes relaxation. The method is not suitable if:

  • the mucous plug has departed or begun to depart;
  • the placenta is low, according to ultrasound;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • pregnancy after IVF.

In these cases, not only sexual intercourse is contraindicated, but also self-satisfaction.

There may be individual reasons why an obstetrician-gynecologist forbids having sex at a later date. Consult a doctor.

"Massage your nipples"

Good advice, as a light massage of the nipples stimulates the production of oxytocin. If labor is delayed only because of its lack of concentration, this can really help stimulate the onset of contractions on its own.

If the reasons are different, then the massage will not have any significant effect.

"Drink cumin oil and eat raspberries"

The products that are credited with a labor-stimulating property include caraway oil, raspberries, and seasonal vegetables and fruits. First of all, it is recommended to eat something that contains a lot of fiber. The advice is completely harmless and very practical. A large amount of fiber contributes to a mild natural relaxation of the intestines, is the prevention of constipation. A full bowel puts pressure on the uterus. To start labor, it will be better if the intestines are not crowded.

Convincing evidence of the effect of products on contractions before childbirth, of course, does not exist. But proper nutrition with vegetables and fruits definitely does not hurt.

The 38th week of pregnancy has come. Now we can say with confidence that everything went well, the baby has completely completed its intrauterine development and is ready to be born. All organs and systems are formed, the only change that continues to occur is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. But this process will continue after the birth of the child. If the pregnancy is delayed, many women begin to be interested in the question of how to provoke childbirth. However, doctors urge not to rush, nature knows the time better, especially since the period from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the most favorable for birth. Starting from the 43rd week, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy can offer artificial stimulation. However, the topic of our article is "How to provoke childbirth on your own, at home, without harm to the baby and your own health."

First rule - you need to see a doctor

The desire to give birth as soon as possible is understandable and logical. The woman is tired, the baby has already become quite heavy, his activity sometimes causes pain to his mother, and even so I want to try on lace caps and booties. However, safety comes first! Therefore, before inducing labor, it is necessary to make sure that the child has time to roll over and take a position with his head down, which contributes to the easy and quick passage of the birth canal. That is why you need to go to the gynecologist and ask him about the situation of your baby. If he is already in a head-down position, this is a good sign, but this is not the only criterion to consider.

Additional examination and self-analysis of the condition

Before thinking about how to induce labor, you need to make sure that this will not worsen your condition. If during pregnancy you were worried about high blood pressure, there are kidney diseases and edema, then any intervention during pregnancy is contraindicated. Even if you went through the entire pregnancy in one breath, you should monitor your condition very carefully and do not use any of the methods below if there is no one nearby who could provide timely assistance if your health worsens. An absolute contraindication is the Rh conflict of mother and child, premature detachment of the placenta, rupture of amniotic fluid.

The best is natural childbirth

This rule applies to all cases. Women often ask doctors questions about how to induce labor at 38 weeks, to which they receive an answer not to rush and wait a bit. It is quite possible that tomorrow a wonderful event awaits you, so let the baby himself be born, obeying the biological clock. However, if you are already impatient at all, you can speed up the onset of childbirth a little. To do this, it is recommended to increase physical activity. No wonder there used to be a sign: "As you prepare the nest, so the chick will appear." A woman at the 9th month had to prepare the house for the meeting of the baby, and at an earlier date it was forbidden to do this. Cosmetic repairs and general cleaning took several weeks, after which the woman in labor with a sense of accomplishment went to the maternity hospital. In fact, physical activity stimulates labor activity.

How to induce labor at 38 weeks for a modern woman? It is enough to take regular long walks, climb the stairs on foot, go swimming in the pool. The most important thing is to dose the load correctly. Heavy lifting and overexertion can cause placental abruption.


No wonder this method is most often transmitted from one woman to another. Indeed, if we talk about how to induce labor at 39 weeks, the best way is sex. At the same time, it is light and pleasant. This effect is achieved due to the physiological contraction of the cervix during orgasm, which entails the onset of labor, so that you can go straight from the marriage bed to the hospital. But that's not all: if you and your spouse are completely confident in each other, then it is undesirable to use a condom.

This tool is used only in cases where there is no risk of infection with various infections. Remember that in the later stages, especially if the mucous plug has already moved away, the risk of penetration of pathogenic bacteria to the fetus is very high. This is one of the most pleasant ways from the series: "How to provoke the onset of labor." With all this, male sperm perfectly prepares the uterus for childbirth. It contains large quantities of special substances - prostaglandins. They perfectly contribute to the ripening and significant softening of the female cervix. Do not forget that a man at the time of intimacy should be as gentle, attentive and caring as possible, because excessive activity can provoke placental abruption.

Stimulate the production of oxytocin

If the pregnancy continues, since the previous methods did not work, then the expectant mother is already very interested in how to induce labor at 40 weeks. Let's delve a little into physiology: all the processes that take place in our body are tied to hormones. Which of them is responsible for labor activity, dilatation of the cervix and contractions? It's called oxytocin, and it's the drip that women in the hospital inject into a vein when doctors decide to induce labor.

However, the body is able to produce it on its own, which most often happens. If the baby is very late and the question arose of how to induce labor at 40 weeks, then start performing a daily nipple massage. Firstly, it helps prepare the breasts for feeding, and secondly, it stimulates the production of oxytocin and uterine contractions. If you perform a light massage of the nipples daily, starting from 35-36 weeks, then there is a great chance to give birth to a healthy baby at 38 weeks.


Herbalists have long wondered how to induce labor at home. At the same time, the accumulated experience allows you to perform this quite effectively, but you need to remember that even the safest herbs, if used incorrectly, can result in placental abruption or bleeding, so it is advisable to use them only as a last resort. In this case, be sure to consult with the doctor who is pregnant.

The safest way in a series of how to induce preterm labor is to eat meals containing a large amount of fresh beets and parsley. At the same time, be guided by your condition: if you feel nausea or an allergic reaction occurs, then cancel these products. Of the safest herbs, one can name shepherd's purse, barberry, nettle. Since it is possible to induce labor at home with the use of these herbs quite successfully, it is undesirable to use them before 38 weeks. Another remedy is a weak infusion of raspberry leaves. Doctors do not confirm the effectiveness of this remedy, but this does not reduce its popularity. Judging by the reviews of women, many gave birth at 38 weeks, using this drink instead of tea. Although it is quite possible that their biological clock was set that way.


There is another way to induce labor. To do this, it is recommended to eat certain foods. These are pineapples that contain bromelain. It initiates and facilitates childbirth. In addition, it is recommended to eat hot spices, Mexican dishes or food seasoned with chili peppers. Black licorice stimulates childbirth, since it will not be possible to quickly provoke childbirth with the help of products, it should be added to food starting from the 37th week. It stimulates intestinal spasms, which in turn cause uterine contractions. Garlic works in much the same way, so if there are no contraindications, be sure to eat a spicy vegetable.

In order to avoid constipation and stimulate labor in the later stages, it is recommended to eat more foods containing fiber. The last weeks of pregnancy are the time when you need to stop eating heavy food, you should give preference to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Prunes and dried fruits will help normalize bowel activity.

Castor oil and other laxatives

We continue the conversation about how you can provoke childbirth. One of the popular ways is to use laxatives, but be sure to consult your doctor, not all of them are harmless and can be used by a pregnant woman. What effect underlies the use of these drugs and folk remedies? The fact is that bowel movement is always accompanied by active muscular activity, in other words, contractions. Since the uterus is located very close, muscle contractions are transferred to it. But that's not all. The fact is that constipation is a common problem of pregnant women. Because of them, there is an accumulation of feces in the intestines. When under the influence of laxatives it is emptied, the baby's head may drop lower. The pressure of the head on the bottom of the uterus stimulates the onset of labor.

Of all the medicines, pregnant women are advised to use castor oil. This method is quite controversial from the point of view of modern medicine, but it has long been practiced by many obstetrician-gynecologists. We are talking about taking castor oil inside. This is a fairly powerful laxative that leads to intensive cleansing of the entire intestine. In turn, this entails the onset of uterine contractions, its opening and the actual birth. For one dose, only 50 g of castor oil is enough, which can be diluted with fresh orange or apple juice. It is very likely that long-awaited contractions will begin immediately after taking castor oil, so if you are looking for a way to induce labor at 40 weeks, then you can try this remedy.

However, you should be very careful. Castor oil is a very strong laxative; if taken uncontrolled, it causes severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration of a woman's body. Childbirth is ahead, which means you need to gain strength. Exhausted by severe diarrhea, the body will not cope with such a load.

Reasons for inducing labor

If we discard banal excuses like fatigue and the desire to nurse a newborn as soon as possible, there are reasons when stimulating labor activity is really justified. These are increased intraocular pressure, leakage of amniotic fluid and an allergy to prostaglandins. In addition, doctors recommend stimulation if there are scars on the uterus or the pelvis itself is very narrow. For this, there is a special "Propidol-gel", which is injected into the cervix, but this can only be done if the amniotic sac is intact. In addition, if you are more than 40 weeks pregnant, or more than 38 in the case of a multiple pregnancy, doctors themselves will begin to look for a way to stimulate contractions using special drugs. Without a proper examination, their use is too dangerous, so you should definitely consult a doctor.

Summing up

As you can see, there are many ways to speed up the meeting with the baby. But think about it, is it really necessary? If the pregnancy is going well and there is no threat to the life and health of the child, then born at 42 weeks, he will feel great. At the same time, mom will have an extra month to sleep well and gain strength before future motherhood. After all, with the advent of the crumbs into the world, your nightly peaceful sleep will come to an end. Despite the increasing severity, you can always find advantages in this. Indeed, the next time you will not have to feel the heartbeat inside you soon, enjoy this state to the end.

If doctors have any doubts, they will be the first to offer you an adequate way to induce labor, and it will definitely be safe for you and the baby. Such events are already held in the maternity hospital, where qualified specialists are ready to take birth at any time. Today, in the arsenal of physicians there is a whole range of ways to stimulate them - this is a puncture of the amniotic bladder, the introduction of oxytocin, exfoliation of the amniotic membranes. Each of them has its pros and cons, indications and contraindications. These methods are strictly individual, and their effect is manifested within a few hours. That is why it is necessary to use them only under the supervision of doctors. Therefore, be careful - do not harm yourself and your child by your own actions!