Composition of gerberas. How to assemble a bouquet of gerberas and what to use

The rose is recognized as the queen of flowers, but in terms of popularity and availability, it begins to lose ground to a diverse and vibrant gerbera. These flowers are truly universal, because you can give them to absolutely everyone and under any circumstances.

There is a legend about a beautiful forest nymph named Gerbera, who was so tired of constant attention and admiration for her beauty that she decided to turn into an inconspicuous flower. But in this case, too, she failed to avoid attention, because the flower turned out to be bright, beautiful and original.

And since then Gerbera managed to win more than one heart with its charm. It is grown both in the garden and in pots on the windowsill, making breathtaking bouquets. It goes well with other colors. Her discreet beauty brings smiles and positive emotions. Bouquets of these magnificent flowers suitable for any celebration.

What flowers go with gerberas in a bouquet?

Gorgeous gerbera flowers can be as a customized bouquet, and be used in various compositions. In order to shade and decorate a bouquet of gerberas, you can use decorative greenery. Real masterpieces come from tandem gerberas with irises and lilies.

Also popular are the compositions of these flowers. with roses or chrysanthemums. Such bouquets can decorate the interior, if you add decorative artificial elements to the composition or please your loved ones with fresh flowers.

On the advice of designers, do not use in compositions more than three kinds of different colors. Otherwise, the bouquet will look clumsy and cumbersome. Combinations of dark and light colors will look beautiful.

Bouquets of gerberas are a game of shades and halftones

You can make a contrasting composition of orange gerberas and blue or purple irises diluted with greenery. The original bouquet will turn out from gerberas of the same color but in different shades.

When creating a bouquet, remember that small flowers and decorative elements are best placed at the edges, but large flowers should be in the center.

When creating any bouquets, use your taste and imagination. Any unusual compositions of gerberas will be worthy of attention. However, when composing a bouquet, be sure to be guided by Who exactly do you want to present your masterpiece to?.

A bouquet of gerberas is a universal gift

Bouquets of gerberas can be presented to a teacher, mother, grandmother, and not necessarily for a holiday. Besides, gerberas can even be seen in wedding bouquets. Naturally, in this case, pastel flowers will look appropriate. Such an original bouquet will not only amaze with its beauty, but also remain fresh for a long period.

Thanks to its resilience, gerberas can be used in original compositions for decoration in combination with other flowers and decorative elements. Another indisputable advantage of these wonderful flowers is their hypoallergenicity, because they are practically have no smell.

When combining a lily and a gerbera, be careful - not all colors and types can be combined. Gerbera and a rose are one of the most successful combinations.

Wedding bouquet of gerberas

Traditional bridal bouquets are becoming more original and interesting every year. Many brides are increasingly deviate from the generally accepted rules in holding a wedding, they use original outfits and, of course, unusual bouquets.

Choosing a composition of gerberas, the young woman emphasizes her individuality, brightness of the image and originality.

Gerbera is a symbol of modesty and mystery. The owner of such an original bouquet is a positive person from all sides, cheerful, with a good sense of humor. Gerberas are very positive flowers. When you look at them, you get the impression that you are looking at the bright sun. They create a happy atmosphere around them.

We can say that a bouquet of gerberas is a kind of amulet that creates positive aura around the bride. And this is the best way to reflect on future family life.

Red gerberas will perfectly complement the bride's white outfit - you just need to place a few accents in the same color

Together with the gerbera, other flowers can be used in the wedding bouquet, which will dilute the color scheme and give the bouquet originality. But before make your own bouquet, florists advise to know a few rules so that the composition looks harmonious:

  • Arranging various flowers don't forget the green decor. Various decorative sprigs of greenery, decorative elements will decorate the bouquet and give it completeness
  • To make the bouquet stylish and harmonious, you need to use no more than three kinds of different colors
  • Pay attention to the combination of colors. Combine dark shades with light ones, play on the contrast of colors
  • You can make a bouquet with ombre effect, combining the gradation of dark shades with light
  • A bouquet of gerberas for a wedding celebration will look impressive if it is made in a rounded style or in the form of a cascade

Bridal bouquet of white and red gerberas and roses

Wedding bouquet of white gerberas

White flowers, shrouded in a unique radiance, with black hearts look especially stylish and elegant as a bridal bouquet. To add glamor to such a composition, it can be decorated with rhinestones, bright ribbons or exquisite pearls.

Also, bouquets of gerberas of a suitable shade can be make the whole celebration. Festive compositions on the tables will look great.

A bride's bouquet of gerberas will look no less impressive in combination with flowers such as chrysanthemums, lush roses and sophisticated irises. An original composition of white gerberas will make central accent of a bright flower.

The beauty of a gerbera wedding bouquet is that these flowers keep their freshness perfectly. throughout the day even without any recharge. Also, gerberas practically do not smell and do not irritate with aroma. This is a very useful property for those who suffer from allergies.

Bridal bouquet of chrysanthemums and gerberas

Gorgeous gerberas go well with any flowers. But compositions with chrysanthemums are special. The restraint of exquisite gerberas is emphasized by the elegance and volume of chrysanthemums. For the bride, this combination is very successful. But the color scheme already depends on the individual.

Modest and sophisticated young ladies will suit arrangements of chrysanthemums and gerberas in pastel colors. You can add one bright flower to the bouquet as an accent.

For bright and self-confident persons, as a wedding bouquet, you can choose a combination of the same bright shades of gerberas and chrysanthemums. A great combination will be a composition of saturated gerberas and chrysanthemums in white or cream.

But when composing a bouquet, it should be remembered that chrysanthemums can not remain fresh for long. Therefore, such a bouquet is best provided special sponge or a small container for moisture.

White chrysanthemums and pink gerberas in one bouquet

Large red gerberas and fluffy chrysanthemums in a wedding bouquet

Wedding bouquet of colorful gerberas and chrysanthemums

A bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums is not wedding

beautiful chrysanthemums serve as an addition to gerberas. Such a bouquet can be presented at any celebration, for any reason, absolutely to any person. A magnificent composition can consist of flowers of various shades.

For men, discreet classic colors such as orange, white or red are suitable. But for a friend or lady of the heart, you can choose a bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums in brighter shades.

Will look nice bright, warm, sunny color combinations. With the help of decorative elements such as ribbons, greenery or special grass, you can give the bouquet a personality.

Video: How to collect a bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums?

White gerberas: bouquet

Simple and graceful white gerberas can decorate with their beauty not only bouquets and compositions, but also rooms as decoration. If you have chosen bouquet of white gerberas, then with this gift you can express my deepest sympathy.

White gerberas in symbolism mean light flirting and playful mood. They express cheerfulness, light love. A bouquet of white gerberas will appropriate as an addition to a gift colleague, woman, parents, acquaintances.

white gerberas

Exquisite bouquet of white gerberas

Bouquet of white gerberas

Pink gerberas: bouquet

Soft pink, bright, pastel and cream colors - there are so many shades in the pink color palette. All of them were embodied in magnificent flowers - gerberas. Bouquet of pink gerberas symbolizes sympathy and admiration.

If you decide to give someone such a delightful composition, then know that pink gerberas symbolize good health or strong friendship.

pink gerberas

Bouquet of pale pink gerberas

Bouquet of pink gerberas with decor

Video: Bouquet of pink gerberas

Particularly popular with florists enjoy combinations of gerberas with roses. Such bouquets are lush, original and look elegant and rich. In addition, roses perfectly tolerate the neighborhood with gerberas, so this tandem does not affect the condition of the flowers.

In drawing up bouquets with roses and gerberas, use your imagination. You can create a composition where in a chaotic manner flowers are mixed in a bouquet. You can put roses in the center and surround them with gerberas, or do the opposite. In any case, do not forget about decorative additions in the form of ribbons or greenery.

Roses and gerberas

white gerberas combined with roses

Bouquet of roses and gerberas matched in one color

Bouquet of yellow gerberas

It is generally accepted that yellow flowers are a symbol of separation. But this is by no means the case. Yellow is a warm, calming, hopeful and good mood color. Therefore, if you want lift someone's spirits and charge a person with positive - take a closer look at the bouquet of yellow gerberas.

These flowers in shape already resemble the sun, and in yellow tone they are absolutely identical with the heavenly body. You can choose according to your taste muted, discreet yellow color, or you can give preference to a bright, truly sunny color. After all, thanks to breeders, the choice of shades of gerberas is simply amazing!

Composition of yellow gerberas and irises

Orange gerberas: bouquet

As a rule, orange gerberas can be given for any joyful celebration. According to florists, orange flowers bring warmth and light. They attract good luck and happiness to the house. Therefore, a bouquet of orange gerberas will look appropriate at any holiday.

Purple gerberas: bouquet

Purple gerberas look quite exotic and original. Saturated colors fit perfectly into various bouquets. Bouquet of purple gerberas combined with pink

Blue gerberas: bouquet

Blue gerberas do not exist in nature. It is made artificially. But this in no way affects the state of the flower itself. A a bouquet of blue gerberas will look exotic and original. Paired with other flowers or decorative greens, blue gerberas are sure to win your heart.

Beautiful bouquet of colorful gerberas

The combination of several shades of gerberas in one bouquet looks bright and rich. Bright colors are able to cheer up and give a lot of positive emotions. Such compositions will be useful for any solemn and not very occasions.

colorful gerberas will look appropriate anytime and anywhere. Therefore, if you are going to a celebration, give preference to gerberas - unique and versatile colors.

How long do gerberas last in a vase, in water?

Fragile gerberas can go without water for a long time, while maintaining their freshness. These flowers prefer cold water, preferably settled.

Gerberas can stand in a vase up to two weeks provided that the water is changed several times a day.

The water must be chilled. Stems should be well submerged in water. And the tips of the stems can be scalded with boiling water so that the flowers stand longer.

How to save gerberas so that they stand in a vase longer?

  1. First of all, before placing the gerberas in a container of water, it is necessary to carry out pruning stems. This is only done with a sharp knife! It is better to make a cut obliquely in order to expand the water absorption area. It is better if the stems are short, so the bouquet will last longer
  2. Since gerberas are very fragile flowers, they must be placed in a vase in a special way. The tips of the stems should not touch the bottom of the container., so the gravity will not put pressure on the inflorescences. You can use wire or tape to strengthen the stems under the flower stalks
  3. It is better to use settled water without any impurities. Activated charcoal or citric acid can be added to it to improve the disinfection of the liquid. Some florists recommend add special fertilizers to the water
  4. Desirable Trim gerbera stems lightly daily so that the plant fully receives moisture and nutrition. It is also advisable to change the water daily.
  5. Gerberas do not like heat and bright light. Therefore, the bouquet is better placed in a cool room.

With sufficient care and observance of simple rules, gerberas will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of gerberas in the sun frame

Gerbera is a "sunny" flower, and this is not surprising - it comes from Africa, where there is eternal summer and sun all year round. Bright, positive, carrying a charge of energy and kindness, symbolizing good luck, success and the best feelings. It is popular all over the world, in terms of sales among cut flowers, it occupies one of the first places. More than a thousand varieties - this plant cannot be called monotonous, and many colors allow you to create very beautiful compositions and bouquets.

Whom to give gerberas to?

In any case, to the person to whom you treat well. So:

  • Beloved girl. Moreover, such a legend can accompany the gift: once an unusually beautiful forest nymph, tired of the obsessive attention of young men and the envy of girls, wished to turn into a flower and became an amazing gerbera. (At the same time, of course, you need to add: “Beloved, you are so beautiful that no nymph can compare with you, and these flowers only shade your beauty”).
  • Man. Gerberas are great for, and when giving them, you can and should say that they symbolize good luck and success, and wish you a bright and beautiful life, such as this composition. Naturally, delicate pastel shades should be avoided when it comes to a young man. If a man is aged, then you can give a light a bouquet of gerberas - as you know, older people are not recommended to give flowers of dark shades and those that fade quickly (gerberas, by the way, can stand up to 20 days or even more).
  • Child for a birthday. Flowers are always a sign of attention, and such bright and beautiful "daisies" are the best suited for a children's holiday. Of course, they should not replace a gift, but complement it - why not?
  • Mom on March 8, birthday or even just like that - as a sign of love and attention. Believe me, she will be very pleased!
  • A child can give such a bouquet to a teacher - on September 1, Teacher's Day, teacher's birthday.
  • Often, gerberas are also used to create wedding bouquets (usually delicate, pastel shades, but, depending on the dress and preferences of the bride, bright ones can also be used). Such a bouquet is not only amazingly beautiful, it will also be perfectly preserved until the evening.

Since these flowers stand for a long time, you can simply decorate your home with them by creating decorative compositions with your own hands, using a special sponge (sold in floristry stores), wire, other flowers, greenery, decorative elements. By creating floral masterpieces, you will not only decorate the interior, but also save a lot - you won’t have to pay for the “creativity” and the work of a florist designer.

What is remarkable about gerberas - they practically do not smell, which means - no allergies and no headaches from the floral aroma infused in the room!

What colors go with gerberas

  • Gerbera is a flower that can be used both in homogeneous compositions and in combination with other plants. Beautifully sets off and decorates a bouquet of gerberas decorative greenery, you can also create whole works of art using lilies, irises. Bouquets of gerberas and chrysanthemums, compositions for interior decoration in combination with small white roses or artificial decorative elements are quite popular.
  • In bouquets and compositions, designers recommend using no more than three types of flowers, otherwise it will be too colorful and cumbersome. You can combine dark and light shades, as well as play in contrast - for example, add bright blue irises and a little greenery to orange gerberas.
  • Also, one color can prevail in the composition, only its shades change.
  • Light and small flowers are placed closer to the edges of the bouquet, while bright and large ones are placed closer to the center.

When creating bouquets of gerberas, you can use your own imagination and taste, create unusual compositions - for example, cut a floral sponge in the shape of a heart and decorate it with bright red gerberas and small white chrysanthemums. You will get a wonderful gift for your beloved girlfriend, wife - such a beautiful declaration of love that will be appreciated. And to supplement it with beautiful words, of course!

Wedding bouquets from gerberas

Bouquets of these simple, but so cute and lovely flowers have become extremely popular lately. What is a big plus is that it is not necessary to use a heavy flower porter, the gerberas will be perfectly preserved until the end of the wedding celebration.

  1. To start compiling a bouquet, the flowers need to be watered - for this = "" put them in fresh water for 6 hours. At the same time, a special product "cresal" is added (purchased = "" by a flower shop or floristry salon). If =»» were purchased with head nets, these nets do not need to be removed. without them, then a piece of cardboard is taken, holes are cut out of them, gerbera stems are threaded. Flower heads lie on cardboard, and stand in water so they will droop and look natural.
  2. Further, when composing the composition, a parallel technique is used, where the stem is tightly applied to another stem. You can add some decorative greenery.
  3. In order for the plants to breathe, the tie is made from natural material - you can take woolen threads, for example. A decorative tie is already being made on top - a light, matching ribbon and tied with a beautiful bow. This laconic minimalist bouquet, simple and elegant, is extremely popular with modern brides.

Beautiful and cheerful floral mix - a combination of gerberas and other flowers - daisies, callas, chrysanthemums, irises, tulips. And, finally, the triumph of romance - a combination of magnificent bright gerberas with simple wild flowers and greenery. Incredibly beautiful and fresh!

Gerbera is one of the most popular flowers among wedding florists. We will show you how you can use this flower with its countless colors and shades in a wedding bouquet. You will find out what it symbolizes, what colors it goes best with, what shape to choose for a bouquet and how to decorate it. In addition, we will give detailed instructions on how to make a beautiful and stylish bouquet with your own hands.

Gerbera is a colorful sun, radiating joy and vitality with all its appearance. One of the most favorite flowers among buyers and florists. Easily tolerates heat and cold, does not fade for a very long time, up to a month without additional funds and care, blooms from early spring to late autumn, has neither thorns nor leaves on the peduncle.

The most important distinguishing feature of these flowers, their calling card, is their incredibly diverse coloration. At the service of your imagination - all kinds of shades of red, white, pink, yellow and orange, combined options (petals of one color, core - another), variegated (petals can be two or more colors at the same time). There are no only blue shades, although according to your order, the florist will color the white gerbera through the stem in any color you like.


  • Many different shades, which allows the bride to create her own, unique bouquet
  • Odorless and suitable for girls with allergies or headaches
  • They stay in water for a long time even without additional substances
  • Always available
  • Inexpensive (unless you choose a unique and therefore expensive variety)
  • Raise mood and charge with optimism 🙂

Disadvantage: they often suffer from fungal diseases, so you need to choose flowers for a bouquet yourself, examining each leg, or contact a reliable florist.


Gerbera originated in South Africa, and at the moment there are about 75 species growing there. Not all of them are suitable for creating bouquets, however, breeders managed to rectify the situation and now more than a thousand varieties of gerberas are at the service of florists.

Color: all shades of orange, pink, red, yellow and white. Through the efforts of breeders, a huge number of mixed types have been bred. The most beautiful and valuable gerberas have plain petals with a contrasting center of a different color.

Inflorescence type: terry or semi-double. Terry is surprisingly beautiful and resembles asters, a characteristic feature is dense and often arranged elongated petals. Well, semi-double ones resemble daisies, only they are several times larger and are presented in all kinds of colors, with the exception of blue shades.

flower size: large or small. The group with a large flower is the most numerous, the size of the basket is 10-15 cm on a long stem, up to 75 cm. A group of mini-gerberas, characterized by narrow petals, a low peduncle of about 45 cm and a basket diameter of not more than 9 cm.

petal shape: narrow, medium and wide.

What do they symbolize

For all its openness, in the language of flowers, gerbera denotes mystery, modesty, an emerging intimate feeling. And yet, among florists, it is more common to believe that a flower personifies love of life, joy, a happy smile and a wish for material wealth.

The best combinations in a bouquet

Gerbera is a catchy flower and is almost always the dominant chord in a bouquet, and therefore a mono-bouquet will look very advantageous in the hands of the bride. The best combination in this case is floral greenery. Here you can experiment endlessly, choosing the most harmonious options.

However, if the bride wants to diversify her image, then you can pay attention to combinations with alstroemerias, irises, chrysanthemums, large daisies. For lovers of the extravagant, a combination of burgundy large-headed roses and white gerberas is suitable.

Forms of gerbera bouquets

Like many other flowers, gerbera looks good in the form of a classic hemispherical wedding bouquet. The only thing is that a bunch of wide heads leaves ugly bald spots in the bouquet, but the problem is easily solved if you fill the voids with greenery or other smaller flowers. Well, or you can gently press the heads to each other.

But other than that, the gerbera is one of the few flowers that looks absolutely charming in a basket. Many brides neglect this version of the wedding bouquet, and in vain: it is convenient to carry the basket in lowered hands, the flowers live quietly for more than a month due to the floristic wet sponge, and, most importantly, it is very original!

How to decorate a bouquet

In addition to all the above advantages, this rainbow flower has another important bonus - it harmonizes with almost any decor. Small figures on the bouquet in the form of butterflies, bugs or birds, all kinds of satin ribbons, bows with crystal rhinestones, pearl jewelry (only white and pink gerberas). Almost everything that your fantasy tells you will successfully decorate the bouquet. It is only important to choose the decor for the shade of the flower.

How to make a wedding bouquet from gerberas with your own hands

Instructions on how to make a classic wedding bouquet of 12 large gerberas, decorated with greenery.

You will need:

  • 4 types of large-headed gerberas - three of each color
  • flower clippers
  • wide green tape
  • green rubber band for money
  • strong floristic greenery with medium-sized, ideally round leaves

Action plan:

  1. Take four gerberas of different colors, attach them to each other in the form of a circle. Choose the most beautiful flowers, this is the middle of your bouquet.
  2. Take one branch of each color and put it on top of the rest in a checkerboard pattern. Make sure that two identical flowers are not in the neighborhood, this is not very beautiful. Place the gerberas at a slight angle.
  3. Repeat until you have a beautiful hemisphere. It's okay if some heads are crushed or go over the neighboring ones - this is absolutely normal 🙂 Moreover, if 3-4 flowers look up 1.5-2 cm from the common cap, your bouquet will look carelessly romantic.
  4. Lay the bottom of the bouquet with branches of greenery. You can also fill the voids between the petals with greenery branches - this will give the bouquet a more lively, natural look.
  5. Tie the legs and branches of greenery into one strong bunch with an elastic band.
  6. Shorten the stems of flowers and greenery to the desired length. It is most convenient to measure it like this: grab the stem of the bouquet under the flower heads with both hands, placing them one below the other, and add 5 cm. Cut off everything that is superfluous.
  7. Starting from the base of the bouquet, tightly wrap the leg with teip tape. Please note: no bare spots should be visible between the layers of the tape.
  8. Now decorate the bouquet as you wish. It is recommended to cover the leg of the bouquet with a beautiful ribbon, because the teip tape becomes sticky from the warmth of the hands and, in the instructions, serves only to fasten the flowers to each other. Ready!

All the details of making a bouquet can be seen in this video:

Which bride is suitable for gerberas

A cheerful laughter woman definitely should not pass by such a flower that is close in spirit to her! Bright, warm shades of gerbera definitely will not leave the tireless optimist indifferent. These rainbow suns in the hands will suit a girl of absolutely any age, because a huge variety of colors allows you to create both a romantic, airy composition and a solid bouquet.

And finally: if the bride wants to show the guests that her wedding is not a stiff tribute to traditions, but a truly joyful event, then gerberas are the best helper in that!

Gerbera, similar to a very large chamomile, has flowers of various colors. In her palette, only blue and blue paint is missing. Gerbera flowers can be very small or very large. The petals framing the "basket" on which they are held are similar in shape to the tongues. Gerberas go on sale already without its beautiful leaves, elongated, intricately cut. Gerbera stems are very fragile, and florists always compact them when starting work so that the heavy head does not break them.

Such a variety of bright colors has found the love of buyers and, of course, application in floristry. Of these, bouquets are made for any occasion, especially since gerbera goes well with any other flowers, berries and fruits. Wedding bouquets of gerberas are noticeably different from the rest.

On the table

If a bouquet is bought just for the soul, then it is often decorated with a slice of lime, and for a long time, for a week, looking at it, you will rejoice. In size, it differs significantly from a gift bouquet or composition.

For holidays and corporate events, large bouquets are ordered, which are not at all like wedding bouquets, which are distinguished by special lyricism and intimacy.

For luck

Hailing from southern countries, gerbera wedding bouquets shine with sunlight even on the gloomiest day and always cheer up an already good mood. Joy and love of life radiate this elegant simple flower.

The abundance of shapes and colors is its main advantage.

Simplicity and elegance

Gerbera wedding bouquets are rarely ordered, but in vain: white and pink, they will sound very gentle and romantic. Since gerbera wedding arrangements are rare, this choice will be very original. If desired, wedding bouquets of gerberas can be beaten in different ways. They are given uncomplicated simplicity or, conversely, glamor and chic.

Simplicity is achieved by the fact that the bridal bouquet of gerberas is made in one color. But that doesn't mean it won't be impressively handsome. A bright orange or warm sunny or bright pink spot in the hands of the bride looks very advantageous.

The greenery framing the bouquet and the design of its legs will go well with the elegant dress of the newlywed and the groom's boutonniere.

The joy of combining with other colors

If you add blue hydrangea, airy gypsophila and lush roses to pure white gerberas, then on a hot day or just from looking at it, peace and coolness will appear in a stuffy room.

The packaging is usually concise, allowing the flowers to show themselves.

Autumn weddings

This long-standing tradition has come to us from the time when it is no longer hot, but the weather is wonderfully warm and clear, and for those who deal with the land, almost all the work has already been completed, and you can finally have a wedding. And bridal bouquets of gerberas are selected in warm golden tones, small fruit plants and sunflowers are often added to them.

These joyful notes, light, bright, cheerful, will set the tone for the holiday. The bride and groom are perfectly tanned and look especially fresh against the backdrop of nature when they walk with guests in parks and squares. A golden-orange bridal bouquet of gerberas at a photo shoot will look amazingly beautiful against the backdrop of golden foliage. And the guests and the groom can also collect bouquets of bright yellow, green and red leaves. With such a landscape, not only the traditional white dress of the bride, but also cream, golden, light beige are wonderfully combined.


A falling bouquet can also be made from gerberas. A variety of flowers can be added to it, and greenery will decorate a long dress, like live embroidery. Such wedding bouquets are not forgotten.

In dark colors

This is not necessarily boring, but only emphasizes the solemnity and severity of the ceremony. Dark calla lilies or dried flowers framing wedding bouquets of gerberas will give a special look to the whole composition.

Chic and glamour.

The rose is rightfully considered the most beloved and most beautiful flower. And when a wedding bouquet of roses and gerberas is made, it simply enchants. Just roses and gerberas - and it seems that nothing is needed anymore. And the gerbera itself is the center of the composition. And if an orchid is added!

Gerbera (lat. Gerbera) - a flower of the aster family - one of the few that can be of almost any shade, therefore it goes well with other plants. It is quite possible to assemble a bouquet of gerberas with your own hands even for those who are not professional florists.

mono bouquet

Any mono-bouquet assumes that it will have only one type of flowers (an odd number). However, this does not mean that you can not add some additional components that will be used as decoration.

  1. Take a long and thin wire, stick its end into the stem right under the sepals and wrap the stem around it in a spiral. This is necessary so that the plant holds well and does not break.
  2. Arrange three branches of salal symmetrically, put one Gerbera flower in the middle, and arrange the rest at different levels around, but not quite symmetrically. It is best to take 5 or 7 pieces.
  3. Along the edges, you can add a few branches of bergrass, and fill the remaining empty spaces with gypsophila.

The resulting design is wrapped with a floristic mesh or sisal without sparkles. The color of the packaging must match the shade of the flowers or be neutral. In extreme cases, packaging can be completely abandoned, leaving only the tape.


Floristic composition can be diversified not only with the help of greenery. A bouquet of gerberas and looks great. Shades are better to take the same scale, but different. For example, cold ones are lilac and pink or white and blue, and warm ones are red and yellow or orange and peach.

  1. Take a sprig of chrysanthemum and greenery (ruskus or salal), place them side by side, but at different levels.
  2. Around - bergrass and gypsophila, which should rise slightly above the rest of the elements.
  3. Further in a circle is an odd number of gerberas (3-5 pieces).
  4. Using a pruner, all the stems must be cut to the same length, packed in a net. Sometimes, instead of packaging, large sheets of aspidistra are used as decor, they are folded in half and fixed with a stapler.
  5. Most plants of the aster family look very good not only with chrysanthemums, but also with field daisies, cornflowers, statices, bluebells, etc. Contrasting shades, for example, orange and blue (purple), are especially great.
  6. Overlay the main element of yellow or orange color with branches of small greens for arrangement (asparagus, grivillea).
  7. Further, in a circle at different heights and at different distances from each other, place a statice, a white bush carnation or a field chamomile.
  8. Now green again with gerbera.

All stems are cut to the same length, they should only intersect in one place to make a "ball". Since it contains a lot of wild flowers, it is worth using a material that looks like straw as packaging. The material is cut into squares and wrapped around the composition, pre-tied with ribbon, in a circle with the corners up. It remains only to secure the packaging material with a bow, and you're done!

flower queen

Undoubtedly, the rose can be called the queen of flowers, but it can also become an additional "ingredient" in the floral composition. Now quite often you can see a bouquet of gerberas and roses, where the latter perform an auxiliary function.

  1. Place three orange ones in the center, complementing them with a sprig of white spray chrysanthemum and gypsophila.
  2. Garnish with a date palm leaf or bergrass.
  3. Then red gerberas are arranged in a circle, also along with gypsophila and white small chrysanthemums.
  4. The composition is completed by branches of bergrass and statice.

For packaging, it is worth taking a grid of the same shades as the main components (rose, Gerbera).

As an alternative to the usual bouquet of gerberas, you can arrange the arrangement in a basket. To do this, you need a floral sponge and different plants for arranging.

  1. At the bottom of the basket, fix the sponge with double-sided tape or tie it with a beautiful ribbon (this way it will become a decorative element).
  2. Tear off the tops of the ruskus branches and stick them into the sponge along the edges. Instead of ruscus, you can use a fern.
  3. Arrange statica and alstroemeria in a free order.
  4. Roses of the same shade are stuck next to the alstroemeria.
  5. The remaining space is occupied by Gerbera and green leaves of Ruscus.

Since such a basket will turn out to be very bright, it does not require additional decorations. But you can attach small plastic ladybugs to the leaves - these decorations are very popular now.

When a beginner gets a bouquet of gerberas, he must take a photo of his creation in order to remember and repeat it later. Florists claim that this is a very grateful plant, with which you can create complex curly structures: hearts, animals, etc.