A beautiful romantic letter to a loved one. Message with a touch of humor

Give your beloved a letter in which gentle words will turn into gentle lines with a kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions...

Imagine that you fell in love (very much!) with a man who lives, unfortunately, far from you. You love him for a long time. But you no longer have any strength to hide your love for him. Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. He is more comfortable. Love - do not pay attention to the kilometers separating you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings!

Write to your loved one

The kind that makes his heart melt. Do you doubt what he needs? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write!

Do not spread any negativity on the lines. Try to avoid it, no matter how hard it is for you. Soak the whole letter with kindness, tenderness and good mood.

An example of a gentle and kind letter for a loved one

My beloved and affectionate angel! Night. I know that you are already sleeping. And I write because I want you to learn a lot. Even what you already know...

I love you sweetheart! You are unaware of these feelings. Maybe you can guess. You and I are very close friends. You are closer than a friend. This is exactly what I told you. Sorry for repeating myself again.

We never saw each other

We've never met in real life, but I'm looking forward to the day you arrive. Just over a month left to wait. But I will wait for you, my happiness. We agreed that we would leave everything as it is. I will not insist on something, I will not demand anything. It's important to me that we see each other. You know how I look forward to this….

We make fun when we correspond on the topic of love. I try not to show my feelings. I'll tell you what I love when we meet. How do you answer, I don't know. But the main thing is that I will open up to you. Now I'm afraid...

Kitten, you are the very best .... I'm so scared. That you'll find another while we're apart. You once went to the Vkontakte website. It was a summer night. But I know that at this time you are sleeping.

I had two versions:

  • First: “He is not alone. Some girl climbs on his page.
  • Second: “He went online to see if I was there or not. At the same time, admire my photographs ”….

The second one came later. It's always like that: first the bad comes to mind. Jealousy. How she annoys me! I didn't think she'd get into me. And she moved in and does not let go. Will he let go?

About the past

You know I broke up with my boyfriend. And you applied for his place. He called me yesterday. And I also told you about this, because I have no secrets from you. Our mutual friends say that he wants to return to me. And you found out about it. Sadly, without a smiley, you asked: “What are you?”. I thought for a long time how to answer so that you understand everything correctly. And I answered like this: “Most of all I want to meet you. If I go back to him, a lot can change.” You did not answer me for half an hour, which seemed to me an eternity .... Do you remember what you answered? You replied: "Hmm ...". I don't know how to interpret it... That's why I had to say that I was joking again. I polish all the words so as not to offend or offend you.

About future

My dear, you are very, very dear to me. If I lose you, my life will end. And I want to spend it with you! I want to erase all boundaries of friendship…. All! Until one! I want only friendship between us - love.

I so dream of dialing your number, but yesterday you dropped your cell phone. He does not work. This is sad. I don't know the home number. I asked him, but you didn't write. Apparently he was afraid that I would often call you? - Kidding!

I love you! I love my dear boy. Let's be together forever? It's so sad and bad without you. All my friends see how "gray" I am when I'm not talking to you on the Internet or on my mobile. Give me a rainbow, please. My rainbow is you and your feelings for me….

I dream not to let you go…. I want your touches, your caresses, your kisses .... Do you know how I imagined our first meeting? You call me from the station, say that you have arrived and wait for me at the entrance. I run out of the vestibule doors, call the elevator .... You are in the elevator. You come out of it, take me in your arms and kiss me sweetly.


I forgot that we are not dating, but friends. How I wish it was different. I love it when you call me angel.... Soon I will put a new status on Vkontakte: “I work as a personal angel for my closest friend. I'm not going to quit." I'm so tired of virtual communication. The sun is my favorite, come soon. I don't claim much. I just want to see you. I promise that I will hold back all the impulses of passion that live in me for you. I promise that I will kiss you on the cheek, as we agreed. I will fulfill everything that I promised you, my beloved sun.

Patience running out

I am ready to rush to you now, my happiness. I can't stand it, I'll buy a train ticket, and I'll come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It is a pity that there is a distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my love!

I am writing this letter knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful. Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. Yes, by the way, about the dream .... I remembered something.... We spoke on the mobile. I wished you good night. And you hinted that I dreamed about you. My dear, I really want to dream about you every night! I want to fall asleep next to and wake up .... I'm sorry I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is.

You are the man of my dreams

Yes, we have not seen each other in life, but I fell in love with you so much .... I resisted my feeling, choosing not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of her chest, flew into every line of this letter .... Love you…. Forgive me for that, if you can…. Just know, remember that you are the only one for me.

I am without you - a drop of dew, a rain on the glass, a grain of sand on the coast .... Be with me, my angel! I will be able to give you unearthly happiness. I need only one chance to carry out such a plan.

My love is real

You will understand that I am not lying if we are together. I need you…. More than air. You are my life. Because I love you madly. Anyone who fell in love on the Internet will be able to understand me.

I'm waiting for you, my bunny. You call me that too... And I am so pleased, so good from this. I am your sunny bunny that protects and loves you.

Continuation. . .

Everything gentle, pleasant - to a loved one

On the eve of the new year, on this December evening, when snow is quietly falling on the street, and garlands are burning in the windows of houses with all the colors of the rainbow, I think how to congratulate you on this festive evening. After all, I want my wish on New Year's Eve to become the warmest ...

Before such a holiday as the New Year, many people ask themselves the question - how to write a wish to a loved one? But it is very easy, the main thing is to write with the soul! A wish on New Year's Eve is very important, because you wish a person well for the whole year ahead and you need him ...

Not so long ago, people did not know what mobile phones, e-mail, computers and the Internet were. All people communicated either by home phone or by writing letters. The last option is the most romantic. We have read in books more than once, watched on TV how a guy writes a letter to a girl from the army or from somewhere else, or vice versa, a girl writes from home that she is waiting for him, loves and is faithful to him. In our time, this romantic activity has been replaced by a simple conversation on a mobile phone, or a banal correspondence on social networks.

Most people, experiencing such a bright feeling as love, in relation to a beloved person, are most often lost in doubt, in what way can one confess to a loved one in love, so that it looks beautiful and romantic, and does not look like the simplest routine. In this case, the best way to declare love is a love letter, which will be written by hand on a piece of paper using ink and a clerical pen. This type of recognition will inspire the addressee with exceptionally pleasant and warm feelings, especially on New Year's Eve.

My dear, beloved! I want to give you this snowy, first day in the New Year, as a new line of your poem about our life. After all, this day will be another beginning, a new breath of our warm relations. More than once I sent you love letters, in which I told about my sincere feelings that overwhelmed my little heart. But, with each letter, I understand more and more that there is nothing more beautiful in life than talking to you about these warm experiences. After all, with them I come to life, filled with new colors, with which I am ready to decorate our lives. I am grateful to you for your reverent care, for your patience, for your poems. I am grateful to you for being my teacher and teaching me to enjoy every day and every night, every ray of sunshine and rainy morning. I am grateful to you for everything that surrounded me in my life.

Hello beloved! It's hard to be apart without you, although we talk every day on the phone, emotions and thoughts still remain unsaid. And I want to share them! So I am writing a letter to my beloved, because on paper it is easier to lay out what remains unsaid. Firstly, I want to tell you: if they really say the truth that true love is tested by distance and separation, then I love you very much. Yes, it's hard without you, sometimes I remember our meetings, our conversations, kisses, and it becomes so sad in my soul. Supports one thought - this separation is not eternal. I'm counting the days left for our meeting and I hope nothing unforeseen happens that can delay it.

You can learn a lot from the great ones: create, think, behave with dignity... I'm sure their love letters can also teach us something. For example, write beautiful and sensual messages to your loved ones.


John Keats is today considered one of the greatest English-language poets. During his lifetime, however, influential critics, aggressive and reactionary, the same ones who hounded William Hazlitt, treated him as an upstart (he trained as an apothecary, and his father kept a paid stable, which, according to critics, was an insurmountable obstacle for writing poetry) and called Keats's poetry vulgar and overly flowery.
Throughout his life, Keats was low on funds and surrounded by illness and death: he lost his mother, brother and uncle - all of them died of tuberculosis. At the age of twenty-four, in 1820, the poet himself felt the symptoms of insidious consumption. His friend Charles Brown quotes Keats' heartbreaking words when he first saw blood on his handkerchief: “I know the color of such blood - it is arterial blood. Do not deceive me. This drop of blood is a warning of death. I must die." The poet went to Italy in the hope of being cured of his illness, but lived there for only a few months. He was buried in Rome, on the gravestone, at his request, an inscription was made: "Here lies the one whose name is written on the water."
The love of Keats' life was his neighbor in Hampstead, Fanny Brown, to whom he was engaged. His passion was often overshadowed by jealousy - Fanny had a reputation for being a windy coquette, although evidence of her frivolous behavior is hard to find. On the contrary, the facts show that she mourned for her fiancé for almost ten years and, as he asked, was friends with his sister. She eventually married a wealthy businessman named Louis Lindo in 1833.

My dear girl!
Nothing in the world could give me more pleasure than your letter, except you yourself. I am almost tired of being amazed that my senses blissfully obey the will of that being who is now so far away from me. Without even thinking about you, I feel your presence, and a wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my joyless days and sleepless nights have not cured me of my love for Beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not around, and I am forced to overcome in dull patience an existence that cannot be called Life. Never before have I known that there is such love as you have given me. I didn't believe in her; I was afraid to burn in its flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to scorch us - it will be no more than we, sprinkled with the dew of Pleasure, can bear. You mention "terrible people" and ask if they will prevent us from seeing each other again. My love, understand only one thing: you fill my heart so much that I am ready to turn into a Mentor, as soon as I notice the danger that threatens you. In your eyes I want to see only joy, on your lips - only love, in your walk - only happiness.
I would like to see only pleasure in your eyes. Let our love be a source of pleasure, and not a shelter from grief and worries. But if the worst happens, I can hardly remain a philosopher and follow my own prescriptions; if my hardness hurts you, I can't! Why should I not talk about your Beauty, without which I could never love you? Only Beauty is capable of awakening such love as my love for you - I cannot imagine otherwise. There may be another love for which, without a hint of mockery, I am ready to have the deepest respect and admiration for it. But it is deprived of that strength, that flowering, that perfection and charm with which my heart is filled. So let me talk about your Beauty, even if it is dangerous for myself: what if you are cruel enough to test her Power over others?
You write that you are afraid - if I think that you do not love me; these words of yours instill in me a painful desire to be near you. Here I diligently indulge in my favorite pastime - I do not miss a day without stretching a piece of white verse longer or stringing a couple of other rhymes. I must confess (since I've mentioned it) that I love you even more because I know that you loved me exactly as I am, and for no other reason. I have met women who would be happy to be engaged to Sonnet or to marry Roman. I saw your Comet; well, if it served as a good omen for poor Rais: because of his illness, sharing company with him is not very fun, especially since he is trying to overcome and hide his illness from me, releasing dubious puns.
I kissed your letter up and down in the hope that you, putting your lips to it, left the taste of honey on the lines. What did you see in your dream? Tell me your dream and I will give you an interpretation.

Always yours, my love!

John Keats

John Keats - Fanny Brown (1820)

Dear Fanny, are you sometimes afraid that I don't love you as much as you want? Dear girl, I loved you forever and unconditionally. The more I get to know you, the more I love you. All my actions - even my jealousy - are manifestations of Love; in its fiery flame I can die for you. I brought you much suffering. But it's all about Love! What can I do? You are always new. Your last kisses were the sweetest, your last smile the brightest; the last gestures are the most graceful. When you passed my window last night, I was overwhelmed with such admiration, as if I saw you for the first time. You complained to me once that I love only your Beauty. Do I have nothing more to love in you, but only this? Do I not see a heart endowed with wings that took away my freedom? No worries could divert your thoughts from me for a moment. Perhaps this is deplorable, not joyful, but that's not what I'm talking about. Even if you did not love me, I could not overcome my total devotion to you: how much deeper must my feeling for you be if I know that I am loved by you.

My Mind is disturbed and disturbed, besides it is found in a too small body. I have never felt that my Mind took complete and perfect pleasure from anything - from no person but you. When you are in the room, my thoughts do not scatter, all my feelings are concentrated. The anxiety about our Love that I caught in your last note is an endless pleasure for me. However, you must no longer suffer from such suspicions; I believe you unconditionally, and you have no reason to be offended by me. Brown has gone, but Mrs. Wiley is here; when she leaves, I will be especially vigilant for you. Bow to your mother.

Your loving J. Keats.

Poems by John Keats

TO ***
If I were handsome, a groan would fly
Through the pearlescent ear
To your heart, in spite of interference,
And I would be rewarded for the ardor.

But I'm not a knight of valiant times,
And do not clothe my chest with armor,
Not a blessed shepherd, gentle laughter
Shepherdess saying that he is in love.

And yet I keep saying: “You are sweet!”, I am delirious:
"You are sweeter than Sicilian honey roses
In the intoxicating dew that sings drunk!”

I will open my mouth with a rare dew
And under the moon a narva of crimson flowers -
The moon will give me witchcraft power.

Translation by A. Parin

I like the evening at the height of summer,
Only showers of gold will pour over the west
And the clouds build their nests
On unsteady breezes, with the vanity of light

Soul to say goodbye and hide somewhere
From petty worries, find shelter
In the fragrant thicket, where people do not walk, -
This delight will enliven my heart.

I will descend into the well of calm thoughts
About Milton, about Sidney in a cold coffin,
And my spirit will behold their faces;

And I will soar on the wings of poetry,
And maybe I’ll give free rein to tears of joy,
When melodious sadness descends.

Translation by A. Parin


I've been in love with the wonders of the earth for a long time:
Here is the sun in the morning, like a bird,
Drinks tears from the leaves. Here is the right hand of heaven
A thin fleece sways the laurels.

Here is the ocean - azure cloth,
His ships, caves, fears, faces
And a mysterious voice in which it seems
All that is and will be given to us.

And now, George, as I write, wondering,
Diana from behind the cloud
Looks so timidly, as if afraid

Unleash your midnight delights.
But is it possible with your thought
Compare the miracle of the sky and the seas?

Translation by V. Lunin



You say "I love you", but your
The answer sounds so distant
As if the soul is praying
In the evening overflows of ringing.
Love with all your heart!

You say "I love" - ​​yours
With the dawn of September, the heart is similar.
Maybe Cupid said
Fasting in honor of his stricter?
Love with all your heart!

You say "I love" - ​​mouth
Joy is not promised soon, -
So amazing coral
Conceals a jealous sea.
Love with all your heart!

Why do you say "I love you"
So timid hands of your touch!
So life will not falter in the statue
In response to hot kisses.
Love with all your heart!

Words full of fire
A smile in hot bliss,
I call, heal me
And in the heart of imprison from now on!
Love with all your heart!

Translation by O. Koltsova

Closer, closer, passion -
Squeeze wet shadow -
Closer, closer, passion!
Give me redemption!

Closer, closer, sweetness -
In a meadow bed -
Closer, closer, sweetie!
Managed to meet!

Closer, closer, hell
Burn with the breath of life
Closer, closer, bliss -
In the heart of the sun spray!

Well, what a waste of feelings
Instantly flies away
The pleasures of heat
Fading fast

Just don't forget
Happiness is close, close!
And you can't love
No crazy risk!

Closer! Let by morning
I'll suffocate from passion -
If I die,
I will die of happiness!

Translation by V. Shirokov

Wave your hand at sadness
For her reason
Breathe calm your soul
Ditch the twist.

What are you in the color of youth
Do you look tired?
Let grief disappear after
For a fallen tear.

Let the storm break
But let the bad weather
Will bring in any tear
Tomorrow happiness.

Brighter tears than a stream
drunk with light,
And whisper melodies
Everything is softer at the same time.

And if good, and comfort,
And hopes are in vain
Sing a mournful song
Our kisses!

Translation by E. Feldman

John Keats. Poems. Poems. Immortal Library. "Ripol Classic", M., 1998 OCR Bychkov M.N.

Romantic Love Letters......
You have now read very touching, beautiful, tender, affectionate letters for your beloved!!! How much love is in this letter, you read and your heart just stops...
Romantic letters are so necessary for us, how much joy, extraordinary happiness we experience when we receive such letters !!
And I'm sure that each of us has o nu , which are very expensive, as the most valuable and important thing in life!

All rights to materials, text and design belong to the "Romantic" community.
Use is permitted only with the permission of the owner.

Hello sunshine! For a long time I could not decide to write you this letter ... I just did not have the courage to remind you of my existence. Maybe I’m writing to you in vain now, but I can’t stand it anymore ... The fire of my love for you is getting stronger, and it is already starting to burn my heart. I miss and suffer from loneliness ... because you are not around ... because you are so far from me, and I am from you! This distance creates a very big barrier in our relationship... I don't know how to fix it, but I know that my love for you will never subside! I will make my way through these hundreds of kilometers and find you; I'll take you with me!
I'm not sure if you have the same feelings for me as I do for you, but I know that you have not forgotten that summer evening ...

I'm sad again
I'm sad beyond measure
Love burns in me
And for me it burns out of character ...

Warmth and affection I melt
I want to drink all your tenderness,
Now I don't live in paradise
And just from the thought of you I soar into the sky!

Trying to eat, trying to drink
Keeping in my soul your wondrous image,
And it's very difficult to live in the world,
After all, in life I'm so naive ...

You fly here and there
And do not let my dreams come true;
You do not answer my verses,
And it is not possible for my feelings to open up.

Now I've decided:
“Please! Look into me! Open the poet's soul!
I only do this for you
So that you understand and think: “After all, all this is not without reason!” ...

You know, I miss you so much… Recently, something has been happening to me, I am changing and I see these changes myself. Sometimes, it happens get so lonely- at least howl like a wolf. And so you want see you, hug and kiss. Your image swirls before my eyes every fraction of a second; thoughts of you never leave my head. Sometimes, it happens that the whole evening in my head is only ...
Even though we see each other every day, I miss you I miss you so much. I really miss those summer evenings that we had this year; those cold, spring days that made us tremble in the arms each other. Of course we warmed up. love, but the very feeling of coldness and adoration made me look at the world with different eyes ... Through the eyes of young romantics who want to be always together. We grow up, but this look still remains with us, not trying to leave and leave us. We are changing: we are getting smarter, we are learning to live like adults (although not very well ...). All changes do not pass without leaving a trace, although it may be so implicit, so small, but no less beautiful compared to other changes. Most of them appear with the help of the school, this large and limitless knowledge base, from which sometimes the head already starts to hurt ... And sometimes, because of it, we cannot enjoy each other's hugs… can not hug each other and feel so in love and content... Now school takes much more time than last year. The pressure of knowledge that we must receive is already felt.
I don’t know what will happen next, because every week it becomes more and more difficult, more and more difficult to understand what the teachers “push” into you. But I know for sure that no matter what happens, I will not move away from you, I will not leave and will not let go. I will always be there, I will help in difficult times And cheer up in a sad moment.

Thank you for being you!

Here I am at home ... All the way I walked and could not understand what the feeling warms me from the inside, whose heat envelops me completely. Never have I didn't feel anything like it; so joyful, kind, saturated with the brightest rays of love, adoration and romance. These feelings are still with me. It seems that you feel all of yourself, every part of your body and soul, but something inside is not right ...
There was a new, unusual pure and vibrant feeling in the chest. It does not let you forget this most beautiful evening and it's impossible to forget that. Seemed like a simple evening with my beloved girl behind the monitor screen, but this is not at all the case. The evening was very amazing and excellent. When we lay and watched the movie "50 First Dates", then your love permeated my body, and seeped through every thread of clothing, every tissue of my body and aspired straight to the heart. I felt all your breaths, all fading into the film's intriguing moments. We rejoiced for the heroes of the film, because they all ended in the best way. Even if not by what could happen and upset the whole balance of soulfulness and semi-tragicity of the film ...
This evening I felt new sensations unknown to me filled with the very best in the world. And all because you were there, and you were so beautiful in his usual attire. I would really like you to feel tonight what I felt. And I would like to give you a part of your unearthly feeling and quietly say in your ear: Rysenochek, I LOVE YOU!!!».

Never print your romantic letter to your loved one. And, of course, don't ask someone else to write it. Whatever your handwriting is, write it yourself. After all, your energy, your emotions will be invested in these lines. And your beloved man will certainly feel it, even at the subconscious level.

It is not at all necessary to write a romantic letter to a man in verse. Quite enough prosaic phrases. But be sure to tell him about how your world comes to life in his presence, how it is filled with colors thanks to him. Write that he is the only and best for you, that only with him you do not feel lonely. Write that his tenderness, his feelings make you melt, like a flame makes a candle melt. Tell me how your heart beats at the mere memory of him.

Away from complexes!

Forget that you can make a mistake. Love does not see mistakes, it misses such trifles. She cares about emotions.

Do not think that someone has already said these phrases many times before you. After all, it wasn't directed at him. And your romantic letter is your feelings, your soul. This is your love for him, and only for him. Therefore, leave aside all the complexes and open up without a doubt. Your sincerity is the main weapon, the main magic power that will help you write a beautiful romantic letter.

Let it be very short. Let it contain only a few lines. Just be sure to add at the end that you love him. However, it is quite possible to start with this. There are no established rules and laws. There is only your desire to please your loved one, to give him an extraordinary feeling.

Now that your romantic letter has been written, it remains to arrange it and present it. If your beloved man is away from you, choose a beautiful envelope, seal your message and send it by mail. You can perfume the leaf with your perfume, the aroma of which he likes so much. You can attach a few petals from fresh flowers to the letter. Let it remind him of your dates. You cannot do more.

If your loved one is nearby, show maximum imagination in submitting a letter. Let it be a cute surprise that he will find on his desktop. Or it will be a gift given by candlelight. No matter how you present your message of love, believe me, it will become an unforgettable event for him. And he will always remember that you love and appreciate him. And what could be more important for male ego?