Veet Suprem`Essense depilatory cream - “Soft and delicate cream! One of the best from Veet! Plus advice on how to make a deep bikini without injury! Depilatory cream: reviews

Nowadays, there are many different ways to deal with unwanted body hair.

Consider what creams of this company are and what they are used for.

Manufacturers have made sure that every woman finds the perfect product for herself in a wide range of Veet depilatory creams. These products are intended for those who have a high pain threshold and because of this, mechanical depilation becomes almost impossible.

For depilation Veet for different skin types

There are such types:

  • for sensitive skin - suitable for owners of skin prone to irritation; the composition includes vitamin E and aloe extract, thanks to which it calms down when removing hair;
  • for dry skin - the composition includes shea butter, which moisturizes and nourishes, making it smooth and silky;
  • for normal skin - contains lotus milk and jasmine extract, which protect against drying out;
  • Veet Naturals with shea butter not only removes unwanted hairs, but also perfectly cares;
  • Veet Suprem'Essence depilatory cream is suitable for normal to dry skin, contains essential oils that have softening, antiseptic, moisturizing and soothing effects.

Did you know? Depilation - is the removal of the top of the hair. Epilation - This is hair removal with the destruction of the hair follicle.

Veet shower gel

Innovative product are depilation gels in the shower. They are designed for active people who have every minute on the account. The set also includes a sponge for ease of use. Gels are produced three varieties:

  • for sensitive skin;
  • for dry;
  • Veet Suprem'Essence.

Hair Removal Cream Spray

Third product in the line Veet depilatory cream spray. It is distinguished by its ease of application, which does not require any additional devices. All you need is just to press the atomizer. Issued two types of tool:

  • for sensitive skin;
  • for dry.

How the cream works

The main component of Vit hair removal products is calcium thioglycolate. How does it work, and how does Veet depilatory cream work on hair??

This substance aggressively acts on the keratin protein, which is the main component of the hair structure, thus destroying the hair shaft. The follicle remains intact.

In order to weaken the hair roots and slow down the growth of the rod, substances such as soy, Ussuri hops and other additives that affect the follicle are added to depilatory products.

Did you know? The first mention of hair removal from the body dates back to the era of Ancient Egypt. Women of those times used arsenic for these purposes.

How to use it correctly: instructions for use

All funds have identical operating principle, and methods of application are quite simple, however, depending on the form of release, they have their own nuances. Before you start using the cream "Vit" for depilation, carefully read and study the instructions for use.


  1. Cleanse the skin from oil and impurities.
  2. Apply to dry skin using the included spatula. You need to apply so that all the hairs are densely covered.
  3. Hold the recommended time - 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the cream with a spatula against hair growth.
  5. Wash off the rest with warm water.

Suitable for depilation of such areas: legs, bikini line, armpits, arms.

Important! 24 hours before depilation, do an allergy test: apply the cream on a small area of ​​​​the skin and follow the reaction.

For shower

Now about how to properly use Veet depilatory cream for the shower.

  1. The tool can be used directly in the shower, which saves a lot of time.
  2. Apply the cream with the soft side of the sponge.
  3. The recommended exposure time is 3 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with the rough side of the sponge right under the shower.

Suitable for such areas: legs, bikini line, armpits, arms.


Veet depilatory cream spray has almost the same instructions, except that it does not require auxiliary devices.

  1. Spray onto desired surface. The bottle does not need to be shaken.
  2. The recommended exposure time is 5 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. After use, rinse the nozzle under running water and close the cap tightly. Suitable for such areas: legs, bikini line, armpits, arms. Do not spray on intimate parts of the body. To depilate these places with a spray, use a spatula.

Important! The exposure time for each person is individual due to the different thickness of the hair.

Precautions and contraindications

  1. It is forbidden to keep the cream for more than 6 minutes (spray - more than 10 minutes).
  2. Not intended for depilation of the face, inguinal region, chest, use other products of TM Veet for this.
  3. Do not use on moles, acne, cuts or irritations, varicose veins.
  4. In case of itching or sharp pain, immediately wash off the product from the skin.
  5. Avoid contact with eyes.
  6. During the day after application, avoid direct sunlight.
  7. Do not allow product to come into contact with clothing or carpets.
  8. Do not use an expired product.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication, and Vit cream can be successfully used by women for depilation during pregnancy. The chemicals included in the composition do not penetrate and are not absorbed into the blood.

This method suitable for those who were forced to abandon epilators or wax hair removal due to the threat of tone. However, the skin during pregnancy becomes more sensitive, so use these products with caution.

Skin care after depilation

After depilation, the skin becomes sensitive and vulnerable for a while. It is recommended to apply special caring lotions after the procedure. You can also wipe the body with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, or use herbal ice as a tonic.

A couple of days after the procedure, do a body scrub - this will be a good prevention for ingrown hairs.

Review Veet depilatory cream in this video.

61 138 0 With the advent of summer, every girl thinks about the bikini area and how to quickly, easily and efficiently put it in order by removing unwanted hairs. This question is most relevant in the warm period of time, because every girl on the beach wants to look perfect.

To remove or not hair in the bikini area?

Many female representatives argue about whether it is necessary to get rid of unwanted hair in the intimate area at all. Opponents of hair removal argue that pubic hair has a protective function, creating a barrier and preventing germs from entering the genitals. Adherents insist that the hairline in the pubic area does not perform any function and is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various bacteria. The opinion of gynecologists was also divided. Pubic hair really has a protective function and prevents some diseases. At the same time, if you do not adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, then a lush hairline can become a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

After analyzing all the pros and cons, it can be argued that whether or not to epilate the bikini area is everyone's business. You can simply remove unwanted hairs not completely, but leave a small strip. Thus, you will not leave your genitals unprotected, but you will not spoil your aesthetic appearance on the beach.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Waxing is the removal of unwanted body hair without affecting the hair follicles.

This is one of the types of hair removal, in which a thick creamy wax is applied to the skin with a special spatula or roller and removed with paper tapes.

Why Vit wax strips are better than other hair removal products

The skin in the intimate area is very thin and sensitive, so it is worth choosing a method of hair removal procedure that would not damage it. And with the maximum content of natural natural components. It is these properties that all Vit products have.

The skin of the bikini area is thin and sensitive

Therefore, today Vit wax strips for hair removal in the bikini area are very popular with many modern girls. Reviews about them are only positive.

In the line of the Vit manufacturer, there are several types of products:

  1. For sensitive skin.
  2. For dry skin.
  3. For normal skin.
  4. Infused with a velvet rose scent & essential oils.
Vit strips are best suited for the bikini area

With Vit wax strips for the bikini area, you can become confident in the smoothness and well-groomed skin for quite a long period of time. Hair will not be visible for up to four weeks.

With this tool, you can easily remove unwanted hair with just one hand movement. Even the shortest ones remain on the adhesive material, while new ones grow noticeably thinner and softer.

According to reviews, the use of Vit wax strips for the bikini area eliminates the appearance of ingrown hairs. Also, many girls claim that they will never return to razors and other hair removal procedures in places where the skin is very delicate.

Some features of Vit strips

Each body care product, as a rule, has its own additives, with the help of which the skin becomes soft and hydrated.

Each pack contains 12 strips, 2 cleansing wipes and instructions for use

What supplements contain Vit strips:

  • For sensitive skin, the product contains almond oil and vitamin E.
  • For dry - aloe vera extract.
  • For normal skin - Shea butter.
  • Strips with the scent of velvet rose - essential oils.

Each package contains 12 strips, 2 cleansing wipes and instructions for use.

How wax strips work

Despite the fact that the wax procedure is quite painful, it is considered one of the most effective and safe to use at home. Vit wax strips for the bikini area are very simple and effective in their action.

The tool "captures" the hairs and hardens with them, after a certain amount of time, the tapes are removed, and clean and smooth skin remains.

Instructions: How to use the strips correctly

Wit strips are very easy to use. Even those who have never done such procedures at home can easily achieve the desired result the first time. Also, you can always find instructions in the box.

The epilation process at first can take up to 12 minutes, but with the advent of experience, it will be reduced.

The hair removal procedure consists of several stages:


In order for the wax to "capture" all the hairs, it is worth using the product only on vegetation 3-5 centimeters. If the length is less, then it is worth waiting a few days, if more, then you can trim it carefully with scissors or a trimmer.

  1. Preparation for epilation. It is necessary to go to the shower and steam the bikini area well. Then blot with a towel and wipe with an alcohol-based product.
  2. For greater effect, you can treat the problem area with cosmetic talc. You should not use baby powder, as it contains a large number of large particles.

Shower - preparatory procedure before epilation

Application and epilation:

  1. Take a strip and warm it up with your palms. up to human temperature. To do this, you need to rub the product with your hands for about ten to twelve minutes. Wit uses cold wax, which significantly improves the application process itself.
  2. After warming up, bifurcate and attach the strip to the bikini area. Be sure to smooth the strip in the direction of hair growth so that the gel is completely evenly distributed over the skin. Then, with one movement of the hand, separate the strip against the growth of hairs.

It is worth acting very quickly in order to deliver yourself as little pain as possible. The same should be done with the remaining surface of the skin, if necessary. What to do if an ingrown hair appears in the bikini area, find out from

Cleansing and moisturizing:

  1. In the package you can find wipes that will help to cope with the remaining wax on the skin after epilation. This product is very difficult to remove with water, so only oil wipes should be used to wipe the bikini area.
  2. Again, wipe the entire problem area with an alcohol-containing solution to avoid germs and infection.
  3. So that there are no consequences after applying the wax strips, it is necessary to apply a greasy cream to the entire surface of the bikini area.

Expert advice on how to reduce pain

Stripes strictly it is forbidden to use on places where moles, scars and scars are located, acne and allergic rash, solar, chemical and other burns, varicose veins and other all skin and subcutaneous pathologies.

And you should also be very careful if you previously had an allergic reaction to wax. To prevent these unpleasant consequences, it is worth trying to do the procedure on a small area of ​​​​skin a day before epilation.

If within twenty-four hours no irritation has appeared, then you can safely apply wax strips on the entire problem surface.

If within twenty-four hours no irritation has appeared, then you can safely apply wax strips on the entire problem surface.

When epilating with wax strips, pain cannot be completely avoided, but trying to reduce it to a minimum is quite possible. You can also avoid unpleasant consequences after the procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the body for the hair removal procedure. For this it is worth 2-3 days before epilation, cleanse the skin of dead cells of the epidermis. This will allow the skin to part with the hairs more easily. The easiest way for this purpose is to use a body scrub and a washcloth with a hard surface.

A washcloth with a hard surface is suitable for cleansing the skin of dead cells.

An interesting fact is that after any type of hair removal, part of the hair remains under the skin. Since the skin becomes rougher after the removal procedure, it does not allow a new hair to break through. But do not rejoice at this and hope for a miracle that the hair will stop growing at all.

Nature cannot be deceived, and the hair needs to grow. Therefore, it will grow inside the bulb under the skin layer. Thus creating an unaesthetic appearance on the surface. The consequences can be different: itching, rash, inflammation and redness. With such a nuisance, you can cope only with the help of medicines and consulting a dermatologist.

Therefore, before waxing, if possible Always exfoliate your skin. Thus, scrub and washcloth will reduce unpleasant consequences to a minimum.

Surely, everyone saw that the experts very sharply tear off the strips. The girl does not even have time to understand what happened. According to the regularity, the effect of getting rid of hair depends on the intensity of the removal and, most importantly, the pain decreases.

There is a proven fact that seven days before menstruation and after it for a week are periods when the body and skin are too susceptible to pain. Therefore, you should try not to epilate on such days in order to avoid unpleasant painful sensations.

Application features. Deep bikini

Wax strips are available slightly wider than needed for the bikini area. That's why I need to cut them into several pieces.. So it will be much more convenient to do the hair removal yourself, and the feeling of pain will decrease several times due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication.

The bikini area is very sensitive and thin, and the deep bikini is even more “afraid” of pain. Therefore, before the process topical anesthetic creams can be applied.

Note! Despite all the ease of use and safety, wax hair removal products have contraindications.

Contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy. Strong discomfort can provoke uterine contractions, and in the later period lead to premature birth.
  • Pathological blood clotting.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Oncological disease.
  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Fungus or ulcers.

How to choose a product according to skin type

The Vit product line includes wax strips for 3 skin types: sensitive, dry and normal. In order to choose a product that suits the individual, it is necessary to determine the type of skin in the intimate area.

Before choosing a product, you must determine the type of skin

Sensitive skin is considered when the body cover reacts to various external and internal stimuli through rashes, redness, peeling, itching, burning, tingling and even swelling.

Dry skin is often confused with normal skin. Indeed, there are many common features: the skin is thin and delicate, even color, no irritation. But there is one difference. When using soap, various products that contain alcohol, powders, talc and cosmetics designed for oily skin, irritation and peeling begin.

To choose a product that suits you individually, you need to determine the type of skin of the intimate area

As already mentioned above, normal skin is always smooth, healthy, firm and elastic. It contains the optimal amount of moisture and grease. People with this type of skin are the luckiest and do not suffer from allergies, itching, and excessive dryness.

Due to its effectiveness, ease of use and safety, this hair remover is gaining popularity among girls who love to always look beautiful.

Hair removal in the bikini area has become very popular in recent years. American scientists have determined that clean skin of intimate organs gives a woman greater self-confidence. Even more than beautiful and erotic lingerie.

After reviewing the numerous reviews of Vit strips on various women's resources on the Internet, you can make sure that they are reliable, safe and effective when applied to the bikini area. And all the minor cons are negligible in front of a large number of pluses.

So which is better: wax strips or an epilator? You can see the user response here:

Bloggers advise using Vit wax strips:

The experience of using Vit wax strips from the user can be viewed here:


    I have tried many hair removal products. But I fell in love with Vit strips for the bikini zone from the first time. And why didn’t they fall into my hands at the initial stage of the fight against vegetation? Maybe then there would not have been so much wasted time, effort and finance.

    I belong to this type of people who react sluggishly to all new things and do not accept changing their comfortable, established world. But somehow I took a couple of Vit strips from a friend to try out of curiosity.

    Since she was very much touting Wit's wax strips for the bikini zone, there was a great desire to prove to her that they were not perfect. I was very surprised when I removed the hair in the bikini area easily and simply. The skin was smooth for three weeks and no redness or irritation appeared.

    Thanks to my profession, I can say with confidence that Vit hair removal strips are of very high quality, contain natural ingredients and are safe for the skin.

    I am very afraid of pain, so I never looked at epilation strips in stores. But one day I still had to use them because of the circumstances. Now I buy only Vit wax strips for the bikini area.

Cream Vit Veet for depilation - a line of products for hair removal on the arms, legs, bikini area. There are several types of cream for different skin types, with different instructions for use. Each woman can choose the right remedy for herself, painlessly and effectively get rid of unwanted hairs.

There are currently 5 of them:

Before active use, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction, despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates which type of skin this or that cream is intended for.


Vit products have a basic composition and an additional one.


Complement the composition of emulsifiers, preservatives, thickeners, fragrances.

For each type of skin, a specific product with an added composition is provided. The cream for sensitive skin contains aloe extract, vitamin E. For normal epidermis - jasmine extract, lotus milk. Dry - shea butter, lily extract.

Application instructions

The Vit product line includes products for conventional depilation using a spatula, for removing hairs in the shower. Therefore, the instructions for use are somewhat different. Do not apply the product on the face, chest, groin. The depilator is not intended for deep bikini.

Common use:

Use in the shower

The kit includes a special sponge instead of a spatula. It serves to exfoliate the keratinized layer of the epidermis, apply, remove the cream.

It is impossible to extend the exposure time of the cream, because you can get a burn. It is recommended to withstand the product for sensitive skin no more than 3 minutes, dry - 6 minutes, normal - 10 minutes.

Use for intimate areas

For these purposes, a special tool Vit for the intimate area is used.

During the application of the cream, it is necessary to ensure that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the vagina. Before use, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. Spread a small amount of cream on the area of ​​the elbow bend, leave for 10 minutes. If burning, redness, or other negative effects occur, you can not use a depilatory cream. The result lasts about 2 weeks. Use the cream twice a month to ensure the smoothness of the skin.


When choosing Vit products for depilation, you should take into account the characteristics of the skin, follow the instructions clearly, and do not use the cream after the expiration date.

A direct contraindication is:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • moles;
  • abrasions;
  • wounds;
  • sunburn.

Side effects occur with an increase in the duration of exposure to the cream, non-compliance with the rules of the instructions. A burn appears with redness of the skin, burning, dryness. It is impossible to carry out the depilation procedure if less than 72 hours have passed after shaving.

Average price where to buy

Vit products are familiar to women all over the world. You can buy it in any department of cosmetics, order it online. The average price of a cream with a capacity of 100 ml is 300 rubles.

Cream effectiveness

Depilatory has a number of advantages. The procedure is convenient, easy, simple. In the process of depilation, the skin is not injured, the action of the active components is directed to the hairs. Special components allow the skin to remain hydrated after the procedure. Injury is prevented.

Hair after depilation grows much more slowly. Within 2 weeks, smoothness, tenderness of the skin is felt. After 10-14 days, the procedure should be repeated. If the length of the hair is short, the exposure time can be somewhat reduced. An affordable effective remedy is in great demand among women of all ages.

Where is the most sensitive and delicate skin? Of course, in the bikini area. Nerve endings are located here in large numbers, irritation or other unpleasant symptoms often occur. Hair removal in this area is very problematic. But there is a way out - a cream for depilation of intimate areas veet with a unique composition.

This innovative product, developed with a special technology, will help you remove unwanted hairs without itching, allergies or redness. Easy to use and absolute security is what any girl is looking for.

Benefits and features of Veet cream

no pain

The main and indisputable plus of depilation with a cream is the absence of pain and discomfort. Veet is suitable for both high and low levels of vegetation. It is enough just to apply it on the skin to get an instant effect - hair removal.

Down with irritation

Any, whether it's wax or an epilator, removes vegetation along with the roots. The razor removes the upper parts of the epidermis, which leads to ingrown hairs, itching, redness, etc. Veet cream for intimate depilation works differently - it dissolves the base of the rod itself.

On a note: before applying the cream in the bikini area, it is advisable to check the sensitivity of the skin in other areas.

Perfect result

To avoid the appearance of black prickly dots on the skin, many girls use a razor at least 2 times a week. Depilatory cream has a completely different principle of action - the hairs also grow in time, but their tips become softer and thinner. You just don't notice the vegetation and don't feel it for a few more days.

Myths and misconceptions

Myth #1: Growing coarser hair . There is an opinion that depilatory cream causes the growth of coarser hairs - this is a delusion! Imagine perfect skin for two weeks, and then the appearance of new hair. As a result, there is a feeling of denser, coarser and darker hair, although they are exactly the same as before the procedure. Regular use of veet for intimate depilation will make sure that there is no difference.

Myth #2: Hair Growth Stimulation . Another common myth is stimulation and accelerated growth. Producers benefit from this for higher demand for their own products. But, again, the truth is not here. Cream for depilation of the bikini zone helps to slow down the growth of hairs and destroys their structure. It turns out that you will use this tool much less often than, for example, a razor.

Important: if the hair began to grow faster than before, and changed its color, it is worth visiting a doctor - this is a sign of hormonal failure in the body.

What is included

The Veet kit can include not only a spatula and a tube, but also a special cream after depilation. It is also suitable for use after shaving with a regular razor or shaving, which greatly aggravate the condition of the skin.

Instructions for use

Before applying Vit cream for intimate depilation to the skin, carefully read the instructions!

  1. Even if there is too hard vegetation, you can not leave the cream for a long time (more than 10 minutes) - severe itching or burns may appear.
  2. The cream should be applied evenly, excluding its contact with the mucous membrane.
  3. After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the product with a spatula or a special spatula and wash the skin with plenty of warm water (only not hot).

Vegetation will not appear within 1.5-2 weeks. The term largely depends on your individual characteristics.

Be careful

Not every cream designed for the bikini area can be applied to the face, arms, underarms, back or chest. It is worth refusing to use this remedy if there are scars, cracks, various injuries and allergic manifestations on the skin.

On a note: even with frequent use of the cream, it is necessary to constantly test it.

If you experience discomfort, such as pain, burning or itching, you should immediately wash off the product. Irritation can be caused by unwashed perfume, deodorant or antiperspirant. It usually goes away after a few hours. Otherwise, you must consult a doctor!