Lyudmila-Stefania - Success codes. Happy Reality Programming

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| Lyudmila-Stefania
| Happy fortune codes. Don't put off your life for tomorrow!

I dedicate this book to you, my dear, beloved readers. I wish you happiness, love, prosperity!

There is always someone who needs you
Who so naively believes in you
Who boldly trusts the soul,
Who is ready to wait, loving, at the door ...

Who every moment with a breath, a look
Always ready to strive for you
There is always someone who is just there
Who is not afraid to be unwanted...

Who knows that love is not asked,
Who knows that love is not mercy
To toss her with a coin
So that she rolls at her feet ...

But at any hour, when adversity
They squeeze the heart in their vise,
There is always someone who in bad weather
The warmth will keep you warm...

There is always someone who needs you
Stubborn, proud, wise, strong,
Who silently takes your soul
Into your hot palms...

And will not remind you in the hour of sadness,
When the wind howls in anguish:
"For those we tame,
Always, always, always in the answer ... "

A person has everything necessary for happiness. Having become the master of his life, relying on the knowledge, experience, skills that the Creator has laid in us, he can work miracles, fulfill his desires, change fate. The power of the mind is limitless and immeasurable. The wisdom of the Universe, the experience and knowledge of the Universe are priceless. However, a person sometimes interferes with himself, or rather does not allow himself to be happy, he himself limits the possibility of the appearance of favorable events.
We are a part of the Universe. We must live with faith and love in our hearts, creating our destiny intelligently and wisely, radiating the energy of joy and love, and then the Forces of the Universe come to our aid. The cherished doors to the world of joy and miracles, prosperity and success are opening before us.

The Creator gave us a unique opportunity to create miracles with the help of the mind, to become the director of our lives. But how often people refuse this opportunity, entrusting themselves and their lives to someone else, not wanting to be responsible for themselves and their lives.
The Creator can do everything! Much is a person, because in each of us there is a particle of the Creator.
In psychology, there is the following practice (reception): without limiting fantasy, a person writes the scenario of his life. But what is important - he must believe in him! And then situations will really begin to arise, attracting the help of the necessary people to implement the plan, the desired events will occur. The created scenario is brought to life, and the person gets what he wants.
In fact, we all use this practice all the time, but only without realizing it. In our life, all our desires are realized, so you should carefully monitor what and how you think, say, what emotions you experience at one time or another in your life. If you want to be happy and prosperous - change the quality of thoughts, words, manifest, experience wonderful, positive emotions and control your thoughts and words.
Every day, every minute, every second, everyone participates in writing the script of their life, which is then carried out - sooner or later. What they ordered, what they thought, what they created, what they wished for, they got it. So allow yourself to become different, allow yourself to become successful and prosperous, truly happy. Can you do it! However, one desire is not enough, a person must also work in this direction.

My consciousness is ready to accept material abundance.
My consciousness is ready to accept harmony and love.
My consciousness is ready to accept new, wonderful friends.

You wished for something, and the Universe responded to your desires, but why does the result sometimes not satisfy and please you? Because you formulated your desires incorrectly, did not bring the work of creating the image of what you want to a successful conclusion, did not establish a specific image of what you need to receive. The result is disappointment.
It is necessary to correctly set goals and make plans, and also be sure to have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want will give you, what feelings it will cause, you must have a concrete picture of what you want to have before your eyes.
Another failure - and it seems to you that insurmountable problems have arisen again? But any movement towards a goal, towards something new, gives rise to changes, and, as a rule, these same changes are mistaken for a series of problems. A person does not have enough patience to wait for the complete completion of the cycle of changes, which will lead to the fulfillment of desires and obtaining what is desired. As soon as you have outlined accurate and realistic plans, created a matrix of desired events, indicated the deadlines for fulfilling your plans, then the movement immediately begins and any ongoing events bring you closer to the intended goal and getting what you need. And you must contribute to obtaining positive changes, remaining calm, not doubting even for a split second that everything will be fulfilled on time and will bring you only joy and happiness, because you deserve all the best in this world. You are a beloved and beautiful creation of the Creator. Therefore, when changing life or making wishes, making plans, one should not focus on problems and not on possible negative results. Feed your plans with your energy, and by no means create problems and obstacles, direct your energy to the implementation of your plan, to the perfection of your plans.

My friend decided to improve her health and signed up for a pool; calling me, she began to explain why she did it. From all that was said, I understood only one thing - there is no positive mood in her words, which means that there is no positive energy in her actions. And the result she is waiting for is already initially colored by negative energy. She talked about what she wants to get rid of, but she did not say a word about what she wants to get from visiting the pool. And it was possible, without listing all your health and weight problems, to achieve a positive attitude and get a result with a positive color, for the benefit of yourself and your health, by saying just one phrase, for example, this: “I decided to sign up for a pool. Because I want to be healthy, have a beautiful figure and become energetic and cheerful. Thus, initially this program will be saturated with positive energy, and the result will exceed all expectations. And health will improve, and the figure will become slim. And the mood from the result will be excellent.

That is why, before waiting for the necessary results from the actions you have taken, you first need to learn how to talk about what you really want to receive in this life.
Always think and talk about what you want to have, and only want what you really need. And never think, don't talk about what you don't want to have. Why think about it? Why waste your time, energy, emotions? Don't talk about what you want to get rid of. When you start listing your problems, you feed them with your energy, weaken yourself, and strengthen what you don’t need, that is, you create new problems. Learn to admire yourself, praise yourself, love yourself. Never criticize yourself and do not let others. Yes, you can listen to criticism for any actions and, having thanked the person, having analyzed everything you heard, decide for yourself what to accept and what to reject. But never enter into an argument, but, simply by smiling, express gratitude to the person for the fact that he treats you so carefully and wishes your perfection.

When a person intends to purchase clothes, furniture, that is, to make a purchase, he at least approximately knows how much this item costs, its color and other characteristics. All this a person imagines even before he goes to the store. Why does a person treat his life so irresponsibly, sometimes not even knowing what this or that desire will bring him? But will not such a desired fulfillment of an unformed desire bring new problems, disappointments?
Man is free in his choice. He himself takes certain obligations to himself and his life, to the world around him. If you do not know what you want to receive, then who should know? If you are not used to making decisions yourself, others can do it for you, but they will consider their interests, not yours. So why not take responsibility for your life? Become the master of your life, learn to make the right choices and make decisions for yourself: you and only you know what you need in order to become a truly happy person. You can listen to professional advice, but after weighing the pros and cons, the decision is up to you.
Have you made the decision to be happy? Get started. Create for yourself those events in your life that you need. It's possible. Powerful Forces are embedded in a person, the strength of his mind is so great that, by combining it with determination and purposefulness, one can reach any heights, and at least comfortable conditions. A person can change himself and the conditions of life can create for himself those that he desires. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in your strengths, to learn how to make the right choice. And do not what someone wants you to do, but what you want, what you yourself strive for.
And it is necessary to be yourself (and not the way someone sees you) in your place, which you have chosen for yourself in life, and not someone has done it for you.

Creating your new reality, first analyze your living conditions, how and what you live, what you think about, and then, when you get a clear picture of your whole life, describe it all, read it, and then burn it.
Think about what you want to have, what (what) you want to become, then make a plan for your actions. Write down what you want to attract into your life, why you need it, what it will bring to you, how it will change you and your life. After you make your plan for creating your new life, your new image, work on it, work in the direction that you have chosen. This will strengthen the correctness of what you have planned in your mind, connect you to the event channel of the Universe.
You have created a matrix of your desires that will work and attract the necessary events, situations, people to you. You will change yourself, your life will change, or rather, the conditions of your life. This is your choice, you made it yourself. You sincerely wished to become a happy person. You sincerely decided to follow the path of evolution and development. You have become the master of life - you make decisions yourself, create the conditions for your life. You have decided to exercise your right to be free, to take responsibility for yourself and your life, to make your own choices, to create the events that you need.
You love yourself and love this world. And most importantly - believe that you can do a lot. You believed in your unique abilities that the Universe, the Universe, the Creator endowed you with. If a person has a dream, it means that the Creator has already created the conditions for it to come true, and you must make the right efforts to realize your dream. Remember, know, believe - you can create anything you want!
Make your choice and start creating your new reality, your prosperous life. First, in your imagination, create what you desire, in all the smallest details and details, exactly as you need. And then, having filled with the energy of realization, work in the direction that you have outlined, and purposefully realize all your desires, plans, dreams, without being distracted and not deviating from the actions you have planned even for a millimeter.
Act purposefully, making every effort and follow the path you have planned for happiness and well-being.

There is not a single situation from which there would be no way out. The moment a problem arises, the solution to the problem appears. Just do not waste time so that the problem does not grow to enormous proportions and does not close the methods of solving it from the gaze of a person.
If a person does not get what he wants, it means that he has not clearly defined his goals. Therefore, write down all your desires, create a new scenario for your life, where you choose for yourself the role of a happy, successful person. Get a notebook in which you will make daily entries. Describe the events of the day, your state, mood and plans for the next day. The main condition is not to deviate from the goals and believe that you will definitely achieve what you want for one single reason - you sincerely wish that your desires come true. And always be in a good mood - remember the state of being in love, when everything seemed so bright and beautiful. Know how to accept everything that happens calmly, know how to enjoy every day, the world around you. And believe in miracles, in yourself and your strengths, abilities, talents.
When you write, you not only declare that you want it, you give yourself permission to have it, you fill the writing with your energy.
Then after a month or two, after reading your notes, you will be surprised to notice that your plans, desires are being fulfilled more and more often. Why? What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe. This proverb just confirms: what you have written, planned, will certainly come true, because you have placed an order with the Bank of the Universe, you have declared your desires, which means that you have connected to the necessary event channels through which the energy of realization comes to you for what you have planned. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings are an invaluable wealth given to us by our ancestors. It’s just that these rules and advice must be understood with the soul, then the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors will be revealed, which will help to do things, work wonders for ourselves and the world around us.

Well, let's go on an interesting journey, during which we will learn the laws of Success, Prosperity, Happiness. We will learn the art of being happy, the ability to create for ourselves a scenario of our life in which we will be cozy, joyful, comfortable.
Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a fairyland where all desires come true, all dreams come true. In this country there is a magical castle of desires, getting into which a person can get everything he wants. For everyone in this magnificent palace there is a room where he can relax, gain strength, heal, rejuvenate his body, being saturated with miraculous power and vitality. Each person can, at will, change his image, fate, living conditions ... Are you ready?
You already know that miracles happen when a person believes in them; rapidly bursting into our lives, they create wonderful changes, attracting favorable situations and necessary people. A person is surrounded by the energy of success and good luck, he becomes a magician, begins to create a new, happy reality for himself, creates a new scenario for his life, a new image. You are ready? That's fine!
We entered the wonderful palace. Its splendor and luxury are admirable; magic music sounds, the aromas of sandalwood, roses, myrtle and other enchanting smells relax, nourish the soul with joy, a feeling of inspiration, lightness appears ...
In this palace there is your room, which belongs only to you. This room is cozy, you feel calm, confident. It has everything you need so that you can enthusiastically engage in the implementation of your desires into reality.
First you take a shower, silver jets wash away all pain, sorrows, sorrows, failures, disappointments from you - all negative energy, cleanse your body and soul. Then they nourish you with strength, youth, strengthening your energy field and strengthening it. You feel renewed, confident, strong, purposeful, young and energetic.
After a shower, you drink a magical drink that fills you with vital energy. You sit in a magical chair that has amazing properties - it calms, relaxes and at the same time enhances intuition, and you, sitting in this chair, analyze all situations, events, getting answers to all your questions. Then you take pieces of paper and, dividing the sheet into two halves, write “What I don’t like about myself” on one side, and “Why I love myself” on the other. And it gradually turns out that sometimes you know more about your neighbor or pop idol than about yourself, the main person in your life. Re-read what you wrote. If there are more negative characteristics, then you have low self-esteem. And what kind of happy life can we talk about if you don’t love yourself, which means you don’t appreciate and don’t consider yourself worthy of better living conditions? Why do you dislike yourself so much and why are you so critical of yourself? How you treat yourself is how others treat you. If you don't love yourself, why should others love you? If you don't appreciate yourself, why should others appreciate you?
Then describe your affairs, mood. How did you come to such a life? What, no desire to change anything? Do you like living like this? Ah, does everyone live like this? Do you doubt yourself, doubt your abilities and capabilities? Have you tried changing something? Did you try to deal with the questions that worry you, tried to find answers to them? Struggling to know yourself? Do you know that the answers to all the questions you face are within you?
When you sincerely wish to change the situation to a more prosperous one, when you want to live a full life, no, not to serve time in this world, but to live and enjoy life, and create your own life according to the scenario you wrote, you can find all the answers to all questions in yourself. And you will always receive tips with which to avoid many mistakes and problems. You just need to learn to listen and hear yourself, the world and the people around you.
Everyone lives their own life. And there is not a single person who would not make at least one mistake. And we, going through life, sometimes do things that we ourselves cannot figure out. And then we complain and start looking for reasons, then the stars were not so located, then the evil spirits intervened, they did such a thing ... And where was the person himself at that time, what allowed him to do this with himself, with his life? There is a particle of the Creator in each of us, but even the Creator did not subordinate us to his will, but gave us complete freedom, we are free from the moment of birth in this world, so why do we repeat empty phrases that everything depended on the circumstances, on someone or something...
Yes, we have the Mighty Power, we are the children of the Creator. So why do we reject what is in us, and consider ourselves powerless, and teach our children this? Why do we not use our capabilities to the fullest, but ask for help from someone? And let them control our destiny? For what? We are a particle of the Universe, and as soon as we realize this, the door to the World of Wonders and Splendor opens before us. And we are no longer beggars. We become the Creators of our life, our destiny. You begin to understand that everything happens only with your consent.
After analyzing everything you have written, you come to the conclusion that you need energy, time and effort to fulfill your desires, to improve your life, and not to empty chatter about how your neighbor is doing. Yes, let him do his own thing. And now you have decided that you will not feed strangers with your energy and waste your precious time on them, you will now deal with your person, because you have decided to become happy. You allow yourself to become happy and you will purposefully, actively work in this direction, act, move, create.
So the day has come when you decided to change a lot in yourself, in your life, the day of Great changes and getting rid of problems, failures, obstacles.
You are full of optimism, energy, strength, perseverance, you can do a lot. You firmly decided that now you will take care of yourself and create for yourself worthy living conditions that you deserve, and you deserve all the best, beautiful, magnificent. And for this we will learn to treat ourselves with respect and admiration.

The first rule on the way to the image of a successful, successful person is that every morning, when you wake up, start the day with a welcome smile to yourself. It is necessary to praise, to thank ourselves, to thank the world around us and people. Wish yourself a successful day, wish you happiness, love. Try to start your day like this and believe that until the evening you will feel joy, high spirits, and things will be successful, you will be surrounded by an aura of joy and love.
The second rule of a successful and prosperous person, who is always in a great mood, is equanimity, calmness, but by no means indifference. In order for the energy to flow in a constant stream to the realization of your plans, desires, filling them, strengthening, accelerating the process of execution, implementation, you must be calm so that through your emotions you do not splash out this energy, do not slow down your affairs. When you start telling the whole world in secret about your successes, along with words and emotions, you spill out the energy, by the way, intended for the implementation of your projects. Having spent energy on empty chatter, endowing others with it, you have created problems for yourself, because your plans are not realized, your desires will not be fully fulfilled, so they will hang at the beginning stage. Because you thoughtlessly poured out the energy intended for doing good in your life and thereby devastated all your projects. Be in control of yourself and your emotions. And rejoice in your successes, continuing to move forward to perfection. Showing reasonable calmness, let the plan come true. Praise yourself for success, admire yourself, thank the Forces of the Universe, the Creator, the world around. And take things easy. Don't get discouraged about any delays, but treat them with humor, a smile, be calm and confident.
We decided to be happy and now we are sure that we deserve all the best, so what is the doubt? These are not delays - this is a search for a more prosperous situation. We deserve the very best!

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Lyudmila-Stefania - Success codes. Happy Reality Programming

BBK 88.6 L93
Man, as you know, is the creator of his own destiny and the blacksmith of his own happiness. But often we, unfortunately, forget about it, allowing ourselves to wallow in uncertainty, problems, failures...

The strongest sorceress Lyudmila-Stefania reminds us that a person's happiness is in his hands. You just have to want it and program yourself for a positive attitude. By pronouncing verbal codes, formulas for creating your reality, you set yourself up for certain vibrations, with the help of which the subsequent events of your life are created.

In her new book, Lyudmila-Stefania, using the example of a married couple who turned to her for help, shows how a person can change their destiny and bring good luck and success to life with the help of a positive attitude and faith in their own strength.

Verbal codes and rituals that attract success, well-being and prosperity to people are in the new book by Lyudmila-Stefania.


L93 Success codes. Happy Reality Programming. - St. Petersburg: Krylov Publishing House, 2007. - 224 p. (Series "Codes of Happiness and Luck"). ISBN 5-9717-0357-9

ISBN 5-9717-0357-9

© Lyudmila-Stefania, 2005 © Krylov, 2007












Why there are restrictions

cash flow?

Money is energy 105












I dedicate this book to you, Kuznetsov Tatiana and Dmitry! I wish you happiness, good luck and prosperity in everything! Be happy and prosperous.


What the Keeper of Time brought to the Kigu of fates,

Wondering the ways of man?

He neatly folded into a crystal casket

achievements of the past century.

A hundred years for the universe is like a moment,

For people - summing up.

Who is tired, who is behind, who comprehended, who achieved -

Don't judge each other so harshly...

He looked at the planet, trying to understand:

What happened to you, Earth?

Even other rivers are turned back -

Our ancestors never dreamed of such a thing!

Did the person himself become happier,

If there are gloomy faces everywhere?

If human faith disappears forever,

What will happen to you, Earth?

It is not easy to shake off the burden of hopelessness,

But it is not easier to live without hope.

And the Keeper of Time, measuring our path,

Remember: everything was repeated before.

Let it appear: evil continues its feast,

But the sprouts of the New Faith ascend,

And the world is changing faster than before

And the last becomes the first...

Edward Pomytkin
People often come to me with different questions. And there is usually only one reason. The man has lost his confidence. Allow negative emotions to take over. Sometimes a person drives himself into a corner, or a feeling of fear, anxiety takes possession of him, then disbelief in himself and in his strengths or unwillingness to take responsibility for his life is mixed with all this. A person begins to get used to the fact that someone decides for him how to continue to live. But any, even the kindest person, always first of all observes his own interests, and he is unlikely to worry about the interests of another. And then at some point a person begins to realize that something is not as it should be in his life. And the sooner he realizes this, the better.

Each person has their own life story. And each one goes his own way to the truth. I wrote this book for those who want to be happy, who want to change their thoughts, themselves, their lives and destiny. When I wrote my first book, I thought that was enough - everything needed to be said, but it turned out that people had questions and they wanted to get answers to them. This is how the rest of the books appeared.

Once a married couple, Tatyana and Dmitry, asked me for help.

We live far away from each other. But in order to work with people and help them solve their problems, distance is not a hindrance. Working with them, I realized that those questions and events, problems and doubts that arise in their lives, which worry them, arise in many other people as well. And so I want to give answers to questions, ignorance of which sometimes leads to mistakes, troubles and problems in life.

The first thing to do when a person has decided to change his life in a positive direction is to believe in himself and his strength. Believe that much is possible for a person. And if he sincerely decided to change his life, he will definitely win, overcoming all the obstacles in himself. After all, sometimes it is the person himself who creates obstacles on the way to achieving goals and sometimes he cannot take it right away and change his thinking. Old thoughts, habits will invade his life unbidden for a long time, introducing doubts and chaos into thoughts and situations. At such a moment, it is important that there is a person next to you who will tell you how best to do it, how to act more correctly in a given situation, and give answers to your questions. The help of a psychologist, psychic, astrologer is necessary for any person who wishes to change his life. The advice and recommendations that a specialist will give you, the work that he and you will do together, will open the doors to a happy reality for you, help you find the path to happiness and well-being. So, we start learning and learning how we can become happy and prosperous in this beautiful, abundant Universe. So that luck and success become our natural state in life.

It is necessary to make it a rule to keep records, make plans, that is, write a kind of scenario for your actions. This is necessary so that you can create the new image that you desire. Having rehearsed any event in advance, you made the task easier for yourself, that is, you saw shortcomings in your behavior, in the manner of conducting a conversation, and also programmed these events for execution in the direction you wish, taking into account your interests. Use the power of thought, the power of the mind, consciousness and subconscious. And you can change a lot in your life. And always remember that a person must go the way of goodness and any desire to cause someone pain and grief can turn into grief and misfortune for you. Be wise: only then can a person be truly happy when he creates his life from the position of Goodness and Mercy. Do not let yourself be offended, but do not be aggressive and uncontrollable. Know how to always stand up for yourself, but do not provoke quarrels and showdown. And if the one who offended you got what he deserved and you saw your enemy defeated, do not gloat: he made his choice and got what he wanted.

In this book, we will talk with you about how with the help of positive verbal codes, with the help of your mind, faith in yourself and your strengths and a sincere desire to become happy, you can change your life. Create your new reality.

It is human nature to doubt. But if you have created a program for yourself that you expect to change your place of residence and move to another city by the beginning of 2007, strive for this and stick to this deadline. What do you doubt? That you deserve to be a successful person? The fact that you have a lot on the shoulder? That you can do a lot if you want?

Make it a rule to make a plan in which you describe your actions and aspirations about your desires. You have written a plan outlining what, how and when you will do it. Indicate the time frame in which this or that "event" will occur. And stick to this plan. And then you will not have time for doubts, you will need to work. Make it a rule to direct your precious energy to the implementation of your plan. Let your statements, words, thoughts be confident; pronounce and think about what you want as an unquestionable fact. Become one with your desires, with your plans. Become the master of your life, the master of your words and thoughts, master the power of your mind - and then doubts will not overcome you. Bania confidence in your rightness, that it will be exactly as you wish, will bring you the fulfillment of the desired events. And never feed your doubts and fears with your energy. When you do this, they strengthen and weaken you. And when you direct your energy to creation, you become stronger and more confident. And always, when making plans, write about what you will have after the fulfillment of these events. Then the initially present feeling and expectation are rewarded Iya will stimulate your activity and desire for positive results. This will increase your faith and determination.
I want to show by the example of people who turn to me for advice, ask for help in various matters, that everything in this life is possible if a person has a sincere desire to be happy and if he sets realistic goals for himself and strives for them.
The more generous I am, the more money I generate.

I am a money generator.

I can always strive to be generous.

I attract an abundance of love and money into my life.

The more I value others, the more my value to others increases.

I deserve to receive.

People love to give to me.

What I freely receive brings pleasure to others.
Everything I give out comes back to me multiplied.

Since money is energy in action, the more I give, the more I have.

Success is the way I think and my life.

I make logical and consistent decisions.

I act clearly and confidently, achieving my goals.

I focus on my strengths and talents.

My mind is a powerful creative tool.
In this book, I quote letters from a man who turned to me for help. And using the example of his advancement - to happiness and well-being - I want to tell you about how much is possible for a person when he believed in himself and decided that he would create his own new image - a successful person for whom prosperity and well-being are natural and are the norm of life.
Hello, Lyudmila-Stefania! 2 There have been many changes in our lives over the last three weeks, especially mine. As far as I can, I will tell you more precisely about all the events. It may not be necessary, but I would like to tell you a little about myself. Maybe then you will know better about me and, probably, point out my mistakes or ours with Dima, which have already been made and which no longer need to be done.

Since I can remember, I have been, as you rightly noted, my parents' favorite and, of course, I still am. My parents always took care of me and protected me, my mother even worked abroad to somehow survive and to give me money for my studies, even now (I don’t think that many parents could give their children so much money from the sale of their own apartment). I am very grateful to them for this, perhaps I don’t always talk about it, but in the depths of my soul I remember it. But not only for parents. You definitely noticed that “the Universe loves you very much and implements all your programs regarding your life rapidly. Like in a restaurant: what you order is what you get.” It really is. I think the same goes for getting to know you. I have long wanted to change something in my life and, most importantly, in myself, I was somehow uncomfortable, uncomfortable, it seems that there are many pluses in my character, but, as always 3, there are also minuses in a person. So these minuses interfered with me, and I had no idea what to do with them. But the fact that things have slowly moved forward, that's for sure. From the side it is always more visible, so I really hope that with your help I can become what I should be.

In kindergarten, I was a favorite with nannies and teachers, at school - with teachers. I grew up in a poor family, but for birthdays, and not only, my parents always spoiled me with various interesting toys or games. It seems to me now that not everyone could afford such a thing at that time. Even in the first grade, I told myself that I would finish school with a gold medal. And if I put my hand on my heart and honestly admit, I didn’t deserve this medal 100%, since I didn’t know some subjects very well. But all the teachers, even the director, helped me get it. And as a result, it turned out that at the end of the school year, I alone in the whole school became a gold medalist. I can’t say that the medal gave me a lot, but the very fact of achieving the goal was a balm for my soul. I had to go through the pain and resentment that my classmates brought me because of envy, but this was my first adult experience of such situations.

After graduating from school, I decided to enter a university, in the first year I didn’t succeed, but I didn’t really want to. I was tired from school, and I needed at least a year to rest. I even found a job for this year: at school as a laboratory assistant in the chemistry room. A year later, I entered the university, but I did not like the specialty, and, frankly, I studied only so that I could have a diploma. I haven't worked in my field for a single day.

Then I got into a law firm as a secretary, where I met Lima. This job has made me stronger and more confident. Then I worked as a notary's assistant - they didn't get along very well with her, but I learned a lot there too. I always said that I didn't want to live with either my parents or my husband's parents. And here you are: we are able to buy a one-room apartment. Lima and I lived there for three years.

I always dreamed of a husband like Lima, I had a dream: a good strong family, a beloved husband, kids (God forbid, not one). Then we took a three-room apartment - albeit on credit, but still our own. Now we have bought a car, and, oddly enough, one that we dreamed about three years ago and even at the same price. Everything was always presented to me on a silver platter... no, probably even with a gold border. I even had money or things appeared and there are such things as I wanted, I don’t know from where. I understand that the main thing is to want something very strongly, and then it will all come from where I did not even expect. And if there were difficulties, it was only so that I could learn something in life. Life taught me many lessons, and in each such lesson I learned - though not immediately - to find a benefit for myself.

I will tell you one incident from my life. Recently, she taught me a very important and painful lesson for me. When Dima and I got married, I really wanted to get pregnant, but I couldn’t. I ran to the doctors, although there were no special problems, we had just got married. But I wanted to get pregnant for various reasons: because it was time (I was 27 then), because others have children, but we don’t yet ... In general, there were many reasons, but not the main one. Six months later I became pregnant, but as it turned out, I had an ectopic pregnancy. I had an operation, but the tube was saved. They said that you can’t get pregnant for at least six months. I thought a lot, analyzed and came to the conclusion that I said: “Lord, please give me a baby just because I WANT IT!” A month later I got pregnant. And now I have a beautiful son. It was the most important and very difficult lesson in my life.

I have my own principles, my own rules, phrases. For example, I always say that whatever is done is for the best; if something happens, then not just like that, but for something, even if everything is bad at first, this is only for something good. I learned to analyze my actions, listen to my intuition - I really have it very strong; I don’t like criticism very much, but I have strong self-criticism, although I know that one should love oneself and not scold too much. I have shortcomings: I am very irritable, sometimes I flare up like a match, impatient with people, have a high opinion of myself, I am very insecure, especially in dealing with successful and rich people, I am lazy, I do not finish what I started. Indeed, there is a piece of ego in me, sometimes I am irresponsible. I have learned a lot in life from my mistakes, but this is the only way I know now how to do the right thing and how not to. As I always say, I know a lot theoretically, but in practice ... it's much more difficult to do everything.

In your last letter you wrote about positive thinking, and so I just sometimes really lack it. Now I think, I speak in a completely different way than even a month ago, but so far everything is still very difficult. I would like to say that the changes in my life began to occur even from the moment when I read your book "Money Codes". I tried to change myself, my attitude towards the world and people, and I am very glad that I succeeded at least a little. Indeed, when you are positive about everything, everything is much easier. Unfortunately, not everything and not always goes smoothly, but I try very hard to follow your advice. Some things work out, some things don't, but I'm sure that over time everything will be fine. I know all my mistakes: for example, I realized that I always tried to live not the way I needed, but often looked at other people, rich and successful, forgetting that I have my own life, and much more interesting than theirs. I know that sometimes I was simply ignored or disrespected (of course, not openly) primarily because I did not respect myself. I am still and now unsure of myself: sometimes I can say with 150% certainty that I am confident in my success, and after a few days there are doubts whether I can do everything right. As you wrote that “when a person tries to create a program of his desires and dreams that everything will come true as he wants, then a person does not always have the confidence that he can be a magician and work miracles for himself, his thoughts are scattered, there is no purposefulness in the thoughts and actions of a person.” Now I have just the same mess in my head. I understand that I can now do something wrong. The only thing I can say in my defense is that a person cannot change in one day, a week, even a month. It is indeed a very difficult job. But nothing is impossible. As my dad taught me since childhood: “There are no hopeless situations in life, you just need to look for this way out well.”

On Monday, June 19, to be honest, there were no special changes. The only thing I did was set myself the goal of clearly organizing my day, planning (I already started doing this earlier). I even bought notebooks for writing down plans, income and expenses for work and at home, agreed with my mother that I would go to work for a couple of hours in the morning (because if I do something at home, I can’t really do anything either at work or with a child to be normal). Let's see what happens. Well, I pleased myself - I bought myself new shoes. It was not possible to check the car today, we agreed to do it tomorrow, on Tuesday, and the registration of the car was scheduled for Friday.

June 20th. We checked the car, the service station said that the car is very good for its age. We agreed to issue the car on Friday, June 23.

Looking ahead a little bit, I will say that the most important change in our lives over the past three weeks has been Adam J. Jackson's book, The Ten Secrets of Wealth.

About a month ago, I read about this book in your mailing list and ordered all four for myself, so far I have only read about wealth. I ordered them online and just received them.

21st of June. I'm starting to understand a lot. Today, having analyzed all your advice, I understood why I did not have a session on Sunday. It was a lesson for me: I really treated you disrespectfully and irresponsibly towards myself. I confess to you that when I turned to you for help, I thought that everything would be easy and simple, and basically you would do all the work. But after a few days and after reading a little book, I realized that I myself, and only I, am responsible for my life. You can only help me, suggest what and how to do it right. You just help me to go in the right direction. At that time, I still did not fully understand how serious and important everything was (for myself, first of all). I myself am responsible for my life and destiny, and if I don’t do something, I will have only myself to blame. I was very worried that I could not have a session on Sunday, as you said, it was a lesson for me, and a very good one. And to some extent I am glad that this happened at the beginning of our work, in the future I will not allow this to happen anymore.

22nd of June. To be honest, I don't know what's going on with me. It's like I have some sort of breakdown. For some reason I feel bad. For some reason, I now have less self-confidence, but to be more precise, my mood and self-satisfaction somehow pass in waves. The bad, the good. I do not notice any special changes - you are probably right, I still need to mature a little for them. Today I read the next two chapters of the book. Well, I have nothing good to say so far. I am very much like the young man who talked to people who knew the secrets of true wealth. I confess honestly, if I had passed the exam on those points, then by subconscious convictions I would have given myself a weak “four”, by all-consuming desires - “four”, and by clarity of intentions - exactly “three”. In addition, there is also the fear that right now we have money, and in a short time they will simply run out. I know I shouldn't even think like that, but I can't help my insecurities. I know that I need to work and everything will be fine, but ... some kind of illness is simple.

I think that if I met you and these books fell into my hands, this is not without reason. I really, really want to change my life financially, in terms of organization, clarity of the same intentions, even my lifestyle, but apparently not as much as it needs to be done. I beg you to help me with this.

buzzed a lot. Although many trains passed before and after that, none of them honked. It may not mean anything, but I write everything. what's happening.

June 26th. The day went by without much change. True, I went to work and moved all the documents. The good news is that when I got pregnant, I had a threatened miscarriage, and the doctors strictly ordered me not to go to work. I brought all my documents home and did the work at home. I think this is also the reason for our decline in business. We just lost control of it. Then I gave birth, I was mostly with the child, I did only the most necessary work at home. But I already know that it won't go any further. Now Lima does not have time for much. And I agreed with my mother that I would go to work at least a couple of hours a day in order to at least control the accounting for the time being. A few days ago I bought a figurine of Ganesha, I already put it in the office and today I bought an aroma lamp and bergamot. I also bought a money tree, three Chinese coins, I wanted to buy a red lantern, but they were all defective (they are simply very carelessly transported), and I remembered that I had read about wind music. I was advised to buy five straws (there are red, green and purple ones), but I also wanted to consult with you: is it possible to buy? And if so, which one?

Lyudmila-Stefania, I am very worried: it seems to me that I cannot move. Still not all debts have been repaid, the business is still stagnant, we want to take another loan in order to give part of the money for the car (we borrowed it from our parents) and, most importantly, for repairs, since we were counting on one amount, but it turns out completely different. Maybe I'm in a hurry - I just want everything at once. I think about it every day, sometimes I am 150% sure that everything will work out, sometimes I doubt it.

Well, let's say I analyzed my plans. I see myself (although still not very clearly) rich, successful, beautiful, healthy, always young (I also decided to switch to proper nutrition and go to the gym a little later), that we have a new, big, beautiful car, a large three-story house, our son, husband and parents have everything, we pay off debts before the end of this year, with loans - until the end of 2007. There is a terrible struggle going on in me right now, I really, really want to change my lifestyle. I am so glad that fate brought me to you right now, while I am 28-29 years old, when life is in its prime. I will do everything possible and impossible to achieve my goal.

Now everything is very difficult for me, I realized how much I did wrong and how much work I still have to do. You need a lot of willpower, unfortunately, I can’t boast of this yet. Now I still go for a massage (like a SPA massage: I lie on a couch, stones ride under me and still warm my body, and after this massage I get a Chinese cupping massage and another Goasha massage). So, the first sessions were very painful, but I was told that I had to go through this pain in order to be healthy later. I compared this massage with our situation, and it seems to me that we, too, must go through these difficulties and doubts so that later we can live well and comfortably in this world.

And yeshe I realized one thing. As an old Chinese man said in a book, “every failure carries the germ of equal or even greater good luck.” We've probably already done that. The current situation confirms this, if we had not got into such debts, if there had not been such difficulties, we would never have wanted to change very much for the better.

27th of June. Today I read the verse “Do not back down”, it gave me much more confidence. I even read it to Lima, since we even had a fight with him. I understand everything: he was very tired, he even wanted to close the auto parts business, but this verse cheered him up, and, moreover, Lima agreed to read this book too. Because we can only do everything together.

June 28th. We had a holiday, a day off, as there was laziness of the Constitution. But we were at work for several hours. Despite the day off, several customers came and called. There were no special changes.

June 29. I read the book, I don’t know why, but on the last pages I burst into tears. A very wise and instructive book.

Generally speaking, the first week was very, very difficult, there was some kind of breakdown in me: I was changing, changing my thoughts, words, habits ... The next week I analyzed the book, my life. And this week, since Lima has already read the book, we analyzed it together - and we can only do everything together - and planned how we should live on.

If it’s for work, then there are really very few orders now, maybe because it’s summer now, many have gone on vacation, or maybe the problem is really in us.

I will now write a few words about the book, our impressions. This is not all that we think, it's just that we have not yet fully understood ourselves, our plans, so these are only preliminary conclusions.
1. The Power of Subconscious Belief

Dima: “There was a period in my life when I thought that I was a loser and unhappy in this life. Now I can say that I have overcome this feeling. I feel confident and strong person who can do a lot and achieve a lot. I have significantly revised my attitude towards myself and the people around me. I try to think positively. I think I can rate this item as a 4 out of 5.

Me: “I won’t say that I considered myself a failure, I was just brought up differently. I have certain beliefs that I always follow, and there are also those that are now very difficult to change, but, of course, possible. For example, I always knew that I would be rich, that I would live well, and I really liked the expression “only the one who is able to live his own life the way he wants is really rich.” There were many obstacles: for example, the words of my parents, who always said that they had “lived in debt - and nothing, survived” all their lives, that “wealth is evil”, that “being rich is not for us”, I began to understand that being rich is even a shame. I just need to direct my thoughts in a different direction. I would rate these qualities in myself also at 4 points on a five-point scale.

2. The power of all-consuming desire

Lima: “After reading the book, I can say that I have desires that were previously muted. More precisely, they manifested themselves more clearly, and my memories helped me in this that I could not afford to buy some things before, or most of all I was frustrated by the impossibility of buying the necessary things for my family. I don't want this to happen again. I can rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I’m fine with desires. Every day I want to achieve my singing more and more. But I would also give myself a “four”.
3. The power of clarity of intent

Dima: “I have plans and some ideas about my future life, but they are not clear. But this is fixable, you just need to sit down at a notebook and write everything down. Sort all this by volume and timing. And everything will be alright. I can rate this item at 3 points on a five-point scale.

Me: "I completely agree with Dima's words."
4. The power of a broken plan of action

Dima: “For the successful completion of any business, at least some kind of plan is needed. The more detailed it is, the more successful this business will be. Unfortunately, I can't always come up with a good plan. I can rate this item at 3 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I agree, I can only say that these days we have become more organized, the fact that we have a car helps a lot, but Dima and I have already learned to plan every day and try to stick to the plan, we manage a lot. In general, every day we discuss our situation: how we should live on, our plans for the next day and the future in general. The good news is that the process has started and we do not stop there. This is just the beginning of the journey, it will get easier from there. I would give myself a 4 out of 5.
5. The power of special knowledge

Dima: “I think I am an educated person. I have the necessary knowledge to run my business. I'm learning fast. I think that every educated person has the ability for any business. I can rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I’m worse with this, I don’t know as much as Dima. But I am not afraid to learn and, if necessary, I will definitely learn. I would give myself a 3 out of 5.
6. The power of perseverance

Dima: “I can rate this item at 2-3 points on a five-point scale. Sometimes I lack perseverance. And here you have to work and work on yourself.”

Me: “I have perseverance, but also on “three”. I understand how necessary it is, and I will always remember this.”
7. The power of cost control

Dima: “I consider this point the most important. Because of the lack of control over our expenses, we have many problems. I can rate this item at 1-2 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “This point is the most painful. There were ten people in the book, each talking about their most important secret. I think if I were asked this way, I would say that this item is the most important and difficult for us. The hardest thing for us is to plan our expenses. But there is no way out, it will be necessary to work very hard on this. I would give myself 1-2 points too.
8. The power of honesty

Dima: “More or less everything is in order. I was brought up with dignity, I will not sell low-quality goods, talking about how good it is. I will say right away that the product is of poor quality, but cheap. I'd rather give the buyer a choice for which he will be responsible. I can rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I completely agree with Dima, moreover, I’ll say that I just don’t know how to deceive. It's been with me since childhood. I always remember that the bitter truth is better, because if you deceive now, then this deception will still be revealed someday and then it will be much worse. And at work, we would simply lose a good reputation. I could rate this item at 4.5 points on a five-point scale.
9. The power of faith

Dima: “I consider myself a confident person. I believe that I can earn good money worthy of me. I believe that I will solve all problems and live with dignity and happiness. I can rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I have confidence, but so far the problem is that sometimes doubts still appear. But we'll fix it. I would also rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.
10. The Power of Charity

Dima: “I agree that part of your earnings should be given to poor or needy people. If I do not help, something irreparable may happen to these people. I am even ready to donate much more than is necessary. I can rate this item at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Me: “I really want to help children, for example, orphanages, or very often I see advertisements in magazines that one of the kids needs an urgent operation. True, I have never transferred money to anyone, I think that you just need to start and always remember this. Just helping people and not expecting anything in return. I can rate this item also at 4 points on a five-point scale.

Dima: “I cannot give 5 points to any item. I'm not a perfect person, I still have to work on myself.

Me: “Well, I can say the same thing. I think the main thing is that we all understand this, we want to change it, which means that half the work is already done.

I think that the last three weeks have not been in vain and we have done a great and difficult job, because starting a new life is not so easy.

About the company name 4 . In no case do not think that I am arguing or disagreeing with you, I just want to clarify and understand everything that we need to do. So, what can this name “Tet Ride de Luxe” mean and will it not be difficult for people to pronounce, will it be popular, why this particular name?

Lyudmila-Stefania, I feel that we can handle everything, but we need control over us. That is, most likely, we are people who know and understand a lot, but it’s difficult for them to do it. But I think you yourself know how you can help us.

Waiting for your answer.

Thank in advance, Tatiana and Dmitry

Today will be a happy day for me.

Collaboration is more profitable than competition.

I can cooperate without compromising.

The more I give myself what I need, the more others give me what I need. I'd rather win love than an argument.

I no longer depend on other people's opinions.

I think with healthy thoughts and lead a healthy lifestyle.

I feel health and wholeness throughout my body.

I am looking for ways to better express my essence and fulfill my potential.

I discover in myself the resources that provide happiness

and success.

I use every experience of my life for self-improvement.

I respond constructively to all events.

I love myself and believe that I am worthy of success.

I live positively, saying "yes" to all the beautiful things that life gives me.

I am full of vitality and health.

Sincerely, Tatiana and Dmitry

So you've chosen a name.

And now your task is to make this name happy for you. And your business flourished. And for this, conduct a ritual, during which you will saturate all your activities with the energy of well-being and prosperity.

Write the name of the company on a piece of paper, the work plan and tasks of your enterprise and indicate the desired profit from the business. Make a description of everything you want to have, developing, strengthening and expanding your business. Write accurately, avoiding the “not” particle and phrases expressing uncertainty, doubts. And of course, indicate only what you want to have and attract into your life. 11 describe your role in this process: why do you need it, what will you get from the fulfillment of what you want. Thus, you are laying the program of your reward for your efforts in the development of your business. And that will motivate you. You will strive to realize what you have planned, but there is also a prize for you, a reward for this awaits!

For the ritual, candles are needed - three yellow, three green and three red. You will need incense: lemon, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla - three sticks of each. Pick up the music that you like and start the ritual.

Turn on the music. Spread these symbols on the table.

Light candles and incense. Get your hands on a program to develop, strengthen and expand your business. Read each paragraph aloud and imagine everything you wrote as actually happened. After working with each item of your plan, read the following conspiracy 9 once.

Tetride de Luxe - the Universe is power and strength.

She sparkles with emerald stars.

Heaven gives me all the power of bright stars,

Tetride de Luxe, my key, you are a symbol of hell,

She sparkles with emerald stars,

The greatness that the Creator brought to Earth to us.

A stream of invisible waves of cosmic love.
Put on the table a program to develop, strengthen and expand your business. And start your relaxation session.

The music is playing and you are getting comfortable. v start your visualization session.

You are in serious business. You create the destiny of your business. You want your business to prosper, and you to be a rich, prosperous person. You wish success and good luck to accompany you in everything. You create your image of a prosperous, happy person. You are sure that what you are doing now will give excellent results. Remember? What goes around comes around. You want to sow only beautiful seeds so that you can enjoy the delicious fruits of happiness and prosperity.

You sit quietly, your eyes are closed, you are comfortable and well. You are calm and happy. You are doing what you want. Time passes slowly, you rest. Silence, peace, rest. You are fine, you are a happy person. Good luck follows you everywhere. With each inhalation you become more calm, with each exhalation you become more relaxed. The muscles of the right arm are relaxed... The muscles of the left arm are relaxed... The shoulders are relaxed and lowered... Both arms are relaxed... The muscles of the right leg are relaxed... The muscles of the left leg are relaxed... The muscles of the legs are relaxed... Pleasant relaxation... Peace and relaxation. The whole body is relaxed... The muscles of the face are relaxed... Breathe evenly and calmly... The heart beats calmly and evenly... The whole body is relaxed... Pleasant relaxation... You feel good... You are resting... Total relaxation...

Anxiety is replaced by joy and peace. You understand that the main thing in life is not what is happening around you, the main thing is what is happening inside you. You imagine yourself healthy and happy. Imagine yourself as a

I radiate love to everything that surrounds me.

I enrich every person, and every person enriches me.

Every day brings me many pleasant surprises.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

My fate is in my hands. I make good money doing what I love.

I find sufficient strength to carry out the task before me.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

My heart tells me the way to happiness and success.

I use my right to choose consciously and deliberately.

My work brings me reward.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

Joy is able to grow and develop in my heart. I am a happy man.

My whole being is saturated with goodness.

My health is improving every day. Health is part of my capital.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I live in harmony with my true nature. My natural state is cheerfulness, energy, optimism and health.

I want my life to be happy and successful, so I sow the seeds of happiness and success.

I open myself to the flow of the blessings that life brings me. Peace and hope come to my heart.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

My positive thinking brings health to the whole body. I learn to calm down and get rid of tension after a working day.

I consciously exist in my body.

Every day I get to know myself in a new way.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I study my abilities and talents. Working on them boosts my self-esteem.

I don't let other people's negative views destroy my faith and self-esteem.

I carefully watch my thoughts. Destructive thoughts only bring problems, so I release them.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

My heart is filled with love. I believe in the wisdom of my heart. My body becomes healthy.

These are not breathing exercises. This is programming your happy reality. Remember: they speak water so that the breath touches the water. And as you exhale, pronounce the words together with the exhalation - words filled with your life energy - and thereby charge your living space, energy field for well-being. You, as it were, introduce the program of happiness and prosperity that you created into the world around you and fix it in your energy field, in your living space. Now the vibrations of your field will attract favorable situations to you, will create energies of happiness around you.
You imagine how your business is flourishing, sales are increasing. You are doing well. You are a rich person. You can afford to have what you want, what you need. You imagine how you bathe in money. You are rich and happy. All your plans come true quickly and easily, all your desires come true quickly and easily, all your dreams come true quickly and easily. You are happy, prosperous. You are prospering... So you are working on whatever plan you have created to develop, strengthen and expand your business.
You take a deep breath and as you exhale, open your eyes with a smile.

Then come to the table and pick up a program for the development, strengthening and expansion of your business. You read aloud each paragraph of your piano for the development, strengthening and prosperity of your business and imagine everything you have written in reality. After working with each item of your plan, you again read the plot 9 times.

Tetride de Luxe - the Universe is power and strength,

She sparkles with emerald stars.

Tetride de Lux - you are the mantra of the whole world,

The one that the Creator brought to Earth to us.

Tetride de Luxe - the key to the power of all accomplishments

And the fulfillment of what I intended

All plans and tasks and all problem solutions,

All that I put before me.

Tetride de Lux is my key, with the radiance of emerald

All the power of bright stars is given to me by heaven,

Tetraide de Luxe is in me, always with me everywhere,

And with this mantra, I perform miracles.

Tetride de Luxe, my key, you are the symbol of procreation,

Energy of luck, success, kindness,

Tetride de Luxe - the Universe is power and strength,

She sparkles with emerald stars,

Tetride de Luxe, you are the mantra of the whole world,

The greatness that the Creator brought to Earth to us.

With you comes to me from the center of the Universe

A stream of invisible waves of cosmic love.

Candles should burn out completely. The ritual is over. For two months, continue to work with your business program by reading the plot.
Smiling is one of my reactions to the events of the day.

I live in harmony with my true nature. My natural state is pep, . energy, optimism and health.

I want my life to be happy and successful so I sow the seeds of happiness and success.

I open myself to the flow of the blessings that life brings me. Peace and hope come to my heart.

There is always a demand for my work.

My positive thinking brings health to the whole body. I learn to calm down and get rid of tension after a working day.

I consciously exist in my body.

Today I will have many opportunities for self-realization. Today I will do what I promised myself to do for a long time.

I know that thoughts become reality, and I choose to think constructively and creatively.
There are methods for creating that reality, those conditions of life that are necessary for a person. There are techniques for creating programs that contribute to the realization of a person's plan. If a person sets realistic goals for himself and strives for their implementation, not for a second doubting success, then all his desires will come true.

If you want to become happy, if you want to change your life in a favorable direction, then go on an exciting journey to a land of wonders, success and prosperity with the help of this book. During this journey, we will learn the secrets, applying which in practice you can become the creator of your life, you can become happy. As I already wrote, when planning an event, creating a script, you thereby create a matrix of this event. So, you create all the conditions for the accomplishment of this event. And you need to control the process of its accomplishment and saturate your desires with positive energy and faith that what you have planned will be fulfilled at the scheduled time, will be fulfilled in the direction you desired. By applying in life these methods that contribute to the fulfillment of your desires, you can achieve a lot in life.

Man is a particle of the universe. This means that he has unlimited possibilities and strength, and in life there are a lot of examples of when in an extreme situation, that is, when a person has no time for doubts, but only a great desire to change the situation that created it, miracles happened. And why? Because the man purposefully sent his message to the Bank of the Universe - and his desire was fulfilled. And this means that if a person, without creating extreme situations, simply purposefully wishes for something and makes every effort to fulfill it, nourishes him with his energy and positive emotions, then he will receive it. No wonder they say: everything ingenious is simple.

But why don't many desires come true? Why do so many successful people today succeed in making their dreams come true, while others do not? But because these people, who are now succeeding, relied on themselves and their strength. They understood that a person's life, all the events that happen to a person, are the result of his thoughts, his inner state. And many of us rely on someone else, that is, all miracles are associated with someone, but not with ourselves. Not true?

Hello, Lyudmila-Stefania!

Thank you very much for your advice. I remembered the movie about Cinderella, when the boy said: "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning." So I'm just learning. I see how many mistakes I made, and I know what I will not do again. I feel that I have already learned a lot, of course, this is just the beginning.

Another question: what to do when I feel resentment, irritation, anger towards someone, how to overcome myself?

I understand that we build our lives ourselves, but if possible, could you tell us some steps, what to do, where to start, perhaps divide the path to achieving the goal into some stages?

Did people come to you with similar problems as we have, did they cope and how are they doing now?

Sincerely, Tatiana

I fan the flames of success from the sparks of opportunity. You can rely on me and you can trust me.

I am a positive thinker and strive to see the good in everyone and everything.

I show kindness and tolerance towards myself and others.

I am a cheerful and optimistic person.

I have power over my thoughts and can look at my life as I wish.

I am ready to change the way I think in order to make my life better.

I can attract to myself the opportunity and ability to become the person I truly want to be.

Growing in the knowledge of life, I rise above the problems and adverse circumstances.

I am a powerful and respected person. My authority is growing.

I take the time to review my successes and failures.

I act in harmony with the mighty forces of nature and the laws of life.

I cultivate desires and dreams in myself, helping them become reality.
Why is a person afraid that the miracle will end here? This wakes up the former uncertainty, which gives rise to fear, and it turns out that if a person allows negative emotions and thoughts to take over again, he will again roll back and again attract a series of troubles.

positive verbal codes, then he will continue to move forward to new successes and victories. Don’t believe in yourself, BELIEVE IN YOUR POWER, believe that your true desires, nourished by return, will always come true, treat your desires as events that already exist in life, and it depends only on you whether you wish to accept them or not.

Working with people, I teach them to believe in themselves, in their strength and connect all their changes with the fight itself, with the fact that if a person wishes to be happy, sincerely wishes, then all the forces of the Universe will respond to his desires. We live in an amazing world. And people who begin to believe in themselves and their strengths come to an understanding that our consciousness, our brain creates our life, writes our destiny. Our thoughts are the golden key to the implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires. This means that verbal codes are also the very mechanism by which miracles happen and your life is filled with happiness, prosperity and good luck. First, a person must change the direction of his thoughts, he must create a new image of himself and his life, he must, through a change in thinking, change his attitude towards himself, his life, and only when you realize yourself, imagine yourself rich and prosperous, only then will your living conditions begin to change.

Remember and know: a person creates the conditions of his life for himself through his thoughts, the work of “my consciousness, his brain. Think wealth and you will become a prosperous person, think health and you will become a healthy person. But, as you already know, you should not only think, you should imagine yourself as a successful person, you should put on the image of a rich person, as it were, and your thoughts about yourself should be like a rich, successful person, YOU SHOULD THINK LIKE A RICH AND SUCCESSFUL PERSON.

You should strive for wealth and prosperity, and for a split second you should not change your image. And always fill and nourish all your positive thoughts, dreams, desires and plans with your energy of realization. But don't energize your doubts, you just shouldn't have them. After all, if you want to be happy, then think about what you want, why think about what you don’t want, you need to forget about it forever and not even think or remember it for a split second. Make your huge opportunities work for your well-being and prosperity.

Thought has a powerful power, and if you purposefully direct this power in the direction you need, then you will get amazing results from this. Over time, when you can train yourself to think positively, you will understand the simple truth that the direction of your thoughts determines what events happen in your life - positive or negative. Thought and words are the generator for creating the events of your life.

In the old days, they knew the value of the word, but now we have somehow devalued and sometimes even try to ridicule what we do not understand because of our ignorance. And thereby entangling oneself even more in the web of chaos. But if a person wishes to become happy and understands that the basis of everything on earth is the word and thought, and directs the work of his mind to creation and well-being, then such a person will be able to achieve a lot in this life. You need to be a purposeful person and purposefully go to your desires. And if you want to attract blessings into your life, think positively and speak only words filled with love and joy - tune in to the waves of well-being and happiness.

I have already written in the book "Money Codes" that criticism and condemnation prevent us from being happy. The word has great power. Therefore, never criticize, do not condemn, do not destroy yourself. You mentally create the image you are talking about. And do not be surprised when people begin to treat you with not “too respectful. You yourself created a similar program of disrespect for yourself and launched it and the surrounding space. What you wished, you got. Treat yourself as a unique creature. Love yourself and surround yourself with positive emotions that radiate love and joy. Every time we criticize or condemn ourselves or anyone, we turn on the destruction program. someone else, you attract criticism and condemnation in relation to yourself.(Remember: what wave you are tuned in is what surrounds you.)

This is because the people around the stump are our reflection. And what we do not like in others is also present in us. By antiquity, they said that you should not say that the world has become bad - look for the reason in yourself. We sometimes do not notice how it becomes a habit to complain about everyone, to reproach everyone, to condemn. Calm down and take care of yourself first. Understand what events in your life have influenced you to behave this way. You can engage in blaming others as much as you like, but this will not bring any changes for the better, most likely, on the contrary, blaming does not bring liberation. They only take away your creative energy.

You have chosen the role of the victim, the role of the sufferer in this life. And it won't bring you the happiness you desire.

Your thoughts shape the future, and negative thoughts can only create a life of pain, humiliation and suffering. Or maybe you should make a different choice? Change thoughts, refuse to criticize and condemn yourself and others and choose a life filled with boundless joy, directing the energy of words and thoughts to the implementation of positive programs. Learn to speak correctly.

Listen to what and how you say. Don't use negative, limiting words. Always remember the power of the word. When you visit a store, you clearly explain to the seller what you need, and you are served what you asked for. The law is the same in all spheres of human life. The Universe always fulfills your orders: what you wished for, what you asked for, what you ordered, then you will receive. If you choose to believe that you are unhappy and that you will not succeed, events will occur in your life that correspond to your belief and desire (choice). The Universe will take care and fulfill your order in full. If you believe that you are happy, love yourself, appreciate yourself, then the events of your life will begin to change for the better. The Universe always fulfills the order exactly. What you asked for is what you got. Therefore, think, speak, wish only good things for yourself and others. Praise yourself, admire yourself. Don't hurt or hurt yourself. Don't criticize yourself. Learn to treat yourself with love. Believe that you deserve the very best. Learn to accept prosperity, wealth. You are worthy of love, well-being, prosperity. You are well, you are wonderful. You are gorgeous. Learn to thank everyone and everyone.

Start each day with gratitude for the world around you. Send streams of your love to the surrounding space, and it will respond to you in the same way. You will be more comfortable in this magnificent world. You woke up - do not rush to jump up quickly from the bed. By doing this, you are programming yourself for fuss throughout the day. Give yourself, the most important, beloved and unique, the most beautiful person on Earth, a few minutes. You woke up and smiled at yourself, at this world. And thanked the Creator for the opportunity to live and enjoy life. Light Forces - for wisdom and joy. The sun - for the light and heat, the energy that it generously bestows on us. Give thanks to the earth for the gifts it feeds us with. You thank the world around you, send him your love. Thank the air and water, nature, our wonderful planet, people, relatives, parents, friends and enemies and send them streams of your love.

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Lyudmila-Stefania "Codes of well-being and prosperity"
Codes for managing the energy of good luck and prosperity:
The practice of relaxation, meditation and harmonization according to the principles of Feng Shui
The fate of a person, his well-being, success, health, financial situation are determined by many things: the date of birth, and the name he is given, and the attitude of the people around him ... But the main thing is his own consciousness, the way a person perceives himself and his place in the world. That's how through a change in consciousness, setting it to positive vibrations, create your own happy destiny, change life for the better, we will talk in this book. I will tell you, my dear readers, about how, by working on yourself, “educating” yourself, you can achieve what you want.
Here you will find tips to make your life more prosperous, interesting, happy. Well-being does not require financial investments - your own consciousness, the desire to work on yourself is enough. I will show you how to go beyond the usual, take a fresh look at the world, realize yourself, start living the way you always wanted to. Let your being surrender to the power of the universal flow of well-being, and luck will become more real and close.
I attract strength, luck and love.
Everything works out great for me.
The world, the universe is wide open for me.
First of all, in order to achieve a state of well-being, you need to understand that everything depends on the harmonious movement of energy. The energy flow is constantly being adjusted by our thoughts, emotions and sensations. We just need to enter this stream, tune in to it. The energy codes and exercises contained in this book will help you merge with the energy vibrations of the Universe.
It is important that as you do the exercises and say the verbal codes, you feel the flow of energy within you. It is this feeling that will allow you to reach the highest stage of well-being. It is so nice to work on yourself, realizing that with each new exercise you become a little more free, that the flows of energy passing through you bring new dreams and hopes with them, that every minute devoted to working on yourself is another step along the road of Well-being. Walk on it boldly and easily!
When working with your desires, programs, plans, always radiate confidence, be in a joyful mood, and then you will achieve success in your affairs. If a person’s desires are colored by uncertainty that he can succeed, this means that he initially puts a barrier to himself in achieving the goal. In this case, no, even the most wonderful, dreams come true, or the person will get something completely different from what he would like to have: the new job will turn out to be uninteresting or low-paid, the long-awaited marriage will not be happy, and the money received will be wasted. Therefore, when making plans and working with desires, be sure to clearly articulate your requests, talk only about what you want to attract into your life, and in no case allow yourself to even think about what you do not want to have.
You deserve all the best in this life. You are the favorite creation of the Creator, and all the Forces of the Universe are ready to help you in the fulfillment of your desires. And remember one more rule: when creating your programs, achieving something, you should not cause pain and suffering to other people. Never wish for something just out of envy, greed, just to be “like others” - strive only for what will bring you pleasure, increase your spiritual or social level, create a great mood for you, bring joy. Be patient, learn to wait and believe that all your desires will come true just because you deserve it.
I wish you happiness, good luck, prosperity! Love yourself! Love your family and friends. Love and take care of this wonderful, wonderful World! Be happy, and may good luck and prosperity always accompany you through life.
I look at life with love and joy, I become a happy person.
I am letting more bliss, love, money into my life than I ever imagined.
The knowledge that you will gain in this section will help you get the basic relaxation skills. The main thing is to constantly work on yourself, to put into practice the acquired knowledge. Even if you are a businesslike and very busy person, still try to give yourself at least ten minutes every day - and the results will not keep you waiting!
Do not forget that it is your inner world, your calmness or, conversely, disharmony, that affect the outside world, all your actions and decisions. And the more peaceful, happy and self-confident you are, the more benevolent the surrounding reality becomes for you. The most important thing is inside you, and the outside world only responds and plays along with your inner state.
Our lives are constantly changing, but never before have the changes been so rapid and never penetrated so deeply. Self-doubt, fear of losing a job, constant fear for children, worry about how to adapt to the changes taking place around us, have become part of our daily lives. Today, no one needs to be explained what stress is - this condition has become common for most people. Is it possible to avoid it, is it possible to regain a joyful, calm attitude? Undoubtedly! But no one except yourself will make your life the way you want to see it - only you can understand yourself and help yourself. After all, the most important view is the view from the inside.
I live confidently and safely.
I am filled with strength and faith. My life is on the right track.
Every year the pace of our life is accelerating, we receive more and more information, we try to have time to do more things, and there is less and less time left. To be in time for everything and everywhere - what kind of nerves are needed for this? Constant stress at an early age leads us to various ailments, sometimes even very serious ones. And if you do nothing with it, let it go by itself - then by the age of forty, or even by thirty, you run the risk of finally saying goodbye to your health.
There are many ways to prevent or relieve stress. The best thing is to stay alone with yourself, pay attention to your inner world, and in order to learn this, you need to develop the ability to relax and meditate.
Remember that it is very important to choose the method that is most suitable for you, the one that will be convenient for you in time and effective at the moment. All the methods in this book deserve your attention, they will allow you not only to cope with many difficulties, but also to make changes in your own life. Just don't make the wrong choice!
God is always with me. His help and the resources of the universe are always available to me.
Today is a new day that brings good to me and my loved ones.
Relaxation techniques. If the situation around you is changing too quickly, if you feel internal tension, you cannot cope with the next stress, then one of the most basic means for you is various relaxation techniques that will help you learn how to respond to stressful situations.
Exercises. Exercise is important for both the spirit and the body. The most useful of them are those that are performed regularly and bring pleasure. If exercise wears you down, learn the art of relaxing and apply these skills to your daily life. I will introduce you to exercises that "free" the head.
Diet. Oriental medicine has adopted an approach to food based on psychophysiological types; the type to which we belong affects our consciousness, emotions, general well-being.
If you are agitated, frightened, restless, then it is better to give up spicy, bitter and astringent foods for the time being and give preference to sweet, sour or salty foods.
If you want to "cool off" after an outburst of anger or acute disappointment, then you should avoid spicy, sour and salty foods. Sweet, bitter or astringent food will suit you best in this situation.
To cheer up, speed up the pace of work, increase resistance to change, choose spicy, astringent and bitter foods, and refrain from sweet, sour and salty foods for now.
Sweet: sugar, milk, butter, rice, bread, pasta.
Salty: sea salt.
Sour: yogurt, lemon, cheese, vinegar.
Spicy: dishes with spices, pepper, ginger.
Bitter: spinach, green leafy vegetables.
Astringent: beans, lentils, honey.
Changing yourself. Using this method, we change our attitude to the world around us, to everything that happens to us. We learn to think about an old problem in a new way, we change our ideas about the causes and solutions of problems. Moreover, relaxation and meditation are the most important tools here, they allow us to manage our own life and the world in which we live in the most positive and healthy way.
These are convenient practices for every day, practices that will not take you much time, but will have a significant impact on your internal state, restore harmony within you, and help you avoid many stresses. By doing these exercises-rituals, each time you get a little closer to the desired well-being.
How should rituals be performed? First of all, ask your loved ones not to disturb you, turn off the phone, dim the lights. Position yourself as you like: you can stand or sit, it is only important that your posture is not tense, but your back is straight. Try to mentally disconnect from everything that is happening around, focus on yourself, on your inner feelings. You can light scented candles, sticks.
God loves me and directs my actions.
I follow the path of fortune.
Count up to four
Mentally count to four as you inhale, and hold your breath for four counts.
Mentally count to four as you exhale, then hold your breath for another four counts.
Repeat several times. The exercise is performed no more than five minutes.
Count up to ten
Count to ten! But count so that you are fully aware of every breath you take. If you don't "feel" a breath or get distracted, start over.
Body breathing
Inhale through your fingertips, let the breath move up your arms, over your shoulders and into your head. Exhale down - through the neck, then through the stomach into the legs; through the toes the breath goes out.
Peaceful breath
Breathe in as you visualize peace and tranquility filling your body (starting with your head and ending with your toes). Pause and then exhale as you imagine the tension leaving your body (from your toes to your head).
Relaxing moan
For five minutes, allow yourself to moan loudly to exhale all the tension accumulated during the day.
Relaxing laughter
Give yourself five minutes of laughter - don't do anything else, just laugh!
Consistent relaxation
Tighten, then relax each muscle group in your body in turn. Start at the feet and work your way up to the head (toes, ankles, shins, knees, hips, buttocks, belly, back, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, head, face).
Mentally breathe in each of the above parts of the body, feeling the influx of warmth and relaxation in it.
Communication with animals
If you have a dog, cat, or any other pet, sit down next to him and just pet him!
Recreate in memory an image of a place where you have ever felt relaxed. Return to that place and "live" there for a few seconds or minutes.
Supported Imagination
Listening to audio recordings, CDs, we are often transported to some special place - we sit by a waterfall or on a mountaintop, we lie in the middle of a wide meadow or on the ocean shore. Music gives us many liberating and healing images.
The most relaxing music is that which has a natural rhythm but no melody; sounds in such music are cyclical, repeating.
Many of us still believe that stress is entirely dependent on lifestyle, on life situations - some just get a more stressful life than others. Well, to a certain extent this is true. Stress increases along with responsibility, constant dissatisfaction, the appearance of everyday causes for concern. It is on these three factors that the overall level of relaxation or, conversely, painful tension in our lives depends.
The stress of over-responsibility
You are experiencing over-responsibility stress if:
you do not have enough time to redo all the cases;
you often confuse one for the other and complain about not having a clear head because too many events are happening at the same time;
you will become depressed when you think about how much more needs to be done;
you stop eating to finish work faster.
The stress of dissatisfaction
The nature of your stress is dissatisfaction if:
you get annoyed when you find yourself in a "traffic jam" on the road;
you get angry when your plans depend on the actions of other people;
you get nervous when you have to deviate from the plan;
you hate it when other people or circumstances interfere in your affairs and plans.
chronic anxiety stress
Your stress is rooted in chronic anxiety if:
you have a habit of imagining the worst that could happen to you as a result of any current "crisis";
you replay this crisis in your mind over and over again, even if it has already been completed and successfully resolved;
you are able to visualize this crisis clearly weeks after its completion;
you feel your heart pounding in your chest or your muscles tense up;
there are so many thoughts in your head that it becomes difficult to think.
It is not the events of our life at all, but the initial attitude towards them that determines the strength of our stress. For some, a rollercoaster ride is a dangerous adventure, while for others it is just a way to relax. Our friends, our families teach us to perceive events as stressful or relaxing.
You can change your attitude to life only through changing your ideas about the world and about yourself. Changing beliefs and perceptions is difficult, but possible. Later we will talk about how to get rid of old ideas and replace them with new ones. For now, it is enough to understand that if our ideas about the world are not very positive, we will experience stress. If we perceive the world with love, relaxation will not be long in coming - regardless of real events.
My life is good. I prosper.
I am a happy and lucky person. My inner potential is huge.
When you are imbued with a new worldview, everything black leaves your life, all troubles and illnesses leave you. Your body is healing and you feel great. You are saturated with the Energy of the Universe, its beneficial radiations surround you and attract happiness, good luck and beneficial changes in your life. You are happy, you are safe. The day of Great Changes in your life is coming, the day of solving all problems. Just today, because that's what you want. And all the Forces of the Universe help you in this. You are confident in yourself and your abilities and know that you deserve all the most beautiful things in this world.
Make up your mind! At this very moment, you have the opportunity to choose an optimistic or pessimistic future. After all, this moment is the point of our personal power. It is here and now that we perceive the world and endow it with one meaning or another. A positive past provides us with optimism about the future. A negative past is more likely to lead to a pessimistic future. However, we can change right now, regardless of our past. Read these definitions:
pessimist - one who looks at everything from the worst side, tends to mentally exaggerate everyday difficulties;
an optimist is someone who is confident that things are going well and prefers to look at the world cheerfully and hopefully. He can find positive in any events!
The beauty of choice is that by choosing optimism, you are laying its foundations in the present, and in a second, the present becomes the past. Second by second we can create faith, love and joy!
As soon as we perceive this or that event without joy, we automatically experience strong negative emotions. Perceiving events with love, we generate calm, positive emotions. The task of traditional stress management is to reduce the negative consequences of what has already happened. I suggest you otherwise - to prevent stress as much as possible.
We are tormented by everyday troubles, we live hastily, as if on the run, not noticing the charms of this world. We do not know how to enjoy life, to thank the Creator for the miracle that he gave us. But you can live differently. Not to survive, not to serve the term of earthly existence, but to get to know this wonderful world, to enjoy every moment. You just need to love yourself and want to be happy. And for this it is necessary, first of all, to learn to think positively, to watch your words and thoughts, to think and speak only positive words, to wish only good and well-being for yourself and everyone around you.
Stress and relaxation within you form two completely different types of life situations: negative or positive. And all this comes from your attitude to the world. Rejection of others and the outside world leads to stress. Acceptance of others and the outside world leads to relaxation. What emotions do you like best, which ones would you like to experience every day? Emotions that cause stress are negative and strong: these are anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, a sense of danger, indignation and dissatisfaction with life. Emotions leading to relaxation are positive and calming in nature: calmness, happiness, friendliness, joy, mercy, curiosity. Choose.
Which of these two paths you have taken can be easily understood even by observing your physical condition. Stress causes chronic muscle tension, indigestion, increased nervous irritability, increased metabolism, increased heart rate, hypertension and reduced immunity. Relaxation is characterized by unhindered blood circulation, normalization of the pulse, increased immunity and restoration of natural balance in the body. As a result, people who have not been able to part with their stresses come to illness, anxiety, and increased fears. Those who have learned to relax begin to discover more and more opportunities, health, happiness and well-being.
What to experience - stress or relaxation? The choice is yours. If you decide that the state of acceptance and love is closer to you, I will help you learn relaxation. Her secret is to stay in the present moment and let a peaceful present shape an equally peaceful future.
The present moment is the only thing we need to work with. And we are overwhelmed with memories and plans for the future, we scroll everything and scroll through the dialogues that have already taken place in our heads in search of words that need to be said. When this happens, we mentally drag the experience of the past into our present, in the current moment. We pull memories into our home, into our bed, as if they were real, belonged to the present. But there is also a future - full of anxiety, doubts and fears. Of course, in the past you can find good memories that are nice to relive, and in the future you can expect something very good. And yet it is the past and the future that prevent us from living now, wholly and completely - in the present.
Think about how you would continue the following phrases:
When I wake up in the morning, most of the time I think about...
During the day, I tend to think about…
In the evening I often think about...
Before I fall asleep, I think about...
When I'm on vacation, I often think about…
Do you know what most people say?
When I wake up in the morning, most of the time I think about what I'm going to, should or want to do today.
During the day, I tend to think about what I have already done and what remains to be done.
In the evening, I often think about what I did not do from what I wanted to do.
Before falling asleep, I think about what I need to do tomorrow and what I did today.
On vacation, I most often think about nothing in particular, I just absorb the impressions.
We worry about something all the time, constantly worry about different things. Symptoms of anxiety include impatience, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, pain in various parts of the body, and poor sleep. But the excitement, like all thoughts about the past and the future, speaks of a deeper problem - the inability to control one's own consciousness, one's own thoughts. We definitely need to learn to control our own consciousness, choose new thoughts and explore new ways of perceiving the world. And in this we will be helped by verbal codes, or affirmations, statements.
We are constantly affirming something. Every thought accompanied by a belief or expectation is an affirmation. The problem is that most of the time we claim exactly what we don't want. And the secret of affirmations, verbal codes, on the contrary, is to affirm in the present what is not yet, and at the same time believe that it already exists. And it will appear!
To work out effective verbal codes, take a piece of paper and separate it with a vertical line. On the left side, write: "I want," then write down what you would like to get out of life. Then, for each “want” on the right side, write down all the negative thoughts that make you doubt that your “want” will come true. After each negative thought, write, “Thank you!” You thank the secret thoughts that they came to the light of your consciousness and now you can let them go!
Now do the same with "I can" on the left side of the sheet and continue the list of secret thoughts on the right side.
Then change the statement to “I will” and write next to it: “And everyone will see how wrong they were.” Yes, this statement sounds somewhat negative. However, the truth is that our achievements are often limited by a deep, subconscious desire to meet the expectations of the people around us. And if you do not yet have what you aspire to (whether it be love, health or money), the reason probably lies in the deep need to be the way others see you. Try to attribute this statement to a few verbal codes and pay attention to how you feel.
Finally, write down your want / can / will in the form of present tense verbal codes:
I am rich
Money falls on me in huge quantities.
If you did everything right, the final formula will bring you a sense of power and confidence in yourself. Now use it all the time. Say it, sing it, read it, write it. Tune your subconscious to make it a habit. The thought contained in this verbal code should be the first thought after waking up and the last before going to bed. Be patient and you will see how the desired will come into your life!
Often, in order to mentally relax, we first need to relax the body. There are special methods that help to do this. There is nothing complicated about them! The main thing is to do them regularly. Use these methods consistently and you will soon notice that your body has moved out of "disease" mode and into "bodily freedom" mode.
Breathing exercises help the body quickly relax. By slowing down our breathing, we kind of tell the hormonal system that “everything is fine”, and thus anxiety and excitement are suppressed. Conscious breathing helps to instantly relax both the body and the psyche.
Inhale, imagining the breath flowing through your fingertips, up your arms, into your shoulders…then exhale slowly through your stomach, legs, toes.
Place your hands on your belly, feel it rise and fall with the rhythm of your breath; breathe deeply. Now, on each inhale, count to three, then hold your breath for three counts, count to three as you exhale, and hold your breath for another three counts. Let your body relax as much as possible.
Try inhaling for six seconds and exhaling for seven. Do this for two minutes. (In order to correctly measure a second, add any word of three syllables to the score, for example: “One - te-le-fon, two - te-le-fon ...”)
Place your hand on your nose so that the thumb rests on one nostril, the index finger on the bridge of the nose, and the middle finger on the second nostril. Now close one nostril with your thumb and breathe softly and deeply through the other. After a minute, close the second nostril and breathe in the one under the thumb. Feel the movement of energy.
Now try another way. Close one nostril with your thumb and breathe through the other. As you exhale, open the nostril under your thumb and close the other. Now inhale through the open nostril and exhale through the other. With practice, you will find a calming breathing rhythm that suits you.
This is not just breathing exercises, this is programming your happy reality. Exhaling, say the words filled with your life energy.
I attract an abundance of love and money into my life.
I form a picture of financial well-being and success in my mind.
By doing this, you charge your living space for well-being, introduce the program of happiness and prosperity you created into the world around you and fix it in your energy field, in your living space. Now the vibrations of your field will attract favorable situations to you, that is, create energies of happiness around you.
Mental stress causes muscle tension, which only exacerbates mental stress. How to get out of this vicious circle, finally relax?
Lie on your back, close your eyes and focus on your toes.
Bend your toes - harder, harder, harder, pause...relax. Repeat two or three times until the fingers feel relaxed.
Tighten the muscles of other parts of the body in the following sequence: ankles, shins, knees, hips (outer and inner surfaces), buttocks, abdomen, chest, back, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, neck, face.
Return to any part of the body where tension has been preserved, tense and relax it.
Lie still, let relaxation fill your body.
"Autogenic training" is another way to gradually relax. Instead of physical muscle tension, you mentally "move" the energy. Directing it to different parts of the body, you open the way to a feeling of warmth and relaxation.
Imagine that you have a ball of heat and light sparkling on your head.
Mentally lower this energy ball into your head, feel how it massages the cells and tissues of your brain, scalp, face with healing light.
Gradually drive the ball over the head, over the face, over the neck, over the shoulders, arms, hands, through the chest, abdomen, pelvis, back, hips, knees, ankles and feet.
Let the energy circulate freely in your body.
Feel how the darkness recedes under the rays of your ball.
Let the rays pass through the pores of your skin, let them surround you with a halo of light.
Slowly open your eyes and return to reality.
Performing this exercise, you need to move gently, slowly, without causing yourself pain. These leisurely movements help the body release hidden tension and gain freedom.
Sit upright in a chair with your back straight and pressed against the back of the chair.
Slowly turn your body to the left. Make sure that the movement does not cause you inconvenience; mark the extreme position at some point on the opposite wall.
Slowly repeat this movement six to ten times.
Now turn to the left without turning your head and continuing to look straight ahead. Repeat six to ten times.
Now turn your body and head to the left, keeping your eyes on the wall in front of you. Repeat six to ten times.
Now turn your body, head and look to the left. Did you manage to get further than the very first time?
Repeat all this with a turn to the right.
Yoga exercises are wonderful in that they relieve us of tension. Performing them, we take various postures, slightly stretching certain areas of the body. These postures have been used by people for centuries to alleviate physical or mental suffering, as well as to achieve a higher spiritual development. Here is one such exercise.
Lie prone on the floor. Place your palms at shoulder level and gently lift yourself up, arching your back to stretch the stomach and chest area.
Now swing back - so that the buttocks are above the heels.
Rise to all fours, then lower yourself until you are in the starting position. Relax.
Repeat the exercise five to ten times - slowly, enjoying the opportunity to stretch properly.
To relax, it is necessary to ease the path of the vital energy qi and remove the blocks of tension. Here is one of the simple practices.
Place your hands on your belly button, palms facing your belly. Now slowly spread your arms, imagining how the energy is released and goes out into the Universe. Now slowly move your hands towards each other and your stomach, imagining how the universal energy flows into your energy field.
Turn on the tape recorder and, while relaxing music is playing, fill the bath with warm (37-38 ° C) water. Add 10 drops of oil of cedar, orange, bergamot, cinnamon or patchouli, rose, lemon, coriander, a glass of honey (if there are no contraindications) to the bath. Light a candle and relax in the bath.
Try not to think of anything specific, let your thoughts flow freely. Enjoy "idleness". Relax every muscle in your body. Your whole body is relaxed. A pleasant feeling of warmth and peace spreads over him. The tension is gone. You are free from any pressure, you are filled with a pleasant feeling of bliss ...
Your consciousness also relaxes, it is freed from unnecessary and unpleasant thoughts, and you experience a feeling of life-giving growth that embraces your spiritual and physical "I". When the feeling of elation reaches its peak, you will get closer to the main source of life energy. The vital forces of your body are renewed and strengthened.
Now imagine that you are lying on the bank of a river. Drive away the fuss, all problems and anxieties and enjoy the peace and harmony of the Universe. Every cell of your body absorbs its energy, its greatness and strength, merging with its elements.
You lie and repeat:
“I absorb the Powers of the element of Water, its fluidity, purity, the ability to pave the way through any obstacles.” (And you feel how you are filled with the forces of the water element.)
“I absorb the Forces of the elements of the Earth, its strength, firmness, stability, the ability to preserve and increase. I will also increase my spiritual wealth, as the earth multiplies the seeds sown in it, giving a bountiful harvest. My strength will be a bulwark for me and for others in all matters.” (Feel yourself filled with the forces of the Earth.)
“I absorb the Forces of the element of Fire, its energy, passion, the ability to burn everything superfluous, freeing the main thing. I will shine like a star and warm like a hearth flame. (Imagine how you are filled with the forces of the fire element.)
“I absorb the Forces of the element of Air, its mobility, lightness, freedom. I will fly above the earth, enjoying the infinity of space, but still my path will be subordinated to my own goal. (And you feel how the element of Air feeds you.)
During this ritual, you enter into harmony with all the elements of the Universe, begin to radiate Love always and everywhere, and the entire Universe sees your glow and responds to it, sending you even more Love and Light. Your personality is your thoughts. Think about success and you will be a successful person. Think positively and your life will be filled with harmony.
After the bath, you will feel light. Love, pamper yourself. Create comfortable conditions for yourself. Don't be lazy. In order to feel comfortable, look great, you can try. Never spare time for yourself. Love yourself and take care of yourself.
Let your imagination help you develop quick relaxation techniques. Go for a breath of fresh air, jump, get in a car and laugh out loud to exercise and relax your stomach muscles. There are no right or wrong ways to relax. One thing is important - to send a message to the body: "It's time to relax!" - and back up the intention with action. Try some of these techniques.
Give yourself a foot massage before bed. Take a cream with herbal extracts, rub it into delicate areas of the skin. The results will exceed all your expectations!
Foot massage not only helps to relax, but also heals the body. When a person relaxes, his blood circulation improves, as vasospasm disappears and blood circulation increases. And this helps to dissolve the crystalline deposits that form in all parts of the body.
Take a moment to self-massage using a natural oil or lotion. Add a drop of aromatic oil there, which is more suitable for your mood. Clove, geranium, cypress, bergamot, heather, fir, thyme, basil, lavender and rose oil are excellent stress relievers.
Add a drop of soothing scent to your home or office scents.
Have relaxing or stimulating music playing in the background. In order to relax, it is not necessary to listen to slow music. Find out what kind of music allows you to relax and listen to it more often.
Before going to bed, you can turn on quiet, soothing music. It is very relaxing and prepares for sleep. Musical therapy was used by our ancestors, with its help they healed diseases, reduced pains... Today, scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of this method for treating diseases, restoring the body and strengthening the immune system. Music therapy improves the emotional, physiological and psychological state of a person. Music stimulates the body, increases vitality, relieves pain, helps in healing. Musical vibrations bring a person into a state of harmony, peace of mind and tranquility, connect him to the rhythms of the Universe, strengthening the connection of a person with the Sources, with the Forces that created this World and himself.
Sounds of a certain frequency are able to destroy pathogenic microbes, relieve pain, remove a person from a state of aggression and depression, normalize sleep and relieve insomnia. Philosophers of antiquity believed that the rhythms of the Universe and music are in tune, and music not only restores harmony in the human soul, but can also heal the body, as it restores the state of mind of a person.
Today it is no secret to anyone that melodies that cause joy and positive emotions in a person contribute to the normalization of pressure, help in the cure of nervous diseases, and tone up the central nervous system. Music also helps in violation of the psycho-emotional state, relieves insomnia, improves mood.
Meditation has a very beneficial effect on the body. They fill us with optimism and harmonize the psychological state. During meditation, the senses are dulled, and attention is drawn inward to our being. The mind calms down (as the calm water in the river calms down, allowing the sediment to sink to the bottom again), our inner features become objects of attention, and we reach a state of ecstasy.
We form new ideas and experiences, new, more holistic ways of understanding are opened to us; we are freed from habitual worries, sorrows and habits, and other ways of feeling and perceiving take their place.
We meditate to allow ourselves to see our lives differently, to make new decisions, to grow and develop in love and harmony, and not in need and struggle.
I create for myself a territory of success, love and happiness.
I attract good luck and live in such a way that every day, hour, every moment is filled with happiness and love for family and friends, for the world around, for the Universe and the Great Creator.
I thank you, Light Forces of the Universe! I thank my Guardian Angels!
Meditation helps to relieve many painful conditions, including hypertension and coronary heart disease, insomnia, asthma, and psychiatric illnesses. A person becomes more resilient, discovers in himself a previously unknown creative potential.
During meditation or between sessions, hidden emotions can be released, such as pleasure, sadness, anger, love. We cease to depend on the opinions of other people and begin to be more aware of our own judgments, gaining the ability to make decisions quickly and easily. In a relatively short time after turning to meditation, we can become less irritable in personal relationships.
Meditation has almost no limits. It does not require special equipment, you can meditate anywhere and at any time. After all, meditation directs our gaze inward, allowing us to focus on deep experiences. Sometimes these experiences frighten us - negative memories, judgments, feelings of guilt rise to the surface. During meditation, we touch the deeper levels of consciousness where painful memories hide. If we learn to find these memories and release them in the present, we can be cleansed both physically and mentally. This process may cause some discomfort, but the more we control our thoughts and feelings, the less time it will take to release hidden memories.
The meaning of meditation is to release negative experiences and thus get rid of them.
Meditation can lead to major lifestyle changes and open up new ways of being. For some, these changes will cause concern. But if you are willing to grow and develop, meditation is a life-affirming experience.
When starting meditation, it is advisable, if you have such an opportunity, to turn on quiet, calm music. Take the position that is most comfortable for you and relax.
Finishing the meditation, be sure to thank the Forces of the Universe and the Universe for the Energies and Wisdom that you have been fed. Be at rest for a while. Feel the changes that begin to take place in you. Preserve the feelings of this Universal purity and power. And may you always and in everything be accompanied by good luck and success. Be happy, wise, kind and generous to this world, to the people around you, to everything living on the planet. Take care and love this world. He will reciprocate and fill your life, your every day with love and joy.
Although, as I said, meditation has practically no restrictions, I will still note some points.
Start with short, 5-10 minute daily sessions, or meditate only once a week to begin with until they get used to it.
Prolonged, 3-4-hour meditation can lead to the release of too strong emotions, which later will be difficult to understand and analyze.
Meditation can enhance the effects of certain medications, increasing sensitivity to tranquilizers and antidepressants, as well as to anti-hypertensive pills and hormones.
Meditation can be started in five different ways. Choose one and stick with it. Do this exercise every day for five minutes and see the results.
Breath. Inhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts (this exercise can be done anywhere, anytime).
The fullness of attention. Focus on your own breath, feel how it passes through your nose - back and forth. Thinking about something, imagine that this thought is placed in a bubble of air, let this bubble float to the surface and leave your consciousness. This exercise should be done daily for ten minutes.
Music. Listen to relaxing music. Listen for real, sit comfortably, close your eyes. Do nothing but listen, be with the music.
Visualization of positive and relaxation. In a free moment, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a cozy corner of nature, where you can feel as relaxed as possible. Perhaps you have been there before, or this is a fictional landscape. Let yourself feel, hear and see this place, feel its taste and smell. Let your body relax, let your mind rest; allow yourself some time in peace.
Word codes. Use the exercise to create verbal codes. Repeat them over and over as you get ready to go to bed. Let the positive code be the last thought that seeps into your mind before going to bed. Then, when you wake up in the morning, repeat the wholesome verbal formula over and over again while you clean yourself up.
Every day my life gets better and better and better!
Life brings me joy and love.
Now that we know that meditation is good, let's learn how to meditate. For if we cannot maintain inner peace, our actions in the outer world become chaotic. And daily meditation gives us the strength to bring love, joy, peace and all the best into our lives and the lives of those around us. We give others what we have inside. During meditation, we learn that within us is peace and love.
The three main types of meditation are concentration, contemplation, and attention.
It includes forms of meditation that require concentration on a single object or concept. We focus on one thing and ignore everything else.

Focus on the image. Focus on a candle, a drawing, a sunset, a tree, a crystal. Focus - strictly on the image. Do nothing but keep your attention on the object. If attention begins to dissipate, focus again. Constantly return focus until you feel that you have entered a state of meditation.
Focus on sound. Keep your attention on the sound of waves crashing against the shore, on the rustle of pebbles, on the pure sound of the universal sound of OM. If OM doesn't suit you, try just singing the vowel sounds. First, “aaaaaaaa” three times, putting all your soul into this sound; then, also three times, "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" Pay attention to how you felt when you started singing and how you feel after singing. Choose your favorite sound and sing it for five, then ten minutes. You are meditating!
Focus on the idea. Repeat the words "love", "peace", "joy", "health" over and over again. Say these words loudly, then quietly. Repeat your chosen word until you go beyond the concept itself and discover the deep feeling and meaning of this word.
Focus on the phrase. The traditional form of meditation-concentration is the mantra (but I will talk about the art of meditation with the help of mantras a bit later).
Focus on feeling. If you are outside, focus on the touch of the wind on your cheek or on your breath (as it enters and exits through your nose). I will also pay attention to this technique further.
Meditation-thinking requires focusing on a range of concepts and is based on the creation of thoughts or images. This process is broader than concentration-meditation, but the focus is still directed inward, and all external stimuli are simply excluded.
During meditation-reflection, attention is focused on the image or sensation (thought), excluding all other stimuli.
There are several methods of such meditation.
Creating and repeating verbal codes (affirmations).
Visualization and guided imaging. Imagery (often referred to as "self-hypnosis") is used to change the outside world. Athletes use imagery to mentally train before a performance - and achieve better results. Creating images can stimulate the body's immune response to stress, pain, and discomfort.
Prayer. This is the oldest form of meditation-contemplation. A simple sincere prayer addressed to the Creator, the Guardian Angels, works wonders. Prayer is a powerful form of meditation that can be used anywhere, anytime.
Koans. Meditation on koans came to us from Japan. A koan is a puzzle to be focused on until the correct solution is revealed. A well-known koan says, "What does clapping with one hand sound like?" The answer comes not from our consciousness, but from deeper layers. One can spend years meditating on a koan. My favorite koan is "What did you look like before your parents were born?" Attempts to answer such questions make the mind go around in circles until, out of fatigue, it turns to the answers of the Higher Self.
Questions. In the course of questioning, you sit down, relax and begin to ask, referring to yourself: "Who am I?" Accept all answers, but don't dwell on them. Repeat the question, wait until all the answers come. Repeat the question again. In the end, if you are stubborn enough, you will enter the territory of truth and wisdom hidden in the depths of your Self.
Attention-meditation involves awareness of all your thoughts, experiences and sensations without being involved in all this. Nothing is excluded from consciousness, but the emphasis is on the nonjudgmental observation of what is happening. As a result of meditation-attention, direct, immediate awareness of all available phenomena comes to us.
Here are some examples of such meditation.
Be aware of your breath as it enters and exits through the nostrils. If you want, count during inhalation, trying not to influence it, the main thing is to observe and count.
Become aware of your thoughts. Silently observe how thoughts pass through your consciousness, mark them as “past” and “future”. They will all refer to one or the other, because if you really focus on the present moment, you will have nothing to mark!
Be aware of your feelings, observe them from the depths of meditation.
Be aware of your feelings and go beyond them to experience the space and energy hidden within you.
I am filled with the Force that life constantly feeds me.
I give joy and love.
This is where the skills gained in mindfulness meditation come in handy. Being in this state, we observe our inner world, we are aware of all our thoughts, but we are not attached to them, we do not depend on them. Such art gives excellent results both in the treatment of diseases and in the restoration of peace of mind.
To get started, set an alarm or timer for five minutes. Then sit back, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Feel the breath in and out, in and out through your nostrils. Your breath becomes the vehicle that takes you to a point of rest. Notice how easily you can be distracted from the sensation of breathing. Here is a thought passed through your mind. This thought led to another, and then another.
Finally, you remember that you should feel your breath, and you come back. But where did you come back from? Where has your mind wandered? Try again and this time you will feel pressure or pain in your body. As you follow the pain, you will release another series of thoughts to the surface, and then return to the breath again. Each time you return to feeling your own breath, you will gain more and more control over your own mind.
Thoughts are like naughty children always tugging at our sleeves. This constant worry is a source of stress and pain. Mindfulness is a tool that allows us to observe thoughts and sensations without contact with them. At first, all this mental confusion occupies our entire attention. Then we find that we can control the process. By observing and noticing, we stop reacting. After all, it is our reactions to thoughts that bring with them emotional stress and physical ailments.
Fullness of attention develops in us the following qualities:
lack of judgment (we become indifferent observers of our own experience);
the mind of a beginner (we are ready to see things as if seeing them for the first time);
faith in yourself;
lack of effort (no need to do anything, and everything will be done by itself);
acceptance (the ability to see things as they really are at the moment);
the ability to "throw out of the head."
When you're ready, extend the meditation to ten, then twenty minutes. Longer periods of training will allow you to enter the space beyond thoughts. This is a space of energy not yet contained in thought.
Devote at least five minutes of meditation every day - just sit, listen to your breath and enjoy your workout!
Everything is perfect in my world.
I follow the path of fortune.
I have all eternity and many possibilities.
Most of the time we identify with the surface mind, that is, we think that we are our thoughts. We forget that there is another "I" hiding deep inside.
The practice of full attention allows us to observe thoughts, sensations and experiences detachedly, without being attached to them. We assert the right to control, freeing ourselves from superficial fuss and realizing that all this constantly moving chaos is not ourselves.
Find a comfortable place where no one will disturb you. It can be a room, or a kitchen, or a bathroom - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you are not distracted there. Set a timer for twenty minutes or more, then put it away so you're not tempted to look to see how much time is left. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the breath come and go, come and go. Just watch your breath. Don't try to control it. If you find yourself distracted from your breath, try the following.
You are distracted by a thought or feeling. Try to “glue” to every distracting thought, to every feeling a label: “thought of the future”, “thought of the past”, “feeling of anger”, “feeling of love”. Having "noted" the thought, return to the sensation of breathing.
You were distracted by the feeling. Avoid reacting to feelings. Do not itch, do not fidget in search of a more comfortable position. Label the itch as "itch" and the discomfort as "pain" and immediately return to feeling your own breathing. The mind cannot rest if the body is in constant motion. If you really find yourself in an awkward position, change position with detachment and return to breathing.
Various forms of meditation-concentration have come to us from India, Tibet and other countries of the East, where they have been used for centuries. In the West, concentration in the form of mantras is more famous and popular.
The mantra, or special sound, is used as a vehicle for the mind to reach deeper levels of concentration. Usually mantras do not have much meaning for the meditator, but the very quality of the sound leads to a deeper state of peace and clarity of awareness.
Try to work with the following sounds by saying them out loud, experimenting with tone and rhythm, to find the ones that are most pleasant and healing for you.
OM (AUM, AMEN, AMEN, UM) - the universal sound of awareness (A-U-MM: breath is divided into three parts);
U - the sound of love, balance and harmony;
A - the sound of emotion, desire and creativity;
E is the sound of spiritual strength and universal life.
When a sound is sung, the deep breathing required to create the sound and the quality of the sound itself creates deep relaxation. The sound can be repeated softly in the rhythm of breathing.
During meditation, you can perform the following procedure.
Choose a word or phrase that reflects your beliefs. It can be a line of prayer, a concept (love, peace, joy); verbal code; image of peace and tranquility.
Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Relax the muscles of the whole body - from head to toe.
Be aware of your breath; start repeating that word or phrase (quietly or out loud).
Remain passive, indifferent.
Train twice a day, do the exercise for 10-20 minutes.
Commonly used phrases are:
Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi, Matchmaker! (Beyond, beyond, beyond Buddha, beyond, praise you!)
OM Nama Shivaya. (I surrender myself into the hands of Shiva.)
Aum Mani Padme Hum. (All That Is is the jewel at the core of the lotus that blooms in my heart.)
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Our Father, who art in heaven ... (or any other line from the prayer "Our Father").
May it not be mine, but your will... (or any other significant phrase from the Bible).
Create your own mantra.
To do this, you need to compose a phrase of six to ten syllables that would have a special meaning for you, and repeat it without effort in the rhythm of breathing. For example, this one:
Waves come and go;
Returning to its essence;
The river flows into the sea;
With me peace and quiet;
I'm ready to change and grow;
I am relaxed, I am letting go, I am liberating.
The mantra can be complex and sacred or simple and joyful - your choice. The most important thing is to find a sound or phrase that "fits" with you. Saying it loudly or mentally, you invoke a feeling of peace, humility, protection. Practice singing the sound or phrase at the top of your voice. Repeat the mantra to yourself during meditation or before going to bed. Take the time to do this - and you will be delighted with the results!
And a few more words about meditation itself.
The traditional meditation posture is called the Seven Gestures.
Sit with your legs crossed, pelvis raised on a cushion (or sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor).
Hands rest on knees (palms up or down). The spine is straightened, but not clamped. The chin is slightly lowered, the eyes look down (or closed, or the gaze is directed slightly upward). The mouth is slightly open, the jaw is relaxed. The tip of the tongue touches the palate behind the upper teeth.
If you take this posture, the body is filled with calmness and the mind calms down after the body.
You can concentrate on the object, on the feeling.
Focus on the object
Look at the flame of a candle, at a street scene, at clouds, at a letter, at a statue, at a drawing with a detached, defocused look. Focus on the object.
Focus on feeling
Feel the breath flow by focusing either on the sensation in the abdomen (rising and falling) or on the nostrils (moving the air in and out). Focus on feeling.
Focus on desire
Imagine that you have everything that you desire, experience a feeling of joy and delight from this. Visualize the goal achievement as vividly as possible.
A person should always concentrate on his desires. Feel confident and know, believe, think that he can achieve what he wants. Imagine yourself as a successful person who has achieved great success in life. Always feel confident, exude confidence. Imagine yourself as a rich, prosperous person. And repeat positive verbal codes, speak only positive words, think only positively, radiate joy and well-being.
Over time, you will become more confident, and it will take you less time to achieve your desires, achieve your goals. You will simply be more empathetic to the manifestation of any opportunity that can lead you to success.
I want you to become wizards for yourself. Even when a person turns to a magician, psychic, healer, their actions will be successful only if the person has sincere faith in his own strength and that he himself is the creator of his life, that he himself can do a lot, sincerely wishing himself happiness and wanting to become happy. And for this you need to work, perform rituals, have some of your own practices that are suitable for you to improve your life.
I fill my life with happiness, love and joy.
I am a beautiful creature of this wonderful world. I live and enjoy life. I create my world.

The verbal code is the shortest way to get what you want. By pronouncing this formula, you set yourself up for certain vibrations, with the help of which the changes you need immediately begin to occur in your life. Our destiny depends on what we think and say, what we believe. Our thoughts and words shape the present and create the events of the future. Say the success codes and you will be a successful person. Speak the codes of power and you will gain power. Say positive codes and your life will be filled with happiness. Create for yourself the world that you like. Verbal codes and ways to ensure wealth and well-being - in the new book by Lyudmila-Stefania.

Other products in the series "Codes of happiness and good luck"

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Human thinking is a huge power, incomparable with anything in terms of its impact on the world and the person himself. Thought is capable of creating, healing, attracting life-giving energies from space. To learn how to use this gift means to have at your disposal the key to health, youth, longevity and happiness. Svetlana Altaiskaya is the author of a unique method of healing thinking that allows a person to create healing mental images. Having understood its simple principles, you will be able to improve your health and achieve physical and spiritual harmony, embody the beauty of your inner world into reality.

Good luck codes. Verbal codes for attracting happiness, Lyudmila-Stefania

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Do you like how you live? Would you like to be happier, have more friends, find a loved one, become more wealthy? There is nothing easier. You are holding a book in your hands that will completely change your life. Make the decision to be happy and take action. Start change with yourself. The power of your mind is so great that by combining it with determination and purposefulness, you can reach any heights. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths and learn to make the right choice. Whatever area of ​​life you want to change, you must first learn how to correctly formulate your desires, draw up a life plan, and constantly maintain a positive attitude with yourself. The advice of Lyudmila-Stefania will help you with this. By repeating verbal codes and performing rituals, you create for yourself a new reality of success and happiness.

Magic of fate. Codes of well-being and prosperity, Lyudmila-Stefania

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A happy person is in a state of harmony with himself, he radiates calmness and joy, he is comfortable in this world, and the people around him are happy and pleasant to be near him. You have the magical ability to change your life In order to change your destiny, you must forgive yourself and other people past offenses and create your new world, your new personality. And then you will attract good luck to yourself, and success will become your constant companion. Love yourself and your life Dream, wish, make plans and programs to achieve success in life. Learn to express your desires correctly. Work with your plans and desires, read verbal codes, smile, radiate joy and, thereby, saturate with the energy of joy and well-being all your desires and events that you must attract. You can achieve whatever you wish. Imagine yourself as a successful person who has achieved great success in life. Always feel confident, exude confidence. Imagine yourself as a wealthy, prosperous person. And repeat positive verbal codes, speak only positive words, think only positively, radiate joy and well-being. Repeat positive verbal codes, direct your thoughts to love and creation - and everything will be perfect in your life, in your world.

The magic of life. Codes of well-being and prosperity, Lyudmila-Stefania

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Every person dreams of becoming rich, prosperous and happy. However, not everyone is endowed by nature with the talents of an entrepreneur and one hundred percent self-confidence. In order to change your destiny, you must forgive yourself and other people past grievances and create your new world, your new personality. And then you will attract good luck to yourself, and success will become your constant companion. The verbal codes and rituals for well-being and prosperity, presented to you by Lyudmila-Stefania, are the very golden key that will open the doors to a life full of joy and abundance for you.

Money magic. Codes of well-being and prosperity, Lyudmila-Stefania

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A happy person is in a state of harmony with himself, he radiates calmness and joy, he is comfortable in this world, and the people around him are happy and pleasant to be near him. You have the magical ability to change your life In order to change your destiny, you must forgive yourself and other people past offenses and create your new world, your new personality. And then you will attract good luck to yourself, and success will become your constant companion. Love yourself and your life Dream, wish, make plans and programs to achieve success in life. Learn to express your desires correctly. Work with your plans and desires, read verbal codes, smile, radiate joy and, thereby, saturate with the energy of joy and well-being all your desires and events that you must attract. You can achieve anything you want Imagine yourself as a successful person who has achieved great success in life. Always feel confident, exude confidence. Imagine yourself as a wealthy, prosperous person. And repeat positive verbal codes, speak only positive words, think only positively, radiate joy and well-being. Repeat positive verbal codes, direct your thoughts to love and creation - and everything will be perfect in your life, in your world.

Codes of love, or wish yourself happiness! , Lyudmila-Stefania

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By nature, a person has everything in order to independently restore health, create favorable conditions for his life, and build his own destiny. Turning inside yourself, you will find priceless treasures, knowledge and wisdom, thanks to which you can change a lot in yourself and your life, become healthy, happy, and prosperous. You are able to work any miracles if you believe in yourself, your strengths and the power of your mind. Your mind, your subconscious will give you answers to all questions, it will be able to tell you the most favorable solution to a particular problem, it will create, attract, at your command, this or that event that is necessary for your good. Learn to correctly formulate your desires, plans, dreams - and you will get all this if you wish. Let your thoughts be filled with faith and love, and your words carry the energy of love and harmony. Change your thoughts, your attitude to the world and to the people around you, change your attitude to yourself - and you will find happiness. Repeat positive verbal codes, direct your thoughts to love and creation - and everything will be perfect in your life, in your world.

Name codes, Lyudmila-Stefania

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Since ancient times, people have believed that the name has a significant impact on the fate of a person. After all, letters, like numbers, carry certain vibrations tuned to the vibrations of the Universe - this is a kind of code of the Universe. The person and his name are one and influence each other. The ancient science of numerology will help you calculate the number of your name, the name of the unborn child, your friends and acquaintances. Knowing the number of the name, you can learn a lot about a person, his fate, health, negative and positive qualities. A well-chosen name of a person can improve his fate and attract favorable events for personal growth and advancement. Say the codes of the name - it will change your destiny. Speak the codes of power and you will gain power. Say positive codes - and happiness and good luck will come to you. Create the world you like! Verbal codes that change your destiny - in the new book by Lyudmila-Stefania.

Success codes. Happy Reality Programming, Lyudmila-Stefania

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Man, as you know, is the creator of his own destiny and the blacksmith of his own happiness. But often, unfortunately, we forget about it, allowing ourselves to wallow in uncertainty, problems, failures ... The strongest witch Lyudmila-Stefania reminds us that a person's happiness is in his hands. You just have to want it and program yourself for a positive attitude. By pronouncing verbal codes, formulas for creating your reality, you set yourself up for certain vibrations, with the help of which the subsequent events of your life are created. In her new book, Lyudmila-Stefania, using the example of a married couple who turned to her for help, shows how a person can change their destiny and bring good luck and success to life with the help of a positive attitude and faith in their own strength. Verbal codes and rituals that attract success, well-being and prosperity to people are in the new book by Lyudmila-Stefania.

Wealth codes for zodiac signs, Lyudmila-Stefania

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This book deals with the material well-being of all signs of the zodiac. Lyudmila-Stefania talks about how the constellations affect our lives. And she will again talk about the purity of thoughts, about spirituality, about the fact that a person’s soul should be kind and filled with purity, and the heart with love. Each person was born under some constellation, each is influenced by certain planets, and thus the path is determined for each person - for someone the road strewn with stars and roses, and a life filled with prosperity and joy, for someone an even calm life, and for someone the difficulties and obstacles that he must overcome in order for his life to become beautiful, so that he learns to appreciate and understand this world. The wealth codes placed in the book are created for representatives of all signs of the zodiac. You need to choose your codes - for your sign. Write them down, print them on a piece of paper and place them where you most often visit. Let them lie at your workplace, in your home. Put them in your wallet or purse. Speak your wealth codes constantly, day after day. Soon you will notice that your life has begun to change for the better! And your wishes and dreams began to come true. And do not be surprised by this - after all, these are codes for a decent life, tuned to a wave of good luck and success. By repeating them, you start the mechanism of changing reality. Lyudmila-Stefania, the golden heart of Russia, will help you change your life and become a prosperous, happy person, so that you can live comfortably in this world and you can sincerely say that YOU are HAPPY!

Lunar tips for every day, Lyudmila-Stefania

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There are days that are subject to negative influence, and there are days when a powerful flow of favorable energy radiates. Knowing about the peculiarities of the energy of days, you can easily plan your life: either be careful in everything and avoid unpleasant events, or be active, nourishing yourself with positive energy that will attract well-being and prosperity into your life. This bright book is a detailed story about the energy of every day. “You will learn how to make the most of any given day. - Get advice on what can and cannot be done at this time. - Find miraculous prayers that will protect you from troubles. - Find out what talismans - stones and smells - will help you today. And most importantly - magic codes-moods that coincide with the vibrations of a particular day. They were created with love for people by the strongest sorceress Lyudmila-Stefania - the golden heart of Russia. Every day of God, by saying these magical phrases, you will be able to launch a wonderful mechanism for changing reality.

Codes for managing the energy of good luck and prosperity:
The practice of relaxation, meditation and harmonization according to the principles of Feng Shui
The fate of a person, his well-being, success, health, financial situation are determined by many things: the date of birth, and the name he is given, and the attitude of the people around him ... But the main thing is his own consciousness, the way a person perceives himself and his place in the world. That's how through a change in consciousness, setting it to positive vibrations, create your own happy destiny, change life for the better, we will talk in this book. I will tell you, my dear readers, about how, by working on yourself, “educating” yourself, you can achieve what you want.
Here you will find tips to make your life more prosperous, interesting, happy. Well-being does not require financial investments - your own consciousness, the desire to work on yourself is enough. I will show you how to go beyond the usual, take a fresh look at the world, realize yourself, start living the way you always wanted to. Let your being surrender to the power of the universal flow of well-being, and luck will become more real and close.
I attract strength, luck and love.
Everything works out great for me.
The world, the universe is wide open for me.
First of all, in order to achieve a state of well-being, you need to understand that everything depends on the harmonious movement of energy. The energy flow is constantly being adjusted by our thoughts, emotions and sensations. We just need to enter this stream, tune in to it. The energy codes and exercises contained in this book will help you merge with the energy vibrations of the Universe.
It is important that as you do the exercises and say the verbal codes, you feel the flow of energy within you. It is this feeling that will allow you to reach the highest stage of well-being. It is so nice to work on yourself, realizing that with each new exercise you become a little more free, that the flows of energy passing through you bring new dreams and hopes with them, that every minute devoted to working on yourself is another step along the road of Well-being. Walk on it boldly and easily!
When working with your desires, programs, plans, always radiate confidence, be in a joyful mood, and then you will achieve success in your affairs. If a person’s desires are colored by uncertainty that he can succeed, this means that he initially puts a barrier to himself in achieving the goal. In this case, no, even the most wonderful, dreams come true, or the person will get something completely different from what he would like to have: the new job will turn out to be uninteresting or low-paid, the long-awaited marriage will not be happy, and the money received will be wasted. Therefore, when making plans and working with desires, be sure to clearly articulate your requests, talk only about what you want to attract into your life, and in no case allow yourself to even think about what you do not want to have.
You deserve all the best in this life. You are the favorite creation of the Creator, and all the Forces of the Universe are ready to help you in the fulfillment of your desires. And remember one more rule: when creating your programs, achieving something, you should not cause pain and suffering to other people. Never wish for something just out of envy, greed, just to be “like others” - strive only for what will bring you pleasure, increase your spiritual or social level, create a great mood for you, bring joy. Be patient, learn to wait and believe that all your desires will come true just because you deserve it.
I wish you happiness, good luck, prosperity! Love yourself! Love your family and friends. Love and take care of this wonderful, wonderful World! Be happy, and may good luck and prosperity always accompany you through life.
I look at life with love and joy, I become a happy person.
I am letting more bliss, love, money into my life than I ever imagined.
The knowledge that you will gain in this section will help you get the basic relaxation skills. The main thing is to constantly work on yourself, to put into practice the acquired knowledge. Even if you are a businesslike and very busy person, still try to give yourself at least ten minutes every day - and the results will not keep you waiting!
Do not forget that it is your inner world, your calmness or, conversely, disharmony, that affect the outside world, all your actions and decisions. And the more peaceful, happy and self-confident you are, the more benevolent the surrounding reality becomes for you. The most important thing is inside you, and the outside world only responds and plays along with your inner state.
Our lives are constantly changing, but never before have the changes been so rapid and never penetrated so deeply. Self-doubt, fear of losing a job, constant fear for children, worry about how to adapt to the changes taking place around us, have become part of our daily lives. Today, no one needs to be explained what stress is - this condition has become common for most people. Is it possible to avoid it, is it possible to regain a joyful, calm attitude? Undoubtedly! But no one except yourself will make your life the way you want to see it - only you can understand yourself and help yourself. After all, the most important view is the view from the inside.
I live confidently and safely.
I am filled with strength and faith. My life is on the right track.
Every year the pace of our life is accelerating, we receive more and more information, we try to have time to do more things, and there is less and less time left. To be in time for everything and everywhere - what kind of nerves are needed for this? Constant stress at an early age leads us to various ailments, sometimes even very serious ones. And if you do nothing with it, let it go by itself - then by the age of forty, or even by thirty, you run the risk of finally saying goodbye to your health.
There are many ways to prevent or relieve stress. The best thing is to stay alone with yourself, pay attention to your inner world, and in order to learn this, you need to develop the ability to relax and meditate.
Remember that it is very important to choose the method that is most suitable for you, the one that will be convenient for you in time and effective at the moment. All the methods in this book deserve your attention, they will allow you not only to cope with many difficulties, but also to make changes in your own life. Just don't make the wrong choice!
God is always with me. His help and the resources of the universe are always available to me.
Today is a new day that brings good to me and my loved ones.
Relaxation techniques. If the situation around you is changing too quickly, if you feel internal tension, you cannot cope with the next stress, then one of the most basic means for you is various relaxation techniques that will help you learn how to respond to stressful situations.
Exercises. Exercise is important for both the spirit and the body. The most useful of them are those that are performed regularly and bring pleasure. If exercise wears you down, learn the art of relaxing and apply these skills to your daily life. I will introduce you to exercises that "free" the head.
Diet. Oriental medicine has adopted an approach to food based on psychophysiological types; the type to which we belong affects our consciousness, emotions, general well-being.
If you are agitated, frightened, restless, then it is better to give up spicy, bitter and astringent foods for the time being and give preference to sweet, sour or salty foods.
If you want to "cool off" after an outburst of anger or acute disappointment, then you should avoid spicy, sour and salty foods. Sweet, bitter or astringent food will suit you best in this situation.
To cheer up, speed up the pace of work, increase resistance to change, choose spicy, astringent and bitter foods, and refrain from sweet, sour and salty foods for now.
Sweet: sugar, milk, butter, rice, bread, pasta.
Salty: sea salt.
Sour: yogurt, lemon, cheese, vinegar.
Spicy: dishes with spices, pepper, ginger.
Bitter: spinach, green leafy vegetables.
Astringent: beans, lentils, honey.
Changing yourself. Using this method, we change our attitude to the world around us, to everything that happens to us. We learn to think about an old problem in a new way, we change our ideas about the causes and solutions of problems. Moreover, relaxation and meditation are the most important tools here, they allow us to manage our own life and the world in which we live in the most positive and healthy way.
These are convenient practices for every day, practices that will not take you much time, but will have a significant impact on your internal state, restore harmony within you, and help you avoid many stresses. By doing these exercises-rituals, each time you get a little closer to the desired well-being.
How should rituals be performed? First of all, ask your loved ones not to disturb you, turn off the phone, dim the lights. Position yourself as you like: you can stand or sit, it is only important that your posture is not tense, but your back is straight. Try to mentally disconnect from everything that is happening around, focus on yourself, on your inner feelings. You can light scented candles, sticks.
God loves me and directs my actions.
I follow the path of fortune.
Count up to four
Mentally count to four as you inhale, and hold your breath for four counts.
Mentally count to four as you exhale, then hold your breath for another four counts.
Repeat several times. The exercise is performed no more than five minutes.
Count up to ten
Count to ten! But count so that you are fully aware of every breath you take. If you don't "feel" a breath or get distracted, start over.
Body breathing
Inhale through your fingertips, let the breath move up your arms, over your shoulders and into your head. Exhale down - through the neck, then through the stomach into the legs; through the toes the breath goes out.
Peaceful breath
Breathe in as you visualize peace and tranquility filling your body (starting with your head and ending with your toes). Pause and then exhale as you imagine the tension leaving your body (from your toes to your head).
Relaxing moan
For five minutes, allow yourself to moan loudly to exhale all the tension accumulated during the day.
Relaxing laughter
Give yourself five minutes of laughter - don't do anything else, just laugh!
Consistent relaxation
Tighten, then relax each muscle group in your body in turn. Start at the feet and work your way up to the head (toes, ankles, shins, knees, hips, buttocks, belly, back, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, head, face).
Mentally breathe in each of the above parts of the body, feeling the influx of warmth and relaxation in it.
Communication with animals
If you have a dog, cat, or any other pet, sit down next to him and just pet him!
Recreate in memory an image of a place where you have ever felt relaxed. Return to that place and "live" there for a few seconds or minutes.
Supported Imagination
Listening to audio recordings, CDs, we are often transported to some special place - we sit by a waterfall or on a mountaintop, we lie in the middle of a wide meadow or on the ocean shore. Music gives us many liberating and healing images.
The most relaxing music is that which has a natural rhythm but no melody; sounds in such music are cyclical, repeating.
Many of us still believe that stress is entirely dependent on lifestyle, on life situations - some just get a more stressful life than others. Well, to a certain extent this is true. Stress increases along with responsibility, constant dissatisfaction, the appearance of everyday causes for concern. It is on these three factors that the overall level of relaxation or, conversely, painful tension in our lives depends.
The stress of over-responsibility
You are experiencing over-responsibility stress if:
you do not have enough time to redo all the cases;
you often confuse one for the other and complain about not having a clear head because too many events are happening at the same time;
you will become depressed when you think about how much more needs to be done;
you stop eating to finish work faster.
The stress of dissatisfaction
The nature of your stress is dissatisfaction if:
you get annoyed when you find yourself in a "traffic jam" on the road;
you get angry when your plans depend on the actions of other people;
you get nervous when you have to deviate from the plan;
you hate it when other people or circumstances interfere in your affairs and plans.
chronic anxiety stress
Your stress is rooted in chronic anxiety if:
you have a habit of imagining the worst that could happen to you as a result of any current "crisis";
you replay this crisis in your mind over and over again, even if it has already been completed and successfully resolved;
you are able to visualize this crisis clearly weeks after its completion;
you feel your heart pounding in your chest or your muscles tense up;
there are so many thoughts in your head that it becomes difficult to think.
It is not the events of our life at all, but the initial attitude towards them that determines the strength of our stress. For some, a rollercoaster ride is a dangerous adventure, while for others it is just a way to relax. Our friends, our families teach us to perceive events as stressful or relaxing.
You can change your attitude to life only through changing your ideas about the world and about yourself. Changing beliefs and perceptions is difficult, but possible. Later we will talk about how to get rid of old ideas and replace them with new ones. For now, it is enough to understand that if our ideas about the world are not very positive, we will experience stress. If we perceive the world with love, relaxation will not be long in coming - regardless of real events.
My life is good. I prosper.
I am a happy and lucky person. My inner potential is huge.
When you are imbued with a new worldview, everything black leaves your life, all troubles and illnesses leave you. Your body is healing and you feel great. You are saturated with the Energy of the Universe, its beneficial radiations surround you and attract happiness, good luck and beneficial changes in your life. You are happy, you are safe. The day of Great Changes in your life is coming, the day of solving all problems. Just today, because that's what you want. And all the Forces of the Universe help you in this. You are confident in yourself and your abilities and know that you deserve all the most beautiful things in this world.
Make up your mind! At this very moment, you have the opportunity to choose an optimistic or pessimistic future. After all, this moment is the point of our personal power. It is here and now that we perceive the world and endow it with one meaning or another. A positive past provides us with optimism about the future. A negative past is more likely to lead to a pessimistic future. However, we can change right now, regardless of our past. Read these definitions:
pessimist - one who looks at everything from the worst side, tends to mentally exaggerate everyday difficulties;
an optimist is someone who is confident that things are going well and prefers to look at the world cheerfully and hopefully. He can find positive in any events!
The beauty of choice is that by choosing optimism, you are laying its foundations in the present, and in a second, the present becomes the past. Second by second we can create faith, love and joy!
As soon as we perceive this or that event without joy, we automatically experience strong negative emotions. Perceiving events with love, we generate calm, positive emotions. The task of traditional stress management is to reduce the negative consequences of what has already happened. I suggest you otherwise - to prevent stress as much as possible.
We are tormented by everyday troubles, we live hastily, as if on the run, not noticing the charms of this world. We do not know how to enjoy life, to thank the Creator for the miracle that he gave us. But you can live differently. Not to survive, not to serve the term of earthly existence, but to get to know this wonderful world, to enjoy every moment. You just need to love yourself and want to be happy. And for this it is necessary, first of all, to learn to think positively, to watch your words and thoughts, to think and speak only positive words, to wish only good and well-being for yourself and everyone around you.
Stress and relaxation within you form two completely different types of life situations: negative or positive. And all this comes from your attitude to the world. Rejection of others and the outside world leads to stress. Acceptance of others and the outside world leads to relaxation. What emotions do you like best, which ones would you like to experience every day? Emotions that cause stress are negative and strong: these are anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, a sense of danger, indignation and dissatisfaction with life. Emotions leading to relaxation are positive and calming in nature: calmness, happiness, friendliness, joy, mercy, curiosity. Choose.
Which of these two paths you have taken can be easily understood even by observing your physical condition. Stress causes chronic muscle tension, indigestion, increased nervous irritability, increased metabolism, increased heart rate, hypertension and reduced immunity. Relaxation is characterized by unhindered blood circulation, normalization of the pulse, increased immunity and restoration of natural balance in the body. As a result, people who have not been able to part with their stresses come to illness, anxiety, and increased fears. Those who have learned to relax begin to discover more and more opportunities, health, happiness and well-being.
What to experience - stress or relaxation? The choice is yours. If you decide that the state of acceptance and love is closer to you, I will help you learn relaxation. Her secret is to stay in the present moment and let a peaceful present shape an equally peaceful future.
The present moment is the only thing we need to work with. And we are overwhelmed with memories and plans for the future, we scroll everything and scroll through the dialogues that have already taken place in our heads in search of words that need to be said. When this happens, we mentally drag the experience of the past into our present, in the current moment. We pull memories into our home, into our bed, as if they were real, belonged to the present. But there is also a future - full of anxiety, doubts and fears. Of course, in the past you can find good memories that are nice to relive, and in the future you can expect something very good. And yet it is the past and the future that prevent us from living now, wholly and completely - in the present.
Think about how you would continue the following phrases:
When I wake up in the morning, most of the time I think about...
During the day, I tend to think about…
In the evening I often think about...
Before I fall asleep, I think about...
When I'm on vacation, I often think about…
Do you know what most people say?
When I wake up in the morning, most of the time I think about what I'm going to, should or want to do today.
During the day, I tend to think about what I have already done and what remains to be done.
In the evening, I often think about what I did not do from what I wanted to do.
Before falling asleep, I think about what I need to do tomorrow and what I did today.
On vacation, I most often think about nothing in particular, I just absorb the impressions.
We worry about something all the time, constantly worry about different things. Symptoms of anxiety include impatience, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, pain in various parts of the body, and poor sleep. But the excitement, like all thoughts about the past and the future, speaks of a deeper problem - the inability to control one's own consciousness, one's own thoughts. We definitely need to learn to control our own consciousness, choose new thoughts and explore new ways of perceiving the world. And in this we will be helped by verbal codes, or affirmations, statements.
We are constantly affirming something. Every thought accompanied by a belief or expectation is an affirmation. The problem is that most of the time we claim exactly what we don't want. And the secret of affirmations, verbal codes, on the contrary, is to affirm in the present what is not yet, and at the same time believe that it already exists. And it will appear!
To work out effective verbal codes, take a piece of paper and separate it with a vertical line. On the left side, write: "I want," then write down what you would like to get out of life. Then, for each “want” on the right side, write down all the negative thoughts that make you doubt that your “want” will come true. After each negative thought, write, “Thank you!” You thank the secret thoughts that they came to the light of your consciousness and now you can let them go!
Now do the same with "I can" on the left side of the sheet and continue the list of secret thoughts on the right side.
Then change the statement to “I will” and write next to it: “And everyone will see how wrong they were.” Yes, this statement sounds somewhat negative. However, the truth is that our achievements are often limited by a deep, subconscious desire to meet the expectations of the people around us. And if you do not yet have what you aspire to (whether it be love, health or money), the reason probably lies in the deep need to be the way others see you. Try to attribute this statement to a few verbal codes and pay attention to how you feel.
Finally, write down your want / can / will in the form of present tense verbal codes:
I am rich
Money falls on me in huge quantities.
If you did everything right, the final formula will bring you a sense of power and confidence in yourself. Now use it all the time. Say it, sing it, read it, write it. Tune your subconscious to make it a habit. The thought contained in this verbal code should be the first thought after waking up and the last before going to bed. Be patient and you will see how the desired will come into your life!
Often, in order to mentally relax, we first need to relax the body. There are special methods that help to do this. There is nothing complicated about them! The main thing is to do them regularly. Use these methods consistently and you will soon notice that your body has moved out of "disease" mode and into "bodily freedom" mode.
Breathing exercises help the body quickly relax. By slowing down our breathing, we kind of tell the hormonal system that “everything is fine”, and thus anxiety and excitement are suppressed. Conscious breathing helps to instantly relax both the body and the psyche.
Inhale, imagining the breath flowing through your fingertips, up your arms, into your shoulders…then exhale slowly through your stomach, legs, toes.
Place your hands on your belly, feel it rise and fall with the rhythm of your breath; breathe deeply. Now, on each inhale, count to three, then hold your breath for three counts, count to three as you exhale, and hold your breath for another three counts. Let your body relax as much as possible.
Try inhaling for six seconds and exhaling for seven. Do this for two minutes. (In order to correctly measure a second, add any word of three syllables to the score, for example: “One - te-le-fon, two - te-le-fon ...”)
Place your hand on your nose so that the thumb rests on one nostril, the index finger on the bridge of the nose, and the middle finger on the second nostril. Now close one nostril with your thumb and breathe softly and deeply through the other. After a minute, close the second nostril and breathe in the one under the thumb. Feel the movement of energy.
Now try another way. Close one nostril with your thumb and breathe through the other. As you exhale, open the nostril under your thumb and close the other. Now inhale through the open nostril and exhale through the other. With practice, you will find a calming breathing rhythm that suits you.
This is not just breathing exercises, this is programming your happy reality. Exhaling, say the words filled with your life energy.
I attract an abundance of love and money into my life.
I form a picture of financial well-being and success in my mind.
By doing this, you charge your living space for well-being, introduce the program of happiness and prosperity you created into the world around you and fix it in your energy field, in your living space. Now the vibrations of your field will attract favorable situations to you, that is, create energies of happiness around you.
Mental stress causes muscle tension, which only exacerbates mental stress. How to get out of this vicious circle, finally relax?
Lie on your back, close your eyes and focus on your toes.
Bend your toes - harder, harder, harder, pause...relax. Repeat two or three times until the fingers feel relaxed.
Tighten the muscles of other parts of the body in the following sequence: ankles, shins, knees, hips (outer and inner surfaces), buttocks, abdomen, chest, back, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, neck, face.
Return to any part of the body where tension has been preserved, tense and relax it.
Lie still, let relaxation fill your body.
"Autogenic training" is another way to gradually relax. Instead of physical muscle tension, you mentally "move" the energy. Directing it to different parts of the body, you open the way to a feeling of warmth and relaxation.
Imagine that you have a ball of heat and light sparkling on your head.
Mentally lower this energy ball into your head, feel how it massages the cells and tissues of your brain, scalp, face with healing light.
Gradually drive the ball over the head, over the face, over the neck, over the shoulders, arms, hands, through the chest, abdomen, pelvis, back, hips, knees, ankles and feet.
Let the energy circulate freely in your body.
Feel how the darkness recedes under the rays of your ball.
Let the rays pass through the pores of your skin, let them surround you with a halo of light.
Slowly open your eyes and return to reality.
Performing this exercise, you need to move gently, slowly, without causing yourself pain. These leisurely movements help the body release hidden tension and gain freedom.
Sit upright in a chair with your back straight and pressed against the back of the chair.
Slowly turn your body to the left. Make sure that the movement does not cause you inconvenience; mark the extreme position at some point on the opposite wall.
Slowly repeat this movement six to ten times.
Now turn to the left without turning your head and continuing to look straight ahead. Repeat six to ten times.
Now turn your body and head to the left, keeping your eyes on the wall in front of you. Repeat six to ten times.
Now turn your body, head and look to the left. Did you manage to get further than the very first time?
Repeat all this with a turn to the right.
Yoga exercises are wonderful in that they relieve us of tension. Performing them, we take various postures, slightly stretching certain areas of the body. These postures have been used by people for centuries to alleviate physical or mental suffering, as well as to achieve a higher spiritual development. Here is one such exercise.
Lie prone on the floor. Place your palms at shoulder level and gently lift yourself up, arching your back to stretch the stomach and chest area.
Now swing back - so that the buttocks are above the heels.
Rise to all fours, then lower yourself until you are in the starting position. Relax.
Repeat the exercise five to ten times - slowly, enjoying the opportunity to stretch properly.
To relax, it is necessary to ease the path of the vital energy qi and remove the blocks of tension. Here is one of the simple practices.
Place your hands on your belly button, palms facing your belly. Now slowly spread your arms, imagining how the energy is released and goes out into the Universe. Now slowly move your hands towards each other and your stomach, imagining how the universal energy flows into your energy field.
Turn on the tape recorder and, while relaxing music is playing, fill the bath with warm (37-38 ° C) water. Add 10 drops of oil of cedar, orange, bergamot, cinnamon or patchouli, rose, lemon, coriander, a glass of honey (if there are no contraindications) to the bath. Light a candle and relax in the bath.
Try not to think of anything specific, let your thoughts flow freely. Enjoy "idleness". Relax every muscle in your body. Your whole body is relaxed. A pleasant feeling of warmth and peace spreads over him. The tension is gone. You are free from any pressure, you are filled with a pleasant feeling of bliss ...
Your consciousness also relaxes, it is freed from unnecessary and unpleasant thoughts, and you experience a feeling of life-giving growth that embraces your spiritual and physical "I". When the feeling of elation reaches its peak, you will get closer to the main source of life energy. The vital forces of your body are renewed and strengthened.
Now imagine that you are lying on the bank of a river. Drive away the fuss, all problems and anxieties and enjoy the peace and harmony of the Universe. Every cell of your body absorbs its energy, its greatness and strength, merging with its elements.
You lie and repeat:
“I absorb the Powers of the element of Water, its fluidity, purity, the ability to pave the way through any obstacles.” (And you feel how you are filled with the forces of the water element.)
“I absorb the Forces of the elements of the Earth, its strength, firmness, stability, the ability to preserve and increase. I will also increase my spiritual wealth, as the earth multiplies the seeds sown in it, giving a bountiful harvest. My strength will be a bulwark for me and for others in all matters.” (Feel yourself filled with the forces of the Earth.)
“I absorb the Forces of the element of Fire, its energy, passion, the ability to burn everything superfluous, freeing the main thing. I will shine like a star and warm like a hearth flame. (Imagine how you are filled with the forces of the fire element.)
“I absorb the Forces of the element of Air, its mobility, lightness, freedom. I will fly above the earth, enjoying the infinity of space, but still my path will be subordinated to my own goal. (And you feel how the element of Air feeds you.)
During this ritual, you enter into harmony with all the elements of the Universe, begin to radiate Love always and everywhere, and the entire Universe sees your glow and responds to it, sending you even more Love and Light. Your personality is your thoughts. Think about success and you will be a successful person. Think positively and your life will be filled with harmony.
After the bath, you will feel light. Love, pamper yourself. Create comfortable conditions for yourself. Don't be lazy. In order to feel comfortable, look great, you can try. Never spare time for yourself. Love yourself and take care of yourself.
Let your imagination help you develop quick relaxation techniques. Go for a breath of fresh air, jump, get in a car and laugh out loud to exercise and relax your stomach muscles. There are no right or wrong ways to relax. One thing is important - to send a message to the body: "It's time to relax!" - and back up the intention with action. Try some of these techniques.
Give yourself a foot massage before bed. Take a cream with herbal extracts, rub it into delicate areas of the skin. The results will exceed all your expectations!
Foot massage not only helps to relax, but also heals the body. When a person relaxes, his blood circulation improves, as vasospasm disappears and blood circulation increases. And this helps to dissolve the crystalline deposits that form in all parts of the body.
Take a moment to self-massage using a natural oil or lotion. Add a drop of aromatic oil there, which is more suitable for your mood. Clove, geranium, cypress, bergamot, heather, fir, thyme, basil, lavender and rose oil are excellent stress relievers.
Add a drop of soothing scent to your home or office scents.
Have relaxing or stimulating music playing in the background. In order to relax, it is not necessary to listen to slow music. Find out what kind of music allows you to relax and listen to it more often.
Before going to bed, you can turn on quiet, soothing music. It is very relaxing and prepares for sleep. Musical therapy was used by our ancestors, with its help they healed diseases, reduced pains... Today, scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of this method for treating diseases, restoring the body and strengthening the immune system. Music therapy improves the emotional, physiological and psychological state of a person. Music stimulates the body, increases vitality, relieves pain, helps in healing. Musical vibrations bring a person into a state of harmony, peace of mind and tranquility, connect him to the rhythms of the Universe, strengthening the connection of a person with the Sources, with the Forces that created this World and himself.
Sounds of a certain frequency are able to destroy pathogenic microbes, relieve pain, remove a person from a state of aggression and depression, normalize sleep and relieve insomnia. Philosophers of antiquity believed that the rhythms of the Universe and music are in tune, and music not only restores harmony in the human soul, but can also heal the body, as it restores the state of mind of a person.
Today it is no secret to anyone that melodies that cause joy and positive emotions in a person contribute to the normalization of pressure, help in the cure of nervous diseases, and tone up the central nervous system. Music also helps in violation of the psycho-emotional state, relieves insomnia, improves mood.
Meditation has a very beneficial effect on the body. They fill us with optimism and harmonize the psychological state. During meditation, the senses are dulled, and attention is drawn inward to our being. The mind calms down (as the calm water in the river calms down, allowing the sediment to sink to the bottom again), our inner features become objects of attention, and we reach a state of ecstasy.
We form new ideas and experiences, new, more holistic ways of understanding are opened to us; we are freed from habitual worries, sorrows and habits, and other ways of feeling and perceiving take their place.
We meditate to allow ourselves to see our lives differently, to make new decisions, to grow and develop in love and harmony, and not in need and struggle.
I create for myself a territory of success, love and happiness.
I attract good luck and live in such a way that every day, hour, every moment is filled with happiness and love for family and friends, for the world around, for the Universe and the Great Creator.
I thank you, Light Forces of the Universe! I thank my Guardian Angels!
Meditation helps to relieve many painful conditions, including hypertension and coronary heart disease, insomnia, asthma, and psychiatric illnesses. A person becomes more resilient, discovers in himself a previously unknown creative potential.

During meditation or between sessions, hidden emotions can be released, such as pleasure, sadness, anger, love. We cease to depend on the opinions of other people and begin to be more aware of our own judgments, gaining the ability to make decisions quickly and easily. In a relatively short time after turning to meditation, we can become less irritable in personal relationships.
Meditation has almost no limits. It does not require special equipment, you can meditate anywhere and at any time. After all, meditation directs our gaze inward, allowing us to focus on deep experiences. Sometimes these experiences frighten us - negative memories, judgments, feelings of guilt rise to the surface. During meditation, we touch the deeper levels of consciousness where painful memories hide. If we learn to find these memories and release them in the present, we can be cleansed both physically and mentally. This process may cause some discomfort, but the more we control our thoughts and feelings, the less time it will take to release hidden memories.
The meaning of meditation is to release negative experiences and thus get rid of them.
Meditation can lead to major lifestyle changes and open up new ways of being. For some, these changes will cause concern. But if you are willing to grow and develop, meditation is a life-affirming experience.
When starting meditation, it is advisable, if you have such an opportunity, to turn on quiet, calm music. Take the position that is most comfortable for you and relax.
Finishing the meditation, be sure to thank the Forces of the Universe and the Universe for the Energies and Wisdom that you have been fed. Be at rest for a while. Feel the changes that begin to take place in you. Preserve the feelings of this Universal purity and power. And may you always and in everything be accompanied by good luck and success. Be happy, wise, kind and generous to this world, to the people around you, to everything living on the planet. Take care and love this world. He will reciprocate and fill your life, your every day with love and joy.
Although, as I said, meditation has practically no restrictions, I will still note some points.
Start with short, 5-10 minute daily sessions, or meditate only once a week to begin with until they get used to it.
Prolonged, 3-4-hour meditation can lead to the release of too strong emotions, which later will be difficult to understand and analyze.
Meditation can enhance the effects of certain medications, increasing sensitivity to tranquilizers and antidepressants, as well as to anti-hypertensive pills and hormones.
Meditation can be started in five different ways. Choose one and stick with it. Do this exercise every day for five minutes and see the results.
Breath. Inhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts (this exercise can be done anywhere, anytime).
The fullness of attention. Focus on your own breath, feel how it passes through your nose - back and forth. Thinking about something, imagine that this thought is placed in a bubble of air, let this bubble float to the surface and leave your consciousness. This exercise should be done daily for ten minutes.
Music. Listen to relaxing music. Listen for real, sit comfortably, close your eyes. Do nothing but listen, be with the music.
Visualization of positive and relaxation. In a free moment, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a cozy corner of nature, where you can feel as relaxed as possible. Perhaps you have been there before, or this is a fictional landscape. Let yourself feel, hear and see this place, feel its taste and smell. Let your body relax, let your mind rest; allow yourself some time in peace.
Word codes. Use the exercise to create verbal codes. Repeat them over and over as you get ready to go to bed. Let the positive code be the last thought that seeps into your mind before going to bed. Then, when you wake up in the morning, repeat the wholesome verbal formula over and over again while you clean yourself up.
Every day my life gets better and better and better!
Life brings me joy and love.
Now that we know that meditation is good, let's learn how to meditate. For if we cannot maintain inner peace, our actions in the outer world become chaotic. And daily meditation gives us the strength to bring love, joy, peace and all the best into our lives and the lives of those around us. We give others what we have inside. During meditation, we learn that within us is peace and love.
The three main types of meditation are concentration, contemplation, and attention.
It includes forms of meditation that require concentration on a single object or concept. We focus on one thing and ignore everything else.
Focus on the image. Focus on a candle, a drawing, a sunset, a tree, a crystal. Focus - strictly on the image. Do nothing but keep your attention on the object. If attention begins to dissipate, focus again. Constantly return focus until you feel that you have entered a state of meditation.
Focus on sound. Keep your attention on the sound of waves crashing against the shore, on the rustle of pebbles, on the pure sound of the universal sound of OM. If OM doesn't suit you, try just singing the vowel sounds. First, “aaaaaaaa” three times, putting all your soul into this sound; then, also three times, "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" Pay attention to how you felt when you started singing and how you feel after singing. Choose your favorite sound and sing it for five, then ten minutes. You are meditating!
Focus on the idea. Repeat the words "love", "peace", "joy", "health" over and over again. Say these words loudly, then quietly. Repeat your chosen word until you go beyond the concept itself and discover the deep feeling and meaning of this word.
Focus on the phrase. The traditional form of concentration-meditation is the mantra (but I will talk about the art of meditation with mantras a bit later).
Focus on feeling. If you are outside, focus on the touch of the wind on your cheek or on your breath (as it enters and exits through your nose). I will also pay attention to this technique further.
Meditation-thinking requires focusing on a range of concepts and is based on the creation of thoughts or images. This process is broader than concentration-meditation, but the focus is still directed inward, and all external stimuli are simply excluded.
During meditation-reflection, attention is focused on the image or sensation (thought), excluding all other stimuli.
There are several methods of such meditation.
Creating and repeating verbal codes (affirmations).
Visualization and guided imaging. Imagery (often referred to as "self-hypnosis") is used to change the outside world. Athletes use imagery to mentally train before a performance - and achieve better results. Creating images can stimulate the body's immune response to stress, pain, and discomfort.
Prayer. This is the oldest form of meditation-contemplation. A simple sincere prayer addressed to the Creator, the Guardian Angels, works wonders. Prayer is a powerful form of meditation that can be used anywhere, anytime.
Koans. Meditation on koans came to us from Japan. A koan is a puzzle to be focused on until the correct solution is revealed. A well-known koan says, "What does clapping with one hand sound like?" The answer comes not from our consciousness, but from deeper layers. One can spend years meditating on a koan. My favorite koan is "What did you look like before your parents were born?" Attempts to answer such questions make the mind go around in circles until, out of fatigue, it turns to the answers of the Higher Self.
Questions. In the course of questioning, you sit down, relax and begin to ask, referring to yourself: "Who am I?" Accept all answers, but don't dwell on them. Repeat the question, wait until all the answers come. Repeat the question again. In the end, if you are stubborn enough, you will enter the territory of truth and wisdom hidden in the depths of your Self.
Attention-meditation involves awareness of all your thoughts, experiences and sensations without being involved in all this. Nothing is excluded from consciousness, but the emphasis is on the nonjudgmental observation of what is happening. As a result of meditation-attention, direct, immediate awareness of all available phenomena comes to us.
Here are some examples of such meditation.
Be aware of your breath as it enters and exits through the nostrils. If you want, count during inhalation, trying not to influence it, the main thing is to observe and count.
Become aware of your thoughts. Silently observe how thoughts pass through your consciousness, mark them as “past” and “future”. They will all refer to one or the other, because if you really focus on the present moment, you will have nothing to mark!
Be aware of your feelings, observe them from the depths of meditation.
Be aware of your feelings and go beyond them to experience the space and energy hidden within you.
I am filled with the Force that life constantly feeds me.
I give joy and love.
This is where the skills gained in mindfulness meditation come in handy. Being in this state, we observe our inner world, we are aware of all our thoughts, but we are not attached to them, we do not depend on them. Such art gives excellent results both in the treatment of diseases and in the restoration of peace of mind.
To get started, set an alarm or timer for five minutes. Then sit back, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Feel the breath in and out, in and out through your nostrils. Your breath becomes the vehicle that takes you to a point of rest. Notice how easily you can be distracted from the sensation of breathing. Here is a thought passed through your mind. This thought led to another, and then another.
Finally, you remember that you should feel your breath, and you come back. But where did you come back from? Where has your mind wandered? Try again and this time you will feel pressure or pain in your body. As you follow the pain, you will release another series of thoughts to the surface, and then return to the breath again. Each time you return to feeling your own breath, you will gain more and more control over your own mind.
Thoughts are like naughty children always tugging at our sleeves. This constant worry is a source of stress and pain. Mindfulness is a tool that allows us to observe thoughts and sensations without contact with them. At first, all this mental confusion occupies our entire attention. Then we find that we can control the process. By observing and noticing, we stop reacting. After all, it is our reactions to thoughts that bring with them emotional stress and physical ailments.

Fullness of attention develops in us the following qualities:
lack of judgment (we become indifferent observers of our own experience);
the mind of a beginner (we are ready to see things as if seeing them for the first time);
faith in yourself;
lack of effort (no need to do anything, and everything will be done by itself);
acceptance (the ability to see things as they really are at the moment);
the ability to "throw out of the head."
When you're ready, extend the meditation to ten, then twenty minutes. Longer periods of training will allow you to enter the space beyond thoughts. This is a space of energy not yet contained in thought.
Devote at least five minutes of meditation every day - just sit, listen to your breath and enjoy your workout!
Everything is perfect in my world