Pamela Anderson's husband is a rocker. Pamela Anderson: the most high-profile scandals

The first true love of the sexy blonde Pamela Anderson was a famous rock singer named Tommy Lee, the actress has repeatedly spoken about this in her numerous interviews for popular public publications. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee have always been in the spotlight, due to a particularly tumultuous and flamboyant relationship.

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee - a love story in a million

Such a gorgeous woman as Pamela Anderson simply could not be deprived of male attention. As soon as the girl got into show business, musicians, directors and talented actors immediately appeared at her feet. It is rather difficult to count all Pamela's novels, since the blonde did not advertise most of them. However, it is known for sure that John Peters, Dean Cain and many other famous guys were in the arms of a magnificent beauty.

That is why in 1995 Pamela Anderson shocked her fans with the news of her marriage. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, whose wedding took place on the fourth day after they met, made such a decision, being intoxicated with love and drugs. However, this relationship definitely made them happy. It is interesting that earlier Pamela had repeatedly heard similar proposals from her other gentlemen, but only a charismatic rock musician managed to steal her heart.

Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson's husband, is known as the drummer of a rock band called Motley Crew, which at one time was very popular. The talented blonde immediately fell in love with a strong and self-confident man. However, their relationship history was not perfect, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee became a rather eccentric couple. Despite being married for love, the actress continued to succumb to temptations with other men and did not try to be faithful to her beloved rock musician. Tommy Lee could hardly be called an exemplary husband, but he had a wild and violent temper, which is why he did not forgive Pamela for betrayal and could calmly beat up a fragile girl.

Information about scandals in the star family constantly appeared in the press, but sooner or later everything returned to its place. A candid erotic video with their participation even appeared on the Internet, which is still freely available. There was an unbridled and unquenchable passion between Tommy and Pamela, which fueled their relationship after quarrels. However, this could not last long, the divorce of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee was inevitable. That is exactly what happened in 1998. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee divorced three years after marriage. The eccentric lovers have two sons: Brandon Thomas was born in 1996, and Dylan Jagger Lee in 1997.

Despite the official breakup, the public saw them together for a long time. No one was surprised by the fact that in 1999 the former spouses resumed their relationship, but their union finally broke up a year later. Six years after that, Pamela Anderson married a second time to another rock musician named Kid Rock. The third husband of the actress was the already popular film producer Rick Salomon.

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Currently, according to Pamela Anderson, she and Tommy Lee are on close friendships, which greatly help them raise their two sons. In October 2015, Pamela took part in the 35th PETA gala dinner, where her ex-husband also came. Despite the fact that Tommy Lee arrived at the event with a charming companion, the journalists could not help but note the tenderness and warmth with which Pamela and the rock musician met each other.

These couples are legendary. They are inapplicably remembered when relationships are not easy. Perhaps these people are no longer together, but we all want at least once in our lives to experience the same strong and hot feeling that they once experienced.

Eminem and Kim Scott

Their relationship has always been characterized by deep love and strong ... hatred.

Eminem and Kim met in high school when no one knew Eminem's name. In December 1995, their daughter Haley was born. At that time, young people lived in a modest apartment in a high-rise building, and their neighbors were forced to regularly call the police: Eminem and Kim constantly quarreled loudly and scandalized, various objects and even furniture flew out of the windows of their apartment more than once.

But despite the difficult relationship, in 1999 they got married. The name of the rapper has already thundered on the musical Olympus, but the money and fame that finally appeared only exacerbated the already difficult situation in the pair.

Either Kim went crazy from her husband's inattention, or Eminem suspected Kim of cheating. Now the residents of the house next to the rapper's mansion were forced to call the police.

In the summer of 2000, a turning point occurred: Eminem, distraught with jealousy, decided to follow his wife when Kim left the house. As a result, the rapper saw his wife kissing in the parking lot with another man. Eminem's fury and anger knew no bounds: he approached them and hit the man on the head with the butt of a pistol. The offender settled on the asphalt.

Eminem was arrested, there was a wild noise in the press. Eminem flatly refused to see his wife and filed for divorce, because of which Kim tried to commit suicide - she cut her veins.

The divorce proceedings were in full swing when Eminem and Kim, after a long separation, fell into each other's arms. But already in March 2001, Kim filed for divorce herself. This time, the couple shared custody of their daughter for a long time. As a result, the girl stayed with her mother (Kim also received $ 475,000), Eminem got the right to see his daughter as often as he wants.

However, the official termination of relations did not help the former spouses to forget each other. Kim poured dirt on her ex-husband at every opportunity, accusing him of all mortal sins. Eminem released two singles about his ex-wife: "97 Bonnie & Clyde and Kim. Kim's song is a detailed description of how Eminem dreams of killing his ex-wife. The song ends with the most important words: "How I hate you! Oh, my God! How I love you!".

In January 2006, Kim and Eminem forgave each other for all interviews and songs and got married to ... divorce in February 2006. But even having officially terminated the relationship, Eminem and Kim cannot forget each other: Kim recently decided to write a book about life with Eminem, Eminem vomits and mosques. That's nice - they again have a reason to communicate, which means that this couple still has everything ahead!.

Kate Moss and Pete Doherty

Modeling icon and famously wild lifestyle, Pete Doherty has attracted the attention of the public for a long time. "It was love. Sick love! - Moss will rightly notice much later.

In January 2005, at a party on the occasion of her thirty-first birthday, Kate Moss met musician and poet Pete Doherty, who sang for the birthday girl that evening.

Pete was five years younger than Kate, but by this time he already had a solid and scandalous fame, but Kate was not embarrassed. "Spark ignited"! Moss's close friend Sadie Frost was simply horrified: why do you need this freak, this crazy "junkie"? But Kate did not want to listen to anything - she even quarreled with Sadie for a while and completely surrendered to her passion.

Almost immediately after they met, the couple in love settled in Kate's house. It was like an obsession: they appeared everywhere together, did not let go of each other's arms and kissed all the time. Due to drugs, Doherty disrupted the tour, and Kate began to cancel filming.

Moss recorded her lover to the doctors, forced him to go to clinics. Doherty resisted, calling her a "fool", "a taskmaster", even dissolving her hands - Kate repeatedly had to hide bruises with dark glasses. The paparazzi did not miss such moments.

But at the same time, Doherty was ill with Kate in the same way as with drugs: he could not live without her even a day. He serenaded her under the window, filled her with flowers and carried her in his arms; as soon as they had a fight, Pete smashed the nearest bar, and then stood under Kate's windows and yelled, begging for forgiveness.

On September 15, 2005, London's Daily Mirror newspaper came out with a cover that depicted a sweet couple Moss-Doherty using cocaine. The photographs were sold to the newspaper for £150,000 by manager James Mallord, fired by Pete Doherty. Frightened, Kate immediately left Britain and went to the United States, where bad news began to arrive: several fashion brands refused to work with Kate at once. Then Kate for the first time seriously broke up with Doherty.

The musician went crazy. In every interview, the suffering without his beloved Doherty shed tears about how he adores Moss and how bad he is without her. It seems that this was the only phrase that the loner-mad punk uttered aloud for several months. Pete even tried suicide; vowed to give up drugs; drank and re-used cocaine.

Kate could not stand it and extended a helping hand to her ex-boyfriend: she got Pete into a rehabilitation clinic and paid for the treatment. “She knows that he is dangerous, but she loves him and will always love him,” one of Moss's friends said then.

Beginning in March, the tabloids began to report on secret meetings between Moss and Doherty, who officially continued to be "divorced." But the couple could not hide their relationship for a long time. At a rock festival near Bedford, their bursting passion broke out, and Kate and Pete, beaming with happiness, again appeared before the public. And how! They kissed passionately and did not leave each other a single step.

Against all the advice and warnings of her friends, Kate returned to Doherty. In April 2007, Pete announced right at the concert in the presence of Kate that they were engaged and would certainly get married in the summer. Kate just nodded happily. But in July they broke up again: Doherty cheated on Kate with a budding model.

Enraged, Kate burned all of Pete's gifts, threw all of his things out of her house, and changed the locks. Doherty gave an interview in which he called her an "old purse", but at the same time declared that he loved her and begged her to return.

Kate didn't come back. Her lawyers said that she was waiving - in favor of Doherty - her share of the broadcast and publishing of the songs she recorded with Doherty. There are four of these songs in total, and they took first place in the British charts.

And she - again through lawyers - for the second time paid for Doherty's next course of treatment and a new anti-heroin implant (already the fifth in a row).

Today, Kate is dating another man, and Doherty continues to brawl. It would seem that everything is behind us. But no, no, yes, in some interview with a supermodel, a small word will flash, filled with great longing for Doherty. In turn, Doherty does not get tired of shouting in every club "Kate is the best thing that happened to me!".

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson and the father of her two sons, musician Tommy Lee, met in February 1995. Pamela attended Tommy Lee's concert, then easily got into the singer's dressing room, where, without wasting time on unnecessary sentimentality, she told the guy that she didn't mind being in the same bed with him at night.

“It always seemed to me that I was a complete crazy, but you, baby, it turns out, even more crazy than me,” replied Lee, dumbfounded by such pressure. Five days later they got married. They did not exchange rings, but pricked their likeness on the ring fingers. Tommy Lee also made a tattoo with his wife's name on his arm.

The couple led an eccentric lifestyle: they were not very faithful to each other, held noisy parties, rowdy at social events, gave scandalous interviews and took part in very frank photo shoots; they often filmed their lovemaking on video (one fine day, these tapes were stolen from their personal archive and went around the entire Internet).

Tommy Lee has always had a violent temper and wild jealousy (by the way, not without reason) and often beat Pamela. Born in 1996, son Brandon did not interfere with the riotous lifestyle that the couple led. Already in November 1996, the couple divorced.

True, a month later they got married again; the second child was born - the son of Dylan. It seemed that peace and tranquility had finally come to the family. But in 1998, a real drama broke out in the star house: enraged by his wife's next claim, Tommy Lee attacked her with his fists and began to methodically beat her. Pamela called the police. Justice considered that the beatings inflicted on Pamela by her husband should be atoned for by six months in prison.

Tommy sat behind bars and repented, Pamela went on dates with him and regretted that she had hidden Tommy in custody. The third reunion of the scandalous couple took place in 1999 (they again got married in sun loungers on the beach), but it did not last very long.

Now peace and tranquility reigns between the former spouses: they walk together with their sons, flirt at social events and do not get tired of confessing to each other in eternal love and sincere affection. “I forgave him everything and love him very much. But we can only be happy apart, ”Pamela rightly noted in an interview.

Pamela Anderson - Attended the 35th PETA Gala Dinner. She looked, as one would expect, "a million", and not only the sequins on the dress, but also her eyes especially sparkled that evening. The reason for this is the appearance at the event of Pamela's ex-husband - Tommy Lee, whom Anderson recently called "the love of her life."

Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

I had Tommy, and after - no one. He was the love of my life. There was a wild passion between us, which turned out to be too much for both of us. It really was love at first sight. I knew him four days before I married him. Now we are good friends, we raise our children together. He supports me, and I'm really glad that we have such a relationship,

Anderson said in an interview with People magazine. And looking at this couple during yesterday's dinner, it's hard to believe that their romance is over forever. 48-year-old Pamela and 52-year-old Tommy gently hugged each other and boldly posed for photographers. Even Lee's current fiancee, 31-year-old singer Sophia Toufa, seemed superfluous at this celebration of life.

Sofia Toufa, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee were married from 1995 to 1998 and managed to give birth to two sons - Brandon (June 6, 1996) and Dylan (December 29, 1997). The relationship of the stars was truly stormy: they fought and swore, passionately reconciled and dedicated tattoos to each other. In 1999, Pamela and Tommy reunited, but in 2000 they broke up completely. Although "finally" in their case is far from a fact.

Tell me, Pamela, your ex-husband Tommy assures you that during that fight you did not let yourself be offended and hit him back ... Is that right?

No, it's not. It seems to me that Tommy until now does not want to understand that he alone is responsible for everything that happened. When that quarrel began, I was holding my youngest son Dylan in my arms, so I simply did not have the opportunity to hit back.

By court verdict on February 19, Tommy Lee received six months in prison and a ban on approaching Pamela Anderson closer than one hundred meters. Despite the fact that Pamela does not particularly strive to be faithful to her ex-husband, she claims that she still has tender feelings for Tommy. And after a year of separation, the couple was seen in one of the Los Angeles cafes. Having comfortably settled down at the table with the whole family: Tommy, Pamela and their two sons, they looked more like an exemplary family than a couple divorced with a scandal.

Pamela, have you decided to get back together with Tommy Lee? You do not admit the thought that the assault can be repeated again? After all, once it was you who called your ex-husband a monster!

Yes, I really decided to give Tommy another chance and we live together again. The main reason for my act was the children, because he is their father, and the sons are still very young - Brandon is only three, and Dylan is a year and a half. I still have hope that our marriage can again be called successful and our children will help us in this. Do not think that the decision to live together was given to us simply, before we decided to get together, both Tommy and I went through several weeks of family therapy. And Tommy also went through a special training course on how to deal with tantrums. I think now he understands that such behavior can have a bad effect on life in general, and destroy everything good in the blink of an eye. Tommy is afraid of this. I must say that my husband behaved well in prison, and for this he was released from custody ahead of schedule. In addition to all this, specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists - will now observe him.

- And you really live together again?

It is both so and not so. I decided to take this step only because I want to save our relationship in any way. After our separation, I can not imagine myself with any other man. I'm sure Tommy shares my thoughts. We are like two halves of one whole. Although I do not intend to justify his behavior in any way.

- And what do you think about the reasons for this behavior of Tommy in the past?

Of course I thought about it. I think a lot of young couples who have had a baby too quickly go through this situation. And in our case, the children were born in a row with almost no interruption. Tommy is one of those people who are used to experiencing increased attention to themselves. And after the sons were born, for obvious reasons, I began to pay more attention to children. I think that he was worried about this and tried to attract my attention with his aggression.

- And how did you start talking with Tommy again?

On the phone (laughs). We did not meet for a whole year, because the court decided so, in addition to this, Tommy could not come closer to me than a hundred meters. That is why our communication began with telephone conversations. Previously, we often had problems with communication and understanding, but in this situation everything has changed dramatically. We began not only to hear each other, but also to understand. Listening to the intonation of his voice, I realized that Tommy had actually become different. After a long conversation, we still decided to meet, and I was happy to see him. My tears were flowing with joy, I could not stop. I suddenly realized that our feelings are still strong, and sexual attraction is simply immense. It’s even scary to imagine that we could live without each other for a whole year.

Having been in Tommy's prison, I thought a lot about what happened. He had enough time to analyze his behavior. In the four months that he spent behind bars, he seems to have read as many books as he has not read in his entire life. The topics of the books were very diverse: he read about the history of Buddhism, literature from the Conversations with God series, how to properly raise a child, various books on self-healing from mental and physical ailments, and tasty and healthy food.

- Pamela, there are persistent rumors about you that you are expecting a baby again, what can you say about this?

Of course not! All these are rumors! Tommy cannot become a father: I don’t understand much in this area, but I can say that he was injected with some kind of special vaccine.

- This vaccine works for life?!

Of course not. It's only for a while. A little later, if we still have the desire, we can have children. In the meantime, we have enough of two, those that we already have. I really like to look at the relationship between little Dylan and Tommy, the son loves his father very much. There is nothing better than this spectacle!

- In general, Pamela, we can conclude that your family is born again!

You can't imagine how I want it to be!

Pamela Anderson's professional affairs are going much better than her personal life - she has been offered leading roles in films several times. And although she is a fairly well-known actress in Hollywood, despite the fact that she did not become a star of the first magnitude, she is in no hurry to offer serious roles in films. For example, most recently, Pamela starred in the lead role in the TV series V.I.P.

Pamela, could you answer one personal question. Tell me, did you really remove the silicone breast implants and restore her to her natural size?

Yes, it's true, I really did this operation. There were many reasons for this step. You can start by saying that wherever I appeared, everyone immediately began to stare at my chest. I constantly felt like some kind of unseen animal. In addition, the implants have recently begun to bother me, then there was pain in my chest, and occasionally everything inside me burned with fire. In the end, I just began to worry about my health. Another reason was that after giving birth I lost a lot of weight, and my artificial luxurious breasts began to look a little ridiculous and disproportionate to the body. After the removal of the implants, I began to feel just fine. Now I feel more sexy and feminine with my size. I must say that Tommy likes my natural beauty much more.

There is an opinion that by changing the appearance, a person can change his fate. You are now too, not only an actress, but also a successful businesswoman. So in your new series "V.I.P." you are not only a manager, but also a producer, and in general you are responsible for almost everything - hairstyles, lighting, costumes. To be honest, it does not fit well with your previous image.

Everything can be. But in this role, I feel very good. I discovered that I absolutely love doing all of the things you listed. More recently, I realized that I can be not only an actress. I plan to continue doing this.

How does your husband Tommy feel about the fact that you have become so diverse? Not jealous of your work?

No. By the way, Tommy will also play in this series. He will play himself. He left the Motley Crue group, and now he is constantly in the studio, where he records his things, which he started writing while in prison. At the moment, he writes music just like crazy, he doesn't stop for a second.

Scandalous divorces Nesterova Daria Vladimirovna

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson

American actress Pamela Anderson is known in Russia thanks to her participation in the TV series "Baywatch". In addition, a lot was written about her in connection with a high-profile divorce from Motley Crue musician Tommy Lee.

Her full name is Pamela Denise Anderson, she was born in Canada, in the city of Ladysmith, in the family of a repairman and a waitress. Pamela started her career as a physical education teacher at one of the local schools.

Pamela appeared on television by accident: she got into the frame of the operator's camera at a football match. Even then, Anderson was a curvaceous blonde, and television became interested in her.

After a while, she was photographed for one of the posters of the TV show, then she was invited to star in Playboy. She repeatedly received an invitation to take part in various television shows, and then offered one of the main roles in the TV series Baywatch.

Pamela carefully monitored her appearance, considering it her main capital. She even enlarged her breasts and made her lips plumper, which made her face change, but, by all accounts, the girl began to look even better. However, despite her beautiful appearance and magnificent forms, she never became a big movie star, continuing to play only in television series.

The newspapers often wrote details about Anderson's personal life. She met with actor David Charvet, having met him on the set of the TV series Baywatch, then with producer John Peters, with Bret Michaelos, with Sylvester Stallone. In 1995, Pamela met Tommy Lee.

It was probably love at first sight: they got married five days after they met. The wedding took place on the beach: Pamela was dressed in a white bikini, Tommy in swimming trunks. The relationship of the two lovers was romantic and at the same time unusually eccentric. So, instead of a wedding ring, Tommy made a tattoo on one of his fingers with the name of his beloved.

During the years of their marriage, Anderson gave birth to Tommy two sons - Brandon and Dylan. In addition, Pamela gave her husband a gold-encrusted piano worth $45,000 as a token of love.

Often, the couple made love in front of an amateur video camera, which they both really liked. It was these cassettes that caused a huge scandal: they were stolen from the spouses' house. After some time, footage from these cassettes was shown in the French "Penthouse", and then appeared on the Internet. A huge scandal broke out, Tommy and Pamela demanded the removal of the tape. But they didn't know who stole the tapes or who they should sue.

Finally, The Internet Entertainment Group (IEG), which replicated footage on the Internet, was found to be the culprit. According to the court order, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, by then already her ex-husband, received $ 1.5 million in compensation.

But the reason for their quarrel was not the cassettes, but Tommy's furious temper. According to Pamela herself, they often cursed, but at the same time he never raised his hand to her. However, one day in 1997, the couple had a big fight, and Tommy hit his wife, after which she called the police. The court sentenced him to six months in prison and forbade him to approach Pamela closer than 100 yards (about 90 meters) for a year.

Pamela and Tommy were going to divorce, but during the time they did not see each other, Anderson forgave her husband. Their new relationship initially developed as a telephone romance, because they could not see each other. Pamela admitted: “I must say that before we had problems with communication and sometimes it was difficult for us to agree on something, but in the new - such an exotic situation - everything suddenly changed unexpectedly. Oh, we began to hear each other! And understand! By some intonations of his voice, I believed that Tommy had really changed.

When we finally met, I literally threw myself on his neck. And she cried - she couldn't stop! It turned out that we have such a crazy passion for each other, such a violent sexual energy that now it’s just hard for me to imagine that we could part for a whole year.

Pamela and Tommy reconcile and start spending time together again. And when the journalists asked the actress the question: “Did you really take such a monster back?” - and reminded that it was she who once called him a monster, Anderson answered: “Yes, she accepted, and we really are together again. First of all, for the reason that seems to me the most important: we have two young sons - three-year-old Brandon and one-and-a-half-year-old Dylan. I hope that it is the children who will be able to glue our marriage together. But don't think that we just got back together - before we did, both Tommy and I went through family therapy for several weeks.

But, despite the hopes of Pamela, who at all costs sought to maintain relations with her husband, the family idyll did not last long. After some time, they again quarreled and decided to break off relations. One of the reasons for the divorce, according to Pamela, was Tommy's excessive addiction to alcohol. Based on this, the actress even tried during the divorce proceedings to ensure that Tommy was forbidden to see the children, stating that he could harm them.

However, the court allowed Tommy to see the children whenever he wished. And yet, Anderson continued to insist that all meetings of the ex-spouse with the children took place, at least under supervision.

Some time after the divorce, Pamela met musician Kid Rock and began dating him. Their relationship was very romantic. Rock made a marriage proposal to his beloved and presented a delightful ring.

It is interesting that the new chosen one of the actress also turned out to be the original and proposed to her not just anywhere, but in the desert near Las Vegas. But Pamela was disappointed: she realized that her fiancé, like her first husband, could not live without alcohol, and chose to cancel the wedding.

In addition, it turned out that Anderson was ill with hepatitis C. Denials of this report were published in newspapers and the Internet for a long time, but finally the actress herself made an official statement: “It’s true, I have hepatitis C, and now I am undergoing outpatient treatment at the medical center at the University of California at Los Angeles. Pamela claimed to have contracted hepatitis from Tommy through a needle they both used to tattoo themselves. But the musician stated that he could not become the culprit of the infection of his ex-wife, since he does not have hepatitis C.

Despite her illness, Pamela continues her relationship with Kid Rock. There have been reports in the press that she is expecting a child from him, and that they secretly got married.

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