Do-it-yourself volumetric crafts on the theme of summer. Summer photo crafts. Ideas for crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Summer"

You will need:

    sea ​​and river shells;

    pebbles of different colors and sizes;

    fern branches;

    multi-colored beads;

    a large sheet of thick cardboard;

  • simple pencil;

  • glue "PVA", glue "Moment";

    glitter gel.

Work order

1. Prepare a cardboard base of the desired size. Decorate the cardboard with glitter gel and let it dry completely.

2. Shorten 2 fern branches with scissors, spread with glue and attach to cardboard. Then put glass on the cardboard base and carefully insert the work into the frame.

3. Glue the 3rd fern branch over the glass. Decorate it with a bright shell and beads.

4. Insert multi-colored beads into the prepared shells and glue them with PVA glue. Glue the beaded shells directly onto the glass, distributing them on the fern branches.

5. Attach the largest shell at the bottom of the glass, completing the creation of a solid composition. The original craft on the theme "Summer" is ready!

Mastered simple crafts from shells? Try something more complicated, like decorating a fish pattern with shells.

Application "Flitting Summer"

You will need:

    colored paper;

    a large sheet of white paper or cardboard;

    simple pencil;

  • watercolor paints,

Work order

1. Complete the blanks for work using the cutting technique.

Sun. Tear off strips of yellow paper that are wide, then tear them into thin, straight strips.

Flowers. Fold the double-sided colored paper with an accordion and cut out small flowers from it.

Sky. Using the cutting technique in a circle, tear a sheet of colored paper into thin strips 1.5 cm wide. Then tear the resulting strips into squares, and make circles of different sizes out of them. For circle blanks, use blue paper of different shades.

Butterflies. Fold a rectangular sheet of colored paper in half. On one side of the folded sheet, draw the silhouette of a butterfly, cut it out and open it. In this way, make butterflies of different colors and sizes.

2. Draw the sun on a white sheet of thick paper or cardboard with a simple pencil and start gluing thin short yellow stripes along the contour of the image. Alternate several rows of such strips with a row of small flowers until the end of the craft.

3. Using the prepared blue circles of different shades, lay out the sky. This can be done on either side of the sheet.

4. Arrange the cut out small and large butterflies in the form of rays, alternating them. When forming divergent rays, consisting of butterflies of different sizes, glue them only behind the abdomen, leaving the wings free and straightened.

Birds and caterpillars made using the same technique will be a great addition to your Summer-themed craft.

The picture should look something like this:

Craft on the theme "Summer". Aquarium

You will need:

    deep cardboard box;

    colored paper;

  • plasticine;

    gouache paints;

    oil paints.

Work order

1. The nautical theme is very popular in summer crafts. One of these interesting works can be done using a regular cardboard box. To do this, glue the box with colored paper or paint it with paints.

2. From the inside, glue the walls of the box with blue or blue colored paper, and the bottom of the box with yellow paper. Glue shells or pebbles to the bottom of the aquarium, decorate it with plasticine or paper algae.

3. Draw the marine inhabitants that you put in the aquarium, paint with gouache or oil paints and cut them out. It can be fish, crabs, a starfish, a seahorse and even a fabulous little mermaid.

Craft on the theme "Summer". Colored sand bottle

You will need:

    bottles of various shapes;

    fine sand;

    food coloring;

    colored crayons.

Work order

1. Color fine sand with powdered crayons or food coloring. Sand, painted in different colors, place in separate containers.

2. Through a wide tube, pour sand of different colors into the bottle in layers, tamping each layer with a stick. You will get very beautiful color layers, after that you can move on to creating more whimsical and original patterns in sand bottles.

This one on the topic "Summer" will keep your impressions of the rest in the southern seaside resorts for a long time.

Crafts on the theme "Summer" will help make one of the long summer days special by filling it with children's creativity. Particularly relevant will be crafts on the theme "Summer" in kindergarten, the doors of which are open for kids in the summer.

For work you will need cardboard, and all the usual tools. A piece of yellow foil cardboard or gold foil will also come in handy.

Let's get started!

We take a sheet of double-sided cardboard of marsh or light green color.

Fold it carefully in half.

On the fold, we make two cuts at the same distance from each other and from the edge of the sheet.

We unfold the cardboard sheet, bend the cut fragments inside it. It turns out the basis for creating.

Cut out grass from green paper. It is better to use at - it looks more impressive.

We glue the grass near one of the corners of the cardboard base, on the left.

From yellow cardboard, or better - golden foil or foil-coated cardboard, cut out the sun.

Glue it to the top right corner of the base.

We roll a ball of red plasticine and another ball (smaller) - from black.

We connect them with each other, from below on the red ball (along the edge) we attach six small black lumps. We have a ladybug.

On top of her body, we cover with small black plasticine dots.

Glue it to the grass.

We cut out simple flat flowers from colored paper, decorate with them the lower part of the base on which it sits.

Ready! Crafts on the theme "Summer" with your own hands! It is enough to direct a ray of light at her sun - and the whole lawn will shine with rich colors.

- a great way to fill walks on the street with delight and emotion. This summer craft is easier to make than you think. And how much joy!

Most likely, after relaxing at sea, you brought with you a lot of “treasures”: shells and sea pebbles. But do not rush to throw away this treasure, but turn it into children's toys. - This is an excellent training of fine motor skills and imagination of the child. Color, play and even use in the interior.

A glass of lemonade is a great summer craft for kids at kindergarten or summer camp. For children of different ages, applications of varying complexity can be offered.

What is summer without insects! Invite the children to make crafts from paper or plasticine about the life of insects. Invite them to fantasize about what ants drag into the anthill, cut out ladybugs, glue multi-colored wings to butterflies, leave prints of plastic caterpillars and beetles on plasticine.

For the sake of ice cream, children are waiting for summer. A simple craft on the theme "Summer" from colored paper will make the child happy until the end of the day, at least.

Strawberries, cherries, watermelons and other berries, vegetables and fruits that are so abundant in summer can also be ideas for summer crafts. They can be made from paper and cardboard, buttons or plasticine.

These summer paper plates are also unique in that you can play with them. Both the octopus and the boat are separate crafts glued to wooden sticks that are threaded through a horizontal slot in a paper plate.

Another idea that can be made from plasticine on a marine theme is a jar with plasticine marine inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, starfish, shells, pebbles and algae.

Now you have 17 great summer themed craft and appliqué ideas that kids can easily make at home, kindergarten or summer camp and have fun. We hope you find something interesting to do with your child to extend his summer a little more. If you have more ideas for summer crafts, share them on our forum.

Cover photo source:

Pipina Natalia

At it's peak summer. Although this year in our area it does not make us very happy with warm days, it often rains, thunderstorms rumble, but this does not frighten us either.

On rainy days, the guys and I do not get bored, but we create, create, create.

Today I want to introduce our crafts on a summer theme.

In continuation of my MK "Bouquet of napkins" we created 3 more mini pictures all from the same napkins for cleaning.

After talking about wild flowers, the guys and I made an application of wild flowers using the origami technique.

The children enjoyed making wild flowers so much that we decided to do a group work. Here's what we got

Now this work decorates our reception. And there is another collective work that flaunts, which we were inspired by the rainbow. In general, this year very often in the sky the guys and I observe an unusually beautiful rainbow, and sometimes not even one, but two or even three.

In our kindergarten there was an exhibition "Butterflies, Insects". We also took part in it. Here are our works.

It's a sticker butterfly.

This is our collective work on a plate.

Our flower bees

And we made this butterfly on a walk from plasticine.

These crafts The children were helped by their parents.

And they even baked a cake in the shape of a ladybug.

These are just some of our works, but the second half is yet to come. So see you at the next photo report. Thank you for your attention! All creative success!

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Since boys and girls of preschool age do not yet have enough skills to create various masterpieces, they very often turn to their parents for help. In this article, we will tell you what crafts about the summer you can do in kindergarten, and how to prepare for the wires of this wonderful time of the year.

Ideas for crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Summer"

Of course, the simplest craft on the theme of "Summer" for kindergarten is a drawing that can be designed as a greeting card or be an independent masterpiece. The theme of such a drawing can be anything: a bright summer landscape, swimming in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, flowering plants, harvesting, and much, much more.

In addition, preschool children are very fond of doing crafts in kindergarten on the theme “How I spent the summer” can be done using this technique. So, the smallest preschoolers can depict any summer motif on a sheet of cardboard with the help of scraps of paper, and boys and girls of older preschool age can make an interesting voluminous application from paper elements or natural materials. Finally, to create bright summer panels, you can also use

With the help of parents, children can make a craft for kindergarten on the theme “Goodbye Summer!”, Which is a mock-up of various materials, including plasticine, cardboard, and so on. As a rule, such products demonstrate the harvest, as well as a smooth transition from summer to autumn-winter season.

Finally, very often the theme of summer crafts is the bright sun, because it is with him that the kids have to say goodbye to the end of the warm season. You can make the sun with the help of a three-dimensional or flat application, drawing or plasticineography. In addition, preschool children can create with their own hands a toy made of felt and other materials, filled with padding polyester, and looking like a bright heavenly body.

All of the above, as well as other interesting ideas for crafts about the summer in kindergarten, are demonstrated in our photo gallery: