Do-it-yourself pedicure: the subtleties of the procedure and photos of fashionable lacquer coatings. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home - step by step instructions

Have you already bought fashionable sandals? It remains only to decide on the color of nail polish and, of course, put the skin of the feet in order. Can't get help from a professional? Do your own pedicure at home according to our instructions.

Only 4 steps on the way to perfect legs!

➡ Make a bath:

First, the skin needs to be steamed. Take warm, but not hot water in the bath: about 38 degrees. High water temperature is bad for blood vessels and can increase pressure, and cold water will not soften the skin so that it can be easily exfoliated. Add soapy water or a pinch of baking soda to the water. If you are very tired and feel heaviness in your legs, add 3-4 drops of lavender, rose or pine essential oil to the water. Rest 15 minutes. Pat your feet dry with a towel and only then treat them with a pumice stone. If the skin is moist, it is easier to injure it with a careless movement.

It is easy to turn an ordinary pedicure at home into a SPA if you add fragrant dried flowers or fresh petals, such as roses, to the water. Light candles in the bathroom: the chamber atmosphere is relaxing.

➡ Get rid of corns:

A file or pumice stone is suitable for this. The file polishes the skin more thoroughly, and the effect of smooth legs lasts up to 10 days after it. If the skin on the feet is dry, choose a finely abrasive file, and if it is rough and thick, choose a coarse abrasive. Drive the file in one direction: from the edge of the heel to the center of the foot. If you move randomly, the skin will be rough - this may cause cracks.

Pumice polishes the skin less strongly and is recommended for owners of problem skin on the feet (for example, very thin). Moisten the pumice stone with warm water or soap and gently massage your heels and feet in a circular motion. Rinse your feet, dry them properly again and proceed to the next step of the pedicure - give your nails the right shape.

Do you apply cream on your feet? It's still early: this should be done at the very end of the pedicure, when you have already varnished your nails. There should be no greasy marks on them, otherwise the varnish will begin to chip off already on the second or third day.

➡ Shape your nails:

File your nails in one direction: for example, from right to left. Then they won't flake. What form to make - decide for yourself. But usually pedicurists are advised to look at the cuticle line and make it a mirror image. For example, if it is closer to a square, then try to give your nails the shape of a soft square.

Now you need to remove the cuticle. It is advisable not to cut it: after that it grows even faster. The exception is a long and dry cuticle, which cracks and leads to burrs. It must be carefully cut with knives with “biting” movements. Not a problem cuticle, you can easily remove it with a special softening agent. They usually contain fruit acids that soften the skin. You just have to remove the remains with an orange stick.

➡ Apply varnish:

Do you follow the trends of the season? The favorites of the season are peach, buttercup yellow and sea blue shades. If you like multi-colored pedicure, then peach color is ideally combined with pink, lilac and blue shades, ranunculus - with lilac. And the blue sea color forms a perfect pair with peach and beige varnishes. Of bright varnishes, coral is still in trend, and of pastels, cornflower blue and gray, shimmering lilac in different lighting conditions.

You need to apply varnish in 4 steps: at the end, that is, along the cuticle, in the center and on the sides. And before that, be sure to apply a base coat so that the varnish lays down better, and at the very end - a fixative. You can choose not just transparent, but with an effect - for example, 3D glitter or with a sand effect (if you touch such a coating, there will be a feeling of grains of sand).

If the varnish dries for a long time, and you need to quickly, drop a special transparent dryer on it. Even easier - hold your nails under a stream of cold water. But you don’t need to blow a hair dryer on them - the varnish, of course, will dry faster, but will lose its shine.

If you don't have a finger separator, replace it with cotton pads folded in quarters.

Pedicure at home - moisturizing the skin of the feet

For foot care, it is better to choose special products. They solve the main problems of the legs. If you walk a lot, your legs tend to swell and get tired, choose a cream with horse chestnut. To prevent fungus, use creams with natural antiseptics: tea tree oil, camphor or eucalyptus. If the skin is very dry, it can peel and crack, apply creams with glycerin, shea butter or jojoba before going to bed.

Is the skin on your feet dry and cracked? Use urea cream twice a day. It hydrates and exfoliates the skin for a long time.

In the heat, the feet sweat intensely and an unpleasant smell may appear ... But no one will guess about it if you use a cream with lavender or mint oils.

Choose your funds:

Errors to be corrected

💡 In the pursuit of heels like a baby, do not exfoliate the skin of the feet too much. This leads to the opposite effect: instead of being soft and smooth, the feet become even more rough.

💡 Do not file your nails “under the root”. First, it provokes their ingrowth. And secondly, thin skin, not protected by a nail, is easily damaged. Bacteria enter the blood through microcracks, and the inflammatory process begins. Ideally, the regrown part of the nail should be at least 2 mm and no longer than 4 mm. And the edges of the nail should be slightly rounded. If they are straight, then the nail can also grow in.

💡 Do not use a polisher often. And if you polish your nails, then not to the state of a mirror shine. From this they become thin and can exfoliate and break. If you already have weak nails, then it’s better not to polish them at all, but to add shine with a colorless varnish. Polish strong nails once a month.

I started doing manicures and pedicures on my own back in the sixth grade. At the same time, I began to apply various face creams. But if the action of the cream is not noticeable to anyone, then well-groomed and painted nails allow you to instantly stand out among others.

For manicure and pedicure masters, special rules have been developed for the disinfection of hands and objects, as well as the sterilization of instruments. According to them the pedicurist is obliged to wash her hands before working with the client and at the end, using an antiseptic. Baths after use must be treated with a disinfectant.

Sterilization requirements for pedicure masters meet the requirements for medical professionals. But who has visited at least a dentist can easily find the difference. When cutting the cuticle, small cuts often occur, in which blood comes out. Getting it on the instrument in the absence of proper disinfection is fraught with consequences.

Why do a pedicure

Summer is understandable. After all, the fingers peek out of sandals and open shoes. Yes, and playfully run to the water on the beach will not work without evidence of a serious attitude to their appearance.

In winter, this becomes important when visiting the pool. You feel better when you visit a doctor and stay in a hospital. If a woman is married, this is a reason to please her husband. It is believed that this is done to please him, because others do not see.

But there is another reason - psychological. Even if others are not aware, a person is constantly aware of what kind of underwear he is wearing, whether his tights or socks are torn. And if the nails are in order. This is involuntarily reflected in the manner of holding oneself, gives confidence to facial expressions and courage in actions.

How nice it is to take care of yourself

Any self-care gives rise to a positive attitude, which psychologists consider a direct path to finding happiness. Pedicure is an art. After all, everything ends with painting - applying varnish to the nails.

Modern fashion dictates not a boring application of one color on each nail, but a violent fantasy. One month it is customary to alternate colors that do not match with each other, the next - one nail should be slightly longer than the others. Moreover, it should shine with sparkles, which can be purchased at the store.

Taking care of yourself drives away boredom and bad mood. No one can do a pedicure and at the same time languish with boredom. A woman begins to treat herself better, which is always reflected in her appearance. If a pedicure is done regularly, foot care is constantly carried out, then you can do it quickly, having fun.

Finally, mastering any new knowledge, any of us becomes more free and independent.

Necessary tools and accessories

For home pedicure will need:

  • Ceramic or plastic foot bath.
  • Towel.
  • Grater for heels.
  • Pumice stone with fine grain.
  • Tweezers.
  • Files of different types.
  • Machine.
  • Wire cutters.
  • A scraper equipped with small heel blades.
  • Nail scissors.
  • Softening cream.
  • Finger spacers.
  • Varnishes of various colors.
  • Acetone and cotton swabs for correcting minor flaws when applying varnish.
  • Deodorant for feet.

Foot baths

The pedicure procedure begins with a warm bath.. In it there is a steaming of the feet. At the same time, they soften, which facilitates further processing. Ingredients can be added to the water, such as herbs, various types of sea salt with additives, essential oils.


Mix sea salt, which has the property of strengthening nails, and essential oil. You can enhance the effect by adding dried mint. The proportions may vary.


Pour baking soda into the water. For a bath of water - four tablespoons. Such a bath with soda is suitable for both treatment and prevention of a fungal infection.. Eliminates odor.


Add herbal infusion- calendula or chamomile. The infusion is prepared by filling two tablespoons of dried plants with a glass of boiling water. Should be infused for half an hour. This composition provides a strong disinfectant effect.


Add four tablespoons of vinegar to the water ( not to be confused with acetic acid). Apple cider vinegar will work too. The duration in this case is limited: no more than 15 minutes.


Sprinkle salt. Soak your feet in water for a few minutes. Add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to water with salt.

After taking a bath, the feet are dried with a towel.


The main stages of a pedicure:

  1. Foot baths.
  2. Remove the last nail polish residue using products specifically designed for nail polish remover.
  3. Shorten the length of the nails. Do not file them, but cut them with small tweezers.
  4. Soften cuticles. Apply a softening agent to the surface of the nail and the sides.
  5. Treat the heels, removing rough skin from them. A special machine is driven along the surface towards the edges of the heel. Remove rough skin in thin layers, trying not to injure the lower layers.
  6. Sand the surfaces of the feet with a coarse-grained file.
  7. Treat cracks on the heels with tweezers. When working, they should be positioned along the crack.
  8. Remove dead skin on fingertips. With a soft file, grind the surface of the pads and the places where the fingers touch.
  9. Process the cuticle. Wipe this place with wet wipes. With a special spatula, move the skin in the direction from the middle to the edges.
  10. Finish the edge of the nail. With a file, give it a square shape to avoid ingrown.
  11. Treat the nail plates with disinfectants.
  12. Apply a nourishing cream to the heels to prevent cracking.
  13. Get a foot massage.
  14. Varnish. It is possible in several layers. Additionally, a colorless varnish can be applied on top.

Mistakes when making a pedicure

The most common mistakes:

Do not soften your feet in too hot water. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. You can keep your feet in the water longer.

When removing calluses and corns, do not use scissors and a blade. This can lead to cuts. To do this, use a pumice stone or a scraper.

Do not cut the corners of the nail to avoid ingrown nails. Correctly trim your nails in a straight line.

Do not use a cuticle remover.

Heel treatment

There are two types of heel tool. If the condition of the heel is not very neglected, the use of a grater is sufficient. Otherwise, machining is necessary.


It is better to choose a grater with a wooden, rather than an iron handle. The processing surface is made of pumice, plastic, nickel, stainless steel. The rough surface is created by notches applied by a laser.

Having steamed out the legs, the heel is first treated with a harder coating, moving in one direction - from the sides and from the back to the middle.

Then grind the corns at the bottom of the fingers and on the side of the thumb with a grater. The foot is again placed in the bath. They take it out, dry it with a towel and process the second leg in the same way.

Then the first one, taken out of the water and dried, is treated with the side of the grater with a softer coating, increasing the processing area. Treat the second leg.

Machine processing

When buying a machine, you need to pay attention to the material of the blade. It is better to choose surgical steel. Its advantage lies in increased wear resistance. Blades are included with the machine.

The preparatory step is to steam the legs with the addition of the desired components. Then the feet must be wiped dry. With light movements, without creating excessive pressure, begin to process the foot, paying attention to the most rough areas. Direction - from the edges to the center of the heel.

The final stage will be the re-immersion of the feet in the bath, and then the treatment of the skin with a grinding file. Finally - applying the cream.

Cuticle treatment

The function of the cuticle is defense. The base of the nail is protected from penetration into this area of ​​infection. With a pedicure, the task is to get rid of non-living cuticle cells. Growing, the cuticle dries up, which causes the appearance of burrs. Nails grow more slowly, their appearance worsens. Only constant care for the condition of the cuticle will make it healthy and give a well-groomed appearance.

trim method

The method when the cuticle is worked out by cutting with scissors or tweezers. Preference is given to tweezers made of hand-sharpened high-quality stainless steel.

Soak your feet in the bath. Take out one leg and dry it with a towel. Apply a softening agent to the nails in the cuticle area. Hold it on your nails for a bit. Take a damp cloth and wipe off any remaining product.

Remove the spatula from the pedicure set and begin to gently push back the cuticle, moving from the edge of the nail to its middle. Then take out a tool with a sharp end from the set and go through it, cleaning the skin of a thin layer that grows on the nail. Do it carefully without scratching the nail.

Take the tweezers and cut the skin around the nail. Trim the cuticle in one go to avoid burrs. Lubricate the cuticle area with oil intended for this purpose. Work on the second foot.

Unedged method

With this method keratolytics are used instead of tweezers. When applied, the cuticle softens. Then she pushes back with an orange stick. Then you need to apply the composition to remove the cuticle. After some exposure, the cuticle is again pushed back. The pedicure ends with a cuticle oil treatment.

The advantage of this processing method is safety. With this method, only keratinized areas of the skin are removed, and the living ones remain protected from infection by bacteria.

hardware method

Unlike the classical, hardware - does not require steaming the legs. A special oil is used for softening. The agent acts selectively only on keratinized and dead skin. Living areas are not affected. The effect of healing and disinfection is provided.

Processing is carried out by grinding nozzles and cutters of the apparatus. There is no cuticle cutting. The occurrence of injury is impossible.

The kit includes nozzles of various diameters. Nozzles of large diameters are used when it becomes necessary to treat the feet, especially the heels. Small nozzles that have a semicircular shape are used when the places between adjacent fingers and the skin near the nail are processed.

The design consists of a device and a handle on which the nozzles are attached. First, the legs are treated with a coarse nozzle. Then, with a large amount of keratinized skin removed, they are replaced with more delicate ones. There are nozzles designed for different areas of the foot. Nails, cuticles, periungual skin, calluses, heel cracks are subject to care.


  1. Apply softening cream for fifteen minutes.
  2. Remove, using nozzles, dead and rough skin.
  3. Using cutters, remove corns, treat calluses.
  4. Sand cuticles.
  5. Using a nail file, give them the desired shape.
  6. polish.
  7. Sand to achieve a final gloss.
  8. Apply an emollient cream.
  9. Massage your feet.
  10. Apply varnish.

The technology for performing hardware pedicure is clearly shown in the video below:

Callus treatment

The pedicure machine includes callus remover. It removes corn gently, without injuring the skin. A cream is placed in the remaining hole, which eliminates the roots of the treated corn.


During treatment, the device constantly massages. As a result, blood circulation improves, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the foot.

After a pedicure performed by a hardware method, the skin that was removed does not begin to grow as fast as when the pedicure was performed by cutting. The skin retains its elasticity for a longer time, it becomes much less rough.

Cream application

A pedicure performed at home should be completed with a cream that has the ability to soften the skin. With very rough skin on the feet, there is an option when the cream is applied at night, and socks are put on the feet.


Massage improves blood circulation in the legs. If the feet are dry, then you can apply nourishing creams. With profuse sweating, a deodorizing agent should be used. If the legs are tired at the end of the day, it is advisable to apply a cream with a tonic effect. You can use any vegetable oil.

Lacquer application

When applying varnish easy to use finger separators. This will save you from accidentally getting varnish on an adjacent nail, especially if it was assumed that they would have a different color.

Before you paint your nails, you need to degrease with an acetone-free agent. Under the varnish you need to apply a special base. The varnish is applied in two layers with a special brush. Completes the application of the fixer.

Maintaining and caring for a pedicure

Do not forget apply oil to nails daily. With proper care, it will become noticeable that the cuticle becomes more elastic, it begins to fit much closer to the nail. The growth of the nail becomes faster, its surface is more even.


Get regular pedicures- a useful and pleasant habit. Doing it yourself is not at all difficult. This saves time and money. The effect will be noticeable after a short time.

Every woman wants to be a well-groomed beauty, like a TV star or a glossy magazine. In the conditions of a crazy rhythm of life - work, home, work - there is not always enough time for salon care. In addition, procedures in the salon are not cheap, which can negatively affect the family budget.

- Simple instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;
— Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;

In this case, a woman can provide herself with proper care at home, for example, do a beauty session on her own legs - a pedicure. How to achieve a good result in this matter? Consider a simple step-by-step instruction "Do-it-yourself pedicure at home."

To start

For starters, you should stock up on all the essentials, which are useful for pedicure: a bowl of warm water, a pusher spoon to push back the cuticles, cuticle tweezers, cuticle softening emulsion, a four-sided nail file, polishing, corn softener, pumice stone, towel, scrub, mask and foot cream.


First you need to properly steam the legs in a basin with warm water. For additional softening, you can add simple table salt to the water, to give a fragrant atmosphere - drop a few drops of any essential oil into the water.

As soon as the skin on the legs has steamed out, you need to apply a remedy to soften them on the corns (if any). To get the effect of a greenhouse, you can wrap the legs with polyethylene and put on warm socks. After 7-10 minutes, you can start grinding the sole with pumice: first with large crumbs, then clean it with pumice-polishing with fine crumbs. Voila! Feet became smooth.


Now you can start working on nails. A special emulsion will help soften the cuticles. With a spoon, you need to push the cuticles to the outer edges of the nail, and with tweezers, cut off the dead cuticles.

When the nail plate is cleaned, you can start shaping. Each side of the four-sided nail file must be shaped into a comfortable shape and sanded so that the edge of the nail becomes smooth and without hooks.

And finally

Now the best part remains. Need to apply a cleansing scrub to the sole of the foot, then a softening mask. After these simple manipulations, the skin on the legs will become velvety, silky. The final touch is the application of a rich nourishing cream on the skin of the feet, it will fix the feeling of softness for several days. You can also use cuticle oil, it will soften not only the cuticles, but also the dry skin around the nail. It remains only to apply a stylish nail polish and the legs are ready to go!

So quickly, without financial investments and wasting time on trips, a woman can spend her free half an hour with the benefit of her own beauty.

Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home

In order for the legs not to look abandoned and unkempt, but to look beautiful and attractive, you should take care of your nails and periodically do a pedicure. And if the appearance in winter is not so critical, then in summer this is a very significant drawback, because you have to show your fingers to others more often. Of course, the fastest and most effective way is to visit the salon of highly qualified specialists.

But given the cost of services and the time required for travel, it is much more convenient to perform a pedicure at home, thereby saving time for your own leisure. Such procedures will keep the skin in good and tender condition , and the nails will look well-groomed. It is worth noting that doing a pedicure is not recommended more than once every eight days, and doing it regularly can keep the skin in excellent condition.


Well, let's start the procedure, feet need to be thoroughly washed and in the event that there is old varnish on the nails, it should be removed. In order not to damage anything, it is advisable to use specialized tools, such as a file for grinding rough skin areas, a buff, a cuticle, a nail file 100/180 and wire cutters. All instruments must be cleaned and disinfected with Bacillus before use.

First step: soar legs

The first thing to do before the procedure is soak your feet in the water. This is done in order to make the skin softer. Take a bowl or any other container with warm water. For greater benefit, salts or special mixtures are added to the water. Keep your feet should be ten to fifteen minutes. After a while, the feet are well wiped.

Step two: nails and cuticles

Next step - trimming nails and cuticles. This item requires care and caution - one wrong move and it will be difficult to fix. For cutting, use nail scissors or specialized nippers. Due to the characteristics of the human body, nails should be cut in a straight line, they should resemble a square in shape. What is it for? This form forms additional rigidity and will not allow the nail to grow into the skin on the sides. To get rid of torn edges walk a nail file along the cut.

Then the cuticle moves. This should be done with a spatula designed for this. For a better effect, you can use a cuticle remover, it is applied to the skin, and after five minutes, carefully wiped with a cotton swab. With smooth, but confident movements of the shoulder blade, you need to clean the nail from the cuticle, gently press the rest of the skin at the base of the nail towards the finger. Also, with a spatula, clean the remnants from under the nails.

Third step: polishing nails

To achieve the finished result, proceed to the next step - polishing the nail. To do this, you need to use a polishing file or buff. It should be remembered that the better the surface of the nail is prepared, the longer the varnish will last and have a more beautiful appearance.

Fourth step: cleaning the skin

The final step in preparing the foot will be cleaning feet from old and rough skin. This is done with one of the most common tools - pumice stone. In addition, you can use special scrubs and cleaners. You can buy the above at any pharmacy. After treatment of the feet, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

Fifth step: apply varnish

The preparation is completed, now the most important and painstaking stage - varnishing . The choice of colors depends entirely on tastes and preferences, it is also mono to use a completely transparent varnish. Before application, the surface of the nail is treated with a nail polish remover to clean the surface and remove excess particles. To make it easier to apply varnish, use a separator that is placed between the fingers. If this is not the case, it does not matter, take cotton swabs.

Then on the nail you need spread the base mixture, which will serve as a solid start for further layers, as well as level the surface. Be sure to wait until the base is completely dry and then you can apply varnish. It is recommended to apply two layers - then the color will be richer and the effect better.

Fixing the result

After applying the varnish, you can use a fixative, which will allow the varnish to retain its shape and color much longer. Although this step is optional, you can do without it.

Left patiently wait for the polish to dry completely and enjoy the result of the work done.
We really hope that our step-by-step instruction on do-it-yourself pedicure at home came in handy for you and you were able to use the tips given in it.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

In order for neat nails to show off on your feet in the summer season of open shoes, it is not necessary to run to a specialist for an appointment. You can do the right pedicure yourself. For beginners, there are a couple of secrets that will allow you to do a pedicure with your own hands without any problems.

If everything is more or less clear about manicure, then there are many questions about pedicure at home. For example, with what frequency on the legs to change the coating. Many experts believe that a classic pedicure should be done every eight to ten days.

If you take care of the skin on your feet on a regular basis, then it will become tender, therefore, a professional pedicure is not required at all. Before proceeding with a pedicure, the old coating must be removed from the toenails. All pedicure tools must be disinfected.

Before considering a pedicure at home, you need to mention the most common mistakes:

  • Warm water is suitable for steaming the skin on the legs; hot water is not recommended. It is necessary to withstand the feet for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mechanical removal of calluses is prohibited. In the most unfortunate set of circumstances, you risk earning blood poisoning. Pedicure at home is performed only with a scrub and natural pumice stone, which can be replaced with a professional scraper.
  • It is not necessary to remove the cuticle. If not cut properly, it will only grow faster. It's better to just push it away with an orange stick.
  • Trimming nails at the root or cutting at the corners is prohibited, as you can earn an ingrown nail. To avoid this, you need to cut only in a straight line.

A beautiful pedicure at home is possible only with additional devices. With the help of some of them, a manicure is performed, most likely, you already have something. Some items are optional, but they help you get the best result.

For example, a special massage mat. Usually it is inexpensive, the surface imitates the bottom of the sea, lined with pebbles. It is enough to walk on it for a few minutes, and the acupuncture points will be stimulated. Professional pedicure scrapers allow you to achieve perfect, even and smooth skin. However, if you do not do a professional pedicure, a pumice stone can replace it.

Orange tree sticks are familiar to all girls who do their own manicure. This versatile tool helps gently remove cuticles. Self-massage socks are essentially similar to a massage mat, however, they are easier to wear.

Preparation is the key to success

How to do a pedicure? Just like a manicure, you need to start with the preparation of the plates. Do not forget to remove the old coating before proceeding with steaming and other steps.

The first step for a pedicure is the preparation of tools. You should have a good nail file in your arsenal. It will also help to make the perfect manicure. It is best to give preference to glass options without using "emery" files.

When working with a glass object, you will be completely protected from damage to the toenail or handnail. In addition, its grinding does not occur, which means that you can perform a pedicure at home with it for a very long time.

The sawing of the plates is carried out in one direction, with the help of which the nails get the desired shape. Don't experiment too much with it. This is more relevant when you do a manicure. The unusual shape of the plates on the legs is not recommended due to the problem of ingrown nails. If you notice signs of this disease in yourself, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for high-quality treatment and prevention of relapses in the future.

A professional pedicure, like a manicure, involves polishing the nail. For this, a special double-sided nail file is used, designed for such purposes. First, its rough side is used, which allows you to remove small bumps from the nails, as well as the remnants of the coating. The second less rigid side allows you to polish the surface of the nails, getting a shiny top layer.

An important step for a pedicure is steaming the legs. The skin needs softening before treatment.

To do this, prepare a pedicure bath with warm water. Soap foam is added to it. To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of sea salt. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to go over the skin with a scraper to remove dead cells and wipe the feet dry. After that, a moisturizer is applied.

There are four types of foot baths. The simplest of them is tonic. To prepare it, you need sea salt and peppermint ether. If oil is not at hand, you can use dried mint.

An antibacterial bath will be relevant for those who suffer from a fungus or need to be disinfected after visiting the pool, water park and other crowded places. To do this, the bath will require four to five tablespoons of soda. This solution is an excellent disinfectant, ridding the nails of bacteria. Additionally, you can eliminate the smell of sweat using this procedure.

To prepare a relaxing bath, you will need chamomile or calendula infusion. Additionally, you will achieve skin hydration and disinfection, which is important in the presence of small cracks or wounds. Wellness bath is one of the most popular. This is the same bath with sea salt, which begins the manicure. It helps to get rid of rough skin.

Skin care

In order for a classic pedicure, and even a manicure, to be perfect, it is necessary to pay due attention to the skin of the feet. The main goal in caring for it is the removal of rough skin. The main assistant can be pumice. It processes not only the heels, but also the feet over the entire surface. Additionally, you can use special peels or scrubs. Often, the female stock of funds has special tubes for the skin of the feet.

After such a cleansing procedure, do not forget to take care of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. To do this, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, a light massage is welcome. It is best to leave your feet in special spa socks so that the cream is absorbed as deeply as possible. If you have a problem with excessive sweating, then you can use a special deodorant in cream form.

It happens that girls do not pay due attention to the skin of the feet, and as a result, it becomes very neglected. If you are the owner of serious corns or cracks, then a classic pedicure is not your option.

To put the skin in order, you need to make a nourishing mask. Special formulations are easy to find in the store. With big problems, it is best to withstand them during the night. To do this, you will need spa socks or ordinary cellophane, which wraps the leg, and puts a sock on top. In the morning, it is enough to wash your feet and apply a moisturizer. Just a few treatments will bring your skin back to normal.

Color is everything

A classic pedicure always ends with a top coat. It all depends not only on fashion trends, but also on your preferences. You can use just a colorless varnish or special strengthening compounds. They will give shine to the plate and strengthen it.

If you are thinking about how to make a pedicure at home original and at the same time know how to draw well, then you can paint on your nails. Before proceeding with the design, the plate must be degreased. For convenience, it is best to use special finger separators. This will allow you to carefully paint over each nail without smearing it with an adjacent finger.

The base is always used as the first layer. Most often it has no color. Due to this, the nails will be protected from toxins. The surface will be smooth, which means that the varnish will last longer on it.

After the base is completely dry, you can cover the plate with colored varnish. For the winter period, experts recommend choosing calm shades of varnish. The summer version of the pedicure can be painted with bold, original shades. Just do not forget to combine them with your clothes and color type.

The color coating is applied in two layers. This allows you to get a rich, stable color. The completion of the pedicure is a coating with a fixer. This will further extend the life of the varnish.

Every woman dreams of having well-groomed hands and feet. To do this, you need to give them quite a bit of attention, periodically doing manicures and pedicures, masks, nourishing with creams. The easiest way to get the perfect result is to use the services of a professional recommended master in a beauty salon. But if you need to save a little, you can do a pedicure for your beloved yourself at home, you just need to know a few rules and stick to them. How to do a pedicure at home - step by step instructions.

Well-groomed heels - easy and simple

It is easier to do a pedicure on your own at home than a manicure, because both hands are involved in this process, so for those who do not know how to use both left and right hands equally well, you can let your imagination fly and draw any beautiful drawing on your feet.

When doing a pedicure on your own, it is important to remember a few rules:

  • the water in the foot bath should not be too hot;
  • toenails should be cut short, strictly in a straight line, without rounding;
  • cuticle, without sufficient experience and a sharp special tool, it is better not to cut;
  • to remove corns and rough skin, it is better to use a natural pumice stone or a specialized pedicure grater, but not blades or machines;
  • to keep the skin of the heels pink and tender, you should regularly moisturize it with creams and masks.

Proper pedicure at home: in detail and step by step

Step one:cleansing. Before proceeding with the pedicure, it is necessary to remove the old varnish from the nails with the help of improvised means (special liquids), and it is advisable to wash the feet themselves.

Step two: softening. In order to remove rough skin on the heels and fingertips painlessly and without unnecessary injuries, it must first be softened. Most often, a warm foot bath is used for this. It’s great if the household has a special electric pedicure bath with a built-in massage mechanism, if there is no such device, a basin will do. At its bottom, you can put a massage mat that imitates the sea coast. The water for the bath should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the skin may begin to peel off in shreds, it is recommended to add sea salt (flavored or plain), liquid toilet soap, a few drops of aromatic oil, a solution or decoction of chamomile, calendula. A good disinfecting and softening effect will give a simple soda dissolved in bath water.

Secret: if there was a free evening, which the woman decided to devote entirely to self-care, you can try to soften the skin of the feet and remove rough areas in other, non-traditional ways. For example, the use of white wine gives a good effect: you should moisten socks in it, preferably woolen ones, put them on your feet, fix them with plastic bags on top and walk around in such an “outfit” for at least an hour and a half. The skin on the feet, especially in the area of ​​​​the heels, will become soft and tender, and rough areas can be removed much faster and better.

Step three: removal. After the bath, the feet should be thoroughly wiped, dried with a towel, and proceed to remove excess rough skin on the heels and fingertips. At home, this is best done with a pumice stone of various shapes and sizes, a special pedicure grater or a professional pedicure scraper. Improper use of a razor for these purposes can lead to cuts and difficult to stop bleeding. You can also do a special foot massage with a scrub that will exfoliate the skin in those places where a file or pumice stone has not reached. After that, the legs should be washed and dried thoroughly.

Step four: make the shape of the nails. It is very important for a pedicure to give the nails on the toes the correct shape. They need to be cut with scissors with straight blades or pedicure tweezers strictly straight, without rounding, cuts. The ideal shape of toenails is rectangular. Incorrect trimming of nails can lead to a condition called “ingrown toenail”, which requires the intervention of a surgeon. It is recommended to grind the edge of the nail plate a little with a nail file so that it is not sharp and the fingers do not hurt each other.

Step five: cuticle. Removing the cuticle requires a special sharp pedicure tool and certain skills. If there is neither one nor the other, experienced craftsmen advise at home to simply try to push the cuticle as much as possible to the side and lower edge of the nail plate with a hard stick (orange, bone).

Step six: polish. The nail plate, from which the old varnish has been removed, needs some polishing. This should be done with a special nail file with a soft working surface. On polished nails, any high-quality varnish (plain or gel) will last much longer due to better adhesion to the surface.

Step seven: massage. In salons, massage is one of the most enjoyable stages of a pedicure. You can do this procedure yourself, you need to apply a moisturizing, tonic or soothing cream on the feet and massage them a lot. If there is a desire not only to have fun, but also to cheer up the body a little, you should buy special socks with a printed pattern in the form of dots and zones for preventive and therapeutic massage.

Step eight: coating. The final stage of a quality pedicure is nail polish. To do this, it is recommended to insert a special spacer between the fingers, then cover in several stages:

  • degrease the nails, because cream could get on them during the massage;
  • apply a varnish-base (base);
  • apply the selected varnish in one or two layers;
  • if desired and able to apply a drawing;
  • finish with a colorless top coat.

Each stage needs to dry the nails under a special ultraviolet lamp.

Baths and masks for tired legs

A bath with warm water for the legs will perfectly relieve the accumulated fatigue for the whole day. Mint and eucalyptus will help you relax. To do this, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, half a glass of peppermint decoction, one or two tablespoons or dessert spoons of soda and one or two tablespoons or dessert spoons of any vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed or olive) to the bath. It is advisable to keep your feet in a warm bath for 15-20 minutes, blot with a towel, wipe dry and moisturize with foot cream.

A bath with lemon, tea tree, peppermint oils and with the addition of ground coffee and plain or flavored sea salt will help to give vigor to the legs, restore their tone.

A bath with a decoction of rosemary, a couple of drops of mint oil, cedar, a tablespoon of medical glycerin will help relieve swelling from tired legs.

In addition to the usual cream, the legs can also be pampered with masks from improvised means. The mask prepared with the addition of a solution or gel of aloe vera, olive oil and eucalyptus oil perfectly moisturizes the skin of the feet. You need to mix one tablespoon of the first two ingredients, then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, apply on the legs for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry.

An excellent moisturizing and tonic effect is given by a mask based on avocado and honey. You should mix a couple of egg yolks, a quarter or a third of the pulp of a peeled avocado in a blender, add a dessert or tablespoon of honey and a few drops of evening primrose oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the feet, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse and wipe dry.

A little effort and your heels will be tender and pink, like a baby's.