The pension reform of military personnel. Cancellation of military pensions. military allowances

Security forces can't afford the Ministry of Finance

The budget crisis is pushing officials to cancel the so-called military pensions, which are received by employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis leads the economic bloc of the government to reduce the pensions of the security forces. The current military pensioners can sleep peacefully: there are no plans to cancel their pensions. But in the future, the current security forces may receive only a one-time severance pay instead of a lifetime pension - to adapt to work in civilian life. Such a decision is already being discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.

The Research Financial Institute (NIFI), subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a rationale for a new pension reform. Now security officials can become victims of optimization. This can be judged from the public speeches of the director of the NIFI Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions should be reviewed. And, apparently, quite radically. Nazarov spoke about some of the details last week on the air of Ekho Moskvy.

“Those who are going to go on a military pension should be offered a normal social contract instead of a pension,” the economist explained. - When a person finishes military service, if he is not disabled and everything is in order, you need to give him money for retraining, give him a large severance pay so that he has enough for a year or two of a comfortable life, and after that he, quite like a normal member of society, can work at another job.

No matter how strange the ideas discussed at the NIFI may seem, they are worth listening to. Indeed, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institution are the development of the theory and methodology of financial management, forecasting, planning, drafting and executing the federal budget, preparing proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation.

In other words, the NIFI's developments in the form of a draft law can be put on the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov. And he, with all the calculations and justifications in his hands, can then start lobbying for the next optimization.

If we understand by military pensions payments that are received not only by military personnel, but also by other security officials (law enforcement and penitentiary officials, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then after the reform, the budget savings can amount, according to rough estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are also more modest expert estimates of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. As long as the reform has not acquired concrete outlines, it is impossible to make more accurate calculations.

However, even now it is not easy to get a military pension. She is appointed on the basis of years of service. The right to a military pension is received by persons who, on the day of dismissal, have served in law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more; as well as persons dismissed upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal, having a total length of service of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months is service in law enforcement agencies.

Quite often security officials are fired before reaching the length of service required for a pension. There are cases when a citizen finds out about his non-compliance with pension requirements after his dismissal. Such underserved ones can only count on maintaining the payment of a salary for a military rank for one year. Or a disability pension.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance's reform of military pensions may abolish the very concept of "length of service." Most of the experts interviewed by NG were skeptical about the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost unrealizable.

“This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some dismay,” said Vasily Zatsepin, head of the military economics laboratory at the Gaidar Institute. “The revision of the conditions most likely cannot be avoided, but the complete abolition of pensions for the military is already a completely extreme option. Our law enforcement agencies have considerable weight, and they will certainly do a lot to save pensions, ”said Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Actual Economics.

In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected sections of the population, the expert recalls. One of the incentives to join the military is the guarantee of a stable income for many years. According to Isaev, it is not enough just to give a serviceman money for retraining: “In order for the retraining system to function effectively, it must be built from scratch. And this is not possible without additional funding. In conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle is obtained. There are obviously not enough vacancies for night watchmen for all the retirees.”

The proposed reform “will make people in uniform temporary workers who treat the state as another place of income,” fears Anton Sonichev, a lawyer for the Delovoy Farvater bureau. In his opinion, such changes will undermine the credibility of the state. “Resistance from law enforcement agencies will be very serious,” Sonichev expects.

“No one-time payment compares to regular income, especially with such lump-sum payments as now in Russia. This will lead to the infringement of social guarantees for military pensioners, since not everyone will be able to adapt to civilian life,” Roman Azatyan, legal adviser at My Family Lawyer, warns. “As practice shows, in Russia the opinion of the military departments is considered, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions,” he adds.

Many economists recall that the partial erosion of military pensions is already underway today. Military pensioners are still facing budget savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says Sergei Zvenigorodsky, an analyst at Solid Management. He emphasizes that the innovation of the theorists of the Ministry of Finance fully fits into the trend formed by the state: soon, almost all civil pensions can become “in the category of symbolic benefits, on which, given inflationary expectations, it will be problematic to live,” the expert says. It is not for nothing that the government offers the population to ensure a decent old age by forming pension savings.

Although some experts see a healthy grain in the position of the head of NIFI. “The very idea of ​​retraining, regardless of pension payments, is sound, since there are many people in the army with skills that will be very useful in working in large corporations and small businesses,” says Pavel Sigal, First Vice President of Opora Rossii. A large severance pay would be attractive "for those who leave the military at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a civilian career," he said.

Finally, some experts do not exclude that the arguments about the abolition of military pensions have a very specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, Dmitry Lukashov, an analyst at IFC Markets, suggests: “First, a threat is created to cancel pensions and benefits, and then this threat is eliminated with the approval of voters.”

“The budget crisis is pushing officials to abolish the so-called military pensions that employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies receive. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis leads the economic bloc of the government to reduce the pensions of the security forces. The current military pensioners can sleep peacefully: there are no plans to cancel their pensions. But in the future, the current security forces may receive only a one-time severance pay instead of a lifetime pension - to adapt to work in civilian life. Such a decision is already being discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.”

Opinion of a military lawyer.

Military service is notable for its particular complexity and tension, in fact it is round-the-clock work, especially for those who serve in combat units, daily participate in shooting and driving training, day and night, at remote training grounds.

Therefore, in order to attract young people to serve in the army under a contract, romance alone and slightly increased monetary allowances are indispensable. We need more weighty social guarantees designed for a long time.

There have always been two such guarantees: guaranteed housing after the end of service and the possibility of retiring well before reaching the general retirement age.

Since 1993, since the publication of the first law "On the status of military personnel", the military was guaranteed the receipt of housing. With a certain length of service and certain grounds for dismissal, he could not even be dismissed from military service without providing housing. If housing was not provided due to impossibility, the serviceman was transferred to the disposal of the chiefs (out of state) until housing was provided.

However, starting in 2013, a large-scale offensive began on this basic social guarantee, on all fronts, in accordance with all the rules of military science: now almost everyone is dismissed without housing or a housing subsidy, and are waiting for them already “in civilian life”. And "there" you can wait indefinitely. The first - housing - guarantee for those who, by virtue of the law, did not have the opportunity to become a member of the accumulative mortgage system of housing for military personnel (NIS), has evaporated.

Approximately at the same time, the attack on the second social guarantee, the pension one, began. In accordance with the amendments to the legislation, the age limit for military service has increased. Formally, from the point of view of the right to a pension, nothing has changed: the length of service for obtaining the right to a pension has remained 20 years. However, the initiates know that to retire with 20 years of service and not reach the age limit means to lose all benefits, primarily housing benefits upon dismissal (and not after it).

Depriving the security forces of their pension, or replacing it with some kind of lump-sum allowance, will instantly destroy the remnants of the attractiveness of military service.

You can even simulate the situation. An officer, at the age of 21, graduates from a military school, after three years becomes a member of the NIS, buys a home, and after a few more years he gets the right to fully repay the mortgage (by receiving additional funds) - in case of dismissal on so-called preferential grounds - organizational and staffing activities or health conditions.

And now the question is: what will keep in the army a young, flourishing, thirty-year-old man who has not even reached the prime of his powers and abilities?

As a result, the army will rapidly become decrepit, we may find ourselves in a situation where the most important element of the platoon - company - battalion will be left without officers, or these positions will be taken by the unemployed, "lying" in positions of losers.

It is unlikely that this situation will be allowed by the security forces, who occupy leading positions in today's Russia. Therefore, all these attempts are more like information stuffing, probing public opinion.

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In 2018, the government plans to change the principles for calculating military pensions, which will significantly save the state budget. At the same time, the authorities are considering options for increasing pension payments to former military personnel. The final decision will be made based on the state of the domestic budget.

The amount of a military pension depends on several key indicators:

  1. official salary;
  2. military rank;
  3. allowance (accrued depending on the length of service).

According to experts, the average pension of military pensioners last year amounted to 23 thousand rubles, which is significantly higher than the average Russian figure.

Given the freezing of the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military during the crisis, the basic level of pensions remained unchanged. However, the authorities used a reduction factor adjustment, which resulted in an actual increase in payments. This tool made it possible to increase military pensions in 2017 by 4%, which is significantly inferior to the indexation of the insurance pension.

Next year, the indexation of insurance and military pensions will be identical, experts predict. Slowing inflation will reduce the annual increase in pensions to 4%. In addition, the authorities intend to increase the length of service, which will reduce the cost of military pensions.

In 2018, the authorities plan to launch another reform that will affect the principles of calculating military pensions. Following the example of civil servants, officials propose to increase the standard length of service required to receive a pension. The government intends to increase this indicator to 25 years (at the moment, the required length of service is 20 years). The reform will be launched immediately after the elections, experts predict.

The main goal of officials is to reduce government spending on the payment of early pensions. Such a measure will reduce budget costs by 300-400 billion rubles, the authorities predict, which will positively affect the budget deficit.

Experts believe that the authorities in 2018 should adjust the key indicator for calculating pensions for military pensioners - the monetary allowance of the military. At the same time, representatives of the Ministry of Finance suggest proceeding from the real possibilities of the budget.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners

At the traditional meeting of government members, Vladimir Putin recalled that from 2011 to 2017 military pensions were almost doubled and expressed disagreement with the draft budget for 2018, in which indexation of wages for military personnel is planned from January 1, and indexation of pensions for retired military - from 1 February.

The President said that it is necessary to raise these two payments simultaneously from the beginning of the new calendar year, because the issue of the amount of pension benefits concerns more than 2.6 million people.

The author of the bill drew the attention of those present at the meeting to the fact that benefits for retired military men are paid a month in advance. This means that the increased pension will need to be paid as early as December 2017. But, the country's budget makes it possible to do this, and already before the New Year, military pensioners can receive an increased pension, taking into account the expected amount of indexation.

Savings on the military

The indexation of military salaries has been frozen for 5 years. The economic crisis and the growing budget deficit extended the moratorium until 2017. However, next year, experts and officials predict a revival of the domestic economy, which will allow the government to increase the salaries of the military.

Last year, the Ministry of Finance proposed changing the principle of indexing military allowances. Instead of mandatory indexation to the level of inflation, representatives of the department proposed fixing the future increase in military salaries in the federal budget. This approach will take into account economic realities and adjust salaries based on budget revenues. However, the State Duma did not support the initiative of the Ministry of Finance. Legislators believe that the state should not save on the military.

In addition to economic indicators, the final decision of officials regarding the increase in military salaries depends on fluctuations in the oil market. The export of "black gold" provides a significant part of budget revenues. Next year the oil market will remain unstable, experts say, which is the main threat to the Russian budget.

The optimistic scenario assumes an increase in quotations to 60 dollars per barrel. As a result, the government will receive an additional financial resource, which will increase the cost of maintaining the military. In this case, the authorities will be able to resume the annual indexation of military salaries.

The basic forecast assumes fluctuations in quotations at the level of 50-55 dollars per barrel. As a result, the budget deficit will remain at a high level, which will leave open the question of a future increase in the monetary allowance of the military.

In the case of a pessimistic scenario, the cost of a barrel of oil will fall to $40, which will prevent officials from increasing the salaries and pensions of the military. In addition, a sharp decline in budget revenues will force the government into a austerity regime.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2018 will be increased by 4%, experts say. The authorities will use the mechanism of reducing the adjustment coefficient, which will allow indexing pension payments.

Another initiative of the authorities next year is to increase the length of service to 25 years. This measure will reduce budget expenditures on financing early pensions.

An increase in the monetary allowance of the military next year remains in question. The final decision of the authorities will depend on the economic situation and fluctuations in oil prices.

Cancellation of military pensions

Quite often recently there is information about the possible abolition of pension contributions for the military. The reliability of these rumors has not been confirmed in any way, but due to the fact that this idea finds a considerable number of supporters, these assumptions cannot be ignored.

It is believed that the former military can easily do without these payments, as they have very useful skills that can be used not only in the process of service. For maximum adaptation, it is proposed to organize the passage of free training for former military personnel. At the same time, the preservation of the severance pay is guaranteed for the purpose of financial support at the start.

The budget crisis is pushing officials to cancel the so-called military pensions, which are received by employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis is leading the government's economic bloc to reduce the pensions of the security forces, Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes.

Will military pensions be replaced by a one-time severance pay?

The current military pensioners can sleep peacefully: there are no plans to cancel their pensions. But in the future, the current security forces may receive only a one-time severance pay instead of a lifetime pension - to adapt to work in civilian life. Such a decision is already being discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.

Pensions for military pensioners

The Research Financial Institute (NIFI), subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a rationale for a new pension reform. Now security officials can become victims of optimization. This can be judged from the public speeches of the director of the NIFI Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions should be reviewed. And, apparently, quite radically. Nazarov spoke about some of the details last week on the air of Ekho Moskvy.

“Those who are going to go on a military pension should be offered a normal social contract instead of a pension,” the economist explained. - When a person finishes military service, if he is not disabled and everything is in order, you need to give him money for retraining, give him a large severance pay so that he has enough for a year or two of a comfortable life, and after that he, quite like a normal member of society, can work at another job.

No matter how strange the ideas discussed at the NIFI may seem, they are worth listening to. Indeed, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institution are the development of the theory and methodology of financial management, forecasting, planning, drafting and executing the federal budget, preparing proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation. In other words, the NIFI's developments in the form of a draft law can be put on the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov. And he, with all the calculations and justifications in his hands, can then start lobbying for the next optimization.

If we understand by military pensions payments that are received not only by military personnel, but also by other security officials (law enforcement and penitentiary officials, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then after the reform, the budget savings can amount, according to rough estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are also more modest expert estimates of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. As long as the reform has not acquired concrete outlines, it is impossible to make more accurate calculations.


However, even now it is not easy to get a military pension. She is appointed on the basis of years of service. The right to a military pension is received by persons who, on the day of dismissal, have served in law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more; as well as persons dismissed upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal, having a total length of service of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months is service in law enforcement agencies.

Quite often security officials are fired before reaching the length of service required for a pension. There are cases when a citizen finds out about his non-compliance with pension requirements after his dismissal. Such underserved ones can only count on maintaining the payment of a salary for a military rank for one year. Or a disability pension.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance's reform of military pensions may abolish the very concept of "length of service." Most of the experts interviewed by NG were skeptical about the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost unrealizable.

“This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some dismay,” said Vasily Zatsepin, head of the military economics laboratory at the Gaidar Institute.

“The revision of the conditions most likely cannot be avoided, but the complete abolition of pensions for the military is already a completely extreme option. Our law enforcement agencies have considerable weight, and they will certainly do a lot to save pensions, ”said Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Actual Economics.

Military rights

In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected sections of the population, the expert recalls. One of the incentives to join the military is the guarantee of a stable income for many years. According to Isaev, it is not enough just to give a serviceman money for retraining: “In order for the retraining system to function effectively, it must be built from scratch. And this is not possible without additional funding. In conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle is obtained. There are obviously not enough vacancies for night watchmen for all the retirees.”

The proposed reform “will make people in uniform temporary workers who treat the state as another place of income,” fears Anton Sonichev, a lawyer for the Delovoy Farvater bureau. In his opinion, such changes will undermine the credibility of the state. “Resistance from law enforcement agencies will be very serious,” Sonichev expects.

“No one-time payment compares to regular income, especially with such lump-sum payments as now in Russia. This will lead to the infringement of social guarantees for military pensioners, since not everyone will be able to adapt to civilian life,” Roman Azatyan, legal adviser at My Family Lawyer, warns. “As practice shows, in Russia the opinion of the military departments is considered, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions,” he adds.

Many economists recall that the partial erosion of military pensions is already underway today. Military pensioners are still facing budget savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says Sergei Zvenigorodsky, an analyst at Solid Management. He emphasizes that the innovation of the theorists of the Ministry of Finance fully fits into the trend formed by the state: soon, almost all civil pensions can become “in the category of symbolic benefits, on which, given inflationary expectations, it will be problematic to live,” the expert says. It is not for nothing that the government offers the population to ensure a decent old age by forming pension savings.

Although some experts see a healthy grain in the position of the head of NIFI. “The very idea of ​​retraining, regardless of pension payments, is sound, since there are many people in the army with skills that will be very useful in working in large corporations and small businesses,” says Pavel Sigal, First Vice President of Opora Rossii. A large severance pay would be attractive "for those who leave the military at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a civilian career," he said.

Finally, some experts do not exclude that the arguments about the abolition of military pensions have a very specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, Dmitry Lukashov, an analyst at IFC Markets, suggests: “First, a threat is created to cancel pensions and benefits, and then this threat is eliminated with the approval of voters.”

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The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the minimum limit of years of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This is reported by Kommersant, citing a source close to the leadership of one of the Russian law enforcement agencies. This information was also confirmed to the publication by a source in the Ministry of Defense.

The document proposes to amend the Russian law “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of the National Troops guards, and their families" dated February 12, 1993.

Work on the preparation of the draft law has been carried out since March of this year by the relevant decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents by the deputy head of the department to General Dmitry Bulgakov, the ministry said.

As a high-ranking employee of the presidential administration explained to the newspaper, representatives of all departments related to military service participated in the drafting of the bill. “The topic is very delicate, there are still a number of consultations at the level of the financial, economic and social blocs of the government, as well as all interested parties,” he added.

The interlocutors of the publication did not specify the expected timing of the adoption of the amendments, however, in their opinion, it would be logical to adopt the document after the presidential elections, which will be held in March 2018.

The authors of the bill also do not disclose the mechanism for increasing the lower threshold of seniority: whether a transition period will be introduced for this is still unknown. It is also unclear how the adoption of the amendments will affect the budget.

The publication clarifies that the adoption of the bill will require amendments to the 13th article of this law (the conditions determining the right to a pension for long service) and the 14th (the size of the pension).

At the moment, it is already known that the amendments, if adopted, will not affect those military personnel whose contract ends on the 20th anniversary of service. All the rest, in order to be eligible for a military pension, will have to serve five years longer.

The idea to increase the lower threshold of seniority has been discussed for a long time. In 2013, the military proposed dividing this process into two stages: until 2019, to pay all military personnel who have served over 20 years, but have not retired, an allowance of 25% of the pension that they could receive, and from January 1, 2019 year to finally establish a 25-year lower limit of service. However, after the calculations carried out at that time, it turned out that the federal budget did not have enough funds for the additional payments necessary for the transition period.

In 2015, the discussion of this issue was resumed by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. The government admitted that the period of service required for a military pension could be raised immediately to 30 years, but this option was rejected.

The unstable economic situation that was observed in Russia three years ago also forced the Ministry of Finance to think about refusing to increase payments to military pensioners.

Siluanov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu were able to resolve all issues and find additional funding only after Putin intervened in the situation.

Last month, the head of state signed a law to increase the retirement age for civil servants. According to the document, the retirement age of officials has increased to 65 for men and 63 for women. The law also provides for a gradual increase in the minimum civil service period required for a superannuation pension from 15 to 20 years.

Now "military pensioners" who, after leaving the reserve (retirement), continue to work in positions not related to military service, are entitled to a second, "civilian" pension through the Pension Fund of Russia upon reaching the retirement age established by the state (for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years) and the minimum required work experience (in 2017 it is eight years and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024).

In March, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, the former commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that the average pension in 2016 was: for military service pensioners - about 23 thousand rubles, for law enforcement service pensioners - 17 thousand rubles, for security agencies - 30 thousand rubles.

According to him, for the calculation of the “military” pension, the salary for a military position or official salary, salary for a military rank or salary for a special rank, and a bonus for length of service (length of service) are taken into account.

Salaries of military judges, prosecutors and investigators are established in relation to the salary of the first person of the corresponding department. Salaries in other departments are established by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, salaries by rank are the same for everyone, and salaries for standard positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Presidential Special Objects Service are approximately 20% higher than in the Armed Forces and other troops and military formations. This is due to the specifics of the tasks performed by these bodies and more stringent selection.

In Russia, for more than five years, there has been no indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel.

“The guarantee of protecting the monetary allowance of military personnel from depreciation has not been fulfilled for the past five years, that is, in fact, for the entire period of the federal law “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them,” Shamanov explained.

The provisions of this law, which stipulate that salaries for military posts and salaries for military ranks are annually indexed to inflation starting from 2013, are suspended annually by a separate federal law.

However, according to Shamanov, the indexation of the “military” pension took place by increasing the so-called reduction coefficient, which, in accordance with Art. 43 of the law "On pensions for persons who have completed military service ..." in 2012 was 54%, and from February 1, 2017 it was 72.23%. Its real increase was: in 2013 - by 8.2%, in 2014 - by 6.2%, in 2015 - by 7.5%, in 2016 - by 4%, and from February 1 2017 - by 4%. Thus, over the past five years - from 2013 to 2017 - the "military" pension has increased by 30%. And from 2011 to 2017, the "military" pension increased by 90%.