First week after fertilization. Signs of pregnancy before delay: tricks of traditional medicine. Increasing hCG levels

The first week of pregnancy is taken as a stable unit for the theoretical obstetric calculation, but at this stage the woman is still menstruating. It is worth remembering that at 1 week there is no fetus yet, and the woman's body is only preparing for conception.

Obstetric and embryonic term: what is it, and how to calculate?

It is virtually impossible to accurately calculate the date of conception, therefore, in obstetric practice, it is counted from the date of the last menstruation. Ovulation days are an individual process that can occur on any day in the middle of the cycle. 1 obstetric week is the normal state of the female body, which occurs in a sexually mature woman every month during menstruation.

If pregnancy occurs, then the first embryonic week is considered the time when fertilization took place.

How to choose the best day to conceive?

During the 1st week of pregnancy, a follicle matures in the ovary, from which an egg will be released on a certain day. It is impossible to calculate the onset of this phase, so the method of measuring basal temperature is used. The temperature is measured rectally in the morning without getting out of bed, and if it is +37 C, then the body is ready for conception. If pregnancy has been planned for a long time, but does not occur due to an irregular cycle, then you can try using special tests. They show the level of the hormone, which rises 1-2 days before the expected ovulation. This period will be the most favorable for conception, and if there are no plans for pregnancy, then these days it is worth protecting yourself.

The optimal time for using the test is the period from 11 o'clock in the afternoon until the evening. But in the morning the results will be incorrect, since the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the morning urine is the highest.

What does a woman feel?

The mythical first week is no different from the usual course of menstruation. A woman can hurt and pull the lower abdomen, she feels nausea and her chest hurts. Her body, which happens every month, is preparing for conception, which may or may not occur. These sensations are familiar to all sexually mature girls, and the level of hCG in the blood is equal to the norm of 5 mU / ml.

What changes are taking place?

The third week is considered the first embryonic, and it is during this period that the fertilized egg moves to the uterus. Here comes the most important stage, because the egg may not be fixed in the uterus. In this case, all the excess will come out during the next menstruation.

Doctors note that from the moment of fertilization to implantation, an average of 7-10 days pass.

And the immediate time of implantation is 40 hours, and it occurs already by 4 obstetric or 2 embryonic weeks.

What discharge can be, and what is considered the norm?

This week, a woman observes standard discharge characteristic of menstruation. After the end of menstruation, the discharge of whites is considered the norm, which may have an unpleasant odor if personal hygiene is not observed. Also, after the attachment of the embryo, which will happen in 2-3 weeks, scanty one-time brown or red discharge is observed. He will testify to the successful fixation of the embryo in the uterus.

What changes occur in the uterus?

In determining the onset of pregnancy in the early stages of embryonic conception, a vaginal examination is important. The fact is that after conception, the cervix changes, which the doctor will notice during a visual examination. In the normal period, the size of the cervix is ​​4 cm in length and about 2.5 in width, and during pregnancy the following changes are observed:
  • Bluish tint due to increased blood circulation.
  • Changes in the consistency of tissues and their density.

Changes occur due to an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone and are the norm.

How to prepare the body?

During this period, if you are planning a pregnancy, you should be attentive to your health, following a number of recommendations:
  • Quit smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  • Start taking folic acid tablets.
  • If you have a cold or other illness during which you took antibiotics and medicines, then during the first examination with a gynecologist, do not forget to tell about it.

Analyzes and examination

Also during this period, it is useful to pass the first tests in the preparation project for bearing a baby:
  • General analysis of urine and expanded blood.
  • Vaginal swabs to assess the state of the microflora and detect infections.
  • Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.
  • Determination of the blood group of future fathers and mothers, as well as an analysis for the production of antibodies to the Rh factor.

The field of completion of menstruation should visit a therapist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist and dentist. If problems with the teeth are identified, they should be treated, because during pregnancy such an intervention will be problematic.

When can you take the test?

Of course, it is pointless to do a test during the 1st obstetric week, because it is too early to talk about conception and whether the test will show the required number of strips. Not a single modern test is able to show pregnancy up to 3-4 obstetric weeks or 1-2 embryonic.

You can do the test after 5-7 days of delay during the next menstrual cycle.

But at such an early date, the second strip will be barely noticeable.

Should I have an ultrasound this week?

Ultrasound examination is necessary to identify diseases and assess the body's ability to conceive:
  • Checking the uterine cavity.
  • Presence/absence of cysts, fibroids.
  • Study of the endometrium.
Also, ultrasound is necessary in the case when the woman's ovaries are not able to produce an egg on their own, which means that ovulation does not occur. In this case, doctors prescribe a number of medications that help the body produce a mature egg. Further, it can be fertilized naturally or artificially, which depends on the state of the woman's body.

What symptoms appear at 1 week?

There are no signs or symptoms yet, because conception has not yet occurred. And if during the next cycle menstruation is absent, then we can already talk about the onset of pregnancy. A period of 1-2 weeks is the preparation of the body for conception, the choice of an egg, which will then be fertilized. And only at week 3, if we are talking about women with a cycle of 22-24 days, conception will occur, for girls with a cycle of 28 days, it is about to happen. During 1 obstetric week there are symptoms inherent in PMS. But at the end of 1 and the beginning of 2 embryonic weeks, a woman may already notice some signs. The first of these is a small amount of bloody brown discharge, which indicates the implantation of the embryo. Their number is so meager that a woman may not even pay attention to them.
During the implantation period:
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • During implantation, a slight increase in temperature can be noticed.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
After conception, the symptoms become pronounced:
  • Delayed menses. On the day when menstruation was supposed to come, they are absent or a small amount of scarlet discharge appears. Note that in 20% of cases, pregnancy can be colored: menstruation occurs before 3-4 months of bearing a baby.
  • On the 5-7th day after the accomplished conception, toxicosis may begin, which will accompany the woman until 8-12 weeks.
  • Problems with the intestines and digestive tract. This is constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, heartburn.
  • Dizziness and changes in blood pressure can be observed already on the 3rd day after conception, which is associated with hormonal changes in the mother's body.
  • Edema, back pain.
  • Nervousness and increased fatigue.

But these pregnancy symptoms appear in women only by 3-4 obstetric weeks, so you should not expect them during 1 week, when fertilization has not yet occurred.

Why are the animals in the house dangerous this week?

If you decide to get a puppy or a kitten, then this venture should be postponed. The fact is that animals are carriers of a dangerous infection toxoplasmosis, infection of which can lead to malformations of the fetus.

Nutrition and restrictions

The first obstetric weeks refer to the period of planning a child, so you need to seriously reconsider not only your lifestyle, but also your diet. Many women make the mistake of thinking that before and after pregnancy they should eat for two, gaining strength. But excess weight is not an assistant during the period of bearing a baby, and if you gain 0.5 kg per week, you can harm yourself and your child.

The nutrition of the expectant mother should be balanced, but not heavy. Proper nutrition before conception can alleviate the condition in the first weeks of bearing a baby.

The following foods should be present in the diet of the expectant mother:

  • Vegetables and fruits. These are beets, which improve bowel function, pomegranates, which contain iron and vitamin C, carrots, which improve the process of assimilation of protein, and other fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes and beans, which contain a record amount of folic acid. Also, this vitamin is in the composition of dark greens, nuts and seeds, avocados, corn. For example, corn contains 20% of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid, carrots 5%, and beets about 34%.
  • Dairy products and fermented milk drinks that give the body protein, calcium and improve intestinal microflora.
  • River and sea fish for fatty acids and phosphorus.
Note that if you decide to get some of the folic acid from foods, then it is better to choose vegetables and fruits. The fact is that a useful vitamin is destroyed under the influence of heat treatment, and you need to get it from fresh foods and drinks.

What vitamins can be taken at this stage?

If you are planning to conceive, then you should start taking vitamins 2-3 months in advance. Both partners should drink vitamins, choosing the appropriate complexes. Proper nutrition and taking multivitamins improve the quality of sperm, strengthen the body of a woman and increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby. Vitamins also facilitate the process of pregnancy, replenishing everything that the fetus takes from the woman's body. To prepare for conception, a man can take the following complexes:
  • Complivit in the composition, which includes more than 8 vitamins and minerals, including zinc. This trace element is necessary to stimulate the production of male hormones.
  • Duovit.
  • SpermActive.
A woman, in addition to folic acid, can take multivitamins Elevit Prenatal, Alphabet for pregnant women, Materna. These complexes have everything you need to support the body, so it is recommended to continue taking after pregnancy.

Intimacy this week

This week, the woman continues to menstruate, so intimate life is minimized. After the completion of menstruation, intimate life should be resumed so as not to miss the day of ovulation and increase the chances of conception.

  • Protect yourself from stress, avoid colds and viral diseases, in case of infection, conception will have to be postponed.
  • Minimize bad habits. Smoking and alcohol during the planning period of the baby are unacceptable.
  • Avoid hypothermia of the pelvic organs, because inflammation can slow down the process of pregnancy.
  • At the planning stage, it is worth avoiding crowded places, visiting a sauna or swimming pool, where you can get SARS, chickenpox, rubella, etc.
  • Getting the right amount of folic acid from food alone is almost impossible, so do not neglect taking this vitamin in tablets.

The most wonderful thing that a person can experience is the feeling that a new life has been born inside. And it is given only to women.

Becoming a mother is an honor not available to every woman. Pregnancy is a blessing from above.

The first signs of pregnancy in a woman do not appear immediately after conception.

This is individual and depends on many factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Health condition.
  3. The level of nervous tension and stress.
  4. Compatibility of father's and mother's blood by group and rhesus.
  5. Women's employment.
  6. Hormonal background.
  7. Individual characteristics of the body and personality.

There are women who find out about their situation only at 4 or 5 months of pregnancy. When the menstrual cycle is not regular, there is no need to worry about the delay. Signs may be absent for a long time.

Other women may feel changes from the first week after conception. The body starts to change. The hormonal background provokes changes in everything: taste, smell, mood, preferences.

Important! There are times when a lady feels changes on the first day of conception.

If pregnancy is expected, it may be psychosomatic. The egg is fertilized, but the changes are not yet obvious enough to feel their physical manifestations.

A woman inspires herself that she is pregnant, and the body begins to respond to her thoughts with certain sensations.

Feelings of pregnancy are completely individual. Not every woman has toxicosis. An increased appetite is manifested, signaling that the new life inside wants certain vitamins for its development and growth.

What should be the sensations on the first day after conception?

The vast majority of women do not feel anything on the first day after fertilization. Processes are just beginning to occur, they are little expressed.

If a woman does not know that fertilization has occurred, she may not notice anything.

When the egg is fertilized, the process of fetal formation and umbilical cord binding begins.

These days, a woman can feel the first signs of conception:

  1. Before the delay, there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. There is a general malaise.
  3. early toxicosis.
  4. Increase in body temperature.
  5. Rapid fatigue.
  6. Deterioration of well-being.

Important! If bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms are a threat of miscarriage.

Throughout pregnancy, starting from the first days, spotting is a pathology. This may be evidence of a double pregnancy, less often an ectopic one.

Two or three drops of brown may indicate the attachment of the embryo, in many women they are the norm.

Consultation and examination of a specialist is still necessary, without this it is impossible to distinguish the norm from the pathology. Every minute can play a role - contact your doctor in a timely manner.

Preservation of pregnancy is a common procedure, many women repeatedly end up in the gynecological department, where they receive assistance.

Fortunately, today this is given special attention. In the absence of serious pathologies, the result will be the birth of a child.

First week after conception: signs

Changes that occur with the female body at the beginning of pregnancy:

sign of pregnancy When it feels
1 Drowsiness and dizziness In the first - second week - one of the first signs, the body begins to save energy for new processes
2 Nausea Toxicosis usually comes on 1-4 weeks, this is the reaction of the body to a foreign body inside
3 Pain and tingling in the chest May start in the first or third week
4 Growing belly Not before the second trimester
5 increased appetite From the first week
6 Unusual sensations in the lower abdomen Toward the end of the first month, it becomes difficult to lie on your stomach, but the sensation may appear almost immediately after conception.

How to determine the incompatibility of partners?

In the world every day there is a huge number of conceptions. Some pregnancies are normal, others require constant medical supervision and medical procedures.

The incompatibility of partners is expressed in a conflict over blood type or rhesus.

When people have different blood types, a woman's body begins to fight a foreign formation inside.

This causes toxicosis, can provoke a threat of interruption.

Immunity resists foreign blood inside. Such a development of events is likely when the first positive blood group in a woman is combined with the fourth positive one in a man.

This is the most unfavorable combination, but even such pregnancies can proceed normally. The first and third groups are also at risk. A blood type conflict is not as dangerous as an Rhesus conflict.

Incompatibility of partners during conception can also be observed with a blood type conflict. Such a pregnancy, if it occurs, proceeds with complications, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmotherhood.

A huge number of babies are born from parents with different rhesus and groups.

How is an egg fertilized daily?

Within two to six hours, the spermatozoon moves towards its target. This is followed by a seven-day process of development of the zygote, after which it is selected into the uterus. There it will grow and develop throughout pregnancy.

The implantation process lasts 40 hours after the pregnancy has moved into the uterus. On the tenth day, the umbilical cord and placenta are formed in the embryo.

The thirteenth day of pregnancy is characterized by hormonal changes. From this day on, you can successfully determine the onset of pregnancy with the help of tests.

Pregnancy is an amazing and multifaceted process. Every woman feels, to one degree or another, fear from what is happening. It will pass, replaced by a feeling of joy and delight.

It is important to understand that every person was conceived and born into this world in this way.

Unrest should be avoided, all the difficulties of bearing and giving birth to a child will seem like a trifle when you hold your child in your arms.

Useful video

The confusion in the weeks of pregnancy appears due to the fact that doctors consider the so-called obstetric period from the monthly cycle, when the conception has not yet occurred. And girls, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, are not experienced, counting the time and weeks from the stage of a “successful” sexual intercourse, that is, from about half of the monthly cycle. Thus, during the period of suspension of menstruation, according to the calculations of the expectant mother, pregnancy lasts for 2 weeks or approximately so. And the doctor says it's been 4 weeks. And nothing depends on the volume of the fetal testicle, the embryo. As long as they are absolutely the same. The signs of pregnancy 1 week after conception can be found below.

What happens inside a woman in the first week

The fusion of the spermatozoon and the egg occurs in the fallopian tube, after which a single-celled organism is formed in the egg and a new vital activity begins to develop. This occurs approximately 12-24 hours after ovulation, at the beginning of the third week of the cycle (obstetric). For girls, this is 1 week after conception, when everything is just beginning.

The nuclei of the sperm and the egg are combined, and the fetus forms a standard set of chromosomes - 46.50% from the mother, and 50% from the father. The gender of children is formed, and pathologies sometimes occur directly during this period. In most situations, nature decides to get rid of the "defective" embryo, the girl begins her period. This is regarded as an early abortion.

If everything is in order with the fetus, then the zygote begins to separate and at the same time move along the fallopian tube into the uterus. Due to the division of part of the cells, a further chorion (placenta) is formed, and the remaining share turns into a fetus.

On the 6th or 7th day, the unborn child enters the uterus, the embryo is implanted. The process takes about two more days. The surface cells of the embryo enter the endometrium and connect with the original blood vessels. A shell is formed that will saturate the embryo with all the necessary substances throughout its intrauterine life. Of course, after a couple of weeks, it changes into a new organ - the placenta, or baby's place.

Signs of pregnancy

So, if a pregnancy is planned, you need to pay a lot of attention to your own body and track all, even the most minor changes. You should definitely familiarize yourself with the presented list of the first indicators of pregnancy. These may be such signs of the first week after conception:

  • Small bleeding.
  • Frequent ailments.
  • Increase in base temperature.
  • Swollen female mammary glands, increasing their susceptibility.
  • Drowsiness, instant asthenia and lack of concentration can also signal the emergence of a new life.
  • Tingling sensation from inside the uterus.
  • Changes in food taste preferences, dislike for specific aromas, vomiting, nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Frequent urination.
  • And, ultimately, the most well-known and predictable criterion for pregnancy is a delay in the monthly cycle.

It is not at all necessary that when pregnancy occurs, all these signs of conception will instantly fall on a woman. After a week of gestation, none of the above symptoms may occur, everything happens on an individual basis. There are a number of signs, in the presence of which you should immediately go either to the pharmacy for a test to determine pregnancy or to see a gynecologist.


To begin with, even before the cessation of menstruation, such a symptom may occur after a week of conception, such as minor spotting, which can confuse a woman, because she perceives them as menstruation, which is not like normal and began out of time. The discharge will be yellowish brown in color and small in volume. Such secretions in medicine are called "implantation", meaning the earliest, initial symptoms of pregnancy.

They appear approximately from the 6th to the 12th day after conception and report the attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. Branches of this type are not only a natural process during pregnancy, but also a reason to consult a gynecologist, since the possibility of a miscarriage is not excluded. The main thing is not to panic and consult a doctor.

Temperature increase

An increase in basal temperature is also considered a standard indicator of pregnancy. However, in order to reasonably evaluate this indicator, it is necessary to carry out the operation of measuring the temperature in the rectum a few days before conception. Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that an increase in temperature of more than 37 degrees is an obvious criterion that a girl is in an interesting position.

An increase in the basal temperature during pregnancy is caused by a change in the level of progesterone in the blood, of course, it occurs only in the first 2-3 weeks, and after that the body adapts to the new level of the hormone, and the temperature will return to normal.


Headache and weakness are very similar to the initial symptoms of a cold. But in fact, this is due to an increase in temperature initiated by a change in progesterone levels. In some cases, some girls have weakened immunity at the beginning of pregnancy, which can cause rhinitis or sore throat.

Chest hurts

The characteristic indicators of pregnancy at 1 week include a slight swelling of the breast. In addition, many note that the chest becomes extremely receptive, it aches when pressed, and in some cases it is simply unrealistic to touch it. There is a chance that a colorless discharge will begin to stand out from the nipples. This is a clear indicator that the breast is preparing to feed the unborn child.


If some dishes or intense smells stimulate nausea, these are features of premature toxicosis during pregnancy. It can appear as early as the 2nd week of pregnancy and last until the very birth. Intoxication is not a systematic manifestation, it can last only a week, and then stop for a while, and, of course, everything is individual here: someone really suffers, and some lucky ones don’t even understand what it is. In addition, do not be surprised that food habits will change significantly.

Frequent urination

Quite frequent urination is also considered a distinctive indicator of pregnancy. They arise due to an increase in the amount of female sex hormones and blood flow to the pelvic organs, in addition, with hormonal changes in the body, the work of the kidneys also changes. In the later stages, frequent urination is considered the result of fetal pressure on the bladder.


Also, heavy vaginal discharge can help indicate pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of them, during pregnancy, such departments protect the woman's body from bacteria and infections, since there is a huge number of hydrogen ions in the secreted secret. But take into account that such an environment is suitable for the reproduction of fungi. In order to prevent thrush from occurring due to them, it is necessary to use hygiene products as often as possible.

and corpus luteum

Is it possible to notice a fetal egg on ultrasound at this time? Unfortunately not yet. Even if you undergo an examination with a vaginal sensor, since it is still very small. The doctor is able to notice only a good, lush endometrium, typical for this phase of the monthly cycle, and a yellowish body in the ovary. And in some cases, 2 yellowish bodies, that is, one in each ovary.

The corpus luteum is a short-term gland that forms a hormone, the main testosterone of the 2nd phase of the monthly cycle. It is formed only if there was ovulation, after it. Then, if fertilization does not happen, the corpus luteum dies, the level of progesterone decreases rapidly, the endometrium begins to exfoliate, and a new menstruation occurs.

If the birth happened, the corpus luteum will exist for another couple of weeks. If the doctor observes 2 full yellow bodies, then this phenomenon means that the girl had two ovulations at once. At the same time, two eggs went to meet the sperm. And if you are lucky, and both of them are fertilized, the girl will have a multiple pregnancy.

Many girls who thoroughly monitor their own health say that they not only can set ovulation according to their own feelings, but also feel the presence of a corpus luteum. In the zone of the ovary, where ovulation occurred, a stabbing pain appears, pulling the lower abdomen. Whether these feelings are related to pregnancy or not is a question that cannot be answered with certainty. Probably, self-hypnosis and the desire to find at least some signs of a week after conception play a role here.

In the end, if you didn’t see the symptoms listed above, then it’s time to look at the monthly calendar. Probably, while listening to yourself and waiting for at least some changes, it's time for the "red days" in the calendar. If this is the case, and there are no and no periods, then, therefore, you have a delay, and this is the clearest criterion for pregnancy, in which 70% of girls decide to buy a test in order to make sure.

So, if you are really pregnant, you need to go to the gynecologist and prepare for a positive perception of the world around you, because now you can’t be nervous. You will be ready to be a mother and by all means monitor your own well-being, constantly share your fears and problems with the doctor. Do not forget that the health of your unborn baby depends on this. Try to enjoy every moment of pregnancy, and then after 9 months you will be rewarded with a small miracle - a desired baby.

As noted above, you should not reassure yourself at the first signs of pregnancy. It is necessary, at a minimum, to wait for the onset of a delay in menstruation. But this does not mean that it is necessary to sit idly by or lead a wrong lifestyle. The mother-to-be should adhere to the following tips.

  1. Start taking folic acid and potassium iodide. Folic acid is needed for the normal formation of the nervous system of children. This element is considered insufficient. It is almost non-existent in our food products. And its deficiency is the main factor in serious malformations in the fetus and early termination of pregnancy. For this reason, it is necessary as early as possible, more correctly even before conception, to start taking a trace element in the amount of 0.4-1 g per day. And use it at least until the birth itself. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo develops all the organs and systems of the body. This process can be disrupted
  2. Potassium iodide, better known in the Russian Federation under the trade name "Iodomarin", is needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Take 200 mg per day throughout the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  3. Forget about bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking. Here and so everything is obvious. All harmful substances adversely affect the emerging life.
  4. Do not take pharmaceutical and folk remedies (including a variety of herbs, they can be poisonous), do not undergo x-rays and other operations that are potentially unsafe for expectant mothers.
  5. Try not to be in public places and in children's groups, in order not to "pick up" an acute respiratory viral and other contagious disease. It is especially important for the cool period of the year and in general the first trimester of pregnancy. It is very risky for the unborn baby to infect the mother with herpes (especially the 2nd type, genital), rubella, chickenpox.
  6. Use gloves to clean the toilet after pets and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  7. Boil meat for a long time, thoroughly clean vegetables and fruits before consumption. All these restrictions at the 1st week of pregnancy are considered to be the prevention of an infection that is unsafe for expectant mothers - toxoplasmosis.
  8. Watch cute movies, meet friends, girlfriends and do other things that bring pleasure and pleasure.
  9. Avoid stress.
  10. Sex is not prohibited, but only if there is no risk of catching some kind of sexual infection. The question of whether it is possible to have sex arises most critically after the cessation of menstruation, if there are certain signs of the danger of abortion.
  11. Taking a warm bath, steam room, sauna should be excluded. They will lead to an increase in temperature, including in the uterine area, which is not considered suitable for children. There is every chance to cause an abortion at the initial stage.

Many girls are wondering when is the best time to inform family and friends about their own pregnancy. Of course, everyone decides for themselves. However, it is hardly necessary to do this already a week after a possible conception, since pregnancy can fail even in a very young and healthy girl.

It does not make sense to visit a gynecologist or go for an ultrasound in the initial weeks. Neither the doctor nor the ultrasound will be able to accurately determine pregnancy a week after conception.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the birth of a new life is, in fact, one big miracle. Yes, thanks to progress, the development of technology, we can at least sometimes “peep” for 9 months how the unborn child grows and develops. However, there is a certain time period when no one is able to see it, despite the fact that the development process has already started. And this is the mysterious first week of pregnancy. What happens to the egg during the next week after fertilization? Let's lift the veil of secrecy together.

First days of pregnancy

How does the future develop? baby in the first week of pregnancy? After the nucleus of the most successful sperm has fused with the nucleus of the stormed egg, a zygote is formed - a single-celled embryo with a full set of chromosomes. The zygote begins to move from the ampullary part of the tube to the uterine cavity, carrying the entire genetic set necessary for the development of the future person. After about a day in the zygote, the first splitting into two cells occurs - blastomeres. Throughout its journey, the zygote, like a queen, moves surrounded by an ever-decreasing army of spermatozoa, unsuccessfully attacking a target that is already firmly closed from them. A crushing egg does not have its own organs and functions of movement, it needs energy for something more important, therefore its delivery to the uterus is provided by periodic wave-like contractions of the fallopian tubes, movements of the cilia of the epithelium lining the cavity of the tube, and capillary fluid flow. Only the coordinated work of all these components can ensure the effective transportation of a fertilized egg.

On the 4-5th day of its existence, the zygote reaches the uterine cavity and already consists of several dozen blastomeres, which become smaller with each crushing. The embryo is not yet connected with the mother's body in any way, so its nutrition before implantation is provided by its own resources, due to various nutrients and enzymes contained in the cytoplasm. In addition, there is an opinion that the egg shell is able to absorb various elements from the secret secreted by the uterine mucosa.

At this stage, a cavity begins to form in the egg, which is filled with water. Such pressure on the walls of the outer dense shell from the inside leads to its thinning and rupture, otherwise it would not allow the embryo to implant. Through the resulting rupture, the blastocyst, which is what the embryo is now called, slowly leaves the egg and begins to prepare for implantation, which happens most often on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg. Now the future embryo is a ball with a cavity filled with liquid and a separate group of germinal nodule cells at one of the poles. The shell of the blastocyst - the trophoblast, acquires special outgrowths that are necessary for attaching to the wall of the uterus.

The result of the first week is one of the most important and critical events of pregnancy - the introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa, in other words, implantation. Outgrowths on the trophoblast begin to produce special enzymes that allow the endometrium to melt a little and build a small and cozy depression for the embryo in the mucous membrane of the uterine wall. Subsequently, the uterine membrane fuses over the blastocyst, which, thus, is completely immersed in the endometrium, rich in a special secret with a large number of various biologically active compounds necessary for the further development of the embryo. The entire implantation process can take about two days. Now the nutrition of the embryo until childbirth will be provided by the mother's body.

As soon as the outgrowths on the shell of the embryo grow into the blood vessels of the uterine wall, the same chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to enter the bloodstream, and after a while the woman has the opportunity to find out about the life that has arisen in her using a pregnancy test or a special blood test. The same hormone gives a signal to the corpus luteum about the successful implantation of the embryo, which encourages it to further produce the hormone.

Immediately after conception, the girl will not be able to feel that the pregnancy has come, however, the desire to find out about the cherished news as early as possible sometimes makes women real pathfinders trying to identify the presence of signs indicating the beginning of a new life. The first week after conception, not everyone may be accompanied by vivid symptoms, but still some visible and tangible changes in the body occur. It is they who help to understand so early that conception has occurred.

During planning, it is worth following all the recommendations of your doctor

When planning conception, it is necessary to properly prepare your body for such a responsible job. To do this, a woman should switch to the use of fresh herbs and citrus fruits, which are especially rich in folic acid, which is so important for laying and forming the nervous system apparatus of the baby. It is even recommended to take complex vitamin preparations containing this element. During gestation and childbirth, a woman will need a certain endurance, so you need to provide the body with light physical activity.

Today, the phenomenon is quite common when spouses turn to specialized family planning centers, where they are taught how to properly prepare for pregnancy. So that after conception there are no problems between the spouses, the couple needs to discuss the issue of pregnancy in advance. The decision should be mutual, so that later, due to the disagreement of the husband, the woman does not have to make an interruption. After all, after the onset of conception, the family will have to radically change their lifestyle and open a new expense item in the budget, and far from one. Therefore, all the nuances must be resolved and discussed in advance.

Determination of exact dates

When determining the timing of conception, two different concepts are used - embryonic and obstetric.

  • The embryonic gestation period is called real - it starts counting from the moment when the spermatozoon merged with a mature female cell.
  • Doctors count the obstetric period starting from the date of the last menstruation, from its first day. For example, the length of the cycle is 28 days, but after their expiration, menstruation did not come, and pharmacy tests show conception. 28 days have passed since the start of the cycle, which means that the obstetric period is 4 weeks.

In fact, the starting point is the date when the conception occurred, but it is probably quite difficult to determine this day, because fertilization does not always occur on the day of intimacy, it can take from 3 hours to 5 days. Therefore, even knowing the day of unprotected PA, it is impossible to say for sure when the conception occurred.

Due to such difficulties in the calculations, for ease of determining the timing, they began to use the obstetric technique. Usually the difference between the actual period of embryonic development and obstetric is about 2 weeks. That is, the first obstetric week is not the first week of gestation, and the first week from conception is already considered the third obstetric week.

What changes occur in the body

Any vitamin complexes are taken only as directed by a specialist.

At 1 week after the conception happened, the sperm only merged with the woman's cell and large-scale restructuring and transformations begin in the body. The fertilized cell moves towards the uterine body in order to cling to the endometrium, i.e., implantation occurs, which is essential for further gestation. If the patient has a tubal obstruction or any pathology in the reproductive system, then fixation can occur outside the uterine body, an ectopic pregnancy will occur.

To meet the fertilized egg in the uterine body, a new layer of endometrium grows. In the process of implantation, its smallest vessels are slightly damaged, so it is quite normal if a woman has some bleeding. Also, signs of an interesting position can appear in the form of a slight, painful, pulling discomfort in the abdomen, as if during menstruation. But it is impossible to take drugs that relieve pain symptoms, because these medicines can harm the future baby, disrupting intrauterine development.

When the embryo is implanted in the uterus, its cells start the processes of active division. As a result, the embryo grows and develops rapidly, which can be seen with ultrasound diagnostics. During embryonic development, hormonal substances are released into the blood, and the body is quickly rebuilt to a new mode of activity.

How does a potential mom feel?

Most often, there are no specific sensations indicating the completion of fertilization in the first week, although there are cases when patients manage to feel pregnancy even at such an early stage. In the course of numerous observations, it was found that girls in the first weeks after fertilization can detect such manifestations:

  • minor bleeding;
  • Drawing discomfort in abdomen;
  • The appearance of irritating odors that used to be quite pleasant and even considered loved;
  • The mammary glands swell a little, which is manifested by a noticeable increase in the breast;
  • Quite often there are signs of sudden changes in the psycho-emotional state, excessive irritability is observed;
  • Often, mothers note pain in the uterus, spastic symptoms, similar to the onset of menstruation. Such symptoms are typical for the first week after conception, in this way the uterus creates the conditions for the development of the baby.

An active hormonal upheaval occurs, which causes certain signs.

What do the highlights say

From the moment of conception, the female body undergoes various changes.

Usually, any symptomatology associated with discharge that does not have a menstrual origin is perceived by a woman as pathological. And if a woman is impatiently waiting for pregnancy, then such manifestations make you seriously alert and listen to your well-being. What allocations are possible at such an early date?

As a variant of the norm, the appearance of minor spotting can be considered. Girls may mistake them for early menstruation. Although such a daub does not look like menstruation at all, because it has a meager character, and the color is more like yellow-brown. Such secretions are due to the process of implantation of a fertilized cell. Therefore, such secretions should be treated as the first sign of fertilization that has occurred, which cannot yet be determined using tests from a pharmacy.

In the first weeks after fertilization, some swelling is observed on the labia and a rich and transparent secret appears. It does not have unpleasant odors and any impurities, there may be a slight whitish tint. Such secretions are not dangerous and should not alarm mommy. But if spotting of a bright scarlet color appears, then urgent medical attention is needed. Discharges that are unpleasantly smelling, with flakes, causing burning and vaginal itching, painful urination with pain are also considered abnormal. Such manifestations indicate the development of an infectious process of fungal, viral or bacterial origin.

Can you feel sick at this time?

It is known that the traditional signs of pregnancy are not complete without nausea. And can nausea bother you already in the first days after conception and how normal is that? For each pregnant woman, such a manifestation appears at different times, because it has an individual character. Some begin to feel nauseous from the first weeks, others feel sick from the middle of the term, and in others, gestation proceeds without nausea and vomiting symptoms at all.

If a girl experiences headaches, fatigue, nausea and insomnia, depression, then these signs cannot be attributed to conception, most likely they indicate general overwork, rather than imminent motherhood. Experts say that she can’t feel sick already in the first week after conception, but a week before the onset of the next menstruation, with the completed conception, the patient begins large-scale hormonal changes that cause nausea, and vomiting, and drowsiness and other characteristic signs.

The first heralds of conception

The first manifestation of the occurred fertilization may be such manifestations:

  • Small drops of blood on linen;
  • Morning nausea 1.5-2 weeks after conception;
  • Slight swelling of the breast, which sometimes appears in the first week;
  • From about the end of the first week, the patient will begin to react sharply to various odors;
  • When conducting a test in connection with an as yet not increased hCG, the second flat may appear very dimly and barely noticeable;
  • The absence of menstruation is considered one of the characteristic signs, but it is found only in the third week after conception.

What is the fruit now

There is no embryo, as such, at this time, and the cell is a zygote that has not yet attached to the uterus. By the end of the first week after fertilization, implantation should be completed. Only after that, an embryo is formed in the cell and a fetus grows from it already during pregnancy. And after the first week of the so-called. the fetus is a group of cellular structures. Although many women already at this stage consider such a cell cluster to be a full-fledged, formed organism.

Making a test

The moment of happiness - the appearance of two long-awaited stripes on the test

It is unlikely that you will be able to determine pregnancy in the first week from the moment of conception using tests from pharmacies. After all, the tests work on the principle of a reaction to human chorionic gonadotropin, and this hormone has not yet begun to increase at this time. Only in some girls, by the end of the first week, a mild line on the test may appear.

Therefore, to determine conception, it is recommended to select the most highly sensitive test systems, although their sensitivity is only a manufacturer's statement, which has not been proven in any way. The most optimal time for diagnosing pregnancy with home tests is the first or second week of delay.

Other methods for determining conception

Is it possible to determine conception at such an early date in other ways? One of the most reliable analyzes is the analysis of the content of chorionic gonadotropin, which repeatedly raises its level during pregnancy. To conduct this diagnosis, I take blood from a vein from my mother and send it to laboratory tests. The results will be ready in 2-3 days.

Usually, hCG shows negative results in the first week, but after a week and a half, when the implantation of the egg in the uterine body ends, the hormone rises. Many believe that in such a short period of time, conception can be determined using ultrasound diagnostics. But many doctors say that it is impossible to do ultrasound at such a short time, otherwise you can prevent the full completion of implantation. But after a couple of weeks, you can already safely do an ultrasound diagnosis.

We change the diet

If a girl plans to conceive, then the diet must be changed even before the fact of fertilization, so that the body has time to accumulate the necessary complex of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements. If conception has already occurred, then it is necessary to reconsider the diet:

  • Exclude spices and salinity;
  • Limit sugar intake;
  • Refuse fatty and fried;
  • Meat is good for the body, but it is better to cook it in the oven, then it will retain the maximum amount of useful trace elements and vitamin components;
  • Limit strong tea and coffee;
  • Avoid products containing preservatives, fragrances and dyes;
  • In addition, the exclusion of fast food is mandatory, this wrong food can harm the baby.

Do they have an abortion

Many girls, for a number of their own reasons, do not want to have children, and therefore decide to interrupt. At such short periods, interruption can be done using pharmacological abortion, which is considered the most benign option.

And of course, you should not try to solve such a problem on your own, because the consequences of such an interruption can end very tragically for the mother herself.

A woman who wants to get pregnant soon needs to listen to her inner feelings, scientists say that many ladies, with a certain practice, can recognize the signs of conception from its first days.