Plan for a thematic week on traffic rules in dows. Thematic week on traffic rules “Road ABC. Design of the traffic rules corner in the senior group

Thematic week on traffic rules for middle group preschoolers

Author Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg region.
Description. This thematic week was developed in accordance with thematic planning in the middle group and was held as part of the month for the prevention and prevention of road traffic injuries among preschool children.

As before, one of the most important tasks of preschool education remains teaching children road safety rules.
Children's road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and teenagers occur on the roads. Knowing and following traffic rules will help shape children's safe behavior on the roads. Therefore, daily work with children is necessary to formulate ideas about the importance of following traffic rules.
As part of preventive work to prevent child road traffic injuries, we have developed a thematic week “Road Rules”, the main goal of which is to develop children’s safe behavior skills on the roads.
This goal was achieved through the following tasks:
- creating conditions for children to consciously study traffic rules;
- developing in children the ability to foresee possible danger in a concretely changing situation and build adequate safe behavior;
- developing in children the habit of behaving correctly on the roads. Raising children to be competent pedestrians.
To realize the goal of the week in the reception room for parents and children, we organized an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Attention, the road!” A traveling folder “Tips for parents on traffic rules” was created directly for parents.

In the group room for children, they organized a corner on traffic rules “Svetoforchik” and an exhibition of books on this topic, supplemented the subject-development environment with the laptop “Young Pedestrian” and printed board games: “Loto. Road signs", "Memory. Road signs”, “Transport” puzzles, coloring books, street layout with road signs.

During the thematic week, the following conversations were held with children:
“Why it is necessary to follow traffic rules”
"Our helpers on the road"
"The traffic light is our friend"
"We are pedestrians"
"Where children should play"
Throughout the week, the following events were held for children:
ECD for knowledge “Road Rules”, the main goal of which was to introduce children to the basic rules of the road;
NOD for speech development “Truck”;
GCD for drawing “Our assistant is a traffic light”;
learning physical exercises “We are pedestrians!”;
guessing riddles according to traffic rules;
reading fiction:
- Ryzhova E. “Transport of a big city”;
- T. Aleksandrova “Flower - tricolor”;
- T.A. Shorygina “Martha and Chichi go to the park”;
- S. Volkov “About traffic rules.”
purposeful walk to traffic lights;
monitoring the roadway;
examination of drawings and illustrations about road situations;
role-playing games: “Chauffeurs”, “Road”, “Bus”, “Car Showroom”, “We are pedestrians”;
outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Sparrows and a car”.
The final event of the thematic week was the drawing activity “Our assistant is a traffic light” with the organization of an exhibition of children's works.
As a result during the thematic week “Road Rules”, children received and learned knowledge about the rules of the road; got acquainted with some road signs and their meaning; remember the purpose of the traffic light. In addition, visual aids and materials were developed that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on children and parents, developing in children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, instilling responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.

Gulia Kadaeva
Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Rules and road safety” senior group

Subject: « Road rules and safety»

Target: Systematization of children’s knowledge about the structure of the street, about traffic.


Educational: Clarifying children's knowledge about the elements roads(roadway, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, o traffic, about the operation of the traffic light. Familiarization with the names of the streets closest to the kindergarten and the streets where children live.

Developmental road;

Educating: Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Final event: Meeting with the traffic police inspector,

Entertainment "Journey to the Country road signs»

Educator: Kadaeva G. N.

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation on topic"Journey Down the Street"

Target: Expand children’s knowledge about the street, be able to find similarities and differences between the street and Expensive. Nurture skills proper behavior on the street.

Ind. Job:Didactic game "Building a street"

Target: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the construction profession. Consolidate knowledge about Traffic rules. Cultivate curiosity and interest in the world around you. (A, I, E)

Morning exercises.

Duty in a natural area. Organize watering indoor plants

Target: Formation of children's skills Right and water indoor plants in a timely manner, determine the amount of water the plant needs.

Add for role-playing game "Traffic light"

Attributes: road signs, policeman's cap; layout of an intersection with transport, pedestrians, (dolls). Circles of three colors (red, yellow, green, indicating the colors of the traffic light.

Interaction with parents when receiving and leaving children home - individual conversations and consultations.


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Plant observations.

Target: Invite children to find the first signs of autumn, name the most beautiful trees and bushes.

Ind. Job:"Be careful".

Target: Develop coordination movements, attention.

(N, L, R, A)

Base a game "Colored Cars"

Target: To train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, consolidate Traffic Laws.

Work while walking: help for adults.

Target: To form in children the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Remote material: colored steering wheels, colored circles.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Communication situation “What do you need to know if you are alone on the street?”

Target: Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence in road.


Story by B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"


Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development


Conversation "Traffic light"

Target: Fix the types of traffic lights, the installation location of each type (three-color, two-color) traffic lights and purpose. Give an idea that special vehicles can pass through a red traffic light. Teach children not only to know the hidden danger, but also to anticipate it and be able to use it

Reproduction of artistic literature:

Poem by S. Marshak "Bus number twenty-six"

Target: Foster a culture of behavior in public transport.

"Star" UFA "KITAP" 1997 pp. 44-45

Ind. slave: D/i "Fold road sign» .

(And, And) Role-playing game "Traffic light"

Target: Expand knowledge about traffic rules;

Learn to distinguish road signs(previous,

locking, unlocking) intended for the driver and pedestrian.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Observation "What do we see on road

Playing out situations involving crossing the roadway.

Outdoor games: "Pedestrians and cars"

Target: Consolidation with children traffic rules.

Independent motor activity.

Traffic light. B. Zhitkov.

We stopped and all the other cars stopped and the tram stopped. I asked:

Mom explained:

Do you see the red flashlight?

This is a traffic light. I saw a flashlight on the wire above the street. It glowed red.

How long will we stand?

No. Now they will pass, who needs to cross the street, and we will go.

And everyone looked at the red flashlight. Suddenly it lit up yellow, and then green. And off we went.

Then once again a red flashlight was burning on the street. I already knew why it was burning, and shouted:

Uncle, stop! Red fire!

The driver stopped the car, looked back and speaks:

And you're great!

We stopped again, but there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and a white jacket. He raised his hand up. When he waved his hand, we drove off.


Social -com. development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation "ABOUT traffic rules»

Target: Consolidate knowledge of traffic rules.

Ind. Job: Didactic game "Guess the transport"

Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the ability to describe (riddle) recognize objects; develop speech activity.

(V, A, A. Sh.)

Morning exercises.

Deposit for the game "Our street" attributes: road signs.

Folder folder « Road safety» .


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Weather observation.

Target: Invite children to describe the weather, talk about wind, precipitation, and the sun. Help write short stories about who likes what kind of weather.

Outdoor game"Stop - Go"

Preparing for the game:

Children players are located on one side of the site, and the driver with a pedestrian traffic light in his hands is located on the other.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: balls, steering wheels.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Creating a problematic situation "If You're Lost"

Target: introduce children to rules behavior in the current situation.

Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Gymnastics after sleep. Walking on massage paths.

Conversation: « Rules of behavior on the street»

Target: Pin street rules. Teach to comply safety rules behavior during independent driving on the road. Convince children of the need to develop positive habits of doing rules of safe behavior on the road.

Examination of illustrations and reproductions about the culture of behavior on the street.

Ind. Job: Didactic game « Behave properly on the street»

(thinking, memory)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules for pedestrians, cultivate respect and desire to fulfill them.

Looking at illustrations, albums, photos with views of your native village.

(Aelita, Valeria, Julia)

A game "Guess the transport".

The goal of the game is to consolidate ideas about transport, develop thinking and speech activity.

Independent games.

Sedentary game"Our street".

Target: Consolidation road signs and compliance traffic rules.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Observation of inanimate nature.

Tasks. Determine what the weather is like today, note the signs of early autumn.

Target: Fostering independence, encouraging friendly relationships

A game "Bus"

Target: Consolidation rules behavior of passengers on the bus, continue to introduce the profession of driver, conductor, play with various situations: a woman with a child, an elderly man, etc. got on the bus.



Cognizant. development

Physical development

Social -com. development

Reception of children.

Conversation on topic: « Rules passage of the roadway, traffic on the street»

Target: consolidate the ability to cross the roadway along transition: look left- right, if you don’t have time to cross, stop at the dividing line. Strengthen the ability to walk group. To give an idea that it is necessary to walk along the street right side, outside populated areas only with adults, along the edge of the roadside, towards traffic. Foster a culture of crossing the roadway.

Ind. Job: Didactic games: "Traffic light"

Give children an idea of ​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

(red, yellow, green).

(F, D, R)

Morning exercises.

Creating conditions for independent play.

Adding coloring pages based on theme.


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: soil in early autumn.

Target: Expand and clarify children’s ideas about nature. Discuss with children why trees need soil, bushes, herbs, flowers; help remember that plants get moisture and nutrients from the soil. Pay attention to the fact that with the onset of autumn the soil becomes colder and damper.

Outdoor game“A tirk, kk tirk”.

Target: Improve running technique with changes driving directions; cultivate friendly relationships with peers. To develop in children the ability to comply rules of the game, develop dexterity, ability to concentrate, coordination movements.

Ind. slave. “Think - guess”

Target: activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of ​​transport and traffic rules; cultivate intelligence and resourcefulness. ()

Work assignments: sweeping asphalt tracks.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to maintain order on the site, help organize work, and select equipment. Learn to comply rules of personal hygiene and safety at work.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: crayons (for drawing signs traffic)

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes.

Situational conversation “Why are trees, bushes, fences standing near the roadway dangerous?”

Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Walking on massage paths.

Conversation on topic: "I am a pedestrian".

Target street rules, invite the children to tell them how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Ind. Job. Didactic a game: "Guess what sign"

Purpose of the game: Teach children to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic rules. Develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Independent activity of children.

Role-playing game “Aigul is coming to visit”

Target: Build skills safe behavior on the road, consolidate the names of some types of transport, consolidate the concept « road» "sidewalk", "roadway", their purpose, clarify the presentation of the traffic light, pedestrian crossing and their purpose.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation “What has changed on the street?”

Target: To develop in children the ability to identify changes that have occurred in the garden area since the last observation, to convey the results of observation in speech.

Independent activities of children

Target. Fostering independence, encouraging friendly relationships

Morning: Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation "Dangers on the street and in the yard".

Target: Teach children to respond quickly in emergency situations.

To form public consciousness of a civic position about the dangers of road, in the children's park and near the house. To cultivate in children attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.

Ind. Job: Did. a game "City streets"

Target: Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about street rules, O traffic rules, about different types of vehicles.

Material: street layout; trees; cars; pedestrian dolls; traffic light; road signs.)

Morning exercises.

Canteen duty.

Target: To develop the ability to conscientiously perform the duties of canteen attendants.

Creating conditions for a role-playing game "Builders": plot “We are building a multi-storey building”.

Target: Teach children to collectively build buildings necessary for the game, and to carry out their plans together. Fostering respect for the work of builders.

Consultation on Traffic rules"Parents, be careful!"


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observing plants in a flower garden.

Target: Invite children to find familiar flowers, name them, compare them with each other, remember what they were like in the summer, tell what they became like in the fall.

Outdoor game"Traffic light"

(small mobility)

Target: to consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Individual work Game exercise "Jump to the flag".

Target: Exercise children in jumping and running; teach to observe rules of the game.)

Independent play activity.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Speech development

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: rules using a comb.

Target: Invite children to remember the relevant rules(everyone should have their own comb, it should lie in a certain place, use it in a timely manner, and take care of your appearance). Systematize and supplement children's answers.

Physical development

Cognizant. development

Social -com. development

Conversation on life safety at topic"We learn to observe Traffic Laws» .

Target: Discuss with children why a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing sign is needed, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow rules, go the road in the designated areas.

Ind. Job: Did. lotto game according to traffic rules "Learn to be a pedestrian"

Target: Continue to introduce children to rules for safe behavior on the street.

Consolidate knowledge road signs required for pedestrians.

Role-playing game "Firefighters".

Target: To develop in children the ability to use substitute objects in play, to teach them to reflect the work of adults in play, to convey relationships between people.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: trees in autumn.

Target: Clarify children’s ideas about the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves, practice distinguishing leaves by color, size, shape.

Outdoor games: "Traffic light"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge traffic rules.

Independent games.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Speech development

Reception of children.

Conversation « Safety on the street» .

Target: to replenish children’s knowledge about the culture of behavior in the yard, when walking along the sidewalk. Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Ind. Job: Didactic a game: "Red and Green"

Target: Teach children to establish connections between objects and phenomena, to act on a signal.

Materials for the game: Two mugs (green and red, typewriter.)

Morning exercises.

Working in a corner of nature: plant care.

Target: In the process of caring for plants, tell children that the growth and development of plants depend not only on the presence of objective conditions - sunlight, heat, moisture, soil quality, but also on caring for them. Develop skills in watering plants and loosening the soil.) Create conditions for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians".

Attributes: steering wheels, road signs.

Individual consultation upon request. (To all parents)


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: soil condition.

Target: Invite children to examine the surface of the earth in the kindergarten area, pay attention to its heterogeneity, teach them to distinguish and name the composition of the soil (rocky, clayey, sandy, black soil).

Ind. Job: Didactic game "Traffic light".

Goals: Give children an idea of ​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Continue to reinforce children’s ideas about color (red, yellow, green).)

Outdoor game: "Sly Fox"

Target: Exercise children in running, agility, cunning, and ingenuity.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: Colored cardboard mugs (red, yellow, green); traffic light layout.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Reproduction of artistic literature:

S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”.

Physical development

Cognizant. development

Social -com. development

Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures.

Conversation: "Know and do traffic rules» .

Target: Expand children’s ideas about safe behavior on city streets; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and purpose road signs

Ind. Job: Didactic a game: "Fold the picture".

Target: consolidate knowledge about rules behavior during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills. Cultivate perseverance.)

Independent games for children.

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians". Target: Develop creative imagination and game design, based on acquired knowledge of PPD.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Outdoor game: "Ak tirek, kuktirek"

Target: develop the ability to act quickly on a signal, speed, attention.

Independent games for children.

Svetlana Shatova
Calendar planning in the preparatory group of the thematic week “Transport. Road ABC" (second week)

Methodological development II a week: « Road ABC»

theme for October« TRANSPORT» (preparatory group)

Target Component:

1. Educational objectives:

Expand meaning transport, minerals for people;

Expand children's understanding of history transport;

Establish rules of behavior in public transport and road safety.

2. Developmental tasks:

To develop the cognitive activity of children, enriching their understanding of transport;

Develop the ability to creatively express your impressions and imagination;

Development of communication skills, cognitive interest.

3. Educational tasks:

Foster respect for the environment and environmentally conscious behavior;

Instill in children respect for working people (driver, miner, jeweler);

Cultivate friendly relationships in a group of children, the ability to debate, and respect each other’s opinions.

Methods and techniques of organization activities:

Heuristic conversations;

Looking at illustrations on the topic " Transport", "Rules traffic", "Undersea world";

Raising and resolving problematic issues;

Observations, research activities;

Working with Models (inventing fairy tales) and etc. ;

Use of literary words, poems, riddles;

Didactic games, educational games, game-based educational and creative development situations.

Preparation for the project:

- Preparation demonstration and handout material, preparation of the development environment;

Involve parents in searching for information on the topic and participating in their child’s educational process;

Involving preschool teachers for cooperation on the project topic;

Reading works of fiction with children about friendship, rules of behavior, educational literature (encyclopedias on the topic).

Projected results:

Children have a holistic understanding of autumn as a season (seasonal changes in nature, signs of autumn, its gifts);

Development of research activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with adults;

Vocabulary enrichment;

Demonstration of activity, independence, creativity, and communication skills in children;

Conscious desire to take care of nature;

Improving the ecological environment groups;

Showing parents’ interest in the educational process, desire to participate in life groups.

Development of speech and basic literacy (help animals on road) .

Selection of words for a given model; acquaintance with the iotated function of vowels, with the vowels Y and I; printing the letters Y and I; scheme of sentences "Lynx plays on road", "A mouse rides a scooter"; in subgroups sound analysis of the words mouse and tiger, lynx and fox; speech development breathing, articulation apparatus.

Fine art activities: drawing "Street".

Create conditions for the creative use of acquired skills; learn to plan, the ability to proportionally depict objects in the background and in front plan(Houses, road, cars, pedestrians).

Reading: B. Zhitkov "What I saw", M. Ilyin "Cars on our street".


Watching the sun (the importance of the sun in plant life); help establish a connection between summer daylight and autumn daylight, develop observation skills. The sun appears less often in the sky; It's getting colder every day. The grass does not have enough heat, it begins to dry out. Droplets of water glisten in the sun.

P/game: "Trap-Dashes".

II half day:

"Travel by Bus" (passengers, driver, tour guide).

Create conditions and offer to make a traffic controller’s wand.

D/games: "Guess transport» , "Rides, flies, swims".

Developmental environment

Attributes for r/game: steering wheel, driver's cap, microphone.

Working with parents

Involve parents in making coasters road signs, protective helmet, traffic police inspector uniform (cap, shirt).

Organized educational activities

Fundamentals of mathematical representations (we transport sand for construction). Comparing quantities and writing ratios using signs<, >, =, and numbers. Construction of a logical tree type model to establish quantity ratios. Measuring solids using measuring sticks of various sizes.

Safety on road: Knowledge of the work of traffic police officers, explain the meaning of his gestures. Develop the ability to navigate road situations and weather conditions. Anticipate possible dangerous situations and find ways to resolve them. How to transfer the road at different times of the day and year.

Joint activities of teacher and children

Reading: poetry "A boy and a girl were walking", “Fedya was driving along path» .

Playing out possible dangerous situations on road and ways to resolve them.


Labor activity: clear paths from foliage, build a gas station (from boxes, make zebra crossings, intersection (at intersection tracks) .

P/games: "What does the driver see", "The best drivers and pedestrians".

Independent activities of children

II half day:

Create conditions and offer a s/r game "Drivers and pedestrians"(construction of streets, trucks and cars from large building materials transport, pedestrians, traffic controller, compliance with rules traffic).

Developmental environment

Trucks of different sizes, sand (or other bulk material).

Traffic controller's baton, traffic light.

Working with parents

Drawing competition on the topic "Rules" traffic" (joint work with a child).

Organized educational activities

Construction: "Model of a city street" collective work made of paper (a real area of ​​the city with an intersection, road signs, traffic light).

Ability to use the method of folding paper in half and in half again, aligning opposite sides and corners (making houses); learn to create parts that correspond to their function and size of the overall structure. Cultivate accuracy and diligence.

Joint activities of teacher and children

Safety on road: "Traffic light and road signs". To clarify children's ideas about traffic lights. The ability to distinguish and understand what some mean road signs.

Reading: "A Tale of Rules" traffic» .

D/game: "Waybill".


Observations: for the movement of cars and pedestrians. Pay attention to the fact that not only drivers strictly follow the rules traffic, but there are also rules for pedestrians. Draw children's attention to pedestrian signs (zebra crossing, traffic light).

P/game: "Drivers and pedestrians".

Independent activities of children

II half day:

D/game: "Collect road sign» .

Create conditions and offer to produce road signs for the street layout and finalize the layout (decorate shops, houses, other small details).

Developmental environment

Prepared stands for road signs.

Small cars and toys to play with.

Organized educational activities

Speech Development and Fundamentals diplomas: "My street" (Paramonova p. 902).

Involve children in meaningful dialogue, teach them to analyze text, build a diagram and retell the text according to the diagram; speak on a topic from personal experience in the form of a short story; activate adjectives.

Develop speech breathing and diction.

Fine art activities: Application-collage "Views transport" (work in subgroups: “in the sky”, on the ground”, “at the sea”, “in space”).

Arouse interest in reflecting ideas about species in a collective composition transport. Develop skills in cutting out parts and collaboration.

Joint activities of teacher and children

Conversation: "Rules for riding a bicycle, scooter" (signs for cyclists).

Reading: N. Nosov "Automobile"

Communication game "My beginning is your end". Learn to understand the meaning of messages, highlight the main idea of ​​a statement, and continue the interlocutor’s thoughts.


S/r game: "Car service station"

P/games: "Dashing drivers", “One-two-three, run!”, "Drivers and pedestrians".

Independent activities of children

II half day:

S/r games at the request of the children.

Create conditions and offer activities of children's choice.

Developmental environment

Various templates transport for application.

Working with parents

Assignment for parents: watch the traffic at the intersection with your child, repeat the traffic rules at the intersection.

Organized educational activities

Environmental education "Fuel and Electricity". (Paramonova p. 303; 331)

Introduce children to some combustible minerals (oil, peat, coal, gas, their role in human life. Petrol and gas cars (which is cleaner for the environment). Initial ideas about the dependence of the state of the environment on the actions of people (gas pollution, waste discharge into the soil, rivers, air; saving heat and electricity in homes); building a visual relationship model.

Joint activities of teacher and children

Conversation: remember what new professions we learned.

D/game: "Name the action"- what does the conductor do? driver, driver, pilot, captain, traffic controller, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, auto mechanic?


Study: Put two pebble: one in the sun, the other in the shade, covered with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After a while, check which pebble is warmer (objects heat up in the sun).

P/games at the request of children.

Independent activities of children

II half day:

Create conditions for organizing an exhibition of crafts and children's works.

Participation in the presentation.

Developmental environment

Samples of minerals: rock salt, crushed stone, iron ore, objects made from them (including metal, a casket with “jewels” (collection of stones).

Working with parents

Exhibition of children's and joint works with parents, children's drawings on the topic "Rules traffic".

Nadezhda Boxgorn

Teaching traffic rules in kindergarten is a vital necessity, therefore various activities on traffic rules are always relevant in preschool educational institutions. After all, in kindergarten, a child not only learns the basic rules of the road, but also learns the most important rules of safe behavior on the road.

In accordance with the annual and work plan and long-term work plan for the partial program "Safety" Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. for the 2017-2018 academic year and in order to improve the safety of children in the MKDOU "Kireevsky d/s "Firefly" was held from September 25 to 29, 2017 a week road safety.

The main purpose of weeks security is the formation

skills for safe behavior on the roads, adaptation of children to the transport environment.

Our kindergarten has developed a system for the prevention of road traffic injuries and for preschoolers to learn the rules of the road alphabet, which are considered as an integral part of educating the child’s general culture. It is important to note that not only teachers and students are involved in this process, but also parents. Problem solving weeks security was carried out through the following forms of work. Creating conditions in subject-development environment: selection of methodological and didactic material, updating the card index of games on traffic rules, replenishing the security center with costumes for role-playing games, game sets. The teachers prepared a variety of didactic and desktop-printed materials. games: "Repair the traffic light", “It’s possible - it’s not possible”, “Name the transport”, "Play and dare" etc., conducted a variety of outdoor games "Sparrows and the car", "Colored Cars", "Pedestrians and Drivers", "Red, yellow green". Reinforced the rules of behavior in transport and on the road, acting out various problem situations through role-playing games "Family. Let's go for a ride in the park", “Chauffeurs. Let's go on an excursion". The children also enjoyed watching cartoons "Traffic light", “Where to ride?”, "The most terrible cars", "Dancing Men" a series "Road ABC", under the guidance of teachers, they played interactive games on laptops.

Specially organized educational play sessions, conversations, observing traffic, looking at illustrations, books, albums, drawings of streets, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings; solving riddles and crosswords. During this time, thematic conversations were held with the children about the rules of the road. movement: “Rules of behavior on the road, in transport, on the street”, “So that trouble does not happen”, "Safety on the street", "Road signs", "Vehicles" etc. Literary works were read, an exhibition of books on this topic was organized, illustrations to them were carefully examined and analyzed (Druzhinina M. "Our friend the traffic light"; "Rules of behavior on the street"; "Rules of cycling"; Ivanov A. "The ABCs of Security"; Krivitskaya A. "Secrets of Road Signs", Seryakov I. "The street is full of surprises", Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Styopa - traffic light". Consultations for parents on the topic of safe road traffic were presented at group information stands. Preventive safety issues were covered at parent meetings. A special invited guest was the traffic police inspector, who once again told the children about the rules of behavior on the road and the places designated for games. The final event was "To the Land of Traffic Lights", where children showed their knowledge and skills regarding traffic rules.

Throughout weeks We tried to convey to every child that every road user, both adults and children, is obliged to follow the established rules, and also formed in children the necessary ideas, skills and habits of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Summing up the results weeks on the prevention of children's road injuries at the Kireevsky Children's Institution "Firefly", you can do the following conclusions: all events were carried out in full, according to plan, at a fairly high level and served as the basis for further motivation of preschoolers to learn the rules of safe behavior on the road. The variety of forms allowed children to show their activity and creativity. Each educational activity contained both educational and entertaining material.

Using non-traditional forms of work, more and more parents of our kindergarten are becoming active participants in the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Only in the close collaboration of preschool educational institutions and families will we be able to expand children’s understanding and develop in them solid skills in the rules of safe and cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city, in public and private transport.

Thus, a week road safety in kindergarten was purposeful, planned and effective.

Publications on the topic:

“Soon to school” - report on the thematic week of the preparatory group Valentina Voronina “Soon to school” - photo report about the thematic week 12 tips for parents of future first-graders Back to school soon. This one.

Photo report of artistic creativity on the theme week “Feathered Neighbors and Friends” in a mixed-age group. Good day,.

Report on traffic rules activities Game-lesson on traffic rules Topic: “Travel to the country of Traffic Lights” (Participants: pupils of the second junior group) Prepared and conducted.

From March 13 to March 17, 2017, “Psychology Week” was held in the kindergarten. The purpose of this week: to provide psychological and pedagogical support.

The city where

We live with you

You can rightfully

Compare with the ABC book.

ABC of the streets

Avenues, roads

The city gives us

Lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet

Along the pavement.

Signs posted:

Over your head

ABC of the city

Always remember

Whatever happens

You're in trouble.

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partly to prepare for the difficulties he will encounter. One of these important points will be correct behavior on the streets and roads of the city. The responsible role assigned to preschool educational institutions is to prevent child injuries on the road.

From June 15 to 19, our kindergarten hosted Traffic rules week dedicated to developing safe behavior skills in preschool children in the surrounding traffic environment.

For a long time, kindergartens have been systematically working to teach children traffic rules.

Teachers of senior groups: No. 3 Ambrister G.V., No. 4 Aksyonova N.B., No. 5 Ivanova L.N. Over the course of a year, children of senior preschool age were taught safe behavior in the road environment. They were introduced to the meaning of road signs, taught to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and roads.

We held thematic conversations and quizzes with the children: “Road ABC”, “Pedestrian on the street”, “Crossroads”, “Your friend is a traffic light”, “Why are road signs needed? ”, “City streets”, “What road signs do you encounter on the way to kindergarten?”, “We are passengers”, “We are pedestrians”, “The main parts of the street”.

We showed the presentation “Studying traffic rules”.

Children are given excursions, targeted walks along the city streets, observing moving vehicles, examining road signs, excursions to intersections and traffic lights.

Together with their parents, the children drew pictures “My Street”. The teachers and the children created a stand using drawings.

At meetings with parents on the topic “Roads and Children,” teachers raised questions about how to teach a child to behave safely on the street.

At meetings with parents on the topic “Roads and Children,” teachers raised questions about how to teach children to behave safely on the street. Additional instructions are provided to parents on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

Music directors developed a short-term summer project on traffic rules. The children learned songs about the traffic light, the Zebra, and road signs. With the children of group No. 4 we prepared the dance “Fun Traffic Light”. Gr. No. 5 learned an interesting sketch based on traffic rules “The Road to the Tower”.

On June 18, a traffic festival “Green, Yellow, Red” was held, to which inspector from the traffic police T.P. Sokolova was invited.

She held a conversation with children on the prevention of child road traffic injuries. She noted the children's good knowledge of the rules of children's play. All children were given “Best traffic rules expert” badges. The most active experts were awarded certificates. Feedback from parents about the holiday is high.

The event we conducted to interact with the family is aimed at developing positive cooperation between children and their parents in joint activities, helping to instill in children a respectful attitude towards traffic rules and their observance.

Material prepared by:

musical directors:

Ponomareva L.A., Turcheneva S.V.