Craft paper traffic. A bright law enforcement officer - a traffic light in the application. Scenario "The Adventures of Dunno in a Noisy City"

Unfortunately, children often become participants in various accidents. And all this happens because many of them do not know the basic rules. Learning the rules of the road on the roads and streets of the city is easy. Parents and employees of educational institutions should help the child in this matter. In educational institutions, traffic rules lessons are often held. And these lessons end with the fact that children make various crafts on them. Therefore, in this article we decided to bring you crafts on the topic of traffic rules for children. Children can easily make these crafts with their own hands if they look at the photo.

What crafts to make on the topic: Rules of the road

A traffic light is a simple craft. Several variants.

The easiest craft option is a traffic light. Indeed, even a child who attends a kindergarten can do such a craft. In the process of creating such a product, do not forget to remind the child of what the colors of the traffic light mean.

As a basis for crafts, there will be a landscape sheet. It needs to be painted black. You can also draw a rectangle on the sheet and decorate it accordingly. Cut out circles from colored paper and glue them to your traffic light.

A traffic light can be made out of a box.

In addition, you can use old CDs to create a traffic light. A kind traffic light that expresses its emotions can clearly explain the rules of behavior at a traffic light.

The traffic light that has the head of a policeman looks very interesting. Attach handles and legs to the traffic light.

An old bottle is a great option for making crafts. You just paint it in the base color, draw traffic light circles on it. Don't forget to attach the legs to the bottle. Cut out pens from paper and insert the main attributes of a policeman into them.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules.

The next simple crafts are applications. Preschool children can also cope with this task. Applications can be made of colored paper and cardboard.

More applications can be made from plasticine. At the beginning, it is necessary to apply a drawing on thick paper, after which it should be decorated with plasticine.

Another picture from plasticine. She looks very unusual and bright.

Paper figurines.

Craft rules of the road for children should be interesting. From paper, you can make a wide variety of crafts on this topic. And they will all be interesting in their own way.

Complex applications.

It is worth saying that crafts about the rules of the road for children can be not only simple. And if the children use the help of their parents, then they will be able to make more complex applications together with them, which will clearly explain the rules of behavior on the roads.


As you can see, making crafts on the topic of traffic rules is very simple. In this case, the child fantasizes and remembers important rules that will later help him maintain his health and life.

How to mold a road from plasticine.

We already know how to sculpt a plasticine traffic light with you, now you can continue to study the rules of the road and create a road. In addition, in this way it will be possible to get an interesting playing field where the baby can realize all his childhood fantasies. You can model any road or intersection to match the toys you have on hand. And we will push you to interesting creativity.

1. The basis of the future crafts is a sheet of cardboard. It is advisable to use thick paper, for example, old boxes from household or computer equipment. Cut out a rectangle of the desired size. With the help of gray plasticine we will create a road, it will best imitate asphalt. To get a gray color, mix white and black sticks.

2. Spread a soft gray plasticine on the cardboard with a thin layer, smooth its surface.

3. Matches and a black block will come in handy to create a fence on the side of the road.

4. Stick a thin layer of plasticine on each match and rub it between your palms to even out the surface of the posts. Also roll out a piece of the same dark plasticine to the state of a thin thread.

5. Attach the resulting posts at an equal distance from each other, and between them fasten pieces of thin thread. You can place the fence on one or both sides of the road.

6. The next step is road markings, which a child can easily create from miniature pieces of white plasticine. Arrange them in one line along the entire road.

7. Also make a zebra out of white stripes for pedestrians to pass. At the same time, tell your child about the rules of behavior on the road, how to cross the roadway.

8. The plasticine road is ready. It remains, if desired, to supplement it with a traffic light, complete the composition with toys and cars.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

So, we got a whole toy town, using simple plasticine, and gave the child's boring toys a new life.

How to mold a traffic light from plasticine.

If it's time to teach your child the rules of the road, then it's best to do it in a playful way. And ordinary plasticine can help you with this, because you can make all kinds of road signs from it, and most importantly, a traffic light. This is what we will do in today's lesson. This work is very simple, so you can safely choose a traffic light if kindergarten teachers ask parents to make a model of a busy street. So, let's get down to useful and interesting creativity.

1. The colors for this craft are obvious: black, red, yellow and green. Together with your child, choose the appropriate blocks from the set. You also need to think about the fastening in advance, because most often the traffic light is placed on a pole. Instead, you can use an old ballpoint pen, lollipop stick, or pencil.

2. Make an oblong parallelepiped of black plasticine - this will be the frame of the future traffic light.

4. Flatten the balls with your fingers to the state of round cakes.

5. Start attaching the round pieces to the black frame. The upper lights should be red, they prohibit the movement of cars.

7. And finally, green, which allows the passage of vehicles.

8. Attach the traffic light to one end of the prepared rod or pencil.

9. In order to make it more convenient for a child to play with a new handmade toy, make some kind of base - for example, a small lid filled with plasticine will do. Prepare the stand and insert the other end of the rod into the plasticine.

10. It remains only to prepare the visors for each flashlight and attach them to the traffic light.

The final look of the craft.

Now you can safely study the rules of behavior on the street and traffic with your child.

We make crafts on the theme of the rules of the road

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Cut the pipe in half crosswise. Draw with a simple pencil where the traffic light will have facial features, red, yellow and green circles. Paint it all with paints of the appropriate colors. Make two holes with a drill at the level of the character's shoulders, stick a wooden stick here, glue shoulder straps. Put a cap on top of the pipe.

Hang a whistle on one hand of the character, a wand on the other. Here's how to make a traffic light. If there are no ready-made attributes, then stick black stripes on white cardboard, roll this blank into a pipe, glue the sides from the large edge. You will get a wand. Shoulder straps are also easy to create, we cut them out of blue colored cardboard.

If we talk about how to make a traffic light, then for this the easiest way is to paste over a rectangular cardboard box with dark colored paper, glue here on each side a circle of red, yellow and green.

If you still have a box from a dairy product, this is just what you need. Cover it with black paper, and attach mugs of the appropriate colors to the sides. In order for the child to better understand that you should never cross the road on a red light, draw a sad emoticon on the circle of this color. Yellow will have a straight mouth, while green will have a smiling one, which means an invitation to move. Hide the top of the box under the cap, which is cut out of colored paper, its details are glued together.

If there is no such container, you can make a traffic light from a sheet of cardboard. The next photo shows how to cut it, what should be the dimensions.

Straighten the cardboard box, open it, cut out the circles.

Glue black paper onto cardboard, cut out squares from red, yellow and green. Glue them on a dark base. Roll it up. Cut out and glue the handle from cardboard, attach it to this roll. Insert this blank inside the glued traffic light. By turning the handle, you will change the color, thereby checking whether the children have mastered the lesson about the rules of the road correctly.

The next traffic light is made of very interesting materials, for this take:

  1. To do this, first cut off the handles from the packages.

    Then, starting from the outer corner, cut into a long tape, as shown in photo number 2.

    After that, you need to wind this tape on the palm of your hand or on two identical cardboard circles, in the center of which there is a lace.

    Now the coils are cut from the outside. If you wound the tape around your hand, then tie the resulting blank in the middle with a piece of plastic bag, tighten it, tie it.

  2. To make a traffic light, you will tie these loose laces together, thereby connecting the structure. You can glue pens and a wand made of cardboard to the exhibit, eyes made of colored paper, make a cap from the same material.
  3. If mothers know how to knit, they can perform this traffic attribute from threads. It is necessary to knit a black rectangle with knitting needles, wrap a bag of kefir or milk around it, sew it from the side, top and bottom.

    Crochet the circles, attach in place.

    Cardboard and tinsel will also make a wonderful traffic light.

    Scenario "The Adventures of Dunno in a Noisy City"

    After the crafts according to the rules of the road are brought to kindergarten, it's time to start the holiday. On it, the guys in a playful way, with interest, will study the basics of behavior on the road.

    To the music, the children enter the hall, sit on the chairs. The host greets them, their parents and says that we live in a beautiful city. There are streets, lanes, cars rush along the roads, buses drive. To cross the road in such busy places, you need to know the rules of the road.

    1. The name of the place where passengers are waiting for transport?
    2. What sound tool does the traffic police officer use to stop the offender?
    3. The silent tool of the traffic police officer?
    4. On what part of the road are pedestrians allowed to walk?
    5. What is the name of the part of the road where the traffic moves?
      1. Stop.
      2. Whistle.
      3. Wand.
      4. Sidewalk.
      5. Bridge.
      6. Then Dunno comes in and says that once in a noisy city, he was confused and does not know what the traffic lights mean, so he barely crossed the road, almost got hit by a car. Dunno asks the guys to help him and teach him how to cross the road.

        The host says that the guys know the basic rules of the road, and now they will tell you how to cross the road. Then, in turn, the children come out, read poetry. The first says that the traffic light is a great helper, warns when you can go and when not.

        The second child gets up and reads in poetic form that the color red indicates that there is danger nearby. In no case should you go across the road where the transport goes when this traffic light is on. Yellow urges pedestrians to wait, green lights up and invites them to cross the road. Then the guys tell a poem about a pedestrian crossing, about a zebra. After all, only on such a marking you can cross the pavement.

        Next, the game begins, which is called "Collect the puzzle." Children are given large puzzles in which there are road signs or traffic lights. They must collect them. You can divide the guys into two teams to arrange a competition.

        Next comes the mobile game with flags. At one end of the hall, children line up near the starting line. The teacher stands on the other side of the hall, holds a flag in his hand. If it's green, you're good to go. When the teacher raises the red one, the child should immediately stop. When the green attribute is raised again, you need to continue moving. The winner is the one who completes all the way the fastest without mistakes.

        For the next competition, you need to make petals, a core out of cardboard, lay it all in the form of a flower on a table or on a carpet. On the reverse side of these blanks are written questions regarding the rules of the road. If the children do not yet know how to read, the parents will do it for them, but the children themselves must answer.

        You can come up with other competitions to hold a holiday regarding the rules of the road. They can be studied not only indoors, but also on the street. When the snow falls, paint black stripes on the cleared path with a can of dark paint to make a pedestrian crossing. Put traffic lights on both sides of it. You will simulate the situation by “turning on” various colors.

        You can also draw some road signs on the snow and study them with your children.

        Such games will help the children to better learn the rules of behavior on the road, and crafts will become a visual material that contributes to the assimilation of the material.

        If you want to see how to make a traffic rule-themed craft, the following story is for you.

        From the second you will learn how to make a traffic light.

        Crafts for children on the topic of traffic rules

        The children went to school and they are taught what will be useful in later life - to read, write, count, draw, exercise, and also know the basic rules. In order for the child to better understand the rules of the road, it is necessary not only to talk about them, but also to show them with a good example. In this article we will look at how to make crafts on the topic of the rules of the road with your own hands.

Road safety for children is the most important social problem and often the protection of babies is not so much the concern of parents as the attentive attitude of the children themselves on the streets.

For this reason, original, interesting and bright do-it-yourself crafts according to the rules of the road are the best visual aids for kids.

Entertaining classes, taking place in a playful way, perform 2 functions - an interesting kind of creativity opens up for children, which allows them to competently teach traffic rules in a relaxed manner.

Most of the kids love cars and are interested, if not in cars, then in KAMAZ, trucks and excavators.

Despite the fact that children daily participate in road traffic together with adults (crossing the road or riding in transport), the topic of traffic rules is unfamiliar to them and they are the most vulnerable part of the population to road traffic accidents.

Therefore, the creation of crafts on the topic of traffic rules for a school or kindergarten has become part of the requirements of modern educational institutions.

Plasticine composition

As practice shows, it is not at all difficult to teach children to cross the road competently, use pedestrian crossings and zebras. Toddlers quickly grasp new information presented in a creative way.

In turn, game moments give lessons a direct character: do-it-yourself road safety crafts allow children to quickly remember how to behave on the roads.

DIY options

The many different forms allow children to become familiar with many examples of traffic rules both for pedestrians and as passengers of vehicles.

Crafts of the rules of the road to a kindergarten or school are a vast topic: these are safety examples, rules for pedestrians and drivers, and even the creation of cars and pedestrians with your own hands.

The most popular options are:

  • application on the theme of the rules of the road - simple models, great for young children;
  • drawings created on paper or cardboard using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons;
  • simple safety alphabet - thematic sections (car, bus, tram, trolleybus, metro, railway, bus stop, pedestrian zebra, etc.).

Crafts on the topic of traffic rules for a kindergarten or school can cover their own stories, as well as those taken from popular animated series, such as Smeshariki, Haste, Aunt Owl's Lessons, About Zhenya the Kitten and Traffic Rules, Naughty Family " and others.

Positive points

Numerous do-it-yourself traffic rules for a schoolchild or a kindergarten kid help children understand why traffic participants should give way to each other, what dangerous situations can be, and what non-compliance with traffic rules can lead to.

A light and casual style is the best way to convey the topic of “safety” to children from various perspectives. Crafts on the topic of traffic rules in the kindergarten aim not only to show dangerous situations, but also to explain how they can be avoided.

traffic safety application

Heroes of cognitive products - funny little animals and their helpers - help babies and school-age children to quickly remember the required rules.

Crafts in kindergarten

Crafts in a kindergarten on the topic of traffic rules must be easy so that children 3-4 years old can master it.

Traffic light number 1

A landscape sheet of paper and colored pencils (felt-tip pens or crayons) are taken.

An elongated rectangle is drawn, there are 3 circles on it (the top one is green, the middle one is yellow and the bottom one is green).

The simplest craft in the kindergarten (traffic rules for the younger group) - a minimum of effort and time.

Paper traffic lights

Traffic light number 2

You will need multi-colored paper, scissors and glue.

Stages of preparation:

  1. You need to cut out a rectangular shape (traffic light base) and three circles (red, yellow and green).
  2. Glue the prepared forms in order of priority.

You can take a box that is suitable in size and glue it with the necessary colored elements.

What children's crafts are not made of. And what about pasta? - an unusual kind of creativity.

Useful tips for parents on how to teach a child read by syllables, see.

Plastic bottles can be found in any household. By the way, they can become material for children's crafts. You will find creative ideas.

Walking zebra - traffic sign

You will need a landscape sheet of paper. The future do-it-yourself traffic rules for kindergarten will be created in a vertical form. In the middle you need to draw a triangle, inside it, in the lower part, - 3 elongated rectangles (“zebra”) and paint over them with a black pencil. A little man (pedestrian) is drawn over the footpath. The background should be painted blue (imitation of the sky).

Road signs symbols

You should take cardboard (colored and white), multi-colored paper, crayons, gouache in white, blue and black shades.

  1. Drawing the contours of road signs (No road, Stop, Parking, Straight and others) on cardboard.
  2. Drawing symbols of road signs on colored paper and then cutting them out
  3. Gluing the prepared samples on the contours.
  4. Cutting out road signs and preparing cardboard stands.

The dimensions of road sign models can vary from a few centimeters to a meter or two. You can modify this model and prepare cards: the teacher will ask a question, and the children will raise the appropriate sign.

In a similar way, you can prepare other fakes of traffic rules for kindergarten from plasticine, applications, old toys, etc.

Crafts for school

Do-it-yourself crafts according to traffic rules for the school are most often prepared in a more complicated form.

Mini town

You will need:

  • kinder figurines,
  • Christmas tree branches (you can take artificial ones),
  • cardboard,
  • colored paper,
  • plasticine,
  • sketches of road signs.

Road traffic layout


  • several boxes of various sizes, pasted over with colored paper (at home, school, kindergarten);
  • large rectangular cardboard or box lid;
  • templates for traffic lights and road signs (can be printed from the Internet);
  • thinking over the plan of the future street (drawing the contours on a landscape sheet of paper).


  1. Marking is being prepared where the intersection, pedestrian "zebra", buildings, park and lawns will be placed.
  2. All necessary applications on the topic of traffic rules are cut out (road, road signs, windows, doors, signs, buildings, trees, lawns, etc.).
  3. Some samples are molded from plasticine (cars, little men, pets). The visual aid is complemented by ready-made models from kinder surprises.


All details are placed in their places. Vehicles, pedestrians and road signs are placed along the streets.

Wall newspaper

Ready-made photo instructions are the best solution for middle school students. High school students can create a product with exciting thematic materials and complement it with voluminous figures.

All that is needed is:

  • whatman format A1,
  • felt-tip pens, colored crayons,
  • plain, colored and corrugated paper,
  • natural materials (ice cream sticks, pasta, cones and other suitable items).

The future wall newspaper is a craft of the rules of the road to school. Before starting work, you should think over the plan to the smallest nuances. Each rule is supplemented with text (by hand or in printed form) explaining a particular requirement.

Wall newspaper on traffic rules

At the bottom of the product, you can select individual headings:

  1. News traffic rules,
  2. Recent incidents.
  3. Legislation.

The article introduces parents and adults to the most popular do-it-yourself crafts according to traffic rules: the country of masters is constantly replenished with new children who must be taught the rules of the road.

Related video

In kindergarten and elementary school, much attention is paid to teaching children the rules of the road. Classes and lessons on this topic are planned. In kindergarten, each group necessarily has a road corner, where children in a playful way get acquainted with traffic lights, road markings, the most common road signs and street crossing rules.

There are also events for children on this topic with the invitation of road workers or artists. Often they organize a competition "The road through the eyes of children." Crafts are done either in the garden with a teacher, or a homework assignment is given. Parents are also involved in joint activities. This article will help moms and dads find interesting ideas for such a contest.

Traffic light manufacturing

The very first thing children learn about traffic rules is their meaning and their proper placement. Even in the younger group, kids consolidate their knowledge in the classroom for fine arts. Drawing circles of the desired color or making an application on a black rectangle, children consolidate their knowledge. It will be a very right decision to start work for the "Road through the Eyes of Children" contest with traffic light crafts.

Such work needs to be put at the crossroads of the "road", so you need a leg and a stand. This can be done simply from cardboard, but it’s more interesting to take an old felt-tip pen, remove the rod and insert it with one side into a matchbox, and glue the other side to a square of thick cardboard with PVA glue.

All the details of the structure must be pasted over with colored paper, and on the matchbox, arrange circles of different ones in the correct order. At the same time, the child will repeat their arrangement. Red is always on top, yellow is in the middle, green is always on the bottom. Tell your child why the lights are arranged the way they are. After all, not all people distinguish colors. Some are guided only by the spatial arrangement. They know that once the overhead light is on, you need to stand still. Bottom - you can go.

paper machine

The next option for "The road through the eyes of children" is crafts and cardboard. The cardboard cylinder remaining after using toilet paper must be pasted over with colored paper. Cut out 4 wheels from black cardboard and attach two in front and behind. In the middle of the machine, cut a hole for the driver, making an incision in the shape of the letter "H". By bending part of the cardboard back we get a driver's seat, we cut the curved part forward with scissors in the shape of a circle. Having painted it or made an application, we get the steering wheel.

Small parts of the car are made of colored paper. The photo shows a racing car, but you can just make a few cars of different colors and place them on different sections of the "Road through the eyes of children". DIY machines could be various. If you have a large road planned, then you can make bigger cars. Description follows below.

plastic cars

For the manufacture of machines, various foam plastic and wooden blocks, matchboxes and the matches themselves, boxes from Kinder Surprise and cardboard packaging for eggs are suitable. Now we will talk about the use of used plastic cans and bottles for work.

The photo shows cars for the contest "Road through the eyes of children". Crafts from plastic bottles are often used to make some figures. For the presented products, you need to take used plastic packaging from the gel for washing clothes. Only the jar must first be thoroughly washed so that no chemicals remain.

With the help of an awl, holes are punched for the wheels made of corks. You can just put them on PVA glue. But then the car won't move. To make the car mobile, you will have to find either old wheels from another broken car, or pick up a rod for wheels made of waste material. These can be wooden sticks, metal rods, a felt-tip pen, a pencil, etc. To decorate crafts in the form of such cars for the Road Through the Eyes of Children contest, you need to use self-adhesives of different colors or, in extreme cases, use colored paper and tape.


All children understand that there are houses along every road. So, if a child wants to make a house, then such products are quite suitable for this topic.

Moreover, it is very easy to make DIY crafts in the form of multi-storey buildings for the "Road through the Eyes of Children". It is only necessary to have a milk carton, glue it with colored paper and paint it, making windows, a roof and a door.

After reviewing the material of the article, parents will be able to help the child select the necessary material for the "Road Through the Eyes of Children" contest (for crafts). How to do them is described in detail. You can come up with something of your own based on the options you see.

Rules of the road, this is one of the main topics for discussion with children. With the help of parents, we created a corner on traffic rules.
Target: To give knowledge that when the red light comes on, it is impossible to cross the road, and when the green light is allowed.
You have to be careful on the roads. Learn to answer teacher questions. Enrich vocabulary. Fix in the memory of children, which can lead to a violation of the rules of the road.
Vocabulary replenishment: traffic light, zebra, pedestrian crossing.
The children discussed this topic very actively. They answered all the questions. solved riddles. They looked with interest at the crafts of their comrades, and with pleasure recognized their own. After reviewing the crafts and discussing the rules of the road, we began to play reinforcing the material.
This is how we got the corner.

The children took small cars, small dolls and wonderfully demonstrated what was being said.
I never sleep
I look at the road.
I'll tell you when to stop
When to start moving. (Traffic light)...

Three colored circles
They flash one after another.
Glowing, flashing.
They help people. (traffic light).

What a horse, all in stripes,
Does it light up on the road?
People go and go.
But she does not run away. (Pedestrian crossing)

Thank you for your attention.