Crafts from colored paper for the day. Simple crafts from colored paper for younger students. How to make paper craft. Children's paper crafts

Often at school and in kindergarten they give the task to children, read to parents, to make crafts on a specified topic, usually for the autumn holiday, federal holidays, such as New Year and. And here the fantasy dance and the competition of skillful parental hands begin, we are trying to remember what we ourselves did in childhood.

But after all, I want the child to also participate in the process and get pleasure and satisfaction from it. Still, creativity is necessary for everyone. Therefore, today I picked up some rather simple handicrafts, with which it is not a shame to go to a school or kindergarten exhibition. Yes, and the baby will be able to repeat it himself, under your strict guidance.

Have you ever cut out snowflakes by folding a piece of paper several times and then cutting out circles and triangles? Most likely yes, and, probably, then they compared which of them turned out to be more beautiful and openwork. So the water craft that I want to offer you to do is just created using this technique.

This basket is suitable for kindergarten and in order to keep a small child busy with something.

And today we will make a basket.

We need two blanks, as in the photo. I will give you a template, but you can make them yourself, I will also describe the process below.

1. To make them yourself, you need to take a sheet, make a 16 * 16 cm square out of it.

2. And roll to the middle 4 times.

3. Remember how you made snowflakes as a child. Now cut off a part from the edge in a semicircle.

It turned out to be a flower.

From each edge between the petals, you need to trim a little so that the petals can curl up.

4. We also prepare the leaf. We make the sheet square.

We cut off not a semicircle of a rhinestone, but first we need to make a long pestle.


5. You need a strip of 30 * 2 cm, glue the handle of the basket.

We decorate it with multi-colored flowers, circles, beads or beads.

We bend the edges of the green leaf.

And glue the basket to the leaflet.

You can use this template.

Of course, if the child is small, then you will have to do the preparation yourself, but leave the kid to decorate the basket. He must enjoy this activity.

How to make a clock easy and fast

And many more can remember how, carried away by the game, they remembered the craft only for the coming dream. There is simply no time to stretch the process: the child goes to classes, and you go to work. We need to create something fast, cute and big.

Here is the next version of paper crafts just for this case. It's called "The Clock". Depending on the chosen color and decor, it can be a New Year's clock, an autumn holiday, a birthday decoration, etc. You can continue the list yourself.

We will need:

  • 4 sheets of A4 colored paper
  • 4 circles with numbers
  • Scissors
  • Stripe 20-30 cm long
  • Piece of black colored paper

The basis for the clock is a fan of a sheet folded into an accordion. We start making them.

1. We begin to make an accordion, for this we fold the sheet in half along the long side.

2. Now fold the fold line to the edge again and repeat again.

3. Expand and fold the edge in half to the first fold.

4. And we continue to bend the sheet of paper in this way further until we get an even, beautiful accordion.

We also fold the remaining 3 sheets.

5. We fold each corrugation in half, we found the middle.

6. Now we make a fan, for this we coat the edge with glue and glue both parts.

This is how the preparation should turn out. We form the rest of the fans.

7. Now we collect the clock, for this we glue the fans together.

8. Cut out arrows from black paper.

9. And glue them to the clock.

10. We close the junction with decor, a circle, a snowflake.

11. Glue the numbers.

12. Glue a strip to hang the clock.

That's all the work!

We make DIY crafts for children from 9 to 11 years old in stages

For older children, nine or eleven years old, I can offer a variant of a simple, beautiful craft. But it requires care and accuracy. This is a beautiful paper ball. They can also decorate a room, or they can be taken to school for a holiday or, based on it, make fruits or vegetables from homework. And it looks very beautiful and unusual.

By the way, it is done without the use of glue, stapler, adhesive tape. All you need is paper and scissors.

We make blanks, as in the photo, they need to be made 12 pieces.

Cut out blanks. You can make them yourself, so there is no special template.

To draw them beautifully, I suggest that you first draw a pentagon with the same sides, and then draw a semicircle with a compass on each side with a diameter equal to the width of the side. Hope I explained clearly. In other words, the step of the leg of the compass will be the same as the width of the side.

Cut straight lines and bend them a little. Now we insert the blanks into each other.

Here is a photo of what the ball looks like in the process.

This is a fairly simple craft, but it requires dexterity and accuracy, so it will be just right for children 9-11 years old. A small child may not be able to cope with this task or tear the workpiece.

By the way, you can take a thicker paper, so the ball will turn out denser.

Corrugated paper cone

Flowers and bouquets of sweets are usually made from corrugated paper, and we will make a cone. Because boys like to make flowers more, but all children can make a spruce branch with cones, regardless of gender.

We will need:

  • Corrugated paper: brown and blue (green)
  • scissors
  • Thread

1. We take a brown roll and cut off, without unpacking, one edge.

2. Cut the fold to make two strips.

3. We bend the edge by 1 cm along the entire length.

4. Now we wrap the tucks along this edge, as in the photo.

5. We begin to fold this tape into a bump, leaving only the openwork edge on top.

6. The end of the cone can be tied with a rope, then we wrap it with a strip of blue or green corrugated paper.

7. Now we make branches from the green strip. In width, we cut the edge more than the middle.

8. And we turn these stripes into coniferous needles and twist them in length, like a cone.

And here is a detailed video on how to make a bump.

Cardboard crafts for kids 5-6 years old

So what to do with little kids? After all, they are interested in most cases. I offer two simple crafts. Not everyone still knows how to cut straight along the lines, but they should still like the result. We will make a three-dimensional tree out of cardboard and paper and a simple origami dog.

Cardboard tree

We will need:

  • sheets of paper,
  • cardboard,
  • pen,
  • glue,
  • scissors.

1. Two A4 sheets must be folded together and folded in half vertically.

2. And draw a tree so that part of the trunk is on the fold. Cut out the piece.

3. Fold the tree in half to determine its middle.

4. Now we separate the sheets and get 2 blanks.

We also find the middle of the second tree.

5. Now we retreat from the fold by 3 mm at the first blank from the bottom to half, and at the second from the top to half.

6. Two such halves of one tree are obtained.

7. Now we transfer these patterns onto cardboard and cut out the trunk already.

8. From colored paper, you need to cut out leaves of different sizes and glue them to the branches.

Now the tree needs to be assembled by inserting cardboard blanks into each other's grooves.

You can make flowers or juicy fruits and berries.

Paper craft for kids "Dog"

The whole craft is created from just one piece of paper and is done quickly, the child will not have time to get tired. But diligence must be at the highest level in order to bend everything correctly.

White leaf 10*10 cm.

Fold the paper diagonally. This will be the head of our dog. Then we fold again, so we determine the middle.

We wrap the edges, form the ears, we do this in a random order, but so that the tip extends beyond the sheet.

Now we are making a muzzle, for this we bend the lower corner a little.

In advance, cut out two small circles and draw black pupils in them, these will be the eyes. Cut out a pink tongue and a black nose. And glue it all on the muzzle.

Did your kids like the dog?

Paper leaflets to school: grade 4 on the theme of autumn

Autumn is usually presented either in the form of colorful leaves or an abundance of fruits and vegetables. We will also recreate it in the form of leaflets. But they will be quite laborious, but very beautiful.

Craft "Autumn leaf"

We will need:

  • Need 5 squares 15*15cm
  • Rectangle 15*5cm
  • Double sided tape
  • Scissors
  • stapler

1. We find a diagonal near the square, folding it in half, and then in half again.

2. We make 3 cuts on this triangle, leaving 3 mm from the fold.

We open the workpiece.

3. We begin to glue the corners into a tube. We make the middle layer with the first layer, use double-sided tape.

4. Turn over and glue the following corners.

5. And glue the remaining two corners, but alternately turning the leaf over.

Here is such a part of the leaf will turn out. We make 4 more such leaves.

6. For the stalk, simply twist the tube from a paper rectangle.

We connect the leaves with the stem, fixing with a stapler.

Watch the video on how to make such leaves.

Craft "Wreath of autumn leaves"

And here we will create a whole composition of autumn leaves, it looks very elegant and self-sufficient!

We need 10 squares 8 * 8 cm. Choose the color of the paper for the colors of autumn.

Let's start making a yellow leaf.

1. We turn it in half, then we turn each side to another half. You will get two large triangles.

2. Turn the leaf over and fold the rest to get two small triangles. As shown in the photo. We make 6 such blanks.

3. Now we fold the next leaflet in half again.

4. We wrap two edges to make two large triangles and leave them.

5. Now we collect the leaflet. We take the first two blanks and one with large triangles, smear the edges and glue it inside the first two blanks, as in the photo. As if we put it inside.

6. Now you need to make a branch. To do this, turn the leaf on the front side and put another leaf under it.


7. Turn over to the wrong side and cut the leaf for the branch along the edges of the future leaf. This is to keep everything looking neat.

8. Now we wrap the trimmed edges inward and glue them.

We need at least 8 such leaves.

We spread the circle and glue them on top of each other to get a rounded shape for the wreath.

All leaves must be connected to each other.

Schemes and templates

Most often, crafts are made by kids, so I want to give here a few templates and schemes that can be used in joint creativity.

For example, just circle, attach a blank sheet to the computer, cut it out and let the child decorate.

Or suggest sticking butterflies to a piece of paper, but this is more about applications.

Or make a wreath from such leaves.

Patterns of animals and trees.

Or tell the child that the bell is blue, cut it out and color it.

These are the options for crafts I prepared today to do my homework or decorate an apartment for the holiday.

Any interesting and beautiful paper crafts are a cheap and very easy way to captivate children for a while. In addition, such paper crafts perfectly develop the fine motor skills of children's hands, teach them to act in stages, select colors and do something with their own hands.

All boys love cars and the more racing cars, cars, trucks and tractors each boy has, the better. Therefore, today we will show you how to make a racing car with your own hands, using cardboard, toilet paper rolls, as well as scissors and felt-tip pens.

The toilet paper sleeve can be pasted over with colored paper, or it can be painted with felt-tip pens. Approximately in the middle between the two ends of the sleeve, cut a hole, this will be the place for our rider.

From cardboard, try to cut 4 circles, these will be the wheels. Color them in with a black marker. You can also cut out and color in the steering wheel circle for our racing car. Glue wheels and a steering wheel to the typewriter, and you can put a little man inside. You can play with such a hand-made machine, and if you make a lot of cars, you can arrange fun competitions and other games.

How to make a paper car with your own hands in 3 minutes

For girls

For girls 7-8 years old, you can make an interesting kind of craft out of paper - the crown of a real princess. Every girl wants to be a beautiful princess at least a little, so you should give the baby such an opportunity.

Small cardboard tubes are best for creating crowns, using toilet paper rolls should be fine for this purpose. In addition, craft crowns will need to be decorated with something. To do this, you can use paper of different colors, original beads and much more, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Toilet paper roll crowns must be carefully cut. You can use scissors to cut out the most ordinary crown with pointed peaks, or you can cut a circle at the end of each peak, so the crown will look more interesting. These beautiful crafts will need to be painted in different colors and an elastic band should be attached to the base of each toilet paper roll crown.

You need to decorate such crafts with the help of girls. For children aged 7-8 years, it is important to do everything on their own and with their own hands, so show the little ones the general decoration schemes, help them, and they will do the rest.

Modular origami crown assembly scheme

Paper flowers

The most beautiful and lightest paper flowers are made from corrugated paper. Such crafts will delight children of 7-8 years old very much, since with the help of corrugated paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, colored paper and satin ribbon, you can make a beautiful decoration for a room or a gift.

In order for you to be able to make many beautiful flowers from colored corrugated paper, you can arrange a master class for several children of 7-8 years old, so you will show the children patterns for creating flowers with your own hands and you can make not one, but 3-4 crafts.

So, how to make beautiful voluminous flowers with your own hands using scissors and corrugated paper:

  1. Cut out 12 circles of the same diameter from corrugated paper.
  2. Put each cut out circle on top of another and fold them into one pile.
  3. Fix the middle with a stapler criss-cross.
  4. Now, using scissors, start making cuts along the edges of the circles, be sure to leave room for the middle.
  5. Cut out a circle from colored paper, which will be our center.
  6. Now you can fluff the edges of the resulting flowers and attach a satin ribbon to the flower to hang it in a room or on a panel.

Postcard for grandma and mom / DIY paper craft

Master class with photo

Amazing and original crafts in the form of a mosaic appliqué are obtained from colored paper by children. It is quite acceptable to use corrugated paper of different colors for application.

Ask the children to draw on a blank piece of paper the outline of a fish, a bunny or a flower, which they will make in the form of a mosaic appliqué. Prepare strips of bright, corrugated paper, which we will cut with scissors into squares for application. Try to cut the squares correctly, only then do-it-yourself applications will be neat and even.

For children, it will be better to choose a glue stick, which can help to stick applications quickly and without problems. Start gluing the applique squares, trying not to go beyond the outline. For children, it will not be difficult to cope with such a task, and the applications will be cute and neat.

Volumetric crafts

Very cute voluminous crafts are obtained if children of 7-8 years old are interested in origami technique. For example, you can try to make a three-dimensional modular origami butterfly, it will be very simple and interesting. It can even be folded from corrugated colored paper, while the schemes will be very light and original:

  1. First we make a module, for this we fold a piece of paper in half.
  2. Turn over and fold the leaf in half again.
  3. After that, we bend the corners to the middle.
  4. turn the workpiece over and bend the small corners up, after it we bend the entire lower edge up.
  5. We bend in half again and the module is ready.

To make a butterfly, you need to make a large number of modules that will form the body and wings of an origami butterfly. At the initial stage, you need to correctly form the body of the butterfly from the modules, if everything works out correctly, then wings will need to be attached to the extreme modules. In fact, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact assembly scheme, it is quite possible to fantasize and apply different original steps so that your origami is unique and the cutest.

Modular origami butterfly assembly diagram


Animals are the favorites of absolutely all children, so we will try to make animal applications using toilet paper rolls. First you need to choose which animal you will make. For example, you can choose a tiger, an elephant or a hippopotamus.

You can print one of the outlines on a leaf and cut it out with scissors. Children should be able to do everything with their own hands, so let them work with the templates completely on their own.

After cutting out the animals, bend them in the same way as shown in the picture. Be sure to bend the head of the animal along the dotted lines, so it will rise and be positioned correctly in relation to the body.

Under the body of the animal, after it is bent along the lines, you will need to start gluing the bushings from the toilet paper. Using a toilet paper tube will help make the animal's body tighter. So get very original toys.

To make the toy heavier and not fall from the wind, you can print the image on cardboard, and the toilet paper tube will need to be filled with the same toilet paper. You can decorate the toy with a corrugated paper bow, which is easy to make from a rectangle folded like an accordion and tied with thread.

As you can see, a wide variety of applications and crafts made from bright, corrugated and even toilet paper will help you keep your child busy for a long time, and it will cost you mere pennies.

A fun and exciting way of needlework that will appeal to all children without exception is the creation of crafts from colored paper. This type of creativity develops not only imagination and fantasy, but also helps to improve the motor skills of the hands. That is why it is very important to include this simple element of learning combined with entertainment in classes with the baby.

A fun and exciting way of needlework that will appeal to all children without exception is the creation of crafts from colored paper.

In order to start the process of creating crafts, you will need to have several materials on hand:

  • Colored paper (thin, double, medium or cardboard);
  • Scissors;
  • Glue (PVA, pencil or regular stationery).

In addition - ribbons, beads, fringe. You will also need plain white paper and a pencil - to create a stencil, a felt-tip pen to draw a pattern or a face on the resulting figure.

Simple paper roses (video)

Gallery: colored paper crafts (25 photos)

Colored paper crafts: ideas for kids

Various and interesting variations on the theme of making paper toys include:

  • Volumetric toys, decorations, accessories;
  • Figurines of animals and birds;
  • Applications;
  • Paintings;
  • Holiday masks;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • Envelopes.

Colored paper products can be both simple and complex to manufacture. That is why it is important to choose available options for work. The existing master classes or templates cover various categories - from preschoolers to adults who decide to create interior decorations.

Colored paper products can be both simple and complex to manufacture.

Children's ideas for creating figurines - animals, including fantastic or various thematic compositions - a fairy tale, a farm, a zoo, a car park, space. Here the basis is the interest of the kids and their imagination. You can combine several techniques, for example, creating a picture includes elements of appliqué and volume.

How to make crafts from colored paper with your own hands without glue and scissors

Creating paper figures without scissors and glue is a very real task. Without the use of glue and scissors, you can create dolls.

This will require:

  • Toilet paper sleeves - 2 pcs;
  • Thread and needle;
  • A small piece of colored paper;
  • Pencils or markers.

The creation process is as follows:

  1. Insert one bushing into another;
  2. Press in the middle to form a depression;
  3. Fold the paper into a thin strip;
  4. Attach from the side of the recesses with a thread and a needle (hair).

At the end, draw clothes and a face with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Volumetric colored paper crafts: an interesting option for children

With the help of a paper base, it is easy to create voluminous crafts. Such unusual figures will become not just toys, but decorations for the interior of a children's bedroom or a play area in the living room.

You can make a flower or a bouquet of them using the following items:

  • Thin different colors of paper base;
  • Plain thick white paper;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue (pencil or liquid).

With the help of a paper base, it is easy to create voluminous crafts

Work process (can be carried out with children 4-5 years old):

  1. Draw on the colored contours of the petals and carefully cut them out;
  2. Cut off a long strip of paper and twist it like a candle wick - you get a stem (it is not necessary to use green for this purpose, any shade is allowed);
  3. Cut the stem blank into several parts if you want to make a bouquet;
  4. Carefully fold each petal in half lengthwise;
  5. Apply a little glue to one of the petals and insert the cut stem blanks (3 pieces per 1 flower);
  6. Attach all the blanks of the petals (glue them to each other from the bottom);
  7. Then cut out the same number of petals that was spent on creating a flower, but larger (you can use paper of a different or contrasting color);
  8. Glue them all in a circle to the existing petals from the bottom.

If desired, the last 2 points can be repeated several more times. The result is a beautiful voluminous flower, created with your own hands from colored paper. Alternatively, you can cut grass out of green paper or cardboard and make a three-dimensional picture by attaching flower figures to a dense base.

Important! You can create the texture of the petals. To do this, just crumple the paper, and then straighten it.

White Paper Crafts for Toddlers

A craft made from white paper can be used for a holiday. For kids, it's a snowflake. It is very simple to make it - you will need a piece of paper and scissors (if the child will make it himself, then with special, curved or rounded tips).

Work process:

  1. Create a white square (bend the top corner to the middle and tear off the bottom;
  2. Fold the resulting square so as to get a triangle;
  3. Fold it up again;
  4. After that, cut off small triangles around the perimeter with scissors, not reaching the middle.

Craft made from white paper can be used for a holiday

At the end, unfold the sheet - the snowflake is ready.

Crafts from double-sided paper

Crafts made of multi-colored or double-sided paper will be bright and eye-catching. It can be used as a toy or an element of holiday decorations. A paper ball will look spectacular.

It will require:

  • A sheet of double-sided paper (it is advisable to choose contrasting colors) - 1 pc;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

Process of creation:

  1. Draw with a pencil and cut out 20-30 circles of the same size;
  2. Fold each of them in half and again in half (cross to cross);
  3. Then expand the blanks;
  4. Bend the corner sides to the middle, and then bend the lower part horizontally to make a triangle;
  5. Glue 5-6 triangles together, forming a circle;
  6. Expand the folded parts so as to create walls;
  7. Repeat the procedure again;
  8. Then unfold 10-12 blanks and glue them with the top up, then down and up again and so on in a circle (separate part;
  9. Then glue the previously created blanks from a smaller number of triangles on top and bottom.

The craft is ready to use. Such a master class will allow you to make many different decorations for special occasions or parties.

Bouquet of flowers from colored paper (video)

Paper crafts created in various techniques are diverse. They can be folded alone or with a child, used as a learning element or a game with kids.

Other types of needlework


Better for our children, їm cіkavo.

Paper is the most common craft material for several reasons: low cost, availability, ease of use. Of course, paper cannot be called a very simple material, because it all depends on your skills, the type of paper, as well as the complexity of the craft. It can be a simple application for children, or it can be an origami from modules that young children cannot handle. In this article I want to offer 10 crafts of varying complexity for children and adults. They are made from several types of paper: plain white A4, colored, corrugated, crepe. He even eats one piece of paper for notes. Let's start looking at the various options.

3D postcard for March 8

You always want to surprise with a gift for the holidays, and such an unusual postcard will not leave anyone indifferent. This craft can be quickly and easily done by a child from 9 to 11 years old with their own hands and presented to their mother or grandmother for the holiday. To learn how to make a 3D postcard, you can watch the photo and video description with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Colored paper (4 white sheets and 1 pink sheet)
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Double-sided tape
  • Paint (lilac and green)


  1. Divide the white sheet in half with a line, and then fold 4 sheets together and cut along the line. We need 7 halves, put the 8th aside.
  2. Take half of the sheet and fold it in half 2 times. We get a rectangle, two sides are closed, and two are open.
  3. We bend the corners to the closed long side outward. We do this on both sides.
  4. Now the folded corners need to be bent again in the opposite direction, so we do this only on one side.
  5. We get a guideline by which we will cut off. Cut along the folded line on one side, then flatten the corner once and cut along the line on the other side. Thus, we get a shape similar to a leaf.
  6. So we do with the remaining six sheets. So that the shape remains the same for all colors, simply attach the first blank and cut it out.
  7. Take the resulting flower and cut out one petal from it, and then glue the gap by overlapping the side petals exactly one on top of the other. You should have 6 petals. We do this with all the flowers.
  8. Fold the flowers in half. Glue pieces of adhesive tape on the side petals of the 1st flower, on the very top of the petal.
  9. We glue flowers on the side parts, only the side petals, gently applying the petal to the petal.
  10. Now we glue the 4th flower on 3 flowers, also only the 4th one should have all the petals glued.
  11. We glue the 5th and 6th flowers on top like 2 and 3 (only on the sides).
  12. We glue the 7th flower on top of all the others on 3 petals.
  13. Fold a pink sheet in half, like a postcard, now we will finish our composition.
  14. We put the flower on half of the postcard and attach adhesive tape to the upper central petal and close it with another sheet of the postcard. Glue the other side in the same way. Make sure that the sheet lies clearly near the fold line.
  15. The card is ready, it remains only to color the middle of the flowers. You can sign the postcard.

Colored paper caterpillar

Such a caterpillar is easy to perform and will take very little of your time. The craft is designed for children from 2 years old and their parents. You will be able to spend time with your child pleasantly and usefully, you will also develop the motor skills of children's hands. Let's start doing the caterpillar with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Colored paper in different colors
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • felt-tip pens


  1. Make strips of paper 6 cm long and 1 cm thick (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, brown, blue). The colors should be different so that the caterpillar turns out to be iridescent and bright.
  2. We glue each strip to make circles.
  3. When the circles are ready, glue them together alternating colors. You should get a strip of circles. We glue the last one a little higher than the rest, this will be the head.
  4. Draw a mouth and eyes with a felt-tip pen.
  5. Cut thin strips from colored paper and twist with scissors. Glue them in place of the antennae.
  6. From a green sheet, cut out the shape of a leaf in size, focusing on the caterpillar. Our funny caterpillar is ready!

Corrugated paper valentine

For Valentine's Day, ordinary heart-shaped cards are always given, but if you want to make a more original card, make it from corrugated paper. And now I will tell you how to make a valentine with your own hands step by step with step by step instructions.

You will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Red corrugated paper
  • Scissors
  • Match
  • PVA glue


  1. Cut out a card in the shape of a heart from cardboard.
  2. Cut corrugated paper into squares a little more than 1 cm in size.
  3. We apply the square with the central part to the tip of the match and crumple the paper in a circular motion. Do this with all the squares.
  4. We apply glue to the valentine and begin to glue our crumpled blanks. When the glue dries, fluff up the paper to make it more fluffy. The holiday card is ready, you can give it to your loved one.

Bunny in 5 minutes

If you need a craft for kindergarten that does not take much time, then a voluminous bunny is the perfect option. The most important thing is that you can connect your baby to the execution process. Let's see how to make a simple bunny with your own hands using detailed instructions.

You will need:

  • Sheet of colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil


  1. From a sheet of paper, cut out 2 strips about 1.5 cm wide along the length.
  2. Cut one strip into two different strips. The difference is about 3 cm.
  3. We glue both strips so that we get 2 circles.
  4. Glue them together.
  5. Cut the second strip into 3 equal parts. Cut one piece lengthwise. We fold each thin strip in half and glue the ends together. This will be our ears.
  6. We glue the ears on our blank of two circles, on a smaller one.
  7. The remaining strips are also cut lengthwise. Paws are made like ears. Glued to the bottom circle.
  8. From one more strip we make a small circle and make a tail.
  9. Fold the last strip in half and round the edges with scissors. Spread and glue to the back of the bottom circle and scissors twist them forward. Bunny is ready!

Video how to make a paper bunny in 5 minutes

Beautiful flower

To decorate the interior, you can make an unusual flower from note paper with your own hands. For this, you do not need special skills, a child of 4-7 years old can also help with the implementation. To complete the craft, we have made a detailed description for you with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • note paper
  • PVA glue
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors


  1. Note paper is best used without a sticky edge. Take the sheet with the corner up and fold the side corners and sides together. Glue them. You get buns. Do this with all the leaves.
  2. Cut out a circle of about 7-8 cm from cardboard. So we get a small flower.
  3. Now glue the 1st row of petals on the circle with the short side up. Petals should be close to each other.
  4. In the next row, glue the petals into the gaps of the previous row.
  5. So we do subsequent rows gradually reducing the number of petals in a row.
  6. We fill the middle with petals, no longer focusing on the rows, see that it is beautiful and voluminous. The flower is ready, you can hang it on the wall or put it on the table.

Videos flower diy

DIY book

If you want to make an unusual craft that will also be useful for use, you can make a small origami book out of paper. You will not write down your poems or compositions in it, but it will come in handy for small notes, and besides, it will not take up much space in your bag. It is very easy to make such a craft, just follow the instructions with a step-by-step description.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper - 2 pieces of different colors
  • Scissors


  1. Fold A4 sheet in half lengthwise. Open the sheet back.
  2. Next, fold the sides to the center fold.
  3. Cut the sheet into 4 strips along the folds.
  4. Take one strip and fold it in half 3 times. You get a small rectangle.
  5. Do this for all stripes.
  6. Open the resulting triangle and now fold it with an accordion. Do the same with the rest.
  7. Now glue all the pieces together, stacking the last pages of each harmonica one on top of the other.
  8. When gluing, fold the sides that face each other and glue. This is how we make pages.
  9. We fold an A4 sheet of a different color in half in width, and then in length. You will have 4 rectangles. Cut out one of them.
  10. At the rectangle, fold the side long sides towards the center, but not reaching the center by about 0.5 cm.
  11. Fold the rectangle in half and lightly mark a cent. Now, focusing on the center, make two folds in the central part about 0.5 cm wide. The cover is almost ready.
  12. Now, trying on the sheets of the notebook on the cover, fold the sheets inward according to the size. Then insert the last pages of the notebook into the cover. For better fastening, you can use glue. Our unusual notebook is ready.

Video how to make a mini book with your own hands

Butterflies for decoration

Paper butterflies can be used to decorate walls, windows and gift wrapping. They create a romantic and light mood, because butterflies are so graceful. A child from the age of 3, as well as any beginner, can make butterflies with their own hands. There are many options for making paper butterflies and we want to offer you one of them, quite interesting. And now let's create a beautiful decoration in the form of a butterfly with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Sheet of A4 paper - 2 pieces (yellow and pink)
  • Large needle
  • Beads and beads
  • thin wire
  • Scissors
  • double tape


  1. We take one sheet and fold it in half, but the fold does not need to be highlighted too much.
  2. We cut off the corners, more on the lower side, and less on the upper side with a smooth bend in the middle.
  3. We open the sheet and, moving along the fold line, fold it with an accordion. We made the top wing.
  4. For the bottom, we do the same, only we will cut the corners of the same size. Next, fold with an accordion.
  5. We pierce the wings of butterflies in the center with a needle, so that in the future it will be easier to fasten them.
  6. We fold the wire in half and string the wings on it.
  7. We put a white bead on the wire at the upper wings, on both fibers. Then two gold pieces for each tendril.
  8. The rest of the wire is decorated with golden beads. To finish the antennae, we need to insert the tip of the wire into the last seed beads twice. We cut off the excess. We also do with the second mustache.
  9. Tape the top and bottom wings together.
  10. On the bottom of the wire we put on white beads of a larger size, about 4 pieces, and then 2 more beads of a smaller size.
  11. You need to finish the ponytail like the antennae, but for reliability, you can make a few twisting movements and cut off the excess.
  12. Now spread the wings of the butterfly and you can decorate the interior.

Paper origami tree

To decorate a home, office or kindergarten for the new year, you can make an interesting and unusual Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands. For those who love origami, this Christmas tree will love it. To complete this craft, read the step-by-step instructions, as well as the photo and video description.

You will need:

  • colored paper
  • Scissors


  1. From a sheet of green paper we make a square.
  2. Connect two opposite corners so that you get a triangle.
  3. Unfold the triangle back into a square and fold the other two opposite corners into a triangle.
  4. Along the folds along the sides, fold them into the middle, when you fold you get a triangle.
  5. Now we bend the sides of the triangle to the center, from the beginning on one side, and then on the other. And straighten it again.
  6. We straighten each resulting triangle along the fold, straighten it along the central fold and fold and make a new fold to the left.
  7. Divide the resulting structure into equal sides.
  8. Bend the bottom corners up, and then hide inward.
  9. We get a blank already similar to a Christmas tree. We make three cuts on the sides a little before reaching the center.
  10. Now we need to bend the corner to the inside of each incised piece. Thus, we will get the corners of the Christmas tree. We do this work with all the pages of the Christmas tree.
  11. The Christmas tree is ready to decorate your home.

Daisies from paper

If you want to bring a summer and sunny mood into the interior, make paper daisies with your own hands. They can be used not only in the interior, but also as a gift to family and friends. Such interesting and beautiful daisies will not leave anyone indifferent.

Crafts from paper and cardboard children do in kindergarten and elementary school. This material can be called the most accessible, because for such crafts, which are described, you can take not only purchased color, but also wrapping, old newspapers and magazines, candy wrappers. It is very easy to work with it, because you can easily cut it with scissors and fasten the elements with glue. Of course, you cannot start the creative process without getting acquainted with all the materials and techniques for working with them.

Schoolchildren can make cardboard, so you can create a real dollhouse with your own hands, which will be no worse than those sold in the store.

How to make paper and cardboard crafts

There are essential materials without which one cannot learn, how to make paper and cardboard crafts, and before offering the child to work with them, it is necessary to dwell on safety precautions, because you must work carefully with scissors and glue. But first you need to buy such material that will contribute to the realization of the child's wildest fantasies. The material can be of different quality: thin transparent or dense, which is very difficult to tear with your hands.

If you set yourself the task of giving volume to some figure, then for this you need to use soft thin sheets, for example, cigarette or paper napkins. In almost all crafts, you need white A4 and color, which will allow you to make a paper mosaic. But for applications, colored sheets should be denser so as not to get wet through.

Moderately dense material is used to make figures using the origami technique, in which case there will be clear lines when bending, so you need to choose glossy or coated sheets.

Toys and three-dimensional figures can be made using cardboard - white or colored. In addition, a real master can take improvised materials - candy wrappers, foil, cardboard boxes, wallpaper trimmings to create beautiful crafts made of paper and cardboard.

In the process of work, you may need not only liquid PVA glue, which securely fixes all the elements, fastening them to each other, but also a glue stick, which will help out in situations where you need to glue it carefully, preventing the liquid glue from going beyond the edges. As a general rule, a glue stick should be used when creating appliqués to stick small details. PVA always glues reliably, they can glue large elements using dense material, and there is no doubt that your craft will last for a long time.

Before you start working with glue, the work surface (desk) should be covered with newspapers or oilcloth so that after a fun creative process, you don’t have to wash the frozen drops of glue for a long time. PVA glue can be bought immediately in a large jar, a liter of glue will last you for a long time, and it costs much less than small jars. But from a large jar, which will be inconvenient to work with, it must be cast into a flat jar or even a lid in order to simplify the task for the child.

To make it convenient to apply glue, you can use a special brush, then after each use it must be thoroughly washed so that it does not freeze, or you can take a disposable stick twisted with thick paper.

Crafts from paper and cardboard: a master class

For some particularly complex elements, it is necessary to use two pairs of scissors at once, one with rounded ends to cut paper, cut out large elements, others are small, in which the blades are straight, they must be used if it is necessary to cut through internal parts, make notches.

It is also necessary to prepare a ruler in advance, which will help draw a straight line and quickly cut off any even strip of paper using a stationery knife to do. But this tool can only be trusted by teenagers, since a sharp blade can be dangerous for younger students.

On the ruler, you can evenly tear off a strip of sheet, for this you need to firmly press the ruler with one hand, and with the other take the upper corner, lift it and pull it towards you with a sharp movement.

The pencil is used not only for drawing, it can be used, for example, to twist the tubes. But to make a spiral, you need to use a ruler or scissors. The strip must be pressed against the tip of the scissors or the end of the ruler, and stretch the paper towards you along the entire length.

To unusual paper and cardboard crafts turned out neat and beautiful, it is necessary to make clear fold lines, carefully ironing, but for this it is undesirable to use fingers, because there is a risk of cutting yourself on a thin edge, and staining the fold, because there may be particles of paint on the fingers, etc. To iron the fold, you need to take closed scissors and iron on top, or put any clean sheet on the main paper part.

If you tear the paper with a ruler, then you can only do this along the fibers, so that the tear edge is long and even, but if you try to tear against the fibers, the edge will be uneven, and the line may break. You will easily notice this trend if you practice on a regular newspaper.

While gluing the parts, you may have noticed that sometimes wrinkles and wrinkles appear on the paper, this is because you incorrectly smeared the surface with glue, because if you glue the appliqué part on the base, then it is the base that needs to be glued with glue, and not the part itself. On the sheet, glue the contour with glue, and then attach the application element itself. After that, its surface will be smooth, without wrinkles.

The element to be glued must be pressed firmly using a clean piece of flannel. The application element must be smeared with PVA, placed on the base sheet, pressed in the center, straightened and put clean paper on top. Then carefully iron with a flannel cloth from the center to the edges.

Original paper and cardboard crafts

Children always do original crafts made of paper and cardboard before the holidays, and usually these are greeting cards for mom or dad, grandma or grandpa. With your own hands you can make a very interesting postcard, which will be a pleasant surprise for the hero of the occasion. For such a postcard, the main feature of which is a three-dimensional flower in the center, you will need double-sided colored cardboard, PVA and scissors.

For decoration, you can also use beads, glitter, rhinestones and other items that are sold in craft stores.

First, the cardboard must be folded in half, make the fold even, gently ironing it several times. The front of the card can be decorated with yellow flowers cut out of a colored sheet. In the center of each flower, you can attach a bead or a rhinestone to make the postcard look bright. These flowers can be dealt with quickly, but the flower that will be inside will be voluminous and you will have to tinker with it. The elements of the inner three-dimensional flower should be symmetrical about the middle, so that when the card is closed, they fold well.

The flower will be multi-layered and for it you need to cut out three parts, one smaller than the other, and then paste it in the middle. Also, openwork leaves should be cut out of green colored paper. You can sign the finished postcard and safely go to the holiday.

Unusual paper and cardboard crafts

The best gift for a grandmother is a photo frame, and it is better if a caring grandson makes it with his own hands. Since it is made of lightweight materials, it can easily be made into a fridge magnet, hung on the wall or placed on the bedside table. To make such paper and cardboard crafts, master class will give the necessary tips and tricks, it remains only to prepare all the necessary materials and follow the advice in order to create original gifts with your own hands.

As a basis, you can take a disposable shallow plate, on which you can then attach a photo. We also need colored cardboard, in this case we will make a “seven-color”, so we need to take seven different colors. To work with materials, you need to take scissors, and in order to securely fix all the elements of the craft, you will need not only PVA, but also a hot glue gun.

First you need to cut out seven petals from multi-colored cardboard so that they turn out to be the same size, first you need to make a template, and then cut out all seven elements from it. Be sure to take into account that the petals beautifully surrounded our middle.

On the back side, you need to glue the petals, while you need to take a thermal gun so that the fixation is reliable. When all the petals take their place, you need to paste a photo on PVA in the center of the plate.

Master class: paper and cardboard crafts

If you stumble upon our master class, crafts from cardboard and paper you will definitely want to make voluminous ones with your child, because you can use any old newspapers or magazines, napkins, of course, will not do without the main materials - colored paper, scissors and felt-tip pens, with which you can draw small details.

The crumpling method is very simple, and this is exactly what the child will like, because for the basis of this craft, you need to crumple several balls of different diameters from old newspapers. At the same time, it is necessary to crumple so that the lump is dense, you can use additional threads with which you can wrap the layers, fixing them and making them denser.

Since the ball will consist of several layers, it is unprofitable to make all layers from colored sheets, so a sheet of the desired color or a napkin is used only for the topmost layer, and the previous ones are made from newspaper sheets.

Volumetric "Chicken": you need to make two lumps, for this use A4 paper, and for the other - half as much, i.e. A3. For the top layer, you need to take a yellow napkin or colored paper, and wrap the lumps around it. From a large lump we will make a chicken body, and from a small one - its head. Now the two blanks must be fastened with glue.

For legs, you can use a thick cocktail straw, from which you need to cut a piece of 4 cm, then make a cut on one side, bending your fingers.