Crafts from folded paper. Handmade fan made of paper

In spring and summer, you want to bring bright colors to the interior of your home, while you must adhere to the rules of minimalism and not visually overload the space with things. To create an outstanding accent in a room, it is enough to bring in one detail that will contrast with the rest. Despite the abundance of various accessories in stores, it is much more pleasant to make jewelry with your own hands.

The most budgetary and easiest option for hand-made beginners is to use paper. Corrugated sources will allow you to create any composition that will become a central element in the apartment. There are several simple recipes that make it easy to create the first decorations. Pay attention to paper fans. The simplicity of the technique and the minimum number of tools is what you need to start.

Fan for the room

colorful fans

volumetric fan

Paper circular fans for decoration

These decorations are associated with the East. In the culture of Japan and China, this element is part of the national tradition. Therefore, on the walls in the minimalist and discreet houses of the Japanese, you will always see a fan. As a rule, it depicts scenes from books, beautiful landscapes and panoramic views. Paper fans completely replace the wall paintings familiar to us. They stand out from the background of other objects, attract attention and create a romantic mood.

Mosaic from fans

Fans in the design of the room

Pink fans in the interior

It is especially beneficial to use this decor in a room that is not overloaded with furniture. Walls without a pronounced pattern will look advantageous against the background of a fan. You have two options - to make a composition from small circular fans, or to make a classic large wall fan with your own hands. Quite often, such decorations are also used to decorate the holiday. This is a universal idea that will captivate you during your leisure time and allow you to acquire additional skills.

colorful fans

Round beautiful fan

Mosaic from fans

For the manufacture of fans we need:

  • colored corrugated paper of any size, scrap paper is suitable;
  • scissors for shaping the workpiece;
  • glue;
  • satin ribbon;
  • small accessories (buttons, bows, sequins, tassels, beads, etc.);
  • wooden skewers.

Prepare a wide table or any other place so that you can work comfortably. The process does not like to rush, so you should free up time in advance to implement your creative ideas.

Beautiful fan in the room

Hanging fans in the design of the room

Fan variant

Paper fan making process

First of all, it is worth considering the design of the decoration. You can be inspired by ready-made fan sketches by looking at thematic pictures from the Internet. Determine the product size and prepare the required amount of paper. It is easiest for a beginner to make circular fans. The instruction is very easy, so even children can master the process of making crafts with their own hands. Let's get started.

colorful fans

green fan

The interior of the fans in the room

  1. We take a strip of paper, the width of which is greater than the length (preferably 2 times).
  2. We mark the bending threshold, for example, 1 cm. If you are not sure of the accuracy, mark the points with a pencil.
  3. We make the same bends over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paper so that we get an accordion.
  4. We take the lower edge of the fan and connect at one point. Bend the resulting classic fan to form a circle. We fix the edges with glue or tape.
  5. After gluing the bottom of the product on the reverse side, we fix a square of paper in order to more securely fix the workpiece. Double-sided tape is used as an auxiliary tool. It holds the edges well and is almost invisible when carefully trimmed.
  6. On the front side, at the junction with glue, a button, bow or any other decoration. Our fan is ready!

On the wall or any other surface, the decor is attached with adhesive tape or threads. You can also prepare a frame from under an old picture in advance in order to place paper fans on the canvas and then hang the composition on the wall. Take this idea as a basis to make something new and more original with your own hands.

hand fan

beautiful fan

Children's fan

Beautiful fans in the design of the room

The brighter the paper, the more interesting the composition will be. A combination of different shades can achieve an interesting effect. From the remnants of paper, it is quite possible to make flowers or other simple decorations for the house. They are ideal for decorating rooms for a holiday, themed party, birthday or wedding. "Sweeping" paper fans on the wall are made using the same technology, only without circular gluing.

white round fan

blue fan

Hanging fans in the interior

beautiful fan

Features of the placement of jewelry

Handmade decor will look great on the wall above the sofa or bed. It is actively used as a decoration for a children's room. Cozy garlands or paper shades can decorate a terrace or balcony. It is especially advantageous to decorate areas for receiving guests or relaxing on a personal plot outside the city. Paper lanterns will be organically woven into the surroundings of a beach party. Such a light and original product is applicable in any household. It looks stylish and is inexpensive.

paper fans

Colored paper fan

When placing crafts in an apartment, try not to overload the space with them so that the room does not look like a school work room. Paper flowers are appropriate to put in a large vase on a table in the living room or hallway. A large fan will decorate the bedroom or recreation area. You can also give your crafts to friends and relatives. Enjoy the process and involve each family member in such a pleasant pastime. Most importantly, you can always do something new and please your eye with little things that create a mood.

Video: Paper fans for jewelry

50 photos of paper fan designs for the interior:

From the summer heat and stuffiness in the room, many are saved by cross-ventilation and a fan, but this may not always be safe for health. Therefore, it is recommended to use an affordable and simple device - a fan. Since ancient times, fans (large fans) have been made from palm branches and huge lotus leaves. Then these accessories began to be made from feathers, fabrics, decorated with lace and precious stones. All this spoke of the status of the owner, but the accessory was too heavy and bulky.

Modern fashionistas prefer to have light fans with them, but at the same time stylish and functional. You can buy a fan in the store or order it online. But all options purchased from the manufacturer will not be exclusive. You can easily solve this issue by making a useful accessory with your own hands.

Having introduced children to the manufacture of a fan, you can not only develop the creative potential of the child, but also captivate him with interesting work.

Do with children

It will be very interesting for kids to make a toy fan themselves, especially since it will take a very simple and affordable set to make it:

  • flat ice cream sticks (pieces 5 - 6);
  • sheet of white paper;
  • scissors (prepare children's scissors with rounded ends for work);
  • paints (felt-tip pens, gouache, colored pencils - everything that your baby likes to decorate with);
  • a piece of wire and an awl;
  • PVA glue.


  1. First, make a small hole at the bottom of each stick (at the same distance so that the hole matches). You should not trust this to the baby for self-fulfillment, since when drilling holes with an awl, the child can get hurt with a sharp tool.
  2. We fasten the sticks with wire or a dense thread. To ensure that the fastening does not interfere with the full opening of the fan, it should not be too tight.
  3. Then open the shelves, apply to the paper and draw a semicircle.
  4. We cut out the paper part and decorate it on one side with bright colors.
  5. After the paint dries, glue the opened sticks to the paper base on the reverse side (white) with PVA glue.

Children's toy fan is ready!

lace fan

It is very easy to make such a cute fan. It is enough to take a few flat wooden sticks (can be cut from plywood or thick cardboard) and fasten at the bottom. Glue lace onto the opened parts using a glue gun (stapler). To make the fan look neater, bend the edges of the lace and additionally glue it on the reverse side. To decorate the place where the parts are fastened in the middle, stick a satin ribbon bow.

decorative fan

The fan can act not only as an accessory to save you from heat and stuffiness, but also as an original element of home decor. It is such a decorative item that you can do with your own hands at home. Manufacturing work is not difficult, but painstaking, requiring accuracy and precision. But the result of such painstaking work will delight you for a long time.

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of crafts, it is worth taking care of the materials and tools necessary for the work. You will need the following:

  • thick cardboard (you can use a cardboard box);
  • several newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue or glue gun;
  • scissors (a clerical knife is also perfect);
  • material for decor (satin multi-colored ribbons, beads, braid, lace, artificial flowers, etc.).

Step by step work:

  1. On cardboard, draw a semicircular detail. Use a utility knife to make slits inside. You will need 2 of these blanks.
  2. From newspaper strips we twist at least 30 pieces of thin tubes. To do this, we wind a strip of newsprint in a spiral on a thin knitting needle or wooden skewer. To prevent the tubes from untwisting, the ends of the newspaper must be glued with glue.

  1. When all the tubes are ready, we evenly distribute part of the blanks on one of the cardboard parts and fix it with an adhesive gun.
  2. Glue the second base on top.
  3. With the remaining tubes we make several rows of weaving.
  4. We cover the fan with spray paint.
  5. After the paint dries, we decorate the craft with the prepared materials.

The photo shows an example of the design of a decorative fan.

From plastic forks

What creative people just don’t do from plastic disposable tableware. And flowers, and toys, and various decorative figurines to decorate the garden, and much more. Inspired by the previously described work on the manufacture of fans, we propose to make this beautiful lady's item from plastic forks.

So that the work does not cause additional questions, you should use the proposed master class and make your own original fan:

  1. On a sheet of thick cardboard, draw a circle (you can outline a CD).
  2. Cut the circle in half.
  3. On one of the halves, using a glue gun, glue the tips of the forks tightly to each other in a circle. It is required to ensure that the top of the plug also touches each other.
  4. Glue the second ladle of the semicircle on top. The base of the fan is almost ready. It remains only to decorate and decorate it.
  5. We insert lace between the cloves of the forks. We tuck the edges of the lace ribbon and fix it with an adhesive gun.

  1. Glue a decorative flower on top of each fork.
  2. Additionally, we thread the ribbon at the bottom and fasten the decorations to the paper base.
  3. At the bottom, you can decorate with a satin bow or a composition of artificial flowers.

Very unusual and original versions of fans are obtained if you take not ordinary white forks for their manufacture, but colored ones or paint the workpiece (before decorating) with spray paint.

Fan postcard

Taking a paper fan as a basis, you can make an original souvenir postcard that can be put on a shelf or desktop. You will need a double-sided sheet of green paper, cut flower blanks (red tulips, daisies).


  • We fold the paper with an accordion.
  • We bend the resulting part in half and glue it in the middle.
  • Decorate with cut flowers.

Similarly, you can make bouquet mini-fans. The course of work differs only in that the folded accordion, bent in half, is cut along the fold line. So that the fan bouquet does not lose its shape, you should tie a ribbon at the bottom, then stick tulip buds and give it to the addressee!

You can find on the Internet and in print media a huge number of options for making this item from various materials and in a variety of techniques. We wish you inspiration and creativity in the implementation of all ideas!

The fan came into use in Europe from Japan. Also, it was widely used in China and India. Its owners were not only women, but also men. It symbolized wealth, power, strength and power. Currently, this attribute has lost its old purpose.

Using this practical item will help keep you cool on a hot summer day. All fans can be divided into several groups: Chinese, Japanese, European. A large number of species appeared in Japan, where they were made from rice paper and bamboo structures. The Japanese decorated them with landscapes, pictures of domestic and religious subjects.

To make a fan with your own hands at home, you will need a certain set tools and materials:

  • the base is made of bamboo, wooden or plastic sticks;
  • coating - this detail gives the product an aesthetic appearance and creates coolness. For the manufacture of paper, cardboard, fabric or plastic plates are used;
  • universal glue;
  • scissors and means for marking material;
  • decoration material: beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers, ribbons, lace.

How to make a paper fan

This is the most simple do-it-yourself fan making option.

For him you will need:

  • paper 15-20 cm wide and 1 meter long. You can glue several sheets together or use paper wallpaper.
  • two wooden sticks;
  • glue;
  • decoration material.

For the manufacture of necessary fold the paper into an accordion so that the width of the strips does not exceed one centimeter.

Glue wooden sticks to the edges of the sheet so that they protrude approximately 1.5-2 cm.

A folding homemade fabric fan is a little more difficult to make. For him required fabric measuring 4 by 36 centimeters, 12 small wooden sticks, all-purpose glue, screw and nut.

First you need to make holes in each stick, stepping back from the edge of 1.5-2 centimeters. Fold the paper like an accordion.

If fabric is used for manufacturing, then markup should be performed. Glue the sticks near the fold, indenting the width of the stick.

Gallery: do-it-yourself fan (25 photos)

How to make a Japanese fan

Do Japanese a fan with your own hands is easy. This requires origami paper - kami, which the Japanese traditionally use to make various crafts; scissors, glue, string or decorative cord.

How to make a Chinese fan

Fans have long been used in China. They were made from paper, feathers, palm leaves and silk fabric. The first fans were made from feathers. They were attached to a wooden handle. For decoration they used embroidery, calligraphy, various pictures. Craftsmen made them round and oval forms.

It is not difficult to make a simple Chinese fan with your own hands.

  • To do this, you need to cut out a rectangular piece from decorative paper. The length of the part should be five times the width.
  • Fold the paper blank with an accordion, to which stick wooden sticks. You can use disposable medical spatulas, leaving 7 centimeters on each side for the handle.
  • Give the accessory a shape. To do this, stretch the workpiece and connect it on one side, giving it a semicircular shape or open it until a circle is obtained.
  • Next, decorate the finished product.

DIY fan on the wall: master class

The fan can be used for design the interior of the room by placing it on the wall. Currently, it has lost its purpose, but can become an original interior detail. It will harmoniously look in a room decorated in Japanese or Chinese style.

To make a fan on the wall with your own hands, you will need: wooden skewers, fabric or paper, universal koi, sewing supplies.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to determine the size and shape of the product.

Cut out blanks.

Fold the material in the shape of an accordion. The folds can be of arbitrary width. It depends on the imagination and preferences. When using fabric, each fold must be ironed.

Fix the extreme folds with wooden skewers and connect them together with threads.

Then decorate using ribbons, beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers, which can be fixed with a glue gun or universal glue.

According to ancient Chinese teachings, you should not place the attribute with a fan down or sideways, as this disrupts the movement of energy flows.

Can create original composition using several objects of the same or different sizes.

The fan on the wall can be placed next to a Japanese or Chinese style painting.

How to make a fan vale

vale- this is a fan to which a fabric is attached, which effectively develops when performing an oriental dance.

To make a veil with your own hands, you will need a ready-made folding fan with a screen made of dense fabric. Scissors, glue gun or glue, silk cloth.

Before making a vale, you should measure the fabric, adding an additional 2-3 centimeters on each side. It is necessary that the canvas be a little spoke outside of the base. The length of the canvas can be arbitrary from 50 centimeters to two meters.

In hot weather, a fan is an indispensable thing, but it can also be an excellent interior decoration or an original gift. Making a fan with your own hands is not difficult, the necessary materials for its manufacture can be found in almost every home. We offer interesting workshops on making a fan with your own hands.


Materials and tools:

  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • stapler.

Master Class:


Materials and tools:

  • colored paper - 3 sheets of different colors and sizes;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher.

Master Class:

From paper on skewers

Materials and tools:

  • A4 paper - 3 sheets;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • flat skewers - 2 pieces.

Master Class:

From paper on clothespins

From plastic forks

Materials and tools:

  • disposable forks - an odd number (from 19 pieces);
  • wide lace - 1 meter;
  • decorative elements (rhinestones, feathers, satin ribbons);
  • white cardboard;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • CD;
  • cup;
  • Super glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Master Class:

  1. Circle the disk on a sheet of cardboard, cut it out, and divide it exactly in half.

  2. On a sheet of corrugated paper, circle the neck of the glass, cut out the resulting circle and divide it in half in diameter.
  3. Glue a small one to a large semicircle, aligning them along the cut edges.
  4. Insert plastic forks into the holes of corrugated paper until they stop, gluing them to the main semicircle, trying to make the cloves of adjacent forks touch (only an odd number is required).

  5. Glue the second large semicircle on top of the corrugated cardboard on the blank.
  6. Glue a satin ribbon on one end of the fan and twist it between the forks. Continue weaving to the teeth, then fasten the tape at the edge and glue.

  7. Glue a decorative feather on each fork.

  8. Close the attachment point with an openwork tape.

  9. Glue velvet and a ribbon flower onto a cardboard handle.

From fabric

Materials and tools:

  • piece of fabric;
  • thin plywood;
  • thin ribbon;
  • paper;
  • lace ribbon;
  • awl;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • Super glue;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.

Master Class:

  1. Measure and cut 15 strips of plywood measuring 1 by 40 centimeters.

  2. Fold the resulting strips together. Measure 1 centimeter from one edge and pierce all the strips with an awl through and through.

  3. Pull the braid through the holes in the strips and tie tightly. Cut off the excess length of the ribbon.

  4. On a white sheet of paper, lay out the resulting workpiece in an even semicircle, observing the same distance between the strips, and circle it with a pencil.

  5. In a large semicircle, use a compass to make a small semicircle (radius 10-15 centimeters) and cut it out.
  6. Attach the resulting template from a large semicircle to a piece of fabric and cut it out.
  7. Glue the fabric to the strips, starting with the one that is located at the bottom in the folded fan. Glue the fabric to the bottom of the last plate so that the fan closes comfortably.

From feathers

Materials and tools:

  • piece of fabric;
  • cardboard;
  • lace;
  • feathers;
  • simple pencil;
  • compass;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Master Class:

  1. Trim the feathers to the same length and measure the "bare" part of the feather.
  2. Draw a circle on the cardboard, the radius of which is the length of the bare part of the feather. Divide the circle in half.
  3. Cut out 2 identical semicircles from the fabric using a cardboard blank.
  4. On the reverse side of the cardboard blank, glue the feathers one after the other. Glue the second cardboard semicircle on top with the reverse side inward.
  5. Stick pieces of fabric on both cardboard parts.
  6. Glue a strip of lace fabric along the top edge.

From newspaper tubes

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • thin newspaper tubes;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paint can;
  • glue;
  • decorative elements (artificial flowers, lace, satin ribbons, beads, and so on).

Master Class:

  1. Cut out 2 identical blanks from cardboard, as shown in the photo.

  2. Glue newspaper tubes on one of the blanks at the same distance from each other. Glue the second piece of cardboard on top.

  3. Braid the bottom of the fan with newspaper tubes, passing them between the "rods" with a snake.

    Master Class:

    Silk Chinese

    Materials and tools:

    • piece of silk fabric;
    • thin plywood or thick cardboard;
    • ruler;
    • scissors;
    • a bolt with a nut or a rivet (diameter 2-3 mm);
    • fabric glue.

    Master Class:

    1. Following the dimensions in diagram A, cut out the elements of the fan frame from plywood: 13 planks 1 and 2 planks 2.
    2. Put together all the strips, place large ones at the edges. At a distance of 28 millimeters from the bottom of the planks, make a through hole (in diagram A under the number 3) and fasten (diagram E) with a bolt.
    3. Cut out the desired piece of silk from silk, following the dimensions in diagram B.
    4. At the same distance, lay out the strips of the fan according to the size of the fabric.
    5. Paste the left large bar with a cloth completely. On the smaller and on the right large strip, apply glue only to the lower part, which lies on the fabric (cross section in diagram D).


Coming from the depths of centuries, they are quite modern! Folding, solid, paper, fabric, wooden, feather, knitted - ordinary and original - fans have been and remain a relevant and sought-after women's accessory! In this article you will find three workshops on creating fans with your own hands.

paper fan

The fan is the most common paper craft. Making a paper fan is quite simple, but there are some subtleties.

Fold an ordinary sheet of A4 double-sided colored paper in half along the transverse line. Open the sheet, bend each edge to the center line. Open again - there have been three folds.

Bend the edge closest to you to the first marked line - another fold has formed. Expand, bend the same edge to the far (upper) intended line. This is the next fold. Do all these actions with the opposite edge of the sheet.

Open the workpiece, turn it over with the folds up. Bend the edge of the sheet closest to you to the first convex fold.

Grab the first convex fold and bend to the second. Continue to fold the paper like an accordion, grabbing each convex fold and folding it to the next. Bend the last convex fold to the edge of the sheet.

Now fold the resulting accordion in half, before bending one free edge. Bend the harmonica so that the bent edge is inside the bent harmonica (does not go around it from above). Bend the corners of the bent edge - bend the upper corners together down, the lower ones up.

Bend the bent edge with the wrapped corners into the middle of the accordion. Expand the fan and hide the part with bent corners inward. Press the folds well with your fingers. To uncover. Do-it-yourself paper fan is ready!

"Fork" fan

A fan of forks with your own hands is a completely unusual solution!

You will need:

  • Odd number of disposable plastic forks (23-25 ​​pieces).
  • Self-adhesive foam board. Can be replaced with normal.
  • A piece of satin fabric in your favorite color.
  • Elegant lace with a scalloped edge 4 cm wide.
  • Wide transparent lace for decorating the base.
  • A compass (if there is no compass in the house, an ordinary faceted glass and a CD will serve as a substitute), a simple pencil and scissors.
  • Transparent strong glue (“Moment Crystal”) or glue gun.
  • Satin roses of different sizes and rhinestones - for decoration.
  • Two or three satin ribbons of different colors from 1.5 to 3 cm wide (optional).

Fan base

Draw a circle with a radius of 6 cm on self-adhesive foam board with a compass, or outline a CD. Cut out the circle and cut in half.

Remove the backing protecting the adhesive side. Lay each half with the adhesive side on a piece of satin, press, smooth, gluing the fabric well. Trim the fabric along the edge of the cardboard. Lightly melt the edges with a lighter.

Lay wide transparent lace, gluing, over the satin with scallops down, releasing them beyond the straight edge of the semicircle. Turn the vertical edges of the lace inside out, glue.

Draw a circle of smaller diameter on the cardboard - with a radius of 3.5 cm, or outline the top of the glass. Cut out and cut in half.

Turn the large semicircle with the wrong side towards you and stick a small semicircle on it, aligning the centers of the semicircles. The small semicircle will act as a limiter.


Glue the forks to the base with the teeth up - one by one. The rods of the forks should rest against the border of the small semicircle. The tines of the forks must be in contact - the sides of the tines can be immediately glued together.

Advice! The stems of the forks can be completely wrapped with a satin ribbon, gluing it along the way, and melting the ends.

Glue the second cardboard semicircle face up, covering the structure.


Gently thread a colored ribbon 1.1-3 cm wide between the rods of the forks. It is better to start from the bottom, melting the end and grabbing it with glue. At the end, glue the edge of the tape. In the course of the tape, also grab it with droplets of glue.

Then draw a second tape row between the rods. Let each row go in the opposite direction. There can be two or more rows - up to the beginning of the teeth.

Pass wide lace between the prongs of the forks, grabbing it with glue and directing it with scallops upwards. Melt the ends of the lace and glue. To make the frame of the fan more romantic, you can glue another, more airy, transparent lace, laying it in folds.

At the base of each fork, for charm, and to cover the laid folds, it is good to glue an artificial rose. You can stick rhinestones on ribbons and lace, and decorate the base of the fan with roses.

As you can see in the photo, this fan is quite beautiful. Such models can even be used in the wedding decoration of the premises.

Japanese fan

You will need:

  • Paper with a patterned pattern, preferably with a Japanese theme - a sheet about 50-60 centimeters long. In principle, any paper will do, but a product made from special paper purchased at a craft store will look more professional.
  • Glue "Moment Crystal" or glue gun.
  • Scissors, tape.
  • Two flat sticks (possible from Eskimo ice cream).

Step by step process

Carefully, slowly, fold a strip of patterned paper with a dense, uniform accordion in 1-1.5 cm increments. Wrap the lower part of the fan with tape. For reliability, it is better to make several turns. Glue flat sticks to the edges of the fan.

Important! The sticks should rest against the adhesive tape, in no case should they go on it, otherwise the fan will not be able to open.

Expand the finished product - the Japanese fan is ready with your own hands!

Having practiced on these simple models, you can move on to more complicated options - from fabric, feathers, according to the principle of a fan or wall masterpieces!