Dirty questions to ask a girl. Questions a guy can ask a girl

Interesting, funny, popular, unusual, questions about love to communicate with your girlfriend.

For some guys, the initial stage of communication with a girl can turn into real torture. However, if you study the topic of communication with the opposite sex in more detail, then the problem will disappear on its own.

  • The girls are not from another planet. They are just like guys. They are interested in music, read the same books (popular and not very popular, or maybe even prefer the classics), they can be gourmets in food or treat food simply.
  • So what is there to talk about with the fair sex, if the difficulties of the first minutes of acquaintance are already over? From the article you will learn all the options for questions that you can ask the girl you like.

What to ask a girl to interest her?

  • In such a complex science as flirting, sexual interest is not the only component. If a young man manages to interest a lady on an intellectual level, then he will definitely be successful when meeting a girl he likes.
  • We do not suggest carrying around a list of questions and topics that will help start or continue a conversation, just in case.
  • However, it is still worth preparing in advance, coming up with questions, after which the girl will have a sincere smile on her face. Only in this way will a guy, a man be able to leave a good impression about himself, and a girl will enjoy communication with a sincere interlocutor.
  • There are situations when a guy, a man decides to have a first conversation with a girl, but he worries that nothing will come of it: the girl will just get bored during the conversation.
  • But since it is pointless to delay this moment, and the only girl he liked is very close, then you should familiarize yourself with the already existing options for questions and topics for dating.
  • It is likely that the girl will not only be glad to meet you, but is also ready to create a relationship. Why waste time and exercise wit with other representatives of the fair sex? After all, this is how you can lose your love.

What to ask a girl to get her interested

What questions to ask a girl to interest her?

See options below:

  1. How would you react to a guy who is ready to ask you out on a date after two minutes of talking? And after five?
  2. How long have you been invited on a date? Would you like to refresh your memories?
  3. Do you believe that dreams can be prophetic? Last night I saw you in my dream. it was our first date and you looked happy. Do you think this dream will come true?
  4. What do you think: everything that happens to us is an accident or fate? It seems to me that in life nothing happens just like that, and our meeting with you is not a coincidence.
  5. According to my horoscope today I will have a romantic adventure. What do astrologers promise you for today? Maybe the stars aligned?
  6. I want to know how to invite you for coffee? Won't you tell?
  7. There are a lot of ones in your phone number, but what about twos? And what numbers does the whole number consist of?
  8. Do you have hobbies or are you just looking for something interesting? How can I become your passion?
  9. You know, I have always considered myself a worthy photographer, do you want to be my photo model?
  10. Is your computer working well? I'm a master at reinstalling systems, didn't you know?
  11. What would you like to receive as a gift? What can make you happy?
  12. How do you feel about active rest? Let's take a break together?
  13. Have you already thought about how to spend this evening? I can give you a couple of ideas.
  14. What are your plans for the next evening, week, life?
  15. Girl, don't you need a very interesting and gentle interlocutor?
  16. How long have I been waiting for you just to ask how you're doing? Forever!
  17. Have you got a dream? Do you want me to give it to you?
  18. Do you often do crazy things? Maybe we can fool around?
  19. You are happy? Otherwise, I can give you happiness.

What questions to ask a girl to interest her

To arouse interest in a girl during correspondence by mail, on a social network, it is absolutely not necessary to follow the advice of acquaintances or friends. Everything is individual, and your pen girlfriend may not like the topics and questions suggested by your well-wishers.

Interesting and popular questions for communicating with your girlfriend you like: a list

  • A guy can make a good impression on a girl he likes if elementary compliments “slip” in the letters.
  • You can emphasize her appearance (if you had the opportunity to meet in real life), you can express your admiration for what the girl is doing.
  • When the compliment is delicately placed in the text, it’s worth moving on to another point: find out how her day went, what the girl’s mood is and whether there is a desire to get to know you, if you haven’t already done so.
  • All this should be “submitted” to such in the form of ordinary communication, excluding any selfish goals. Thus, you will immediately show your interlocutor that you are ready for further communication and a serious relationship.
  • A girl can get a lot of letters during the day in which guys offer her an acquaintance, and you need to show that you think not only about your needs, but also share her way of thinking.

Interesting and popular questions for communicating with your girlfriend who you like

Topic options for chatting with a girl:

  • Describe a funny story from your own life in which you showed yourself to be brave and resolute, do not leave the topics raised by the girl without additional questions or comments, support her. By this you will show that you are always ready to support her, to be interested in what is happening to her.
  • If you start dating a girl on a dating site, on a social network, then the girl will make her first impression of you after she looks at your profile.
  • It is important that it is well-written. Pay attention to choosing the right photo. If your archive contains only old photographs in which you do not look like yourself, then it is worth making new ones.
  • If you haven't started chatting with a girl yet, but you really like her, then take the first step: add her as a friend. After that, you can comment on her photo or post and ask how I'm doing.
  • Do not rush to propose to meet. You need to wait until your interlocutor herself begins to answer you and ask questions. Perhaps an offer of acquaintance will not be needed, and your communication will gradually help to get to know each other better.

Interesting questions:

  1. Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
  2. Do you have any collection. Well, fish, for example, or someone else?
  3. Do you have pets? The name of? What do you feed?
  4. Have you been anywhere at sea? What are the feelings, what did you like the most?
  5. What kind of music do you like the most? Do you listen often?
  6. What was your brightest moment in your life?
  7. Can you cook? And what works best?
  8. Can you play anything? (for a long time? what do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?
  9. Do you love sunbathing? Topless?
  10. Do you remember your first love? Kindergarten or elementary school?
  11. Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
  12. What is your favourite season of year? And what do you like the most about it?

Interesting and popular questions for communicating with your girlfriend

Cool and unusual questions for communicating with your girlfriend who you like: a list

If you are determined to cheer up the girl, then you will need all the stock of wit and eloquence.

The list of questions below will help diversify the conversation:

  1. If I call for help, will you come?
  2. Do you go to the solarium?
  3. You seem to be in the Guinness Book of Records as the most beautiful girl. This is true?
  4. Where and with whom will you celebrate the new year?
  5. Where so tanned, like a chocolate bar?
  6. Let's do it now! Ready?
  7. How do you feel about a nude beach?
  8. What song would you choose to describe your life?
  9. Do you want to learn any foreign language?
  10. What course are you on?
  11. Have you ever skydived?
  12. You watch TV?
  13. Do you want me to say in all languages ​​of the world how beautiful you are?
  14. What is your favorite flower?
  15. Do you love money?
  16. Where is the nofelet?
  17. What is your favorite dish?
  18. What do you dream about at night?
  19. Am I sexy?
  20. Are you a confident person?
  21. Have you ever won strip cards?
  22. What do you call your intimate places?

Cool and unusual questions to communicate with your girlfriend, who likes

Questions about love to communicate with your favorite girl who likes: a list

If the topic of your communication with a girl is romance and love, then ask the following questions:

  1. Do you fall in love often?
  2. You are romantic?
  3. How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
  4. Have you ever had an all night date?
  5. What do you think is the toughest competition? Male or female? Why?
  6. Did you have competitors? Were they alive?
  7. What do you like more, giving compliments or receiving them?
  8. What do you consider worthy of a compliment? Well, except for a beautiful, intriguing look, of course.

Questions about love to communicate with the girl you like

100 best questions for a girl when meeting, communicating, in correspondence in social networks, on a first date, at work

In this section you will find the most popular and original questions for a girl that will help you start a closer communication.

  1. What were you like as a child? Hooligan or calm girl?
  2. Do you like to dream? What are you dreaming about?
  3. What made you laugh the most in the past week/month?
  4. You are a creative person? Why do you think so? If so, what is your muse?
  5. What do you choose: Spontaneity or stability?
  6. Do you like to receive gifts, or is it more pleasant to give them?
  7. What sound do you like? The sound of a burning fireplace in the house, or maybe the sound of nature in the forest?
  8. How collected do you consider yourself? Is your apartment a mess?
  9. Do you believe in zodiac signs? What is yours?
  10. Series that you like to watch?
  11. Doing sports? What? How often?
  12. Do you believe in true love? Why?
  13. What movie can you watch over and over again?
    Have a sister or brother?
  14. Like to dance? Why? What dances do you like?
    Do you regret anything in your life?
  15. How many languages ​​do you know? What else would you like to learn? Why?
  16. Do you think it would be romantic to make love by the sea?
  17. Teach you how to barbecue?
  18. Do you want to stay so young and beautiful forever?
  19. Do you promise never to lie to each other?
  20. What is your usual mood in the morning?
  21. Do you want to learn how to dance tango (flamenco, cha cha cha)?
  22. Would you like to be famous?
  23. How can we do without each other?
  24. Have you ever wanted to enter a monastery?
  25. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your inadequacy?
  26. Have you ever held a weapon in your hands?
  27. Did you go to school?
  28. What is missing in your life?
  29. Did you hear that I left my ex for you?
  30. Your Windows does not mow? And then I could reinstall it for you, for free.
  31. If I were edible, what would you eat from me?
  32. If you were given a free plane ticket, where would you fly?
  33. Nobody offends you?
  34. What is your favourite season of year?
  35. Today I guessed on a camomile (loves, does not love). And guess what happened?

See the video for more questions.


How to ask a girl for a phone number beautifully?

  • If you like a girl, it will be better if you can find out her phone number. Only you need to do this not through the acquaintances of your sweetheart, but it is better to try so that she herself dictates it to you.
  • Ask unobtrusive and positive questions during a conversation, following all the rules of “successful flirting”.
  1. Girl, I lost your phone number and this is the worst thing that ever happened to me. Can you help me remember it?
  2. Girl, if I had your phone number, I would probably be the happiest! Won't you make me happy?
  3. You know, today is my birthday and you can give me the best gift in my life - your phone number.
  4. I know it's not original, but I'm so impressed with you that I don't want to miss the opportunity to get to know you. Will you leave me your phone number?
  5. Girl, I'm ready to agree that you give me the full phone number, forgetting to name one number. And then I'll prove that I can get through to you. Will you make me happy?
  6. To be happy, I only need two things: your name and phone number. Will you help me be happy?
  7. It's a pity we don't have mutual friends. I would definitely get your phone number, and now I just have to beg you to give it to me.
  8. If I had one wish that could come true, it would be your phone number. Do you know where to find the nearest Magic Genie?

How to ask a girl for a phone number beautifully?

How to determine, ask: does a girl have a boyfriend?

  • If you like a girl and you dream of starting dating her, then it is better to make sure at the very beginning of the relationship that she is free.
  • When asking questions about a past love, you should be sensitive and not make negative comments about the man whom the girl loved. By doing this, you will only show your faux pas or "frighten" her.

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if such a woman is single or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. You most likely have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to settle in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? And then, I have a feeling that there already is, and it's definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It's just important for me to know if I will have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to beat you off the guy?
  11. Girl, do you need a boyfriend? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I'm ready to forget that you're married.
  13. I really want to become your soulmate so much that it’s not even interesting whether your heart is busy or not. I hope you're free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and what the "ex" guy could not give you?

How to determine, ask if a girl has a boyfriend

How beautiful and correct to ask a girl's age?

  • Not all ladies like to say their date of birth. Most prefer that others do not know about it or think that they are forever 25 or 30.
  • If you decide to find out how old your sweetheart is, then you need to do this very carefully and delicately, otherwise you risk hurting her feelings.

Here's what you can ask a girl to get an idea of ​​her age:

  1. Are you old enough to return my kisses?
  2. You look so confident and beautiful that it seems to me that you are older than me, isn't that true?
  3. Can you tell me how old you are in my ear?
  4. If you were brave, would you admit how old you are?
  5. You look so good, so fresh and young, I can't even tell how old you are. Do you confess?
  6. I know it's tactless, but you definitely don't have to worry about it. How old are you?
  7. How old are you? Don't be shy, I just want to know how many more years we can spend with you together.
  8. I'm embarrassed to ask how old you are, but I want to know: are you perfect for me or should I deviate from the ideal?
  9. If you don't tell me how old you are, I'll have to pet you for a very long time. Do you want this?
  10. How old are you? If you don't want to talk, at least hint. I believe your every word.

How beautiful and correct to ask a girl's age

What questions can you ask a girl to get to know her better, closer?

By asking simple questions to a girl, you can not only get to know her better, but also find out a lot of useful information for yourself: what your sweetheart likes, what her character is, how she builds relationships with others.

  1. Can you tell me something interesting about yourself?
  2. Tell me, what kind of girl were you as a child: obedient or mischievous?
  3. Try to surprise me with some fact from your personal life. Got something to brag about?
  4. Admit it, you are still that girl, are there any interesting stories from life?
  5. I am sure that you have had a lot of adventures in your life that you are not ready to tell everyone about. But, do you dare me?
  6. You are so interesting! What do other people say about you?
  7. Do you think you have a funny story from your personal life?

What questions can you ask a girl to get to know her better, closer

How to ask a girl: do you like me?

Question options:

  1. Do you like me? After all, I really like you.
  2. I feel like falling in love with you, do you like it?
  3. I can't stop thinking about you, I hope you like me too?
  4. Hope you feel the same as me
  5. How I like you! Goosebumps! Does this happen to you?
  6. I can't stop thinking about you, what do you think?
  7. You are not only in my heart, but also in my head. Don't you feel the same?
  8. What do you think I want to hear the most right now? The answer is simple, I want to know that you like me.
  9. I tried so hard to please you, I hope I succeeded?
  10. What else do I need to do to please you?
  11. I'm willing to do anything to earn your sympathy, have I done it yet?
  12. I want to please you and be the subject of your sympathy. Is it possible?
  13. How much you attract me, I guess I don't attract you that much?
  14. Who do you think you like more: me or you?
    15. Do you know what I dream about? - You like it!

Video: How and what to talk about with a girl on a date?

An important stage of a romantic relationship is the study of a partner, finding a common language with him. To avoid awkward pauses, prepare ahead of time. In this article, you will find interesting questions.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, in VK, when meeting, on the phone, talking, on a first date: a list

Guys get excited when meeting a spectacular girl. This is caused by inexperience and ignorance of what to tell about yourself when meeting. A list with prepared questions will come to the rescue.

Be sure to listen to the answers to them:

  1. Do you have a strong emotional connection with your family?
  2. Can you call yourself a skilled cook?
  3. What kind of rest do you like: energetic or passive?
  4. What do you want to achieve on the path of life?
  5. Are you a music lover?
  6. What musical artists do you like?
  7. Are you more important family happiness or a successful career?
  8. How often have you cheated in relationships with guys?
  9. What did you fantasize about at an early age?
  10. What brings you pleasure?
  11. What are your favorite leisure activities?
  12. what kind of weather do you like?
  13. Girl, can I be your friend?

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Meeting questions:

  1. Are you capable of crazy things?
  2. If you have the last hour of your life left, how will you spend it?
  3. What will make you forget about everything in the world?
  4. Suddenly you have a million dollars, what will you do with this amount?
  5. Would you like to get identical tattoos?
  6. Are you superstitious?
  7. Are you a skeptic by nature or do you believe in the paranormal?

How to find out the age of a girl you like?

Age is a delicate topic for the female gender, so you should learn about it carefully:

  1. You are so young and fresh that I find it difficult to guess your age. Whisper in your ear?
  2. Sorry for the awkward question, but I want to know how long we can live together. How old are you?
  3. A tactless question, but how old are you?
  4. What is your date of birth? Just hint, I will be glad to any word.
  5. Are you old enough to accept intimate courtship?

How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend?

Before flirting, make sure that the lovely lady is free and not in a relationship:

  1. Girl, could you leave the guy and run away?
  2. I hope the heart of such a beauty is still free?
  3. You think I can get you off your boyfriend?
  4. Does your young man let one such beauty go for a walk?
  5. I liked you so much that I'm even ready to forget that you're married.

How to ask a girl if she likes me?

If you already have feelings for a girl, it doesn't hurt to find out if they are mutual.

Asking a question directly is not worth it, so as not to frighten her with pressure.

Possible questions:

  1. You live in the heart and thoughts. Can't you feel it?
  2. I'm crazy about you, can I expect sympathy?
  3. Do you know what I would like to hear now? that you like me.
  4. Have you had a similar experience: do you think about a person all the time and want to spend all the time with him?

How to ask a girl for her phone number?

A great chance to start communication and acquaintance is to ask the lady you like for her phone number.

To make everything go well, unobtrusive cute questions will help:

  1. Now Aladdin's lamp and only one wish, I would guess your phone number.
  2. I'm sure the question is extremely banal, can I get your phone number?
  3. If I get your phone number, I'll be just happy!
  4. Girl, can I immediately write down your phone number “beloved”?
  5. Today is my birthday. Your gift is a phone number.

How to ask a girl how many boyfriends she had?

At the initial stage of a relationship, a rare girl will want to talk about the number of her exes. Therefore, ask about it only after the emergence of trust and intimacy between you.

Question options:

  1. Admit it, how many men before me have you broken hearts?
  2. I'm sure you've been successful with men. Did you have many?
  3. I want to talk about a personal topic. How many men have you dated, and I'll tell you about myself.
  4. I understand that you are not the only man. How many were there before me?
  5. I want to know how many men you had? Don't worry, I won't be offended.

How to originally ask a girl “how are you”, “how are you”?

Many guys start a conversation with the proverbial “how are you”. Educated ladies answer such questions, although it does not arouse their interest.

Intrigue the lady by making a banal question original:

  1. Tell me urgently, how are you?
  2. We haven't seen each other for so long that I was worried all the time, how is my sweetheart?
  3. What interesting things are happening with the mistress of my heart?
  4. I miss you and want to know how my princess is doing!
  5. Well, how is it?

What's cool to ask a girl?

Girls love to flirt with funny guys.

Therefore, defuse the situation more often and ask her cool questions:

  1. Today I was told a meeting with a beautiful stranger. Isn't that you by any chance?
  2. I think I saw you somewhere. I remembered in my dream!
  3. Girl, are you looking for me here?
  4. I'm going to the flower shop here. Which one do you like better?
  5. Don't you miss me here, beauty?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

When relationships go far, young people tend to know as much information about each other as possible.

Asking the right questions will help you get to know your partner better:

  1. What were you like as a teenager: a good boy or a wild child?
  2. Are you more of a leader or follower by nature?
  3. How many kids would you like to have?
  4. Do you care about other people's opinions?
  5. What is the most exciting adventure of your life?
  6. Do you dream about the future before bed?
  7. What things turn you on?
  8. Do you recognize feelings at first sight?
  9. Do you like TV or books more?
  10. Did you often leave home for the whole night?
  11. How do you see your old age?
  12. How do you see life in many years?
  13. Have you forgiven loved ones betrayal?
  14. Do you like order or creative chaos?
  15. Who is your ideal woman and man?
  16. What are you willing to do for big money?

Related video:

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Guy questions. What questions can you ask a guy? To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know the guy better. What to ask him? What questions should these be?

Dating is a fun thing, but at some point, you may think about relationships for more long term. And you're thinking about how to really get to know your partner... And there are some topics you definitely need to cover. What questions can you ask a guy? What to ask him?

Dating is always fun and exciting, but when it comes to relationships, everything can change.

To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know your partner better. And, of course, you have to ask some questions.

There are some basic points that you should definitely talk about before starting a relationship. For each question and answer is certainly individual. But it is not always possible to form them immediately. So this list might come in handy for you.

Also, guys, if you're reading this! Definitely, when you answer these questions in writing and provide them to your girlfriend's father, he will allow you to date her! 😉

This list does not include easier questions, but they are also written at the end of the article.

Questions are collected in random order, combined into groups. Some may seem stupid, choose for yourself what suits whom ...

What questions can you ask a guy to get to know him better? 100 possible options.

General questions for a guy

  1. How do you see your future? What will you be doing in 5 years? After 10 years?
  2. What is your most important goal in life?
  3. Yours? Or favorite author?
  4. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  5. What are your 3 biggest weaknesses?
  6. Do you have an experience that has influenced your life? If yes, what was the experience like?
  7. Have you had to make difficult decisions that would have made your life worse?
  8. Are there people you don't like? Are there people who don't like you?
  9. Do you have set goals for the future?
  10. How do you understand the phrase - there is no smoke without fire?
  11. Do you have an idol or a person that you respect a lot? Who is he?
  12. What's the most?
  13. What question would you like to ask me?
  14. How do you feel about politics?
  15. What is your favorite movie?
  16. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
  17. What is your favorite song? What music brings joy to your heart?
  18. What are you into? Do you have a hobby or favorite activity?
  19. What do you like more watching movies or reading books?
  20. Do you like to dance? Have you ever attended dance lessons?
  21. What famous person (celebrity) would you like to meet in person?
  22. If you could time travel, who would you meet and what would you do?

Boy and girl

What questions can you ask a guy: about relationships

  1. What is the most romantic place for a couple?
  2. Can you remember any awkward moment in a relationship?
  3. Have you ever been bored in a relationship?
  4. What kind of vacation do you prefer? Do you like spending time with your family?
  5. Do you mind if I have some feelings for my exes? (If you really have them...)
  6. How do you imagine emotional intimacy?
  7. What would you do to impress someone on a first date?
  8. Do you think it's embarrassing to be a virgin? Or does it deserve respect?
  9. What was your best intimate experience? What was in the foreground emotions, feelings or physical contact?
  10. Do you think it is possible to enjoy a relationship without sex? What role do emotions play for you?
  11. Do you have feelings for your ex?
  12. How long was your last relationship?
  13. Do you regret this relationship?
  14. How do you feel about non-traditional sexual orientation?
  15. Can the past affect relationships?
  16. Have you been in a one night stand? If yes, do you regret it?
  17. What do you think about infidelity and cheating in relationships?
  18. Do you believe love at first sight?
  19. What are you looking for in a relationship?
  20. Have you ever had a long term relationship experience?
  21. What caused the breakup in your previous relationship? (if they were)
  22. Do you keep in touch with your exes?
  23. What's the craziest thing you've done with someone?
  24. Tell me about your first kiss. What was he like?

What questions can you ask a guy: about faith

  1. Are you a believer? What do you believe in?
  2. What event in life was the most emotional for you?
  3. What do you listen to more? To the voice of reason or heart?
  4. Do you often make decisions based solely on your intuition?
  5. Do you think that there is a higher power that controls the cosmos?
  6. How do you feel about other religions?
  7. Do you believe in kindred spirits?

Difficult questions for a guy

  1. Have you ever used drugs?
  2. What is the strangest thing about you?
  3. Have you ever been so angry in your life that you wanted to literally kill someone?

What questions can you ask a guy: about work, habits, life

  1. Do you have good or bad habits? How do you think ?
  2. What do you think it should consist of?
  3. What do you think ideal parents should be?
  4. Do you like pets? Do you have pets at home? Wouldn't you like to have one?
  5. If your parents don't like me, will that be a good reason to end the relationship?
  6. What is your dream job?
  7. Do you like your current job?
  8. Have you been in trouble with the law?
  9. If work is bad for relationships, what will you do?
  10. What do you regret in your life?
  11. Describe your ideal weekend
  12. If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  13. What personal qualities are you proud of?
  14. What is the most courageous thing you have done in your life?
  15. If you could change something in your life, what would it be?
  16. What is the most amazing discovery you have made in your life?
  17. What is your life credo? Who would you risk your life for?

romance, love

Other questions to ask a guy...

  1. Do you have a favorite fictional character? If yes, then who is he?
  2. At what earliest age do you remember yourself? What are these memories?
  3. What do you like most about yourself? And in me?
  4. How will your friends feel about us spending more time with you?
  5. If you could choose your super ability? What was that?
  6. Was there a person in your life who would have a very strong influence on you? If yes, then who is it? How have you changed?
  7. Is there a movie that you can watch an infinite number of times?
  8. What would you like to change in yourself? Physically? Or change character?
  9. What is the best advice you have received in your life?
  10. Do you want to have children?
  11. What qualities do you especially aim for in women?
  12. If you could go somewhere now, where would you go?
  13. What is the best thing about family relationships?
  14. Tell us your favorite memory related to your family?
  15. Name three qualities you like about me?
  16. What do you expect from me in our relationship? Would you like me to change?
  17. What should I do to make you think I'm a bad person?
  18. What will you do if there is a power outage throughout the city for three days?
  19. Do you like shopping?
  20. Where do you like to go on dates?
  21. How long can you go without communication?
  22. How do you feel about open relationships? For or against?
  23. Have you ever thought about adopting a child?
  24. What is more important to you, money or relationships? What would you choose if you had the opportunity to make money but lose love?
  25. What are you passionate about? What are you very passionate about?
  26. Can long distance relationships exist?
  27. What do you think about spending the rest of your life with one partner?

Here we come to the end of the list of 100 questions. This list, I think, could go on and on. If you also know interesting questions, leave them in the comments, and they will be added for sure =)

One hundred questions turned out to be not very simple, below is another list of questions, but a little simpler ...

12 extra questions to ask a guy!

  1. How did you spend yesterday or today?
  2. How were you feeling? Or how are you feeling today?
  3. Do you have plans for tomorrow? (suggest something)
  4. What time do you usually wake up?
  5. Where do you usually spend your evenings? Who are you playing with? What are you doing?
  6. How would you spend a million dollars if you suddenly got an inheritance?
  7. What can make you cry? Have you ever cried?
  8. Do you believe in horoscopes? And in divination? Who's your sign?
  9. Do you like traveling?
  10. How do you feel about parties?
  11. Do you fall in love often? Is it possible to love two people at once? Has this happened to you?
  12. Do you dream often? What do you dream about?

Video about our planet:

We welcome our readers! Today we will discuss what questions to ask a girl in order to get to know her better when meeting? Questions that girls can be asked should be original, funny, about life, love and relationships are also interesting. Moreover, the girl likes not only cool, funny, but also smart questions, then the guy will be able to interest her.

Therefore, we thought a lot, researched and compiled a list of such questions that help a guy not only get to know the girl he likes, but also understand what she is like. Therefore, he can only get acquainted with this list of questions, ask them and listen carefully to the answers of the girls, drawing certain conclusions for himself.

  1. What is your opinion, how do men relate to women's whims and discontent? Should a girl be naughty to make a guy give in?
  2. Do you like smoking men? How do you feel about women who smoke?
  3. In your opinion, does a smoking woman look attractive to a man or not? Why do girls try to dress beautifully, elegantly and smoke at the same time?
  4. What, first of all, should a woman rely on: heart, mind or feelings?
  5. What is your attitude towards a man who does not tolerate objections or disagreement of a woman with his opinion?
  6. Are you worried about what guys or girls think about your hair, figure, clothes, style or mannerisms?
  7. Do you consider a question to a girl about her age to be indecent, in bad taste or a normal question?
  8. In your opinion, what makes you different from other women, what is your best feature?
  9. How does a girl understand what a guy / man needs, and how to show it to him correctly?
  10. What are the most important qualities for a woman? Should she also earn?
  11. Would you agree with such an opinion (mainly male) that the majority of women who smoke are prostitutes? Suppose your boyfriend offers you a cigarette, will you smoke to please him?
  12. Why does a girl often prefer a bad guy to a good one?
  13. Can you name the best age for marriage?
  14. What kind of guys are most often avoided by girls?
  15. Does a big age difference with a man matter to a woman? What is the best age ratio?
  16. What clothes, hairstyles that men wear, do you like the most, what do you hate?
  17. Do you consider yourself a jealous woman? What step are you ready to take out of jealousy?
  18. What are girls afraid of when meeting a guy or on a first date? (We recommend reading)
  19. What is the best thing for a guy to talk about with an unfamiliar girl in order to get to know and like her?
  20. What at first you can not ask the girls, wanting to develop relationships with them?
  21. What's the creepiest, creepiest movie you've ever seen? It was creepy and scary, then why did you watch it?
  22. Will you agree not to sleep for several days, just to look after a sick, stranger?
  23. Why would you break up with your boyfriend?
  24. What character traits do you dislike in men? Would you be able to put up with them if your boyfriend had them?
  25. if he wants to leave?
  26. Have you ever tried base jumping, bungee jumping (bungee jumping) or other extreme sports?

Funny questions for girls

  • Can you believe a chronic liar who admits that he is lying?
  • I think I lost my number, can I get yours?
  • What is your opinion: are tea company employees allowed to take coffee breaks?
  • Chameleon in the fun room, what color will it be?
  • Why is it said that a person with sound, deep sleep "sleep like a baby" when children wake up every two hours?
  • What is the difference between normal and fantastic ketchup?
  • If laughter is the best medicine, then why do people say "died of laughter" while watching this comedy?
  • Does a bald man working as a restaurant chef need to wear a chef's hat?
  • If there is a speed of sound and light, then why is there no speed of smell?
  • Is it appropriate to say "good funeral" at a funeral?
  • Why do people press harder on the remote control when they know the batteries are dead?
  • If the whole world is a theater, then where do the audience sit?
  • Can you wipe your "goats" at a party under the sofa until the owner sees?
  • One wish of yours has come true, I'm already here, what are your remaining two wishes?
  • Fish suffer from thirst in the pan?

Romantic questions for girls

  1. What is your most cherished romantic dream?
  2. What's your idea for the perfect date?
  3. Where would you like to spend your honeymoon? How do you imagine him?
  4. How romantic would you like to spend your next family weekend?
  5. What romantic place do you like best, where do you want to live?

Original questions for a girl

  • Can you fake someone's accent, voice? Suppose you had such an opportunity for one day, whose voice would you fake and for what?
  • A guy dating a girl has the right to demand that she report what she carries in her purse, what contacts are on the phone, sms? Does he have the right to check them without her knowledge? Would you show the contents of your purse to your boyfriend?
  • What type of rest suits you best: 1) lie on the couch and watch TV; 2) chat in social networks; 3) sleep all day; 4) engage in your favorite hobby or cooking; 5) spend time in nature or ?
  • Suppose you were asked to write a book about your life, what would you call it and what genre would it be?
  • If you are offered a job with a big salary, but on one condition: you work locked up for a whole year, far from home, without talking to anyone at all - will you agree to such a job?

  • Imagine, you have the only opportunity to influence any man so that he offers you marriage, who would you like to influence?
  • Is gifts more important for a woman, or is it more important to know what people who give gifts think of her?
  • Could you make a “trick” to your rival in the fight for the attention of a man?
  • Would you turn to the "grandmothers" to make a love spell, damage to a rival or a man?
  • How would you describe me to your family?
  • What is your attitude to the opinion “if it beats, then it loves”? Forgive a guy if he hits you?

Questions for girls about life

  1. What is the most important thing in life you want to do?
  2. Do you think school, university, college will be useful to you in life? What subjects are needed for real life?
  3. What is your idea of ​​your future home?
  4. What are your hobbies? Should a girl or a guy be addicted to something in his life?
  5. Can you name the most embarrassing moment of your life?
  6. Where would you like to see yourself in 10/20/30 years?
  7. Can you give up your career to become a mother and a housewife?
  8. How can a girl achieve success in life?

Questions for girls about love

  1. Tell me, is love at first sight an invention of directors or does it exist? Who do you think has this kind of love most often: guys or girls? (Find out which one you missed?)
  2. What usually reminds a girl of a guy's love for her?
  3. Have you ever had strong feelings for a guy, been in love with someone?
  4. When did you first realize that you were in love?
  5. What will you answer to curious girlfriends who ask at what stage is your relationship with a young man?
  6. What do you think from the opposite sex and how often?
  7. What compromises are you willing to make to save the relationship?
  8. What do you think about early relationships, kisses? At what age should girls date?
  9. What are you most afraid of in love and relationships?
  10. What is required of a man to make his woman feel special, loved?

Smart questions for girls

  • Agree with the opinion that alcohol or drugs soothe depression or grief, especially after
  • Can you pray, who do you pray for? Can prayer help you?
  • Over the past year, what are the most important three events that have taken place in the world, the country, your life?
  • Is the erudition of a man important for a woman? Does she herself need to be erudite in order to attract a good life partner?
  • What is your attitude towards alcohol? What is your favorite alcoholic drink? How much can a girl drink? Is there any danger for a girl drinking at a party?
  • What does it look like in your mind? What is required for this from a man or a woman?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer? Faith can influence your choice of life partner? Could you connect your life with a man of a different faith?
  • What inspires you to do the things you hate: work, study?

Cool questions for girls

  • Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend for the same guy? If because of the guy you find yourself with your girlfriend rivals, what will you do?
  • Would you go to a nude beach for sunbathing?
  • What is your opinion, who “washes the bones” of others more - guys or girls?
  • What is your attitude towards gossip? Would you be able to spread gossip to get revenge on your friend, boyfriend?
  • Do you know how to restrain yourself when you are “gotten” or you wrap up a “strong word”?
  • What funny things to other people won't make you laugh?
  • Is it for a relationship or is it optional?
  • Do you have a normal boss at work? Would you like to take revenge on him and how?
  • Ever "went crazy" from a kiss, felt that he turned your head?
  • How would you like to spend the last week of your life?
  • Waking up one day and realizing that you can read the minds of people whose thoughts you would like to read?
  • Suppose a year of your life is worth a million, how many years would you be willing to sell?
  • They say flattery opens any door: do you understand when you are being flattered? Do you like it?
  • Do you prefer exotic dishes in five-star hotels or an amazingly delicious fruit pie from a nearby diner?
  • What is your attitude towards a guy suffering from excessive hairiness: can this affect the relationship?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream of: expensive, unusual, romantic?
  • What gifts do you like the most: practical, expensive, romantic or unexpected? (By the way, we recommend that you find out by clicking on the link of the article).
  • Suppose the guy you like rejected your love, what would you do if you wanted to keep him?
  • Would you agree to marry a beggar, but a man who truly loves you?
  • How would you react if your husband on weekends will leave several times a month with friends for a bath, fishing or going to play football?


Exploring the expanses of Runet on this topic, we came to the conclusion that men are most often interested in what questions to ask a girl? After all, different situations require different types of questions. This is exactly what we have provided in the sections of this article.

Thoughtful questions are key not only to get to know a girl, but also to get to know her better, for example, what kind of wife she will be. If they are interesting, funny, sometimes even funny and smart, they help not only to eliminate pauses in communication, but also give the guys the initiative and an advantage over others in order to please the girl.

Sincerely, Andronic Oleg, Elena!

Many young people have difficulties when they first meet a girl they like. Ridiculous phrases paired with meaningless or inappropriate questions lead to a quick end to the conversation. Let's look at what questions you can ask a girl, and which ones you shouldn't.

If we talk about the first date, during the preparation, the guys play various scenarios in their heads, mentally starting a conversation in order to interest the young lady. But when the cherished moment comes, the planned phrases, along with smart thoughts, instantly disappear, and chaos is created in the head.

Every guy strives to avoid pauses by communicating with a girl live, by phone or via the Internet. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the material, which contains the most interesting questions for a girl.

Each conversation is unique in its own way, you can’t argue with that. I do not urge you to copy the above questions, use them as a guide when communicating. They will help to make the conversation entertaining, to demonstrate humor, resourcefulness and sympathy to the girl she likes. At the same time, you will learn about the life views, goals and hobbies of the chosen one. But before you ask a girl the first question, listen to the following recommendations.

  • Ask simple, easy-to-understand questions. The use of abstruse phrases will lead to the disappearance of the interlocutor's desire to answer or communicate.
  • Don't overdo it with the number of questions. After hearing the answer, develop the topic and be sure to share your opinion.
  • Be smart. Ask questions that provoke detailed answers. These, along with a few clarifications, will keep the conversation going.
  • Ask questions that are interesting to answer. Use the answer to develop further communication.

If you are trying to find a girl, be sure to listen to the recommendations outlined. Together with imagination, they will serve to achieve the goal. If you want to know what exactly to ask in a given situation, continue reading the article.

What questions to ask to get to know a girl better

The soul of a woman is a complex mystery, which is problematic to guess. Asking the right questions plays an important role in achieving the goal. A correctly chosen topic of conversation contributes to a quick transition to a personal wave. And literally in a few minutes the first idea of ​​​​the interlocutor appears, and this is the way to conquer the heart.

There are many sites on the Internet, on the pages of which a huge number of questions are collected. Naturally, it is unrealistic to ask them all during a short conversation. But this is not required. To get to know a girl better, the following questions are enough.

  1. Have you ever done things in your life that you don't want to repeat?
  2. What can make you cry?
  3. What compliments do you find the most pleasant?
  4. What do you think is the best gift in life?
  5. If it was possible to send advice to yourself in the past, what would it be?
  6. What age do you think is the worst?

These simple and harmless questions will help in building a serious and productive conversation, as they contain psychological overtones. After receiving the answers, you will find out the preferences of the interlocutor and her character.

Don't argue and keep your opinion to yourself. Create a calm atmosphere in which she can talk about herself. This is the secret of obtaining detailed and maximally voluminous information.

Video tips

These questions are equally suitable for both real communication and correspondence on the Internet. Over time, learn to independently create questions in your head that correspond to the topic of conversation.

Top best questions for a girl by correspondence in VK

Personal computers, netbooks, tablets and smartphones have become an integral part of the lives of young people. Together with the Internet, they provide girls and boys with access to an immense bank of information and entertainment. Young people also use electronics for dating and communication.

Many people get acquainted on the Internet and eventually transfer communication from VK to real life. But only those who are attentive, interesting, and ask the “right” questions succeed. Read below about what it is better to ask girls during correspondence in VK and other social networks.

  • Like to travel? What's your favorite place?
  • Do you love reading? Do you have favorite writers? What genre of literature do you prefer?
  • What music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite band or artist?
  • Were there funny things in your life?
  • What are you interested in?
  • How do you feel about sports?
  • What season do you like the most and why?
  • What are you striving for in life?
  • Is there a cherished dream?
  • What entertainment venues do you prefer: theaters, cafes, restaurants, bars?

Even if you communicate with a girl online, do not forget about respect. Treat your interlocutor as a person. Be careful with compliments about appearance. Instead, compliment your tastes, accomplishments, or abilities. Always keep a positive attitude, because it is easier and more interesting to communicate with a positive person. Ask about things that interest you and don't repeat yourself.

Good questions when meeting in real life

Sometimes, while meeting a girl, guys notice that during the conversation, the mood of the interlocutor changes. If at first interest was burning in her eyes, now indifference is clearly visible in them. This is the result of mistakes made when meeting.

The list of mistakes that affect the mood of the young lady is extensive, and one of the first places belongs to the “wrong” questions. In this part of the article, I will give two simple rules that will help in building a fruitful conversation.

  1. Even if there are many original questions in your head, do not rush to ask them in a row. The girl will get the impression that she is under interrogation. It is recommended to dilute the questions with interesting stories and comments.
  2. When choosing the next question, be guided by the development of the situation. If you notice that you can’t spark interest, switch to a more serious strategy. If the questions are working, hold your horses back a little to achieve success. This will intrigue the interlocutor.

During the conversation, ask the girl questions, using her story as a guide. If the interlocutor mentioned things that interest you, use this to create another question. Believe me, in any conversation there is something that you are interested in. Yes, and you yourself can start a conversation about hobbies and hobbies. Talking about indifferent things will not lead to success.

Don't forget about banter questions. They will help increase your attractiveness and shake the self-confidence of the interlocutor. But remember that the word hurts no worse than a sharp blade. And interesting questions will bring you closer to the goal faster if you demonstrate charisma and confidence.

To make the conversation with the girl productive, ask more vital, funny, original and interesting questions. Talking about some smart topics will not help to interest the interlocutor. Below we consider ten interesting questions for a girl.

  1. Do you have a feature that distinguishes you from other girls?
  2. What male qualities do you value the most?
  3. Are you concerned about what people around you think about your hair, figure, style, or clothing?
  4. How do you feel about smoking men and women?
  5. What should a woman be guided by when choosing a guy: mind, heart tips, feelings?
  6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  7. What do you want in life?
  8. Do you like tattoos or piercings?
  9. Where would you like to go?
  10. Do you communicate on social networks?

During the conversation, do not ask all of these questions. For everyone, choose the most opportune moment. And remember, if communication doesn't work out, you may not be right for each other. The origin of real feelings has a laid-back character.

Top Questions in Truth or Dare

To play Truth or Dare, you need a small company and a set of cards that contain various tasks or original questions. If the player draws a task card, completes the task subject to the conditions. If the player gets a card with a question, he gives an honest, reasoned answer.

Actions for the game come up with universal ones so that each participant can perform them. As for questions, there are no restrictions on topics. It all depends on what you want to know about the girl. I will give examples.

  1. Do you like extreme?
  2. Is your heart free?
  3. Do you read other people's letters?
  4. Do you often lie?
  5. Like to cook?
  6. How many secrets do you have?
  7. Have you ever done stupid things in your life?
  8. Have a cherished dream?
  9. Are you meddling in other people's business?
  10. Jealous?

As you can see, the questions cover a wide variety of areas. This list is endless. To make the game leave a pleasant impression, connect your imagination and come up with as many interesting questions as possible.

List of dirty questions

There is nothing good in vulgarity, but sometimes it pays off. Its correct use helps to liberate the young lady and kindle feelings in her heart. Girls like guys with "peppercorns", but they won't admit it.

Start small and gradually increase the degree. If you immediately go to the vulgarities, the girl will consider you crazy or preoccupied. But if she was the first to talk about intimacy, do not hold back.

If vulgarity does not contribute to the construction of a normal conversation, immediately end the experiment. Otherwise, the conversation will end prematurely. And do not forget about the sense of proportion. Try not to only talk about bed topics.

  • Have you had sexual contact with a guy?
  • How do you feel about sex?
  • Walk around the apartment naked?
  • Does "size" matter to you?
  • Do you watch adult films?
  • Do you masturbate?
  • Would you like to have a reclining in an extreme place?
  • Do you welcome experiments in sex?

Even if vulgar questions help build a conversation, don't consider yourself the king of vulgarity. In most cases, the young ladies go on the counteroffensive, and the guys have to defend themselves.

I do not advise you to concentrate on vulgarity, because it does not contribute to the creation of relationships. Additionally, vulgar talk is very different from reality. Therefore, pay more attention to real conversation and real actions.

Questions not to ask girls

If the conversation with the young lady goes well, communicate on any topic. But even in this case, do not forget about the limitations. There are questions that are categorically not recommended to ask - the answer can put the interlocutor in an awkward position, remind you of unpleasant events, or spoil your mood.