What is the name of the casual style. What are the styles of clothing

Fashion ... How fickle it is! Last season, square noses were relevant, now they are blunt at the tip, last summer everyone went crazy over the images total black , and this year hot pink and coral will rule the world. Fashion comes and goes over time. And style is something that remains forever, the famous Coco Chanel assured all women of this, whose images do not lose their relevance even now. Being fashionable and being stylish are completely different things. Let's see why.


What does the expression "to be fashionable" mean? Follow the latest news and trends, that's all. And if in the summer the combination of fuchsia and red shades is the most relevant, then fashionistas will definitely dress like that. But can they still be stylish? Will the clothes fit them the way they fit the models? The question should be left rhetorical. This is the main difference between fashion and style. It is worth mentioning that there are a huge number of style decisions. Each girl has her own style, although most often she does not notice it. After all, each item of clothing, one way or another, refers to any of them. This article will discuss the main styles of women's clothing.


Most often, it is preferred by women who work in offices or have some kind of representative position. Although already now this style goes beyond the office walls, for example, some formal wardrobe sets can become evening. This most often applies to black pencil skirts, linen tops, which are very popular now, and pumps. It is these garments that form the basis of the official style.

Most often it is compared with the classic. The feeling of similarity is due to the simplicity of forms, minimalism, lack of bright colors and conciseness. This style is dominated by colors such as white and black and their shades. Now girls also attribute pastel colors to this direction, which, in principle, is justified.Also, the usual prints of the office style are: cage, geometric and vertical stripes, rib. Taboo - feathers, rhinestones, bright colors and other signs of evening dress.

You need to understand that all styles of women's clothing are based on this.


No wonder at the beginning of the article Coco Chanel was mentioned, which literally created a business style (women's clothing), which previously belonged to the men's wardrobe. It was she who first put trousers on a woman. Now they form the basis of the office wardrobe.

  • Do not confuse the styles of women's clothing and use in formal jewelry. It is better to leave them for evening outings. Of course, if we are talking about a linen top, then it just requires a small silver pendant. But otherwise, the best piece of jewelry will be a watch, and nothing else. Minimum details. Color minimum. Minimum items of clothing. These are the three whales on which the whole style rests.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use T-shirts and tops other than the above, otherwise you can become like a girl from the cheerleader team. It is better to limit yourself to a plain blouse or cotton shirt. Do not use heavy textures and fabrics - this will make the image heavier and make a completely unnecessary impression.
  • As for the skirt, the best option would be a pencil style - it will perfectly emphasize what is needed and hide the excess. A pleated skirt will also look good, which has not gone out of fashion for several seasons.
  • Mandatory attribute of this style are tights. It is better to wear black, of course, if light-colored shoes are not taken. In this case, only bodily.
  • When it comes to shoes, black high heels are the best option. Also now, white sneakers with a block sole are gradually entering the office wardrobe, they will look very good with pleated skirts. But in this case, you need to take a voluminous top (for example, a sweatshirt).
  • Trousers. It is better to give preference to shortened models. But then loafers or moccasins would be a great option for shoes. If these are classic pumps, flared trousers will do. Color - mostly black, white trousers will have to be abandoned. Also a good option - gray.
  • Jacket. It is not recommended to buy oversized models for office wardrobe, it is better to buy classics. And leave the first option for the street.
  • Bag. There are no restrictions here. It can be absolutely any style, size and color, a bright bag (for example, fuchsia, coral, yellow) will look very interesting.


The styles are very different, and this one is quite different from the previous one. This direction is quite modern, it became popular in the mid-2000s, and originated in a period of culture change in the 90s. The main signs are a large number of details, jewelry, jeans, leather products, organic colors and textures. Boho is a combination of incongruous. Have you ever seen gypsy camps with their colorful outfits, layering and flowers in their hair? This direction is about the same. Only it can also be “friends” with grunge (high black boots, spikes, oversized style, etc.).

The basis

Women's has several items that are considered basic.

  • Floor skirt. It must be made of either linen, its color is sand or light coral, pastel, it is possible to use a floral print on it. The main thing is the length.
  • Straw hat. This is a mandatory attribute, a wide-brimmed hat is especially valuable.
  • Sandals with a flat sole, necessarily made of genuine leather in light shades. They may well be gladiatorial or have long satin ties, as will be fashionable in the coming season. Espadrilles are also a good option. from jute.
  • Denim jacket or vest, mostly the former. A prerequisite is a light and loose oversized denim.
  • Sunglasses. There are no special restrictions here, because this accessory is quite difficult to pick up: someone wears a teardrop shape, while someone prefers aviators. You won't guess.


It has already been said in the article that this style is very similar to the official one. Of course, the main wardrobe items of a girl who loves this trend will be trouser suits, pencil skirts and the very little black dress that the already mentioned one wrote odes to. Another name for this style is English, because it is quite conservative, and as you know, the birthplace of conservatives - England.

Main features

Undoubtedly, this is rigor, conciseness of forms, the use of pastel and neutral shades and light fabrics. Also, this direction practically does not tolerate the use of unnecessary parts and accessories.

Classic style (women's clothing) never goes out of style. He was andwill always be relevant. Therefore, if the grandmothers preferred it, it's time to rummage through the attics in search of something interesting. There is bound to be something.

Styles of women's clothing are divided into types. So, the classic has two subspecies: official and business. But they are often combined into one.


The origin of this direction is clear. Previously, explorers of the wild savannas or people who went on expeditions dressed like this. That is, already from what has been said, certain features inherent in the style can be distinguished. The main one is comfort and ease of wearing. Otherwise, why wear clothes if they only bring inconvenience? So, let's move on to the features.


  • Light color is everywhere - wardrobe items, accessories, shoes. In this style, only two colors are used: khaki and sand, the rest is just their shades.
  • Flared and breeches made from lightweight fabrics and structures.
  • Use of only organic materials in technology.
  • Animal print, especially for accessories (wooden bracelets, earrings).
  • The use of such an element as "epaulettes" (everyone's favorite trench coats), tucks and folds, the effect of wrinkled fabric.
  • The safari style in women's clothing (photo below) does not deviate from the shirt style and cut. A shirt dress is the main element, the basic thing of the direction.

Men's style

This direction has migrated to the women's wardrobe since the First World War, when the fairer sex had to do hard men's work. Thus, at this point, the styles of women's clothing were replenished with one more.


No, not just trousers, but those that I put on when I took them from my husband. At first, the whole world reacted horribly to this. He considered this trick another madness and bad taste. But after a few decades, all women began to wear this comfortable style, which, although it hides the legs, shows smoothness and ease of movement.

The tuxedo

It would seem that this part of the wardrobe is truly masculine, and it is even unimaginable that a girl can wear it. It turns out, maybe, and it looks very interesting and solid. Especially if it is black tight trousers-pipes and a jacket of a classic, slightly elongated shape. Incidentally, the first person to wearwoman this costume - the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

Biker jacket

The now popular leather jacket was once a purely masculine piece of clothing, which is strange enough to hear now, but the information is correct. Moreover, such a jacket has taken root very tightly in the women's wardrobe and now forms its basis. A biker jacket goes with almost every look.

Men's style in women's clothing is quite popular. What is the oversize model worth, which is now very relevant.

Chicago style of the 30s (women's clothing)

This direction is very well shown in the movie "The Great Gatsby".

Main features:

  • Short skirts and dresses.
  • Low waistline.
  • Bright colors, sequins, sequins, feathers, fur.
  • Open back.
  • Deep neckline.
  • Sandals or shoes, but always on a steady small heel for incendiary dances.
  • Hairstyles with collected curled hair.
  • A large number of accessories, in particular rings and earrings, jewelry on the head, attracting attention.


The article listed the main styles of women's clothing. The photos used in the text make it possible to understand what each of them is. They perfectly demonstrate how rich and diverse the world of fashion is. After reading the article, there should be no questions left about the directions of different times.

Clothing style is the direction of the whole image, the main accents in the ensemble, which give a general idea of ​​​​a person and his personality.

What are the clothing styles?

In the modern world of fashion, the concept of "style" is becoming more and more blurred, expanding the scope and striving for interaction and complementarity. Among the many different styles, there are a number of the most famous, recognizable and popular, whose models now and then flash in the collections of famous designers. So, what are the styles in clothes for women? The site offers a list of photo images to study more carefully in order to choose your own genre in fashion. We will look at styles such as:

And now about each in more detail and with examples.

1. Business dress code for a business lady

Restrained and conservative images are the foundation and unshakable foundation of this style. Contrary to popular belief, business style is not at all boring, as it might seem at first - in fact, it is multifaceted, eloquent and has its own philosophy. This style demonstrates a special professional position, status and relevance to the current situation.

Varieties of business style:

We wrote in more detail about women's business style and how to dress a business woman.

2. Casual - everyday chic

One of the most comfortable, popular and versatile styles in women's clothing. This style successfully combines comfort, attractiveness and functionality. Casual is the everyday style of a big city, combining all the new trends, but at the same time filled with simplicity and accessibility for girls of different social status.

This style is characterized by:

  • denim items (jeans, vests and laconic shirts with rivets);
  • bright scarves around the neck and stoles;
  • original headwear (from youth caps to berets and wide-brimmed hats);
  • various accessories and jewelry - a complete lack of frames, any interesting and bold combinations will be appropriate.

If you like this style, be sure to read. Here we talked in detail about how to dress in the casual genre.

3. Boho is a fabulous unique genre

This is always a feminine, soft and creative style: it is characterized by fantasy images, an abundance of lace and a certain fabulousness of models. Boho style looks are always unusual, colorful and memorable of all clothing styles for women. A list of the main accents with a photo for those who want to settle this genre in their wardrobe:

  • the use of natural materials for clothing and accessories;
  • layered outfits, the use of different textures in one image;
  • abundance and variety of accessories;
  • maxi skirts and dresses;
  • the popularity of flared, volume and high waist.

In general, this style brought to modern fashion:

  • the original silhouette with a high waist (the figure is visually divided by a ratio of 1:6);
  • light, flowing and airy fabrics;
  • open neckline, often with a square neckline.

Although the Empire style is more typical for evening dresses and wedding dresses, in our time it has perfectly adapted to everyday fashion, adding femininity and originality to outfits.

5. Italian style for real fashionistas

Descended from the catwalks of iconic fashion houses and so beloved by Italians, this style has become a special and original phenomenon in the fashion world.

Distinctive features of the style:

  • clear lines and a simple, concise cut;
  • a combination of sensuality, chic and comfort;
  • balance between frankness and vulgarity: despite the playfulness and sexuality of the images of Italian women, the outfits do not cross the line, do not deviate into vulgarity;
  • a variety of accessories: combinations of bijouterie and jewelry, watches.

6. Nautical style in clothes for women

A breath of fresh air, a salty breeze and lightness in the urban jungle. Marine style is able to create a special resort mood and make the image open, bright and cheerful. What are the characteristic features of this genre, we will show in this list with photo options. This:

  • special colors - various shades of white, blue and red;
  • the predominance of monophonic models (without prints and ornaments);
  • privileged place of the horizontal white and blue stripe;
  • accessories and details of a golden hue;
  • simple cut and functionality of models, almost complete rejection of layering.

7. Stylish style - retro at its finest

Look bright, catchy, be liberated and original - these are the main rules of dudes. The images of this style are quite colorful and artsy, but at the same time they do not look tasteless.

The modern style of dudes suggests:

  • fitted dresses that emphasize the merits of the figure;
  • bright patterns, various patterns and peas - as colorful and noticeable color combinations as possible;
  • an abundance of fluffy skirts to the middle of the knee;
  • contrast of the selected color scheme;
  • unusual and voluminous (bracelets, beads, belts and large earrings).

You can read more about this incredibly bright and life-loving genre in clothes.

8. French style for sophisticated ladies

A style that manages to harmoniously combine femininity, classic elements and modern trends.

For this style, the most relevant:

  • classic tight trousers combined with pumps with medium heels;
  • simple cut of dresses and skirts, the presence of asymmetry;
  • almost complete absence of decorations - the French style prefers minimalism and simplicity, lack of an abundance of details;
  • emphasis on selected shoes and a handbag, which are given the main roles in the ensemble;
  • striving for convenience and functionality.

We wrote about it in more detail.

So, now you know what styles in clothes for women are. The list with photo examples, we hope, helped you to understand which one appeals to you. Good luck with your choice!


The modern style of clothing for girls implies an image that allows you to reveal your individuality.

Romantic, club, gothic - choose what you like. Modern clothing style for girls does not oblige to be limited to any one direction. It allows you to be different, depending on the situation and mood. This will allow you to always look appropriate and feel confident.

Modern clothing style for girls - hipsters

hipster style definitely a leader in the circles of urban fashionistas. It is formed due to characteristic specific details, which should not be too much.

Modern hipster clothing style implies vintage things: cropped blazers, , colored shirts. A must-have item in a hipster's wardrobe is skinny or low-rise trousers that definitely need to be tucked up. When choosing shoes, give preference to sneakers, moccasins, sandals with many straps.

Modern styles are convenient in that they do not drive girls into the strict framework of fashion, but, on the contrary, open up scope for imagination and experimentation.

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“A man should look like he bought his clothes wisely, put them on neatly and completely forgot about them”- It is with this quote from Hardy Amis that I would like to begin this article. Today we will talk about style. Some people think of style in a very narrow sense: trousers, a T-shirt, and probably some shoes.

But what is actually commonly understood by this word in the fashion world?

Style is a complex image, a capacious and extensive concept that includes a list of contexts: age, personal preferences, compliance with lifestyle or profession, relevance, functionality.

Let's deal with the concept of style together, so that in the future we will not only identify stylish people on the street or in a shopping center, our goal is to teach you how to apply, or rather, try on, a stylish image for yourself. So, let's begin!

The first association is a strict and expensive suit, isn't it? Indeed, it will be about him. A white or light-colored shirt, a tasteful jacket, perfectly ironed trousers, a stylish tie, and polished men's shoes are the standard. The jacket and trousers should match exactly your size and the structure of your body. A black suit is designed for special occasions, while dark blue and gray are more often worn for business meetings. The accents in the overall classic look are always behind the accessories: belt, cufflinks, watch, scarf (I will talk about this in the next article).

The favorite style of not only teenagers, but also many successful men - it's all about convenience and variety of appearance. There is no such guy in whose wardrobe there would be no sportswear. Sports style is so versatile that with the right combination of things, they can even be worn to work.

Usually, such clothes are good for training, evening walks, youth events. And it's not always a T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants and sneakers, as it might seem at first glance. Nowadays, a huge range of sports items is produced: jackets, windbreakers, down jackets, caps, jeans, wrestling shoes, shirts, sports moccasins, sneakers and much more that can distinguish you from the gray mass. The main thing in this business is to have a taste and see yourself as if from the outside, only then others will appreciate your style.

Casual (casual) style

I think that now a discovery will happen for you that you dress most often in this style. Casual for men has become a common, everyday style for any moment: to college, to work, to a party and even on a date. Men have a lot of questions about casual, so now I will try to answer them. For the first time, the style arose in the middle of the last century, just at the time when the Teddy boys movement existed, whose supporters initially preferred the suit. Now casual wardrobe is formed on the basis of temperament, hobbies, working conditions of its owner. Agree that a creative person will probably wear bright pants, a checkered shirt and tie a matching scarf around his neck, while a guy who is a rock fan is more likely to wear a flashy T-shirt, frayed jeans, chains and stuff like that . But you are unlikely to see an electrician in a classic suit, because his everyday version is overalls. In general, casual style is the most diverse and has no strict framework, it is distinguished by a combination of convenience, beauty and practicality. It also combines several styles, for example, sports and classic, in which case something average and original is obtained.

Nowadays, casual includes several subspecies, consider its main areas:

This style cannot be called absolutely businesslike, because there are no mandatory rules for your image, and there are no strict requirements for clothes separately. What is meant by business casual? Everything that is comfortable for you in everyday life: sweaters, shirts, vests, jackets, trousers, from shoes - these are mostly boots and shoes. As mentioned earlier, this style is still different from the official one, that is, even if it is a suit, the absence of a tie is allowed, and the shirt may not necessarily be white - use shades and brighter colors.

Casual style with elements of sports: sneakers, jeans, t-shirts ...
An ideal option for young people who do not like excessive formality, because you can even dress like this for work. As an option: put on jeans, a light-colored, not-so-strict one-button jacket over a bright T-shirt, loafers on your feet and take a sports bag with you - here, your look is ready.

“Smart” means “elegant” in translation, it is also close to business casual. Indeed, this kind of casual is characterized by sophistication, accuracy. So, this style is in many ways similar to the office style, but if in a classic suit the jacket and trousers must be sewn from the same fabric, then in a smart, a combination, for example, of denim and cotton is acceptable. So, a shirt and jeans would be a great combination, but it's too easy. You can wear a vest or jacket, and complement it with elegant accessories, here your imagination is not limited. The same goes for shoes - any will do.

Contrary to stereotypes that only women can afford a romantic look, there are very successful combinations of men's clothing, as a result of which we get a true romantic style. It completely lacks strict lines and rough features that are inherent, for example, in a formal suit. In a romantic image, you often distinguish between details, accessories, but they should also be in a reasonable amount. Also, this style is characterized by layering (a characteristic feature of the storey style is short clothes over longer ones) - the appearance is laid-back, slightly careless. Elements of romantic style are pastel-colored shirts, vests, jackets, V-neck jumpers. The top, as a rule, emphasizes broad shoulders - a bat-style style can be a good example.

When choosing pants, I advise you to pay your attention to such models as riding breeches, skins. You can tie a scarf around your neck, and put a hat on your head. Both sneakers and men's shoes are suitable as shoes. Separately, you should consider the color. In a romantic image, there should be a color contrast: that is, if you put on a dark shirt, then you need to choose a lighter bottom - and vice versa. With regards to shoes, it is not so critical here, the main thing is that it is combined with the main elements of the image. Another point - it is important to create an emphasis on something: let it be a scarf with an interesting ornament or a shirt of an unusual cut / color / with decorations. Where is the romantic style appropriate? Thus, you can safely dress for a date, for some kind of meeting (not only with a girl), to the theater.

The modern military does not just copy the military uniform in civilian clothes - it is the borrowing of strict cut lines, original solutions, and functional elements. Lovers and professionals of natural recreation, hunting and fishing are very closely friends with this style. By far the most recognizable and common brand in this style is the camouflage pattern, but don't limit yourself to just this pattern. This style uses colors such as khaki, gray, grey-green, beige, brown, black, navy blue. From fabrics, dense and high-quality cotton, leather, cashmere are used. Emphasizing accessories can be glasses, bandanas, scarves, large bags. Clothing in military style is distinguished, first of all, by reliability and categoricalness.

Hunting is a real man's business, especially in the African savannas under the scorching sun and surrounded by endless sands. The fact that we are geographically far from Africa does not preclude the use of this style in everyday life. Perhaps only a cork hat and a gun should not be carried around the city. T-shirts, jackets, vests, raincoats, trousers, shorts made of cotton and linen with patch pockets and studs - all this with a predominance of brown, green, beige, olive and mustard shades is a safari-style complex. Additional elements in this case will be leather belts, belts, hats. Increasingly, this style is also manifested in business clothes - a kind of urban safari. Many modern men who lead an active lifestyle, love adventure and prefer the convenience of clothes, have become adherents of this option.

As you may have noticed, denim clothing can be found in many formats: sports, classic, and so on. But still, denim stands out as a separate men's style. Denim is durable, wear-resistant, comfortable, does not hinder movement, so its scope is grandiose, which allows it to be used in clothes everywhere: in the office, in a repair shop, in the field, in a club, on a walk, at home. And all this at any time of the year. This unparalleled versatility allows you to mix and match your look with denim, be it trousers, shorts, jacket, vest, warm jacket, shirt or cap, so the popularity of denim style is inexhaustible.

It is not at all necessary to wear a national costume and walk around the streets in it, corresponding to the ethnic style. However, this is not forbidden if you have such a desire during the days of national holidays and traditions. Take a close look at your wardrobe, for sure you will find clothes of this style in it. Perhaps this is a knitted sweater with an ornament or a T-shirt with hieroglyphs brought from travels to hot countries, or maybe it's shorts, breeches or sandals.

Such clothes are usually the carrier of a pattern or print of very colorful colors. Ethnic images are more common in the spring-summer season - it is in the warm seasons that such clothes look elegant and spectacular, and they are quite comfortable in them, however, in winter, you will be warm and comfortable in a stylish coat or jumper with ethnic patterns.

As a style, which I would like to talk about in conclusion, I have chosen the avant-garde. Interesting, extraordinary, non-standard - this is it in its purest form. Initially, the avant-garde was a direction in the fine arts, it could also be found in the interior, but later the avant-garde was presented as an independent style of clothing, the founder of which was fashion designer Pierre Cardin.

Usually the avant-garde is chosen by people who are always in the spotlight, or just creative people who are alien to the simplicity of forms. The avant-garde is characterized by asymmetry, geometry, versatility and outrageousness, a variety of bright, eye-catching details. There are no strict canons in the avant-garde, everything is subordinated mainly to the designer's imagination. Often, an image created exclusively in this style does not look that bold - in some cases it is simply not appropriate. Would you be able to walk into the office wearing parachute pants, a velvet shirt and oversized accessories? I think not, because the avant-garde implies a combination of seemingly the most incongruous fabrics and styles. It is characterized by materials such as suede, organza, wool, silk, satin, and even metal and plastic. Of course, this is not the whole list, and it would be ridiculous to dress in everything at once. Moreover, this style is not intended for work at all, but if you correctly use some of its elements, combining, say, with a casual style, you can get a very original look that will set you apart from the gray mass in the good sense of the word. The avant-garde is most advantageous at a concert, on a walk or on vacation.

Summing up

Today we talked about the most common and interesting styles that modern men like. To look presentable and expressive every day is the task of any man. There is no need to completely destroy your wardrobe and rush to the nearest shopping center for a bulk purchase of clothes in accordance with one of the chosen styles. You should think a little and decide what and how you will wear tomorrow and for what occasion. That's all! This is how style appears - a real masculine style. And remember: “Fashion changes, but real style never!” Take action! I wish you success!

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I hope, despite the fact that the article is not devoted to knitting, it will be interesting due to the fact that it analyzes and classifies styles in detail.

Style is everything

Stylistics is the selection of an individual style for each person. What is style? This is a reflection of the internal state, the attitude of the individual, expressed in external forms. And if the internal and external are harmoniously correlated, then we can say that a person has found his own style.

Style is formed by clothes, makeup, manners, and tastes of a person. Finding your own style is quite difficult. A competent stylist-image maker does it professionally. He unmistakably identifies landmarks, based on which he creates the ideal image of a particular person. And the stylist takes into account in his work such factors as color type, features of the figure, type of human activity and even the place where he lives - in a metropolis or a small town. Based on these many factors, the stylist gives recommendations on choosing a hairstyle, type of makeup, what clothes to choose in order to most advantageously emphasize all the advantages, hide possible flaws and show your inner self as fully as possible.

Our salon employs professional stylists who will advise you on all existing styles (they will be discussed in this article), as well as help you find the image that is worthy of being called your individual style.

Quick Style Guide

It is better to start the selection of your style not with the purchase of fashionable clothes from different brands, not with experiments with your hair and makeup, but with an understanding look directed inward. To be stylish, you need to realize your individuality, originality, dissimilarity to others. Love yourself and joyfully carry your image into the world. A person who is self-confident, self-sufficient, disposes those around him with his individuality. This is especially true for women. Therefore, professionals advise: first: love yourself, and second: contact specialists. With them, you can try on a series of images and choose the best. You will avoid typical mistakes, a professional look will immediately reveal the main thing and find an individually correct solution. Contact salon stylists and you will be satisfied with your individual style.
Considering in our article the main features of the main styles, we will not talk about the origins of each of them, but will focus only on a brief description. So, among modern clothes there are such styles:

Classic style. It doesn't need separate introductions. These are classic suits, dresses, but now jeans are also included in this style. The colors and patterns of such clothes are traditional: a check and a strip, a herringbone, etc. All lines of the silhouette are strict and precise, the cut is simple and concise.

READY-A-PORTE style. Translated from French, this expression refers to ready-to-wear clothes (as opposed to haute couture products). It is used to denote high-quality mass-produced items of various price ranges, from middle-class items to luxuriously expensive items.

constructive style. In such clothes, elements of various styles can be used, the main thing is the technique of focusing attention on the shape of clothing (with the help of seams, trim, cut).

Business style. Creating things in this style, fashion designers mainly work with wool, thick cotton. The cut is simple, all silhouette lines are very clear. The arsenal of business style items is great, but they all have the characteristic features of discreetness, conciseness, and functionality.

Walking style. As the name implies, these are specialized clothes for walking. Its purpose is to be practical. Here you can find voluminous jackets, rather wide trousers, warm stockings and leggings, but shirts and jackets are also used. All this is combined, creating a unique flavor.

Work clothes. Now it includes any clothes for work and leisure at home, in the country, for outings into nature. These are all kinds of functional suits, sundresses, overalls. The main feature is practicality, but these things often look very stylish due to the layering and room for combination.

Club style. This style has something in common with sports, but is intended for clubs and discos, so traditional models here have a more sexy cut, and are also decorated with buttons and a variety of elements, often gold, silver tones. Emblems and labels are also used.

Sport style. These are clothes of bright colors: suits, T-shirts, sweaters, shorts, T-shirts. Things are sewn from knitwear, elastic, and other fabrics. They have many pockets and zippers. Such things are now used not only for sports, but also for urban life. The image is complemented by sneakers, socks, headbands, wristbands, sports bags and backpacks, caps.

Romantic style. The purpose is to emphasize the finely organized nature. These are graceful, refined things with laces, ruffles and pleats. Veils and scarves are widely used. Fabrics are usually used delicate and "expensive": silk, velvet, satin. The cut is refined, the mini is not welcome, everything has the character of restraint and sublimity.

Ecological style. It is characterized by fabrics without a pronounced texture, emphatically natural. The colors of ecological things can be easily found in nature: these are sand and earth, water and greenery, wood and ears of corn. All muted shades and necessarily without contrasting patterns, and those patterns that are available repeat the elements of nature itself.

Country style. Combines elements of styles of different eras of the inhabitants of cities and villages. Distinctive features: pastel palette (beige, soft gray, brown shades); attention to accessories (buttons and belts, stockings, fringe and trim); preferably textured materials (leather, wool, tweed); shoes - low rise, low heels.

Folklore style. The modernized use of elements of national clothes is characteristic. The fabrics are mostly natural, the palette is natural. A variety of embroidery, lace and braid, lacing and other ethnic elements are widely used. Actual use of applications, as well as a variety of scarves as an accessory. The cut is free, geometric. Long skirts and comfortable low shoes are popular.

Rustic style. This is a modern rethinking of the country or folk style, suggesting deliberate simplicity and emphasizing naturalness in the texture of the fabric, its colors, and cut. Things are sewn in such a way that one can see how they are made: deliberately rough knitting or a rough surface, emphasized free silhouettes.

lumberjack style. Behind such a brutal name lies a fairly common style of clothing. These are things made of denim and cotton, in a characteristic blue color or in a stylish cage. Finishing lapels, pockets, belts is welcome.

Mods style. Mostly teenage clothes, characterized by underlined accuracy. Business card style - elegant Italian suits. To represent the manifestation of the mods style, one can recall the type of clothing worn by the early Beatles.

Safari. This is a very popular style of clothing, characterized by layering, many elements, such as lapels, pockets with an abundance of rivets and tags. Adherents of this style wear hats and large bags. All things are sewn from fabrics of a beige-brown palette. Materials - linen, cotton and leather. Shoes are comfortable, with thick soles, low heels.

Western style. Here fringe and artistic patches, vests and neckerchiefs, various belts that complement skirts, jackets and trousers in blue and brown shades are used. Jeans are allowed. And high boots are a necessary attribute.

Gaucho style. This style is easily identified. Its owner can be recognized by the poncho and wide-brimmed hat, specially cut trousers that have a somewhat baggy look. Also obligatory are leather boots, belts, from accessories - neckerchiefs. All clothes are distinguished by an abundance of applications and rivets, as well as other stylistic elements.

Indian style. His marker is white cotton. This is a great style for relaxing and summer walks. Free fit, emphasized naturalness makes such things very pleasant and functional.

East style. Or oriental style. All elements of the art of creating clothes in Japan, China, and Indonesia are actively used here. Characteristic fabrics, colors, cut features are often rethought and get a new sound in modern clothes.

Military style. Now he is at the peak of his popularity. Things in khaki, brown-gray shades are sewn in the manner of a military uniform. Jackets and overcoats, blouses and shirts with shoulder straps, belts, riding breeches, all this is used not only for male but also for female models and looks very stylish. Accordingly, heavy and high shoes are used.

Sea style. It is easily recognizable by its pleated skirts, sailor collar, characteristic "striped" colors, all sorts of combinations of blue and white shades. Red tones are also used. And also - a lot of edges and emblems. A characteristic beret becomes a stylish addition.

Derby style. Originally sportswear for racing, which has become widespread in urban fashion. Pants, skirts and jackets complement hats and low-cut shoes.

Denim style. One of the most popular today. The signs are familiar to everyone: the characteristic side double stitching, mainly denim as a material, buttons and rivets made of metal. Loose fit and patch pockets are also hallmarks of denim style. There are many sub-styles in this style, especially jeans.

Retro style. Under this style, quoting the main trends of any era can be hidden: NEP, 30-60s. Each era looks different. If the NEP is used, then this is an asexual, “boyish” female image, if the 30s, then characteristic dresses with a narrow waist and a wide skirt appear, if the 60s, flared trousers, wide belts, platform shoes come to the fore. In retro style, all elements of the past get a modern rethinking.

Haute Couture style. Literally means "high craft". The main feature of such things is their uniqueness, singularity. Most of the work is done by hand, special attention is paid to details and finishing. Unique embroidery and other expensive elements are used. High fashion in our time is the products of famous designers.

Vamp style. This is an accentuated brightness, often created with the help of contrasts. This is a neckline, aggressive colors and tight-fitting silhouettes. This is how an image of a self-confident sexy woman is created, skillfully underlined by details: belts and jewelry, a clutch bag and stockings.

Zoot style. These are clothes with Latin American roots. It is not uncommon for long jackets to reach the knees, while the line of the shoulders is emphasized by expanding with the help of false shoulders. Accessories such as belts, chains, large ties, watches are actively used. The waist line on trousers is often overstated. The look is completed with boots with narrow toes.

Bodyfashion. The main features: tight-fitting silhouettes, colors that create the effect of a naked body, as well as a bright sexuality of the image.

Aviator style. Features: specially created “worn” effect of things, fabric colors are preferably gray, loose cut with elements of a sporty style. The fabrics are deliberately rough.

Gangster style. The hallmark of this style is an elegant classic suit. Distinctive features are also a striped pattern, a combination of dark shirts with light ties, an abundance of jewelry (gold). Men dressed in this style wear shoes with a narrow toe, made of expensive matte or patent leather. If a tie is not worn on a shirt, then its collar will be carelessly thrown open. The image is complemented by an elegant hat. This image differs from the classical style by emphasized negligence, which gives a special chic.

ballet style. These are clothes for a holiday, for going out. High bodices, slim waists, plunging necklines, spaghetti straps and charming tutus.

Fantasy style. Its feature is unusual forms. The boundaries of style are not clearly outlined, the main thing is invention in the field of construction, form, playing with silhouette lines. Much attention is also paid to decor and decorations.

New look style. These are new solutions for vintage silhouettes, when long skirts or wide sleeves, bodices and corsets undergo metamorphosis and are refracted at a modern fashion angle.

Space style. Any clothing is translated into a series of space if it is made of shiny fabric and trimmed at the folds and seams with special inserts in a contrasting color.

Linen style. This is a style rooted in retro. The clothes are reminiscent of high-class vintage linen with embroidery, braid and lace. Things are very elegant and stylish, they are sewn from thin fabrics (cotton, silk) of natural colors.

Style BABY USD These are clothes for grown-up women in the style of things for girls. Laces, frills are welcome here, but in general, children's nightwear of the 19th century is the basis of the style.

Style Abundance: Combining everything with everything, we get an abundance of styles. These are bright colors, unexpected silhouette solutions, stylish layering and unbridled imagination of designers.

Purism. Here, on the contrary, conciseness and simplicity reign. But individuality is brought to the fore. There are no unnecessary details, decorative elements and decorations in the things of the purism style.

Floor style. Or, in other words, multi-layered. It features many options for combining the items of the kit, the more layers you end up with, the better. At the same time, it is easy to create a play of colors and shades, as well as fabric textures.

Pajama style. Very loose fit, many pockets and large flat buttons. A lot of things are sewn in such a narrowly specific style at first glance, and they all look unexpectedly stylish.

Graffiti. Style of youth clothes with characteristic drawings and applications. The abundance of inscriptions, layering or, conversely, minimalism.

Grunge style. The name comes from the English word "dirt". Accordingly, supposedly emphatically ugly things are in fashion: baggy dresses, worn jackets, shabby sweaters. The effect is created by choosing either too large or too small clothes, as well as unraveling some of its seams. Popular today, outward seams, as well as torn edges, fraying and decorative holes, have their roots in grunge.

Disco. Features: extravagance, kitsch brilliance, brilliance and flashy finishes. Things are sewn from stretch materials, as well as from other elastic fabrics.

Art Deco. Again and again in fashion, although it first appeared in the 20s of the 20th century. These are feathers, glass beads, beads, a lot of sparkles. The most popular material is chiffon.

diffuse style. A combination of incongruous to create a new image. A mixture of many styles in one set of clothes. For example: a suit and sneakers.

Kitsch style. These are things that imitate unique haute couture pieces but recreate them in the style of popular culture. At the same time, clothing loses its high artistic value and becomes deliberately pretentious or beautiful, even outrageous.

Of course, all style boundaries are rather blurred. You should not strive to attribute your things or your entire wardrobe to a certain style. But, forming your new image, it is better to contact a stylist who can choose from the entire existing variety of styles what will play for you.

Men and style

For many years it was believed that taking care of style was the prerogative of the female. Of course, men who, on duty, needed to follow their style, did this, but most of the stronger sex did not bother with such issues. However, the 20th century was a turning point in men's style. At the same time, following the ideals of masculinity is no longer necessary. And going beyond them is no longer perceived as demonstrating a non-traditional orientation.

Men experiment with images and clothes. Today, long hair in men, manicures, men's platform shoes and even skirts are already normally perceived. The main features of the new style for men are the sophistication of clothes, the flexibility of forms. In relation to such men, the word metrosexual is used. This is the style of youthful men with money, paying increased attention to their image. Thus, with the birth of a new term, the right of men to find and preserve their own style was recognized by public opinion.

Modern men can be divided into adherents of natural style; dressing in the style of "gentleman", "farmer", guided by the style of secular dandies; traditional fans of the classics. A very common type of style is "free artist", classic dandy, as well as sporty style, classic and modern.

The boundaries between styles are blurred, and each man can belong to several styles and categories at the same time. Experienced stylists are always ready to help you choose a style that will be the best fit for your work and lifestyle, but in it you will feel comfortable and be yourself, while causing the respect of others and the admiration of ladies.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the image is not only clothes. This is a lot of elements - perfume and hair, manners and makeup. Only professional stylists and image makers can create a holistic image that will harmoniously combine the internal state of a person and his external manifestations. Everything is important here - both psychological and sociological factors, and fashion trends, and the study of your social circle.