Congratulation on retirement should be original. Congratulation to a colleague on retirement - in prose

Now this moment has come
Hello pension!
Life gave you a gift -
You are on vacation, cheers.

You can sleep up to an hour
No head grimace,
You can go to the museum during the day.
And in general, it is full of ideas.

Even in the cinema, but even in a cafe -
The word "pension" in the column.
You have a lot of time
And it's time for fun.

Oh, how wonderful
Moments of interest
Your pension is preparing
When she comes!

Don't have to go to work
Get up in the morning, hurry up
Down with business, worries,
It's time to live in peace!

Congratulations on your retirement
We wish you many years!
Love, health, happiness,
Live happily, without trouble!

You have many victories and merits on your account, but this is perhaps the greatest merit of your whole life. Congratulations on your retirement and with all my heart I wish you to continue to be a cheerful, energetic, cheerful person who knows how to dream, surprise, please loved ones and give joy to his heart. Let the size of your pension grow every time, let the emotions of your soul become brighter and happier every day.

Happy retirement!
You can't be sad.
I want to live happily
For your own benefit.

Amazing days for you
Full of kindness
bright, delightful,
Like the glitter of a dream!

With gaining freedom
Happy retirement!
Let from the same year
Live fun!

Cheerfully you will become eccentric,
crop to grow,
Sweet grandchildren to gently nurse
And increase good!

A lot has already been achieved
And this is not the limit!
Though it's time for retirement
But there are so many things ahead.

Your experience is important to us in our work,
We don't want to let you go.
And on this day we will say to you together:
"We appreciate you very much!"

An event in life is cool - now you are already a pioneer,
And so that you are not bored, a new door will open,
In a free life without work, no need to rush in the morning,
Go where you want, walking, call your friends as much as you want!

I wish that time is like this, it will only benefit you,
And new friends, and good luck, and happiness it brought.
Let everyday life not be boring, but even more fun on a holiday,
And this world has become colorful, more beloved and sweeter!

So I wanted to part with the worries,
And now suddenly the soul is in doubt.
On the run you have worked all your life,
Unusual measured step...

This confusion will fade away
How the "deserved path" will begin.
But worries will be just as unmeasured,
Just a little more time.

Children, grandchildren, household chores
They will make you forget about yourself again.
We know from your experience
How to rush through life at full speed.

And so we ask in advance:
Come here to relax!
Good luck! Don't say goodbye - goodbye!
Happiness to you in the golden years!

Accept congratulations
With retirement
Relax, rest
Enjoy your days.

Never be sad
Think of entertainment
And always welcome guests
With cheerful mood!

Congratulations on your retirement
Let life become a little more wonderful.
Get some rest, you deserve it.
How many years in your work, how much effort you have invested.

From the routine you calmly, quietly rest,
Look at the world with new eyes again.
Don't worry about anything. Remember, no wonder
You have worked for years, we are grateful to you.

New pensioners - glory and hello!
Joined the ranks of pensioners,
Let the white light applaud today
And all the doors will open to the new world!

Let life not be limited to the table,
A favorite sofa and a pillow,
You can swim, ride a horse
Ride together, dance with a friend!

There is time to take the grandchildren to the theater, museum,
Ride a steamplane in the sky
Let life be more pleasant, more fun,
Never want to stop!

We congratulate you on your retirement
And your work is very valuable for us!
So don't hope
Relax in the peace of your home!
And soon we will come for you
Advice to help us!
We wish you more health
The comfort of beauty in the house!

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Retirement wishes poem

Brought the respect of colleagues,
How honestly you have worked all your life.
The debt is paid, and the run will slow down.
Your experience was useful to the young.
You got your right
Rest from worries and affairs.
And now you will
All the things you didn't do before.
Start growing orchids
Sing in the choir, study the Internet,
And of course you will learn
Finally, waltz dance.

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Wishes to a retiring judge

Over the years of your work as a judge, you have become for us an example of high professionalism, courage, decency and honesty. It is very difficult to be a judge and decide the fate of people. To administer not only well knowing the letter of the Law, but also all the circumstances of the case. Being fair and principled is not easy; it is even more difficult to understand a person who has committed a bad deed. After all, you are not speaking on your own behalf, but on behalf of the state and society, which have entrusted you with making important decisions, on which the life and future of people often depend.
And today we sincerely wish you, first of all, great personal happiness and well-being. Communicate more with your loved ones, relax with family and friends, because you deserve it. Good health, joy, good mood and all the best to you!

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Wish for retirement

Here is the happy day. You are retiring. You gave your worst, vain and unlucky young years to work. And now, having settled down and wiser, you will be left to yourself and will be able to realize all your hidden possibilities. I wish you to finally learn how to dance tango, knit socks and sing in chorus. I wish you to do winter fishing, photography, and most importantly, my grandchildren, they love you so much!

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Retirement wishes

Retirement awaits you
In household matters, let them be lucky!
Don't forget about the team
And visit us often!

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Retirement wishes

Today is full of excitement and excitement, because we are seeing off a wonderful person, a high-class professional for a well-deserved rest. We know that even in retirement you will not sit idle for a minute, because you are full of energy, strength and optimism! Therefore, we hope that in your free time from rest you will become a mentor to our youth and we will always be glad to see you. We sincerely wish you cheerfulness for many, many years, family well-being, home comfort and warmth! Let your loved ones surround you with love and care and give you only joy!

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Retirement wishes

You are young at heart and look great! You are an example of professionalism, wisdom and optimism for many of us! You are a person we sincerely respect and love! We are a little sad that you are retiring today, because now it will not be possible to meet with you every day. But we hope that you will not forget our team, and your attention will be a good sign that our team lives and develops! That is why today, seeing you off for retirement, we do not part with you, but only say - "Goodbye." We wish you many wonderful days full of bright events, good news and interesting meetings. Good health to you!

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Retirement wishes

A new era is coming in your life - you are retiring! To be honest, we even envy you a little, because you will have a lot of free time for creativity, for classes with your grandchildren and just for a real good rest! You can travel at any time of the year, discovering more and more life horizons. We wish you good health, great personal happiness, good luck, fulfillment of all your dreams and will always be glad to see you within the walls of our native enterprise!

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Retirement wishes

Today you are retiring. To say simply that it was a pleasure to work with you is to say nothing! We felt comfortable, reliable with you, you are a wonderful colleague who knows his business to the smallest subtleties! We hope that you will not forget our team and will always find time to visit us at least for a minute. We wish you good health, family well-being and a wonderful holiday! You deserve it!

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Retirement wishes

Freedom!!! So you have to shout on this day, from now on you don’t owe anything to anyone, you can get up not on call, you can not do what you don’t want to do. In a word, I wish you to fulfill your retirement dreams that your work did not allow you to realize.

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Wishes to a colleague for retirement

As after a long, hard day, full of worries, we need a rest, so after a long, active work, we need a pension. We need it to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, for which there was no time during work. So good luck with your retirement and enjoy life!

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So the hour has come, which some are afraid of, and some enjoy a well-deserved rest. It's time to retire. Your wisdom, experience, knowledge and amazing performance have always helped many in your profession! You gave a lot to this work, because you worked not just anyhow, but gave your soul every day! You not only loved your work, you lived it. And today it is a pity that such a valuable and talented employee is leaving us. But on the other hand, how long have you dreamed of spending the whole day with your grandchildren, with a newspaper in your hands, or fishing. You gave yourself completely to your profession, now it's time for the country to salute you. And thank you for all your hard work.

Just yesterday, you, as a boy, were afraid to go into the boss's office and ask for a job. With a tremor in your soul, you worried whether you would be accepted or not. And today, it seems to be like one moment, and you have already worked through a large conscious part of your life. And you gave your all to this work! We are sorry that you are leaving, because it was a great honor for us to work with you, we learned a lot from you, of course, we could not adopt all your experience, but we nevertheless intercepted something! You are a valuable worker who has done a lot for others. And now it's time for you to go on a well-deserved rest. After all, you have been waiting for free time for a long time. Congratulations on your retirement!

Our dear (Name)! Today is a very difficult day for us! How the years have flown by! We remember you young, strong attractive. You have always given your strength to work. At the same time, we always tried to do everything optimally, in the best way, with ingenuity, ingeniously. You have always given, professions more than you even could, more than anyone else! And today, probably, there is no such person among us who would not feel sadness in his heart about your departure! You have become so dear to us. So let your retirement give you a new, interesting life that will be full of new sensations! And adventure!

People say this: Life begins with retirement, not because work is finally left behind, but because a whole world suddenly opens up before you and you are ready to enter it. After all, the time has finally come when you don’t have to rush anywhere. When you can get enough sleep, and then have a calm breakfast, knowing that there is a whole day ahead. Of course, we are very sorry to lose such a valuable employee like you. After all, you gave your all to work. But you need a rest right now! Stop rushing, stop worrying. It's time to rest! Happy retirement!

That's what a pension is for, so as not to deny yourself in old age. So our dear (Name), today we want to tell you that you should not deny yourself anything, so that after retirement, your life will become bright, and at the same time calm! When you don't have to go anywhere and hurry. And you can do everything that did not have time because of the work! Thank you for your contribution to your profession, for being a dedicated employee! Congratulations on your new life, because it is not in vain that they say that after retirement, life is just beginning!

On this memorable day for you, we are with you, together with your thoughts. You have done a lot for our team. Your charm and wisdom have helped many in work and in life. We are taking you to a well-deserved rest. We wish you excellent health, joy with your children and grandchildren. We wish you to always have the same enthusiasm and be as attractive and wonderful. Happiness and health to you and your whole family! After all, you have always been the most experienced and valuable employee for us! And we are sorry to lose you, but only the thought that you will only get better warms us! After all, retirement is the beginning of a new life!

Retirement is the best vacation! This is a unique chance to devote yourself to your favorite business and those pleasant things for which there was not enough time before. Now you can immerse yourself in those things that give real pleasure, and plunge headlong into the atmosphere of real relaxation! Congratulations on your retirement!

How many years did it take to serve the Motherland! This, as it seemed, endless work experience has finally borne fruit, on which I heartily congratulate you! So let retirement not be the end, but the start for a new, full of joy, success and happiness, life!

Congratulations on Retirement: Poems |

You worked, you were not lazy
For a very long time, many years.
As if on rails, life rolled,
And the green light was on!

But not only work
Alive and happy man
There are a lot of activities
In our ultra-modern age!

You became a pensioner -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Rest to the fullest
Don't rush to work.

We wish you all the best
Happiness, great joy.
Be loved and beautiful
And, as before, young!

It's time to rest
Dip your feet in the sea
Plant beds in the dacha,
Organize the closets.
Give time to grandchildren
And go to the cinema myself
Help a neighbor on business
Sit in the gazebo for half a day.
I want to live happily
Happy retirement!

Dear, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your well-deserved rest. Let your retirement become a time that will be devoted to getting new vivid emotions and impressions. Travel, communicate with friends, live an active and eventful life. Be healthy and loved by your loved ones.

The time has come to think about your beloved,
After all, time is now full.
With your inexhaustible energy
Accomplish all that to which the soul lies for a long time.

A little mourn about the days gone by
And jump into a new pool with your head -
Go to the theater and travel a lot
Let the life of a dream light up again.

I wish you not to mope and be healthy,
After all, a new horizon is in front of you.
You were an exemplary employee
You will be a military pensioner.

Let the champagne flow like a stream
We are supposed to congratulate you.
Let everything be nothing to you
After all, life is just beginning.

Going to a well-deserved rest
So down with lack of sleep and worries!
You will find entertainment
After all, you don't have to go to work.

You can sleep more in the morning
Do not rush anywhere, do not rush,
And go for a walk in the forest
And enjoy nature.

So enjoy your rest
Try to think more about yourself.
Be healthy, love, flourish,
Travel, read, enjoy.

You are going to retire
Here you will live well!
You don't get up at 7 in the morning
Don't run to work.

You can visit your grandchildren
In general, do not sit still -
Take off on a trip
Rest abroad.

Ride on a trolleybus
And take a walk in the park.
Buy different tasty treats
Make a cool manicure.

In the shop soon
Take a hundred lines
Choose the trinkets you want
And go to the movies with a friend.

In general, there is plenty of time
But remember one thing:
To always be beautiful
We need to live with optimism!

If it's time for a woman to retire,
So the game is not over
The candles did not go out in silence,
Twilight did not thicken in the window ...

It's just a new hour
A new world will open up for you
Parks, squares, fitness, even running,
Life takes a new turn!

Rejoice in the sun and moon
And plant flowers in the spring
To love everyone and adore grandchildren,
And fly on the wings of joy!

A little sad, but
You don't have to work anymore
No one will scold
That something is not working there.

The time has come to rest
Think of yourself beloved
Take a nap when you want
Get carried away with an interesting book.

All the best to you
With all our hearts we wish
And with the fact that the pension came,
We congratulate you today!

You know that pension is a resort,
Which is to be enjoyed
Go to exhibitions, and indeed, to the people,
Create, love, grow and develop.

We wish you one hundred percent rest,
Make time for your loved one.
Working always, it's easy to stretch your legs,
The time has come to live for yourself.

Of course, it will not be easy for us without you,
Such specialists - in the afternoon with fire ...
But we'll try our best
And if not, we will find you and return you.

All in all, we wish you good health.
And only positive thinking.
Believe me, retirement is not old age.
Rather, these are new achievements.

Your new journey begins today.
The whole world will now lie at your feet.
After all, our life does not end with a pension -
She puts us on a new turn.

Oh, how many discoveries are ahead of you,
Freedom, happiness, joy, miracles!
Congratulations today
From all of us. And how many new places

So that all dreams and aspirations fit in!
Live passionately, brightly and with soul.
So that the universe falls in love with you
And bestowed with unearthly power.

Forget about old age. Life is Beautiful!
There is no age, no, no!
Let your world be the same clear
And after five, and after ten years.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You deserve this vacation.
After all, behind so many years
What have you dedicated to your work?

Now it's time to take a break
Health to you, kindness and happiness.
Still a long way to go
And the joy must not end.

Here it is - freedom,
Here it is - a dream.
And not to work
You now in the morning.

Congratulations together
With a pension, we are with you.
With a new start in life
Retirement class.

We all envy a little
Even if we are silent about it.
We are only loud congratulations
We shout to you on your anniversary.

Anniversary direct fire
In retirement years.
Be joyful and firm
Because happiness is always there.

Respectful congratulations
with retirement

We congratulate you cordially
With the end of work
And we wish you safely
New look for worries.

Let your pension open
New paths.
And will always be able
Trample them on your feet.

Let your pension show
The world of our surprises
And finally let
Yourself all sorts of whims.

Words sound good
And the toasts do not stop -
After all, our team is good
Accompanying you to retirement.

Everyone will be fine today
At the farewell party
After all, that's why everyone came
To support you in the main.

You have worked for glory for many years,
You gave many days to work.
And we are rightfully proud of you
Surrendering to joyful care:

We want a retirement holiday
Yours went well and carelessly,
To rejoice all those who know you,
That now only rest awaits you forever.

funny poems for retirement

Envy of the whole team
You envy - charming,
After all, the position: new-pesioner -
All pride everywhere.

Here it is a sure moment of happiness -
The specter of retirement has arisen.
God bless you warmth and affection
In your retirement fairy tale.

Today we drink heartily
For your health and success,
And we wish happiness forever
To sound around cheerful laughter.

For your heart to rejoice
So that the soul sings songs joyfully.
Your pension was in a hurry
About forty years, somewhere, slowly.

We congratulate you
Happy best day in the world.
We all have a very long time
Just dream about it.

And you have exactly today
Only the best years.
Retirement is indefinite!
Oh, lucky you, as always!

Congratulations on your new milestone
And we wish you good luck.
After all, retirement is very cool to live
Carefree. Nothing else.

Other congratulations in verse on retirement