Congratulations on marriage combinations are short cool. Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

An original congratulation on a wedding always decorates a holiday. The whole family is diligently and methodically preparing for this event, and slight perfectionism and a thirst for impeccability in everything are quite excusable. If you weigh the pros and cons, then congratulations on your wedding day in prose will sound more natural, plus you can supplement it with improvisation and your own life experience. Wedding congratulations in verse give the moment great solemnity, but it will be ugly to read from a postcard or a prepared leaflet. Here you will need to learn the text by heart, apply acting skills and pronounce the words, looking at the newlyweds. It is also useful to keep track of time, because on this day the concentration of solemn beautiful words is very high and they can already tire the heroes of the occasion a little.

Some of the guests will definitely find time for careful preparation and rehearsal of their little performance, and someone in a series of troubles will be able to say wedding congratulations in their own words. Be that as it may, congratulations on your wedding day, prose or poetry, should sound sincere and from the heart. Choose a suitable congratulation + on marriage registration or, based on ready-made ones, make up your own. Take action! You will definitely succeed.

Bride and groom, happy wedding day
We want to congratulate you today
And a very useful gift.
Add to wishes!

Let it be "bitter" to you at the wedding,
And in life together only sweet!
We wish you love, friendship, happiness,
Good luck in everything and prosperity!

When sisters part
Even in a joyful hour,
The pain feels so sharp
That tears run from the eyes ...
I don't know how to live now
But I have the strength to say:
Happy wedding day, sister, dear!
And you be happy with her, son-in-law!

I would like to wish the newlyweds from the bottom of my heart that their life be as joyful and cheerful as this wedding. But the wedding is cheerful because the heroes of the occasion give joy and fun to the rest and rejoice themselves. This is the principle of reflection: love and be loved, give and be bestowed - I want to recommend it as an important life principle.
Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!

Fireplace, candlelight engagement,
Carriage, wedding and wedding,
Unity wedding rings
And happiness is quiet in the eyes!
We wish you love and happiness!
Let life be like a wonderful dream.
Live in peace and harmony.
An approximate pair of standard!

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed. Get by on your own. Stork.

My dear and beloved sister!
On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years,
And, as today, excited your blood!
Let your hearts beat loudly in unison!
May all dreams come true!
And never forget your little sister!
I want you to be happy For your husband!

Dear guests! Today, a new family connection has formed between the families of the bride and groom. Shared grief is half grief, shared joy is double joy. Any adversity is felt less if it falls not on one, but on many, and joy becomes greater. We wish a long happy flight to the new kindred union! Bitterly!

Friends! We heartily congratulate you!
Two life paths merged into one
Wide and beautiful endlessly,
Which and go to your gray hair,
And further, and without complaints and lamentations -
Until eternity that your two rings...
Newlyweds! Happy marriage!
May your happiness be endless!

Congratulations on your son's wedding day.
What do you want him to do on this day?
Pastoral picture -
Don't chase around for an answer.
Smile more on this day.
Let family life last
How the wedding day goes - so do we
A dream about your happiness will be a dream.

Long ago under the blue skies of paradise
Adam lived sadly alone.
And then, listening to his prayers,
God made a wife from Adam's rib!
But since then, this process has changed,
It is not necessary for the husband to torment the organs!
Now who wants to get married
It is enough to submit an application to the registry office!
And today the groom, the bride
Adam is jealous in heaven!
You are married! And the ribs are all in place!
And we wish you to live like in paradise!

Our (Name of the groom), our white hare, frisky ermine, clear falcon, hunted through the forest, looked through the bushes, looked through the thickets and caught a dear gray marten, a quail, a white swan. We wish the clear falcon and the white swan to build a strong nest, raise children, live happily and make good. Yes, and sweeten us bitter wine. Bitterly!

We wish the young family
Love, unity, happiness,
Happy and successful years
Good luck in the present!

May the sense of humor always
Helps you in life
Smile, joy, joke, laughter
Cheer up and help out!

What do you wish for this day?
Love - so you do not take it!
Wish you happiness?
So it's in your eyes
You are on earth and you are in heaven!
And yet we wish you love,
We wish that from now on and forever
With each other you divided in half
Everything that a person has in life:
Victory is joy, defeat is pain,
Friends smile, sweet tear,
Labored bread and salt,
And the first snow and the first thunderstorm!

Newlyweds, remember! A gram of sensitivity will replace a kilogram of validol. Dr. Aibolit.

Falls on the shoulders
Like cloudy, veil.
Remains this evening
Always in our memory.
The bride dresses up surrounded by her friends,
And they can't find a place
Fingers of thin, delicate hands.
Two destinies joined - two rings,
To be inseparable hearts,
Two roads intertwined into one forever,
So that life goes on forever!
Like the last sunset in May
The girl's cheeks are on fire.
What happens to the face
White girl's outfit.
The bride is so beautiful in it
So mysteriously bright
What we believe is not in vain
She was waiting for this day.
Falls on the shoulders
Like cloudy, veil.
Remains this evening
Always in our memory.

Life for you is a wide road,
Hundreds of miles away.
You are now on the threshold of happiness,
Wedding is the door to enter.
So open that door wide
To be bitter from wine,
To be the best couple in the world for you,
To drink happiness all my life to the bottom.

We are young at heart
We wish you loyalty to the grave,
And so that age is not in a hurry,
And so that there is prosperity in the house,
And who put something somewhere,
For both of you to know...

Love family! What could be more valuable?
A crystal vessel full of roses,
A gift from heaven, the basis of happiness,
For many, only a source of dreams.
Take carefully the gift in your hands,
Like a light candle flame,
Do not spill and carry
Through all obstacles and swords!

April is ending
The drop subsided, rang,
And the wedding of your carousel,
She sang her own melody!
May your duet be happy
Non-year; not two, but many years
Believe me, your meeting is a secret
It was, of course, not accidental.
On the last day of winter
Fate's invisible thread
You decide to connect
And we congratulate you on this!
How many years have been next to each other
Passed both heaven and hell circle,
But still look at the spouse
Pierces loving spouse!
Yes, (name) - the core and the head,
Both the scepter and the mace.
But (name) in this house is the neck,
She knows how to turn her head!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.
Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.
And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love!

Your wedding day will fly by like a dream.
Only ringed hands
Remind you that Mendelssohn
You played the march. And these sounds
Let them sound in my soul for many years,
Reminder of a glorious day.
May the unquenchable, quiet light
Your home and soul illuminates!
Let there be sweet sunsets
A beautiful table, rich in food,
Words are more tender with every dawn
And only at the wedding will be bitter.

So that there is no quarrel or anger in the house,
So that welcome guests visit the house,
So that there is fun with laughter,
So that even longing chokes on laughter.
So that there is no excess in your offspring,
And the norm for you is only 10 kids.
Let engineers, artists come out of them,
Teacher, writer and hockey players.
And if you want to have an astronaut,
Buy another one at the store.

On the wedding day
We wish the groom
Be the true master
And love your wife
Bride to be caring
Become a friend of life
Always support everything
And help my husband!

Bride and groom, happy wedding day
We want to congratulate you today
And a very useful gift.
Add to wishes!
Let it be "bitter" to you at the wedding,
And in life together only sweet!
We wish you love, friendship, happiness,
Good luck in everything and prosperity!

We wish you to live in harmony for many years
And meet neither evil nor misfortune.
So that children grow up as people
So that there is no war in the world.
And so that at the weddings of your grandchildren
You waltzed with each other.

... 13

Congratulations, colleague! You have a newcomer and you should send him a congratulatory letter. This is a template for a finished letter and some points need to be changed in it:
1) login and password (we enter the data of the beginner)
2) a link to the site, depending on the country from which the newcomer.
3) a link to a letter with current promotions (you can create this letter yourself. If it doesn’t work, write to higher sponsors or me.)

Links to official sites:


Hello dear Partner!

Congratulations on your business registration - project "Express Career" from the company Oriflame!
We are very glad to welcome you to our successful and friendly team!
Let's get acquainted!
We, Artemovs Larisa and Mikhail, are developing a family business in partnership with Oriflame, we are Individual Entrepreneurs, Directors of the company and managers of our group!


Dear Partner, we wish you success and fast career growth andwe invite you not just for a part-time job - we invite you to learn a new and promising profession with an initial income of 30,000 rubles or more in 6-12 months, on the condition that you

    be sociable and active

    You will go through all the training lessons and ask questions if you don’t understand something.


    study MARKETING - PLAN of the company

    study all the templates provided to you (in order to know and be able to communicate with candidates and what to write to them) You do not need to invent anything. We provide ready-made tools.

    change your regular store where you used to buy soap, shampoo, toothpaste.... to your own online store, which was provided to you by the company immediately after registration and which is completely ready for work. You only need to develop and promote it. And we will help you.

    you will fill your store with new partners and customers and, in the future, when you yourself learn everything, you will also teach them everything that you know yourself

    And don't forget - YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ONLY ON YOU!!!

At the beginning there will be a lot of new information - but this does not mean that everything is complicated here. The information is simple and by doing everything step by step, you will quickly figure out what's what! Ask more questions! Feel free to contact and communicate with higher sponsors and colleagues!!! We are all the same people as you and we were once beginners too! We are all interested in you reaching the rank of DIRECTOR as soon as possible!!! Because our income depends on it. The more directors in the team, the higher the income! Therefore, study, invite new partners to your team, teach them the same things that they taught you, grow your Directors and get unlimited income!

IMPORTANT!!! We have TEAM work and we work on the principle of DUPLICATION!!!

Duplication is a very important component of building a successful MLM business.

What is it? In simple terms, this is copying the successful qualities, skills, strategies, actions, behaviors, etc. of those people who have already achieved excellent results in MLM. That is, it is a method in which, in order to achieve success, you need to repeat the successful steps of your sponsors.

Why duplication? Yes, simply because it is much easier to copy the steps of sponsors than to “reinvent the wheel”, “stuff bumps” and “step on the same rake” yourself.

Duplication is actually a very simple thing! But first, be sure that the duplication starts with you!

The right duplication will bring stunning results and take your business to a whole new level! Therefore, if you want to be successful and achieve results, we recommend that you communicate with your higher sponsors and follow their recommendations and instructions.

We are all ordinary people and came here to earn money!

We are focused on fast results! We work actively, grow quickly, there is NO time to build up!

We want to live well and beautifully NOW, not in 5-10 years. Why stretch growth over years? If everything can be done much faster!

Start learning a new profession and earn with us!


Briefly about the possibilities of Oriflame, which you receive immediately after registration:

Opportunity to make good money and build your own own business in cooperation with Oriflame.

In addition, you can earn a quick income by showing your friends catalogs (OPTIONAL!)

And the opportunity to use high-quality products for your personal consumption with a discount of 20% and various gifts for orders!

You can use any of these opportunities for yourself!

Where to start:

To make it easier for us to communicate, let's go straight to you! I hope you don't mind!

1. Add me to your contacts (marked "I'm new") andYou can ask me any questions that concern you and ask for help.

Our task is to teach you everything and help you get promoted from Consultant to Director.

The sponsor goes to whoever gets it!


We check mail every day and study the received letters. Be sure to check your SPAM folder - some emails end up there!