Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague. Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague Congratulations on a 45th anniversary to a woman colleague

May your forty-fifth birthday
It will be memorable, happy, bright,
And universal love and respect
They will be the main and well-deserved gift.
May you remain unchanged
Kindness, attention, cordiality,
Respectability, gallantry, excellent taste,
Business acumen, humanity.
May all the many gifted talents
Will definitely come in handy for you and the people
Let victories be the most reliable guarantor
Serves that we love you very much.

Your holiday today, you are 45!
I hasten to the anniversary, I wish you:
In any situation, do not lose heart,
Meet the new day with hope and faith,
Easy and beautiful problem solving
Feel the support of loved ones
Fill life with successful deeds,
Not aging with a soul, to create your own world,
And keep up with luck in life!

Years run, they can not be stopped,
And you are 45 today.
We wish you to be happy
And a lot of God's help in life!
After all, 45, in fact, is only a part
A wonderful life full of adventure!
We wish you to live and prosper,
And a lot of the brightest impressions!

45 is a great age
You are a man - in the dawn of strength,
We wish you honors, victories, glory,
To always be cheerful and healthy.
Congratulations, colleague, accept,
Live in abundance and happiness
Let your career grow by leaps and bounds
Let everything be fine in your affairs.

45 springs, 45 winters quickly flew by,
In the turmoil of days, they didn’t even have time to look back,
We congratulate you, colleague, on your anniversary,
May only joy, happiness and good luck,
Meet you on the path of life.
Be happy always
Let spring bloom in your soul
Let things go like clockwork.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 45 years to a male colleague

For you, colleague, congratulations and flowers,
You are the hero of the occasion today,
45 years old, for a man the most color,
This is the age of solidity, it's no secret.
Always be happy, don't be bored
Get the best from life
Live in joy and happiness
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather.

Today is a wonderful day
You turn 45 years old
We are happy to congratulate you, colleague, from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you good luck, joy, victories.
We wish you never lose heart,
Find a way out of any situation
We wish your career to grow up,
May you always enjoy life.

At young forty-five
There is simply no time to be bored.
For big love - family,
Friends are for fun.
From idleness - there is work,
And for rest - Saturday.
Life is filled with things
There is no place for sadness.
Age is bright and active,
You are a promising man.
May luck love you
May health be strong
And then in your destiny
Submit everything to you!

Years fly, do not catch up,
Lots of knowledge in the luggage.
As a child, I thought forty-five -
This is the grandfather.
It turned out that the grandfather
Can be so cool
What will give an answer to the enemies
And give odds to the young.
I wish you
To be at the peak every moment
Bold to be on the turn.
So be healthy old man!

You are not used to idleness and despondency,
Forty-five years of active development,
I made plans and always plowed like a bull,
I tried to live with dignity and confidence.
These years have not been in vain
You managed to build your life
Relatives and friends confirm
Justice prevailed.
Like an Atlantean you stand on your feet
On your shoulders are victories, achievements,
Confidence is always in your eyes
And you gained life experience without a doubt.
I wish you to live and prosper
At least one more forty-five,
Wishes and dreams come true
And how now to have a steel grip!

Well, what do you say now?
Look at your passport. Forty five!
Well, in your face you are like a youth,
Blush on cheeks. Well done!
We wish you not to change
Stay as bright!
And infect with positivity.
And often to amaze loved ones!

Days go by, years go by
The age of the passport raises.
But you're happy as always
And your face is shining.
Forty five! Is there a time limit?
This is just the beginning.
Fresh life sweet juice
In a new way, sail from the pier!

Anniversary forty-five,
Let's drink and celebrate.
Have fun, sing songs
And I can warm it in a salad.
We sincerely wish
Be healthy, don't suffer.
Relax and have fun
To be in flight like a bird.

45 is the date!
Not a man, but a dream!
Smart, experienced, rich.
And the figure is beauty.

May you be lucky in your career
Let friends not let you down
Let all doors open
The family will be happy.

Money will be through the roof
Hundreds of bright news.
Gentle words to hear a lot
Love life even more!

You are forty-five today
You are a solid man
We wish you to prosper on the holiday,
And let life be long
May your anniversary bring
pleasant surprises,
Be happy and don't be sick
Endure the vagaries of fate,
Luck is near let it go
Don't be sad in vain
We wish you joy
Many different successes!

Congratulate a male colleague on his 45th birthday

About the hero of the day at forty-five
There is so much to say:
A prominent man, no matter where,
But where did you hide the years?

You look like a true groom:
Good-looking, smiling, dashing.
But wise and you know the taste of life,
And this, by the way, is also a plus.

Go through life young
Successful, strong, but simple.
Be happy, strong and powerful
Always love, lucky in everything.

Forty-five is the richest date,
Age of experience, important victories.
Your birthday is like a reward.
Talisman from failures and troubles.

For a man, this age is always -
Middle of the road.
May your road be long
So that he could walk along it with a song!

May everything that has been achieved in this life
It will multiply... And for centuries!
May your path not be thorny,
There will be an angel next hand!

Be happy, always be healthy
Let your eyes shine with love!
Forty-five - again the world will become new,
This is the first thunderstorm in May.

Happy Anniversary dear colleague,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, joy, success,
May your soul blossom!

Forty-five, that's the date
Adult, mature person
So that a high salary
Long and wonderful years!

I hasten to congratulate my colleague,
With such a wonderful holiday,
I wish you success, happiness,
And always be irreplaceable.

Today is a holiday, anniversary,
It's time for you to wish
I'll start with success and luck,
And the whole world to conquer!

And, of course, the additions
And raise you
To always have grandmas,
It's easy to be at heart.

To not know evil, resentment and grief,
To make all dreams come true
Forty-five you today
Accept congratulations!

We have a good date today
We'll celebrate it together now
Forty-five years - an anniversary after all!
We wish you health and life blessings!
We wish the soul to be young
And we know for sure that it will always be so!
We wish you good luck, patience, kindness,
So that the spark of hope does not go out in the heart!

Happy anniversary! 45
Years to you, colleague.
Let's hurry to wish
Joy, success.

Always succeed
Any business.
Give days, hours, years
Happiness is mischievous!

Colleague, you are 45!
And you look exactly 30.
Let me find out the secret
How can this be achieved!

When the number we hear is "Forty-five"
That rhyme word asks "again"!
And you are again, as before, young at heart,
Again, as before, attractive by themselves,
And as once, the opposite sex -

Again falls in love with you again hopelessly!
Or maybe it’s not worth the numbers in the word “45”
Give mystical properties?
And so, everything is clear! Clearer than the morning dawn:
All the magic is within you!

On your anniversary we wish you
(That's why we're here)
What would you appreciate, respect
For being who you are.

Responsibility, and mind, and knowledge
These advantages cannot be taken away,
May wishes come true
To live, work and dream!

Forty-five - young,
Forty-five - labor,
Forty-five you life counted
Forty-five is not a year
forty-five - just a moment,
Forty-five is the beginning of life
Smile more cheerfully, it's your anniversary
And friends are celebrating.
Always be cheerful, do not count the year,
Let fate count them forever.

Colleague, your holiday has come!
Let dreams come true!
And forty-five - such a date
How could we not notice?
So what - pour into glasses
Sparkling wine soon!
And noisily we will celebrate together
Such a wonderful anniversary!

All colleagues gathered on your anniversary,
Friends, family - doors are open for everyone.
You are forty-five, but, as before, young,
Cheerful, sincere and mischievous.
After all, a boy lives in the soul of a man,
To some extent, a mischievous and naughty,
Although age gives solidity, wisdom, secrecy,
We wish you to maintain all sincerity and openness.

45 - even though you lived a lot,
It's too early in life to sum up.
45 is just a new beginning
New sorrows and joys, worries!

45 - you have already done a lot of steps,
A lot needs to be done.
45 is just a new beginning.
The main thing, guys, is not to age with pepper!

Everyone knows that at forty-five,
Life changes its course
You are young again
Feelings bloom again!
I want to flutter again
Like at twenty - have fun,
With the team, sit,
And how to get drunk!
Go to the bathhouse, sauna,
Sit in a familiar circle
So that in life, like in a movie,
Everything would work out great!
For you, our colleague,
Today we will get drunk in the trash,
And probably until the morning
As always, let's not leave!
Let your little brother in your pants
It will last a hundred years, no less,
So that another sixty years,
Was a favorite of women!

Has reached
Your age is forty-five
And I wish you this holiday
Dreams come true to find
So that joy
Always accompanied you. Wish
You health for a year,
And life to seem like sweet honey.
Trouble never interferes
And happiness came year after year.

There are many warm words and wishes,
But they can't convey
Those feelings that now own us!
We hope you can understand us ... We will tell the hero of the day dear: Our dear dad!
Don't be sad!
After all, 45 is, in fact, a reason
Cheerful, noisy holiday to throw! Congratulations and toasts for a woman on her 45th birthday
All your friends and family gathered today to congratulate you on your anniversary! For 45 years you managed to achieve a lot, worked tirelessly.

Everyone knows that at 45
Everyone is getting younger again!
So this anniversary
You are less than a year old!

So let's go soon
The whole countdown is reversed,
To stop at twenty!
Have fun and fall in love

Enjoy life to the fullest
Stock up on optimism
Faith, will, health ...
Happy anniversary! Better share!

On the anniversary, which is forty-five
In the circle of relatives you celebrate
I want to wish you
Everything you dream of.

Still, the soul does not grow old
And stay younger than everyone
For a quarter of a life or a third,
What is important to the heart too.

Give your life with joy
The newer that has become and richer,
And don't forget about yourself
Serve your luck.

Forty-five years today!
Happy Anniversary!
You are our wise man
Let's celebrate soon!

There will be toasts, congratulations,
Good wishes...
I wish inspiration
So that all the steps with a bang!

Congratulations, congratulations!
May your holiday be kind
I wish you now
Under the protection of the Lord!

You turned a little -
There is no need to be sad in the "Baby Age".
Keep your health for a long time
Our dear friend.
We wish you to always be beautiful,
And also simple
Always friendly and kind
Always loved, dear.

Happy birthday, colleague, congratulations!
And at 45 I wish you in fate,
Let adversity leave forever
Let the gardens bloom in your soul!
I wish you well now
Always take advice with wisdom!
With love, happiness, be inseparable,
Bright years are ahead of you!

Forty-five - young,
Forty-five - labor,
Forty-five you life counted
Forty-five is not a year
forty-five - just a moment,
Forty-five is the beginning of life
Smile more cheerfully, it's your anniversary
And friends are celebrating.
Always be cheerful, do not count the year,
Let fate count them forever.

Colleague, your holiday has come!
Let dreams come true!
And forty-five - such a date
How could we not notice?
So what - pour into glasses
Sparkling wine soon!
And noisily we will celebrate together
Such a wonderful anniversary!

Not a joke at all - forty-five!
You can sit down and count
What is done and what is forgotten
What a long time ago scored
What will the mirror tell you in the morning
What will the husband show on payday?
Let's all sleep today
To your tune -
After all, the age is thirty-five -
No longer a joke!

It's time for charm
Another years is not a heavy load.
But both experience and desire
Merged into a wonderful union.
You know how to warm in bad weather,
Share joy, pain and shame.
What happiness in this life
Be above petty insults!
Don't waste your energy
Appreciate every moment.
As before, be kind and sweet.
Drive sadness and boredom away!

Dear colleague, congratulations,
On your beautiful 45th birthday,
We wish you good luck, joy, kindness,
Prosperity and family warmth.
Let life flow like a full river
Let sadness forget your address forever,
Let happiness not pass by
Let fate be the happiest.

Congratulations on your 45th anniversary,
You are so beautiful and sweet today
For you, colleague, all the main words,
With all our hearts we wish you joy, goodness.
May you be pleasantly surprised every day
Happiness knows no boundaries
Let hope, faith and love accompany
Let reliable friends surround you.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 45 years:

Our team is here for a reason.
We want to wish you a happy birthday.
You are as good as early dawn.
Everyone loves you, what is there to dissemble.
We wish that work brings you
Not boredom and melancholy, but only joy.
May your beauty always bloom.
Everything that was only dreamed of came true.

Happy Birthday,
My beloved colleague!
I wish at work - patience,
And at home so that there are always friends,
The family is friendly and big!
And no other life is needed!

Colleague! I congratulate you
Happy birthday today!
Good luck, I wish you awards
Always be a fashionable woman!

Let adversity slip by
And happy moments will come
Will live next to you forever -
This will be beauty!

Let a smile shine on your face!
Confident, not shaky
Lights up around us
How often does it happen.

Let it be wonderful
And a joyful holiday
Leisure is interesting
Career is great!
Worthy - work,
And life is harmonious,
Prosperity is great
And health is great!
Promising ideas, success, luck!
Let good luck await in business!
Happy birthday!

In our friendly team
You were always active.
Now we will be active
And Happy Birthday
You, colleague, from the heart!
May the days be good
All yours, our colleague!
Let life be a full bowl!

The main motivational slogan of any personnel service sounds, in short, as follows: “Work should bring pleasure to a person!” And I fully share this point of view, because you work in our team. Working next to you is always a pleasure. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you further success in raising the incomprehensible heights of the corporate spirit!

As if the light is an obsession,
And in the world all the flowers bloom:
You celebrate your birthday
And we are here with you.

We celebrate beauty in you -
Beautiful as a flower, you too.
In you one soul is not tea.
And everyone, like a jester,

Hurries to serve you soon -
Kiss, hug...
And we praise you - a friend,
Sister, daughter, grandmother and mother!

Let a bouquet of fragrant flowers
And a box of sweets
Decorate your holiday table
And take it as a compliment!

Oh colleague and collaborator,
Stop being sad and frowning!
Your birthday today.
You accept without regret

Our bouquet of wishes.
Let there be no trials
On your paths,
And there will be a lot of luck!

And more love and joy
And the usual female weakness,
Lots and lots of diamonds
And a selection of options!

It is always a pleasure to congratulate you, dear colleague, on your birthday. After all, good people want to wish all the best. So on your day, we want to wish you a special life with special people and special happiness. So that your day always begins with a smile, and a good, invigorating mood. So that any work goes like clockwork, is to your liking, and most importantly, you like it. So that loving people surround you with care, and give you their attention and love. So that every day life inspires you to new, grandiose deeds. And all the plans were realized in your life soon. Let life seem to you beautiful, easy, carefree, as in childhood. We love you.