Catholic Christmas greetings cards in English. Holiday greetings in English: Christmas and New Year. How foreigners celebrate Catholic Christmas

Many merry gifts.
And lucky Christmas cheers,
Love into your heart
Let bless you Saint God.

Christmas spirit let
Bring joy into your home.
The troubles you forget.
Peace, happy in your soul.

Wish you many friends,
Prosperous business,
Incredible impresses.
Merry, Merry Christmas!

(translation in verse)
Many joyful gifts
Merry Christmas to you.
In the heart - the brightest love,
May the holy God bless you.

May Christmas be a special spirit
It will only bring joy to your home,
Will scatter all problems into smithereens.
May peace and happiness live in your soul.

I wish you true friends,
Success in your business,
Incredible experience
Always in everything. And Merry Christmas!


Christmas is a very sacred day.
Have an unforgettable holiday
Illuminated with all the lights
Of the world and life’s delights!

May Christmas spirit keep glowing
And all the happiness gets going.
Be blessed with all the smiles,
Gathering good luck into huge piles!

Christmas is a very sacred holiday.
Have an unforgettable weekend,
Illuminated by the lights of the whole world,
May all the joys of life be with you!

May the spirit of Christmas always sparkle
And only happiness is knocking on your house.
Bless with smiles for no reason,
Collecting luck into big peaks!


I wish you merry Christmas.
Have only smiles and any sadness.
May Christ bless your living start.
Have no regret and no discard.

Take any hardship for granted.
Christmas spirit will blow it.
I put happiness in your stocking.
Have a colorful life without talking!

Merry Christmas (translation)
I wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.
I only wish you many smiles without sadness.
May Christ bless your beginning.
And in life there will be few regrets and failures.

Take obstacles for granted.
The Christmas spirit will dispel everything difficult.
I will put happiness in your gift sock.
Without further ado, life will be as bright as a flower!

Christmas is here! We'll see this night
Happy faces and a lot of light,
Coming from candles and from hearts
It's good when someone now starts
The new, the better period of life.
Let friends stay close. Let husbands, wives
Be faithful. Let all people live
The happy life. And they'll forgive
The guys, which brought them only pain.
They’ll never do it, friend, again.

Christmas has finally come
Feeling his triumph,
I want to wish you all happiness.
Forget the grudges. Bad weather
Let them pass you by.
Let your loved ones wait for you. Home
When you return, you hug them.
Happy holiday! Live
In fidelity, love and faith
Life is so wonderful - I'm sure!

Merry Christmas in English

Candles, friends and tasty meal...
Christmas comes so calm.
People like the daffodils
Wait for it with charm.

Let the world be nice and quiet,
Let your dreams come true.
Christmas gives us novel start,
Kindness spreading through.

(translating to Russian language)
Candles, circle of friends, lunch...
Christmas is coming.
People are all in daffodil color
They bring shine everywhere.

Let the world be without war,
Let your dreams come true.
Christmas is the source of destiny,
Will be born again with goodness.

Merry Christmas

Today we feel great love and fun:
Christmas has come to everyone.
Now Santa will give us those gifts,
Which each guy likes much and needs.

I wish all: people, live in peace,
And worries, troubles won’t increase
Our problems - they’ll all run away.
Let's meet this outstanding day!

(translating to Russian language)
Christmas has come again
We feel love in our hearts.
Let only those dreams come true
That they bring a little kindness into the world.

Let Santa today, as always,
Will surprise us all. Well, the trouble is
He'll run away from here as fast as he can -
We won't let her in.

Merry Christmas in English

I want to say the warmest wishes for Christmas
About Christmas tree for your little home.
I want you to live your life without dramas,
I want you all difficulties to overcome.

I wish you bright garland and lights in your soul
And different colors of happiness.
I want for this Christmas you to follow your goal,
I want you to live in adventures.

(translation into Russian in verse)
I want to say my warmest words for Christmas,
So that the spruce tree burns brightly in a small house,
And so that this whole celebration passes without drama,
And so that you can overcome all the difficulties yourself.

And I want to wish you light and warmth,
And multi-colored shades of happiness,
So that you light your goal like a candle
And I plunged into adventure, as if in a fairy tale.

The most common question: when is Christmas for foreigners?
Friends, Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25th.

How foreigners celebrate Catholic Christmas

Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25th.
It is celebrated at the state level, and this day is always a day off. For Americans, Christmas is a very special holiday. They prepare for it very carefully, in advance, and look forward to it as much as we look forward to the New Year. On Christmas Day itself, they prepare a festive table, give gifts, have fun and spend time with their family. Gifts are usually placed under the tree or in a special Christmas stocking. Americans have a wonderful tradition: playing the game Dirty Santa on this day. The rules of this game and

How to say Merry Christmas

Upcoming Christmas - [ˈʌpkʌmɪŋ ˈkrɪsməs] - apkamin chrismes.

Merry Christmas! — Happy upcoming Christmas! - [ˈhæpɪ ˈʌpkʌmɪŋ ˈkrɪsməs] - hapi apkamin chrismes.

Do Americans, British and foreigners in general wish Merry Christmas or Happy New Year?

The speakers themselves do NOT congratulate each other on the upcoming Christmas with the words - Happy upcoming Christmas!

If there is a week or a couple of days left before Christmas, they say or write Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas - meaning congratulations on the coming Christmas.

When should you wish a foreigner Merry Christmas?

There will be nothing wrong if you wish an American or a British, an Australian or a Canadian a Merry Christmas on December 27th or 28th. Until the New Year they congratulate with the words: Happy Holidays! which includes congratulations on both Merry Christmas and New Year.

A nuance associated with wishing foreigners a Merry Christmas

Until 2000, there was no such strong interethnic issue and religious affiliation of people in foreign countries. Christmas has always been a lovely holiday, and even non-Christians’ attitudes towards it were quite positive. Now, the situation has changed radically. For example, in the States, commercial organizations, stores, and advertising companies write not “Merry Christmas,” but “Happy Holidays.” This is due precisely to the fact that there are many Muslims and Jews in the country who celebrate their national holidays and have nothing to do with Christian Christmas. And also, there are many people in the country who simply do not believe in God, and in order not to offend anyone, they use the neutral phrase “Happy Holiday”. In England the situation is approximately the same.

Therefore, if you want to wish your foreign friend a Merry Christmas, and you don’t know whether he/she believes in God, what his nationality is, or whether he even celebrates this holiday, congratulate him/her with a neutral phrase: “Happy Holiday!” - Happy holiday!

Foreigners are very well-mannered and polite people; no one will reproach you for wishing a Muslim or a Jew Merry Christmas. In such cases, they usually say: “Thank you,” or “I don’t celebrate Christmas.”

Now, let's look at how they say Merry Christmas in English-speaking countries.

Examples of how to wish an American/English a Merry Christmas

Americans congratulate each other with a standard phrase:

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Tom!
Merry Christmas to you, Tom!

Happy Holiday! Happy holiday!

And the British use a very common phrase:

Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Happy Christmas, Kelvin!
Merry Christmas to you, Kelvin!

What do foreigners wish for Christmas - examples of phrases with translation

Wish you a peaceful Christmas Time 🎅
Wishing you/you a peaceful Christmas.

Wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
I wish you all the best for Christmas and New Year.

Happy Christmas, my friend!
Merry Christmas my friend!

Merry Christmas and all the best in 2019!
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019!

Have a great day and a wonderful Christmas time!
Have a nice day and a wonderful Christmas!

Hope you & your family have a fantastic Christmas!
Hope you and your family have a fantastic Christmas!

May all your dreams for the coming year be fulfilled. Merry Christmas to you!
May all your dreams come true in the coming year. Merry Christmas to you!

These words can be sent

May your Christmas be a joyous and memorable one.
May your Christmas be joyful and memorable.

May you have a wonderful and Merry Christmas with the ones you love.
May you have a wonderful and happy Christmas with those you love.

No other holiday is more special than Christmas. Merry Christmas!
No other holiday is as special as Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a fun and Merry Christmas for you and your family. Have a bright and merry day!
I wish you a Merry and Happy Christmas to you and your family. Have a nice Christmas day!

May God bless you and your family on this special day! Have a great Christmas! Wishing you all the best.
May God bless you and your family on this special day! Merry Christmas! Wish you all the best.

May this day bring you laughter, joy and happiness. You deserve all of this! Merry Christmas!
May this day bring you laughter, joy and happiness. You deserve it all! Merry Christmas!

During this special day, what really matters in not how many presents are under the Christmas tree, but that you are surrounded by the love of family and friends. Merry Christmas!
On this special day, what really matters is not how many gifts are under the tree, but that you are surrounded/by the love of family and friends. Merry Christmas!

The holidays are a special time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the gift of love everlasting. I love you very much and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The holidays are a special time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the gift of everlasting love. I love you very much and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!! Wishing you all the best this holiday season.
Have a great, great, awesome Christmas! I wish you all the best this holiday!

My letter to Santa this year asked for YOU! So don’t be surprised when he comes through your window and puts you in a sack!
This year I asked Santa for YOU! So, don't be surprised when he comes through your window and puts you in a sack.

May God bless your home with peace, joy and love. Have a merry Christmas!
May God bless your home with peace, joy and love. Merry Christmas!

I don’t know about you, but Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday. The tree, the lights, all the presents to unwrap. Could there be anything more magical than that?! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
I don't know about you, but Christmas is my favorite holiday. Christmas trees, lights, gifts. Could there be anything more magical? 🙂 Merry Christmas!

I hope that this Christmas will be for you a cheerful ending to the year and a great beginning to a happy new one. May this joyful holiday season bring with it love, cheer and many awesome presents for you and your family. Merry Christmas!
I hope this Christmas is a joyful end to your year and a great start to a happy new one. May this joyful holiday bring you love, joy and many amazing gifts for you and your family. Merry Christmas!

Listen to the pronunciation of the phrase Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

More phrases:

Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas to you/you!
Have a very Merry Christmas! I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Have a nice Christmas! I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Along with the magic, closer to Christmas and New Year, we also have troubles: we urgently need to buy gifts and look for ideal congratulations for friends, acquaintances and business partners. The second can be a problem if you need to send wishes in English. tried to somehow ease this burden for you and chose congratulations in English for all occasions.

For friends and family

Warm, sincere and touching congratulations for the closest people

May your days be as glittery as diamond, may your friends be as good as gold, may your heart stay as green as emerald, and may your soul remain as pure as pearl.

May your days sparkle like diamonds, may your friends be worth their weight in gold, may your heart always remain green (that is, young), like an emerald, and may your soul remain pure, like a pearl.

May your Christmas be filled with lots of happiness, peace and love… Ooh and lots of presents! Holiday cheer and a happy New Year!

May Christmas be filled with happiness, peace and love... And, of course, lots of gifts! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year!

May the New Year bring new hopes, new perspectives and new reasons to celebrate in your life.

With humor

Don't lose your optimism. Such holiday greetings are usually the most memorable.

Do you know what I truly love about Christmas? I can eat everything I want because you know, it’s the holidays! Merry Christmas!

Do you know why I really love Christmas? I can eat whatever I want, it’s a holiday! Merry Christmas!

Be on the lookout for jolly, old, fat, white-bearded man bearing gifts! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Expect a cheerful, old, fat and white-bearded man with gifts! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I love Christmas. When else can you sit in front of a tree and eat candy out of socks?

I like Christmas. When else can you sit in front of a tree and eat sweets from a sock?

Congratulations to loved ones

New Year and Christmas are perhaps the most romantic time of the year. Don't miss the opportunity to remind your loved ones about your feelings

My letter to Santa this year asked for YOU! So don’t be surprised when he comes through your window and puts you in a sack! Merry Christmas!

I have a wish for Santa. It's you! Don't be surprised if he climbs through the window and you end up in a sack! Merry Christmas!

I don’t need to receive gifts this New Year, for I already have the best gift one can ever receive. The gift of being with someone I love. Happy New Year, my dear!

I don't need gifts this Christmas because I already received the best gift - the opportunity to be with the person I love. Happy New Year, dear/darling!

You are my love and hope, everything seems fine when you’re around. I hope this love will be forever. Merry Christmas, dear!

You are my love and hope. Everything is great when you're around. I hope our love will be eternal! Merry Christmas, dear/darling!

Congratulations in verse

Lines for those who cannot live a day without rhyme

A health to you,
A wealth to you,
And the best that life can give to you.

Good health to you,
Wealth to you
And all the best that life can give.

May your Christmas be wonderful
right from the start
May a happy year follow it, too.
These are the wishes that come from the heart
In this greeting especially for you.

May your Christmas be wonderful
Starting from the very beginning.
Let the year be the same.
These wishes come from the heart,
And especially for you.

It's good to have friends.
Friends who care
Friends who know you
who will always be there,
When you need them,
And who will never be indignant,
If you tell them something
Again and again.
I've said this before
And I will say now:
Merry Christmas!

New Year gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

New Year's gift suggestions:
For your enemy - forgiveness.
For your opponent, patience.
For your friend - your heart.
For your client - a service.
Good luck to everyone.
A good example for every child.
Respect for yourself.

Tom Cruise
Angelina Jolie
Aishwarya Rai
Jennifer Lopez
& me...
All the Stars wish u a Very Happy New Year.

Tom Cruise,
Angelina Jolie,
Aishwarya Rai,
Jennifer Lopez
and I...
All the stars wish you a Happy New Year!

Christmas greetings

Christmas is more important for Europeans than New Year! Don't insult your overseas friends and family - send a greeting card.

May all your days be merry and bright and may your Christmas be white! Merry Christmas!

May your life be merry, and may your Christmas be as white and fluffy as snow! Merry Christmas!

It is that time of the year again, when you are thankful for everything merry and bright. May this Christmas be a delight! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

And again it’s time to thank the Lord for all the good and bright things that have happened this year! May this Christmas be a joyful one! Merry Christmas!

Christmas and New Year are coming soon! We urgently need to buy gifts and look for decent congratulations to friends, acquaintances and business partners. The second can be a problem if you need to send congratulations in English. I will try to somehow make this stressful time easier for you and in the continuation of the article Congratulations in English I provide a list of universal Merry Christmas and New Year greetings in English.


1. Christmas, December 25, is a more important holiday for Europeans, Americans and British. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate your friends, family and colleagues.
2. You can freely combine these greetings, and also replace Christmas with New Year.
3. How to end your congratulations:

Informal: Yours / All the best / With lots of greetings, Your / Love + your name

Formal: Kind regards / Sincerely yours / Yours sincerely / Yours truly / Yours faithfully + your name

I. Friends and acquaintances

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings for friends in English

May your Christmas be filled with lots of happiness, peace and love… ooh and lots of presents! Holiday cheer and a happy New Year!

(May your Christmas be filled with happiness, peace and love... and of course lots of gifts! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!)

Your being present is the best present you could give me this holiday season. Happy Holidays, my friend!

(What you are is the best gift you can give me. Happy holidays, my friend!)

(As the New Year approaches and brings with it new hopes, we wish you a wonderful year ahead!)

May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations on your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness!

(May this year bring you happiness, new goals, achievements and a lot of inspiration in your life. Wishing you a year filled to the brim with happiness!)

(I don't know about you, but Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday. Christmas tree, lanterns, presents to open. Isn't that the real magic? Merry Christmas!)

Do you know what I truly love about Christmas? I can eat everything I want because you know, it"s the holidays! Merry Christmas!

(You know what I really love about Christmas? I can eat whatever I want because... well, it's a holiday! Merry Christmas!)

Wishing you the joy of family, the gift of friends, and the best of everything in 2015. May the joy of the holiday be with you in the New Year!

(Wishing you family joy, friends and all the best for 2015. May the holiday spirit be with you in the New Year!)

Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year. Merry Christmas!

(Santa Claus knows what he's doing. He only sees people once a year. Merry Christmas!)

Be on the lookout for jolly, old, fat, white-bearded men bearing gifts! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

(Wait for a jolly, old, fat and white-bearded Santa with gifts! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!)

May Santa always stop at your house. Merry Christmas!

(May Santa always stop by your house. Merry Christmas!)

I love Christmas. When else can you sit in front of a tree and eat candy out of socks?

(I love Christmas. When else can you sit in front of a tree and eat sweets from a sock?)

(I'm so glad we use holidays like Christmas to teach children to tell the truth: "Of course Santa exists.")

You should know that you are getting older, when Santa Claus is starting to look younger. Merry Christmas!

(You know you're getting old when Santa starts looking younger and younger. Merry Christmas!)

May your days be as glittery as diamond, may your friends be as good as gold, may your heart stay as green as emerald, and may your soul remain as pure as pearl.

(May your days sparkle like diamonds, may your friends be worth their weight in gold, may your heart remain green (that is, young) like an emerald, and may your soul remain pure like a pearl)

Let us leave behind sadness, regrets and painful moments and have a new start full of joy this new year. Wishing you a peaceful and joyous holiday!

(Leave behind the sadness, regrets and painful moments, start a new year full of joy! We wish you a peaceful and happy holiday!)

May the magic and the thrill of the holiday season stretch on!

(Let the magic and fun of the holidays continue!)

II. Beloved/beloved

Romantic Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings in English

My letter to Santa this year asked for YOU! So don"t be surprised when he comes through your window and puts you in a sack! Merry Christmas!

(Santa's wish is YOU! So don't be surprised if he climbs through the window and puts you in a sack! Merry Christmas!)

A word of cheer

A bit of love from someone near

A little gift from one held dear

Best wishes for the coming year!

(A barely noticeable smile, a kind word, a little love from a loved one, a small gift from a dear person. All the best for the new year!)

Santa won't be coming this year! He died laughing when you said you’d been a good girl/boy. Have a Merry Christmas.

(Santa's not coming this year! He died laughing when you said you were a good girl/was a good boy. Merry Christmas!)

I don’t need to receive gifts this New Year, for I already have the best gift one can ever receive. The gift of being with someone I love. Happy New Year, my dear!

(I don't need gifts this Christmas, because I have the best gift - the opportunity to be with the one you love. Happy New Year, darling!)

We may not be together this Christmas but just remember that in my heart you will always be around. Together, by heart and soul, we will celebrate Christmas! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

(We may not be together this Christmas, but remember that in my heart you are always there. Together, heart and soul, we will celebrate this Christmas! Merry Christmas and New Year!)

This New Year is special for me, I am having a special person to think about. Happy New Year, my love!

(This New Year is special for me - I have someone I will think about. Happy New Year my love!)

You are my love and hope, everything seems fine when you’re around. I hope this love will be forever. Merry Christmas, dear!

(You are my love and hope. Everything is good when you are near. I hope this love is forever! Merry Christmas, darling!)

If I could package my heart and send it to you, I would. No distance can keep me from reaching out to you to embrace you and wish you a Happy New Year.

(If I could send you my heart, I would. No amount of distance will keep me from hugging you and wishing you a Happy New Year!)

The best thing about Christmas is to hug you, looking at the sky and watching the fireworks. Thank you for making me the happiest girlfriend/boyfriend of all. I wish you a merry Christmas.

(The best thing about Christmas is hugging you, looking up at the sky and enjoying the fireworks. Thank you for making me the happiest girl/happiest guy ever. Merry Christmas!)

Your love is the light that will illuminate all my days with happiness this New Year.

(Your love is the light that brightens all my days with joy this New Year!)

III. Foreign partners and colleagues

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas for business partners in English

Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.

(We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of peace and happiness)

Sincerest wishes for hope, happiness and peace during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year.

(Please accept our sincere wishes of hope, happiness and peace this holiday season and throughout the new year)

Our best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season! We hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health, good cheer and prosperity.

(Please accept our best wishes this holiday season! We hope the coming year brings you peace, good health, joy and prosperity)

Our sincerest thanks for your association. We appreciate your business and wish you all the best for the coming year!

(Please accept our sincere gratitude for your cooperation. We appreciate your work and wish you all the best in the New Year!)

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Master Class. “DIY New Year’s card in English”

Khemerova Galina Aleksandrovna

Description of material:
The master class is designed for preschoolers and children of primary school age, additional education teachers, English teachers when introducing new thematic vocabulary.
Poems and rhymes are copyrighted. The rhymes are designed in such a way that the pronunciation of English words in them is consistent with the pronunciation of Russian ones. This allows children to effectively memorize new lexical items.
1) Make a New Year's card with an inscription in English;
2) Activate students’ lexical skills;
1) Develop attention and memory in children;
2) Teach the correct pronunciation of English words;
3) Foster hard work and accuracy in work;
4) Cultivate attention and care for friends and loved ones;
5) Develop children’s fine motor skills;
The card is intended as a New Year's gift
Materials and tools:
Scissors with straight blades;
Colour pencils;
Colored paper;

Lesson progress

New Year cards
We will celebrate the New Year together.
It goes all over the planet
He boldly enters our homes.
Winter gives everyone a holiday!
Gifts have been prepared
The lights sparkle brightly
The Christmas tree is covered with sparkles.
New Year cards
Let's do it ourselves today.
Dad, grandma and mom

We will give them from the heart.
We need pencils.
Let's make the signature interesting.
To make it clear to everyone,
We will read the inscription loudly,
And then we'll translate it.
The inscription will be in English.
Let's surprise our family and friends:
Let's say a phrase in English:
We'll show you our knowledge.
We are learning English
We are studying English.
We know a lot of English words.
And in preparation
English-Russian rhymes
New words will show
They will tell you how to read them out loud.
They contain the meaning of English words
Related to pronunciation.
We're all getting down to business
We all get down to business.
Let's start boldly together!
Various pencils
Get ready, kids!
We take glue and scissors,
We distribute paper to everyone.

Fold a sheet of colored paper.

The stencil will help us all

Trace the outline of the tree,
Apply to paper.

We cut out with scissors.

We open the sheet of the postcard.
Glue will come to our aid:

Decorate the Christmas tree quickly!
At the top there will be star (one hundred).
Oh, what a beauty!

Now let's stick it ball.
The creative process has begun!