Wishes to a friend in your own words get well. Poems wishes for a girlfriend get well soon Get well soon girlfriend

Autumn cold brings a lot of unpleasant moments, including illness. None of us will be pleased to sit at home for days on end, when your friends walk the streets and enjoy a full life. Is your friend sick? So why not cheer her up with such beautiful poems and words that will definitely fill her day with positive notes. And as we all have long known that laughter and smiles have an extremely positive effect on the entire human body. Charge your close friend with positive and wish her a speedy recovery in such a great shape. She will definitely appreciate it and will be very grateful to you for such warm and sincere words from the bottom of her heart.

Your third day of sick leave
High fever and headache
You lie in bed and suffer
You want to get better soon.
Get well, girlfriend, do not get sick,
Drink prescription drugs
Follow the bed regime
You'll get better soon, don't be sad.

What happened to you again?
Temperature, cough and headache
Do not feel sorry for yourself, friend,
You go without a hat in the cold, as always.
Get well soon, dear
Drink with raspberry and lemon tea,
And don't forget the pills
We miss you, you know.

Girlfriend is not in the mood
Again this nasty sore throat,
Bed rest, no doubt
One will have to lie in the apartment.
Get well soon my friend
Drink tea with raspberries and honey,
Follow the doctor's recommendations
And you'll get better soon.

My friend is in pain
It's a cold again
Seemed to be slightly caught in the rain,
And with a runny nose already came down.
Get well, girlfriend, do not get sick,
Don't spare money for medicines
Be sure to drink lemon tea
It's not that scary, don't be shy.

The cold is just coming
My girlfriend is sick like always
Feet get cold at least a little bit,
Angina is already here.
Get well soon friend
Though bitter medicine, but you drink,
Lie down a little, be patient,
Do whatever the doctors say.

Do not get sick and do not try to be bored,
I wish you to drive away the disease soon,
To make gray days more pleasant,
Let them fly away from thoughts.
My girlfriend. I'll forgive you - don't be sad
Accept my wishes in your heart
Get back to a healthy mind
Well, if you're sick, I'll stay with you.

I wish you to deal with the disease,
And no more need to meet with the infection,
Find flaws in the immune system,
Do not be friends with the disease, my friend.
I wish you health without worries
A new day of success will bring you
Raise your nose up,
Drive the disease out of yourself as soon as possible.

You are my beloved friend, do not be sick,
Eat more onions, oranges, celery,
Drink pills, tea and milk with honey,
And I will visit you in the evening.
Rub the throat with ointment or pepper,
And wrap it all up with a towel,
Get well soon, try, come on,
I will be soon - without me, my friend, do not be bored.

Here's the trouble - my best friend is sick,
How sad it is for me to be alone without her,
With whom should I go for a walk in the park in the evening,
With whom should I discuss new outfits now?
With whom now to share my breakfast in the buffet,
Ah, don't trouble your heart with a disease,
Get well soon, I send a smile at dawn
May you have a whole mountain of health.

How to support a beloved friend who is sick? You need to buy sweets and go to her. But this is only possible if she lives with you in the same city. And if you are separated by distance, then unusual wishes for a speedy recovery will be an excellent way out of the situation. On our site you will find many options for words of support that your beloved friend will definitely like, lying with a temperature several thousand kilometers away from you. We offer you a wide range of wishes, so many words of support you will not find on any other site. Choose something that will help your friend cope with the disease faster and send it to her. Better yet, choose a few at once. Be with us and stay tuned for site updates.

Dear girlfriend, don't sour
Don't be discouraged and don't be shy
You drive away bad thoughts,
And get well soon.
It's sad without your smile
From the heart I say, loving,
Be strong, beloved friend,
We are waiting and love you all.

Dear, my dear friend,
Why are you leaning your head on the pillow?
Well, there are potions around you,
You are sick, you have a fever.
I wish you soon
Forget about illnesses, illnesses,
And let the sun light warm you
You will flutter like a butterfly.

Girlfriend, you're a little sick,
Just don't be sad, don't be sad
I really, from the bottom of my heart wish you
Get sickness out of your life.
Let spring inspire happiness
And let the sun warm with warmth,
Get well soon to hurry
Walk, and smile, and love.

Girlfriend, I'm sad because you're sick
I really want you to hurry up
She was healthy, smiling as you can,
And made the whole world kinder and more fun.
I wish you strength and health
And joy, and light, and spring,
May the dawn bring you good luck
And the days will be full of success.

The disease came and took away strength,
Don't be sad and don't worry
She did not break your strong spirit,
You are strong, and we are with you, know.
We will support you in everything, we will help,
Let the evil ailment go away forever
We need you, we can't live without you
You are our dear, beloved person.

Girlfriend, I miss you
I wish you a speedy recovery!
So that we walk with you in the moonlight,
And rejoice in life on earth!
Send your sickness away
And get well soon!

My friend got sick
Didn't even come to school today
The temperature is high in the morning
The throat is red, probably a sore throat, that's the trouble.
Get well soon friend
Drink tea with lemon and a potion,
By the weekend, so that I could get better,
Cool things are waiting for you and me.

My girlfriend is on sick leave for the third day,
And I don't have any mood
We were going to have a great weekend
It is clear that nothing can be planned in advance.
Get well, come on, don't get sick,
Get to work soon
Tutu blockage is complete, that's the trouble,
I can never manage on my own.

My girlfriend and I have been friends for a long time,
Yesterday we went to the cinema together
Ice cream ate two servings of everything,
My friend got sick and I didn't care.
I wish you get well soon
Drink tea with healing herbs,
It's time for you to harden
So that your throat does not hurt so often.

A whole week a friend on sick leave,
There is no one to chat with about our own, about personal,
Somewhere she caught an infection,
I got a bad cold and now I'm sick.
Get well soon my friend
I'm bored alone, no more pain,
Follow the doctor's order
Stay healthy, don't sneeze anymore.

The third day on the phone we communicate,
When are you going to work?
Drink raspberry tea and apply a compress
And you will feel progress in your well-being.
I wish you get well soon
With you, girlfriend, much more fun,
It's cold outside, dress warmly
Take vitamins and no more pain.

At work you sit without a mood,
And the eyes are watery, like this,
Eat raspberry jam at home
Clearly, you have a cold.
You, girlfriend, get well, be strong,
Put the mustard plaster on, and immediately go to bed,
Dress warmly, it's cold
It's freezing winter outside.

I call my girlfriend
I hear a hoarse answer on the phone,
You need to dress warmly in the cold,
Here's my advice to you.
I wish you get well soon
Put compresses, drink tea with lemon,
Try your best to get better before the weekend
And come to my party.

Get well soon, friend!
You do not give up the disease,
And in spite of their ailments
Hold on and smile.

You got sick for no reason.
Get well soon!
Soon everything will be fine
Everything will pass, no doubt.

My girlfriend dear
Get well, come on!
And thoughts are gray as clouds
Hurry, you quickly drive away!

You are charged with positive
And stop being discouraged.
Happy day will come again
You will be healthy, know for sure!

You, my friend, don't worry.
Eat onion and celery
Drink fresh milk
Eat it all with garlic.

Rub with pepper ointment
And wrap yourself in a towel.
Drink delicious raspberry tea
Get well, come on!

My dear friend,
Tell me what to do for you
So that you don't get sick again
Did you manage to become healthy again?

I'll buy you vitamins
And I'll tell jokes.
And if you want - then with you
At least I'll stay until the morning!

I won't leave you in trouble
I value you very much.
And soon you will be healthy again
I will always support you!

Friend, get well, dear,
You never need to be sick.
I strictly forbid you
I want you to be healthy.

You eat more lemons, oranges,
To quickly drive away all the disease.
And may you have great strength
Helping you get healthy again!

Get well soon, friend
I feel so bad without you.
I'm so worried about you
How can I help you?

I know a wonderful secret
From sickness and disease.
This is real humor
Well, a faithful friend nearby!

So I'll be with you
And I will not leave you in trouble.
Together we will move mountains with you
Smile, I beg you!

Get well soon, friend.
Don't be sick anymore.
I'm very hard without you
And not fun at all.

I miss you all the days
I remember our time.
How we laughed
And they joked about themselves.

Get well, please.
I will come to you soon.
Our friendship can do anything
And the disease will overcome!

My dear friend,
sincere and kind,
I wish you recovery
Energy and inspiration!

Illness is everything passing,
The lust for life is real,
I know you can overcome everything
You can build your own way!

Get well soon, friend
And let the blizzard on the heart.
Know that the winter will pass quickly
You will have sun.

I'm really sorry for you
I will drive away your sadness.
So be strong in spirit
And smile beautifully!

You will be healthy soon
Remove your worries.
Let's be together, you and me
Our friendship forever!

Don't be discouraged, friend
Don't give up sickness.
Eat vitamins, fruits,
Smile more.

Can't stand laughter
And cheerful mood.
Better get better.
And remember - I'm with you!

Get well soon, friend
We are not allowed to get sick.
The blizzard has long since subsided,
It would be nice to take a walk.

Fresh air will come in handy
He will improve health.
As long as we try
Do what the doctor says.

Eat fruit, get better
Respect healthy sleep
Get rid of the disease
Raise your mood.

I know you're bored.
Yes, and I - believe me.
Everything will be as before.
Just get well soon.

And again for a cup of tea
Let's talk about this and that.
I'll tell you what I dreamed about.
And then you share.

Get well soon, my friend
As soon as possible.
It's so boring without you.
And with you - everything is OK!

You got sick, that's a misfortune
And the bad weather knocked down!
You suddenly found yourself in the rain
Today it had an immediate effect.

I ask you: do not be sick,
Have pity on yourself, my friend!
Wrap up warm now
And pour yourself some tea with honey!

I'm very bored without you
No reason to be happy
Get well soon, girlfriend
Let the doctors do their best.

Instantly drive away all ailments,
Eat fruits and drink juices
And microbes are all obedient
Fly away soon!

Get well soon, dear friend.
After all, we can not sometimes day after all without each other.
We will believe that we have learned the meaning of friendship.
Get well soon, I miss you so much.

I don't wish my enemy
And even more so for you
So sick - I don’t understand ....
Get well soon.
I'll tell you the news
What they told me
Only you, come on, dear
Get well soon
If you want news, take pills
The ones the doctor ordered
I won't tell
Get well soon
And today someone
He said that we are related ....
Eat some broth dear
Do not upset me.
Well, maybe see you tomorrow
I will come to you in the morning
I'll bring some mango
And some crackers
Well, while my dear
Get well soon

My dear friend,
Get well soon, dear
Get rid of all ailments
Forget about them forever.

While reading these lines
Take the best remedy in the world -
Smile, because you yourself know
She is incomparably helpful.

Ailments pass, you know that
Keep the feeling of beauty
Think of the best, of something good
Know that everything is possible in this world!

My friend, always be strong
I wish you health and wellness
Beautiful, great and mutual love,
Let the fire of happiness burn inside!

Get well, get up
We'll drink tea together
We'll tell the girl's secrets
Let's live happier.

Tea in a glass warms
I'll pour it for you.
And the disease runs away
There's a blush on your cheek.

You will get well soon
Soon you will smile
You are a friend, sleep tight
And life will return to you.

You, girlfriend, wait, be strong,
For soon there will be a day
When all the sickness is gone, and you
Smile at everyone.

My friend, don't worry
May your health grow stronger!
Sleep more, take your medicine
Let the sickness go away!

Just a little more, a little more
You will be cheerful, energetic,
After all, you know, the body of a young
There is always a great reserve of strength!

Let's heal and don't get sick
The world has become more boring without you
And there's no one to talk to
Favorite TV show.

Get well, come on!
And listen to the good doctors
And you'll get better then
In just a few days!