Hairstyles in the Greek style, which will always be relevant. Greek hairstyle for medium hair. How to do step by step with a photo

Recently, hairstyles in the Greek style have become very popular. They give the lady a feminine and gentle look. This styling is quite simple, but it looks just great and can be suitable for any life occasion. Also, the image can suit both girls and adult women, anyone can find a suitable Greek hairstyle for themselves.

1) In order for the Greek style hairstyles to look beautiful and correct, you need to use a straight parting.

2) The strands should fall a little from the temples.

3) If there is a braid in the hairstyle, then it should not be tight, it is better to make it a little disheveled.

An excellent option would be an openwork pigtail or made of curls.

The braid can act as an imitation of a bandage or a hoop, in which case weaving will be carried out around the head.

4) The temporal and frontal parts should be open, and there should be volume on the occipital part - this is the basic principle of this styling.

5) The use of hoops, headbands and ribbons is encouraged.

Hairstyle in the Greek style for long and medium hair step by step

The Greek hairstyle is universal, as it helps to organize hair of any length into a beautiful image.

There is a wide variety of such installations. Another plus is that it is quite easy to do it yourself, without asking for help from the master.

Greek hairstyle for long hair

Wavy medium to long hair is best suited for a Greek hairstyle, as it is with them that the image looks just perfect.

If the curls are straight, then it is better to wind them a little with a curling iron or curlers, having previously treated them with a thermal protective agent. Since you constantly need to wind your hair, you should not get carried away with such a hairstyle so as not to spoil the structure and appearance of the strands.

Next, a small strand of hair is taken at the top of the head, which should be combed a little and treated with a fixative.

Then this strand is smoothed and fixed on the head, this can be done with the help of invisibility.

Then the entire bulk of the hair is removed to one side and fixed. Everything, the Greek hairstyle is ready for this, you can diversify it with some decorative elements, for example, for some kind of celebration.

How to perform a similar hairstyle with a rim, see the following video.

Greek styling for medium hair

Greek hairstyles for medium hair are performed in exactly the same way as for long curls. To begin with, the hair needs to be made wavy. Next, the hair is selected from the top of the head and a small ponytail is tied. Now you need to make a small and neat bundle from this tail, which should be fixed.

Next, a Greek braid hairstyle is already created. Namely, from the strands that remained at the temples and on the back of the head, pigtails are woven, on each side. Weaving can be different, for example,. Then they are fixed near the beam.

That's all, the image is completely ready, for more romance, you can release a small strand of hair near the face.

How to make a Greek braid hairstyle for medium hair, see the following video.

Greek style in short hairstyles

On short hair, you can also perform Greek styling, and it will look no worse. This look is perfect for shoulder length.
First, you need to twist the hair a little with a curling iron or curlers. Next, you need to part all the hair. This must be done in such a way that there are more strands on the right side than on the left. Some temporal curls need to be put on the left side. Fix everything.

You can make a Greek hairstyle for short hair and with an elastic band. It is performed as follows: the hair is twisted and fixed with varnish. Further, the entire mass of hair is fixed at the back of the head. Styling looks great with bangs. And in order for the image to be accurately preserved for a long time, it needs to be fixed with an elastic band, and besides, it looks very beautiful.

Greek hairstyle with headband

Hairstyles with a Greek-style bandage can be created for curls of different lengths, and this accessory itself can be used in different ways.

In this case, it is important to choose the bandage itself of the right color, it can be the color of the hair or go with the dress or other clothes. Can also be done with a ribbon instead of a bandage.

The easiest way to make such a styling is as follows - this bandage is put on top of the curled curls. Next, all the hair strands are tucked into a bandage. At the end, they can be stretched a little to give more volume.

Hairstyles for the Greek style will look more gentle if you add, for example, some flowers to it.

Greek tail hairstyle

Simple evening hairstyles can be obtained with the help of a Greek tail.

It is necessary to divide the hair into two parts vertically and braid the braid on each side, approximately to the back of the head. The tail is combed and volume is created. In order to hide the elastic band, you can tie it with a strand of hair.

This is how the classic styling option looks like, for some important event it can be changed in various ways. For example, in a wedding format, styling may look like this.

Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style

Greek hairstyles are suitable for many situations, and for a wedding, you can choose a good styling option that will turn the bride into a beautiful princess.

Consider an example of a beautiful wedding look using a Greek hairstyle.
Such styling will not require special costs, you will need hairpins (hairpins, invisible), means for fixing, combs and means for winding strands.
All hair should be divided into four parts: occipital, temples, bangs and parietal. The parietal and occipital zones are not needed yet, so they can be fixed so as not to interfere.

The bangs and temporal areas are wound up to make beautiful curls.

Then the hair at the back of the head is divided into several levels, and each is wound separately. Curls can be combed a little to make them more fluffy or you can run your fingers along them.

Now on the back of the head you need to create a large beam. To do this, you must first take a small strand on one side, lift it and fix it with an invisibility. Further, the lower curls also rise into a common bundle. Well, then the same with the opposite side of the back of the head.

A French braid is woven with the hair of the parietal region, gradually turning and finally fixing in a bun. You can release a few strands along the face to make it more beautiful. That's all the magnificent styling is ready. It can also be suitable for prom girls.

Greek styling can also be done with rubber bands.

It is best, when doing the hairstyle yourself, to try to do it several times in advance, so that directly on the solemn event itself everything turns out just perfectly and without difficulty.

Greek style remains the current trend this season. It suits absolutely all women and endows the image with romance, grace and sophistication. You can make a Greek hairstyle not only on long hair, but also on short hair. As an "assistant" you can use a special bandage called "hairatnik". The accessory can be made of beads, rhinestones, lace, metal elements.

Greek hairstyles have many variations, but they are all recognizable. These can be simple hairstyles in the Greek style or complex designs with weaving elements. All the stars of show business who prefer this amazing hairstyle always look chic, defiling along the red carpet.

Greek hairstyle is very convenient to perform on medium length hair. The easiest option is when the main part of the hair remains loose, and the rest is collected at the back of the head and stabbed with invisible or hairpins. The free part of the hair can be curled.

To create a romantic style, you need a "hairatnik". The elastic band should not press hard on the head and cause discomfort. At the top you need to make a pile. Collect all hair in a tight ponytail. Put on a bandage. Curls can be left loose or picked up with hairpins. The latter option will look especially beautiful on the owners of high cheekbones.

A bun in the style of the Greek goddess Artemis looks luxurious and at the same time elegant. The basis of the hairstyle is a voluminous beam. On the sides, you can curl a few thin braids that will serve as a decor.

A win-win option for everyday hairstyles in the Greek style is light and airy curls decorated with flowers. Curls can be collected from the side and stabbed with hairpins. With a similar hairstyle for medium hair, you will get a gentle look that was personified by the goddess of love Aphrodite.

Greek hairstyle for medium hair, photo

Greek hairstyle for long hair

Long hair is a wonderful material from which chic hairstyles can be obtained. Choosing the Greek style, long-haired beauties can try to make a romantic hairstyle with flowing curls and weaving elements. This styling is very comfortable and incredibly beautiful. Performing this option, you will need to make a horizontal parting. Thus, the hair will be divided into two equal parts. The first strands are divided into two parts. The strand that is closer to the face is fixed by invisibility. A free strand is necessary for weaving a French braid. After the braid is braided to the neck, all the hair must be combined and braided into a common braid. The resulting pigtail must be twisted into a bundle and stabbed with hairpins. The front strands (fixed by invisibility) are divided on both sides into several parts, each of which is laid in turn on the resulting bundle and fixed. That's all, a beautiful Greek hairstyle is ready in 5 minutes!

The hairstyle "Greek knot" looks charming. It is not at all difficult to complete. This hairstyle was very popular among the female population of ancient Greece. Another name for this hairstyle is Korimbos. A hairstyle is performed on pre-curled, long hair with a straight parting. Hair can be lifted and laid at the back of the head in a bun, fasten the knot with a satin ribbon or hairpins.

Tutorial video: How to do a Greek braid around the head for long hair

Greek hairstyle for short hair

Some owners of short hair believe that the Greek hairstyle is not available to them. This is a big misconception. Antique beauty is universal and accessible to everyone. Naturally, short hair limits the choice, but still, a few interesting solutions can be easily implemented. If the hair length is more than 10 cm, then it will turn out to braid the “spikelet” around the head. Short hair can be curled and folded back, secured with a bobby pin or clip.

If the owners of short hair dream of a hairstyle like Aphrodite, then nothing is impossible in this situation. In this case, you can use overhead strands or a chignon. This hairstyle can be decorated with ribbons, headbands and hoops.

Greek hairstyle with garter

Not many people know how to make a Greek hairstyle with a garter. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this matter.

  • It is necessary to comb the hair and make an even parting.
  • Put on a bandage.
  • Now you need to take a small strand and tuck it under the bandage and so on in turn. You need to twist your hair tightly so that the hairstyle does not fall apart.
  • The remaining hair must be twisted around the bandage and the ends secured with invisibility.

Tutorial video: How to do a Greek hairstyle with a garter?

Greek hairstyle without garter

To create a styling in the Greek style, it is absolutely not necessary to use a garter. Weaving, which is performed in the form of a rim, can act as a decor. It also looks interesting when the hair is curled and laid vertically, starting at the top of the hairline and ending at the back of the head.

Greek hairstyles are a great option for everyday life and for special occasions.

Greek hairstyles, photos of which we have collected on our website, suit almost everyone. They personify feminine fragility, grace and beauty. Don't be afraid to experiment! Having made a hairstyle, decorate it with accessories. They will give the image a solemn look and create a festive mood.

Take it to your wall:

The Greek hairstyle with a bandage was so fond of star ladies - Charlize Theron, Christina Aguilera, Keira Knightley and Blair Waldorf, that they gladly showed them on the red carpet. Why are we worse? Let's learn how to do this simple, but very cool styling with your own hands!

Who is the hairstyle for?

Greek women are naturally curly, so this hairstyle looks perfect on owners of curly strands. But even in the case of straight hair, it will not be difficult for you to make such a hairstyle. As for the length, it also does not play a special role. Of course, girls with medium hair will cope with the task much faster, but long-haired girls will have to work a little longer, but the result will be equally good for both.

Low-cut Greek style

This is one of the simplest and most common hairstyles that can be seen on every third woman in the summer. It is performed with the help of hairpins and an elastic band. Plus, you have two options.

Option 1 - with wrapping a strand around an elastic band

1. We comb the strands with a brush and apply any styling agent (mousse, foam, wax) to them. It is advisable not to wash your hair the day before styling - clean hair will not hold, and the hairstyle will begin to crumble.

2. Now we put on an elastic band.

3. How to make a Greek hairstyle with a bandage? We twist the strands at the temples and in the front part into a tourniquet, pass it under the elastic band in the back of the head. We stretch the ends of the hair and lower it down.

4. We select two more identical strands and in the same way carefully wrap our rim around them. They can no longer be twisted into a tourniquet.

5. We repeat this action with the remaining hair. Each strand must be passed through the elastic.

6. We twist the hair falling from under the elastic band into a light tourniquet and wrap it around the elastic band as many times as the length allows. The longer the tourniquet, the more voluminous the beam will be.

8. We fix the result with a couple of hairpins and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Also, watch the video version:

Option 2 - laying the hair in a bun

  1. We comb with a brush.
  2. We put on an elastic band on the head.
  3. We collect all the strands in a low free tail, but do not tie it with an elastic band, but twist it into a light tourniquet.
  4. We lift the tourniquet to the elastic band and put it in a beautiful bundle or roller.
  5. For fixing we use studs.

This styling can be safely called the base, because many other options can be made on its basis. For example, you can only braid the front strands into the headband, and braid the rest of the hair or leave it free.

Festive styling

Do you want to create a festive Greek style hairstyle with a headband? No problem! With our master class, you will cope with this task in less than 15 minutes.

Is a Greek hairstyle suitable for short hair?

A Greek hairstyle with a bandage for short hair looks no less stylish, and is even easier to perform than on long strands. To do this, wet hair must be soaked with mousse or foam, and then dried with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle. It won't be superfluous. Next, we perform the installation, taking master class No. 1 as an example. Of course, in this case, you will not have a long tail of loose hair. You simply pull each curl under the rim and fix them with hairpins.

If the strands are so short that they cannot be wrapped around the bandage, use it as a separator between the bangs and the main mass of hair, laid in random order.

What bandage to choose?

The bandage is the main element in the Greek style, therefore, the choice of this accessory must be approached very carefully.

  • Make sure that the bandage is your size - it does not hang out, but it does not press;
  • The fabric of the bandage should be natural - synthetics slide through the hair;
  • Width is another important point. Long hair - a wide accessory, short - narrow;
  • Now let's talk about color. The bandage should be in harmony with the gamma of the outfit, but differ from the hair color by 2 tones. If you want to make the bezel invisible, choose something to match. Don't know where to stop? Pastel shades imitating gold and silver are considered ideal.

You can buy a bandage in the store, or you can make it yourself.

To do this, you will need a regular ribbon or strip of cotton fabric (you can cut an old T-shirt or any other thing).

  1. Use a tape to measure the circumference of your head.
  2. We measure a piece of tape, the length of which is twice the circumference of the head.
  3. We twist the tape into a tight tourniquet.
  4. We fold this tourniquet in half and release.
  5. When unwinding, the two parts of the tape will intertwine with each other.
  6. We tie the ends of the ribbon into knots so that the tourniquet does not completely unwind.

You can also braid a pigtail of three or five pieces of fabric, laces or leather - in general, turn on your imagination and create for the benefit of your beauty.

After trying your hand a few times, you will become a true Greek hairstyle pro. And so that you get it right the first time, take note of a few more tips:

  • If the bandage tries to get off your head, fix it with invisibility on both sides;
  • Modest accessories are also suitable for hairstyles for every day, while for holidays it is worth taking care of a beautiful headband. It can be decorated with stones, rhinestones, a brooch or flowers;
  • When creating a low Greek styling, some strands can be braided, giving it even more chic;
  • Greek styling can be tight and strict, but ideally, several thin curls should be released from it. This option looks more playful and natural;
  • When using hairpins, remember one important nuance - the simpler the dressing, the richer and brighter the hairpins can be, and vice versa.

With a Greek-style hairstyle, you will not be left without the attention of men and conquer everyone with your exquisite taste.

Hair collected in a neat Greek hairstyle with your own hands can be braided for work, for a date, and for a party - Greek-style styling is suitable for any event. It will look harmonious with any type of hair - straight, curly, curly curls.

Greek hairstyle or hair styling in the style of Aphrodite: rooted in the past, regardless of her age (similar styling was done before our era), it is still relevant today. This sophisticated, feminine hairstyle can be done with your own hands, it does not take much time and effort, while the hair looks amazingly beautiful!

Hair like Aphrodite

Who is the Greek hairstyle for?

Hairstyles in the Greek style are interesting for their versatility. They are suitable for any type of face, make-up and look great on all types of hair. This styling will look best on curly and wavy strands.

But even young ladies with straight hair can create a beautiful Greek hairstyle on their heads.

The Greek headband hairstyle is best done on hair that reaches at least shoulder length (medium to long hair). Otherwise, individual strands will begin to break out from under the tourniquet: the general appearance of the girl will be unaesthetically disheveled. Therefore, hairdressers and stylists always say: the longer the hair, the more voluminous it turns out, as a result, curls, and the styling itself looks more expressive.

Also, Greek styling options look great on hair of different colors. They can be done to blondes, brown-haired women, redheads, brunettes. Styling looks spectacular both with bangs and without bangs.

For what events would a Greek hairstyle be appropriate?

A Greek hairstyle with a bandage is suitable for any celebration - prom, birthday, anniversary. Definitely for a wedding. They have long been considered classic wedding styling options. Very often you can see brides with their hair styled in this style.

Greek hairstyle options

"Greek knot"

In Greece, this styling is called "Korimbos". The length of the curls does not matter. The installation algorithm is as follows:

  • Wet curls are collected in a cone-shaped "tail". Comb carefully. A special modeling agent is distributed along their entire length with a comb or comb with fine teeth.
  • The curls are dried with a hair dryer using a diffuser nozzle. The hair dryer separately works out the root zone - this allows you to create additional volume.
  • The comb is used for straight, diagonal or side vertical parting.
  • A couple of large locks stand out around the entire perimeter of the head, curled with tongs or a curling iron. Curls can be curled, both along the length of the hair, without the root zone, and from the roots themselves.
  • Ready curls are collected in a cone-shaped "tail". It is done on the border of the occipital and parietal zones - in the middle.
  • The assembled "tail" is fixed with a thin elastic band.
  • Three rims are put on the head. The first is near the frontal zone, the second is in the center of the crown, the third is closer to the crown. Between the rims, the strands are slightly lifted with a comb.
  • The curls of the “tail” are combed and alternately twisted into small loose bundles. Then they are laid around the base of the "tail". Each is fixed with invisibility and fixed with varnish on top.
  • At the end of the work, the styling must be sprinkled with varnish for fixation.

Greek hairstyle “Melon slices”

"Melon slices" - a very simple version of the Greek styling. First you need to curl the curls, and then lay them vertically in the back with two ribbons - large “slices” along the growth line to the occipital zone.

Performing the “Bow of Apollo”

Another name for this hairstyle in the Greek style is "Cicada". A vertical straight parting is carried out, the strands are laid in “waves” so that they cover the forehead on one side of the temple. Side strands are fixed behind.

Greek hairstyle for a wedding

We perform "Lampadion" with our own hands

"Lampadion" in shape resembles flames.

Laying is done as follows:

  • Hair is separated by a straight vertical parting.
  • At the back, one strand at the back of the head is tightly tied with braid and twisted in the form of oblong curls.
  • The remaining ends are slightly curled and folded into an elegant bun.
  • The remaining curls are fixed with the help of invisibility.

Original Greek hairstyle “Hetera”

Another interesting Greek hairstyle that you can do with your own hands is Hetera. For such styling, you will need a special Stefan mesh cap.

The hair is tied into a bun and placed under the mesh. "Stefana" can be made in a classic style - from gold cords, or be decorated with sparkles, stones, rhinestones, pearls.

How to make a luxurious "Greek tail"?

"Greek Tail" is a classic. Laying is very simple, therefore, any beauty can do it. The scheme of work is as follows:

  • Curls are curled and fixed.
  • The resulting curls are collected on the occipital zone in the "tail". They are fixed with an elastic band and decorated with beads and ribbons along the entire length of the hair.
  • To create volume, you can experiment with artificial strands and all kinds of accessories.

The perfect Greek hairstyle, regardless of hair length

How to make a Greek hairstyle for short hair?

Short-haired beauties can be advised options with a bandage and placement of other accessories on the forehead. Such an image will envelop the girl with a halo of mystery and femininity.

For styling you need:

  • mousse foam - to add volume;
  • a bandage of narrow or medium width (wide bandages are a bad option, visually they create an ugly effect of a “bandaged head”);
  • comb - for bouffant.

The execution technology is simple. First you need to wash and dry the strands thoroughly. Previously, it is worth applying foam or mousse to the roots. After that, a small bouffant is made on the top of the head - the strands should not look too “sleek”.

If you wish, you can either straighten or slightly curl the curls. The final touch is putting on a headband or bandage. The bottom edge of the accessory should lightly touch the eyebrow line. Together with the hairline, the bandage should be slightly raised slightly above the middle of the forehead. This will create additional splendor.

Greek hairstyle for medium hair

Greek hairstyle for medium hair is performed as follows:

  • The curls are curled with a curling iron.
  • They are tied in a “tail”, fixed with an elastic band, while a little strand remains “sticking out” on the sides.
  • Kichka is made from the "tail" with the help of invisibility.
  • From the remaining strands, pigtails are woven in different directions.
  • On top of the kichka, they are also fixed with invisibility.
  • A small strand is knocked out along the braid.
  • To give the image airiness, it is fixed on top with varnish.

Learning to choose accessories

How to choose the bezel of the right size?

Today you can find a lot of headband options for creating romantic Greek hairstyles.

When choosing jewelry, girls should remember about the hair structure and facial contours.

Here are the basic rules to remember:

  • Very thin headbands will look good on petite girls who have small features. They will also adorn young ladies who want to disguise an overly high forehead: a bandage in the middle of the forehead will outwardly make the proportions of the face more symmetrical.
  • Wide headbands are worth buying for beauties with large facial features, as well as women with curls and lush hair.
  • Headbands with flowers are considered universal. For petite girls, it is better to choose headbands with scatterings of small buds, but for ladies with large facial features, one lush flower on a bandage is more suitable.
  • Chain headbands are a great choice for ladies who appreciate glamor and all things glitter. This is the perfect accessory for evening wear: the bandage will add dynamism and idleness.
  • Headband-pigtail is suitable for everyday wear and for a variety of evening attire. The pigtail gives the image coquettishness and femininity.
  • The lace headband will be a great decoration for your everyday look. Laces are often worn by hippie girls. These accessories are harmoniously combined with a pigtail and loose strands.

How, besides the rim, can you diversify the Greek styling?

In addition to the rim, you can use ropes, ribbons, elastic bands, combs. Also suitable for chains. It's nice to have tiaras, hairpins and invisibles in the arsenal.

Greek styling is a super-simple and quick way to make a hairstyle that gives the look of femininity with your own hands. No wonder Greek women are considered the standard of beauty.

Video: how to make a Greek hairstyle with your own hands

This styling is a romantic option that you can easily do yourself. We offer video instructions to achieve an effective result.

Hairstyles in the Greek style are primarily the embodiment of femininity, unearthly beauty and absolute ideality. After all, it is simply impossible to characterize the hairstyles of the ancient Greek goddesses in any other way. In addition, such styling is also an incredible combination of beauty and convenience. Basically, in Greek hairstyles, the strands are collected in such a way that they do not cause discomfort, and the curls remain beautiful in sight.

Greek hairstyles are appropriate always and everywhere. They are suitable for both everyday wear and for a festive outing. A variety of them will allow you to choose your ideal option for each. And accessories will add zest: hoops, headbands, tiaras, the choice of which is no less impressive.

Who suits Greek hairstyles

Long hair is perfect for Greek hairstyles. It is at a sufficiently long length that the most divine masterpieces are created. For medium length hair, there are also quite a few interesting options. But the owners of short strands were not lucky here. Before you make such a hairstyle, your hair will still have to grow a little.

Another requirement of Greek hairstyles is curled curls. This is a chic plus for mistresses of naturally curly hair. The rest will first have to curl the curls, along the entire length or only at the ends, depending on the chosen hairstyle option.

Everyday hairstyles in the Greek style

Simple hairstyles in the Greek style will help you stay divinely feminine and attractive every day. Such styling does not require a lot of time and effort. With a little practice, you can do them yourself, besides, quickly enough.

Simple Greek Hairstyle #1

A simple Greek hairstyle for every day can be done in just 3 minutes. This does not require any special tools or skills. It is recommended to perform this hairstyle on freshly washed hair.

  • Carefully comb the curls;
  • We separate a row of hair closer to the forehead in front of the head;
  • We stab the remaining strands so as not to interfere;
  • Starting from the first strand, we twist the selected row of hair with our hands straight to the back of the head and fasten it with invisibility;
  • We dissolve the left hair and in the same way, starting from the forehead, twist in the other direction until it collides with the first;
  • We connect the ends into a tail and fix with an elastic band;
  • We separate a thin strand from the tail and wrap an elastic band around it, fasten the end with an invisibility;
  • We take the next thicker strand and wrap the tail in the same way;
  • The rest of the hair can be left in a ponytail, or you can wrap everything in the same way as the previous strands.

Simple Greek Hairstyle #2

Hairstyles with a rim are also completely simple and appropriate for every day. There are many options for them. The following will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and the result is really worth it.

  • To begin with, you can make a small pile;
  • Then we put a bandage on the head and fix it with an invisibility somewhere in the ear area. For greater durability, you can fix it all with varnish;
  • We begin to gently twist the curls;
  • We take the strands in order and put them under the elastic band;
  • We fix with varnish and enjoy the result.

Simple Greek Hairstyle #3

Another fairly simple hairstyle in Greek is perfect for braid lovers. It will take a little more time to complete it and possibly outside help, but the result will certainly please.

  • Thin hair should be combed well for a start;
  • Weave an ordinary French braid in a circle starting from the temporal zone of the left side;
  • In the process, we stretch the lower strands a little;
  • Having braided the pigtail to the end, we fix the tip with silicone rubber and pin it with invisibility, so that we get such a wreath from the braid;
  • In conclusion, you can decorate with accessories as desired, or pull out thin strands from the bottom row of weaving.

Solemn options

The image of the Greek goddesses is as relevant and in demand as ever. This option is a great idea for both ordinary parties and important celebrations. Here, the girl’s hairstyle contains literally the whole meaning, so it should not just be perfect, but reveal all the spells of deep beauty and innocence.

Best Greek Hairstyle Ideas for Weddings, Proms

Among the most solemn Greek hairstyles, the Greek braid and knot are in the greatest demand. Moreover, both can be taught from completely different angles and give not only irresistibility, but also originality.

Greek braid for wedding

greek knot prom hairstyle