The size of the uterus at 13 weeks. Feelings of a future mother. Weight gain

13 weeks pregnant
For a woman, the 13th week of pregnancy is a reason for joy and even pride - a third of the childbearing period is behind, for many it was the most difficult period in the entire pregnancy. If you were worried about toxicosis, then almost certainly he had already receded. A lot of positive emotions are delivered by fetal ultrasound performed at this time.
If you manage to make a photo image (preferably in 3D format), then there will also be a reason for surprise - your baby is already very similar to a baby, and even in facial features you can already catch a resemblance to mom or dad.
Unlikely, but still sometimes it is possible to establish the sex of the unborn child.
Your tummy is starting to appear. Most often, it is still invisible to others, but the clothes are already becoming tight. Agree, you have never been so pleased with the fact that the trousers are fastened with difficulty. 13 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to update your wardrobe. Buy pants in a specialized store for pregnant women - comfortable and not restricting movement. Keep in mind - compressed vessels of the legs and abdomen will exacerbate the load on the veins, which can cause health problems.
With the beginning of the 13th week, a pregnant woman can be congratulated, since a third of this difficult path has already passed. Gradually, irritability passes, and with it the fear for the life of the child associated with spontaneous abortion, i.e. with a miscarriage.
The second trimester is the most pleasant time of the entire pregnancy, since there is no toxicosis anymore. Therefore, it's time to enjoy your pregnancy. In addition, many couples have come to the conclusion that it is in the second trimester that there is an increased sexual desire for a partner, which also cannot but give pleasure. There are still more than 5 months before the upcoming birth, but colostrum is already beginning to be produced in the breast - a nutrient fluid that is the main food for the newborn baby until the mother's milk comes.
Feelings at the thirteenth week of pregnancy are very contradictory. On the one hand, everything is getting better, but it is at week 13 that, as a rule, a fairly common disease in pregnant women manifests itself - candidiasis (thrush). Candida is the cause of thrush. In a passive state, they live in the body of every person. But with failures of immunity and stress (to which pregnant women are so predisposed), they begin to activate and multiply, displacing the normal microflora.
Thrush is the cause of severe itching and cheesy white discharge, which causes a lot of discomfort. But you should not rush to self-medicate, it is better to take the advice of a doctor who will tell you which medications to choose so as not to harm the baby.
Starting from the 13th week, you need to be very careful about food products, since excessive sweets and flour (butter) products will lead to excess weight gain, and this is of no use to either mother or child. It is better to give preference to fresh berries. Be sure to watch your diet and ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. Calcium is also very important at week 13, but it is better to give preference to vegetable sources: green vegetables, apples, persimmons, kiwi, lentils. If you have cramps, this issue should be addressed immediately.
In addition, you can think about attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. By the way, it is better to do this together with your spouse, since the information received there will bring the couple closer, allow the man to better understand the current state of the woman, and also teach the correct breathing technique and exercises for expectant mothers, which are most often performed in pairs.
Start using stretch mark creams. Risk areas - chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. It's time to take care of yourself. After all, now you are especially feminine and beautiful!

Rules for the expectant mother for the end of the first - the beginning of the second trimester
1. Since the belly of a pregnant woman at this time becomes a clear property, visible to everyone, she should not neglect the rules of hygiene and comfort of clothing. The most correct thing is to buy loose-fitting things for yourself, change your wardrobe and make basic sets of clothes “for going out” and “for home”. To prevent varicose veins, as well as sprains of the tendons, to reduce the load on the legs, a woman should choose shoes with low heels, preferably made from natural materials, with non-slip soles.

2. The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy continues very rapidly, the formation of the most important parts of the central nervous system ends. In this regard, a woman expecting a baby should pay great attention to her mood and well-being so that stress, excessive stress, nervousness and irritability would not have a detrimental effect at such a crucial moment.

3. The uterus growing from below presses on the intestines, stomach and diaphragm. A woman sometimes feels that she does not have enough air, she has shortness of breath at the slightest acceleration of movements. In order not to deprive herself and the baby of saving oxygen, the expectant mother should take daily walks, preferably away from highways.

4. Under the influence of a large amount of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a weakening of the intestinal tone, constipation occurs. These unpleasant phenomena, in turn, are undesirable for this period of pregnancy, since crowded intestinal loops put pressure on the uterus, pain and spasms can occur in them. With prolonged attempts to defecate, there is a danger of abortion, since strong straining can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. To get rid of painful constipation, you need to reconsider the diet: a pregnant woman should not eat a lot of flour and meat dishes to the detriment of fresh salads and fruits. You should apply the so-called "soft" diet - eat more apples, beets, seaweed. Instead of sweets, you can eat prunes, and instead of mashed potatoes - stewed cabbage. To regulate the stool, the expectant mother should immediately drink a glass of cool water every morning after waking up. In no case should you take laxatives, put cleansing enemas at all stages of pregnancy, as these manipulations can provoke a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and significantly increase the risk of abortion.

5. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may develop or worsen hemorrhoids. With constant bleeding of hemorrhoids, they can become inflamed, causing severe pain, disrupting the process of normal digestion. Self-medication is unacceptable here - any candles designed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of hemorrhoids can neutralize this beneficial effect with great harm to the child. With inflammation, constant bleeding, a woman needs advice and help from a specialist - a proctologist. If the manifestations of hemorrhoids are insignificant, then it's time to perform procedures that will prevent these phenomena from developing into serious complications. Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the prevention of constipation, first of all, so the expectant mother should pay close attention to her own diet.

your baby
The future baby already knows a lot: he smells the food absorbed by his mother, sucks his finger, somersaults, moves his arms and legs, unclenches and clamps his fists. Start communicating with your child: he hears you, feels pain, responds to stimuli, reacts to changes in temperature and lighting, and even smiles, frowns, yawns! And how good he is in his mother's tummy: muffled twilight, warm, soft, cozy, and muffled sounds coming from afar are so soothing!
The baby's limbs gradually lengthen, and, by about the middle of the 13th week of pregnancy, he can reach his mouth with his hands. A very important reflex is developing, which will be necessary for the child after birth - sucking. As a result of sucking movements, part of the amniotic fluid enters the digestive system of the fetus and wave-like contractions begin in the intestines - peristalsis. Of course, the swallowed waters do not carry an energy function, thus only the intestines are prepared for postpartum life - the fetus is nourished exclusively through the vessels of the umbilical cord. The intestines of the crumbs are located in the abdominal cavity, and villi are formed in it, which will take an active part in the digestion of food.
At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, differentiation of the genital organs occurs. If up to this point in both sexes there was a genital tubercle and a genital gap, now in boys the genital tubercle is transformed into a penis, and the genital gap is overgrown. In boys, the prostate begins to develop - the prostate gland, and in girls - there are already more than 2 million eggs in the ovaries.
The head of the baby is large, and on ultrasound it can be seen that it is about a third of the volume of the body of the fetus. But this is not accidental - nature laid down the active development and formation of the central nervous system, parts of the brain in the period up to the 16th week of pregnancy. The baby already has a cranium, which so far consists of very soft, but rapidly forming cartilaginous plates. The eyes are shifted to the center and the face of the fetus is already acquiring the features of a baby. The eyelids are still tightly closed.
The pancreas of the unborn baby at the thirteenth week of pregnancy begins to produce its own insulin, and the liver already produces microscopic doses of bile.
In addition, from the 13th week, the baby begins laying the tissue responsible for the formation of bones, the “outline” of the first ribs has already been made, bone tissue is laid in place of the limbs and head. All 20 milk teeth of the baby are finally formed and now they will wait in the wings.
The placenta completely took over the functions of the corpus luteum.
A 13-week-old fetus weighs between 15-25 g and has an average "growth" of 7-8 cm. It's hard to believe, but this baby's heart pumps 23 liters of blood per day!

14 weeks pregnant
The second trimester of pregnancy begins - the most fertile time. The greatest risks and fears are already behind us, and the third trimester, which is difficult in the literal sense, is not yet close. It's time to enjoy your pregnancy to remember this wonderful time forever. Start by communicating with the baby - he already hears you, feels your mood and sends response signals, although you still do not feel them.
Very often, the 14th week of pregnancy is called the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy" (which lasts up to 26 weeks), because by this moment the mother's body has already adapted to the changes that have taken place, and the baby is actively moving, growing and developing.
Now a woman can feel much better and more energetic than she did in early pregnancy. The uterus continues to increase in volume due to the rapid growth of the baby, and the stomach gradually begins to round. Therefore, loose-fitting clothes become mommy's first friend right up to the very birth.
For some women who spend most of their time on their feet, their doctor may recommend wearing a special maternity bandage.
A pregnant woman at 14 weeks pregnant begins to feel faint, vague movements in her uterus. Although, for the most part, these movements are felt peristalsis of the intestines, the mother tends to believe that these are the movements of her beloved baby. The expression on the face of a pregnant woman during this period becomes mysterious - she hears the deepest secrets of the new Universe contained in her body, and is happy that her baby is with her and gives her signs. During this period, as a rule, early toxicosis recedes, if it was present before. The uterus tends to increase upward, and the woman feels relief associated with the disappearance of the increased urge to urinate.
Usually the 14th week of pregnancy is the time for an increase in the tummy. If you are not pregnant for the first time, then it may have happened in previous weeks. And now the stomach has risen higher and noticeably rounded. You are gaining extra weight, but so far this is mainly due to increased blood volumes. However, the baby is actively moving and developing the muscular system, and therefore requires protein from the mother. You may feel constant hunger, but gluttony is now highly undesirable. Know how to correctly compose your diet and diet. Due to the active development of muscle fibers in a baby at week 14, mothers need to include protein-rich foods in their diet. Also, in most pregnant women, week 14 is associated with increased appetite (and even gluttony), which does not leave them even at night. But you need to try to deceive your body by consuming a maximum of light fruits or vegetables at night.
In order to avoid stretch marks, start using a special cream right now. Ideally, you should use products purchased at a pharmacy and designed specifically for pregnant women. It is best if the cream contains vitamin E and collagen - nourishing and building elements for the skin.
The breasts of the expectant mother can increase even more. Now on the surface of the areola - the areola - there are protruding small nodules, which are called Montgomer's glands. The nipple is usually dense, large. The areola and nipple become pigmented, becoming darker in color than before.
At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel fullness, swelling of the breast, even pain. This is due to the fact that a large amount of colostrum begins to accumulate in the milk ducts, stretching the walls of these ducts. In order to get rid of pain, prepare the breasts for lactation, and at the same time to prevent stretch marks (stretch marks) on the surface of the mammary glands, a woman can perform daily contrast compresses on her breasts, alternately with a cold and hot towel, and after the procedure, apply natural vegetable oil or baby cream to the breast skin.
It is worth, however, to warn the expectant mother that any manipulations, even hygiene procedures, with the mammary glands during the entire pregnancy should be extremely careful and easy. Any excessive massage movements on the chest, irritation of the nipple and areola can cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and this, in turn, threatens premature termination of pregnancy.
Do not ignore medical examinations - even if you feel wonderful, the doctor may notice signs of trouble and prescribe preventive treatment. The uterus at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is already palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, its upper edge is now about 10-13 cm above the pubis.
The 14th week of pregnancy is already a safer period of pregnancy in terms of exposure to infections and toxins on the fetus. Some medicines that were banned in the first trimester can now be taken safely.
More active sex life is allowed. If you haven't signed up for pregnancy gymnastics classes yet, now is the perfect time. Keep in mind - childbirth, like the process of carrying a pregnancy itself, requires good physical fitness and endurance from you. Instead of going to the gym, you can purchase a video course with specific exercises. Be careful not to do gymnastics if you feel unwell, and be especially sensitive to symptoms such as abdominal pain and dizziness. A pregnant woman should not limit herself to household chores, especially if they give her real pleasure, and also infringe on positive emotions and movement. You can watch an interesting kind movie, take a walk with your spouse in the park, or buy something for yourself. Also, the expectant mother should involve the future father in her experiences, feelings, and even interests so that he can communicate with the baby. Indeed, thanks to this, after birth, the child will quickly recognize familiar voices and will be calm. Around now, a woman begins to identify herself with motherhood and try on a new role. You think more about the child, pay more attention to things that you were previously indifferent to, change your life views and values.
From the 14th week, changes in the skin of a pregnant woman may begin, namely the formation or change of papillomas and birthmarks. From this feeling at the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the mood of the expectant mother is not very favorable. Papillomas (soft warts) can change in size (if they were already present before pregnancy) or grow, and birthmarks can darken or change their size. Therefore, in case of changes in existing formations on the skin, you need to show them to the doctor to identify the causes associated with them.
Sometimes pregnant women develop warts - warts in the anus or vagina, the formation of which is associated with the papillomavirus. With this problem, it is also worth contacting a specialist. Warts can complicate the course of pregnancy, as well as the upcoming birth, because they can grow strongly, clogging the birth canal, which prevents childbirth. But the most unpleasant thing here is that during childbirth, you can infect a newborn baby with this virus.
Condylomas can and should be treated, and for this there are a variety of methods: conventional and laser surgery, cauterization, freezing and treatment with special drugs. But if condylomas were detected even before pregnancy, then it is better, of course, not to delay treatment and start immediately, since some methods of treating warts are not desirable during pregnancy, besides, the presence of warts distorts the results of a scraping smear.

your baby
The child begins a new life - it sounds paradoxical, but true. He, as before, is connected with the mother's organism by a strong and reliable umbilical cord, which is the transport hub of the main nutrition, but his vital activity turns from passive to very active. The kid makes a variety of movements, clenching his fists, touching his face with his fingers, tucking his legs, raising and lowering his head - and this process seems to give him pleasure. If we saw the movements of our baby now, we would be very surprised - he sucks his finger, feels his face, tummy, can grab the umbilical cord, stretch, yawn or frown. By the end of the week, children's arms will be proportional to the whole body, but the legs for this have yet to grow. Ultrasound studies of pregnant women at week 14 show that the baby, as it were, listens to the language of his body, sensations, “helps” movements with facial expressions, even tries to express emotions with his face. This, of course, happens unconsciously - true consciousness is still very far away! But the process of mastering the movements has already begun, and it will move forward with truly leaps and bounds. The movements of the baby in the uterus become very active - there is still enough space, and he "trains", freely performing flexion and extension movements with his limbs. The child can somersault, push off from the walls of the uterus, but his movements remain spontaneous, involuntary, they obey the simplest reaction of the baby to touching the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. The cerebellum continues to form in the brain, and very soon the child will be able to control his movements, choose the most comfortable body positions for him.
At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, a bone skeleton forms in the fetus, the first ribs appear, and during an ultrasound examination, chest movements resembling respiratory ones can already be seen. Of course, he does not breathe yet, but only trains the muscles of the chest and diaphragm, preparing them for the first breath.
Taste sensations are formed - the baby reacts differently to the sweet and sour taste of amniotic fluid.
The rudiments of eyebrows, a well-drawn nose and mouth are visible on the child's face. A lobe is formed on the ears, the ears are on the sides of the head - where they are supposed to be when the baby is born. The baby's cheeks acquire a more rounded shape, small lips either stretch, as if smiling, or tighten. The child sometimes opens his mouth, but the eyes are still tightly covered with eyelids, although the eyeballs are fully formed.
An important specificity of the 14th week of pregnancy is the appearance of the first gun, lanugo, in the baby. As a rule, by the time of birth, it completely disappears from the skin, but if the child is born prematurely, this fluff can still cover the small body at birth, gradually disappearing from it in the future. The skin on the baby's body is still very thin - through it you can see the blood vessels and internal organs. But already now, at the fourteenth week of intrauterine development, on the surface of the skin of the child, an original lubricant is formed - a thin layer of fat that protects the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid on it. This lubricant is very similar to wax - it adheres tightly to the baby's skin, is not washed off with liquid, and gives the baby's skin elasticity.
All organs are already laid down and functioning.
The thyroid gland produces its own hormones.
From the 14th week, the baby's liver begins to independently produce bile, and the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) will be carried out by the spleen of the crumbs. The liver has removed the function of hematopoiesis, it is now engaged in the neutralization of toxins that accidentally enter the body, or are formed during the life of the fetus. The red bone marrow is involved in fetal hematopoiesis. It is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of a little man (although the composition of the blood has not yet formed) and even the sex of the child (but it is still impossible to determine it on ultrasound). A heart can be heard even with a stethoscope.
The digestive system of the child is fully formed, it even begins to function - however, it is still in the "test" mode, since it is not involved in the processing and digestion of food.
Intestinal peristalsis really happens: at week 14, the small intestine begins to move its first contents - bile.
By week 14, the baby already knows how to produce urine, which is thrown into the amniotic fluid. Another feature that occurs at week 14 is the respiratory movements performed by the baby, the frequency of which is 40-70 per minute.
Sexual glands develop. In boys, the prostate gland is formed. In girls, the ovaries, which originally appeared in the abdominal cavity, descend into the small pelvis.
The baby is already long - 8-10 cm, the weight of the baby is 30-40 g.

So the moment has come when the first trimester of your pregnancy ends. Toxicosis, nausea and bad mood, strong feelings behind. You enjoy your pregnancy with pleasure.

Fetal development during this period

Now your baby is about 7 cm long and weighs about 28 grams (this is the standard size of the fetus). This week he is in the stage of active completion of the development of all organs, after which he will begin to gain fat.

The skeleton is fully formed, ribs have begun to appear. The bones begin to harden, including the skull. Future fingerprints continue to form on the fingers.

The head becomes more proportional to the body. The muscles of the face are developing, the child is already smiling. Vocal cords appeared. The tuft of future hair stands out clearly on the eyebrows and head.

The brain is enlarged. The intestines are growing and have already completely taken their place in the abdominal cavity. It is covered with villi that aid in digestion. The pancreas produces insulin. The child's body continues to improve and already creates blood itself.

The sexual organs continue to develop actively. The girl has already formed ovaries. They are laying eggs, there are already more than 2 million of them. During the thirteenth week, the boy's genitals are also actively developing, now he is developing a prostate.

The most interesting development during this week in the development of the baby, he began to smell. Now, when he swallows the water he is in, he smells it. The smell of amniotic fluid depends on what you are currently eating. The kid gets used to this smell, for him it becomes native. So that in the future, when he is born, he would not refuse milk. Now you need to eat those foods that you will eat during breastfeeding. So now pay attention to what you eat the most. And if during the period of breastfeeding your baby refuses to eat, you simply introduce into the diet those foods that you are now eating.

What happens during this period?

During the 13th week of pregnancy, there are no unpleasant sensations. You feel wonderful. Every day is joyful, you are anxiously watching your tummy and sensations.

During this period, you may experience increased sexual desire. Enjoy while your tummy is small and does not interfere with making love.

The uterus continues to grow and, naturally, your belly grows. Favorite jeans have already become small for a long time, now you are smoothly changing your wardrobe. During this period, it is time to change your shoes so that your legs do not get tired when walking, because now they are gradually under load every day stronger and stronger.

The chest has ceased to hurt a lot, and has already increased in size. Try to wear a bra at all times. To prevent stretch marks on the chest. Colostrum begins to stand out, this is a normal process of development of the mammary glands.

The most pleasant sensation this week is your emotional state, everything around you pleases. You see the world differently. Your body is psychologically preparing for a new status - mom.

One of the events this week is the beginning of the rapid growth of the abdomen, you gain weight, and gradually the pelvis expands. In this regard, stretch marks (striae) can form, the body intensively gains weight and grows, and the skin does not have time to stretch. “Tears” appear on the skin, which are tightened by skin tissue and scars appear as a result.

During pregnancy, the skin in the abdomen, chest and hips does not have time to grow, as the body grows faster than the skin.

Stretch marks are very difficult to remove after childbirth. It is possible to avoid the problem of stretch marks during pregnancy! Pay attention to your skin. The first sign of stretch marks is itchy skin. This suggests that the skin cells are trying to divide faster, but do not have time, in connection with this, the skin is stretched, and you feel itchy.

  • Starting this week, you need to carry out prophylaxis against stretch marks. First of all, it is food. From the diet it is necessary to remove foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Also include protein-rich foods in your diet. It is recommended to eat more dietary meat, fish, green vegetables.
  • You also need to watch your weight. Engage in light gymnastics, this helps your skin to be elastic.
  • Use folk remedies. For example, olive oil improves the skin and increases its elasticity. Also now in any pharmacy you can find creams that are used to prevent stretch marks.
  • From the 13th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a bandage and a supportive bra. Your skin does not have time to grow with the tummy and scars appear on it. Therefore, more skin care is required in the chest and abdomen.


To help your body grow and develop, you now need protein. So enrich your diet with foods that contain protein during this period. Protein is found in foods: fish, dietary meat, eggs, dairy products.

Your body also needs iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia. The human body absorbs iron faster from animal foods than from plant foods. Animal meat is well enriched with iron. But if for some reason you do not eat meat, plant foods that are rich in iron (for example, legumes) will come to your aid. Iron is well absorbed in the body when it also receives vitamin C, so do not forget about citrus fruits.

For the full development of the baby is required calcium. After all, now he is laying milk teeth, the skeleton and bones are getting stronger. If during this period he does not have enough calcium, he will take calcium from your body, which can lead to the deterioration of your hair, nails and teeth. So, dairy products should be an integral part of your diet.

Remove coffee from your diet. Coffee for a pregnant woman does not give any positive result. Only it can worsen the physical condition. If you love coffee very much and cannot refuse to drink it, drink less of it, no more than one cup a day. What exactly the amount of coffee is not harmful to you and your baby during pregnancy has not been scientifically proven.

Discussion of current topics

I am 13 weeks pregnant. I do not feel very well (weakness and body aches, headache, slight runny nose). What is this? The first signs of a cold or the usual state of a pregnant woman?

A small, as you put it, runny nose may be due to overheating. Perhaps you are dressed too warmly and rush home from the store, then you sweat more and have a watery discharge from the nose, like a runny nose. A headache can also begin in a healthy person, for example, due to overexertion at work. The rest of the symptoms occur in most pregnant women in the first trimester.

But the possibility of a cold is not ruled out. Therefore, if possible, observe bed rest, drink more warm liquids (milk with honey, tea with lemon or warm cranberry juice). It is not advisable to soar your legs, lie in a hot bath and put mustard plasters!

For more severe cold symptoms (chills, fever above 37.9°C, or coughing), contact your doctor immediately for treatment. You can bring down a high temperature on your own, even before a visit to the doctor, with one tablet of paracetamol.

Remember that the normal body temperature of a pregnant woman is between 37.2 ºС - 37.4 ºС!

13th week of pregnancy, how many months of pregnancy is it?

To make it easier for you to determine how much it is in normal weeks, subtract two weeks from the obstetric period. This will be the actual (usual) gestational age or, as they say, the period from conception.

For example, 13 obstetric weeks - 2 = 11 weeks from conception. That is, 13 obstetric weeks is 11 weeks from conception or 2 months and 3 weeks (11/4 \u003d 2.75).

I am 13 weeks pregnant. A week ago, brown discharge began, I did not attach any importance to them, I thought it was normal. It’s just that my periods usually started at these times, so I thought that the body reacts like that out of habit. Then the daubing stopped. Now there is bleeding. Do I need to go to the hospital or can the bleeding be stopped at home? Will medications to stop bleeding harm the child?

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital, otherwise it is impossible. Without the help of doctors, you risk not only losing a child, but also aggravating your health. Brown discharge and bleeding usually indicate a threatened miscarriage.

If pregnancy is important to you, then you should react immediately after the first abnormal discharge from the genital tract. Don't expect everything to work itself out! Do not self-medicate and do not look for reasons to put off going to the hospital! Doctors will definitely help you and make every effort so that you endure the child.

If the embryo can no longer be saved, then you need to undergo an examination and a complete cleaning of the uterus so that inflammation does not begin.

I can’t understand, they appointed me to do a screening at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What weeks are these: obstetric or actual (ie, from conception)?

In medicine, only the term "obstetric weeks of pregnancy" is used, so the entire pregnancy should be guided only by them. When the doctor says: “Come at 13 weeks for a routine screening,” it means that you are expected at the antenatal clinic at 13 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The lower abdomen hurts, there is no blood discharge. I am 13 weeks pregnant. What to do?

Pain in the lower abdomen at any time is an alarming sign. It is necessary to drink no-shpu and do an ultrasound to confirm that the embryo is not in danger. Anything can cause pain, and not necessarily in a feminine way, so stay calm.

Video (our permanent video guide)

At 13 weeks pregnant, you feel just great. During this period, you are curious about how your baby develops and what changes occur in your body. And maybe you already started a diary to write down all the new sensations every day. After all, it will be so nice later, leafing through it, to remember your pregnancy and read it to your baby.

13 obstetric week is 11 weeks from conception, as well as 13 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. Week 13 is also the last week of the first trimester of pregnancy. All organs of the fetus were formed and it began to grow actively. Your tummy has noticeably increased and is most likely already noticeable to others. If you suffered from toxicosis, then the long-awaited relief should come!

Fruit size

What happens to the fetus

For your unborn baby, week 13 is very important. From the 13th week of pregnancy, the active growth of the fetus will begin, which ends at the 24th week of pregnancy. Compared with the 7th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus has doubled. Changes in fetal weight are most significant from the 8th to the 10th week of pregnancy. Now that the internal organs are formed, the fetus begins to actively grow. Its bones lengthen, fingers and toes develop, muscle mass increases, and the nervous system develops intensively. A complete hormonal restructuring of the woman's body has taken place, in which ideal conditions have been created for the full development of a new life. Pregnancy is no longer unusual for a woman. The expectant mother has a feeling of unity with her baby. This is a key moment in shaping the relationship between mother and fetus. The future baby already knows a lot: he smells the food absorbed by his mother, sucks his finger, somersaults, moves his arms and legs, unclenches and clamps his fists. Start communicating with your child: he hears you, feels pain, responds to stimuli, reacts to changes in temperature and lighting, and even smiles, frowns, yawns!

What does a child look like

From the 13th week of pregnancy, the proportions of the body of the fetus change, the head is no longer as large in relation to the body as before. The child looks like a tiny man, however, the size of a pea pod! The baby becomes more active, makes many movements, swimming in the amniotic fluid. But the expectant mother does not feel this yet, since he has not yet touched the walls of the uterus. His face is already quite human. Facial features become more distinct, especially the nose, chin and eyes. The eyes are tightly closed for centuries. At the thirteenth week, milk teeth are laid. The arms and legs of the fetus noticeably increase, the muscles that form them grow intensively. Fingerprints appeared on tiny fingers, marigolds, veins and organs are clearly visible through the still very thin skin. The baby actively turns the head, moves the handles. He can reach his mouth with his finger, and on the ultrasound you can see how he sucks his thumb.

Fetal development

Your baby continues to form and develop all the systems necessary to ensure life:

  • The brain begins to develop rapidly. The process of formation of the cerebral cortex is completed, it acquires grooves and convolutions. The number of neurons in the brain is constantly increasing, and this connects the brain with the central nervous system. Nerve cells are constantly being formed. The baby has reflexes: the hands are clenched into fists, the lips are twisted into sponges, the fingers are reaching into the mouth, grimacing, shuddering. Your baby spends some time actively, but still he sleeps more. It is possible to detect fetal movements only with the help of instruments.

  • The skeletal system of the fetus continues to actively form. The thyroid gland has already developed enough and now calcium is deposited in the bones. The bones of the limbs lengthen, the first ribs form, the bones of the spine and skull begin to ossify. The baby's head is no longer pressed against the chest and the chin, brow ridges and bridge of the nose can be clearly defined. The ears are in their normal position. And the eyes begin to draw closer, but they are still closed by tightly fused eyelids.

  • By the 13th week, the formation of the rudiments of teeth (there are 20 of them), which are located under the dense shell of the upper and lower jaws of the fetus, is completed.

  • A very delicate and thin skin develops, there is practically no subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the skin is very red and wrinkled, and small blood vessels appear on its surface.

  • The respiratory system of the baby is already quite well formed. The fetus is breathing, but the glottis is still tightly closed. His breathing movements train the muscles of the diaphragm and chest more. If the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen, then a small amount of amniotic fluid can enter the lungs. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is sick and there are pathogenic bacteria in the amniotic fluid, this can cause intrauterine infection.

  • Your baby's heart is already pumping up to 23 liters of blood per day!

  • The development of the digestive system continues. The intestine gradually fits into loops, and villi form on its mucosa. After the birth of a child, they will be involved in the absorption of nutrients. Amniotic fluid continues to pass through the digestive tract, which the fetus swallows. The baby's intestines are trained to perform their important function - they periodically make peristaltic movements. The rectum of the child is in its place.

  • The pancreas began to independently synthesize insulin, fully meeting the body's needs for the hormone necessary for the absorption of glucose.

  • Sexual differentiation also occurs: the prostate gland begins to develop in the boy, and the genital tubercle lengthens into the penis, in the girl, the ovaries located in the abdominal cavity descend into the pelvic region, and the genital tubercle bends down - a clitoris will form from it. If you have a girl, then she already has about two million eggs in her ovaries. By the time they are born, only a million will remain. And with age, the number of eggs will decrease, and when she is 17 years old, there will be 200,000.

The placenta is completing its development, which is now fully responsible for the development of the fetus, producing the required amount of progesterone and estrogen. Now its thickness is about 16 mm. It passes through all the trace elements necessary for the child (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and is an insurmountable barrier to many toxic substances. Therefore, it is possible to treat the disease of the mother, for which it is necessary to use drugs (antibiotics). Also, the placenta protects the fetus from the effects of the mother's immune system, preventing the occurrence of Rhesus conflict.

What happens in a woman's body

By the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the woman's body has already undergone strong changes. The fetus has become larger and heavier, and for this reason the uterus has increased significantly and began to grow upwards, it is already palpable in the lower abdomen. It feels like a warm and elastic ball is growing inside you. In most pregnant women, the shape of the abdomen begins to change from 13 weeks. It is rounded and slightly increased in size. The uterus is now about 3 cm high and 10 cm wide.

Most likely, painful toxicosis has noticeably subsided, or disappeared altogether.

Your condition is improving. For many women, the side effects of the first weeks of pregnancy - frequent urination, fatigue, nausea - gradually disappear in the second trimester. Your uterus, although it has grown so much that the pregnancy has become noticeable to others, is still not so large as to interfere with you.

Even though you are still a few months away from giving birth, your breasts have already begun to produce colostrum. This is the liquid that your baby will eat for the first few days after birth, until you have milk. By the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman's breasts can increase by 1 size. If in the first trimester of pregnancy the sensations were comparable to those that most women experience during PMS: painful tension and burning, now they are being replaced by a feeling of fullness.

At the end of the first beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen. Not a sharp pain, but a painful pulling feeling on both sides of the abdomen. This is quite normal, since the uterus has significantly increased in volume by this time and continues to grow, stretching the nearby tissues of the body.

Under the influence of a large amount of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a weakening of intestinal tone, constipation occurs. These unpleasant phenomena, in turn, are undesirable for this period of pregnancy, since crowded intestinal loops put pressure on the uterus, pain and spasms can occur in them. With prolonged attempts to defecate, there is a danger of abortion, since strong straining can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may develop or worsen hemorrhoids. With constant bleeding of hemorrhoids, they can become inflamed, causing severe pain, disrupting the process of normal digestion.

Allocations by the end of the 13th week of pregnancy from the genital tract, may change their character. During the week, no changes associated with discharge are observed, but closer to the beginning of the second trimester, the discharge may become more liquid and, perhaps, somewhat more abundant. You should not worry about this - progesterone, which has dominated up to this point, has given way to estrogen, which led to the dilution of secretions.

Some complain of cramps in the calf muscles, which most often occur at night. The reason for this condition is a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman.

Hypotension(lowering blood pressure), which may occur after the formation of the placental-uterine circulation. Most often, a woman suffers this disease without obvious ailments. But if the pressure is greatly reduced, then it is better to resort to medical treatment. With very low pressure, peripheral blood vessels contract, including in the uterus, which can cause insufficient blood supply to the fetus.

Itching(pruritus gravidarum - pregnancy scabies) is a fairly common symptom of pregnancy. On the skin there are always affected areas that itch. Mostly pregnant women suffer from itching, usually in the later weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes this pathology can also appear at the 13th week of pregnancy. According to statistics, 20% of women during this period suffer from itching. It often appears in older women. This is a sign that could threaten your pregnancy. The reason for this is the production of a large amount of estrogen, which leads to stagnation of bile, which, penetrating into the skin, causes itching.

Another very common problem of this period of pregnancy is headache. The ban on medicines is also relevant in this case, therefore, we fight headaches with safe methods tested by time and experience. This is rest in a cool, semi-dark, well-ventilated room, applying cool compresses to the temporal region, if possible - a short restful sleep. In order to eliminate pain, it is also possible to take decoctions based on soothing herbs - lemon balm, mint, chamomile. But you should not get too carried away with mint: this herb has a blood-thinning property, which can contribute to bleeding. In the case when it is already unbearable to endure a headache, let's say a single dose of drugs based on paracetamol, for example, Efferalgan, Panadol. But taking painkillers, which contain aspirin, is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.


This week, the uterus is growing so much that your tummy becomes noticeable not only to you! The tummy is already visible, but not yet so much, so it can be easily hidden under clothing. Now you can feel the fundus of the uterus. To do this, lie on your back and explore your own tummy. The uterus rises like a mound above the bosom.

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Now is the time to update your wardrobe if you are not already wearing clothes according to the condition: the waist begins to blur, and the tummy gradually rounds. It is important to choose the right bra, it should be with wide straps to support growing breasts, and should be absolutely fitted in size. Compared to the state before pregnancy, mommy's breasts will fill up and increase several times by the end of pregnancy.

It is advisable to refrain from drinking carbonated drinks and coffee, because they contain caffeine, which adversely affects the development of the fetus. If you drink about 800 mg of coffee daily, then the child will be born with a shortage in weight. The limit of caffeine intake is not defined, but you should not risk the life and health of your baby. Be vigilant and discuss all the moments that concern you with your doctor.

With hemorrhoids, self-medication is unacceptable - any candles designed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of hemorrhoids can neutralize this beneficial effect with great harm to the child. With inflammation, constant bleeding, a woman needs advice and help from a specialist - a proctologist. If the manifestations of hemorrhoids are insignificant, then it's time to perform procedures that will prevent these phenomena from developing into serious complications. For pain in the anus, doctors recommend daily massage of this area with an ice cube frozen from a decoction of oak bark and sage. Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the prevention of constipation, first of all, so the expectant mother should pay close attention to her diet.

To get rid of painful constipation, you need to reconsider the diet: a pregnant woman should not eat a lot of flour and meat dishes to the detriment of fresh salads and fruits. You should apply the so-called "soft" diet - eat more apples, beets, seaweed. Instead of sweets, you can eat prunes, and instead of mashed potatoes - stewed cabbage. To regulate the stool, the expectant mother should immediately drink a glass of cool water every morning after waking up. In no case should you take laxatives, put cleansing enemas at all stages of pregnancy, as these manipulations can provoke a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and significantly increase the risk of abortion.

Prevention of skin itching:

  • take a warm shower

  • after taking it, apply neutral soft milk to the skin, use lotions with camphor or menthol,

  • take drugs to normalize liver function. Talk to your doctor about this.

Yoga for pregnant women

Lesson number 2. Strengthen the legs and back


You have reached a period when the dangers of the first trimester are significantly reduced. This period is considered quite calm, since the risk of losing a child is significantly reduced. True, sometimes a spontaneous abortion or a frozen pregnancy at such a time does occur. This, of course, is a great tragedy for the mother, since now the interruption will no longer go unnoticed and most likely surgical intervention will be required. The cause may be isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix opens slightly, and this is dangerous for the occurrence of a miscarriage).

The manifestations of the threat of interruption are identical to the previous ones - women complain that the stomach and lower back hurt or pull, unusual discharge may appear (watery, or bleeding develops). These symptoms should be an immediate reason to see a doctor. True, there are back pains for another reason, for example, because your posture and gait are now being rebuilt. Now you start walking like a pregnant woman, there is a deflection in the lower back, and when you walk, you spread your legs wider. It can also cause pain in the legs and hip joints. Gradually, you will adapt and get used to this state of affairs.

Also at this time, a diagnosis may appear - primary placental insufficiency (the placenta does not fully fulfill its function of providing the fetus with oxygen and nutrients).

Still cold, high temperature can hurt. In the autumn-spring period, prevent flu and colds by natural methods, avoid crowded places, wash your hands often. And of course, you should avoid heavy physical exertion, taking medications and potentially hazardous substances.


Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is needed only if there are any complaints, or if this is your planned visit.

Analyzes: the “Double test” is still relevant - an examination aimed at identifying fetal malformations. If it is not done at 11 or 12 weeks, then it must be done now. You can read more about this on the 11th and 12th weeks of our calendar.

In general, if all examinations are completed on time and nothing bothers them, nothing is done. There is no need to take any unscheduled tests now either.


13 weeks pregnant is the best time to have your first screening ultrasound! If you do not have this study at 11-12 weeks, it is advisable to go to the doctor without delay and get a referral for the procedure.

Is ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant harmful?

At 13 weeks, ultrasound is considered harmless; on the contrary, if the procedure has not been performed before, it is very important to do it before the 14th week in order to identify some violations that will not be visible later.

At 13 weeks, ultrasound is usually performed transabdominally, that is, through the skin of the abdomen. A small amount of a special gel is applied to the stomach, and the doctor begins to move the sensor over the surface of the skin, looking at the baby (out of the corner of your eye you can see the whole process) and informing the nurse filling out the conclusion to the procedure, the studied parameters.

All this, as a rule, lasts about 10 minutes, after which the expectant mother is allowed to wipe off the gel from the stomach, get up and get dressed. However, we missed one point: as a rule, especially if the procedure is not carried out in a consultation, where there is a huge queue outside the office doors, but in a private clinic, finally, the woman is also shown a monitor and shown the outlines of the child so that she can examine him well.

During this ultrasound, the uterus and its contents are examined, all organs are visualized and special parameters are evaluated, the change of which suggests the possible presence of malformations (in particular, the collar space). You can read the details in our calendar. All indicators at 13 weeks will be almost the same as those indicated there, except that your baby will grow up a little more and will be almost 8 cm in size.

Ultrasound at the indicated period is sometimes also called "genetic", since its main purpose is to determine the signs of developmental anomalies and chromosomal diseases in a child. Of course, it is worth noting that the study does not allow 100% to confirm the presence of a particular pathology, the doctor can only assume the presence of a disease based on the totality of signs, after which the woman is sent to a geneticist, who more accurately determines the risk of having a child with a serious pathology.

Brazil has developed a technology for 3D printing a fetus based on ultrasound data. Parents can now get not only a photo of the unborn child, but also its life-size 3d model.

This is a time of great change in the feelings of the expectant mother and a new stage in the development of her baby. It is this week that is considered the most informative for the first prenatal study, which is called "screening".

How many months is this?

By the 13th obstetric week, women are already well versed in how the time of pregnancy is calculated. Doctors always set a deadline that exceeds the actual one by about two weeks. This is the obstetric period, and the difference of 14 days is the time elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation before pregnancy to the expected ovulation.

If the 13th obstetric week has begun, then this means that now exactly 12 weeks have passed according to medical standards for calculating the gestational age, that is, it is 12-13 weeks, and 10-11 weeks have passed from conception. 11 embryonic week corresponds to 13 obstetric. The fourth lunar month has begun (each of them has exactly 4 weeks). In calendar terms, almost three months have passed.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Baby development

The fetal period of baby development is in full swing. It has already been 3 weeks since he ceased to be an embryo and became a fetus. With the beginning of this period, the baby every day becomes more and more like a little man. He no longer has a tail - he turned into a coccyx. The formation of internal organs is completed - now they will only grow.

Now the baby is the size of a decent onion. His height is in the range of 7-10 cm. The baby now weighs more than 20 grams.


The baby looks very thin and wrinkled. This is due to the fact that while he lacks subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin is very thin, capillaries and larger blood vessels shine through them. Vellus hair grows on the baby’s head, they are still light in all children, because the pigment that dyes the hair in one color or another has not yet begun to be produced.

The baby's head is still quite large in relation to the body. It averages half of the total area of ​​the fetus. This disproportion will be eliminated over time, and by the time of birth, the baby's body will be five times the size of the head.

The proportions of the arms and legs begin to align. If earlier the arms were short, now this week they are noticeably increasing in length, and the legs are starting to grow. The lower limbs are still much shorter than the upper ones.

The fingers and toes are fully formed on the hands and feet, each of them is crowned with a small nail. The child has completed the formation of the ears, and from this week he begins to hear, but so far the hearing is more of a vibrational nature, because the formation of the inner ear is still ongoing. By about the 20th week of pregnancy, this process will be completed, and the sound waves will begin to transform into the sounds familiar to each of us.

The eyes, which were previously located on the sides of the head, have already moved to their proper place. The eyelids have formed - now they tightly cover the organs of vision. The face already has a nose, and in some children who, by racial or genetic background, are the owners of a prominent nose, these bones are already so large that a profile with a pronounced, well-defined structure is easily visible.

The neck is already formed - the baby can turn the head. All internal organs are located in their places, nothing peeps out of the abdominal cavity. The appearance of the crumbs begins to acquire individual features.

Internal organs

Since all organs have already been formed, the process of their growth is now underway, and they are also “learning” to work correctly, becoming more complex and developed. The gallbladder at week 13 produces bile, and the pancreas two weeks earlier began to produce insulin. The intestines contract rhythmically, and this is almost real peristalsis, despite the fact that the baby in the usual sense is not yet eating.

A small heart in its structure completely repeats the heart of an adult: it has four chambers, but it beats much faster. Heart rate (HR) this week from 140 to 170 beats per minute. During the day, the fetal heart pumps about 23 liters of blood. The kidneys work at full capacity: they produce urine, accumulate it, and the urinary system takes them out into the amniotic fluid. The baby pees often: almost once an hour.

Nervous system

The nervous system continues to improve. At the physiological level, it is completely laid down, there is a brain and spinal cord, but functional processes are still in their infancy. Impulses from the nerve endings are still received by the spinal cord, but soon the brain will begin to do this. In the meantime, brain tissue is being formed in it, and this process is very fast: 250 thousand new cells are formed in the fetal brain at week 13 every day.

Special channels of communication between the muscles and the nervous system continue to form. The baby already has several reflex skills in his arsenal: he shudders, sucking and swallowing reflexes have already been studied, his hands are clenched into fists, there is a grasping reflex. Taste buds already “pick up” shades of tastes: if a mother eats sweets, the child will definitely notice a change in the taste of water - he will swallow such amniotic fluid more willingly.

If the waters are bitter, because the mother ate onions and garlic, then the baby will not taste very pleasant - he will not swallow them.

The movements of the baby become more and more active. Most of the time he is in a dormant state, which resembles a dream. During periods of wakefulness, the baby “has fun”: hugs himself, plays with the umbilical cord, examines his face by touch and swims. Moms do not feel any movements yet - there is enough space in the uterus.


The external genital organs of the baby are formed. The genital tubercles of the boys have lengthened, now it is a small penis. And in girls this week, the genital tubercles begin to bend and decrease, turning into the labia.

But it is still quite difficult to find out the sex - the sex differences in size are small. An experienced doctor, of course, will be able to see the difference if the ultrasound is done on a machine with good resolution, and the baby is located conveniently for examination. But the doctor cannot yet be guaranteed to name the sex of the child - the probability of an error at this time is quite high.

At the 13th obstetric week, the most global changes occur in the reproductive system of girls. Their ovaries descend into the pelvis, they already have about 2 million eggs in them. In boys, the formation of the prostate continues.

Skeletal system

Since the thyroid gland has been diligently developing and starting to work over the past weeks, calcium deposits have begun in the baby's bones, and they become stronger. The bones of the skull and spine begin to strengthen first, followed by the bones of the limbs. Your baby will have ribs this week.

Right now, the need for calcium for mom and fetus is great. If the baby lacks it, he will begin to take calcium from the mother's bones. As a result, the quality and appearance of nails, hair, teeth will deteriorate in a woman. By the way, the rudiments of the baby's milk teeth are already fully formed, and now they will wait in the wings.

Respiratory system

The respiratory organs of the child are already developed. This week he begins to try to make breathing movements. The chest expands irregularly for the time being, but every day the respiratory contractions will become more and more regular. After the birth, the baby will intuitively know how to breathe.

The glottis is still closed. The vocal cords at week 13 are actively formed, so that after birth the baby will announce the birth with a loud cry. In the lungs, the surfactant, an important substance for respiration, is not yet produced and accumulated. The baby will begin to prepare for independent breathing in the middle of the third trimester.

What can a child do. Despite the fact that the fetus is still very small, it is actively developing its skills. Now the baby reacts to external stimuli. If the mother begins to cough or speak with someone in a raised tone, then a special vibration will reach the baby, and he will feel changes in his mother's mood.

It is still unknown how children at such a period manage to feel fear, pain and joy. But numerous studies that covered the category of pregnant women who are going to have an abortion at this time have shown that the child perfectly feels all maternal emotions, feels pain. If he is in pain, he opens his mouth in silent crying, and if he is afraid, he tries to “hide”, shrink.

Scientists believe that The connection between mother and baby is now based on changes in the composition of maternal blood. When emotions change, her hormonal background barely perceptibly changes, this is exactly what the child feels.

At week 13, the baby makes a variety of grimaces - his facial muscles are already developed enough for this. He has learned to bring his fists to his mouth and tries to suck them, he is good at yawning, hiccupping, stretching after sleep. He takes special pleasure in playing with his own umbilical cord: he grabs it and feels it.

Kid on ultrasound. Ultrasound this week is carried out as part of prenatal screening, if it was not carried out earlier. The deadlines set by the Ministry of Health for this diagnostic measure allow screening this week. This ultrasound may be the first "meeting" of the expectant mother and her baby. Now on the monitor of the ultrasound scanner it is already possible to examine in detail the profile of the crumbs, nose, brow ridges, small arms, legs, listen to the heartbeat. All this causes a real delight in women.

During the study, the doctor assesses the viability of the baby, its size and correlates them with special tables, which can be used to judge the exact gestational age and developmental features of the fetus.

Still informative is the KTP (coccygeal-parietal size), in fact, which is a segment between the coccyx and the crown. Some doctors do not measure KTR this week, since BDP becomes more informative, in terms of determining the term, - biparental (transverse size of the baby's head), measured between the temporal bones.

This week it is already possible to measure the length of the femur, but the bones of the lower leg and shoulder are still so small that it is not practical to measure them. SVD is not measured either - the diameter of the fetal egg, since it exceeded 50 mm two weeks ago and became too large to measure.

For a full 12 weeks and the following six days, the following norms are characteristic:

Table of average fetometry values ​​at week 13 (12-13 weeks)

Those who have measured the KTR will be interested to know if their baby meets the average standards. These values ​​for week 13 are:

KTP at 13 weeks pregnant

The circumference of the abdomen of the baby at this time is on average from 61 to 69 mm.

The placenta has already fully assumed all the responsibilities for feeding and protecting the child, and now, if necessary, a woman can take medications that were not previously recommended to her, since the internal organs of the embryo were being laid, and there was no protective barrier. The thickness of the placenta at this time is from 15 to 18 mm, but it is not yet measured on ultrasound, since its thickness will have diagnostic value no earlier than 20 weeks and later

Feelings of a future mother

The feelings of a woman this week are ambiguous - on the one hand, she is happy and proud of her growing tummy, and on the other hand, she comes to understand that the child is serious, and, accordingly, all the concerns associated with this appear: will there be enough strength, experience, funds in order to raise him. This is especially true for women who are pregnant with their first child.

Since the first trimester can be considered completed, the hormonal background “calms down” somewhat.. Progesterone and estrogens have accumulated in the female body in sufficient quantities, now their production is not so strongly felt by the pregnant woman. Therefore, the symptoms of toxicosis begin to leave the expectant mother, her appetite improves, night sleep becomes stronger, strong daytime sleepiness recedes a little. In general, her health improves, signs of malaise make themselves felt less and less.

If in the first trimester a woman suffered from increased salivation, now saliva begins to be produced somewhat less. Dizziness and nausea gradually go away.

The belly is noticeably growing. The belly and hips already look rounded, and many women can no longer hide their position. At this time, even superstitious women who were afraid to report their situation before are no longer afraid to disclose this important information and bring the fact of their pregnancy to friends, colleagues and relatives. Understanding the fact that the threat of miscarriage and the critical period has passed makes a woman more confident and calm.

A growing tummy begins to require a woman to change her habits. Sleeping on your stomach is now uncomfortable, and for sexual relations you have to choose new positions. Many women note that it became uncomfortable for them to lie on their back for a long time - the growing uterus begins to compress the inferior vena cava. This week, the woman already understands that those things that she wore before pregnancy no longer converge at the waist, they are tight in the hips and chest.

It's time to change your wardrobe to a more spacious one, and the usual bra should be changed to a more spacious bodice with wide straps that will hold the growing chest.

The mood, which was previously characterized by instability, is now beginning to "even out", the woman becomes more balanced and calm, but she can be forgetful and absent-minded. All these metamorphoses are caused by the impact of a new hormonal background on the brain: everything in a woman's body adjusts to the needs of the child. The baby now needs a calm and peaceful mother.

And yet the woman is still quite sensitive. This week you should not communicate with people who like to talk about their difficult experience of childbirth and pregnancy, describe in colors all the horrors of the birth process and possible dangers. Pregnant women take someone else's experience too close to their hearts, especially if they are carrying their first child. Such stories can cause unnecessary now stress, tears, fears and anxiety.

You should also not “wind up” yourself about the upcoming screening. No matter how they frighten other pregnant women from the pages of the forums, there is nothing wrong with this diagnosis. If you correctly understand its essence, then the unrest will be minimal.

Domestic conflicts and quarrels should be avoided, after all, the baby can already respond to stress factors from the outside. If there is no one to talk to confidentially, right now a woman can turn to a psychologist who conducts a free appointment at any antenatal clinic.

The growing uterus begins to mechanically squeeze the intestines, which is why now the most urgent problem of pregnant women is constipation. Proper nutrition will help improve your well-being. It will also save a woman from another trouble at the beginning of the second trimester - a possible hemorrhoids. At the beginning of the 13th week, the expectant mother may notice that she has cramps in the calf muscles. Thus, calcium deficiency manifests itself, the need for which has increased significantly at this time.

This week, women who monitor their blood pressure levels may notice that their blood pressure is dropping. This is normal, because now the body has another circle of blood circulation (uteroplacental). Usually a slight natural hypotension does not cause any unpleasant symptoms.

If the pressure falls below normal, then this may be manifested by weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

The hormone progesterone, which throughout the first trimester "tried", continues to have a systemic effect on the female body. Now most often he becomes the "culprit" of frequent urination. Sometimes women continue to complain that their head hurts in the evenings. Due to the hormonal effect on the digestive system, a woman may experience heartburn, alternating constipation and loose stools. And the property of progesterone to retain fluid in the tissues can cause a physiological runny nose in pregnant women; such rhinitis does not need separate treatment, as it passes by itself.

Slight sipping sensations in the lower back and back at week 13 can be considered quite acceptable, because the uterus is growing, and the ligaments holding it are stretched. If the lower back hurts and pulls, and this does not last long, and is also not accompanied by abnormal discharge, then there is nothing to worry about.

Emergency medical attention should be sought if the pain is severe, growing, cramping.

At week 13, it becomes much easier to wear heavier and enlarged breasts. The mammary glands cease to disturb the woman: hurt, itch, itch. The active growth of the glandular tissue is replaced by the preparation of the ducts for breastfeeding, and this process is not accompanied by pain, although colostrum may begin to be released. If the chest has not stopped hurting this week, then you should be patient and wait another 7 days - usually by week 14, unpleasant symptoms recede in full.

Changes in the body

The main change in the female body at this time is the intensive growth of the body of the uterus. The size of the uterus increased almost 4 times, the length of the uterus grew by 10 centimeters. In multiparous women, the uterus is heavier, it grows faster, and therefore the main visual sign of pregnancy, the belly, also appears faster. In women who bear twins, the stomach is already impressive.

The location of the uterus also changes. She went beyond the small pelvis, is now in the abdominal cavity. The normal height of the uterine fundus at 13 weeks is about 11-12 centimeters.

The uterus becomes softer, more elastic, it is normal, does not come into tone, which ensures its growth, the amount of vaginal discharge also increases. You should not be afraid of this.

Light, white or yellowish discharge with a slight sour smell is considered completely normal for this period. However, a woman should be extremely vigilant and observe their character - any change in color, smell, consistency of the vaginal secretion can be a sign of pathology.

Green and gray, as well as brown discharge of a foamy consistency with an unpleasant odor, may indicate the presence of an infection, including a sexual one. Thick white discharge, accompanied by a yeasty smell and itching in the perineum, may indicate that a woman has thrush. This happens infrequently at week 13, because thrush is a companion of early and late gestation periods, but such a possibility is not completely excluded.

The amount of blood that circulates these days in the body of the expectant mother has increased by about 2 times. Now the load on the lungs, kidneys, heart of a woman has become twice as large. This can be manifested by an exacerbation of chronic diseases of these organs, if a woman had such diseases before pregnancy. But even healthy pregnant women at this time feel an increased heartbeat. With slight exertion, shortness of breath may occur.

The chest is now large and very beautiful. It is not spoiled even by the Montgomery tubercles protruding on the circles around the nipples and the darkening of the circles themselves. The nipples may become white. This happens when the nipples are irritated by underwear and a small release of colostrum, which, drying up, creates such a white color. From this week, you need to wash your nipples every evening with warm water to avoid inflammation and blockage of the passages.

Weight gain at week 13 can be different. In general, it is considered normal if 2 to 4 kilograms have been added to the initial body weight of a woman. The hCG pregnancy hormone is at its maximum, peak point. From the end of this week, the level of this hormone will begin to gradually decrease, and this process will last until the very birth.

A woman whose pregnancy is now proceeding without complications looks very attractive. Mystery, spirituality and charm appear in her appearance. Her hair shines, her nails grow faster, her skin becomes smoother and healthier. In some women, age spots on the back, neck, and arms begin to appear this week. Freckles in women often become brighter, but even this does not spoil their amazing, feminine beauty.

Possible Complications

The list of problems and risks that may threaten the expectant mother at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is noticeably reduced. The probability of a miscarriage is now already low, as is the probability of a sudden causeless fetal fading. But such risks cannot be completely ruled out. Below is a list of complications that pregnant women may experience at week 13.

intrauterine growth retardation

According to the results of the first ultrasound this week, the baby may be lagging behind in development. If no mistake is made with the timing of pregnancy, doctors will definitely try to find the true cause of slow fetal growth. A slight lag has nothing to do with the delay, but if the baby's parameters are 2 weeks less than normal, doctors talk about a probable IUGR - intrauterine growth retardation.

With a symmetrical delay, when all the proportions of the baby are equally reduced relative to the norm, they consider such versions as placental insufficiency or umbilical cord pathology, as a result of which the baby simply receives less nutrients and oxygen. A delay in fetal development can be observed in a hypertensive mother suffering from high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases, as well as in a woman with chronic respiratory problems.

With an asymmetric delay, when some size is in clear disproportion with the rest, the version of the baby's malformations, including genetic ones, is considered the most likely. The reason may lie not only in a chromosomal disease, for example, in Down syndrome, but also in structural defects of the kidneys and heart, if something went wrong during the laying of these organs.

The reason that the baby grows more slowly than his peers may be the woman's malnutrition, vitamin deficiency in her body, as well as bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Often, by slowing down growth, the baby “reacts” to infectious diseases transferred by the mother in the first trimester.

Non-developing pregnancy

A failed miscarriage or missed pregnancy can occur at any time up to 28 weeks. With an increase in the term, the likelihood of such a sad outcome decreases. Doctors noticed that most often the fetus stops developing and dies at an early stage - from 3 to 4 weeks, then during the transition from the embryonic to fetal phase of development - from 8 to 10 weeks. The third "dangerous" period starts at 16 and lasts until 18 weeks. Despite the fact that the 13th week is not included in these periods, the likelihood of fetal fading is real at this time as well.

There may or may not be symptoms. In this case, only 2-3 weeks after the death of the baby, the first signs may appear: a brown “daub”, pulling pains, all signs of a miscarriage. If pure blood has gone, then this may indicate that a miscarriage has taken place. But most often, a frozen pregnancy is detected on an ultrasound scan, which is done this week.

Any adverse factors that a woman has undergone can lead to the death of a child: infections, taking medications that are not allowed during pregnancy, malformations of the placenta, bad habits, a sudden "jump" of hormones.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

They speak of such a pathology if the woman's cervix begins to shorten and smooth out before the set time. The task of this part of the reproductive female organ during pregnancy is to tightly close the entrance to the uterus, not to allow the child to leave it prematurely. With insufficiency of the cervix, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If now the neck does not cope with its task, the child will die, because he still cannot live independently, outside the mother's womb.

The pathology has no symptoms, the woman may not feel anything unusual, and only on ultrasound at 12-13 weeks the doctor can detect pathological changes in the cervix. The causes of the phenomenon can be different: from congenital features of the cervix to traumatic changes caused by abortions or gynecological operations associated with mechanical expansion of the cervix. Often, pathology develops in women who have previously had a difficult birth.

There are many ways to treat a shortened neck. Of course, the short neck cannot lengthen, but it can be fixed by suturing or installing an obstetric pessary. In most cases, a woman quite safely manages to bring the baby to term.

Hypercoagulation syndrome

Blood clotting or hypercoagulation syndrome this week can be detected by the results of a coagulogram - an analysis that determines blood clotting. It is prescribed to pregnant women at registration. Too thick a woman's blood can become due to an increased load on all organs and systems, primarily on the heart and blood vessels. If a woman during the first trimester was tormented by severe toxicosis with vomiting and intoxication, then the risk of hypercoagulation syndrome is high.

At the beginning of the second trimester, hypercoagulability can occur in every second woman, and in most cases it is considered as a variant of the norm. The body of a pregnant woman begins to gradually and in advance prepare for childbirth. To prevent severe bleeding, the blood coagulation system begins to work in new conditions.

At the first detection, doctors will prescribe control over the state of the blood. If increased coagulability is detected in the future, then the woman will be prescribed treatment. Thick blood can be dangerous in the first place with an increased likelihood of thrombosis, premature aging of the placenta.

At week 13, you should not sound the alarm, the revealed hypercoagulability can be physiological.

Analyzes and examinations

If the screening has already taken place a week earlier, then no tests will be scheduled this week. If the referral for prenatal diagnosis was issued at week 13, then the woman will have to donate blood from a vein and do an ultrasound on the same day - these are the mandatory conditions for passing the first screening.

The purpose of this study is to identify women at risk for the likelihood of giving birth to a baby with chromosomal abnormalities. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the quantitative ratio of the hormone hCG and plasma protein PAPP-A will be assessed. On ultrasound, in addition to assessing the overall development and examination of the internal organs of the fetus, they will pay close attention to the so-called markers of chromosomal abnormalities - visual signs of abnormalities. Down syndrome and a number of other diseases, the risks of which are assessed during screening, for example, are characterized by a thickening of the collar space - folds on the back of the neck.

One by one, the results of ultrasound and blood tests say little. Only summary information processed by a special computer program gives an idea of ​​how likely the birth of a sick child is. It is expressed in fractions - 1: 3000 or 1: 350. This fraction means that the chance of giving birth to a child with a particular chromosomal abnormality in a woman with similar indicators is 1 in 3000 or 350 births. Risks in the region of 1:100 are considered to be high risks.

"Bad" screening - what to do?

If screening shows increased risks of having a sick baby, then you should not panic, because the results of prenatal diagnosis are just a forecast, and not a diagnosis. Any negative "finds" on ultrasound or in the laboratory are the basis for a visit to a geneticist. This specialist will once again check all the data and may recommend that the woman undergo an additional examination, which with great accuracy can answer the question of whether the child has chromosomal abnormalities and anomalies.

In such situations, invasive diagnostics is recommended - chorion biopsy, a little later - amniocentesis. Using a special long needle, amniotic fluid or chorion particles are taken for analysis through a puncture in the anterior abdominal wall. DNA is used to determine if the child has anomalies.

These methods are very informative, but unsafe for the mother and fetus. The procedure can result in infection of the membranes, miscarriage, mechanical injury to the child. Modern medicine offers an alternative - a non-invasive DNA test.

In the sample of the venous blood of the expectant mother, fetal erythrocytes are found, which begin to get there from about 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, and the baby's DNA is derived from them. The procedure is no different from a regular blood test and does not harm the fetus and mother in any way, but it is expensive - several tens of thousands of rubles.

After additional diagnostics shows the true picture, it will be up to the woman herself and her close people to decide what will happen next with this pregnancy.

If the baby has pathologies, then the woman is recommended to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons. But she has the right to consciously refuse it. In this case, the pregnancy continues as usual, and, if necessary, both the mother and the baby receive supportive therapy.


Since the need for this mineral increases with the onset of fetal bone growth, right now it is advisable to talk with your doctor about the possibility of additional intake of calcium supplements. You should not buy them in a pharmacy and start drinking on your own. If a woman does not have a calcium deficiency, then such actions can lead to an overabundance of the mineral, which is fraught with complications with the kidneys and metabolism.

The doctor saw the results of a biochemical analysis of the woman's blood, he knows exactly how much calcium is contained in her blood. If you need an additional amount of the mineral, he will recommend calcium preparations and indicate in what dosage it should be taken.

All pregnant women should include calcium-rich foods in their diet this week. These include cottage cheese, milk, dairy products, sea fish, fresh herbs, spinach, nuts. In most cases, this allows you to collect the required amount of an important substance without pharmaceutical preparations.


Sex this week is not contraindicated if the woman does not have the threat of marginal chorion presentation and other complications that can lead to miscarriage. No need to be shy, because the question of whether it is possible to live an active sex life, be sure to ask the attending physician at this time. If everything is fine, then he will not have anything against it.

Sex helps a woman feel better: it stabilizes the emotional and psychological background, improves relationships in the family. However, now you should carefully consider your own feelings and the choice of posture. Now all positions with deep penetration are already prohibited, as well as the use of lubricants.

If all security measures did not help, and the woman still fell ill with a cold or SARS at week 13, you should not worry too much. The baby is already formed, the likelihood that the temperature and medications taken will have a negative impact on him is not as high as in the first trimester. The placenta is already coping with barrier functions. This does not replace consultation with a doctor, and all medications should be taken only as directed.

This week you can go to the dentist and heal all the problem teeth, if necessary. X-rays also remain banned, but gentle anesthesia is already acceptable.

Hooray! The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end: nasty toxicosis and constant drowsiness are behind! But the most important thing, perhaps, is that during these long 13 weeks, the baby in your stomach has done a tremendous job on itself. What happens to the fetus at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy and what metamorphoses your body continues to undergo, we will discuss in the article.

The baby's heart works tirelessly: it passes 23 liters of blood through itself per day! In addition, the baby acquires a full set of milk teeth. But this is not all of his achievements! A thorough laying of the fetal digestive system takes place: villi begin to form in the intestines to process and promote food, and the pancreas already secretes insulin. Also by this time, the baby's voice apparatus begins to take shape.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetus "chooses" who to be born to him - a girl or a boy. There is an active differentiation of the genital organs of the child: at this stage of development, the genital tubercle protrudes and lengthens (later it will turn into a penis) or bends it down, followed by the formation of the clitoris. At the same time, depending on gender, germ cells appear or the prostate gland begins to develop.

Of course, expectant mothers are very worried about whether the sex of the child is determined at the 13th week of pregnancy? Yes it is possible. If the baby is in a good position, experienced diagnosticians can tell you with confidence that you are expecting a boy. In the case of girls, alas, mistakes sometimes occur. The fact is that at this time the future clitoris is very similar to the penis. The doctor will be able to confirm or refute his verdict about the sex of the baby at the next scheduled ultrasound.

One quick glance at the ultrasound photo at the 13th week of pregnancy is enough to understand that the baby's face has acquired more expressive features. The eyes, nose and mouth are clearly visible. Yes, and he himself has changed a lot - “matured”! At the 13th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus from the coccyx to the crown of the head ranges from 7 to 8 cm, and the weight can vary from 15 to 25 g.

The child also made a big leap forward in the emotional sphere: he actively learns about his environment. The baby sensitively absorbs the sounds from the outside world flying into the mother's stomach, distinguishes between darkness and light well, and reacts to touching the stomach. He has already learned to grimace, has mastered sucking and swallowing movements, yawns amusingly. The “bubbler” does not sleep very much - he falls asleep for a few minutes and wakes up again. So in wakefulness most of the day passes. At the same time, the movements of the fetus are devoid of the former randomness, but on the contrary, they have acquired a certain direction, composure and orderliness. The fact that the child in his mother's belly is warm, calm and comfortable, he proclaims with his smile, into which his mouth is constantly folded.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes a gourmet: he already knows how to distinguish the taste and smell of the food that his mother eats. He loves something, and from some products that the baby does not like, the pregnant woman is frankly sick.

The kid is finally “ripe” for direct communication with his mother. And if at the 13th week of pregnancy you have not yet begun to sing songs to him and talk about how you are waiting for him, it's time to start.

13 weeks pregnant: what happens to mom

The golden mean of pregnancy begins - the second trimester. Toxicosis receded, and the hormonal storm finally calmed down. The body has successfully coped with the task - it has adapted in the best way to the baby that grows in it.

But now is not the time for mommy to sit back: you need to come to grips with your health, namely the prevention of constipation, swelling and, of course, stretch marks. The metamorphoses that occur with the appearance of a woman are also obvious. The waist gradually disappears, and instead the outlines of a rounded tummy appear. You can safely go shopping for clothes for pregnant women. You need to approach the choice of a bra very responsibly: it must fit perfectly in size and reliably support the grown breasts due to the wide straps. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the bust of the pregnant woman continues to increase. From the previous, "native" size, new volumes may differ by 2 or even 4 times!

uterus at 13 weeks pregnant

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus slowly but surely increases in size, and, having filled the entire hip area, rises up towards the abdominal area. Naturally, the organs that are located there do not like the new neighborhood, so the pregnant woman has to experience such manifestations of internal “confrontation” as heartburn and shortness of breath. The uterus is already easily palpable, and the doctor determines and fixes the height of its fundus at each scheduled examination. The norm in centimeters is equal to the number of weeks. This means that at the 13th week of the “interesting” position, the height of the uterus is 13 cm, and the width is 10. By this time, the organ becomes soft and elastic, so you can not be afraid of tone. If the uterus contracts, then only for a short time.

Belly at 13 weeks pregnant

Here's what the tummies of expectant mothers look like at 13 weeks of pregnancy in the photo:

In very thin women, the stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy has just begun to emerge, while in others, a noticeably rounded belly sticks out proudly under clothes. When the uterus is fettered by the tone, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her feelings. So, to get rid of the pulling feeling and pain in the lower abdomen, it is enough to lie down for 15 - 20 minutes and relax, thinking about good things or talking with the baby. If cases of forced rest have become more frequent, you should definitely inform your doctor about this. In some cases, medications, alas, can not be dispensed with. A pregnant woman may be prescribed Papaverine rectal suppositories or Ginipral tablets. These drugs quickly remove the uterine tone and are absolutely harmless to the health of the baby and mother.

However, many women can safely do without medication. You just need not to provoke the uterus to “strain” over trifles: down with high heels, heavy bags from the supermarket and groundless excitement.

A pregnant woman may also feel discomfort in the abdomen due to the accumulation of a large amount of gases in the intestines. To neutralize this problem, you need to determine which food from the diet the body reacts in a similar way.

Pain at 13 weeks pregnant

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the feeling of discomfort on the sides of the rounded abdomen is quite natural: it hurts because the muscles that hold the uterus are stretched, and she herself is growing all the time. These pains are completely harmless.

If a pregnant woman is tormented by painful cramps that reduce the calf muscles of the legs, this indicates a calcium deficiency in the tissues of her body. As a rule, seizures most often occur in the evening or at night. The fix is ​​simple: increase the amount of plant-based sources of calcium you eat per day, including broccoli, sweet potatoes, legumes, dried figs, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, and almonds. You should not get carried away with calcium-containing products of animal origin, otherwise the fontanel will quickly ossify in the baby, and this complicates the passage of the baby through the birth canal during childbirth.

Cold at 13 weeks pregnant

Symptoms of a cold are obvious: headache, dryness and painful sore throat, aching joints, runny nose, fever. Unfortunately, a pregnant woman becomes a vulnerable target for the flu, so the expectant mother should, if possible, bypass crowded places, especially during an exacerbation of seasonal viral diseases. Of course, the common cold no longer poses such a threat at the 13th week of pregnancy as in the first months of the “interesting” situation, but its complications are dangerous because they can cause premature birth and cause the development of congenital pathologies in the baby. Treatment of a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy should be timely and symptomatic. The doctor will advise what medicinal and folk remedies to use so as not to harm yourself and the child.

High fever at 13 weeks pregnant

Did the future mother's temperature "jump" against the background of a cold? Doctors reassure: there is no need to panic and try to immediately bring her down. Antipyretic medicine can be taken if the temperature of 38 0 C persists for more than 2 days or continues to grow. You can fight the temperature with the help of drugs that contain paracetamol. Homeopathy has proven itself well.

In addition, at the 13th week of the special situation, a low temperature may remain - 37 - 37.5 0 C. If at the same time the expectant mother does not complain about anything, no measures need to be taken in this regard. You should be wary if an increase in temperature is accompanied by discharge of a yellow-green or bloody color.

Discharge at 13 weeks pregnant

The natural vaginal secretion at 13 weeks of gestation may change. Now it is more liquid and there is more of it - this is normal. It is important that the discharge is colorless and does not smell of anything. The expectant mother needs to sound the alarm if one day she finds that the transparent discharge has changed color to yellow (green, gray, brownish, bloody) hue, become curdled, bubbling and smelly. Irritation and pain in the genital area, their swelling indicates the development of an infectious process and can provoke spontaneous abortion. Run to the doctor!

Bleeding at 13 weeks pregnant

The appearance of bleeding at the 13th week of pregnancy is bad, but not fatal. First of all, you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. The reasons, by the way, can be several:

  1. Detachment or abnormal formation of the placenta.
  2. Internal hematomas.
  3. Mechanical trauma of the cervix after examination by a gynecologist or having sex.
  4. Erosion.
  5. Fall on the stomach.
  6. Insufficient elasticity of capillaries. At 13 weeks pregnant the size of the uterus is already large enough, and the blood-filled vessels burst, due to the pressure that it exerts on them.

Not all causes of bleeding from the vagina cause a threat to the position of the woman. But in any case, you need to see a doctor. To make sure that everything is in order with the fetus, he may prescribe an ultrasound procedure.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant

The first planned ultrasound during a normal pregnancy is prescribed for a period of 12-13 weeks. The feelings of a mother at the first visual meeting with her baby cannot be expressed in words! A woman sees a tiny heart flickering on the monitor, how the arms and legs of a child move. The doctor at this time will determine the exact gestational age, the number of babies (yes, there may be two of them!), Will assess whether the level of fetal development meets generally accepted standards, whether the child has congenital malformations.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman can also be referred for the first screening, which is usually carried out between the 11th and 16th weeks of the “interesting” position. This study is carried out to determine if the expectant mother is at risk for chromosomal pathologies in the fetus (for example, Down syndrome).

During the study, with special care, the doctor will assess the thickness and transparency of the baby's collar zone, pay attention to the presence and size or absence of the nasal bone, and examine the child as a whole so as not to miss physical defects, if any. Biochemical screening makes it possible to establish the concentration of hormones and proteins in the mother's blood.

Based on the age of the pregnant woman and the results of biochemical tests, the specialist can conclude that this woman has the possibility of the birth of a sick baby. Expectant mothers are at risk, in whom screening has shown a risk of developing pathology in a baby of 1k 350 and below. However, this does not mean that the child will definitely be born sick. Remember that screening only allows for a high probability of developing a chromosomal abnormality, nothing more. There is always a chance to endure and give birth to a healthy heir!

Tests for human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone in the blood at the 13th week of pregnancy are included in the first biochemical screening. They are also called a double test for the hCG hormone and the PAPA-A protein. The results of the blood test of the expectant mother are of particular importance for the doctor: it is by the level of the hCG hormone that they judge the normal course of pregnancy or, conversely, suggest possible problems in the development of the fetus (growth retardation, defects, negative Rh factor). Progesterone levels at 13 weeks of gestation are no longer as important as in the first trimester. Its norm at this time is 71.5-303.1 nmol / l.

Nutrition at 13 weeks pregnant

Variety and benefits - these are the two fundamental requirements for the diet of the expectant mother at the 13th week of the "interesting" position. A growing baby needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates equally. Just in case, we remind you that all products must undergo a gentle level of heat treatment, that is, be boiled or steamed. It’s great if boiled pieces of lean meat, vegetables, cereals and legumes, various nuts and not too sweet fruits regularly appear on a pregnant woman’s plate. In order not to face the delicate problem of constipation, a pregnant woman’s diet can be varied with tomato juice, vegetable and fruit puree, dried fruits, beets, apples and seaweed. Also, do not forget about calcium, which is valuable for the health of mother and baby, which can be found in kiwi, persimmon and lentils.

Alcohol is out of the question! Even if you really want to feel the taste of alcohol on your tongue, do not comfort yourself with the thought that a drop of hot drink will not harm the baby. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the formation and differentiation of the internal organs of the child is still ongoing - you should not tempt fate and risk the health of your baby. Remember that there is no safe dose of alcohol at 13 weeks pregnant!

Intimate life at 13 weeks pregnant

The sexual appetite of a woman in position under the influence of a number of chemical reactions can increase several times. During this period, intimate relationships are only a pleasure: the risk of abortion is minimal, and the woman is already so used to her condition that she does not feel any moral or physical discomfort. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the sensitivity of erogenous zones increases, which has the most positive effect on intimate life. But if the expectant mother does not feel well, of course, you should refrain from sexual intimacy.

There is still more than one week of waiting, coupled with hope and anxiety, but a lot has already been passed! You have been with your blood for 13 weeks already! Good mood and good health to you!

Pregnancy 13 weeks. Video