Real stories about cheating on your husband. I'm cheating on my husband (the story of one beautiful girl)

11 monstrously real stories about betrayal and treason

What could be worse than this in a relationship? It seems nothing. We all try every day to make our relationships more or less normal and healthy. This is real everyday work, and not just sighs under the moon. And then one day the moment comes when someone on the other end of the line does what would seem impossible to expect from this person. You can't make it up on purpose.

At a party I found him in the bedroom during an orgy

“Once my now ex and I came to a party. There were more guys there than girls, but I knew someone and sat down to chat. Then I lost him. I searched all over the house. And I found it in the bedroom, there were five more naked men and two chicks. They seemed to be having a lot of fun at that moment. But not for me.”

I skipped work to throw a surprise party where she cheated on me

“I didn't go to work to plan a surprise party for my girlfriend. And in the midst of the fun he caught her with someone else. There was a scandal. And the next day I was fired.”

My boyfriend brought another chick to Christmas

“We celebrated Christmas with our friends. And my boyfriend brought some strange chick there. When I saw her, I shook. I looked at him with a silent question: “Dude, are you serious? What does all of this mean?". He said that it was his friend who called her and he had nothing to do with it. In addition, she was kind of creepy and drunk as hell. And I was wildly offended, because I felt that they had something.”

When I didn't want sex after giving birth, he said Tinder and went on dates

“I was never jealous of him. He liked to hang out all the time and I didn’t interfere. My pregnancy was not planned, but we had a sweet relationship and did not consider abortion. Naturally, I had to recover a month after giving birth. And he downloaded Tinder and went on dates. I only found out a few months later when my friend came across his profile. A year later, I started an internship and hung out with all sorts of promising smart guys and slept with them. Then she returned. I told him everything and broke up with him, proud of myself.”

Some guy asked my ex to send me a photo. And she sent me naked

“I was dating a girl. One day she asked me to print something from her email and gave me all the passwords. I did everything, but went on poking around in her computer. And I saw that she was grazing on all sorts of dating sites and communicating there only with men. One of them asked to send a photo and she sent a photo of me naked. She turned out to be a bastard even after we broke up and one day sent me a photo of another girl with the caption: “Look, I found something better than you.”

My best friend at university copied my coursework and passed it off as her own.

“My college friend copied my work and passed it off as hers before I did. And she set me up in front of the professor. But they gave me another chance and I did another project and defended it. And she failed because she didn’t know a damn thing about the subject.”

When my mom was pregnant with me, my older sister caught my dad kissing my mom's friend

“Mom was betrayed by both my biological father and her friend. My sister caught them, and my mother found out about everything a few days after I was born. I was 22 days old and she threw him out of the house. My father began to live with my mother’s friend, they adopted a boy, but their father then abandoned them. He never gave me anything or bought me anything, but only wrote letters in which he told me how he bought himself a new TV or a new car. I’m still angry at him.”

One day at a party I lost my mind

“We had a serious relationship, but the guy kept calling it “open.” And I thought that he cheated on me three times. Then I went to a swingers party and hooked up with a huge number of people. Only 27!”

I caught my ex-husband cheating when I was eight and a half months pregnant

“I caught my husband with another woman when I was heavily pregnant. She yelled at both and hit him and her. I returned home, threw all his things into boxes and sent it to his mother. That same evening I started having contractions and went to give birth. My daughter was born slightly premature and is now 14 years old. And I sincerely wish her never to experience this.”

My boyfriend broke up with me via text because I “study too much”

“My first boyfriend seemed very nice to me, he kept telling me that he loved me, but at the same time he was working all the time. Then he began to skip our meetings and invent all sorts of reasons. And then I received a message from him that we couldn’t date because I “spend too much time studying. I was terribly upset and my self-esteem fell wildly. Then I found out that he was hooking up with his ex and meeting with his former colleagues for money or gifts. I’m very glad that fate took such a piece of crap away from me.”

At the same time, he was dating another girl who paid for him everywhere

“Everything was perfect when we started dating. True, sometimes she complained that she was completely broke, and then suddenly appeared with expensive gifts. But all the time they were things from the same store or gift coupons. I began to suspect something. This went on for a year, I began to follow him and be very attentive. And I found out that even longer than with me, he had been dating a girl from another city. I told him about my guesses. He said that I was crazy and I needed to see a psychologist. Then I talked to her and she told me that she works in the store where the gifts come from, and pays literally all of his expenses, even the phone and health insurance. He later told me that he simply fell in love with me, but could not part with her because of money. Then I told her everything, but she loved him so much that she couldn’t leave him, he manipulated her all the time. Then I decided to leave.”

The heroines of our article today, when they found out that their beloved man was cheating on them, decided to take revenge.

Revenge for betrayal is not always the worst choice. Often it is after revenge that a person is able to think soberly. And in this case, he probably will not break up the family. Moreover, he will not feel humiliated, and to some extent he will feel better. Therefore, sometimes, revenge after betrayal is not bad, says psychologist Valentina Berzinskaya.

Yulia, 33 years old

When I found out that my husband was cheating on me, of course, I experienced a real shock. The first desire was to kick him out of the house and start a new life.

But I decided to cool down. When the emotions subsided, I realized that I also needed betrayal. Otherwise, I will feel like a doormat at the front door of my apartment for a long time. At that time, my husband and I temporarily separated to give each other the opportunity to think.

After I slept with another man, I realized that I was ready to save my family. And it was after this step that I stopped feeling disgusted to look at my husband. Because we both stumbled.

Although my husband doesn't know that I cheated on him. But the main thing is that I know.

If, after cheating, a girl feels that she cannot put up with the current state of affairs, but is not ready to break off the relationship, it makes sense to take a break from each other. And even, sometimes, start a new relationship. This helps to understand how much she needs a family,” says Valentina Berzinskaya.

Valya, 35 years old

Having learned about the betrayal, I was wildly furious for a long time. I simply could not believe that my loved one was capable of betraying me in this way.

I began to take revenge in a state where my emotions had not subsided. No, I didn’t go looking for a new man - I decided that I would ruin the life of his mistress. It turned out that she was also married.

As a result of my actions, all the love correspondence of the “doves” ended up with her husband. Naturally, there was a scandal and a debriefing. I feel better.

But I didn’t stay with my husband. She took revenge and threw him out of life.

When you want to take revenge, it is wrong to do it towards your mistress. She did not make promises of fidelity and love to anyone. The husband is to blame for the betrayal. You need to come to terms with this, and if you take revenge, then only to him. Although, it’s much better to just let go right away,” the psychologist is sure.

Tanya, 29 years old

I always knew that if they cheated on me, I would take revenge. Until I feel that I can let go of the situation in order to move on with my life.

A banal story happened to us: a daughter was born, and my husband began to go for walks. And I, as often happens, saw his correspondence and found out about everything.

Since the child was very small, and I had no savings, a scandal would not have been a solution.

I continued to live with him as if nothing had happened. And when my daughter grew up a little and I went to work, other men began to appear in my life. Since then, I have allowed myself to fall in love and enjoy these relationships.

My husband and I did not divorce. But there is no trust between us either. Also, since then I began to spend a lot of his money on myself. As a compensation.

If we remove moral principles, then for many couples the solution is to simply let each other go and allow romances on the side. It keeps you on your toes, it helps you feel needed, and it strengthens relationships. Another question is that Tanya has not forgiven her husband. And this is a problem that will make itself felt in the future,” the specialist shares his opinion.

To be honest, I don’t know how it all happened. I never suspected him of anything (Ksenia continued. - WH note), I generally prefer to trust close people. How can you not trust your husband? Why then live together, it’s pure torment. True, he was often late at work, but I had no doubt that this was exactly the case. And it was even more impossible to imagine that he would have an affair with this girl. She, too, was not free - her husband was friends with her husband, they often visited us, and we visited them, we all went on vacation together. We met as students, we had a large common company, the relationship was always open. And everyone around knew perfectly well how long she had been waiting for a proposal from her chosen one, and finally it happened, and she was happy, planning a pregnancy.

Now I can calmly write about those events, and for me this is very important - it means I survived everything and fully recovered from the consequences of my personal tragedy. But you can imagine what it was like for me then. I basically got married as a child - at the age of 19, we lived together for ten years, gave birth to a daughter. For a long time, hand in hand, soul to soul - at least that’s how it looked.

And now I’m 29, the family idyll suddenly ended, and all that was left of it were tears, resentment, disappointment and streams of unspoken words. It seemed to me as if I had become an extra, unnecessary person in my own life. I didn’t know where to go now, what to do next. And I just thought, thought, thought: why did this even happen? How could he do this to me and to his friend? How could she - with her husband and with me, who were not strangers to each other?

I am not at all a supporter of radical measures and would never advise any woman in her life to cut from the shoulder, pack her things, hers or her traitorous husband’s, and break off the relationship. I sincerely believe that even from such a situation there must be another way out and we can try to save the family. But at that moment I felt nothing but persistent disgust for the person who betrayed me. It was real physical intolerance, right down to the gag reflex. I didn’t even want to talk to him, I couldn’t listen to apologies, explanations and justifications, I dreamed of simply erasing him from my life once and for all. And so she asked her husband to leave quickly.

He complied with my request, but when leaving, he took only the most necessary things and, at every opportunity, visited for anything that was suddenly needed. And after a while he decided to return to my daughter and me for good. He came with flowers, cried in front of the door, bought us travel tickets, tried, with the help of family and mutual friends, to reason with me, convince me to glue this broken cup back together, to recreate the family again. And the more he tried, the less I wanted to continue. My body didn't seem to accept it anymore and I couldn't help it. Physiologically I couldn’t.

The painful communication for all participants in the drama lasted about three years. My husband either showed up to me in tears, or seemed to calm down with his new woman. AND We didn’t divorce right away - he didn’t want to go to court and refused to even discuss this topic. I would like to say that it was then that a new life began for me. But that wouldn't be true. For a very long time I existed in scary quiz mode. There were a million questions in my head - and not a single correct answer. I cried for hours on end until the tears ran out or temporary calm came on its own. Unfortunately, it was too unsteady and was again followed by a storm of negative emotions. And so on day after day.

It became really bad when I started to think: did I do the right thing by depriving my daughter of a “normal”, complete family? Shouldn't it have been worth it to endure, to try to forgive, to give her father a second chance? It’s one thing to decide only for yourself, and quite another to decide for two people at once. What if our breakup hurts an innocent child? What if, following my emotions, I injured my daughter and someday she will present me with a bill? It’s stupid to hide, I still ask myself these questions – and I still don’t have clear answers.

At first, my daughter didn’t understand that dad didn’t live with us anymore. After all, he often came, played with her, put her to bed, read books, and took her to a new house for the weekend. But at the age of five she began to ask. I said that it just so happened - we broke up because we both wanted it and it was better for us not to live together, this also happens. It seems to me that she accepted this and is more or less calm about the situation. I think she would like us to move in together again, but what can I do? Just live on.

It's been six years now. I stopped being sad about my unsettled family life; time really heals everything, even if not very quickly. My ex-husband and I are now on friendly terms - after all, we have a child, and he needs both parents. I only communicate with the other one on “technical issues,” for example, when I can’t get through to my daughter or her father. By the way, the lady’s ex-husband pretty soon found a girlfriend, got married again and is now raising a daughter, we continue to see each other, and I am very happy for him.

Such changes have not happened in my life yet, but it seems to me that I am already ready for them. I have the strength and enthusiasm for a new marriage and a big happy family. Of course, it is foolish to expect a relationship that would be like the previous one. I am 35, I am essentially a completely different person, and I will build new relationships that correspond to my current life, my new values. But there is something that I definitely don’t want to change. I still think that the main thing in life together is the ability to completely trust each other. Without this, true intimacy is impossible. Why do you need a marriage in which there is no intimacy?

We are waiting for your reaction. What do you think about what you read? Express your thoughts in the comments to this article.

Reading stories about wives cheating on their own husbands is always extremely interesting. In them we learn to look at the situation of the heroes from the outside, try on different roles, analyze and draw conclusions, try to learn life from the mistakes of others. But what if stories about an unfaithful wife cease to be someone’s story and become reality? What makes women cheat and, most importantly, what feelings do they have to live with after this? What is betrayal - the beginning of a new thing or the end of the present?

I cheated on my husband...

Treason is always seen in a negative way, no matter what circumstances precede it. This is not surprising, because it implies lies, resentment and betrayal, destroys relationships, breaks destinies, and changes people’s characters. The infidelity of representatives of the fair half of humanity is especially acutely perceived - it causes contempt, misunderstanding, and condemnation. When you visit forums with women’s stories about cheating on their husbands, you immediately come across uncompromising accusations and insults against the author of the post. Let's today leave all prejudices, sighs and values ​​that are familiar to us, and try to rationally look at the motives and possible consequences of female adultery.

Arina Veselova, psychotherapist, family psychologist, shares real stories from her own practice about female infidelity.

Tatyana, 22 years old, married for 2 years, husband 26 years old, no children. “My husband is perfect - he will help with cleaning, take us to the movies, and cook dinner. Fulfills all my whims, I’m definitely MARRIED with him. Sometimes he is too calm, but in my mind I understand that this is perfect for family life (I’ve seen enough of passionate relationships from the outside, where you can raise your hand against your wife and insult her; I definitely don’t want that). I'm graduating from college and I needed to make a big presentation of my project on the computer. I’m not very friendly with technology (shameful in the 21st century) at this level, so we started looking for a person who would help in this matter. The choice fell on his fellow programmer. He has a girlfriend and I have a husband, so we all agreed to this freelance training without a shadow of a doubt. Anton (the name of the client's husband - the psychologist's note) worked late, and Kostya and I sat either with us or with him, and my husband then joined us after work. One day I came to Kostya, and he asked if I would drink beer with him, otherwise he was very tired. I agreed, but asked, just in case, maybe I should come tomorrow, and let him rest today. He refused, assured that he just wanted to relax a little, and besides, the contract was more expensive than money. We fiddled around on the computer for about 20 minutes, then he started showing his photos, turned on the music, and we started talking. That day the project didn’t come to mind, and the beer was doing its job. Suddenly Kostya asked if we were watching adult films with Anton. I answered honestly that yes, it happens. Then he, without hesitating for a second, opened the folder and launched an intimate video. He simply invited me, as if to his old friend, to check out the figure of a porn actress... I did not dare to say anything and sat in silence, watching the banal plot. Kostya was looking at me, I was looking at the monitor, but I could directly feel his breathing. In general, the stars aligned so that everything happened to us. It was wild, passionate, I don’t know what liberated me so much – the beer, the movie, the secrecy or his assertiveness. That was our last meeting, he practically didn’t help in any way, but he filled me with some kind of strength, madness, fire. I feel uncomfortable in front of my loved one, but I’m not going to tell him anything. Our relationship with my husband has strengthened, although maybe I’m just trying to make amends (I haven’t figured it out yet). Would I do it again? Probably yes, that’s why that meeting was the last.”

Victoria, 36 years old, married for 15 years, has two sons. “I work as a teacher, so I always devote a lot of time to my appearance. Igor (husband) approves of my desire to be well-groomed, because I am the face of my class and I am not ashamed to become an example for growing girls. My husband is excellent - his money goes to the family, I can spend my money however I want. And in everyday life he is a helper, and in bed he is a lion, and as a father, there are no complaints. I’ve never thought about cheating, because I don’t have time, and I don’t want to waste energy on making contact or hiding what’s happening. We met Vladimir in a restaurant when we were celebrating the christening of a good friend’s daughter with a large group. Oh, it was hard to take your eyes off him - big, confident, immaculately dressed, arrogant, but gallant. He arrived for dinner alone, in an expensive car, so it’s no wonder that everyone was staring at him. Even then the thought flashed through my mind that, probably, I would have cheated with this, if I had even considered such a prospect. After 2 weeks, I was traveling on business and went to a cozy cafe in the city to drink coffee. Vova was sitting with a friend at lunch. He recognized me, immediately approached me and acted as if we had known each other for a long time. He told me not to go anywhere, he would be right back. They left, but after 10 minutes he fulfilled his promise and arrived alone. We sat at a table and chatted for a long time. Volodya is a very interesting conversationalist, and he did not spare compliments addressed to me. I had to leave, and he directly asked when we would see each other again. I objected, because it’s one thing if the meeting happened suddenly, and planned dates are not included in my plans, I’m still a married lady. He said “okay,” and even somewhere deep down I was upset. Another 2 days later we ran into each other in a shopping center (I doubt it was an accident, although our town is really small). He came close to me, so that I could not breathe from his passion, and offered to leave for another city. For a day, on a business trip... I agreed and was immediately scared! Why, why did I agree, how will I explain this to my husband and I will understand WHY I am going there?! “I can leave at any moment,” this thought calmed me down and gave me strength. My husband took the news calmly; I often traveled to the regional center on business. She didn’t take the car, she said that I was going with colleagues. Yes, these were the most unforgettable 10 hours of my life. Vova has a large apartment there, so we enjoyed each other everywhere. I was fascinated and frightened by his strength and experience, such men only exist in books! He wanted to take me away from Igor, but I wasn’t going to ruin anything. Yes, I’m terribly pleased to be in the center of the universe (with him I feel exactly like that), but I can’t betray my family. Sometimes I want to tell my spouse, but I can’t afford to hurt him. And the sons? They won't understand me at all..."

Anya, 26 years old, married for 1 year. “My husband, Vitalik, puts me in practically nothing. Either I didn’t cook what he wanted, then he wants more in bed, or I need to gain a little weight. It's annoying! When I ask why he needs me so much, he says that he loves me very much, and there is nothing wrong with criticism. Allegedly, one should always accept comments from a loved one and close person with understanding, because he only wishes me the best! One evening his friends came, and he began to make fun of me in their presence. He said that I could feed him sour borscht or fall asleep after the first glass of wine. It's a shame - that's an understatement. I was so angry that I was ready to burst into tears. As a result, they got drunk, Vitalya wandered off to watch TV, and within 2 minutes he was snoring. One guy immediately went home, and the second stayed behind under the pretext of charging his phone a little. He was so gentle, holding my hand and whispering that he would always appreciate a companion like me. We had sex right in the kitchen. I didn’t think about anything, neither about my husband, nor about betrayal, I just had fun. My comrade left, and I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I remembered his caresses. I’m not ashamed of Vitalik, it’s my own fault. After a while (he again pointed at something to me), I told him about what had happened, he was taken aback and didn’t even scream, as I expected. We haven’t discussed what will happen next, we just parted ways.”

Human nature is limitless in exploring the unknown. Female infidelity in three different variations had its own thread and led to a logical outcome. What can be said about these cases?

Different destinies - different betrayals

It was not for nothing that I gave examples of real infidelities of completely different wives - with different characters, status and attitude of their faithful towards them. Based on the above, can we conclude that betrayal occurs only when a marriage is falling apart at the seams? Absolutely not!

In the first story, where the wife cheated on her husband, the suppression of hidden desires and the childishness of the girl can be traced. She is comfortable with a calm husband, but she is secretly ready to go on an adventure with any (reliable!) passionate man. She could leave when the person said that he was tired and would drink beer, or when after 20 minutes they were distracted from the project, and, of course, she should have been indignant when the friend turned on an adult video. It was not alcohol that pushed her to have violent sex with a friend of her legal companion; it only “pulled” to the surface everything that she lacked in her own marriage. From the woman’s story about her infidelity, it becomes clear that this incident brought her and her husband closer, but, nevertheless, the unfaithful woman does not exclude the fact of a repeat incident. This key formulation conceals Tatyana’s incorrect attitude towards family. What was the provoking factor - an unsuccessful parental example, distortion of family values ​​through authoritative people/books/films, previous bitter experience - is still unknown, but it is obvious that relationships in such torment will not last long.

Infantility lies precisely in ignoring or hushing up one's problems. Replacing unsatisfied desires will never bring true pleasure. Learn to articulate your desires, overcome barriers and free yourself from existing pressures.

A story where an adult woman cheated on her husband with an influential man only says that she loves to be in the spotlight, to feel that he is ready to lay the whole world at her feet. Of course, each of us likes this, we love with our eyes and appreciate people by their actions. But my husband also did things - he helped, took me to restaurants, was a wonderful lover and a caring father. Why did he fade into the background?

We all need a second wind sometimes. Who finds it and where depends only on our inner filling. Apparently, for Victoria, Vladimir became just that second wind, youth, flirtation, unbridledness. But with her mind she understood that the family, the system that had been created over a long time, should not be destroyed. In such cases, a serious intrapersonal conflict develops, which, if not resolved, will end in severe depression, which can develop into chronic neurasthenia.

Advice: In the case of conflicting desires and reality, you need to understand yourself in order to understand and accept your true motives. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a specialist, so you will have a chance to remain not only happy, but also psychologically healthy.

As for the story where the wife tells her husband about how she cheated on him, everything is obvious - the girl is ruled by her reluctance to continue the relationship. This can be veiled by various subtexts - to flick him on the nose (like, look, you are making fun of me, and someone is caressing), to hurt (you are like this, and I am like this to you), etc. But the main idea of ​​this story - awareness of your failed marriage. As a specialist, I usually fight for the family if there is something to save. In this story, where the wife gave herself to another in front of her husband (even if he was sleeping), unfortunately, there is nothing to fight for. Incompatibility of temperaments, disrespect, frustration, disagreement, discrepancy in moral values, unwillingness to accept oneself and each other, to work on oneself, denial of one’s mistakes, etc. – a bad basis for a happy union.

Can a husband be blamed for cheating on his wife? Indirectly, yes. But “I deceived you because you brought me down” sounds somewhat ridiculous, you must admit. Usually, I say that it is good when such relationships end at a stage where the spouses still have nothing to share or the bitter realization has not come that you have lived half your life somehow, not the way you dreamed.

What can be said about female infidelity? Are they as weak, driven and defenseless as they seem? Of course not! We are endowed with natural strength, dexterity and intuition; we always know exactly where we are going and how our road will end. We are wise, so it would be wrong and incorrect to attribute carnal pleasures to a coincidence of circumstances. Women are not hostages of the situation - this is a fact.

For example, in my practice, there are also non-standard infidelities of wives from eyewitness accounts, where these eyewitnesses, in fact, are husbands. It was with their consent that sexual intercourse took place between the wife and the person who was carefully selected by the faithful. Can this be called cheating? No, it can rather be called the diversity of the sexual life of two adult, mature partners. Here no one suppresses, coerces, or blackmails anyone. Everyone saves their marriage and feeds their feelings exactly the way they want and feel. If this does not cause discomfort, moral trauma, pain and other negative emotions to the other half, why not?

In all the stories “How I Cheated on My Husband” you can see the unique story of each woman, unlike the others. There is only one conclusion from such stories - betrayal does not save you from pain, does not rehabilitate relationships, does not glue families together, and does not replace love. Betrayal makes you feel guilty, drives you into a corner, inflicts wounds, and destroys. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage, do not rush into the arms of another. I assure you, you will get a lot more problems than you had before! Someone else's bed feeds illusions, but usually ends in emptiness. Be happy!

This romantic story happened unexpectedly and was the most incredible. Then I was already... quite old enough, and I was the right woman of Soviet reality, a decent wife, the best mother and a responsible worker.

But there were rare Thursdays. My husband called them “clean” - bathhouse or fishing. And we have “bachelorette parties” or “grandmother parties”. Memorable, happy, cool. Here we liberated ourselves to the fullest from our established family, almost happy life. When we feel that it’s time to break away, otherwise it’s already difficult to put up with the idea that you live well and have everything, then we joke about our happiness.

At this time, I was preparing one son for the army, the other two (one of them my husband) constantly needed my care. And then one Thursday in our detached apartment my friend appeared out of plan - a beauty with the breast of a young goat - the “Shamakha queen” and not alone... With one... there are no words for how beautiful! Maine is two meters tall. Kirkorov - no less. With cognac in one hand, watermelon in the other, and everyone’s favorite Moro cigarettes in his teeth. End of the world! Our man, in the sense of “mani-mani”. Smart and moderately funny.

But I don't look at strangers. My task as the “hostess of the meeting place” was not varied: to greet beautifully, to respect, to serve on time. In a word, my stepdaughter is the seed of my image. And this grain suited everyone, “Yesesino”, and me. I kept fluttering. But I noticed that wherever I appeared, here and there, he was everywhere and next to me. And he kept tapping my leg with his hand, as if emphasizing: “Note, we think in unison. Pay attention to our addition in concepts...” Everything is unobtrusive, everything is civilized, without pressure. And now there is some kind of rapprochement - here it is!

I stop my running a little and think: “What does this mean?” Look at yourself in the mirror - guard! In a word, “atas”. Am I the one in the mirror? Well, a completely non-removable view. But the difference is five years, no – seven years. Boy. They say there are no ugly women, but only those who have drunk a little. Apparently he has already received it well. But he's driving. I'm thinking. And again, on business for the general company - on the run. And suddenly, at the most inopportune moment, I hear: “That’s enough, drive everyone away. I want to stay with you!” I looked around, who is this for? No one around, just me. So this is about me?

No, home, home for me. It's already late. “Mine” is quartering me.”

Go. We drive in silence. I stared at the road. I note that they sell kebabs. I hear:

Do you want a kebab?

For the first time I see a woman

She refused.

I sighed:

Now they will make this dish out of me at home.

Wait a second, I'm right there. Returns with a bottle of cognac and cake.

He answers:

If there are any questions, you will give a gift.

A-a-a-a... I looked into his eyes and thought: “F-a-a-yuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” This meant – hold me girls! There was no one to hold it. We taxied to one warm place and straight to heaven. No, this is not “9 and a half weeks of one year.” It was almost two hours of heaven in the life of a fairly adult, simple Soviet woman, who just a few minutes ago clearly knew that there was no sex in the Soviet country. There are family responsibilities. We relieve ourselves, not make love, and the desire of a husband is the law for all our women.

God, what was happening to me! And with me? They loved me as if I were the most beautiful and sexy. Yes, there are no such people as I was. So much tenderness... and what! Even the most hidden parts of the body were caressed. Apparently, everything that was not received in my entire life, which was quite long, was returned to me, given to me in “one second.” I almost suffocated with happiness, I dissolved... Where did I fly, in what paradise?! This was a song - single-voice, polyphonic, sing-along. Don't know. I have no musical education, otherwise I would have written it down from notes. No, there wouldn't be enough notes.

Bad, good, dishonest - did not exist... ah-ah. Where is the truth in the husband’s words: “...Who needs you? If only for five minutes and then in the dark.” And then, in the light, he looked at me with all his eyes, as if I were a beauty queen with her legs from her teeth or from her ears. And how he looked, and how he had it! Now I love sex and I’m ready to give all the dinners of a whole month, no, two, for it. I love to eat delicious food, but nothing tastes better than sex...

...The meeting with my husband was saved by gifts. My “fight” turned out to be prudent and wise. There was no call from him for a month. But I didn't suffer. I lived this meeting, constantly surprising myself. If you told anyone about my exploits, no one would believe it. They knew me differently. And I didn’t know myself like that. Now she was constantly proud of herself. Even the “Shamakhan queen” was bypassed. I became new, extraordinary, younger and prettier by leaps and bounds.

Exactly a month later calls and meetings followed. Not frequent, but the most! Two years later, the date of his birth was accidentally announced. I quickly did the calculations: they amounted to a difference of 16. But I didn’t even show it. My age has never been recalculated. So, I worried him the way I was. Always - 18.

Thanks to our meetings, my family only grew stronger. My wise friend was right. She repeated, like “Our Father,” “A woman should feel a little guilty, then family life will never be broken.” Apparently, some cracks have appeared in my family. And after that meeting everything was patched up.

The entire affair lasted almost seven years. And then I turned... Quite a round date. I decided to put an end to everything, but I realized that I had nothing to do with it. Life had it that way. But that is another story. Now I continue to live with memories in the hope of a new option. And I realized that as soon as I stopped waiting and hoping, everything would begin.