Repair of the corridor with gypsum tile arches of the wall. Finishing the corridor with artificial stone and wallpaper

Decorating the hallway with decorative stone very popular now . It is relatively easy to handle , looks modern, fits into almost any design, and unlike natural stone, has less weight and lower prices. You can decorate the hallway with artificial stone yourself, using it as the main type of coating, or as an original small accent in a certain area.

Types of finishing (decorative) stone

For the manufacture of artificial decorative stone, concrete or gypsum is most often used. Externally, the finished surface of gypsum or concrete differs little from each other, and those and other stones can have any texture and color scheme, depending on the chosen style.

  1. Stone based concrete it is very durable, can have a wide variety of colors, since all kinds of dyes and other substances are added to concrete during manufacture. Concrete stone is moisture resistant, fireproof, very durable and easy to clean.
  2. plaster stone you can completely make it yourself, but it is less durable than concrete, and without special treatment it is not moisture resistant. But such a stone is easy to process.

When choosing a decorative stone, first of all, you need to take into account your capabilities, taking into account that you will do all the work yourself. To process gypsum stone, you will not need a grinder and a diamond disk, and if you purchase a stone made of concrete, you cannot do without them.

WITH decorative stone trim it will be much easier to work from gypsum: it is easy to file, grind, putty, paint, in a word, you can create a stone interior in any style. In addition, mechanical damage is easily removed on gypsum, if any occur during the work. Gypsum stones weigh approximately two times lighter than concrete ones. This point is important mainly if you decide to glue the material on drywall.

If the repair is done for many years, then it is better to still prefer concrete, since it is not afraid of moisture and is fireproof, they even sometimes finish fireplaces.

1.Preparation for finishing

First of all, you should calculate the total amount of materials. In the event that the stones will cover the walls in the hallway from floor to ceiling, entirely, then when calculating, you need to exclude the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball openings, and then add about ten percent. Before work, you need to have a complete idea of ​​how exactly the artificial stone will be mounted, where the fitting of the joining parts will be done.

When the stone decor is located around the doors, various niches, fragmentarily on the walls, then they first draw an accurate sketch of the forthcoming processing, and after that all zones are measured. After measurements, the area should be summed up, not forgetting to add 10 or 15 percent for trimming. The more carefully the sketch is thought out, the more you can save in the process of cutting stones. When calculating the required material, it should also be taken into account that the total number of stones of angular shapes will be considered in running meters.

Also, you need to prepare all the tools for work. First of all, these are grinders, especially if a decorative concrete stone is used. If gypsum material is chosen, you can prepare a regular hacksaw. In addition, you will need:

  • regular and wide spatula (notched);
  • a longer ruler and a simple pencil;
  • building level;
  • Rubber mallet for tapping already glued stones;
  • a file and several brushes of different sizes;
  • container for diluting glue;
  • stone glue, varnish and acrylic primer;
  • a construction gun or a tight bag for sealing joints;
  • grout syringe and cloth to remove adhesive residue.

In addition to the above, it must be taken into account that the stone is laid both with jointing (for example, if a texture in the form of bricks is selected), and without it. For example, without jointing, a stone is laid “under slate”. If stitching is required, you need to choose a dye in accordance with the tone of your decorative stone or prefer the “contrast” option. After purchasing the materials, you can begin to prepare the surface.

2.Dismantling the coating

The preparation of walls usually begins with the complete removal of old coatings from the surface. Outdated wallpaper, peeling paint, and even more so, the old tile must be completely removed. The plaster can only be left if it adheres perfectly to the wall around the entire perimeter. If it crumbles, at least in several places, it is better to get rid of it by cleaning the walls to bare brickwork, a wooden beam, or a concrete surface.

If the project involves only partial application of stones, then the previous coating can be removed only where the decoration is provided according to the sketch, making an allowance of about two centimeters. When finishing is done in separate areas, the old coating should be removed very carefully. First, on the wallpaper, you need to mark the edges of the processing with a pencil. The wallpaper, so as not to damage them, is carefully cut out with a clerical knife. The edge of the plaster or other hard layer can be cut with a grinder. If there is glue left from old wallpaper, it must be soaked with water and then removed with a spatula. At the end of stripping, the walls are thoroughly washed several times.

3. Alignment of the walls

First of all, it should be noted that decorative stone trim can only be carried out if the wall is perfectly flat. Otherwise, the wall will be fragile, and it is very difficult to work on a curved surface. If the difference is more than five millimeters, then with the help of putty it is necessary to correct all the errors that the builders left “inherited”. After that, you should carefully wipe the small cracks, small depressions. Close attention should be paid to arches and door openings; cement mortar can be used to seal cracks.

In addition to the wet method of leveling walls (through plaster), there is also a less labor-intensive dry method using plasterboard panels. By the way, you can also hide various communications behind them, and if the corridor is cold, then lay any insulating materials. However, drywall is only compatible with gypsum decorative stone, concrete material implies leveling the wall with plaster, since the partitions cannot withstand significant weight.

4.Primer walls

When the putty has dried completely and completely, you can prime the surface. Before this, small roughness on the walls should be eliminated by treating the surface with fine sandpaper. After all the dust from the corridor is removed, you can cover the walls with a primer in two layers. It is better to purchase an acrylic primer.

In the event that only fragmentary cladding is done, then the allowance left on the wallpaper should also be primed. This work must be done properly, if the wall is poorly primed, the stones may subsequently fall off.

This completes the pre-preparation process, and you can begin to lay the facing material directly.

5.Laying stone

Remember that laying stone does not like fuss and haste, it is a creative process. Before starting work, consider the following:

  • Decorative stone is usually sold in the form of tiles of various sizes, in which all the edges are uneven. Experts giving advice how to decorate a wall with stone, it is strongly recommended to do the styling in such a way that more or less identical fragments necessarily alternate with smaller or larger ones.
  • It is necessary to try to lay the stone so that the seams do not match both vertically and horizontally.

The laying of decorative stone is done in stages. First of all, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor, while forming a composition of stones of different sizes. In this case, your stone wall will look natural and organic. Professional masters sometimes do not do this, they “feel” the stone live, but beginners first need to visually see the intended composition as a whole.

6.Glue preparation

Pour clean water into a pre-prepared container, gradually add dry powder, thoroughly kneading until a homogeneous mass. The proportions of water and powder are usually indicated on the packaging. For a homogeneous consistency, in order to avoid the formation of lumps, it is better to use a special construction mixer.

When diluting glue, you should not rely on "maybe", you need to follow the correct ratio of powder and water, which is offered by manufacturers. As a rule, violation of these proportions affects the quality of the entire installation. If the mixture is excessively liquid, then this will reduce the strength of the entire joint, it is difficult to work with a thick composition, and besides, there may simply not be enough glue.

7.Laying the first row

You need to start laying the stone from the corner. You can choose any angle and move in any direction. In order for the masonry to have support, work is done from the bottom up. In the event that it is supposed to veneer only part of the wall, the area around the arch or door, and not its entire surface, work must begin from any corner of the arch or door. If, based on the sketch, markings are first made on the surface of the wall, then it will be much easier to work. So, laying must begin in the following sequence:

  • take a notched trowel, and apply a 5 mm adhesive layer on the first tile;
  • place the stone on the wall, according to the preliminary marking;
  • press very tightly, and carefully remove excess glue (then it will be extremely difficult to do this);
  • next to fix the second tile;
  • If the stone does not fit tightly, but with jointing, then you need to carefully observe the required distance.

The entire above process should be repeated until the logical completion of the work. In the event that the entire lining will consist of stones of different sizes, you need to follow the sequence of alternation. But if you have previously laid out the rows on the floor, as recommended earlier, then there should be no problems.

8. Laying out the remaining rows

After the first layer dries, you can start laying the next row. It is worth noting that some brands of glue dry very quickly, and work can sometimes be continued almost immediately. In the process of work, do not forget to carefully form all the seams horizontally.

Carefully ensure that the entire masonry does not fall to one side or is not in the form of waves. After the next row is laid, you need to check with the help of the building level the strict horizontality of your upper borders. Do not forget how to remove excess glue, which will inevitably fall on the face of the masonry.

With a seamless laying method, you must also carefully ensure that the glue fills all joints from the ends with a thin and even layer. If the stones are quite thick, over 10 millimeters, then there is no need to rush to finish the work as soon as possible and lay out more than four rows of masonry at once. Otherwise, everything can slide from a significant weight. This rule is especially true for concrete stones. You should wait until all the glue has set properly, and only after that start laying the next four rows.

9. Corner trim

I must say that the corners, both external and internal, usually receive various mechanical damage the most. For this reason, very often in the hallway it is the corners that are fragmentarily laid out with a decorative stone. This will not only carefully protect your walls, but will also be an original decoration of the entire interior. It is better to place large details of decorative trim only up to the middle of the wall, otherwise a “pressing” effect will visually appear.

Before proceeding to decorative stone trim, you need to purchase, among other materials, corner tiles. Although they tend to cost a little more, their presence will greatly simplify the entire process of further cladding. If for one reason or another this is not possible, then you can give the necessary shape to the tiles by means of a hacksaw, if the stone is gypsum, or grinders, if the stone is concrete. Two methods of laying corners are generally accepted:

  1. Fragments of laying are installed simply with an overlap. In order for the ends not to be noticeable at the outer corners, they can be filed a little and gently tinted. For an internal corner, as a rule, such processing is not needed.
  2. All edges of decorative stones are ground at an angle (45 °). This option is usually used for gypsum products that are simply processed.

It is necessary to closely monitor the normal alignment of all joints. Glue is applied to pre-prepared stones, then they are located on two sides of the corner and are pressed very tightly against the wall surface. After the end of the formation of the corner, it is possible to continue according to the plan laying the horizontal rows of the entire cladding.

10.Decoration of masonry edges

I must say that the thoroughness of this work is very important, since the whole appearance of the finished masonry will eventually depend on the accuracy of the edges made. Stones for the edges of masonry around arches and doorways need to be selected more than carefully. The ideal option is to achieve the most minimal stone processing and trimming.

All edges sawn off with a hacksaw or grinder must be sanded with sandpaper, tinted if necessary, they should look beautiful and natural. All seams and small chips that have formed on the stones must be carefully sealed and masked.

11. Sealing joints

The joints that have formed between decorative stones are sealed either with putty or with a special compound. For sealing joints, it is best to use a construction gun, but, in extreme cases, a tight bag is also suitable. It is necessary to fill with gypsum putty all the gaps that have formed between the fragments of the finished masonry. Excess should be removed quickly before this mixture dries.

Since the hardened putty usually has a color different from the decorative stone, it is necessary to finish the sealing of the joints by carefully painting over them with paint. Shades of pigments should be selected as carefully as possible.

12. Finishing

The last chord in the work on facing the surface of the walls of the hallway with stone is the finishing of the stones with a special varnish. As a rule, high-quality acrylic-based varnishes look perfect. In those places where the coating is usually exposed to constant contact, three coats of varnish should be applied. Walls that are varnished usually last much longer and look better. To apply varnish, you can take an airbrush or spray gun.

In addition to the traditional steps listed above, you can also decoration of the hallway with decorative stone use additional masonry decoration. Usually it is not always possible to choose the intended color match for different finishing materials that are used in the same room. To achieve harmony, the stone can be tinted on top, or the texture can be emphasized with gold or silver paint, if this matches the style. With the help of the competent use of dyes, it is easy to achieve a very original effect of volume.

Finishing is also the processing of masonry at an angle using an airbrush. This is done with a mixture of pigment, water and ordinary acrylic varnish. So you can not only give the desired color scheme to the masonry, but also close up ugly seams. For strong spraying, a shade darker than the color of the stone should be preferred.

In order for your masonry to look beautiful and spectacular, you need to correctly place the sources of local lighting. As a rule, decorative stone looks good in dim lighting. Several small sconces with yellow light will give the whole room warmth and comfort, cold white light will add fundamentality and rigor - in principle, it all depends on the chosen style.

Decoration with decorative stone in the hallway It goes well with a wide variety of materials: it can be not only wood, but also glass, even steel. That is why designers are increasingly using this material in high-tech, or in the style of modern minimalism. It should be noted that if you decide to clad the walls with dark-colored stone, it is better to make the other finishes lighter, otherwise the corridor will seem gloomy.

Finishing with decorative stone- this is perhaps the best, most practical and effective option for repairs in any hallway. With the help of decorative stone, you can give a certain mood to the room, make the whole interior not only cozy and representative, but also really luxurious. Decorative stone is combined with plaster and wallpaper, as well as with simply painted walls. Therefore, when starting work, do not forget the old and worn out, but true truth: a house begins with a hallway, like a theater with a hanger.

Decorating the hallway with decorative stone - video

As the most durable and reliable material, stone has been used for construction, probably since the appearance of the first people on Earth. Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, megalithic structures of the Mayan civilization, ancient temples and medieval fortresses are laid out of it.

Just a hundred years ago, only wealthy owners could afford stone houses - the rest were content with clay and wooden huts. And even now, despite the huge variety of building materials, the use of natural sandstone, granite, marble in the interior is a sign of elitism.

However, imitations of natural stone look no worse, while they are more affordable, easier to process, and sometimes have better resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, and mechanical stress. More details about this type of finish and how to use it will be discussed in this article.

What is a decorative stone?

Artificial stone has an external resemblance to natural, but it is not mined from the bowels, but is made manually or industrially. The methods are similar to each other - the solution is poured into a mold (silicone, plastic, metal), dried, sometimes heat treatment (firing), coating with various impregnations or glazes is carried out.

Depending on the composition of the raw material, the product can be concrete, ceramic, gypsum, acrylic, polyester. There is also the so-called liquid stone in the form of an unhardened mixture, as well as flexible - a kind of stone veneer in rolls or sheets.

For outdoor work, frost-resistant plates are used, with minimal porosity and coarser in appearance. Lightweight, thin elements are used in the interior. Their environmental friendliness largely depends on the binder and fillers.

So, cement, sand, gypsum and clay are not inferior to natural stone, freely passing air and moisture, but acrylic resins are safe only at low temperatures - it is not recommended to place them near a fireplace, oven and other heating appliances. If even at +30°C a synthetic countertop, bathtub or sink exudes an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse to purchase them, since this is often a sign of poor-quality ingredients that are toxic to health.

Application features

In one form or another, decorative stone can be seen anywhere: they decorate houses, apartments, offices, cafes, train stations and administrative buildings. In dry rooms, relief artificial sandstone, shell rock, cobblestone, slate is more common, and in damp and crowded rooms - smooth "polished" granite, marble, glazed brick tiles.

In the first case, the stone gives the interior a cozy and warm look, in the second, it resembles a seashore with its rounded pebbles, as well as turned boulders. From a practical point of view, this also makes sense, because the glossy surface is much easier to clean, and the matte roughness under the influence of water and steam becomes unsightly.

Decorative stone in the interior of the living room

The energy of stone, even decorative, brings a sense of stability, peace and tranquility to the house. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, it is associated with the reliable walls of a fortress protecting from enemies or the constancy of a native hearth.

This material is indispensable when facing an existing fireplace, as it best transfers the heat of the flame to the surrounding space. In apartments where there is no way to arrange such a romantic heating, electric imitations or just niches with candles are often installed. In this case, both the portal itself and the wall can be laid out with a stone - completely or partially.

Sometimes with the help of stone they simply place interior accents, for example, they frame corners, arches, ledges, columns with it. Next to such a noble addition, you should use soft, natural shades, wood and leather textures, natural fabrics and furs, soft yellowish-white light. Green plants, especially climbing plants, look incredibly beautiful against the background of the stone.

Imitation of sandstone cuts and raw granite is ideal for decorating a country-style living room or chalet. Gypsum and light marble will help to reproduce the classic atmosphere, but in the loft and minimalism, brick-like stone tiles will be most appropriate.

Decorative stone in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen is exactly the place where the stone cladding looks as natural as possible. Firstly, it reminds of real hearths and stoves, in which it has long been customary to cook food and bake bread. Secondly, it is the most fire-resistant finish option.

Countertops made of artificial stone have confidently won universal love due to their perfectly smooth surface, on which there are no marks from the knife and hot dishes. In addition, they are very aesthetic - the unique pattern of polished stone creates the impression of luxury. The same advantages are distinguished by polymer sinks, window sills, bar counters.

In general, when choosing a decorative stone for the kitchen, it is advisable to focus on products with a high density, glazed or varnished, since porous products (for example, concrete-sand) can accumulate moisture, dirt and odors. Tiles that will be used for lining the apron should be non-staining, easy to clean and not melt when heated.

Decorative stone in the bedroom interior

Combined with other natural finishes, stonework can help create a relaxed country home or spacious loft feel in the bedroom. If you choose natural colors and embossed texture, it will fit well into the Mediterranean, rustic, ethnic interior. As an addition, beams on the ceiling, rough wooden furniture, linen textiles, as well as fluffy carpets on the floor are suitable.

It is better to refuse glossy stone imitations in the bedroom - they look a little cold and can cause disturbing feelings. It is advisable to highlight sections of walls with stone cladding so that the room does not turn into a gloomy crypt.

Lamps stylized as antique metal lanterns, torches or kerosene lamps will look especially impressive.

Decorative stone in the interior of the nursery

Artificial stone can be a real find for some design ideas for decorating a child's room. With it, ordinary walls can easily turn into a tower of a fairy-tale castle, a mysterious cave, a salt dungeon or an underwater kingdom.

An interesting effect can be obtained if the edges of the photo wallpaper with a landscape are lined with stone - the room will expand, gain perspective. Also in the decor of the nursery, you can use imitation of pebbles: make beautiful mosaics and panels, frames for pictures or mirrors, paint in the form of bugs and snails.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway and corridor

The entrance hall, trimmed with decorative stone, is somewhat reminiscent of the cozy streets of ancient European cities. It immediately feels the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

Masonry can decorate the walls completely or individual fragments, but in any case it will be an elegant design. Mirrors in wrought iron frames, “street” lamps and benches, as well as large clocks with Roman numerals, as in town halls, will help emphasize the beauty of the stone finish in the corridor.

Decorative stone in the interior of the balcony and loggia

Wall decoration with decorative stone is the best fit for an insulated balcony or loggia and will give the interior a rich look. In these small areas, you can arrange a cozy place for tea drinking, reading books, organizing a work area or a mini-greenhouse.

At this stage in the development of design, no less attention is paid to the arrangement of the hallway, which previously served as a closet filled with various rubbish, than to the decorative design of the bathroom or the same bedroom. According to the designers, this approach is quite justified, since the entrance hall is the first room that "greets guests", and therefore, it is recognized as the main and, in fact, the only characteristic of a residential building for random guests. After all, only the checker of electric meters or the postman sees her, and through the barely ajar door she is noticed by a neighbor walking up the stairs. With this in mind, designers highlight one of the main characteristics of the specified premises - visibility. However, this is not the only property of this room that affects its decorative design. In addition, experts note the high permeability of the premises, and, consequently, a large amount of dirt "inflicted" into the hallway from the street. Given these characteristics, there are a number of specific nuances that must be taken into account in the design of the hallway. How to provide the room with a proper appearance with high decorative characteristics and at the same time achieve its maximum functionality and "wear resistance", preserving the result for a long time? According to professionals, one of the most relevant ways to solve this issue is to finish the walls in the hallway with stone.

Decorative stone in the hallway: the relevance of the problem

Stone is a material that has long been used in the construction of human dwellings and subsequently became the main material for sculptors and architects. According to experts, a stone is a material that has incredible magic and attractive power, which contributes to the fact that people of different nationalities, regardless of age and social status, fall under its magical influence. In this regard, the ability to process stone is considered the highest art and is equated with the ability to control the forces of nature. In most cases, decorative stone is a material that is used mainly for exterior decoration, however, the possibilities of its use are not limited to this, and therefore, it can be used for interior decoration. At the present stage of design development, the use of decorative stone is a current trend that has gained its popularity among true connoisseurs of design art who plan to create an original and attractive hallway design with stone.

Decorative stone is a high-quality material characterized by strength, durability and aesthetic appeal. Having studied the assortment of the modern construction market, we can conclude that decorative stone is presented in two versions - natural and artificial stone.

  • Natural facing stone is one of the most ancient building and finishing materials, which harmoniously fits into the interior of any room, due to the wide choice of color and design solutions;
  • Artificial decorative stone(despite the negative fame of all artificial materials) is in no way inferior, and in many ways even surpasses its natural counterpart, and the enticing sound of the word “natural” is just an outdated stereotype that is not relevant at the present stage of production development. In this regard, designers recommend opting for an artificial material that has obvious advantages, which will be discussed later.

Advantages of artificial stone

  • It is characterized by lightness and, unlike natural stone, less pronounced fragility. It can be attached to any base and does not crumble;
  • Artificial stone is resistant to temperature extremes and can be used to decorate a fireplace insert without the risk of cracking;
  • Using an artificial decorative stone, you will greatly simplify your task, since its back surface is treated with a special composition that facilitates the installation process;
  • Warm to the touch material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties;
  • A wide range of the construction market will allow any consumer to choose material of any shape, texture and color;
  • Strict adherence to dimensions and an abundance of minor details contribute to the ease of laying the material, which is an ideal choice for facing curved surfaces;
  • The high strength of the material contributes to the reliable protection of the decorated plane from mechanical damage, and you - from the next repair measures;
  • The environmental safety of the material contributes to the reliable protection of the surface from the premature occurrence of mold and fungus;
  • Unlike natural stone, artificial stone belongs to a lower price category.

Misconceptions associated with the use of artificial stone

Masters who decide to give preference to artificial stone, first of all, think about the safety of its use. This is due to the fact that this material can not in all cases be used for interior decoration of the premises, which should be paid attention to at the stage of purchasing the material, asking the seller about the availability of a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for stone and the possibility of using it for interior decoration, as well as a document confirming the fact that the material complies with the requirements for its radiation safety.

The meaning of the second misconception lies in the fact that the stone is associated with heavy and massive finishing material, which is not always appropriate within the premises with a small area. In this regard, the question of the advisability of using artificial stone in small rooms as a material for interior decoration is often questioned. In addition, craftsmen often doubt the ability of their walls to withstand the load associated with the use of artificial stone. Manufacturers provide exhaustive answers to these questions. To date, the technological features of production have reached almost the peak of their development, and we have the opportunity to use tiles imitating artificial stone as a finishing material, the thickness of which often does not exceed one centimeter. Due to the fact that the weight of one square meter of such a tile does not exceed 25 kg, the wall is not subjected to a load exceeding the norm, and besides, it is given an elegant and delicate texture while saving space.

Varieties of artificial stone: a brief description

Having given preference to artificial stone and choosing it as a material for interior decoration, it is necessary to decide on the most suitable type of material and familiarize yourself with its characteristics. In accordance with the raw materials used to produce the material, there are two main types of artificial stone:

  • Gypsum-based artificial stone;
  • Artificial stone based on colored concrete.

To understand their advantages and disadvantages and choose the most preferred material in each case, we will make their comparative characteristics:

  • Gypsum-based stone is characterized by ease of processing, since, unlike concrete material, it does not require a grinder equipped with a diamond blade to cut it;
  • Gypsum stone belongs to a lower weight category and, unlike concrete, weighs almost half as much (1 square meter of the thinnest gypsum-based material weighs 5 kg, while cement-based stone weighs at least 9-10 kg) . This will be especially relevant if, as a method of installing a decorative stone, you choose to stick the stone on drywall, the functionality of which does not allow it to withstand the weight of the cement material;
  • As for the differences in appearance, they are almost imperceptible: both varieties are characterized by an extensive color palette and rich textured collection. Nowadays, you can even find unpainted models that can be decorated in the desired color scheme;
  • The lower cost of gypsum decorative stone is an advantage that cannot be overlooked. If the gypsum version on average will cost no more than 800-850 rubles, then a concrete-based stone will cost you a little more - 900-1100 rubles. per sq. meter.

Wall decoration with stone photo hallway

Design principles for decorating a hallway with a decorative stone

  • Due to the exponentially growing popularity of the "environmental" theme, decorative stone, whether artificial or natural, has become one of the most sought-after materials in the construction industry. However, this does not mean that it is imperative to line all vertical surfaces in the hallway with it, since the stone is an extremely active finishing material. In this regard, before proceeding with the decoration of the walls in the hallway with stone, it is necessary to draw up a preliminary design project that takes into account the characteristics of the room and the type of stone.

Important! If you have chosen marble or granite tiles, it can be used to clad one or two “front” walls in the hallway, next to which there will subsequently be small single pieces of furniture (console table or banquette) or they will be completely absent, due to which, attention will not be distracted from the beauty of decorative materials.

  • As for the finishing of corners and structural elements, the decorative stone looks most advantageous when finishing the active elements of the composition. In this regard, experts recommend using it for facing the protruding corner of the L-shaped hallway or the supporting column, which will favorably emphasize the protruding compositional elements and give the room a brutal expressiveness.
  • Another option for finishing the hallway with decorative stone is the creation of a stone “stained-glass window”, which will become a real “highlight of the program”. A slab of stone, characterized by a winning texture (for example, from onyx), which is recommended to be placed in a wall and provided with LED lighting, will take on the functions of a decoratively designed lamp at night.

Important! Onyx is a material of natural origin that transmits light. If the panels of this material are equipped with a built-in LED backlight, they seem to begin to emit a “magic glow”, striking in their originality and beauty.

  • Another design tip that is recommended to pay attention to involves combining decorative artificial stone with glass or metal, as well as placing green plants against this background. Despite the fact that the indicated design implies the need for increased lighting, the room in this style looks stylish and cozy.

Important! Often, the decoration of the hallway with stone is combined with an unobtrusive transition to the design of the kitchen, which is explained by the fact that the indicated tandem, designed in accordance with a holistic style concept, will make the interior softer, without sharp style transitions.

Finishing the hallway with stone: tricks and tricks

There are several ways to design a hallway with stone, one of which involves the possibility of decorating only part of the wall with artificial stone, and in accordance with the principles of the second, it is necessary to lay out the entire wall with stone. Using the first method, you can focus on some parts of the wall, making them more expressive. Speaking about the decorative stone wall decoration, designers note that it looks fresh and natural, and at the same time, elegant and elegant.

Designers recommend! If you want to visually expand narrow walls, as well as give them the exquisite antiquity of medieval palaces, use light-colored bas-relief stone, which will fully cope with the task.

What you need to know about decorative stone trim?

  • It is no secret that a wall completely finished with stone becomes visually heavier, creating a pressing effect. However, it is possible to delight not only amateurs, but also professionals by finishing the wall with a stone with a rough chip and supplementing it with a shell rock, characterized by small coral inclusions;
  • Experts recommend betting on the combination of "stone design" with stretch ceilings, simple plaster or thick wallpaper, which is limited only by the imagination of the master doing the work;
  • This is due to the fact that the combined decoration of the hallway, which combines the use of several finishing materials, is more functional and is characterized by a more organic appearance. In addition, it allows you to use underfloor heating, while creating additional comfort. Undoubtedly, unlike materials of artificial origin, decorative stone looks more solid, however, it also requires more complex care;

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to in the process of finishing the hallway with stone is the size of the room. As a rule, hallways are small in size, and therefore it is not recommended to use material of dark shades that visually narrow the room. At the same time, it is important to give preference to natural shades, which differ by several tones from the general color scheme of the room;
  • In the decoration of the hallway, stone is given not only a dominant role. It is allowed to use it as a material that creates the necessary accents. To accomplish this technique, the stone can be used to add a few stains to a wall or as a border around a doorway. At the same time, experts recommend laying out the stone randomly, refusing to build ladders and pyramids;
  • In most cases, a special place in the design of a hallway decorated with stone is given to mirrors, which visually expand the space and make the room more illuminated. They can be simply hung on the wall or built into the closet. In the first case, mirrors, like doors, are decorated with a decorative frame made of artificial stone;
  • An advantageous addition to the hallway, finished with artificial stone, are green plants, which can both ennoble the material, making it softer, and add some brutal originality to it;

  • A careful approach to the organization of the premises is a prerequisite for the optimal design of the hallway with decorative stone. It implies the rejection of traditional ceiling chandeliers in favor of spotlights that are installed on the wall and ceiling, which allows not only to place the necessary accents, but also to evenly distribute the lighting. As for the elements that require focusing attention through spotlights, they are niches or paintings, as well as separate sections of the wall lined with decorative stone.

Wall decoration in the hallway with stone: a step by step guide

  • Arrangement of a stone hallway is an event, the implementation of which does not present any fundamental difficulties, and therefore, it is quite feasible with your own hands. However, before proceeding with the decoration, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures, which include the complete removal of old plaster and cleaning the walls of old wallpaper. In addition, it is important to foresee the location of electrical wiring and switches, as well as to level the walls, which, if there is no need to form arches, can be carried out using putty.

Important! Absolutely the entire surface is subject to leveling, and the more carefully this is done, the easier it will be to carry out decorative finishing in the future.

  • One of the best ways to level walls is with drywall, which allows you to use LED lighting and built-in lights at the same time, which contributes to a more original appearance of decorative finishes.

Finishing the walls in the hallway with stone involves the following procedure:

  • First of all, it is necessary to completely remove old finishing materials from the surface of the walls to be finished. Opened cracks and defects must be eliminated with the help of plaster solutions, which process only those surfaces that are characterized by a depth of irregularities of not more than 5 cm;
  • After that, the final leveling of the surface is performed using primers;
  • If you do not have impressive experience in the field of surface finishing with decorative stone, the next stage of work for you involves marking the walls, for which you need to use beacons. They are specially installed stones, from which it is necessary to start counting the masonry. It is preferable to place beacons on the bottom row of tiles. Pull the cord and determine the horizontal line, focusing on which you will carry out the masonry. The most convenient laying technology is laying from the corner from the bottom up. Since the tiles can be characterized by minor, at first glance imperceptible differences, in the future it is also necessary to use an impromptu horizontal line, which will prevent the pattern from deforming. So, a stretched cord must be carried row by row, moving up the wall. It is also important to consider the location and width of skirting boards and cornices.

  • Before proceeding with the direct installation of decorative tiles on a wall or other surface to be finished, it is necessary to carefully sort the material, since even tiles from the same batch may differ slightly in color shades. Experts recommend taking the time to lay out future decor elements on the floor, as this will allow you to immediately see the masonry, which will later help you not to get confused during the installation process.
  • The laying of decorative stone must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations prescribed in the accompanying instructions for the material. Larger artificial tiles and bulkier decorative stones must be fixed with adhesives that are applied to the tiles with a notched trowel. The use of "liquid nails" material is effective only if small tiles are used.

Important! Fitting decorative tiles and artificial stone is not particularly difficult, since the material is easily sawn, cut and undermined. To correct small defects in the material, you can use pliers or a hacksaw.

  • After you have finished laying the tiles, it must be left for at least a day in order to finally dry and set the adhesive composition. After the tile has dried, treat the joints that have arisen with a grout.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of artificial stone in the hallway in the process of finishing is a popular and modern solution. It is important to remember that this finishing option requires careful consideration of the laying technology and, of course, a creative approach. Compliance with these requirements will allow you not only to create a functional and aesthetically attractive decoration of the hallway, but also to realize your most daring ideas.

The stone in the interior of the hallway will be an original solution for decoration. A popular material is used as a house cladding, as well as interior decoration. Stone is used to decorate walls, floors, or as separate decorative elements, such as framing a doorway. With proper use, the stone-lined walls of the hallway will be combined with any style.

Finishing Features

Finishing with stone will create a unique interior of the hallway, it is durable and easy to clean. Artificial material is easy to install and has a favorable cost. The disadvantages include unnatural origin.

Natural stone is more difficult to lay out and its cost is much higher than artificial. But this is an absolutely eco-friendly material with a unique relief. The end result will please even the most demanding owner.

It is worth remembering that stone decoration inside the room will visually reduce the area.

Artificial or natural stone?


Artificial stone is cast from a special composition. There are a lot of manufacturing options, they differ in technique and composition of the solution. Thanks to this, the material can be of any shape, texture and will allow you to create an imitation of any breed.

Artificial stone does not tolerate constant high humidity, but this is not required in urban apartment buildings.


When decorating the hallway with natural material, it is worth making more efforts, it is more difficult to lay it out, but in the finished version a unique interior is created. It is distinguished by its strength, moisture resistance and practicality. In addition, the use of eco-materials is popular today, wood, rocks, cork, metal are often used.

Types of stone and imitation options


Individual facing elements are called piece, for example, imitated brick. The shape of each part can be identical or varied. This option is assembled according to the mosaic principle.

The panels are rearranged as segments of equal size, on which a stone is laid out with the desired relief. This method is easy to assemble, while the natural effect is not lost.

The tile has a relief and coloring of a stone. The surface can be glossy or matte.

The photo shows a compact entrance hall, the interior uses different finishes for natural material.

It has a low cost, which plays an important role when choosing a finishing material. It is also very light, coloring pigments are added during production, which allows you to copy natural stone outwardly or choose a completely unexpected color.

In the photo, the entrance hall is lined with gypsum stone. White color visually expands the space.

Flexible stone allows you to cover surfaces of any shape, the material can be bent up to 90 degrees. A feature is an unusual method of production, it is made right at the place of extraction.

This type of finish consists in squeezing the desired pattern of different depths onto the prepared surface.

Wallpaper is the easiest way to decorate a hallway. The production technology has changed somewhat, now the pattern can be embossed, which allows you to recreate the desired atmosphere.

Combination with other materials

Stone and wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper and stonework creates a cozy atmosphere in the hallway. The color and pattern can be made in a single color palette with tiles or, on the contrary, contrast.

stone and wood

This combination corresponds to the loft and country style, which is characterized by the frequent use of brickwork and wood in the interior.

Due to the wooden elements, the interior is filled with warmth, and various decorative items of bright color will add color to the overall picture.

The photo shows the hallway in a modern style. The interior is complemented by bright elements in light green tones.

Liquid wallpaper and stone

Liquid wallpaper will harmoniously look in the interior of any stylistic orientation. Depending on the chosen color, you can create a modern or classic hallway interior.

With this design method, you can create a unique wall texture. In combination with stone, the interior will be unique.

The fresco will become the main element of the room, stone inserts will complement the overall picture in the interior.

Wall murals recreate absolutely any image. With their help, you can emphasize the theme of the hallway of the room. For example, the image of the Eiffel Tower combined with various decorative elements with French motifs.

In this case, masonry plays the main role, a flat wall will only shade the unusual relief. Wall painting is suitable for small areas.

Design options

Multiple walls

The walls can be finished with one or different breeds.

The photo shows a large hallway. The interior uses two types of stone with different textures.

one wall

For a small hallway, a good option would be to brick one wall. It will become a highlight, and can also overlap with elements of other rooms into which the entrance hall passes.

The photo shows the hallway leading to the living room. The brick wall echoes the false fireplace decorated with the same material.

part of the wall

Stonework can be combined with other materials or partially decorate the hallway wall.

Arches and doorways

Stone arches and openings will look harmonious in spacious houses, as visually they hide a lot of space.


With the help of stone cladding, you can arrange transitions in rooms or corners of the hallway. Such a decision will not burden the space, but will only give a "zest" in the interior design.


The mirror is an integral part of the hallway, its frame should be one with the general style of the room. Decoration can be in the same color palette as the walls or a custom-made frame.


Unusual and elegant decoration of any part of the apartment. A pattern made on a stone base or a panel mounted into the wall can maintain the overall style of the hallway.

Niches and shelves

The stone niche in the hallway has not only a decorative function, but will also become a useful space. Shelves and unusual decorative elements made of natural materials in the interior of soothing colors will be the main accents.

Stone color


Classic white color looks advantageous in the interior of any area. White color is suitable for any style, the interior will complement the decor in bright colors.


The black stone in the hallway looks mysterious and attractive, due to its unusualness.


Universal color that goes with any shades. Depending on the color of the furniture and additional elements, the interior of the room will be completely different.

On the picture


Bright and bold red looks harmoniously with dark details in the interior.


A warm brown hue is combined with almost any stylistic direction. Soft lighting will complement the interior of the hallway.


Classic calm color. Elegantly shaped furniture is successfully combined with the wall in this design.


Modern technologies allow you to create any shade. In the interior of the hallway, you can successfully combine several colors.

Style selection


Modern style is characterized by restraint and straight lines and the most used usable space.


Soft shades of the walls, elegant furniture and decor items that echo in color will create a delicate classic interior of the hallway.


The Provence style is romantic and light, the interior is usually done in light colors and complemented by wooden furniture. A brick wall will be an unusual addition.


Loft style and stone are almost inseparable concepts; it is used in almost every design.

In the photo there is a hallway decorated with brick wallpaper. The interior is made in the loft style.

Features of the design of a small hallway

In houses built in the last century, especially in Khrushchevs, as a rule, there are very small hallways. They are a small square about 3 m2. If you want to use a stone in the corridor of a small area, some tricks will help. First, it is worth remembering the main rule, light shades will visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Bright colors, on the contrary, hide it.

Full cladding of all walls will look harmonious in open hallways, immediately passing into the living room. In this case, the stone can move into the living area or be combined with other elements of the room.

In deaf rooms, you can use a partial finish, for example, one wall or corners.

Natural stone is massive, it will be replaced by decorative material, wallpaper or imitation tiles. In building stores, a wide range of materials and often presented examples of finishes in ready-made versions.

Photo gallery

The house begins from the hallway, the interior design with stone will be a stylish and unusual solution. The unique texture can blend seamlessly into a living room or partially decorate a hallway. Below are photo examples of the use of stone on the walls in the hallway.

Decorative stone is one of the most popular materials for finishing home interiors. It fits perfectly into any stylistic decision and, in addition to presentability, its main consumer qualities are wear resistance, practicality and ease of maintenance. Of course, this material costs a lot, but it is not at all necessary to decorate the entire room with it. The stone framing of the front door, the lower part of the walls or individual pieces of furniture can give any interior a stylish and original look, greatly facilitating the life of the owner of the apartment in terms of maintaining cleanliness and order. At the same time, finishing with decorative stone is not at all a difficult task - you can do it yourself, without using the very expensive services of a repair and finishing team.

Decorative stone: comfort and order in the house

Why is decorative stone most often used in the design of the hallway? Everything is simple. This room accumulates the greatest amount of dust and dirt brought into the house from the street. Therefore, cleaning here is carried out much more often than in other rooms. Artificial stone, which has excellent antibacterial and dirt-repellent properties, is not afraid of either water or detergents. Therefore, cleaning in the hallway with such a finish is easy and without the risk of spoiling the latter.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway in the photo

The manufacturing technology of decorative stone allows you to create the most diverse elements in color, texture and even shape. It is easy to process and, due to its low weight and resistance to mechanical damage and household chemicals, provides reliability and durability of the finish. But the main thing in this material is versatility. It can be combined with any other type of decor, from wall paper to plaster moldings or ceramic tiles.

If you decide to use a decorative stone in the interior of the hallway, be aware that fragmentary decoration will look the most expressive here:

  • window and door openings;
  • viewed angles;
  • areas around decorative furnishings or pieces of furniture;
  • depressions and niches;
  • contact zones (a section of walls above the baseboard and any other places where contact with shoes is possible and there is a risk of severe contamination);
  • areas designated for the storage of shoes, clothing and household items.

Artificial stone perfectly fits on the surface, incl. embossed, from any material, be it concrete, brick or even wood. The only condition is that the base should be carefully prepared for finishing, achieving maximum adhesion.

Types of artificial stone and features of its application

When choosing an artificial stone for finishing the hallway, it is important to decide on the color, shape and texture. For example, light-colored material contributes to the visual expansion of space, while dark tones give saturation to the interior. Therefore, it is best to use decorative stone in spacious rooms, and even then without getting carried away, because even a spacious and well-lit hallway can turn into a gloomy and cold stone bag.

Options for arranging lighting in the hallway with a stone finish in the photo

Depending on the manufacturing technology, there are several types of decorative stone:

  • rubble (similar to boulders or pebbles);
  • chipped (imitates raw rock);
  • sawn (with an unpolished front surface and a clear geometry);
  • mosaic (with elements adjusted to a certain color or geometric composition);
  • brick (imitates various types of brickwork);
  • tiled (with a polished front surface that imitates natural polished stone - marble, granite, etc.);
  • fantasy (has a complex texture and colors that are not found in nature).

You should not get carried away with combinations of various types of artificial stone in the interior, and especially in the often small and cramped hallway. You run the risk of making the atmosphere too colorful, putting pressure on the minds of your household and guests. Within the limits of one room, a combination of a maximum of two varieties of stone decor, or rather its fragments, is sufficient. The best option is to use materials of the same type, but with a slightly different texture and shade. This will add variety to the environment, preventing its excessive saturation.

When choosing an artificial stone for the hallway, it is extremely necessary to take into account the features of lighting - it should be in harmony with the colors of the decor and emphasize the dignity of the situation.

Hallway: elegance and style in the interior

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a stone decor for the hallway is its color mood. The latter is most directly related to the quality, intensity and direction of the natural. So, in the case of a narrow and cramped hallway, dark shades are suitable - light, warm colors of limestone, tuff and sandstone will look much more pleasant here.

It is worth using stone as the main material for finishing this room, even if it is quite spacious and well lit, only if such a decision is consistent with the overall design of the apartment. And for the price, repairs in the hallway with decorative stone trim will become literally golden for you, so it would be much more rational to create accents with it on certain features of the situation.

Framing doorways or highlighting various interior elements or layouts can be laid out both randomly and using fragments of material to create geometric patterns and color transitions. By the way, if there is a large mirror in your hallway, be sure to decorate it with a frame - this will give the interior a touch of aristocracy and style.

Try to avoid frontal lighting of a wall section with such a decor - it will negate all the beauty of the decoration relief.

Remember that when decorating the hallway with decorative stone, it is better to abandon the chandelier and install several small built-in lamps on the ceiling and walls, distributing the lighting more evenly. At the same time, if a textured, small stone in the hallway will look good in the active areas of the design composition, then coarse-grained material is much better suited for finishing the area around the fireplace, window or doorways.

How to work with decorative stone?

If you have already decided on the interior design, it is time to prepare for work. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old finish - peeling plaster, wallpaper, tiles, etc. If the walls in the hallway have irregularities with differences of more than 3-5 cm or pronounced defects, they will have to be eliminated, that is, the surface should be leveled by plastering.

The next step is markup. On the walls prepared for finishing, you need to mark the boundaries of the zones that you are going to decorate with stone. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of skirting boards and cornices. Next, in one of the corners of the room, you need to make a control mark, and then transfer it to other corners and other areas for decoration.

Before laying the decorative stone, the walls should be primed and the quality of adhesion checked. To do this, the treated areas are wetted with water. Where it has not been absorbed into the rough, re-priming is required. Make sure that no dirt remains on the walls - they reduce the quality of adhesion of the decor to the base.

The back surface of the stone before laying must be cleaned of dust and moistened. A special glue is applied to it, which must first be prepared. After that, the fragment is installed on the wall with the obligatory level control. At the end of the work, the decor must be allowed to dry and you can proceed to the last stage - rubbing the seams.

Regardless of the grit and color vector of the decor, laying starts from the bottom of the corner. Particular attention must be paid to the corner elements - not only the appearance, but also the practicality and even safety of the finish depends on the reliability of their installation. After all, sharp teeth on the outer corners can accidentally injure yourself, and dirt and dust will always accumulate in the cracks between ill-fitting corner fragments.

Stone finishing: practical subtleties

It will be much easier to choose lighting for a hallway with stone decor if you alternate the areas laid out with it with smooth light walls covered with plain wallpaper, plaster or paint. Various elements or areas of the interior with a dominant stone finish can be additionally illuminated using sconces, LED strips or group wall lights.

It is recommended to lay stone on the walls with some indentation between the fragments, which, like ceramic tiles, is filled with a special grout. The color of the latter can be updated or changed over time, which will noticeably refresh the situation. To match stone finishes in color or geometric shape, the material is laid on the floor. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the absence of sharp changes in shade and relief.

Decorative stone in the hallway will be less prone to dirt and will last much longer if treated with acrylic varnish. The latter is applied using an airbrush or spray gun. The laying of finishing fragments is carried out with an offset, like brickwork.

Decorative stone goes well with stretch ceilings, gypsum-cement plaster or thick wallpaper. At the same time, the combination of this decor with ceramic tiles is more presentable and practical to maintain.

The choice of decorative stone and the option of finishing the hallway entirely depends on your financial capabilities and taste. By adhering to the basic principles of design and observing the technology of laying and finishing stone decor, you will be able to create the interior of your dreams on your own and with minimal effort and money.