Luxurious leather flowers. How to create an original leather jewelry Do-it-yourself leather hoop

Master class: making a leather headband.

Purpose: for children of senior school age, teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: decoration.
Target: development of creative abilities, making jewelry with your own hands.
Tasks: develop imagination, imaginative thinking, cultivate patience, accuracy, teach how to work with leather, develop aesthetic taste.
Required materials and tools:
Pieces of leather
Foam rubber
Glue "Moment"
A pen or piece of soap

From the history of the origin of skin.
Archaeological excavations have shown that even in the Stone Age, ancient craftsmen knew how to carefully craft leather and it was even used to build houses. Their remains have been discovered, in particular in Ukraine, Siberia, and on other continents.
And in those years the world already knew products from Asia - Persian and Babylonian leather.
For hundreds of years, goods from these parts of the world were exported to Europe, until French craftsmen in the 18th century managed to discover the secrets of their production and set up production at home.
In Eastern Europe - among the Bulgarians, Russians, Hungarians, Turks - leather processing reached a high level in very ancient times. The most authoritative historian of antiquity, Pliny the Elder, wrote about this.
In ancient times, bags (furs) were widely made from animal skins. They held water, wine, and dairy products. And nomadic peoples invented real leather utensils. It is very light, durable, beautiful, because it is usually decorated with engraving, embossing, and appliqué. Its service life is 40-50 years. Leather teapots, bowls, flasks, jugs are perfectly polished, do not warp or wrinkle, and retain their shape.
Such utensils are still used by shepherds in Kazakhstan and Kalmykia...The technology of its manufacture has not changed for many centuries. The best vessels were made from cowhide.
At different times and different peoples did very unusual things to their skin. He knows world history and leather money, leather wallpaper, leather houses, and leather musical instruments (bagpipes, drums).
But let’s return to Russia, because leatherwork is the oldest Slavic craft; it flourished already in the 6-7 centuries.
Moscow craftsmen in the 15th century sold cowhide abroad. In the 16th century, Muscovites' products were known in Lithuania, Tatarstan, and Turkey. And the residents of the capital city sported morocco boots of all colors of the rainbow: scarlet, red, azure, green, yellow, black, white...
Apart from our ancestors, no one in the world knew how to make colored shagreen leather from horse hides, grain rawhide and red yuft. The latter was better than other types of soft leather produced in Germany, France, England and was sold abroad until the beginning of our century.
Peter the Great adopted a number of decrees on the establishment of leather production. And by 1872, there were 12,939 tanneries in Russia that produced excellent saffiano leather.
The family took care of leather items, knowing how much work was put into them.
Leather is also a very accessible and pliable material that anyone can master.

Step-by-step description of the work:

Take the headband, apply it to the foam rubber and cut out a strip in the shape of the headband.
Glue the foam rubber to the rim with glue (you can do without it). Foam rubber is needed to add volume.

Cut a strip according to the shape of the rim from the wrong side of the leather.

Glue the strip of leather to the headband, tightening it tightly. From the inside, to cover the gluing area, you can glue thick tape to match the color of the skin.

Now let's start making roses.
Cut out petals from the darkest leather. We make roses from ovals, from small to large (depending on the size of the rose).

Now we burn all the details over a candle. We roll and glue each petal, starting with the smallest one and so on in turn. When all the roses are ready, glue them to the rim; you can make curls from thin strips, or decorate them with wooden beads.

And your headband is ready!

Handmade work has always been valued. Nowadays various handmade accessories are at the peak of popularity. Leather jewelry made with your own hands will allow the craftswoman to express her individuality and flaunt a designer product that no one else will have.

Frying pan to help, basic work

The fascinating process of creation can be made even more interesting if you use an original way of preparing parts. In this case, an ordinary frying pan will help achieve the desired effect. Using it you can make a headband for your hair, a necklace for your neck, or a beautiful brooch.

A master class will help you understand how to make leather jewelry with your own hands. Draw 5 colors of different sizes on the stencil. Let each one consist of eight petals. The blanks should be such that, putting everything on the largest part, the small one is on top. Petals of all colors should peek out evenly from under it.

Place the stencil details on the wrong side of the leather, trace them, and cut them out. Place the frying pan on the fire and let it heat up. Place the first 3 pieces face up. When the petals are slightly bent and the middle becomes convex, remove these parts and add the next ones.

Collecting flower parts

Let the workpieces cool while you thread a bead onto a hairpin. Make 2 holes in the center of each flower with an awl. Place the parts in the desired order - from large to small, while simultaneously threading them onto a pin. When this stage of work is completed, bend the ends of the pins inside out and twist them together. The bead should be on the front side of the accessory.

Cut a small circle out of leather and apply glue to the underside. Pass a pin through this blank and glue this part onto the back side of the flower. The brooch with clasp is ready. This is how you can make leather jewelry with your own hands.

A few more hot ideas

The undoubted advantage of such needlework is that it does not require any special equipment. You only need a little material, scraps of leather will do. From these you can make other leather jewelry. It’s especially nice to make them with your own hands.

To make a necklace you will need any long chain. Draw two parallel lines on the back of the skin at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The length of the resulting ribbon should be slightly longer than the length of the chain. Don't cut the tape yet. Attach a flower template to it and outline it. Then apply it to the next piece of tape, then to the next, until you almost reach the edge of the strip.

Cut out a single piece - a ribbon on which the flowers are symmetrically arranged. Send the workpiece to fry a little in a hot frying pan. When the skin becomes deformed and the flowers become bulging, take it out and cool. Then wrap this floral ribbon around your chain, secure the edges with glue, and another designer item is ready.

Based on these, you can make other leather jewelry with your own hands. Make several, only very small, voluminous flowers, like for a brooch. Use small pins with beads to secure them to the chain. You will get another amazing necklace.


Will tell you how to make other leather jewelry with your own hands, photo. Looking at it, it’s not difficult to make equally beautiful bracelets. They are worn by both women and men. Everyone will appreciate such a gift, and you can present this gift to a dear person on any occasion.

Take 3 strips of leather. Lubricate the wrong side with glue first and fold it in half. Do the same with the other strips. When the glue dries, weave the blanks into a regular braid. If you want the bracelet to be more voluminous, cut and prepare 5 ribbons in the same way, and then braid them.

Now put fasteners on both sides of the braid (they are sold in handicraft stores and haberdashery departments), clamp these parts with pliers or round nose pliers. To avoid leaving marks on the fasteners, first wrap them with thick fabric.

This is how you can easily and quickly make such leather jewelry with your own hands. The master class will give you other ideas.

Earrings - preparatory stage

For those who are working with leather for the first time, we can advise making earrings. Even the smallest scraps of leather are suitable for them. The only thing you will need to buy are earring clasps, but old ones will do.

You can start making similar leather jewelry with your own hands, MK - master class - will help with this. Cut out 2 pieces of leaf-shaped elongated shape with one pointed end from leather. To make them the same, you can use a template or draw the first piece by hand, put it on the leather canvas in a mirror image, outline and cut out the second piece.

The final part of the work

Next, insert a thick needle into the top of each piece and twist to make a hole. Take the earring clasp and use pliers to bend the bottom ring. Insert it into the hole you just made with the needle. Place the second part of the earring on this ring and close the ring using pliers.

We continue to make leather jewelry with our own hands for beginners. Use scissors to make cuts as shown in the photo. Try to keep them the same. This concludes the master class on making very simple but effective earrings. You can try on the accessory and admire your ears with designer earrings in the mirror.

Needle chrysanthemum

The flower can turn into a necklace or brooch. If you don’t know how to make such leather jewelry with your own hands, it will be useful for you to read this section.

Cut a strip of leather 30 cm wide and 3 cm long. Mentally divide it into 3 parts. Make the first 8 cm even narrower so that the width becomes 1.5 cm. Reduce the second part by 5 mm. Using scissors, make several fringed cuts at the top of this second and last, highest, third piece. Set this part aside.

Cut 3 strips from a piece of leather. One will be 21 cm long, the second 20, and the third 19 cm. The width of the largest is 5, the medium is 5.5, and the small is 6 cm.

Cut each into equal squares. Now cut the squares diagonally to make 2 triangles from each. The base of each triangle should be cut in the form of sharp chrysanthemum petals.

Fold the resulting triangles on the table in the form of a circle. You now have 3 chrysanthemum flower blanks of slightly different sizes. Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from the leather. You can leave the leather as is or cover it with paint using a sponge. When the paint dries, you need to give the details texture by heating them in a frying pan.

Let's start assembling the flower. Take the strip you cut first. Start twisting it from the small edge, gradually reaching the large one, with fringe. This is the center of the flower. Glue the ends of the resulting snail together.

Place the cut circle of leather on the table, coat it with glue on top, and attach sections of the first, largest flower blank circle. Lubricate its center with glue, attach the second and then the third flower. Glue the snail in the center.

All that remains is to glue a wide leather loop to the back of the chrysanthemum, onto which you will fasten a pin or thread a cord to wear a charming decoration around your neck like a necklace.

A hair hoop helps you quickly tidy up your hair and maintain it for a long time in any conditions, be it a noisy party, pleasantly tiring shopping, a sweltering beach or a working day.

Hoops can be different - barely noticeable and voluminous, modest and spectacular, but even a novice needlewoman can make almost any headband with her own hands. For some, this direction has become not only a separate hobby, but has also grown into income. A lot of techniques are used to create hairbands with your own hands, so every woman will be able to choose an already familiar type of needlework.

What can you make a hair hoop from?

To make a smooth and beautiful hairband with your own hands, it is better to take as a basis a ready-made accessory that can be bought for pennies in an inexpensive store. Of course, you shouldn’t take a completely fragile product, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. Let the hoop be unattractive, but durable, preferably made of metal.

Most often in master classes it is recommended to tie the base, decorate it with ribbons, fabric, threads or other materials. However, some types of decor involve attaching elements directly to the base. This must be taken into account when choosing an accessory, or even better, read in the MK which hoop is required for the job.

What to take to decorate the headband

Almost all types of needlework can be used to decorate a hairband. Floristic trends are especially in fashion today. You can buy flowers ready-made or make them yourself using the following materials:

Flowers from plastic suede they look life-like, working with this material is easy and pleasant. luxurious!

Leather brooch.

The flower is complemented with beads and crystal beads.

The flower is complemented with beads and crystal beads.

The flower is complemented with beads and crystal beads.
Tatiana Markova

We cut out the whisks. You can make much fewer whisks, as you like.
A -2pcs
B -2pcs
B -2 pcs.
G -1pcs
D - 3 pcs.

Soak the corollas and leaves in a PVA solution.

Let it dry. Here the skin is thin, so 1-2 minutes.
We stretch the skin, achieving its plasticity and, again, some thinning.

Leave to dry for 15-25 minutes.
Then we twist the petals of the large corollas GD and the leaves.

We don’t twist small ones A B C. Let it dry completely.
The number of corollas in the picture is what fits into the frame.

We treat the dried, unstretched corollas with a suitable size boule on a soft

(the smallest ones are on a soft) pillow. In the case of this particular skin, the bubble was only slightly hot.
We get cups.
We straighten the dried large corollas of GD and leaves and shape them with our hands.

We take one of the small 4-leaf sheets A and glue it together,

approximately this way.
(Alternatively, you can assemble the entire “pyramid” on a wire. You can stitch all the rims.

For ease of shooting, this time I decided to do without wire.

The glue, as I already wrote, is quite powerful. It will hold up.)

We glue the second 4-leaf leaf.

Glue the first whisk B.
Glue the second whisk B.

Glue the first whisk B.
Glue the second whisk B.

Now we glue the whisk G.
And whisk D.

Glue the remaining two corollas D.

We glue the foliage, the backing.

Before, I made round glues with beautiful teeth,

Now I realized my mistake and am cutting out a full-fledged five-leaf clover.

Today I will show you how to make simple leather flowers and attach them to your hairband.

You will need:

– thin genuine leather of 2 colors

– headband

– 3 bead huggers

– 3 pearls

– 3 lenses

– 3 jewelry studs 50mm

– satin ribbon 5mm

From tools

– glue gun

– leather glue

– leather burner (optional)

– thin lips

We mark 2 large circles with petals and 6 small ones on white skin

(Next to the photo is a pattern of leaves)

Cut out petals and leaves - 2 pcs. small and 1 large

We burn the edges of the flowers and leaves with a burner and draw veins.

If you don't have a burner, don't worry, use the advice from my old post - fry the flowers in a hot frying pan. Veins can be painted with acrylic paints.

On the right in the photo you can see the undercover for the leaves. It will need to be trimmed in place, but more on that later.

We glue the flowers with Dismak glue. We place the petals in a checkerboard pattern, gluing the leaf last

Insert the center into the flowers

We wrap a jewelry pin around the hoop and secure it under the flower.

Cut out the desired shape and size of the undercut, glue it to the back side of the leaves

You can leave it like that, but I sealed the seam with satin ribbon, so it went over the top

Here is the finished hoop

And a couple more decorations with similar flowers

The technique of making a flower from leather consists of cutting out blanks according to templates, obtaining the desired shape using glue or flame, folding the prepared petals, leaves, stamens and other parts of the artificial flower craft. If you correctly understand the principle of working with natural leather, you can easily absolutely any complexity.

What tools will you need in your work:

construction knife with replaceable blades. This is the most convenient tool for cutting leather, since dull pieces can be broken off immediately;

Long and short metal rulers. Choose wide rulers to avoid injury from the blade jumping off the cutting line;

A base on which it is convenient to cut leather.
A flat surface that is not too slippery (plastic cutting board, hardboard, linoleum, plexiglass) is suitable;

Tailor's scissors. They do not chew, they cut the skin well and evenly, in addition, they are a self-sharpening tool;

French knife. This tool is for carefully thinning leather blanks for flower petals (the so-called leather polishing);

Bulki. It is advisable to purchase a set with these tools in different sizes. With the help of rolls it is convenient to give volume and shape to the petals, to make the edges of flower leaves wavy;

Silicone mats on which it is convenient to process individual parts of the flower . You may need rugs with different degrees of elasticity - hard, soft and semi-soft;

Tube punches and hole punchers-tongs, with which you can make holes along the edges and in the center of a leather workpiece.

Methods for processing flower petals and leaves:

There are two main ways of applying veins and line patterns to the surface of a leather petal - hot and cold stamping. Embossing (or stamping) is a relief treatment of the surface of the leather, in which it is important to take into account the thickness and structure of the material.

Beautiful big flower:

– to make this flower you can take a piece of suede;

– first we will make a solution in which we will process the material

Stir 2 tbsp into half a liter of water. spoons of PVA and let the solution sit for 50 minutes.
Then put the solution in a water bath and stir until it becomes transparent;

– now apply the solution evenly with a squirrel brush on both sides of the suede;

– dry the suede by hanging it on a rope with clothespins;

– using the patterns, we cut out the details of the flower and give them shape with our hands;

– we put together a flower from the parts and decorate it with stamens on a wire.

Master Class. Leather decoration 4 in 1.

Do you want to make a beautiful multifunctional leather jewelry yourself?

which is not afraid of water? Easily!
The photos below will help you with how to do it and how to wear it.

What you will need: Leather, tape, scissors, pen

We cut out circles of the required diameter from the leather, with a margin of 2-3 mm for shrinkage during processing.

We first divide the circles into 4 parts, and then each part into 2-3 parts.

Give the shape of a petal.

Place on a heated frying pan and watch the metamorphoses:

the petals begin to rise.

What happened during heat treatment.

Then we collect the flower parts sequentially onto a needle.

First we string the cord (we measure the length of the cord 20-30cm longer than the volume of the head),

and then the petals from large to small. Decorate with beads.

We hide the wrong side of the product under a leather circle.

Let the product secure itself properly and wear it on your arm, neck, head or hair.

What to wear with it? Wear it to match clothes or with clothes of the opposite spectrum.

Cold stamping

This method is great for making lines along edges to create complex patterns on leather with a smooth surface. Leather thickness for cold stamping is 0.7mm–1.3mm.
For such stamping, you can use a cardboard template cut to the size of the workpiece. A pattern of lines is drawn on this template, and then carefully cut along the lines with a knife.

Hot stamping

For hot stamping on leather surface you will need a set of different metal stamps (which you can make yourself). This method is ideal for processing genuine leather workpieces with a thickness of 1.5 to 4 mm.

Metal stamps are heated and embossed by pressing the work surface onto the workpiece.

For this you will need:- Genuine Leather

- scissors

- PVA glue

– glue-moment Crystal

– paint for tinting

So, let's start!

I wish you pleasant viewing.

Choose the skin color you want to make the lily. Cut out six petals. We outline our blanks with a pen.

For one lily, six petals and 4-5 leaves are enough.

Cut out:

Using a brush, coat all the petals from the inside out with PVA glue diluted 1:2 (1 part glue + 2 parts PVA)

We stretch the edges of the petals and leave them to dry.

We fold the green leaves like an accordion and twist them onto the handle.

Leave to dry, straighten and stretch across the width.

In the middle of the petals we coat with instant glue, coat the wire in the same way, and apply it as in the photo. Lightly dry:

We begin to pinch the wire inward. Where it is not glued, add glue with a toothpick.

It turns out like this.

Making the pistil and stamens:

Glue small squares (anthers) onto the stamens. Press on both sides. You need to take thin skin, mine is a bit thick. Then we cut the anthers in a semicircle:

We revive it, make specks, mine are black:

We take our pestle and grease it with glue. We also lubricate the three petals at the base, let them sit, and glue them as in the photo:

Glue the second row of petals.

We also glue the green leaves:

Old leather bags, jackets, boots that will never be used again, but it’s a pity to throw them away, because the “Plyushkin” syndrome works recklessly. What to do when they fill all the closets? It's simple. If you watch fashion, you have probably noticed that leather accessories on jeans and bags are very popular now, as well as a huge selection of leather jewelry and hair jewelry. The cost of such small leather items sometimes exceeds the cost of the product itself several times. Try making leather jewelry with your own hands, it will give a second life to your things, free up shelves in your closets and allow you to be stylish and modern.

Leather flowers

It is suggested to tryDIY leather flowers . These flowers can become a brooch, can be attached to a hair clip, a denim jacket or bracelet, shoes or the lapel of over the knee boots - a universal craft. Many may say that it is quite difficult to make crafts from leather - it is not the most pliable material, but it’s worth a try, even if the first product turns out to be not very worthy, then the second and subsequent ones will definitely please the eye - yours and those around you.

Necessary materials

The first and most necessary thing, of course, isleather . For the first product, it is better to use material from a soft bag - it is thinner and more convenient to work with. Later, you will get used to independently determining which material is most useful for which craft. Before use, we recommend wiping the leather with a sponge soaked in glycerin or soap solution - this will give the material a new look and shine, as well as soften it.

In addition, we will needleather glue . In the absence of such a specialized component, you can use Moment glue, which is available to everyone, or even PVA (but not for paper products).Strong thin threads to match the tone of the future product. These can be linen twisted thin threads, they are also waxed. It is not recommended to use silk thread.Scissors It’s better to use manicure ones: with pointed, curved tips to make it easier to cut out small details of the petals.

It is worth stopping separately atsewing needle . If you use a needle of the wrong size or with a blunt tip, then there will be holes in the skin that are difficult to decorate to hide. The needle should be very thin with a sharp tip and a small eye. If available, it is better to use a special onesickle needle - it leaves holes that are almost invisible to the human eye. Don't forget to prepare softballpoint pen or verythin dark felt-tip pen for drawing details on the skin and subsequent tracing of stencils.

If you want your flower to have a center, prepare morea few beads, a button or rhinestones For decoration.


  1. Take it and draw a petal of the future flower on a sheet of thick paper. Cut along the contour - you get a stencil. Using a stencil, trace several petals on a prepared piece of leather and carefully cut out the details with nail scissors. Think about how you will arrange the petals and, based on this, prepare the required number of elements.
  2. Prepare a slightly smaller stencil for the petals of the second (inner) layer. Similar to the first point, cut out several smaller petals. If necessary, add a few more layers.
  3. Apply glue to the bottom (closest to the middle) part of each petal from the inside and give the petal a three-dimensional shape.
  4. Glue the petals together.
  5. While the glue is still wet, use a needle and thread to make several through stitches on each stack of petals for additional securement.

Basically, the flower is ready. You can attach the bead to the middle with a thread and a needle, and the rhinestones with glue.
Use Cases
If you want to make a brooch out of a flower, you will need a small pin - it should be completely hidden under the flower - and an additional piece of leather. In an additional piece you need to make a couple of holes, thread a pin through them and use glue to attach this base to the flower.

You can additionally carefully secure it with thread.

A hair decoration made from this flower is to take a strip of leather the length of the circumference of your head, conveniently use a bag handle, use glue to secure the flower on it, and use a thread and a needle to connect the strip into a hoop. Let your hair down, secure it with a hoop - and you are back in fashion.

What other options for using the resulting beauty you will find, only your imagination is responsible for this. What options for creating such beauties are your creativity and invention. The important thing is that you tried, and then go for it!