The most popular haircut for long hair. The most stylish haircuts for long hair: photos, videos

At the moment, many girls create beautiful cascading hairstyles on their heads, which make the female image unique and expressive. Cascade haircuts 2017 are the most popular and creative women's hairstyles. After forming such a haircut on her head, the girl makes her image individual and one of a kind.

Fashion for women's hairstyles is a relative concept, some people like one thing, while others like something completely different.

The main secret of a cascading hairstyle is that when creating it on a woman’s head, stylists distribute stylistic components differently on the client’s hair.

This article talks about how to get a fashionable haircut - how a girl can get a cascading haircut.

Cascading hairstyles 2017: haircuts for long hair and other options


Today, salon professionals improve the image of clients with various options for such hairstyles. As a result, in order to get a beautiful haircut for the first time, a girl needs to go to the hairdresser.

If a girl has long hairs, then the master creates a cascade on her head without shortening the length of the hairs. As a result, women's hair becomes voluminous and lush.

In such a situation, the cascading hairstyle is a “ladder”. As a result, the hair ends make women's hair elegant and voluminous.

If a long-haired woman has a heart-shaped face, then a long hair cascade is the optimal hairstyle that reduces the size of the face on the right and left.

For medium hair - the most common type of hairstyle

More often, stylists do it on women. Unruly curls, which are difficult to style, look beautiful and stylish in such a hairstyle - as a result, straight women’s hairs do not lie in nondescript hair strands.

In order to make her hair well-groomed, after washing her hair, the girl dries her hair with a hairdryer. With the help of a curling iron and hair curlers, the girls create a creative haircut with their own hands.

There are 2 types of cascading haircuts - standard and creative. More often, fashionistas do a “ragged haircut” on medium hairs.

Women of Balzac's age and older ladies do a “softer” cascading hairstyle on their heads, in which they create a “ladder” only at the ends of the hair.

By doing a cascading hairstyle, women can easily remove split ends.

For short hair: bob-cascade for a round face

A cascading hairstyle also looks good on short hair. In such a situation, the girl hides some facial flaws.

For example, when creating a “cascade” hairstyle with strands twisted inward on short hair, women hide their large chin. Narrow-faced fashionistas twist such strands outward - and ultimately give their face a rounded shape.

Technique for forming a cascading haircut on women's hair

When creating a beautiful cascading haircut on her head, a fashionista performs the following actions:

    divides the washed and dried hair into a straight and central parting and wets the head;

    pulls forward from both sides and places small equal strands parallel to the floor, along which the woman measures the required length;

    the remaining hairs are secured in the occipital region with a clip;

    after cutting the first strands, the woman removes new strands from the fixed hairs and cuts them at the level of the first ones;

    slowly cuts all the hairs on level 1;

    thinning the hairstyle - as a result, the woman’s hair becomes voluminous, and the fashionable cascade haircut is ready!

Choosing a haircut based on hair type

On girls with thin natural straight hair, a cascading hairstyle also looks good. As a result, women's haircuts become more voluminous.

If a girl has smooth, even hair, then a cascading haircut looks good on long hair.

Choosing a hairstyle according to your face shape - different variations of bangs

If a woman has a round face, then the hairdresser gives her a cascading haircut and creates oblique bangs. In such a situation, the stylist forms multi-level strands on the woman’s head, and also creates a beautiful ladder of hairs of different lengths.

If a girl has an angular face, then this is not suitable for her. In such a situation, the stylist creates a “cascade” hairstyle on the client’s head with oblique bangs and framed strands at the temple.

If a woman has a long face, then any bangs are suitable for her, except those that are too long. In such a situation, you can cut your bangs yourself.

Laying a cascade - basic methods

Laying a cascading hairstyle is directly related to the length of women's hair. In such a situation, a girl should keep in mind the following nuances:

    when curling the ends of medium hairs with a cascading hairstyle, a woman gives her appearance a slight romance;

    When straightening hair strands with an iron, the female image becomes strict in appearance. In addition to straightening, the girl uses lotions and curling preparations that prevent hair destruction;

    A cascading hairstyle also suits a girl with long hair, if the fashionista wraps her hair in large curlers, then combs it lightly and fixes the haircut with hairspray.


Also, a cascading haircut makes a woman’s image stylish if a fashionista gets professional coloring done on her head. In such a situation, the stylist dyes the female hair around the face 2 shades lighter than the natural color - enhances the effect of a cascading haircut.

When performing coloring, the master leaves women's hairs as long as possible - and as a result, the client's hair ends look impressive.

When creating profiled long strands on a cascading hairstyle, the stylist makes the female look beautiful and graceful.

When choosing a technique for processing hair ends, a girl determines what kind of appearance she wants to have - delicate and classic or careless and fashionable.

A woman with a good hairstyle is doubly beautiful

As a result, after reading the above information, every girl will be able to choose a suitable cascading haircut - and ultimately transform for the better and modernize her appearance.

There are many stylish hairstyles and hair styling options for girls. All of them, to a certain extent, decorate the image and make it complete. The basis of any spectacular hairstyle is a harmonious haircut done by a professional. To look well-groomed, successful, promising and attractive, you should follow fashion trends. In this post we discuss and illustrate the most beautiful women's haircuts for long hair to create an impeccable image.

Fashionable haircuts for long hair

Bob haircut for long hair

Pros of a long bob

There are several variations of the bob in the world of hairdressing. There are differences both in appearance and in cutting technique. This diversity determines the continued relevance of this hair design. A recognizable silhouette and compatibility with a variety of everyday and holiday styling options help create a unique trendy composition for every woman. Bob haircuts for long hair with bangs of different formats are combined, so you can find a good look for different face shapes.

Straight bob haircut for long hair

The popularity of this haircut is at the top positions this year. It fits well on different types of hair - curled, thick, dense or, on the contrary, thin hair. Thanks to the successful straight outline of the hair, too rough cheekbones are corrected, a large nose is balanced, and a large chin looks more delicate. A long straight bob has a unique ability to highlight the beauty of the look, adding clarity and shine to the eyes. For these reasons, fashion experts advise girls with small eyes, sharp and massive facial lines to wear this haircut option.

Graduated long bob haircut

Of course, graduated bob haircuts add natural thickness and volume to thin, thin hair. Using a razor, regular and thinning scissors, a multi-layer composition is created. A long, graduated haircut transforms and organizes unruly curls. Bob is very comfortable for women. To create a beautiful and aesthetic daily styling, you don’t need a lot of fixatives, such as gel, varnish, or mousse. Sometimes it is enough to work competently with a hairdryer and brushing.

Asymmetrical bob for long hair

Original youth haircuts with strands of different lengths create a spectacular appearance. Owners of asymmetrical hairstyles are guaranteed increased attention from others. True, it can be difficult for girls to decide on such a bold change of image. In most cases, an asymmetrical haircut comes in handy, as it covers imperfect features well and emphasizes the advantages. To suit your taste, you can choose a slight or pronounced distortion of the haircut. The maximum is a 15 centimeter difference in length or more, sometimes in short areas there is a hedgehog or hair is completely absent. Today you can find improved oblique haircuts with a curved lower cut, lightly milled ends, and decoration with chaotic curls.

Bob haircut with long bangs

When choosing a bob type, it is important to take into account facial features. With the help of bangs, you can radically change the appearance of your hairstyle and your overall image, and correct defects. We advise girls with round and standard oval faces to opt for arched thick bangs. For those with square and triangular face shapes, side-swept bangs with a torn edge will look more organic.

Also, a bean that has grown long enough is called lob or longbob.

Haircut cap for long hair

A cap cut is not suitable for thick hair. The same cannot be said about sparse, fine hair, which becomes thicker and healthier-looking. Thanks to the many variations of the cap, you can choose the best option for each face type, for straight and curly hair.

What is a cap? This is a two-level composition, where the upper zone is cut as a bob, bob, torn or graduated haircut. There is also a lower tier of hair, it is of considerable length and differs from the upper one. The transition between them can be represented by sharp steps or smooth lines.

The cap is well compatible with long bangs that go along the cheekbones to the neck and merge with the bulk of the hair. This type of haircut often requires a flat iron and styling products to create smoothness.

To make a cap haircut even more interesting, we recommend using a razor - it helps to create a fringe effect, add straight strictly horizontal bangs, curved rounded bangs, trim the ends unevenly or apply creative coloring.

Cascade haircut for long hair

Pros and features of Cascade

Cascading stylish haircuts add volume to the hair through layers and steps. This year, a decline in their popularity is not expected; they have been in fashion for several years now. Regardless of the haircut pattern, the result should look natural and attractive.

Remember that a cascade is the best haircut for curly hair. Layers and steps make the hairstyle aesthetically pleasing and feminine, eliminating styling problems. The classic version of the cascade best plays up naturally wavy curls. Straight hair will fit well in any cascading haircut; it can be with or without bangs, in the form of a ladder, with milled and curled ends, with torn and even cuts, disheveled, asymmetrical.

To choose the right modern voluminous step-up haircut, you need to take into account your face type, hair structure, lifestyle and, of course, the condition of your hair ends. If the ends are split, then you need to get rid of them without regret. In 2018, innovative cutting of hair ends with hot scissors is popular. This useful technique prevents each hair shaft from splitting by sealing the ends.

Cascade Variations

The classic cascade includes clearly visible, clearly defined strands of different lengths, the entire mass of hair is processed using the ladder technique.

The Ladder haircut is also cascading; its characteristic feature is the creation of the most clear ladders directly next to the face. Over the entire surface of the head, the transitions between the strands are smoothed out to create a single head of curls.

Rhapsody haircut for long hair allows you to completely maintain the length and trim the ladder exclusively around the face. The remaining mass of hair is thinned. This is a haircut with a voluminous short crown.

Another cascade-like haircut is the debut, where the hair is given an arched shape. Near the face, the curls beautifully flow from the bangs to the side strands.

Carefully choose cascades and stairs that suit your image; some people like a torn haircut with deep thinning, others like subtle steps. The best option is an individual approach with the help of a good specialist..

By the way, while taking care of your beauty, do not forget to pay attention to your daughter. It is cascades and ladders that are most often recommended as children's haircuts. For girls who want to be princesses, it is better to focus not on cutting their hair, but on proper care with periodic trimming of the very ends and daily creation of unusual hairstyles.

Fox tail haircut for long hair

The ideal haircut option for girls with long and thick hair is a fox tail; it looks a little like a cascade. A smooth or sharp angled cut looks great, especially from the back. There are different types of women's haircuts for long hair with a fox tail. There may be a stepped silhouette only at the tips or there may be several separate layers throughout the head.

The good thing about fox tail is that it rarely requires correction. It is best to do this haircut specifically for long hair, since it will be difficult to put medium hair into a ponytail. Tinting your hair in an ombre style and lightly curling it with waves would be a good idea.

Haircuts for long hair with shaved temples

A non-standard approach to haircuts consists of shortening individual sections of hair on the sides as much as possible, only on one side or at the back. There's no denying creative ultra-asymmetry haircuts or vibrant toning options. Instead, stylists offer bold shaved women's haircuts, this is a clever two-in-one option. With this haircut, you can combine a strict dress code and an informal worldview, visit different places and create radically different images.

The dominant feature can be a shaved temple or the back of the head, or a combination of these elements. Patterns look good in these areas. The main thing that attracts girls is the ability to hide these ultra-short areas with the help of the remaining long hair. If necessary, the curls are laid to the side, which turns the haircut into an unexpected daring decoration.

Hair styling in 2018

Hair styling trends

There are a lot of new products in the fashion industry; fresh ideas can be seen in hair styling. Judging by the fashion shows, light, careless, elegant, slightly disheveled hairstyles are back in trend.

Instead of strict, straight lines and strong fixation of curls, romantic shaggy styles with graceful feminine waves are at the peak of popularity.

In order for a classic haircut to acquire a modern flavor, its smooth, neat shapes need to be diluted with creative chaos. To skillfully add dynamism, you can use different techniques, for example, bright coloring, asymmetrical bangs, razor patterns.

Undoubtedly, gentle and dreamy long-haired girls will love slightly tousled styling as an option for everyday hairstyle. She gives the impression that after waking up in the morning, her head has not yet been put in order, her hair has only been slightly smoothed by hand.

How to add fashionable volume and texture to long hair?

Happy owners of long curls should not rush to part with them; this year they are absolutely relevant. The best confirmation of this is the abundance of long-haired models at the most authoritative fashion shows. The main condition is a natural and well-groomed hairstyle, certainly with healthy ends and vibrant shine. In short, long hair should be considered as a stylish element of a woman's look.

It is necessary to mention the returning fashion for bangs. This implies almost complete freedom in choosing the shape, volume, length and method of processing the edges. Ultra-popular are thick straight bangs that look as if they have grown out. Also relevant is the so-called Hollywood bangs, sparse, straight, lying in strands. Keep in mind that your appearance with bangs transforms and makes you look younger, but this element will have to be thoroughly looked after and styled beautifully. If you look from this position, it turns out that haircuts for long hair without bangs are more practical and convenient.

Considering that today it is incredibly fashionable to look natural, we will give some valuable recommendations. If you have voluminous curls, you should give preference to simple styling methods. For example, try applying a little light foam and drying them with a hairdryer, then curl only the ends with a curling iron. With this approach, it is possible to preserve the natural volume and create a neat shape.

If your hair is naturally very curly or slightly frizzy, try waxing it. We take a little product in our hands and warm it up. First, apply the wax to the strand, then twist it with your fingers.

You can look brilliant even with thin hair that lacks root volume. They can be dried by bending downwards. After working with a hairdryer, you can add wax in a small amount so as not to weigh down the curls.

For smooth, straight hair, it also doesn't hurt to create enhanced volume. We treat the hair only near the roots with a light mousse, dry it with the head tilted down and get an airy head on the head.

Adding texture to the hair is welcome, but there is no need to add a harsh and rough effect. If the curls are smooth, they also present some texture. To emphasize the shine and natural softness of their hair, girls apply oil. Only special hair oils are suitable for this purpose; they have small molecules. If you use this product incorrectly, you will get the effect of a greasy hairstyle. Before applying, warm the oil in your palms.

In this post we have specially collected names, descriptions and photos of fashionable haircuts for long hair. Now it will be easier for you to make a choice and qualitatively refresh your image. The most limitless choice of haircuts is for an oval face, since it is close to the ideal, but if desired, you can choose harmonious options for other even non-standard shapes.

Every mother has her own reasons for giving her daughter a haircut at home - some don’t find the time, some save their budget, and some don’t trust hairdressers. Having sharp scissors in the house, every mother will be able to cut her long hair evenly and accurately. But every step of even the simplest haircut has its own secrets, which you will learn about from this description.

For a haircut you will need:

1. Fine-tooth comb.
2. Large hair clips.
3. Sharp scissors, even stationery scissors will do if they are of excellent quality.
4. A spray bottle filled with water.

To cut long thick hair evenly, you first need to carefully prepare for this manipulation. At the first stage, the hair is washed and slightly dried with a towel. Of course, if the hair is tangled, you won’t get a beautiful haircut, so the strands need to be combed all the way down from the roots. If you are used to separating a lot of hair and combing it forward, then this option is not the best for a future haircut.

Next, separate a row of hair growing from the neckline. There is no need to take a wide strand, as it will be extremely difficult to cut it evenly; a width of 1-2 cm is enough. The rest of the hair is held together with a clip on the top of the head so that it does not interfere with the haircut.

Using a fine-tooth comb or fine-toothed comb, comb your hair again in a strictly vertical downward direction. This direction will help return all the “lost” hairs to their place.

Measure the required length. If you want to cut the hair strictly along the waist line, then pay attention to how the girl stands - if the head is very lowered or raised, then the cut line needs to be shifted, hoping that the child will walk with the usual position of the head.

Having cut the hair to the desired length, comb the ends again and trim the “appearing” hairs. This procedure is repeated in each cutting row.

After cutting the first row, an even hair line should be drawn; all subsequent stages of cutting will be aligned along it.

Separate another row of hair using a horizontal parting, about 5 cm wide.

Using a fine comb, comb the second level of hair, that is, the newly separated strands. In this case, cropped and long hair will be perfectly separated.

Cut the length of hair from the new row. It is necessary to adhere to the cutting level of the first row. If the scissors are sharp, then evenly cutting narrow rows will not be difficult.

Comb the strands again and if they are dry, sprinkle with water. Next, cut off the single hairs that appear.

Then separate the hair from the crown area and comb it straight down.

Also cut this row strictly along a horizontal line, equaling the length of the hair with the previous rows.

The upper hair is separated by a vertical parting, which is created strictly along the midline of the head.

The upper strands are combed from the right and left, that is, in the direction determined by the parting. There is no need to comb your hair over your chest, it should lie on your back, but on the sides of the main body of hair.

The middle part of the hair is cut according to the usual principle, that is, along the line of previous cuts.

The side parts of the hair should be cut at a slight angle. From the main line, the side strands “jump” no more than 1 cm.

Then comb your hair and cut the right side in the same way with a rounded edge.

Comb the entire length of the hair again with a comb and check to see if any tangled hairs have accidentally popped out. If there are any, cut them along the cut line of the entire mass of hair.

Long hair has acquired a truly well-groomed and neat look!

Olesya Anikina

Professional stylists know how to cut long hair beautifully, adding a complete look to your appearance. In their opinion, cutting long hair will give a natural, well-groomed look. When the hair is healthy and smooth, even the simplest cut will create style. Among the variety of hairstyles, it is not difficult to make a choice.

Fox tail haircut for long hair

Girls with long hair often choose a hairstyle in favor of the “Fox Tail”. The hairstyle is designed like a cascade, but there are several nuances.

You will learn how to cut long hair beautifully from our article.

The hairstyle is created in two versions:

  • At the ends of the hair. This type is suitable for hair of the same length, cut evenly. In this case, the ends are simply cut in a V shape, with strands of short hair located on the sides.
  • Graduation over several layers of the entire length. Together with the edging of the ends in the shape of the letter V, the curls are cut in multi-steps. In other words, this is a cascading composition with a descent in the form of a triangle.

In both cases, the shape of the hair at the back is similar to the pointed tail of a fox. The master may suggest making the contour of the ponytail smooth or sharply defined.

The hairstyle in question has the following features:

  • suitable for both long strands and medium-length hair;
  • looks beautiful with or without different bangs;
  • You can cut your hair not only on straight, but also on wavy strands.

Haircut "Cascade" for long hair

The haircut in the shape of a cascade does not lose its popularity. It gives manageability and structure to thick curls, and adds pomp and volume to thin curls.

Cascade can be different: daring, fashionable, universal. The model is suitable for any age, various hair types, without emphasis on the social level. Thanks to this variability, everyone can choose a suitable haircut option.

The cascade option can be classified as a stepped haircut, where each layer is a step that clearly stands out. The haircut occurs in layers, cascading steps go from the neck (classic solution), in some cases a hedgehog is cut from above with a further transition into a cascade.

Beautiful haircut for long hair – “Ladder”

A ladder cut is suitable for long-haired girls. This solution allows you to change your look without losing the length of your curls.

It is important to know: You can cut long hair beautifully with a ladder for girls with oval, round, triangular, and square face types - the variety of lengths of strands near the face corrects imperfections.

A haircut on long hair begins with the formation of bangs; if there are any, short strands should correspond to the length of the bangs.

The crown has a rounded shape, its length can be discussed at will. Other strands are cut, pulling them up, in relation to the crown. There is an attractive, flowing staircase at the rear.

It is not recommended to cut curly and coarse hair with a ladder, otherwise long hair will have to be straightened with an iron to create a beautiful hairstyle. Split hair before this haircut must be treated as soon as possible using masks and hot scissors, otherwise the haircut will be sloppy.

Long “Bob” – a stylish haircut for long hair

The proposed haircut option has several looks.

The bob is the most popular hairstyle, which has its own advantages:

  • no skill required for installation;
  • simple hair care;
  • thanks to the graduated bob, a voluminous, healthy appearance of hair is created;
  • weak, thin curls look thick and voluminous after a haircut;
  • an elongated bob hides the lack of falling out, thinning hair;
  • When hair grows, the shape does not lose its relevance.

Important to remember: A bob haircut has no age barriers; it is suitable for ladies of all ages.

Torn haircuts for long hair

The most popular haircuts for long locks can be modified by adding choppy strands. The existing haircut can be supplemented with torn bangs, the ends can be cut off with an irregular cut, and torn strands can be cut off on the top of the head.

This effect is achieved through special techniques of cutting hair with scissors or using a special razor.

Asymmetrical bob for long hair

This haircut on long hair is used as an everyday hairstyle. A bright, independent lady is comfortable with a torn bob. The haircut does not require attention to styling; it has a natural, careless, easy look. A torn bang will complement an asymmetrical bob well.

Professional advice: how to choose a haircut based on your face shape

How can you cut long hair beautifully? When answering this question, you need to take into account the shape of your face. A new haircut should emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws.

Note: The choice of hairstyle is made based on the visual correction of the oval, taking into account the shape of the head.

How to choose a beautiful haircut for long hair based on your face type

Face types Restrictions Correction of defects Long haircut With or without bangs
OvalThere are practically no restrictions, but a narrowed forehead will not suit an even parting with a smooth structureIt is better to ennoble an elongated face with a long haircut with bangs. Straightened and oblique bangs suit a high foreheadStraight hair is suitable for a haircut in one length, multi-layered, cascading, with a classic bob, an elongated bobHaircuts with and without bangs are suitable for oval shapes; beveled or layered bangs look original
RoundYou cannot cut thick, extensive bangs or make curls - this emphasizes rounded lines. You should not experiment with ends near the cheeks and on the cheekbones; it is better to abandon even partings and clear horizon linesHere you need a multi-layered haircut or with a voluminous crown. For thin and thin hair, long hairstyles that cover the ears are suitable.Long bob or bobThe bangs should have an even structure of curls; multi-level and asymmetrical, beveled bangs are suitable, while straight ends are prohibited
SquareFor an equal-sided face type, long hairstyles are the way out. It should be noted that it is better to avoid straightened hair, an open forehead, thick bangs in one layer, and symmetry in the hairstyle. Don't experiment with combed-back hairThe shortcomings of squareness will help remove asymmetrical haircuts and oblique bangs. To narrow the chin, you need to create root volumeThe ideal haircut is a cascade of hair, while it is better to curl the curls and not wear them straightBangs on a square face should end at the cheekbones; the best option would be a layered, beveled design.
Triangular and diamond-shapedIt is categorically not acceptable to have short and wide bangs, you should avoid combing the side curls back, avoid one length, it is not recommended to wear a ponytailPersons with sharp shapes require visual expansion of the lower part. In this case, trapezoid-shaped haircuts with rounded curls outward are suitable. You should give preference to hairstyles that have the widest part in the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin.For heart- and triangle-shaped faces, a long bob with extra volume at the ends is suitable. The ideal option would be curls, perms, lambPointed chins can be diluted with thinned, oblique bangs, a wide forehead can be covered with an elongated straight version
RectangularIt is strictly forbidden to add excess volume to the top; you should abandon a straight cut, smoothed structure, open hairstyles - this will only enhance the appearance of an elongated faceYou should opt for bangs that cover the forehead, shortening the length of the look. You need to focus on the added volume created by layered cuts with curls and curls.An elongated bob, complemented by luxurious bangs, with a lush effect, suits the rectangular shape. Elongated curls look rich with root volume and curls. Retro styling, ends inward, is welcomeLuxurious curved or straight bangs suit an elongated face perfectly; they can cover the eyebrows or end just below the cheekbone

Long hair can be cut beautifully without losing its length. The considered hairstyles do not require complex styling, and if desired, they can always be pulled back into a ponytail. However, for a haircut to look good, it must be selected taking into account the shape of the face and the image as a whole.

Useful video on how to cut long hairgray:

How to cut long hair - hairdresser tips:


Women's haircuts for long hair: what you need to know when choosing

Long hair has always been considered a woman’s adornment and an indicator of her beauty. Therefore, if you want to look romantic, sophisticated and feminine, check out the list of stylish women's haircuts for long hair. You will definitely choose an option that will highlight the advantages of your appearance and hide the shortcomings.

Haircut options for long hair

Cascade and haircuts based on it (Italian, Rhapsody, Shaggy, debut)

Cascade is a universal haircut that is suitable for medium and long hair. It enjoys well-deserved popularity as it is suitable for any hair type and all face shapes. The cascade is cut in layers: due to this, the haircut looks voluminous and dynamic.

Italian (Aurora) and Rhapsody- haircuts made on the basis of a cascade. Despite some common features, they have their own characteristic features.

  • Unlike the cascade, Rhapsody and Aurora have a more pronounced thinning, the ends of the strands look sharp and resemble “feathers”.
  • Classic rhapsody implies the presence of volume in the parietal zone, which gradually decreases towards the end of the strands, and Italian at the top of the head.

The optimal and easiest option for styling cascade, rhapsody and aurora is drying with a hairdryer with a diffuser. As a result, you will get a voluminous and slightly tousled hairstyle. For a romantic styling, use a curling iron or flat iron.

A shaggy (or shag) haircut looks like on long hair bold and bold. Her main difference is her disheveled appearance and carelessness. The haircut is performed according to the same principle as the cascade, but thinning is carried out not with scissors, but with a special razor. As a result, the hair becomes thinner and shaggier. Shaggy is styled using a hairdryer with a diffuser. To give your hair texture, you can use styling products - gel, mousse and wax.

Another type of cascade haircut is. Its distinctive feature is that the hair is cut in a horseshoe shape, due to which it beautifully frames the face in a semicircle. This type of haircut is recommended for energetic girls who are not ready to spend time on long styling. After all, even without special styling products, the hairstyle looks fashionable and playful: you just need to dry your hair with a hairdryer using brushing.


Ladder cut is one of the most romantic haircuts for long hair. It visually smoothes out harsh facial features, gives hair volume and lightness. The ladder goes well with all types of bangs and looks good with side and straight parting. The only drawback of the ladder is that it is not suitable for thin and sparse hair; it partially removes volume from the temporal areas.

Laying the ladder is very simple. When drying with a hairdryer, the side strands are slightly bent using brushing inward. You can also straighten your hair with an iron, gently tucking the ends towards your face. To achieve a romantic styling, you need to curl the strands with a curling iron.


Traditionally, a bob is perceived as a haircut for medium hair. But if you want to make a bob and at the same time maintain the length of your hair, no problem! You can choose your favorite haircut option from the following:

Double bob (or cap on long hair)

To create it, hair in the upper zone is first processed, and then in the lower zone. The top part of the haircut can look like a classic straight bob or an extended haircut. The lower zone is processed in any of the suitable ways: you can make a cascade or ladder haircut. The main requirement is careful daily styling, otherwise the haircut will lose its zest. You can style your hair with a diffuser, straightener or curling iron.

Lengthening bob

The haircut has an uneven length: it is shorter at the back than at the sides. The popularity of this haircut has remained over the past ten years, it is chosen by IT girls and energetic business women. The undoubted advantage of a lengthening bob is the visual correction of the face shape. Traditionally, this haircut is styled by pulling it along the entire length with an iron and slightly bending the ends of the hair inward. It can be performed not only on straight, but also on curly hair.

Classic straight bob (long)

The main requirement for this haircut is adherence to strict geometry: the hair is cut in a straight cut. A classic bob can have long, short bangs or an open forehead. A fashionable haircut option is with bangs up to eye level.


Gavroche is a perky haircut, which is mainly chosen by girls. Her distinctive feature is short, profiled and tousled hair on the top of her head and elongated, sharp temples. The hair is subjected to deep thinning, which is performed using a blade.

To highlight the texture of your hair and emphasize the profiled strands, you will need daily styling. You can create a daring look using volume on the crown: short hair needs to be tousled and secured with hairspray. For a more conservative look, the hair can be styled using brushing, curling the ends towards the face.

Sesson (sessoon)

Cesson is the invention of the famous stylist Vidal Sassoon, which was named after him. The haircut was fashionable for women in the 60s and 70s of the last century, but a few seasons ago its popularity returned again.

The session is performed according to a rather complex pattern, so you only need to contact an experienced craftsman. The haircut is done on the fingers along the control strand. Each subsequent strand is pulled at an angle of 10-15°.

The haircut emphasizes the smoothness of the hair and gives the hair additional volume, so that it practically does not need styling. Sesson is always complemented by arched thick bangs reaching to the eyebrows. Most often it is chosen by brunettes and redheads, since the contrast between hair and skin color emphasizes the shape of the hairstyle. But this does not mean that the session is prohibited for blondes.

Basically, the sesson is cut on short curls, but can also be done on long straight hair. There is only one limitation: sessun is not suitable for wavy and curly hair, as it requires strict geometry.


If you are young, daring and used to challenging society, a trash haircut is what you need. Its distinctive feature is the imitation of the use of artificial strands. Traditionally, a trash haircut is performed on long hair based on the usual cascade or aurora.

To emphasize the non-standard appearance, the haircut is complemented by a creative bang shape - curly, asymmetrical, shortened or elongated. Dyeing individual strands in acidic colors - green, pink, blue and others - is encouraged.

Laying should be as non-standard as possible. For example, you can make a mohawk, a bouffant on the crown or a ruffle.

Asymmetrical haircuts

Asymmetry allows you to correct the oval of your face, hide flaws in your appearance (for example, distract attention from a large nose), and give your image more boldness or elegance. Asymmetry can affect the entire haircut or just the bangs.

An excellent option for asymmetrical long haircuts - lengthening bob, cascade, with a shaved temple, trash and gavroche.

Haircuts with shaved temple

Just a few years ago, asymmetrical haircuts with a shaved temple were found exclusively among representatives of subcultures, but today this trend has become a fashion trend. Similar haircuts are chosen by stars - Natalie Dormer, Rihanna and Kelly Osbourne.

These haircuts go great with long hair. They help create a non-trivial image: on the one hand, romantic and sophisticated, and on the other, rebellious and daring. The advantage of this hairstyle is that you can temporarily cover the shaved side with long hair - in this case you will look more conservative.

Usually only one temple is shaved, and long strands are combed to the side. The length of the hair on the shaved side can be either “zero” or 0.5-1 cm. You can add even more outrageousness to the hairstyle if you decorate the shaved side with curly patterns - zigzags, cobwebs, hearts.

Before choosing such a bold hairstyle, soberly assess whether it suits you. A shaved temple can highlight imperfections in appearance: dandruff and rashes on the scalp. This haircut forces you to follow certain rules: wear fashionable clothes, wear bright makeup and monitor the condition of your facial skin, since any bold hairstyle attracts attention to it.

Volume haircuts for long hair

Haircuts that add visual volume to hair are the optimal solution for owners of thin and sparse hair. These can be any layered options (cascade, Italian, rhapsody, double square, etc.)

Edge cutting line

Depending on the method of processing the lower edge, you can cut long hair:

  • Directly. The lower edge of the hair is trimmed evenly, with a straight cut. As a result, hair appears heavier and thicker.
  • In a semicircle. The hair is cut in a horseshoe shape, due to which it creates a beautiful smooth line.
  • Angle. The second name of this fashionable haircut is fox tail. The lower edge of the hair is cut at an angle and milled. Can be used on both straight and wavy hair.
  • Thinning. This method of processing the edges of the hair is often used for cascading women's haircuts.
  • Torn edge. This is one of the thinning options. As a result, the haircut looks slightly careless, the ends of the strands are pointed, and the transitions between them are more noticeable.

What haircuts are not suitable for girls with long hair?

Some haircuts are simply physically impossible to perform on long hair. These include pixie, page, garcon, female half-box, hedgehog, tomboy. They all involve short hair length.

Even the most beautiful haircut can either make or break your look. In order not to make a mistake when choosing the optimal hairstyle, it is recommended to soberly assess the features of your own appearance - in particular, your face shape and hair type.

How to choose a haircut according to your face shape?

  • Owners of an ideal oval face can safely choose any haircut for long hair, with or without bangs.
  • To visually narrow and elongate a round face, pay attention to an asymmetrical bob with elongation, cascade or Italian. You will have to give up parting and smoothly combed strands. It is advisable to avoid haircuts without bangs, as an open forehead will once again emphasize the shape of the face. Suitable oblique long bangs to the chin or slightly below.
  • For square and rectangular face shapes, it is recommended to choose graduated haircuts in combination with bangs (oblique or long). A good option would be asymmetrical haircuts, cascade and ladder. But it’s better to avoid Italian and any hairstyles with extra volume on the top of the head. A straight parting and an open forehead are also not the best option.
  • To bring a diamond-shaped face closer to its ideal shape, it is advisable to use haircuts with volume in the forehead and chin area. For this purpose, a cascade, a lengthening bob, and oblique bangs to the chin can be achieved.
  • The owner of a heart-shaped (triangle) face can take a closer look at an elongated bob (below the shoulders), a ladder, a side parting, and long profiled bangs. The main rule to follow when choosing a hairstyle: the volume should be concentrated below the cheekbones.
  • The proportions of a pear-shaped face can be balanced with haircuts with volume at the crown, a lengthened bob, lush arched or straight bangs, and elongated side bangs. At the same time, it is advisable to abandon hairstyles with volume near the chin, smoothly combed styles and the absence of bangs.
  • If you have a long face, avoid high styles (for example, a mohawk), combed curls, straight hanging hair, or a center parting. The ideal option for you would be cascade, aurora, asymmetrical haircuts. Choose haircut options with long oblique bangs (to the cheekbones or below).

Choosing a haircut based on hair type

  • If you have thin, long hair, it is advisable to avoid pronounced graduations. For example, this applies to cascading haircuts: to perform them, you need the hair to be relatively thick. But if you still want to have a graduated haircut, choose options with a slight thinning.
  • If you have thick hair, it is recommended to avoid straight-cut haircuts as your hair will look heavy. Instead, choose a cascade or ladder with a pronounced thinning and light graduated bangs.
  • Curly and wavy hair looks flirty and playful. The ideal option for the owner of such hair is any long haircut without bangs.
  • Fluffy and unruly hair does not go well with haircuts that have strict geometry. But they harmonize perfectly with slightly tousled hairstyles - it can be Italian, debut, trash and shaggy. When choosing bangs, avoid options with strict geometry.

For many centuries, haircuts for long hair have remained the most popular. Romantic and sophisticated, elegant and sexy - they help create feminine and attractive images for young girls and mature women.

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