Lippi fur coat. Choosing a jungle cat fur coat: recommendations from stylists. How to choose the right jungle cat fur coat

The work morning started with an attempt to get some work done, and here's what we found out...
Several years ago, lippie fur coats became fashionable on the international fur market. "Lippy" is a fragile exotic fur of a golden hue with dark spots.
Is "Lippy" a "he" or a "she"? As a rule, fur sellers do not even know this. Not to mention explaining clearly and in the language of zoology which animal this fur coat belonged to during its lifetime.
As soon as he (she) is not called.
- leopard cat
- Mexican cat
- lynx cat
- ocelot (for God’s sake, don’t flaunt your knowledge of this word in front of me: a real ocelot is completely different)
- reed cat (similarly: if the ocelot is at least short-haired and spotted, then the reed cat is long-haired and tabby. And both of them are in the Red Book)
- Chinese wild cat (and that’s where they screwed up!)
In fact, the cat family is not rich in species. When I was at school, I remembered all of them from Akimushkin’s articles. I don’t remember now, but no “lippies” existed in nature at that time.
An English-language blogger explains in detail and with reason exactly what I immediately thought.
"Lippy" is the fur of a domestic cat with a spotted "tabby" coloring. The Chinese breed these cats on animal farms and sell them on the Western market as an official surrogate for the leopard and the same ocelot.
Knowing how the Chinese treat cats, one can only imagine what kind of horror is going on there. If you know Chinese or English, you can Google it. This is truly the most cruel treatment of living beings on the largest scale that you can imagine. Even exterminators treat cockroaches better.
(I remember I wrote about the scandal when domestic cat fur was exported from China under the guise of artificial... And by the way, all the little dead kittens in souvenir shops are really made from little dead kittens that were skinned alive. So you need to spend less effort - especially when it comes to animals dying of hunger.)
Our people, in fact, don’t give a damn, but in the rotten West, “Lippy” fur is positioned as environmentally conscious. This is supposedly not a rare or endangered animal, which is not threatened in nature.
Strictly speaking, this is true. Domestic cats are without a doubt the most widespread feline species on Earth. On the other hand, what seems more disgusting to you: prohibited by law and therefore relatively irregular and not always effective poaching or legal, massive, organized and unregulated abuse of animals?
As for minks on farms, you know, they are kept and slaughtered differently. During their lifetime, they do not lie half-dead in layers in cells, in the caring hands of the happy builders of the great and invincible China.

What kind of animal is this – a jungle cat? Some people can hardly imagine what this animal looks like, what a coat of its fur looks like. However, such products have been around for a long time and are considered luxurious and fashionable. The choice of a jungle cat fur coat must be careful, because such a purchase is primarily made for pleasure.

What does a jungle cat look like?

Another name for the jungle cat is lippi or wild cat. It has long fur with a spotted pattern and a color ranging from red to gray-brown. The skins shimmer brightly both in the sun and under artificial lighting. Usually small-sized skins are grouped and create a unique, unusual composition.

Features of lippie fur

  1. When processed, jungle cat fur tolerates dyeing well, but more often it is preferred to use it in its original color. Stains make a fur coat special. The natural color of lippie fur can change depending on the time of year, it can be summer or winter. In winter, the animal's fur is longer and softer, and in summer it is coarser. A product made from winter fur is of greater value.
  2. According to reviews, lippie fur is warm and light, but does not help in extreme cold. A fur coat made from reed cat fur will be appropriate in late autumn, warm winter and early spring.
  3. It is known that the skin of cats is fragile, so the fur of a jungle cat cannot be wear-resistant. Careful use is important. The fragility of the lippi fur coat is compensated by its beauty and unusual design.

Rules for storing wild cat fur coats

In order for a fur product to please its owner longer, it should be stored correctly. Here are some simple rules:

  • Before storing your fur coat, be sure to air dry it, avoiding sunlight. Can be dried in a dark, well-ventilated room.
  • Afterwards, gently shake the product, place it in a special case and hang it on wide hangers in the closet.
  • It is important to know that lippie fur does not tolerate wrinkles, so choose a loose cover and do not pack the fur coat into the closet.

How to choose the right jungle cat fur coat

Before purchasing the selected product, you need to test it thoroughly. Be sure to consider some features.

  1. When determining the quality of fur, it is worth paying attention to how it bends. When bent, the fur should not crunch or creak. After straightening, the skin should return to its previous shape.
  2. You also need to check how the fur coat is sewn: from large fabrics or small pieces. A product assembled from scraps will not last long, and its price should be lower.
  3. When choosing, the mezdra, the other side of the fur, plays an important role. The skin of the jungle cat is light.
  4. You should not buy a fur coat at markets or in non-specialized stores. Unscrupulous manufacturers often pass off something over-dyed and artificial as jungle cat fur. A fur coat should not be too cheap - this fact immediately raises doubts.

Which lippie fur coat to choose?

Jungle cat fur is very popular, so products made from it are included in all catalogs of major brands. Many women strive to buy a fur coat made from this fur. However, this pleasure is not cheap. In addition to fur coats, there are various models of coats and vests made using lippie skins. Such products are cheaper and more accessible, since less scarce fur is spent on their production.

If you still decide to buy a fur coat and don’t know how to wear such a product, then you can trust useful recommendations from stylists.

The fur of the jungle cat has an aesthetic appearance, but it is not resistant to wear and tear. A long fur coat with a hood will not be pleasant for daily travel in public transport or a car. For everyday wear, the ideal option is a short fur coat or a fur vest, which is worn over a leather jacket.

Despite the fact that Lippi fur coats are in short supply, their catalogs are constantly being improved and expanded. The reed cat fur coat in the photo is presented in various models.

  1. Classic option. Long fur coat with a hood and no trim. This product is worn with narrow heeled boots or with short ankle boots, as in the photo. The fur coat will be paired with a black suede clutch and matching gloves.
  2. Fur coat option with trim. This model in catalogs is presented in length up to the ankle or mid-calf. The finishing is done with arctic fox or raccoon fur. This gives the fur coat brightness and extravagance. Wears well with boots and a bag made of brown or red leather.
  3. Autolady. A lippi short fur coat can be either with a hood or with a collar without trim. Includes a belt that accentuates the waistline. Can be worn with trousers and boots. Black leather gloves and a matching business bag would be appropriate as additional accessories.
  4. Jacket with a hood or an English collar without trim. Suitable for young and slender people, ideal to wear with skinny trousers or jeans. Can be complemented with suede accessories and low-heeled ankle boots, as in the photo.

The catalog of our fur factory presents a huge assortment of fur outerwear for men and women. Fur coats and vests made of mink, arctic fox, fox, beaver, muskrat, raccoon, and sable are offered in a wide variety of styles. True connoisseurs of original solutions, as well as fashionistas who are not afraid to become the object of admiring glances, will, of course, be interested in a fur coat made from a reed cat.

How to choose a jungle cat fur coat

Those wishing to buy a fur coat made from a jungle cat appeared in Russia not so long ago. In general, the first signs of a revived demand for this fur were noted about a decade ago in Europe and America. But today it can already be argued that the wild cat, or jungle cat, is confidently among the leaders in the ranking of the most popular furs. And you shouldn’t be surprised at this, because one quick glance is enough to understand: the sale of reed cat fur coats provides the opportunity to purchase an original outfit that can add sophistication, sophistication and mystery to the image. In the sun and even under artificial lighting, the cat's fur shimmers very beautifully, and its natural spotted pattern is magnificent without additional coloring.

To prolong the joy of owning a luxurious fur coat, you need to show maximum concentration at the stage of choosing it. Evaluate the quality of the flesh and fur, clarify the technology used to create the product, and do not forget that the reputation of the manufacturer and seller is of no small importance. Self-respecting factories and fur salons will not risk the positive opinion that has been developing over the years about themselves, and therefore you can rest assured that they are offering you only a high-quality fur coat made from first-class fur.

The price of a reed cat fur coat is justified by the durability, aesthetics and comfort of the product. Following simple recommendations for caring for any natural fur will allow you to extend the life of your pet.

Buying a jungle cat fur coat in our online store

Reed cat fur coats in the catalog of the MegaFurs online store are presented in a wide range of sizes. From us you can buy classic fur coats, fitted short fur coats and elegant fur jackets to suit any figure. But if, even with such an impressive selection, you could not find a product that suits your sophisticated taste, we will create a fur coat, fur jacket or sleeveless vest to order. To place an order in our store, contact a MegaFurs consultant!