Strong spells for a cat. Strong conspiracies for a missing animal

Based on materials from

Is there any basis in the current assertion that cats can find their way home after long wanderings, or is this just another of the many myths about our four-legged friends? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, cats, in addition to good vision, also use a well-developed olfactory apparatus for orientation. With the help of their nose, they are able to capture very subtle aromas that are inaccessible to humans and bind them to the area. For most cats, it is not a problem to find their home at a distance of 3 to 5 kilometers.

In most experiments conducted, cats returned home by the shortest route, even if they were taken in a roundabout way to try to make the task more difficult. At the same time, it was noticed that cats that had free access to the street acted more decisively and returned faster than cats that always lived inside the house.

In addition, cats are significantly superior to humans not only in their ability to see in low light, but also in their well-developed peripheral vision, which allows them to observe movements by tracking a variety of landmarks. At the right moment, the cat’s pupils dilate, increasing the viewing angle to a value inaccessible to humans. In recent studies, it was discovered that at the right moment, cats are able to “play” in their heads from memory not only visual information, but also the audio information accompanying the “picture”.

All the noises characteristic of a particular area - coming from major highways, fire sirens, or even the sounds of stamping coming from a nearby factory - leave clear imprints in the cat's memory. All sound information, as well as the smells remembered by the cat, complement the visual images stored in the cat’s memory. The duration and strength of sounds against the background of visual images in nature play a very important role for a cat (more about hearing in cats). In search of landmarks that allow them to find the way back to home, cats quite easily compare them with those stored in memory if the distance from home does not exceed five kilometers. The task becomes more difficult at long distances, where there are no familiar sights, sounds and smells, which disorients the animal.

However, there are many reliably known cases of cats traveling over much longer distances. Sometimes cats managed to return home after several weeks or even months of absence, and from very far away, covering vast distances.

How do cats manage to do this, since when finding their way back they do not have to rely on help in the form of familiar acoustic images and smells? Unfortunately, there are currently no reliable explanations for this unique phenomenon.

Based on the results of some experiments, it can be concluded that cats have ultrasensitivity, allowing them to perceive even minor changes in the environment, such as deviations in the state of electromagnetic fields. The specific magnetic and electric fields of each area can likely serve as pointers for the cat to determine the correct direction to return to its territory. Perhaps, in order to get home, cats are able to navigate their travels using an internal “compass”.

If your cat runs away or shits anywhere, perform a simple ritual.

Pets are our favorites, which, while delighting us, cause a lot of trouble.

Having taken a kitten from the street, you have to tame it and teach it to go to the litter box.

What should you do if a cat got through the open door of your cozy apartment and jumped out into the street?

My dears, try to pull yourself together and carry out special spells that will work in the coming days.

A conspiracy to prevent the cat from spoiling.

Everything is as simple as shelling pears.

Sit at the table, place in front of you a handwritten piece of paper with a magic spell.

Holding your beloved kitten in your hands, whisper these occult lines repeatedly:

As soon as the cat scratches its paw, it will immediately go to the tray. He won’t shit anywhere, he won’t push him away. Amen.

While reading a strong plot, gently stroke the cat's fur.

Perform the ritual until the expected result occurs.

And don’t forget about the folk methods of training a kitten to use a pike perch.

A conspiracy to make the cat return.

Try to calm down.

This is necessary for the ritual to work successfully.

Sit down at table. Calm down.

Clearly imagine a runaway cat and how it comes back safe and sound.

Mentally drive away dangers from her in the form of evil dogs and nasty people.

Repeatedly whisper a special spell to return the kitten.

Let the cat come back from the street and burst into my house unspeakably. Nothing will happen to her on the way, and she will return healthy. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!

After completing the magic spell, make independent attempts to find the runaway cat.

Don’t worry: a magical spell will help her find herself close to home.

Conspiracy against cat disease.

Just like people, cats can get sick.

The poor animal is suffering, but cannot say anything.

My heart breaks in pain.

If you suspect a cat disease or know the diagnosis for sure, treat the animal at a veterinary clinic, while at the same time performing a simple ritual.

Seclude yourself in a locked room.

Sit down at table. Quiet all sorrowful thoughts.

Imagine a healthy kitten expelling disease on an energetic level.

Proceed to repeatedly and confidently repeat the magic spell against cat disease.

Let my cat be healed, her pain will end forever. He won’t feel sleepy, he’ll sleep and wake up, and the disease will be gone forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

If God wills, the disease will recede, and your cat will bring peace and joy for a very long time.


There are a lot of funny stories about cats, ranging from funny to tragic, such as the war between cats and rats during the siege of Leningrad.

And every time you read these stories about cats, you admire the “mind” of these gentle and affectionate ones (when they want), their ability to manipulate a person, and at the same time remain completely uncontrollable and wandering on their own.

And, probably, there are few cats indifferent to the fun: they will either climb into boxes of unimaginably small sizes, making themselves at home there, or they will jump to a height that an adult cannot reach without the help of devices. This, for example, happened to my Sashka, who thus escaped from the thieves who broke into my apartment.

I’ll tell you another story that happened to my other cat, Chernyshka. One day, already in the fall, we decided to “walk” her. They took her out into the yard, but she wriggled out of the leash so deftly and quickly that we didn’t have time to react. And then she rushed to the first pine tree that grows under our windows. She climbed up, but couldn’t get down.

No matter what they called her, no matter how they tried to pull her from the tree, nothing worked. She only climbed higher and higher. Night has fallen, already cold. He sits and cannot come down. We don't sleep, we look out the window to see if she's come down. In the morning there was nothing but talk about what to do, how to save the cat. We went outside and called. She just looks down and doesn’t move.

The second night passes, we again do not sleep, and she sits. Finally, on the third day, they asked a neighbor’s boy to climb a pine tree and remove it from the tree. When he began to approach her, she began to hiss and fight back with her paw. You need to know how Siamese cats can hiss, scratch and threaten. But he somehow contrived to grab her by the collar and throw her down.

At the same time, she managed to scratch him pretty badly. While Blackie was flying from the tree, everything that had accumulated over three days poured out of her. Having fallen, she ran half-bent under the car, from where I pulled her out. She did not let her daughter come near her. They brought her home, her paws were swollen, either from hitting the ground, or frozen, she immediately began to eat. Soon everything passed, but we didn’t take her outside anymore.

Charles Vysotsky's cats

Here are other funny stories about cats and about cats, told by different people.

Real case. A colleague comes to work in the morning - a young, healthy man. But we notice that his movements are somehow constrained, slow and clearly cause pain. Naturally we wonder what happened. Silently he lifts his shirt over his stomach and we are horrified to see his stomach, streaked with long and deep scratches.

The victim adds that it is the same on other parts of the body. They timidly tried to joke about what a passionate girlfriend he had got. The joke didn't go over well. The reality turned out to be harsher and more prosaic, although very comical. A young married couple, so far without children, who are currently being replaced by a healthy, well-fed cat.

Naturally, the cat feels like the master of the apartment and believes that his bed is located on the larger and better part of our colleague’s matrimonial bed. The owners do not share his opinion, and the cat is chased out of the bed when he tries to climb up there and lie down (preferably under the blanket so that he is not seen or disturbed).

In the morning, the lady of the house wakes up first (without an alarm clock!), prepares breakfast, and then gets her husband up. But it so happened that she was forced to leave for a couple of days. The husband takes a beer after work, comes home and nobly spends the evening drinking beer in front of the TV.

When going to bed, in order to wake up and not oversleep, he sets the alarm clock and places it next to the pillow (so that when it rings, you don’t rush around with your eyes closed in search of the bedside table, but quickly strangle it on the spot). The beer wore off, and my sleep was sound.

As it turned out, the cat quickly saw and appreciated a large piece of free space next to the owner, and 5 minutes after going to bed the owner was nearby, and under the blanket. At 6:00 the alarm clock blared next to my ear. For a person not accustomed to such things, this caused shock and an instinctive jump.

But the cat had a faster reaction. He, not expecting such sounds, sleepily jumped up sharply, but found darkness all around, the roaring sounds of an alarm clock, and someone large moving nearby. Out of fright, the cat began to rush around like crazy under the blanket, trying to escape into the light of day.

He succeeded only 10 seconds later, amid the roars and curses of his dear owner, who was scratched up and down and scared half to death by this same cat that had come from nowhere. Having given himself first aid, and at the same time remembering the cat himself and his relatives in all their nine cat lives, in expressions no less than seven stories high, he got ready and somehow came to work.

Of his comments on what happened, two were especially memorable: “My wife will never believe that it was all from the cat.” and “It’s a good thing I slept in my underpants!”

City relatives got a cat, and she let them give birth to kittens every six months. They don’t have time to push through their friends. Having been tormented, we decided to give the cat to the village, to us, that is. We took the animal. And she is not accustomed to anything except getting mixed up with cats. For example, he is afraid of mice. But I didn’t consider them at all as food.

And what did my husband come up with? Having cursed the parasite, he began to catch mice for her himself. She looked at them carefully, touched them with her paw, and was surprised. But Whiskas asked to eat. Then the next mouse was richly buttered.

The mouse went well under the oil!! The next one was also eaten with butter. The incredible began: the cat demanded mice with butter! my husband was tired of catching them, and I was indignant at the strange upbringing of the cat. When the house ran out of oil, the cat caught her first mouse!

“Everything with us is like theirs...” From the program “In the Animal World” - N. N. Drozdov

Semyon Nikolaevich bought a large and beautiful sleeping basket in Finland for his beloved dog. Barbos, nicknamed Sardel Terrier or simply Sardel, coexisted peacefully in a house with three felines. The dog happily settled into the basket, extremely happy.

A few minutes later, the leader of the pride of felines, Theophilus, materialized near the watchdog. As a being of the highest order (after all, a super-elite cat, the standard of his breed - there are more medals by weight than the cat himself weighs) Phil did not condescend to conflict with the watchdog, although the desire to fall on a new bed was simply written on his face. He just walked around the lying Sardel and left with a mysterious look.

The silence was short-lived - from around the corner the unfortunate dog was attacked by his eagle owl friends: Kazya (Siamese cat) and Cosette (Russian trash tabby). The leader morally supported his friends from a safe high place with a warlike meow.

Sardel was expelled in disgrace, and the ladies returned victorious! BUT! O male cunning! While the ladies were fighting, Phil naturally occupied the basket and greeted his friends with hisses and outstretched claws. The cats, spat upon in the best of feelings, lay in ambush.

And the opportunity soon presented itself! Phil couldn’t guard the place forever, and when “I can’t” came to the cat’s ears, Phil rushed off to the toilet. And it took only 10 seconds for the insidious friends to piss a full bed in two streams.

Phil arrived 15 seconds later, but it was too late! The box was cynically desecrated! And it doesn’t matter that for a week the vengeful male was tracking down his girlfriends, moving around the apartment in short dashes from cover to cover...

Revenge on the insidious traitor has taken place.

Our young two-year-old cat Tosya was taken to the village for the first time this summer. The delight of the animal, born and raised in a St. Petersburg apartment, knew no bounds. Characteristically, hunting instincts awoke instantly. I observed this awakening while taking a sunbath and a bottle of beer.

In the mother-in-law's house in the summer lives the visiting cat Murzik, who is fed and not hurt. True, he did not catch mice (this is not a male’s business), but still there is a cat spirit in the house. And then a graceful coal-black city beauty with a small white brooch on her chest appeared to the gaze of the village murzil.

The male decided not to lose face..., that is, face, and to demonstrate his immense toughness to the city FIFA. To demonstrate its coolness, a tit was chosen, brazenly perched on a lilac bush. The cat, like a real bodybuilder, walked back and forth in front of the beautiful kitty, fluffing his tail, then began to sneak up on the cheerfully chirping tit.

Throw! The tit flew a little higher and the cat fell to the ground. The second unsuccessful throw ended in landing in a puddle. The tit brazenly flew up to a higher branch and began mockingly booing the loser. The city girl sat quietly on a dry hummock, her tail curled around her, and carefully watched this circus, rounding her yellow eyes in surprise.

She had never seen anything like this in her life! After the country dude's beautiful landing in a puddle, the aesthetic nature of the sophisticated creature (after all, a cross between an elite Persian cat and a classic Siamese male!) could not stand it.

Now the cat watched in complete stupor as Tosya, from her spot, flew up onto a tall fence in one jump, and from there, in one movement, fell on top of the tit. Clap! Tosya lands on the hummock where she had just been sitting, and the unfortunate bird agonizes in its black paws.

The winner looks contemptuously at the dude and, having thrown the bird to this lout, proudly walks away with her tail fluffed out like a pipe. It was a pity to look at the Russian Murzila. He had never been humiliated so much in his life! And who! Some kind of youngster, FIFA city!

But, apparently, subordination in the cat world is a sacred thing (not like ours - homo sapiens). And until the end of the summer, Murzik treated his new girlfriend with exceptional respect and patiently waited for Tosya to taste the grub from his bowl.

P.S. By the end of the summer, the city's fifa Tosya taught Murzik how to hunt mice, and they went on evening hunts together, bringing 6-8 mice and rats at a time. Moreover, the spoils were laid out every morning in a row on the porch for a report on the work done and approval by the owners. This is what a firm woman's paw does to a simple village cat.

The loss of a pet is a difficult event for the entire family, and especially for children. Cats are inquisitive by nature and love to explore new objects and places. Unfortunately, they are not always able to find their way back. Don't panic, we will help you bring your beloved Murka home.


Part 1

Act quickly

    Make sure the cat is not in the house. Cats love to climb into boxes and sleep in a secluded place. Before raising the alarm and causing panic in children, it is necessary to completely make sure that the cat is really missing. Call him while holding a bowl of food. Quickly inspect his favorite places, identify open windows or doors.

    • Don't forget to check out the garage and garden. Perhaps the cat is just basking in the grass. Look under the car and other warm places where cats like to sleep.
  1. Find helpers and inspect the area around the house. If your cat has recently disappeared, there is no need to panic. Ask family members and neighbors to check out the area around your home. Cats are not big fans of traveling and usually don't go far.

    Call the police. If you have a purebred cat, then you should go to the station. Purebred cats are not cheap, so there are cases of theft. Don't forget to bring a photo and description with you.

    • Bring a photo and description of the cat. This will greatly help the police.
    • Try to make sure the cat hasn't escaped. Don't waste the police's time.
  2. Organize a new search party at 17-20 pm. Repeat the search in the evening if you were unable to find the animal during the day. Cats hunt at night. They don't like noise and may come out of their shelter when it's quiet outside. Don't forget that cats see well in the dark.

    Move from door to door. Cats may break into a neighbor's house in search of food or a place to sleep. Feel free to ring the doorbell. Start with nearby houses and slowly move away around the perimeter. Don't forget to bring a photo of your cat with you.

    • Leave people your coordinates. They may see the cat after meeting you.
    • Be polite and apologize for the disturbance. If you leave a good impression, people will want to help you.

    Part 2

    Let others know about your search
    1. Post ads about your missing cat. Has your cat been out for several hours? Be more effective. Make an announcement on your computer and ask your friends to post copies on all the poles nearby.

      Contact animal shelters. Your cat may have already been found and taken to a shelter. Take the time to go in and make sure that they don’t have your cat. There are also shelters that help organize the search process. Look for such organizations online.

    Part 3

    Capture and care
    1. Approach the cat carefully. Use caution when you find a cat. Your pet may be scared or injured. Call your friends to prevent him from running away, and try to communicate with the cat. Look around for potential escape routes and try to predict his movements. Approach slowly, and if possible, hold the food in your hands. Let the cat sniff your hand and trust you. Gently pick up the cat.

      • If your cat has a visible wound, be extremely careful. Don't complicate the situation or cause him unnecessary pain.
      • Make sure it's your cat! Similar animals are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Look for special signs and also try to see if the cat recognizes you.
    2. Make sure your cat is comfortable. If he disappeared for a long time, then he should not be injured even more. Let him rest for a few days and feed him plenty. Talk to your cat and show your love.

      • Don't let him go outside immediately after returning. He needs to remember his identification marks and get used to the place again.
      • When you decide to let the cat out again, you can go out with him. Walk with him nearby first. Every day the walking area can be expanded.
    3. Take your cat to the vet. If you are absent for several days, it will be better if the cat is examined by a specialist. Injuries such as rib fractures are not easy to recognize. Your cat could also have contracted a skin disease.

      • If you find a visible wound on your cat, do not delay visiting the doctor. The infection spreads very quickly.
      • Don't forget to take his medical card with you. It may be useful in treatment.


    • If you have other animals and plan to leave the door open, lock them in another room to prevent them from escaping too.
    • Do not leave food for your pet outside. Other stray or wild animals that are more familiar with the area and know their way around at night will eat it first and take it as an invitation to come back again!
    • You can train your cat to return home to a certain sound or command in advance. Lost cats are usually scared and hiding. They may not come out even when the owner is nearby, but if they are trained to come to a sound or command, then such training will prevail over fear and help them come out of hiding.

When losing a beloved pet, a person begins to feel a sense of pity and anxiety. A missing cat or dog has a very strong impact on children, because children become very attached to a pet and then simply cannot believe that their beloved animal has left the house. Some individuals begin posting missing persons notices or asking passers-by for help. They do everything to ensure that the animal is found very quickly. But the most effective way to search is a conspiracy for a missing animal.

It helps not only to find someone who is missing. This is a universal method. He is able to establish peace of mind and make sure that a person survives the loss tolerably enough. Our ancestors were sure that this was the only way to find a cat or a dog. In principle, you decide for yourself whether it is worth burning with faith in a positive result. But trying will never do anything bad. But a positive result will bring peace and happiness to the home.

How to find a missing cat

The spells are so easy to perform that you can actually do them yourself at home. To find a cat, you need to go to the place where the animal was often found. Stand near the place of loss and start reading a simple plot:

“May Mother Earth help me find what I, the servant of God (name), have been looking for for so long. I want the cat to come back to us and not get lost again. My child misses her very much and cannot find a place for himself. I can't calm him down anymore. No amount of bliss can bring back a sense of peace to our family. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, nature will immediately begin to help me. Lord, guide our cat to our home. Only you are our last hope. Make way for her to enter our house so that she can easily find the right path. We learned about the loss and immediately began searching. I will wash your toes and wool. Amen".

This spell is used exclusively in the morning, before dawn. It is important to make sure that no one sees you during the ritual. This can make its own adjustments and bring unpleasant consequences. You need to read the words of the conspiracy only on the waxing moon. It is this phase that facilitates the acquisition or return of a pet.

Animal bed ritual

If your pet does not return home for a long time, then you should perform one simple ritual. This is the easiest way to get back what you lost. You can do it yourself at home. To perform it, you must take a cat or dog's sleeping place and set it on fire. It is important to pay attention to the fact that you need to light it in your own yard.

“I, the servant of God (name), set this thing on fire so that a lost kitty or a lost dog will find its way home. Let them feel that their property is on fire. This thing will indicate the true path to our home. Let the animal smell the burning smell and return to our house. We miss you very much and can’t find a place. Our children suffer greatly and we cannot normalize their condition. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, the lost will immediately find its way home. If it is stolen, the thieves will immediately return the pet. They will not be able to cope with his behavior. Lord, please help us. The Most Holy Theotokos is able to increase the power of search, because she protects the peace of the world. Amen".

Candle Ritual

If you have lost your kitty, then you can always perform an effective ritual. Before performing the ritual, you must prepare the following attributes:

  • cat's food bowl;
  • church candle;
  • food for a lost animal.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that searches are carried out only with the help of the cat’s favorite treat. Place some food on a plate and place it next to a lit candle. After this, start reading a special simple plot.

“As I look for you, so you look for the way home. I, servant of God (name), brought treats for you and I hope that you will hear the smell of your favorite food. I promise that I will never yell at you or ask you to leave the house again. Don't be mad at me, I didn't say this out of malice. Let's agree that I will never scream, and you will never harm my house. As soon as you hear the words of my prayer, immediately return home. We will be very glad to have you back. No other person will take such care of your body and soul. Once again I ask for a return. Amen".

How to return a dog

When a “friend of man” leaves home, it immediately becomes very difficult in the soul. People try to carry out various actions to return a missing dog to their home. In order to return a lost animal, it is necessary to carry out an effective but simple ritual. To carry it out you will need a candle. As soon as you set it on fire, immediately open the window.

Ritual for the brownie

The brownie always gets along well with pets. If an animal disappears, you should turn to the brownie for help. First of all, he should be given a “bribe.” The ideal option is to treat him with sweet foods and a small amount of milk. When you ask for help, believe in a positive outcome. Don't forget that treats need to be changed every day. It is very important that the brownie’s food is only fresh. In just a few days, the lost cat or dog will return to your home. Don't forget that you should thank the brownie.

A runaway cat or dog can be found using traditional methods. For example, advertise a missing person. But such methods take a lot of time and effort. But magic can return the missing cat in the near future.

Svetlana Svetikova

when my cat got lost, I read in the answers here advice to bandage the legs of the table in my house, the cat will go there. This applies to any living creature. Search if you want more details. I didn't need it. That's how I found mine. Good luck

Marina Trofimova

I don’t know if it helps, but there is this: Light a candle and stand in front of an open window or vent. Looking at the candle and imagining your pet, say: “Smoke up the mountain, (pet’s name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum! “The last word, as I once read, is a strong mantra for return. Read as often as possible. Good luck!

Prayer to the cat gods.

"Cat goddesses, Bastet and Sekhmet,
Save all street cats from harm!
And domestic cats, accustomed to comfort,
When they get sick for some reason,
You will heal them from pain and illness,

Everyone - white and black, tricolor and red,
Wandering through landfills, singing on rooftops,
All - smoky, gray, brindle, spotted,
Egyptian sphinxes and fluffy Persians,
You bless the big-eared and the big-eyed,

Let it be everywhere on the grass, in the shade under the bushes
Kittens grow and play with us,
Let nimble paws run everywhere
And they sharpen their claws - scratchy claws!
You will protect them all from death and wounds,
Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

In great Egypt, in the land of the pyramids
You could protect the cats from harm.
You entrusted your pets to people.
In vain? Who knows? We won't judge you.
You give mercy to the cat world,
Bastet and Sekhmet, I ask you to listen!

The very grace, the very perfection,
Living bliss purrs nearby,
Purrs and caresses, looks out the window
Riddle, mystery, sacrament - cat!
Forgotten by people, keep the cats,
Bastet and Sekhmet, I ask you to listen!

So that meowing songs can be sung joyfully
(it’s not for nothing that felix rhymes with felis) -
Give your pets the opportunity
To tame people - you need to be careful here!
Turn away human cruelty from them,
Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

Centuries have flown by - everywhere on the planet
Cat children are walking and frolicking.
They are crushed by rushing cars -
After all, people have changed their world with technology.
You will protect kittens from scary wheels,
Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

There are people who are related to cats,
Their souls wander along cat paths,
They understand cats' silent speeches,
Cats happily jump on their shoulders.
Don't forget them, Bastet and Sekhmet!
Let the flickering light show them the way

Feline, mysterious, affectionate, lunar -
Will awaken the silent strings of souls,
The worlds will be reflected in the cat's pupils
Hidden grace, hidden game...
This is how every kitten sends greetings to people
Cat goddesses - Bastet and Sekhmet. "

Bast, Bastet, in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of joy and fun, whose sacred animal was the cat. Most often, Bast was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat or in the guise of a cat. Sometimes Bast was considered the wife of the creator god Ptah or identified with the sky goddess Mut, as well as with the highly revered goddesses Uto, Tefnut, Sekhmet and Hathor in Egypt, in connection with which Bast also acquired the functions of the solar Eye.

God, you see the cat Mishka is lost, help me so that he can be found.

If you have a good connection with the animal and skill, you can simply free your head, enter a trance state and call the animal, send a message to it, maybe in the head area, or in the heart. You can also turn to the spirits of the area (again, whoever works with this has connections) - this is the most effective.

More prayers and spells to return an animal home.

It is better to make a defense, but there are also conspiracies - A conspiracy for an escaped animal. A conspiracy to return the animal to the house.

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers to the ringing of bells and church singing. Like Ant’s children to their ant king serve and obey him, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them, and as fast rivers, both small and large, flock into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, coat color animal, breed, name someone - cat, dog, another type of animal), flowed towards my voice from all sides: from behind lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, from behind rivers, from streams, from behind forests, flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen."

Conspiracy and prayer for all animals.

Hear our humble prayer,

God! We pray for all our animal friends,

Especially for those who suffer,

and everyone who is hunted, who is lost,

Who has been abandoned, who is scared or hungry;

For everyone who needs to be put to sleep.

Have pity on them, be merciful!

And to those who should take care of them,

Give hearts full of compassion,

Give them kind hands, tell them kind words.

May we be true friends for animals!

May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!

Spell to treat a pet

“I, servant of God, will get up, bless myself, cross myself, I will go out into a wide field, under the red sun on the Ocean Sea. There is a church of God on the Okiyan Sea. In God's church there is a golden throne. Behind the golden throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, and the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself, takes three iron rods and beats (name the animal, coat color, species: for example, the gray cat Matryona with a white spot on the forehead) and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails, bone, brain, harness, harness, tprukal, nukal ailments. What was not said, was said. The ring finger has no name, never had a name and never will have one. Century after century from now on and forever. Amen!"

Spell for finding a missing animal

Items needed: Your pet's favorite toy or piece of paper with his name on it, long string.

If your cat, dog or rabbit goes missing, it can be very upsetting. This spell will either bring him back home or bring news of him. Take your animal's favorite toy or a piece of paper with his name on it. Sitting in the middle of the magic circle, repeat three times while holding a toy or piece of paper.

(Name of the animal), go home.

Now securely attach the string to the toy or piece of paper. After closing the circle, hang the toy or leaf out of the window and slowly pull it in. Keep it in the animal's favorite sleeping area until you find it or find out what happened to it.

So that the cat goes home

Oh, mother earth, there is a path following you, along that path there are a thousand ants, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So the cat doesn’t get lost, but goes to its yard, to my good. You're a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen

Return the animal

Place some food in the animal's bowl, light a white candle near it and say out loud

“I ask the powers of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!” --- Leave the candle to burn out.

If your pet is missing

at midnight, stay in just your undershirt, take the icons out of the house, take off the cross. Then lay a black cloth on the floor and stand on it with your bare feet, putting change under your heels. Doors and windows in your home should be open. Mentally imagine the missing animal and read the following plot:

“In a green field there is a grove, in the grove the snake Skoropeya lies. Let Skoropeya sting the heart (the cat’s name), take out the soul, dry up the chest, send it to me from this day, this hour, this minute. To my doorstep is your road, there are no other roads "Amen."

The change should be thrown away or distributed the next day.

Great goddess Bast. You protect the entire cat family. And save (name) from troubles. May he be healthy and beautiful. prankish, cheerful and playful. And if he leaves the house, it will immediately be empty. Then you find him and show him the path to the house. Tell him not to do this and not to run away.

Runescript “Returning Home”

Return what was lost

Read on Thursday - 1 time. When reading, they clap their hands.

If you have lost something (or someone), it will definitely be found, and if someone stole it, they will throw it in, without even knowing how to do it, since the spell will twist the thief’s head to the point of madness.

Little devils, come here, help me search

Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas!

In the name of this, in the name of this and the other.

Take away the brains, give the thieves thoughts.

Take away the will and the share until that hour - Until that minute, until they return what they took.


If a cat is stolen

In the middle of the yard, light the bedding from under the stolen cat and read the spell three times:

As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, and blood of the thief burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and crushes, ties the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen.

Missing animals

Sometimes animals go missing. The off-leash dog runs away, goes for a walk and the cat does not return. You, as the owner of an animal, of course worry about whether everything is okay with him and whether he will return home soon. Of course, you can report it to your neighbors or post notices, but you don’t have to feel helpless. You yourself are able to talk to your animal to find out where it is now.


You can ask for help not only from people, but also from angels. If you have already established a strong connection with an angel, turn to him for help. Or appeal to Archangel Raphael, because one of his duties is to find missing animals. You can also resort to the mediation of your pet’s guardian angel and ask him to send our animal home to you. Don't forget to thank the angels for their help.

When your pet's time comes to die, this does not mean that you will lose contact with him forever. And if your sadness complicates his spiritual existence and greatly upsets him, then nothing prevents you from simply talking to him from time to time. This can be done through a medium, if you prefer, or you can try to establish a mental connection with the animal yourself. Sit down, relax and think fondly of your pet. Say his name and give him a message, such as that you love him and hope he is happy. Wait for his answer, which will certainly come - immediately or later. It can take the form of a mental image, an emotion.


Before you begin this exercise, you need to calm down and find balance. Otherwise, your anxiety will prevent you from concentrating on the messages you receive. A couple of drops of Bach flower essences (from mimulus or chestnut) and “rescue remedy” will help you.

  • Imagine that you look just like your animal. Say your pet's name (in your head or out loud) and send him love. This will help establish contact.
  • Ask your pet if he is okay. Please wait for an answer. It may come in the form of a feeling (such as relief and calm), a verbal message, or a mental image. If you immediately see an image of a closed space, like in your workshop or garage, maybe you accidentally locked an animal there - check. If a picture of a nearby park appears, look for your pet in it.
  • Trust your intuition and the messages the animal is giving you. If you can't see where it is but feel it, ask it to come home. Tell him you're worried and want to make sure he's okay. If your pet runs away from you, ask why.
  • Regardless of whether you feel a telepathic connection with your pet, visualize him returning home safe and sound. Imagine your meeting, the joy you will experience. Hold this mental image, because it will become the magnet that will help the animal return to you, if it is able to do so.
  • Don't be discouraged if the exercise doesn't bring results at first. Perhaps your anxiety is blocking your telepathic connection with the animal. Pay attention to your dreams.

You can turn over a glass or cup that is at hand. Experts assure that what is lost will be found instantly. It is also recommended to start “persuading” the item to return to you. For example, calling her by “name”, gently convincing her: “Where are you? Show yourself!" They say it works too... Imagine the missing thing. Imagine that you are connected to her by a silver thread. Mentally wind a ball of this thread and imagine that the thing is moving closer and closer to you... If a spider catches your eye, then ask it to find your missing item. Blow lightly on the spider and let it continue to crawl about its business. It is possible that the thing will soon be found...