Dog documents: how to make a pedigree for a dog. RKF News. Making pedigrees for dogs

Documents for the dog- What is it? Why are they needed? documents for dogs and what they should be.

So, you decided for yourself buy a Yorkshire terrier puppy or any other breed. Have you heard something about documents for dogs, but don’t know what it is and why? Today we will talk about what are documents for the dog and why each of them is needed.

Documents for a dog

When purchasing a puppy from a breeder, you must check the availability of documents for the dog. This must be an International Veterinary Passport and a Puppy Passport, the so-called Puppy Passport. The presence of these documents confirms the breed of the dog and carries some information about the puppy. Let's look at each of these documents for dogs in more detail.

Documents for the dog: International veterinary passport

Let's start with the veterinary passport. This is a small A6 booklet in which vaccination records for the puppy and all actions related to the health of your dog are recorded. It notes vaccinations, anthelmintic procedures, whether there have been surgeries or fractures, etc. Each action with the dog is noted on the corresponding page of the veterinary passport. For example, vaccinations against distemper and enteritis are marked with stickers from the corresponding vaccines on one page, and marks for vaccination against rabies or anthelmintic drugs are marked on a completely different page of the veterinary passport. Each action is described by the date, the drug sticker, the doctor’s signature and the seal of the veterinary clinic.
Be sure to check all your puppy's vaccination records. A veterinary passport is a very important document for a dog.

Documents for the dog: puppy passport or pedigree.

If you buy a purebred dog, it must have a document for the dog confirming its breed. For puppies, this is a puppy passport. It should contain the puppy's date of birth, brand number, parents' name, and the name and address of the breeder selling you a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, or any other breed. Make sure that the brand number in the puppy matches the brand number of your puppy. Sometimes, by mistake, another puppy may end up with you. It is very important to buy a purebred puppy with this document, because... it guarantees the breed of the dog as much as possible.

Then the puppy passport is exchanged for another document for the dog - a pedigree. The pedigree will have a much more convincing appearance as a document for the dog. Using the puppy passport number, the database will contain all the necessary information, and the dog’s pedigree will contain the names of the dogs that were your puppy’s ancestors up to the fourth generation.

Pedigree or puppy passport - document for dog, confirming her breed.

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Dog owners who purchased a puppy without the appropriate documents, who do not have a pedigree in hand, but who are thinking about an exhibition, sports career for their pets or about breeding, can apply for a registered pedigree, obtaining which is a troublesome task.

Therefore, when planning to buy a puppy, you should think about future plans in advance and not try to save money by buying a dog without documents.

Although the preparation of this document is a completely feasible task, it imposes a number of restrictions. The differences between the Certificate of Origin and the primary pedigree are that the “zero” does not indicate information about the dog’s ancestors, who may be unknown or known, but with pedigrees not recognized by the RKF. When registering a litter from such dogs, it will be indicated that the puppies are of unknown origin. Pedigrees not recognized by the RKF or FCI are those issued by the organization SKOR, Dobry Mir, and UCI.

Which dogs can be included in the RKF Register Pedigree Book

It is worth noting that the RKF Register Pedigree Book is part of the RKF VERK; dogs, as mentioned earlier, with unrecognized RKF or FCI pedigrees and without Certificates of Origin can be entered into it, but under certain conditions, which are discussed in more detail in the registration stages Register certificate of origin.

Descendants of dogs that do not have three generations of ancestors registered in the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation receive zero pedigrees. The descendants of dogs included in the Register Pedigree Book, upon reaching three full generations, are transferred to the VERK RKF (Pedigree Book of the RKF), and their pedigree ceases to be zero.

Dogs that have a primary register Certificate of Origin (extract from the RKF Register Book) with missing information about parents and ancestors and the stamp “Not subject to breeding use” are not allowed for breeding.

How to make a zero pedigree for a dog

The sequence of actions may seem simple, but in reality, registering a pedigree requires time and money. So, the conditions for issuing a zero pedigree dog are described below.

The dog must have a clearly legible mark. If you don’t have a brand, you need to contact the club (in the RKF system), where the animal will be registered and given a brand number. If you already have a stamp, but the code was issued by another organization that does not work in the RKF system, you will still have to make another stamp. You can make a brand at a veterinary clinic or any other establishment that provides branding services, the main thing is that the number is already known. In the future, the brand will be indicated in breed description forms.

At the next stage of registration of a zero pedigree, you need to sign up for exhibitions to receive expert assessments. It should be taken into account that if there is a Certificate of Origin, but it is not recognized by the RKF, then a registered Certificate of Origin is issued to dogs provided:

  • establishing their compliance with the standard (where the breed, origin and affiliation of the animal to the owner, brand or chip are indicated);
  • receiving in a separate ring at exhibitions of the rank of CHK, PC, CCC;
  • exterior grades not lower than “very good” and included in the exhibition catalogue.

In this case, a registered Certificate of Origin will be issued without information about parents and ancestors, with the right to breed.

If there is no pedigree, then provided:

  • establishing the dog's compliance with the breed standard;
  • receiving in a separate ring at exhibitions of the rank CAC, CHK, PC, CCC;
  • grades for the exterior are not lower than “satisfactory” and are included in the exhibition catalogue.

Then they will issue a primary register Certificate of Origin without information about parents and ancestors, with the information entered into the VERK and with a note on the Certificate - “Not subject to breeding.”

It is better to choose exhibitions that take place simultaneously on the same day, which will allow several experts to attend on the same day. Registration for exhibitions is normal, but the organizers must be warned in advance that the dog is being registered for the purpose of obtaining a registered pedigree. The organizers must include the dog in the exhibition catalogue.

It is necessary to prepare a set of documents. Experts will enter the description of the dog into a Special Dog Description Form to confirm compliance with the breed, which can be downloaded and printed (at least 2 copies) from the RKF website, in the application section.

Next, you need to take 2 color photographs of the animal in a stand - in profile and full face, as well as the brands (the place where it is located). The dog in the photograph must be completely visible, i.e. it is unacceptable for the tail or ears to be cut off. Photographs are taken in duplicate, usually on A4 sheets.

When taking part in several exhibitions taking place on the same day, you need to have a set of documents with you, consisting of forms (in two copies) and photographs (in two copies), which is needed for each judge. In addition, you need a veterinary passport, filled out (indicating the name, breed) and with notes on rabies vaccinations.

An expert certified for this particular breed gives a description of the dog after assessing its stance, movements, and compliance with breed characteristics. Then the expert must sign on each form and on the back of each photograph, indicating the date, brand, his full name, and the number of the judge's sheet.

One set of documents remains with the organizers, who send them to the RKF within a month, and the dog owner independently provides the second set to the RKF. You don’t have to wait for the organizers to send the documents to the RKF, but put their stamp on the documents - letterhead, photographs, in the catalog on the page where the dog is listed, and take these documents to the RKF yourself.

To obtain a zero pedigree, being the owner of a dog, you must submit to any RKF Federation three completed Special Forms describing the dog and 2 photographs with the signatures of the judges, indicating the numbers of the judges' sheets and telephone numbers and the original of the unrecognized RKF or FCI pedigree (if available).

What does a registered pedigree look like?

On the inside of the document, information about the dog is indicated, namely breed, color, nickname, gender, date of birth, brand code, as well as information about the owner, pedigree number. By the way, the number has the letter “P” at the end, which means that the pedigree is registered. In the columns where information about the dog’s ancestors is usually indicated, the text “No information” is indicated. Otherwise, the zero pedigree, in terms of design, does not differ from the usual Certificate of Origin.

You brought home a dog, and you also received various documents from the breeder. Rarely does anyone think about what they are needed for. But the pet must have its own documents: first of all, this is a veterinary passport, as well as the animal’s. The pedigree must be obtained directly from the owners. And it is better to get the RKF pedigree, which is recognized by the World Cynological Organization - FCI. But not every owner knows how to obtain documents for a dog.

Documents for a pet

Let's figure out what documents are needed for a dog. A veterinary passport can be issued at any veterinary clinic, for which you must have the owner’s passport.

To obtain a pedigree, you will need a puppy - a document valid for a dog until it is one and a half years old. But how to get documents for a dog if there is no puppy? After birth in the nursery, each baby receives a mark on its tummy. Also, when registering a new litter, any breeder must submit to the RKF, breeding commission, a general litter card, which indicates all branded newborn babies.

Where to get documents for a dog if a puppy is not issued? You must personally take the general deed card, as well as the purchase and sale document, to the RKF. At the request of the commission, it will be necessary to bring the pet itself to the commission.

After all data has been certified and checked for availability in the RKF database, the documents are accepted for consideration. Then the fee is paid, and after a month you will receive your pedigree. After this, you can take the dog to shows or even breed the breed.


If you were not given a puppy and the brand has worn out, try to remember its number. After this, an invited specialist from a canine organization will again etch the mark on the animal.

It is impossible to live without documents in the twenty-first century, and not only for people, but also for dogs. For mongrel “bobbies” who do not claim a pennant or title, ordinary certificates and a veterinary passport are enough. Others are required to confirm their family tree. That is why the question of how to get documents for a dog arises sooner or later for everyone who has decided to have a four-legged friend.

Following the example of human children, a puppy must have a special metric, which, when it reaches a certain age, will be replaced with a full-fledged, “adult” document with official genealogies. The card also indicates all the features of a particular representative of the breed. If fundamental deficiencies are identified, it is necessary to make a note that the individual does not represent breeding value.

The card contains basic information about the puppy:

Attention: in addition to the data, it is important to study stamps and signatures. The card must have a stamp and the full name of the institution where it was received, as well as the data (signature with transcript) of the official.

The top and bottom of a document serve different purposes. What is above the cut line is then transferred to the Russian Cynological Federation. The bottom form remains with the owner. It is important not to lose a copy, because if the official pedigree is lost, it will only be possible to restore it using it. You will also need it when registering for the exhibition. But only until the dog turns one year and three months old - from that moment on, the “puppy” is invalid. Until this moment, it must be exchanged for a full-fledged pedigree. No one bothers you to do it later if you failed to attend to the issue in time, but being late is fraught with a fine.

Filling rules

Like any other identification document, the metric must be filled out correctly. All words are written in full, in legible printed letters. It should be remembered that as an RKF employee understands this or that word, he will then write it in the pedigree.

Actually, very little is required from the owner:

  • provide your passport information and address;
  • remember the index of your place of residence.

The latter must fit in; without the index, they won’t take the “puppy.”

Is it possible to make documents without a puppy card?

Metrica is a guarantee of a smooth receipt of an adult document in the future. Without a card, you will only be able to obtain a registered pedigree. It confirms the fact of belonging to the breed, but you can forget about exhibitions and prizes.

Preparing documents for a pet

Official family trees for four-legged friends are issued by the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) and the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (SCOR). Other institutions also sometimes issue, as they claim, pedigrees and even official ones. Official - in the sense that they act officially, on behalf of their legal entity. But such a document will have no force. Essentially it's a souvenir.

The documents issued by RKF and SKOR are different and have different validity. This does not mean that one establishment is bad, another is good. The owner must clearly know his goals, what he expects to get from his “bobby” and how to bring him “into the world.” So, if your plans include competitions and prizes not only within the Russian Federation, but also abroad, and the opportunity to have offspring through any club, then you should definitely go to the RKF. It is their wards that are most valued.

But “bobbies” with SKOR papers will be able to participate in events and reproduce only through this organization.

Attention: owners of the SKOR pedigree can also be recognized in the RKF. The dog must undergo testing in the form of three exhibitions and an assessment by three experts. If they do not notice any flaws, the owner will be given a registered RKF pedigree. With it you can participate in events, compete and even receive prizes - any, except for the Champion title.

Table. Types of pedigrees and their participation in events.

Beware: fakes!

It is best to obtain evidence of the origin of the “bobby” directly from a representative. It is clear that in poultry markets or private individuals there is a high chance of getting defective offspring, even if they all claim to be purebred. It is also necessary to take into account that in Russia absolutely everything is forged, even people’s passports, let alone veterinary and canine papers. The original document contains all the necessary signatures and seals, is equipped with watermarks, a coat of arms and a hologram. Crude fakes are immediately visible; they have neither watermarks nor holograms. Such sellers rely either on complete laymen or careless owners who will not check anything. But sometimes there are more expensive fakes that even an expert cannot immediately distinguish from real ones.

That is why, if the purity of your pet is not an empty phrase for you, never get involved with private individuals. And it doesn’t hurt to check the metric. It is imperative that the document bears the seal of the institution and the signature of the director.

Where to submit documents?

Representatives of kennel clubs submit documents and paid receipts for obtaining official pedigrees to the RKF Central Office in Moscow. Previously, dog breeders did not have to resort to their mediation. In 2018, it will not be possible to correct the genealogy without representatives of cynological organizations.

Registration of pedigree

The process of obtaining an official pedigree for a pet consists of the following steps:

  • go to the administration of the nursery where the puppy was purchased or to the city kennel club;
  • find out if they are engaged in registration of pedigrees;
  • agree on a time frame (this will take approximately three months);
  • leave a puppy card;
  • appear at the appointed time for the finished pedigree.

Actually, the adult document looks like an extended version of the “puppy” and contains references to:

  • breed;
  • name;
  • date of birth;
  • suits;
  • gender;
  • owner and breeder;
  • stamp number.

To this is added a family tree with clan numbers and titles. On the back there is a protective holographic image in the form of a greyhound's head.

How to read a dog's pedigree

The purity of the breed is judged by three generations - they will be reflected according to FCI standards. Fathers are placed above the records about mothers, grandfathers - above grandmothers. Information about the owner is entered on the left side of the sheet. It is necessary to carefully check whether all registration numbers are present. Even if there is all the data up to the great-great-grandfather, but one of the members of the dog family does not have a number, the purebred is in question.

What is zero or registered pedigree?

Even the owners of purebred dogs do not always have the opportunity to say exactly who their parents were and how valuable they were in breeding terms. In such cases, a document is drawn up that, apart from the fact that a particular dog belongs to a certain breed, does not guarantee anything. This is the zero pedigree. The dog for which the document is issued is its own ancestor.

Whether this is good or bad depends on the plans and ambitions of the owner. Of course, he indicates that the evaluator is not looking at an ordinary yard “bug,” but a purebred animal. You can get to Russian exhibition events with such paper, but not to international and foreign ones. But if you approach breeding with all responsibility, then the sons and daughters of the “Bobby” have every chance to realize the high ambitions of the owner and receive high titles, as well as a full-fledged pedigree, quoted all over the world.

Video - Documents for dogs

Why do ordinary dog ​​breeders need genealogy?

A pedigree is required, strictly speaking, only to satisfy the ambitions of the owner and his business if, for example, he has organized a nursery and is breeding dogs. He needs a dog not only to give her unconditional love and receive reciprocal tenderness and affection, but also material benefit, a sense of significance.

For ordinary loving owners who have no idea what kind of tribe their favorite is, pedigree is not so important, because love for our smaller brothers is either there or not, and no papers with serious abbreviations and coats of arms will affect this. It is enough to visit the veterinarian regularly and have a basic set of documents. But for owners of purebred individuals, if there are plans for breeding, even if not for business purposes, it is better to take care of obtaining a pedigree.

Documents for the mongrel

In the modern world, any dog ​​needs documents, and therefore a responsible owner, if he really loves and takes care of his pet, and is not just pretending, will definitely take care of this issue. Outbred “bobbies” do not need a pedigree, but a veterinary passport will always be needed.

This is a document where the following is written:

  • animal name;
  • owner data;
  • approximate or exact age of the animal;
  • information about the breed (usually put a dash if it is a mongrel or there are simply no documents for the person being examined);
  • owner contact information;
  • information about vaccinations received.

Thanks to stickers with dates and names of medications, you can accurately track the frequency and not once again wonder when exactly you took your pet for an injection and whether the next vaccination is due.

The passport has twenty-six pages, is produced only in a printing house, and is issued exclusively in veterinary clinics.

What papers are needed for the exhibition?

Export genealogy is needed if an international event is planned. For the Russian Federation, it is enough to have a SKOR pedigree or even a registered one.

When registering an export pedigree, you must provide a copy of the Russian certificate to the RKF and a paid receipt for the service.

Reasons for missing documents

The absence of papers is a reason not to deal with the owner, even if you are closely acquainted with him. There must be at least a passport confirming that the four-legged friend is vaccinated and does not pose a danger to others. If only “whiskers, paws and tail” act as documents, there can be no talk of cooperation. No one can guarantee that such a dog is healthy. In addition, the purity of generations is at risk.

So it is better to cooperate not with sellers at poultry markets, but with representatives of kennel clubs or federations.

Documents required for travel

For different situations, the dog's owner will need a different number of papers.

So for traveling within the Russian Federation it is enough:

The veterinary passport confirms that the dog is healthy and vaccinated against:

  • rabies,
  • hepatitis A,
  • viral enteritis,
  • plague,
  • adenovirus,
  • leptospirosis.

Attention! All vaccinations must be current!

For visits to a Customs Union country, this set also requires a Customs Union certificate. If you are traveling to another country, you also need a veterinary certificate, a certificate of the presence of rabies antibodies and a customs declaration. You can read more about how to transport a dog around Russia in

Please note: this is a basic set. Additionally, other papers may be required. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully study the requirements for entry and import of pets into the country where you are going. You can find out this at the state embassy or the web page of the Russian Embassy in the country.

Mating purebred dogs

To create a dog pair, you must, in addition to a veterinary passport, have on hand:

  • act of mating;
  • official family trees of partners (copies);
  • hosts' passports;
  • originals of exhibition diplomas of mating partners;

Nursery owners will have to stock up on a copy of the institution’s registration certificate.

So it turns out that a pedigree is needed by all owners of purebred animals, who in the present or future do not exclude their breeding and making a profit from it. It is best to register a pedigree through the RKF; such a dog has many more opportunities.

As practice has shown, unfortunately, many breeders and owners of male dogs do not know how to properly document the mating itself and register the puppies. As a result, situations arise when either the puppies are left without documents or the owner of the dog is left without payment. Let's try to figure out how and what needs to be done to avoid this.

Each breeder must be attached to a club; if there are several clubs in the city, then it is better to consult with friends about which one is best to join. To join the club, you just need to pay the membership fee.

Before mating, in the first days of the empty nest, you need to go to your club to receive a referral for mating (Mating Act). To do this, you must bring with you a copy of your pedigree and a copy of your exhibition diploma or Champion certificate. With this direction you can already go to the dog.

All mating conditions are discussed before the trip, during initial negotiations with the owner of the dog. Immediately before the mating, they are discussed again and indicated in the mating certificate. This is a guarantee, both for the breeder and for the owner of the dog, that afterward, the owner of the manufacturer will not demand anything more, and the breeder will make a full payment.

If an advance payment has been made, then the breeder must have a signed Mating Certificate, a copy of the male pedigree, a copy of the diploma from the exhibition (rated very good or excellent) or a champion certificate, and a stamp. The stamp must contain the pedigree number and the signature of the owner of the dog.

If the payment is made by a puppy or upon sale, then the breeder only has a signed Mating Certificate.

After mating, the breeder must submit the mating report to his club to enter data into the stud book. The certificate must be submitted to the club within a week after mating. Retrospectively (i.e. after the birth of the puppies, the club may refuse to record the mating, and, consequently, the litter will remain without documents).

After the birth of the puppies, within three days the breeder must inform the club (just call) about the fact of birth. If settlement with the owner of the male dog has not yet been made, then the Breeder must inform him about the birth of the litter.

When the puppies are one month old, you need to contact the club again and agree on the day and time of activation, and the club will also tell you what letter to come up with the names of the puppies. If payment for mating is not made, then the breeder must notify the owner of the male dog about the day, time and place of registration.

The certification itself includes an inspection by a dog handler of the entire litter, the place of residence of the puppies, the mother of the puppies, and branding of the puppies. A litter inspection report is drawn up and puppy cards are filled out.

If the settlement with the owner of the dog has not yet been made, then it’s time to do it. He is also obliged to provide his own set of documents (a copy of the pedigree, a copy of the diploma or certificate, a stamp with the signature of the owner and the pedigree number).

Only after registration and delivery of the full package of documents to the club, the litter is considered finalized and the puppies will receive documents.

List of documents required to register a litter at RKF:

- The act of mating(a manufacturer’s stamp must be affixed with the signature of its owner and an indication of the pedigree number) (a sample of the stamp is shown in the photograph);
- Applications for litter registration;
- Puppy metric for each puppy;
- a copy of the manufacturer’s pedigree;
- a copy of the diploma from the exhibition or the manufacturer's champion certificate;
- a copy of the breeder’s pedigree;
- a copy of the diploma from the exhibition or the certificate of the champion producer.

For service and hunting breeds, additional documents are required. You can find out more in your club.

How to avoid misunderstandings and not be deceived.

If you are a breeder:

Before you go to the mating, make inquiries about the potential groom. Who is he, where is he from, if someone mated with him, then ask not only the groom, but also his owner.
- Check the male dog’s documents (BEFORE MATING) - pedigree and diploma from the exhibition (for now, just make sure that they exist, since until the payment has been made, no one will give them to you).
- If you have any doubts, don’t be lazy, look at the stamp and check it with the pedigree.

Perhaps all these preparations will seem strange, but there have already been cases when, during the calculation, the breeder received a copy of the pedigree, which, when checked, usually turned out to be a piece of paper that was not valid. Or the owner provided someone else's pedigree, with the numbers covered up. Or a person came to breed a dog named N, and after the calculation, it turned out that the dog N lives in another city with other owners. The result is puppies without documents. Even if everything is formalized as expected, then after the deception is revealed, the puppies’ pedigree will be replaced with a registered one. And the owners will make claims to the breeder, and not to the owner of the dog. Of course, all this does not apply to well-known producers, whose children can be seen at many exhibitions and are far from being in the last rows. This does not apply to those males you met at the exhibition. The owners of these manufacturers have no point in deceiving you.

If you are the owner of the manufacturer:

Having a referral from the club is already a guarantee that the female sire is approved for breeding, but you still have the right to look at the girl’s pedigree.
- negotiate the terms of payment before MATING, be sure to write them down in the Mating Certificate. Usually the owner of the bitch arrives with one Certificate, but nevertheless, fill out another copy and let it remain with you.
- do not give your documents until you have been paid. Even if the owner of the bitch insists and gives various reasons. You are NOT obligated and SHOULD NOT give documents until you have been paid.
- agree to breed a puppy with someone from out of town, if you are confident in the owner of the stud, if you have any doubts, if you are not familiar with this person, no one can vouch for him, then only agree to an advance payment.
- never give your pedigree to anyone, only when paying for mating and registering for an exhibition. In all other cases, if there is a need to give a copy of the pedigree, paint over, cover up, or erase all the pedigree numbers.
- keep a book of matings, write down the names of the breeders, the coordinates of the owners, if known, the number of puppies born and their names.